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Dana-Farber joins with leading Boston teaching hospitals and universities – Mirage News

Some patients who have not responded to traditional medicines are now experiencing remarkable recoveries thanks to next-generation immunotherapies. These therapies equip a patients own immune cells to recognize, target, and destroy cancer cells. To do this, the patients cells are collected, modified, and re-introduced into their body a complex procedure currently available to only a small number of people. With major innovations underway, this fast-moving area of science is set to expand the pool of patients who will respond to immunotherapies and other emerging medicines. But there is a bottleneck in the discovery pipeline. Manufacturing backlogs are slowing the production of cells that are essential to research, holding up the availability of new treatments headed for the clinic.

To address these challenges, a group of Massachusetts academic, healthcare, biotech, and biopharma industry leaders have come together to establish a new center.

The new center for advanced biological innovation and manufacturing will explore and cultivate innovations in cell and gene therapy, advance biologic innovation and manufacturing, and accelerate developments in immunotherapy, cell therapies, gene editing, and other technologies that carry the promise of lasting impact on human health globally and boosting the local economy. By fostering collaboration and innovation, it holds the promise of speeding innovation and broadening the universe of patients that can be served by these emerging therapies.

Leaders from Dana-Farber, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies (FDB), GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., will comprise the Board of Directors, while other contributing members include Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Childrens Hospital, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, MilliporeSigma, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The $50 million center will be an independent non-profit organization located in the greater Boston area and will be named, along with incorporation, in the new year. The expectation is that this will be an independent, separate nonprofit corporation.

Scientific breakthroughs in cellular, immune and gene therapies from just the past few years are now saving lives and represent a truly revolutionary time in medicine, said Laurie H. Glimcher, MD, president and CEO of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. By bringing together the talent that exists only in the Massachusetts life sciences ecosystem and fostering collaboration, this new manufacturing center will help to extend the benefit of these technologies to more patients and accelerate discoveries to effectively treat more diseases.

Home to a dense concentration of world-leading universities, hospitals, large pharmaceutical companies and small biotech firms, Massachusetts is at the forefront of biomedicine. These organizations are redefining traditional ideas about biomedicine and rapidly advancing discoveries from lab to clinic.

The overarching mission of the newly established consortium is to catalyze the development of transformative therapies by shortening the path between research and clinical application. The consortium will harness world-leading expertise to propel forward fast-emerging and promising science, the cost and risks of which are daunting for any single institution to tackle alone. By housing institutions with strengths in each link in the chain of innovation within one facility, the partners believe new innovations in both science and manufacturing will speed the introduction of new medicines to patients.

The ability of scientists to modify cells for therapeutic application, and to alter disease-causing genes, has ushered in a new era in biomedicine. Some of these potential therapies are entering clinical trials, others will soon be in the clinic, and still more are in early stages of investigation. There is strong motivation and acute need to translate these emergent approaches to clinical use. More than 60,000 patients globally are currently participating in clinical trials for new cell and gene therapies, including gene editing.

Currently, major obstacles and bottlenecks to getting new treatments into the clinic include production specifically, the pressure placed on highly skilled contract manufacturers to deliver customized cells and viral vectors of high quality and regulatory compliance to labs throughout the region. Because of the backlog, scientists may need to wait as long as 18 months for essential products they need to carry out research.

The center will offer three critical services to the Massachusetts life science ecosystem.

It will provide preferred access to a new manufacturing facility at favorable pricing, reducing the wait and cost for researchers at universities, hospitals and start-ups. The facility offers pharma-grade good manufacturing practices (GMP) manufacturing capacity in approximately eight cleanrooms for the production of cell and viral vector products and other related raw materials that may be used for phase 1 or phase 2 clinical trials.

The facility will have a shared innovation space where scientists from universities, hospitals, and industry can work side-by-side with dedicated, experienced, professional staff. This will be a unique opportunity to refine new methods rapidly, readying them for first-in-patient clinical trials. With access to manufacturing within the same space, the center will cultivate a community of experts across sectors who share a goal of serving patients, and who are dedicated to innovating collectively in both manufacturing processes and drug development.

The center will provide a platform for workforce development and training in a rapidly growing field, where there is a critical need for people with specialized skills.

The modular design of the new facility will make it easier for users to adapt quickly to changes in technology. Such flexibility will remove barriers to accessing promising innovations that emerge from improved methods involving gene manipulation, gene editing, oligonucleotides, peptides, and new methods and discoveries as they arise.

While there are many commercial contract manufacturing organizations, shared lab spaces, and even small manufacturing spaces at universities and hospitals in the U.S., this is a first-of-its-kind facility in three respects. First, for its intention to produce both cell and viral vector products within a single physical space. Second, for its unique partnerships between industry, academia, and leading area hospitals. Finally, for its partners aspirations to provide services to researchers and start-ups that will advance this new area of medicine through collaboration.

This powerful collaboration embodies the deep and broad world-class expertise in multiple disciplines that exists across this region, said Harvard President Larry Bacow. We are privileged to be part of this collaborative initiative. It will advance scientific discovery, reaffirm the regions global leadership in the life sciences, and bring forward life-saving and life-changing therapies that will make a difference for people around the world.

The broad question that we were trying to address was, How can we best position our region to be preeminent in the life sciences in the decades to come?' said Alan M. Garber, Harvards Provost, who helped conceive of the project more than two years ago and has shepherded it since then. We have a vibrant life sciences community, with some of the worlds greatest hospitals, universities, and life sciences companies of all kinds. We also have a strong financial sector that helps to spawn and support new companies. So the elements for rapid progress in the life sciences particularly in the application of the life sciences to human health are all here. But with such a rapid pace of innovation, its easy to fall behind. We wanted to make sure that would not happen here.

MIT researchers are developing innovative approaches to cell and gene therapy, designing new concepts for such biopharmaceutical medicines as well as new processes to manufacture these products and qualify them for clinical use, said MIT Provost Martin A. Schmidt. A shared facility to de-risk this innovation, including production, will facilitate even stronger collaborations among local universities, hospitals, and companies and ultimately, such a facility can help speed impact and access for patients. MIT appreciates Harvards lead in convening exploration of this opportunity for the Commonwealth.

Richard McCullough, Harvards vice provost for research and professor of materials science and engineering, who helped lead the project, said, the power of facilitys partners will accelerate therapeutic discoveries and have the ability to advance biologics from the lab to the bedside.

Its an exciting time for the life sciences industry with cell and gene therapies in position to revolutionize the global healthcare system. While these therapies are promising, challenges in manufacturing, access and cost must be addressed so they can reach their full potential. Initiatives such as the center are important because they bring together key life sciences stakeholders together to share their capabilities, knowledge and expertise to collaborate and accelerate innovation, said Emmanuel Ligner, CEO and President of GE Healthcare Life Sciences.

We are very proud to be part of this unparalleled consortium to create an innovative and collaborative center involving advanced technologies as well as next-generation manufacturing. The highly respected partner institutions have the scientific talent and the engineering capabilities to deliver truly novel therapies to patients suffering today from serious and life-threatening diseases and also to design the next-generation processes that will accelerate the translation of tomorrows cost-effective, lifesaving medicines from bench to bedside, said Joel S. Marcus, executive chairman and founder, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. and Alexandria Venture Investments.

We are excited to be a founding member of this consortia. Partnering to get medicines to patients is what we are all about. The opportunity to do this in collaboration with everyone that has come together to make this a reality is something that really meets our core purpose to deliver tomorrows medicines as a partner for life, said Martin Meeson, President & COO, FUJFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies USA.

Massachusetts new center for advanced biological innovation and manufacturing will focus first on emergent areas such as cell therapies and gene therapies, and other advanced therapy medicinal products. Cell therapies that help a patients own immune system target cancer cells have been remarkably successful. One example is CAR-T cell therapy, in which a patients own T cells are modified to identify and attack cancer cells in the blood more easily. But immunotherapy is not restricted to treating cancers. Scientists are finding new ways to harness the immune system to treat a broadspectrum of diseases, including type 1 diabetes and many others. Cell therapies more broadly harnessing unique properties of adult stem cells, for example are under wide consideration for regenerative medicine, including joint tissue repair and neurodegeneration.

Gene therapies offer new hope to patients, often children, who suffer from debilitating inherited diseases. They involve introducing, removing, or changing a targeted gene within a patients cells. The goal is to make the patients cells produce disease-fighting proteins, or to stop them from producing disease-causing versions of a protein. Gene-editing research is progressing very rapidly, but there is a marked shortage of capability for manufacturing the gene delivery vectors.

Hospitals need to be able to create customized therapeutics for their patients, but most do not have manufacturing facilities on-site. Beyond the constraint of limited facilities to produce potential new treatments, much technological innovation is required to produce these medicines more efficiently in terms of time, labor, and cost and in accordance with regulatory guidance. The new center would be equipped to handle some of this work for technology innovation and early stage clinical trial-scale production, which would directly help bring promising solutions to patients sooner.

We need more manufacturing capability in order to translate our work, especially in the stem cell field, said Leonard Zon, MD, director of the Stem Cell Research Program at Boston Childrens Hospital. For academic investigators who want to see their basic science advance into the clinic space, its important to have a manufacturing facility collaborate on protocols. Researchers can then exchange information directly with the facility, optimizing protocols and working smarter.

This collaboration represents an exciting opportunity to harness the collective efforts of leading academic, industrial and clinical institutions to further explore exciting new technologies and therapies that are inspiring scientists and offering new hope to our patients, says Peter L. Slavin, MD, MGH president. New scientific fields like regenerative medicine, gene editing and immunotherapy are unlocking clues to understanding disease which can lead to better treatments and ultimately, richer, more healthy lives for our patients and their families.

Our mission at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is to provide extraordinary care supported by world-class research and education, said Peter J. Healy, president of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. We are happy to be a founding member of this innovative consortium, which will allow us to work collaboratively across the diverse health care ecosystem. Together, we will propel the fields of cell therapy, gene therapy and gene editing forward with the shared goal of transforming how we care for patients right here in Boston and around the world.

Boston is an epicenter of biomedical research and innovation, said Brigham Health president Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD. In furthering the Brighams commitment to advancing development and delivery of cell and gene therapies, this unique collaboration is an opportunity to accelerate the pace and broaden the manufacturing capacity for therapies that have the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes.

Never before have we had so many breakthroughs available in the clinic. However, it can take up to 30 days, needle to needle, to deliver a CAR-T therapy to a patient, and that does not take into account any of the bottlenecks in the supply chain that could occur along the way. It is our collective responsibility to eliminate any barriers to making these life-saving medicines accessible to patients everywhere, said Udit Batra, CEO, MilliporeSigma.

The Commonwealths life sciences ecosystem is thriving because of the strength of the academic, research and industry partners that call Massachusetts home, and their commitment to collaboration, said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy. Combining a manufacturing facility, co-working labs, and workforce development and training in this first-in-the-nation center will boost the regional economy, create jobs and accelerate the delivery of next-generation therapies.

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Dana-Farber joins with leading Boston teaching hospitals and universities - Mirage News

Stem cells’ role in medicine and research – The Medium

What are stem cells and what role can they play in medicine andresearch? Stem cell research offers exciting possibilities in terms ofregenerative medicine. However, there are ethical controversies and challengesimpeding the fields advancement. In this article, The Medium presents a briefoverview of the unique abilities, applications, and challenges of stem cells.

According tothe National Institute of Health, stem cells are able to develop into manydifferent cell types in the body during early life and growth. When stem cellsdivide, the new cell can become another stem cell or it can become aspecialized cell such as a muscle cell or a brain cell. Stem cells provide newcells for the body as it grows and replaces damaged or lost specialized cells.The two unique properties of stem cells are that the stem cells can dividemultiple times to produce new cells, and as they divide, the stem cells cangenerate other types of cells found in the body.

In organs suchas the gut and the bone marrow (the soft tissue inside most bones), stem cellsroutinely divide to replace damaged tissue. However, in other organs such asthe heart, stem cells require certain physiological conditions to facilitate celldivision.

Stem cells canbe divided into two categories: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.Embryonic stem cells are derived from a blastocystan early stage of embryodevelopment. The blastocyst contains the trophectoderm, which will eventuallyform the placenta, and the inner cell mass, which will develop into the embryo,and later into the organism. Stem cells taken from the inner cell mass arepluripotentthey can develop into any cell type in the body. The embryonic stemcells used in research are sourced from unused embryos that were a result of anin vitro fertilization procedure and were donated for scientific research.

Adult stemcells also have the ability to divide into more than one cell type; however,they are often restricted to certain types of cells. For example, an adult stemcell found in the liver will only divide into more liver cells. In 2006, ShinyaYamanaka, a Japanese stem cell researcher, discovered how to program inducedpluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iPSCs are adult cells which have beengenetically reprogrammed into a pluripotent embryonic stem cell-like state.Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine alongside Englishdevelopmental biologist Sir John Gurdon in 2012 for this important discovery.

There arenumerous ways in which stem cells can be used. Firstly, human embryonic stemcells can provide information as to how cells divide into tissues and organs.Abnormal cell division can cause cancer and birth defects, and therefore, amore comprehensive understanding of the processes underlying cell division maysuggest new therapy strategies. Another beneficial avenue involves drug testingas new medications could be tested on cells developed from stem cells in thelab. However, a challenge for researchers is to create an environment identicalto the conditions found in the human body.

Finally, stemcells present exciting possibilities in cell-based therapies and regenerativemedicine. Instead of relying on a limited supply of donated organs and tissuesto replace damaged and destroyed ones, stem cells could be directed to developinto the desired cell type and treat diseases such as heart disease, diabetes,and spinal cord injuries. For example, healthy heart muscle cells could begenerated from stem cells in a laboratory and transplanted into an individualwith heart disease. However, there is still research and testing which needs tobe conducted before researchers can confirm how to effectively and safely usestem cells to treat serious disease.

As explainedby the University of Rochesters medical centre, there are several challengesassociated with stem cells. Researchers first need to learn about how embryonicstem cells develop so that they can control the type of cells generated fromstem cells. Scientists also need to determine how to ensure that the cellsdeveloped from stem cells in the lab are not rejected by the human body. Adultpluripotent stem cells are found in small amounts in the human body and arehard to grow in the lab. There are also numerous ethical issues surrounding theuse of embryonic stem cells as some individuals believe that using cells froman unused blastocyst and consequently, rendering it incapable to develop intoan organism, is similar to destroying an unborn child. Others argue that theblastocyst is not a child yet as it needs to be imbedded into the mothersuterus wall before it has the chance to develop into a fetus. Supporters ofembryonic stem cell research also say that many surplus blastocysts aredestroyed in fertility clinics and can be better used to research medicaltreatments which could save peoples lives.

Students canlearn more about stem cells in BIO380H5: Human Development. Furthermore, Dr.Ted Erlicks lab at UTM is researching how complex neural circuits developfrom an initial population of stem cells. Stem cell research offers promisingavenues of treating diseases and understanding how humans develop. However,there is still a substantial amount of research which needs to be conducted andethical concerns which need to be appropriately addressed and resolved.

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Stem cells' role in medicine and research - The Medium

Modulating the expression and activity of the potassium-chloride cotransporter KCC2 – SFARI News

The proper regulation of neural excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance has been a subject of intense study in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. One particular focus has been the progressive increase in chloride ion extrusion from neurons as development proceeds, which is critical for the developmental switch in GABA function from excitatory to inhibitory. Three new studies with potential therapeutic implications shed new light on how the expression and function of KCC2 (a neuron-specific K+/Cl cotransporter that plays an important role in this process) is regulated.

Previous in vitro studies have shown that KCC2 activity is substantially modulated by phosphorylation at two particular threonine residues. In two new papers partly supported by a SFARI Pilot Award, SFARI Investigator Kristopher Kahle and Igor Medina developed a knockin mouse model of constitute phosphorylation at these two key threonine residues. Mice that were homozygous for these mutations died within 12 hours after birth, highlighting that precise phosphoregulation of these sites is essential for postnatal survival. By contrast, heterozygous mice were viable, allowing for an examination of subsequent neurodevelopmental effects. Among the findings was that this constitutively phosphorylated version of KCC2 prevented the normal increase in its activity during development. They associated this reduced KCC2 activity with reduced GABAergic inhibition, an enhanced E/I ratio, reduced seizure threshold, impaired social interaction and additional effects on respiration and locomotion.

In a separate study, SFARI Bridge to Independence awardee Xin Tang, together with SFARI Investigators Rudolf Jaenisch and Mriganka Sur, carried out a high-throughput screen for Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs that might act to boost KCC2 expression in neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells. Several such compounds were identified, including those that are inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase FLT3 and the GSK-3 pathway. Of note, a few of these compounds were able to rescue phenotypes associated with Rett syndrome in both MECP2-null human neurons and Mecp2 mutant mice, including respiratory and locomotion phenotypes in the latter.

These findings give investigators new tools with which to explore KCC2 function during brain development and potentially to manipulate its activity for therapeutic benefit.

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Modulating the expression and activity of the potassium-chloride cotransporter KCC2 - SFARI News

Stem Cell Assay Market Demand with Leading Key Players and New Investment Opportunities Emerge To Augment Segments in Sector By 2025 – The Denton…

Stem Cell Assay Market: Snapshot

Stem cell assay refers to the procedure of measuring the potency of antineoplastic drugs, on the basis of their capability of retarding the growth of human tumor cells. The assay consists of qualitative or quantitative analysis or testing of affected tissues and tumors, wherein their toxicity, impurity, and other aspects are studied.

With the growing number of successful stem cell therapy treatment cases, the global market for stem cell assays will gain substantial momentum. A number of research and development projects are lending a hand to the growth of the market. For instance, the University of Washingtons Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) has attempted to manipulate stem cells to heal eye, kidney, and heart injuries. A number of diseases such as Alzheimers, spinal cord injury, Parkinsons, diabetes, stroke, retinal disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurological diseases can be successfully treated via stem cell therapy. Therefore, stem cell assays will exhibit growing demand.

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Another key development in the stem cell assay market is the development of innovative stem cell therapies. In April 2017, for instance, the first participant in an innovative clinical trial at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health was successfully treated with stem cell therapy. CardiAMP, the investigational therapy, has been designed to direct a large dose of the patients own bone-marrow cells to the point of cardiac injury, stimulating the natural healing response of the body.

Newer areas of application in medicine are being explored constantly. Consequently, stem cell assays are likely to play a key role in the formulation of treatments of a number of diseases.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Overview

The increasing investment in research and development of novel therapeutics owing to the rising incidence of chronic diseases has led to immense growth in the global stem cell assay market. In the next couple of years, the market is expected to spawn into a multi-billion dollar industry as healthcare sector and governments around the world increase their research spending.

The report analyzes the prevalent opportunities for the markets growth and those that companies should capitalize in the near future to strengthen their position in the market. It presents insights into the growth drivers and lists down the major restraints. Additionally, the report gauges the effect of Porters five forces on the overall stem cell assay market.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Key Market Segments

For the purpose of the study, the report segments the global stem cell assay market based on various parameters. For instance, in terms of assay type, the market can be segmented into isolation and purification, viability, cell identification, differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and function. By kit, the market can be bifurcated into human embryonic stem cell kits and adult stem cell kits. Based on instruments, flow cytometer, cell imaging systems, automated cell counter, and micro electrode arrays could be the key market segments.

In terms of application, the market can be segmented into drug discovery and development, clinical research, and regenerative medicine and therapy. The growth witnessed across the aforementioned application segments will be influenced by the increasing incidence of chronic ailments which will translate into the rising demand for regenerative medicines. Finally, based on end users, research institutes and industry research constitute the key market segments.

The report includes a detailed assessment of the various factors influencing the markets expansion across its key segments. The ones holding the most lucrative prospects are analyzed, and the factors restraining its trajectory across key segments are also discussed at length.

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Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Regional Analysis

Regionally, the market is expected to witness heightened demand in the developed countries across Europe and North America. The increasing incidence of chronic ailments and the subsequently expanding patient population are the chief drivers of the stem cell assay market in North America. Besides this, the market is also expected to witness lucrative opportunities in Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Vendor Landscape

A major inclusion in the report is the detailed assessment of the markets vendor landscape. For the purpose of the study the report therefore profiles some of the leading players having influence on the overall market dynamics. It also conducts SWOT analysis to study the strengths and weaknesses of the companies profiled and identify threats and opportunities that these enterprises are forecast to witness over the course of the reports forecast period.

Some of the most prominent enterprises operating in the global stem cell assay market are Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), GE Healthcare (U.K.), Hemogenix Inc. (U.S.), Promega Corporation (U.S.), Bio-Techne Corporation (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), STEMCELL Technologies Inc. (CA), Cell Biolabs, Inc. (U.S.), and Cellular Dynamics International, Inc. (U.S.).

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Stem Cell Assay Market Demand with Leading Key Players and New Investment Opportunities Emerge To Augment Segments in Sector By 2025 - The Denton...

Stem Cells Market 2019 Global Growth Analysis and Forecast Report by 2025 – Markets Gazette 24

New York, November 26, 2019: The global stem cells market is expected to grow at an incredible CAGR of 25.5% from 2018to 2024and reach a market value of US$ 467 billion by 2024. The emergence of Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells as an alternative to ESCs (embryonic stem cells), growth of developing markets, and evolution of new stem cell therapies represent promising growth opportunities for leading players in this sector.

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Due to the increased funding from Government and Private sector and rising global awareness about stem cell therapies and research are the main factors which are driving this market. A surge in therapeutic research activities funded by governments across the world has immensely propelled the global stem cells market. However, the high cost of stem cell treatment and stringent government regulations against the harvesting of stem cells are expected to restrain the growth of the global stem cells market.

This report will definitely help you make well informed decisions related to the stem cell market. The stem cell therapy market includes large number of players that are involved in development of stem cell therapies of the treatment of various diseases. Mesoblast Ltd. (Australia), Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. (U.S.), Celgene Corporation (U.S.), and StemCells, Inc. (U.S.) are the key players involved in the development of stem cell therapies across the globe.

This market research report categorizes the stem cell therapy market into the following segments and sub-segments:

The Global Stem Cell Market this market is segmented on the basis of Mode of Therapy, Therapeutic Applications and Geography.

By Mode of Therapy this market is segmented on the basis of Allogeneic Stem Cell Therapy Market and Autologous Stem Cell Therapy Market. Allogeneic Stem Cell Therapy Market this market is segmented on the basis of CVS Diseases, CNS Diseases, GIT diseases, Eye Diseases, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Metabolic Diseases, Immune System Diseases, Wounds and Injuries and Others. Autologous Stem Cell Therapy Market this market is segmented on the basis of GIT Diseases, Musculoskeletal Disorders, CVS Diseases, CNS Diseases, Wounds and Injuries and Others. By Therapeutic Applications this market is segmented on the basis of Musculoskeletal Disorders, Metabolic Diseases, Immune System Diseases, GIT Diseases, Eye Diseases, CVS Diseases, CNS Diseases, Wounds and Injuries and Others.

By Regional Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World.

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Table of Contents


2 Research Methodology

2.1 Research Data2.1.1 Secondary Data2.1.1.1 Key Data From Secondary Sources2.1.2 Primary Data2.1.2.1 Key Data From Primary Sources2.1.2.2 Breakdown of Primaries2.2 Market Size Estimation2.2.1 Bottom-Up Approach2.2.2 Top-Down Approach2.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation2.4 Research Assumptions

3 Executive Summary

4 Premium Insights

5 Market Overview

6 Industry Insights

7 Global Stem Cell Therapy Market, By Type

8 Global Stem Cell Therapy Market, By Therapeutic Application

9 Global Stem Cell Therapy Market, By Cell Source

10 Stem Cell Therapy Market, By Region

11 Competitive Landscape

12 Company Profiles

12.1 Introduction

12.1.1 Geographic Benchmarking

12.2 Osiris Therapeutics, Inc.

12.3 Medipost Co., Ltd.

12.4 Anterogen Co., Ltd.

12.5 Pharmicell Co., Ltd.

12.6 Holostem Terapie Avanzate Srl

12.7 JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.

12.8 Nuvasive, Inc.

12.9 RTI Surgical, Inc.

12.10 Allosource

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Stem Cells Market 2019 Global Growth Analysis and Forecast Report by 2025 - Markets Gazette 24

A primer: stem cell and regenerative medicine as ‘the’ emerging therapy – Chiropractic Economics

No longer just for professional athletes, these are the stem cell and regenerative medicine options DCs need to know about

The health care landscape continues to evolve at a dizzying pace. Insurance deductibles are increasing, and this has placed a financial burden on patients who are required to self-pay for necessary and yet uncovered services.

The opioid crisis has left physicians with limited clinical options to treat chronic pain and dysfunction. At the same time, pressure has been placed on health care providers to provide affordable alternatives to invasive procedures that provide limited clinical options with high failure rates. This confluence of supply and demand has resulted in the growth of emerging therapies in the field of stem cell and regenerative medicine. These therapies are bringing hope to patients and new opportunities to health care providers who deliver them.

Regenerative medicine is the process of replacing or regenerating cells and tissues to restore normal function. Initially popularized by professional athletes, these therapies have become mainstream. More than 27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis today, and in 2030 25% of U.S. adults will be diagnosed with osteoarthritis. The global regenerative medicine market is predicted to reach more than $100 billion by 2022.

These moderately-invasive regenerative procedures are eclipsing traditional highly-invasive procedures, such as hip and knee implantation, which will have a global market of $35 million over the same period.

There are four primary regenerative medicine options:

Irritant therapies include prolotherapy, ozone and prolozone. Theyincludeadding multipleirritatingsubstances along with numbing agents into degenerated or injured joints, and areas of pain.

These therapies cause inflammation to kick-start regeneration by stimulating the body to send in macrophages, which are cells that ingest and destroy theirritantsolution and trigger the healing response. Irritant therapies are an excellenttreatmentfor all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain includingchronic neck and back pain, and rotator cuff injuries.

The effect of irritant therapies is analogous to jump-starting the battery in a tractor to get the engine to turn over.

Protease inhibition therapy eliminates the factors causing cartilage degradation, tissue breakdown, inflammation and pain. It cleans and protects joints. It is most commonly used for patients with osteoarthritis (OA) and degenerative disc disease (DDD).

It includes therapies such as alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein (IRAP). A2M and IRAP are proteins found naturally in our blood. They act as protease inhibitors by binding to and inactivating damaging proteases in the body. Proteases are catabolic enzymes that break larger molecules into smaller units. Proteases trapped in the joints catabolize cartilage and break it down, causing arthritis. A2M is a large protein made in the liver. It blocks activity for all known molecules that cause cartilage breakdown. It works like a Venus flytrap by having a bait-and-trap mechanism on two sides.

Once the proteases are bound on both sides, the molecule initiates a suicide cascade and dies, allowing it to be flushed out of the area by the body.

The binding effect of protease inhibition therapy is analogous to de-weeding a garden and tilling the soil before planting.

A fibronectin-aggrecan complex test (FACT) may be used to determine the presence of FAC, which is a biomarker or indicator of cartilage breakdown caused by proteases. FAC is a unique molecular complex that is specific for painful inflammation of the spine and cartilage.

A small sample of fluid is taken from the joint or disc and sent to a lab for testing. The test looks for the presence of FAC in the fluid sample and determines where you are: FAC+ or FAC-. FAC+ patients are identified as ideal candidates for A2M injections and have a 90% rate of responding to the A2M therapy.

Stem cell therapy is focused on concentrating the workhorses of regeneration and restoration of tissues: stem cells. This results in greater cell signaling and cell recruitment than other regenerative therapies. Stem cells are known as mesenchymal signaling cells. They are considered pluripotent, which means they are undifferentiated and can replicate into various cell and tissue types.

Stem cells are found in bone marrow, the soft spongy tissue found at the center of large bones. Introducing stem cells into an injured area initiates the healing response, repairing damaged tissue by growing new, healthy tissue. The most common stem cell therapies include bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMA), nanofat and stromal vascular fraction.

Injecting stem cells into an injured area is analogous to planting seeds in a garden.

Growth factor therapies are focused on cell signaling and cell recruitment. Blood is made up of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets that are suspended in plasma. Platelets are most widely known for their ability to clot blood. Platelets are also highly rich in growth factors that are proteins that stimulate healing. When an injury occurs, platelets become activated, migrate to the site of injury and release growth factors.

Growth factor therapies are the most popular provider choice for the low-cost regeneration of tissues and include platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM). The therapy includes drawing the patients blood followed by centrifugation to concentrate the platelets and exclude other unwanted blood products.

Another type of growth factor therapy is amniotic fluid growth factor (GF) injection therapy. Amniotic fluid surrounds the fetus during pregnancy and provides protection and nourishment. Human amniotic fluid is sourced from consenting mothers during full-term C-sections. It contains over 200 growth factors, cytokines and proteins. The therapeutic use of amniotic fluid is regulated by the FDA. It must be tested for disease and may not include any viable cells. Amniotic fluid GF therapy has both anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and includes naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid for lubrication. It is most commonly used to promote the repair and reconstruction of soft tissues including cartilage and tendons.

Exosomes are being heralded as the next frontier of growth factor therapies. While they are not cells, exosomes play a vital role in the communication and rejuvenation of all the cells in the body. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles, or small bubbles, released from cells, especially from stem cells. These culture-expanded cell secretions are derived from human placental tissue. They allow for cell-to-cell communication, transporting molecules that are important regulators of intracellular information. Exosomes act as a food source for stem cells and prolong their activity. Exosomes are anti-inflammatory and include more than 300 growth factors, cytokines and proteins.

Patients with Lyme disease, burns, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease and other chronic degenerative diseases may benefit from including exosomes in their treatment regimen. The application of growth factor therapies is analogous to applying fertilizer to a garden to help the crop grow and flourish.

Moving stem cell and regenerative medicine forward in the treatment algorithm may eliminate the need for other ineffective or potentially harmful therapies. These therapies provide new hope for patients whose only alternatives have been long-term medication, steroid injections, and costly and time-consuming surgery and rehab.

Stem cell and regenerative medicine therapies may only be provided by licensed medical professionals following all appropriate rules and regulations. An understanding of these emerging therapies and the benefits they may provide is essential as the collaboration between doctors of medicine and chiropractic increases and we join forces to combat chronic pain, dysfunction and disease.

MARK SANNA, DC, ACRB LEVEL II, FICC, is a member of the Chiropractic Summit and a board member of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. He is the president and CEO of BreakthroughCoaching, and can be reached at or800-723-8423.

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A primer: stem cell and regenerative medicine as 'the' emerging therapy - Chiropractic Economics

Global Joint Pain Injections Market In-depth Outlook || Growing Popularity And Emerging Trends In The Industry – True Version

Joint Pain Injections Market Research: A combination of both Qualitative and Quantitative Research which helps out market players to improve their business plans and ensure long-term success

The latest report published by MarketResearch.Biz with the title GlobalJoint Pain Injections Market2019-2028 provides a sorted image of the Joint Pain Injections industry by analysis of research and information collected from various sources. That has the ability to help the decision-makers in the worldwide market and to play a significant role in making a gradual impact on the global economy. The report presents and offers a dynamic vision of the global scenario in terms of market size, market statistics, and the competitive situation.

Brief Overview OfJoint Pain InjectionsMarket Comprehensive Research Report Offering:

At present, the Joint Pain Injections market is possessing its presence over the globe. The Research report presents a complete judgment of the market which consists of future trends, growth factors, production volume, CAGR value, profit margin, price, and industry-validated market data. This report helps the individuals and the market competitors to predict future profitability and to make critical decisions for business growth.

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The report on Joint Pain Injections market gives the complete picture of demands and opportunities for the future that are beneficial for individuals and stakeholders in the market. This report determines the market value and the growth rate based on the key market dynamics as well as the growth of improving factors. The complete research is based on the recent industry news, market trends and growth probability. It also consists of a deep analysis of the market and competing scenarios along with the SWOT analysis of the well-known competitors.

The list of top key players operating in the Joint Pain Injections Industry includes:

Allergan Plc., Pfizer Inc, Sanofi, Anika Therapeutics Inc, Ferring B.V., Bioventus LLC, Flexion Therapeutics Inc, Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc, Seikagaku Corporation, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

These major key players have implemented multiple strategies such as possession, business development, and collaboration to achieve a leading position in the global market.

Joint Pain Injections Market Segmentation:

Segmentation by Injection type:

Corticosteroid InjectionsHyaluronic Acid InjectionsOthers (include, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Placental tissue matrix (PTM), etc.)Segmentation by joint type:

Knee & AnkleHip JointShoulder & ElbowFacet Joints of the SpineOthers (include, Ball and socket, etc.)Segmentation by end-user:

Hospital PharmaciesRetail PharmaciesOnline Pharmacies

The report focuses on market size and shares at the global level, company level, and regional level. The main regions analyzed in this report include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa. These regions are playing a vital role in building the market structure by continuously concentrating on R & D activities and new progressions to obtain market share.

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Key Benefits to acquire Joint Pain Injections Market Report:

1. The report provides detailed information about the significant factors increasing the growth of the market like Future growth, opportunities, challenges, and risks.

2. It helps to analyze the Joint Pain Injections with respect to individual growth trends, recent advancements, and future prospects.

3. It provides a 10-years forecast examined on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow over the globe.

4. It helps to understand the market by key players, segments (injection type, joint type, end-user, and region) and their future.

5. The report includes an analysis of the industrial chain, current market fluctuations, and analysis of customers.

6. It provides significant profiling of top competitors in the market and a comprehensive analysis of core competencies.

7. This report will help to plan Business Strategies by understanding the opportunities shaping and driving Joint Pain Injections market.

8. The report includes Geographical distribution, segments of the overall industry, development designs and various financial systems.

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Finally, the report Joint Pain Injections Market 2019 provides an industry development plan, the industry information source, research findings, and the conclusion. The report offers precise clarification of the market by highlighting the market manufacturing procedure, competitors, and business improvement designs. All these details will reassure clients for future plans and actions intended to compete with other players in the market.

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Vampire facials and other medical witchcraft you can buy to stay youthful today – Citizen

You can maintain your youthful appearance and be less likely to have more invasive procedures later on in life if you put it effort to maintain the appearance. The same with skincare, if you put more effort now, with daily sunscreen, look after the skin and rejuvenate the skin, the likelihood of you having wrinkly sun-damaged skin later on is obviously much less.

This is the view of Dr Alexandra Grubnik, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Nip Tuck at the Netcare Milpark Hospital and Netcare Rosebank Hospital.

While surgical facial procedures are still being requested by South Africans, Dr Grubnik says there has been a rise in non-surgical procedures, with botox being one of the commonest procedures.

All the non-surgical procedures are done in rooms and theres absolutely no downtime. This is why theyre gaining popularity worldwide. There are people who say that in 20 years we will be doing no surgical operations.

A botox procedure involves injecting a serum that weakens the muscles to avoid getting wrinkles, while some use it to get rid of frown lines.

There is a very good twin study identical twins who participated in the study. One of them had regular botox injections every three to four months and the other just had it once upfront and did not have any for 10 years. The difference is absolutely remarkable. The other one without botox looks 20 years older than their sister, says Dr Grubnik.

This is sometimes confused with a filler, which is done to restore volume to the face and make it look more youthful.

As you age there is some resorption on the bone in the face, because theres bone loss and the soft tissues hang. When these people maintain themselves with filler, when they get to their 60s they may not need a facelift because they didnt have that droopiness that the previous generation would have had.

A filler injection (per millimetre) can cost you up to R3,000 each, while botox (per unit) is around R60.

A facelift, also common among South African women, is a procedure that involves removing excess facial skin from the lower half of the face including the chin and neck and tightening loose skin in different areas in the face.

According to Dr Grubnik, this is a big operation and requires recovery time.

There will be bruising, swelling in the face.

You can expect to pay around R95,000 for a facelift.

Also read: They do it for sexual satisfaction, says surgeon on rise in vaginal rejuvenation

Another common facial procedure in South Africa is blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). This involves taking out excess skin in the upper and lower eyelid to remove bags in the eyelids.

Model and businesswoman Kim Kardashian shocked her social media followers a few years ago after telling them she regularly got vampire facials to keep her face looking younger.

The procedure has gained popularity among women, and Dr Grubnik says its because the procedure actually works.

A vampire facial involves taking blood from parts of your body (apart from the face), and spinning it to separate the red blood cells and the plasma.

In the plasma the platelets are in the blood. Its called platelet red plasma and this platelet red plasma is a stem cell. Stem cells have growth factors, so they rejuvenate the skin. We inject it in the face we can micro-needle it in the face.

Youre allowed to have it once every six weeks. It definitely works, theres a reason why Kim Kardashian is having it, explains Dr Grubnik.

A vampire treatment could cost you at least R3,300 per procedure and R4,200 with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections.

Other skin care procedures include acne and oily skin treatments (R880), skin brightening treatment (R880), hydrating treatment (R880) and the red carpet peel for R1,300.

While Dr Grubnik encourages the use of these procedures for those who are willing, she also advocates for good skin care with the use of a sunscreen.

Sunscreen is paramount because the sun damages skin skin quite badly, so before you know it you will have very bad wrinkles and sun damage with pigmentation, regardless of the skin tone or colour everybody suffers equally.

People say there is a genetic predisposition to how you age and, to a certain extent it is true. If your mother looks fantastic at 70, youre blessed with those genes as well, but its not only the genetics. Looking after yourself always makes a difference.

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Vampire facials and other medical witchcraft you can buy to stay youthful today - Citizen

Market Growth : Medical Aesthetic Devices Technologies and Global Market To 2022 – Downey Magazine

Recent research and the current scenario as well as future market potential of Medical Aesthetic Devices: Technologies and Global Markets.

The global market for medical aesthetic devices reached $13.5 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach nearly $25.1 billion by 2022 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.1% for the period of 2017-2022.

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Aesthetic medicine comprises all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using non-invasive to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. The aesthetic medicine specialty is not confined to dermatologists and plastic surgeons, as doctors of all specialties seek to offer services to address their patients aesthetic needs and desires. All aesthetic medicine procedures are performed under locoregional anesthesia.

The exciting field of aesthetic medicine is a new trend. Patients not only want to be in good health, they also want to enjoy life to the fullest, be fit and minimize the effects of natural aging. Indeed, patients are now requesting quick, non-invasive procedures with minor downtime and very little risk.

This recent trend explains the current success of aesthetic medicine around the globe. These aesthetic procedures consist of: Injections of neurotoxins and dermal fillers. Chemical peels. Cosmetic dermatology treatments. Microdermabrasion. Body contouring and treatment of cellulite. Nutrition. Hair transplant. Hair reduction. Fat grafting/platelet rich plasma. Laser and IPL. Scar management. Venous treatment.

Initially, concerning simple skin care and facial treatment, aesthetic medicine borrowed extensively from mainstream medicine. Fat grafts in orthopedics found new life as compatible long-term fillers to flesh out wrinkles in aging faces. Chemical peels removed dead skin cells, freeing up fresh ones to glow and grow. Botulinum, an R&D success, became a popular injection for removing wrinkles and creases.

Today, effective aesthetic medicine-as a minimally invasive practice-is based on doctors having skilled hands, whereby they leverage reliable, cutting-edge medical technology, such as laser technology, chemical peels, fillers and injectables of natural or bio-ingredients. It spans surface treatments through chemical peels and lasers to minimally invasive procedures, such as thread-lifts, botulinum type A injections, derma fillers, fat grafts and hair transplants.

Aesthetic medicine bridges the gap between beauty and health. It is important because beauty is not just skin deep. Beauty includes the need to feel good in ones own skin, thereby nurturing a psychophysical balance. We cannot ignore the importance of aesthetics from a psycho-sociological point of view, especially when todays society so highly covets attractive appearances. So, consumer patients are seeking aesthetic doctors to improve their appearance, and thus their self-confidence for social and/or professional reasons.

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Report Includes

36 tablesAn overview of the global markets and technologies for medical aesthetic devicesAnalyses of global market trends, with data from 2016 and 2017, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2022Discussion of the properties and characteristics of human skin, hair, and breastsDescription of medical devices, including botulinum neuromodulators, breast augmentation devices, and injectable dermal fillersCoverage of devices for assisted liposuction using ultrasound, light, or waterInsight into the regulatory environment for medical devices and drugs in the U.S. and EuropeComprehensive company profiles of major players in the market, including Allergan PLC, Cutera, Inc, El. En. Group, Hologic, Inc, Implatech Implant Teknolojileri and Johnson and Johnson

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Market Growth : Medical Aesthetic Devices Technologies and Global Market To 2022 - Downey Magazine

Health & Biotech: Mesoblast still not in the black, but theyre less in the red than last year – Stockhead

Stem cell biotech Mesoblast (ASX:MSB) has slashed its quarterly losses as it cut deals in Japan and China, and stepped up from R&D to partnering on its current treatments.

The September quarter loss was more than three times lower than in the same period last year, hitting $US5.5m ($8.1m) from $US19.5m ($28.8m). Revenue was up 46 per cent to $17m.

Mesoblast, which makes cellular medicines for remestemcel-L for conditions such as acute graft versus host disease (GVHD), advanced heart failure and chronic low back pain due to degenerative disc disease, recognised the change came from two areas.

The company struck a $US150m deal with German pain management company Grnenthal in September which paid out $US15m that month, for a partnership to develop and commercialise an allogeneic stem cell therapy used to treat chronic low back caused by degenerative disc disease.

Royalty revenue on sales of TEMCELL in Japan, for GVHD rose to $US1.9m.

The other side of the story is that R&D costs have plunged by 33 per cent to $12.2m as the costs for phase three clinical trials for advanced heart failure drug Revascor and low back pain drug MPC-06-ID begin to wind down.

The last patient visit for a 24-month follow up in the MPC-06-ID trial will be before June next year, and full primary endpoints or the key outcomes a trial wants to deliver are expected by the end of 2019.

Mesoblast is showing the way for small caps like Cynata (ASX:CYN) which are tackling similar diseases using cellular treatments.

Proteomics (ASX:PIQ) is spending $1.25m to help build its Western Australian Proteomics Facility to do research on biological markers affecting medicine, agriculture, the environment and marine world. Bioplatforms Australia, and the University of Western Australia are co-investors in the $4.4m site.

Bio-Gene (ASX:BGT) has won a fight with AusIndustry over a tax refund, getting $350,000 the organisation had deemed out of the refund scope. Its also pleased with the $465,293 refund it got for fiscal 2019 wouldnt we all be?

Memphasys (ASX:MEM) is now selling its Felix sperm separator to investors, after it launched earlier this month. The device, initially tested on thoroughbred horses, separates bad (human) sperm from good. Memphasys is playing up the human fertility rates in decline card, and putting fear into men that their lack of babies is, in fact, their fault.

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Health & Biotech: Mesoblast still not in the black, but theyre less in the red than last year - Stockhead