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Making a Better Baby – Vision Insights and New Horizons

We always want to make things better. Recreating the world according to both our needs and our abilitiesstraightening the crooked branch, as it wereis our long-standing pattern, with a particular focus on life around us. Although weve known about the twisting branches of the DNA molecule at the heart of our tinkering for only 65 years or so, weve been breeding and crossbreeding for millennia in hopes of producing the biggest, the smallest, the tastiest or the hardiest.

Moving on to gene-splicing and now gene editing, we continue to reconfigure species to fit our desires. Whether dog, fish, tomato or soybean, many species and crops being marketed today are the product of our own design. In the future we may even endow our creations with genes and chromosomes created from scratch. Artificial intelligence can already dissect protein structure and function; from this may come the ability to design new proteins and then, taking one more hereditary step back, build their corresponding DNA sequences. Inserting these into embryonic cells would give the adult organisms new capacities and metabolic pathways never seen before.

How might we engineer our future children and, by extension, the human family as technology opens new doors to prune and straighten the next generation? Just imagine the possibilitiesand the pitfalls.

What would you be brave enough to do? Or not do?

Trees grow in all kinds of ways. Theyre not all perfectly straight. Not every limb is perfect.

Consider organ transplants. Soon someone will receive the first heart or kidney grown in a pig. In this case the pig genome will have been altered to silence or remove proteins that trigger the patients immune response, thus avoiding patient rejection.

But why not just make the pig more human? Human-animal hybrids are controversial but not out of the question. How about adding human stem cells to chimpanzee embryos? Michael Crichtons 2006 novel NeXT plays out just this kind of chimeric humanization-of-animals storyline.

Weve not yet grown a transgenic organism to term, but someday we likely will. The scientific impetus to use such an integrated platform to understand more about brain development, for example, may eventually overcome the ethical questions that so often arise in the surrounding moral ether.

What will actually happen next in human applications? In the 20th century, the focus was on controlling the outbreak and spread of infectious disease. The discovery of antibiotics and the development of vaccines, as well as access to clean water, were pivot points in human health.

As we moved into the 21st century, attention shifted to the human cell. The infectious-disease assault will continue, but what if we could edit disease out of the human genome altogether? This is such a fantastical thing to think about, Jennifer Doudna told Vision in 2016. You suddenly realize, Wow, we have a tool that in principle allows us to change human evolution. We can wipe out a mutation from the whole populationjust get rid of it.

Doudna, University of CaliforniaBerkeley professor of chemistry and molecular and cell biology, worked with Emmanuelle Charpentier (now at the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens in Berlin) to unlock the gene-editing potential of CRISPR-Cas9. When we came across this protein in the bacterial immune system, we werent looking for that, of course, Doudna explained; but once we understood how it worked we realized this would be an incredible tool for genome editing. Because we can program it with this little piece of RNA, we can make a break wherever we want to.

This means that scientists now have the molecular scissors and aiming system to make a specific edit among the 3 billion base pairs in our genome. Finding one particular letter in our DNA (the one incorrect letter on chromosome 11 that causes sickle-cell disease, for instance) is like finding one particular a in a stack of 900 Bibles; yet in any genomeanimal or plantCRISPR can find that letter and change it.

This has revolutionized biology, says Doudna.

Now we have a tool that allows rewriting of the genetic code, changing the DNA in cells. Thats a profound thing. It allows scientists to do things that in the past would have been really hard or impossible.

Gene editing is not limited to the scientific community. The low cost of CRISPR and the relative ease of self-training has opened its use to almost anyone. The 2019 Netflix documentary series Unnatural Selection reveals just how fast the democratization of molecular science is moving. We have no choice but to continue exploring the tree of knowledge, says one geneticist, but we always run the risk of discovering something that we cannot handle.

DNA code is not like computer software. A person is more than code, children more than the genes inherited from their parents. Still, genes are critically important because the code they carry determines physiological parameters that affect our health and who we are. They do limit us in one way or another. A tall person is not going to be a champion jockey; a claustrophobe wont be a good astronaut. We want to avoid disease, yet often the crooked branch is what gives us identity, individuality, even extraordinary gifts. The concern now is that definitions of disease and crooked might become quite malleable.

While it seems more practical and effective to invest in improving the social, cultural and mental environment that influences our well-being, weve emphasized the path to greater genetic influence. A decade before the advent of CRISPR, Gregory Stock recognized this fixation on the human genome: The possibility of altering the genes of our prospective children is not some isolated spinoff of molecular biology but an integral part of the advancing technologies that culminate a century of progress in the biological sciences (Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future).

Thanks to gene-editing tools such as CRISPR, as well as an emerging kit of DNA-cutting proteins that are even more precise, the next generation of control has actually arrived. Its no longer a question of if or how; now the questions are Should we? and When? Will we be able to collectively determine when its safe to proceed? And who will determine which traits to change? Scientific groups have proposed moratoria on experimentation while they struggle for answers. In the meantime, gene editing is going on off-campus, unsupervised, in garages and kitchens.

In terms of therapeutic editing of patients cells (for example, immune cells removed from an adult and then returned to fight cancer) the cautionary lights have turned green, and many clinical trials are underway. But when to proceed with germ-line editing is trickier. Central to germ-line editing is the embryo; and in this case, creating the embryo is the job of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Robert Edwards, the fertility pioneer who, with Patrick Steptoe, developed the first techniques of IVF, substantiated Stocks view of the progression. Writing in 2004 concerning the potential therapeutic power of embryonic stem cells, Edwards noted that development in several fields of biomedicine hinged on past success with human IVF. Producing stem cells through the creation of embryos, he said, had been among the primary intentions of introducing human IVF (another, of course, was to help infertile couples have babies).

Having access soon after egg and sperm unite, when there are very few cells to scissor, makes it possible to change the trajectory of both an individual life and a family line. Because every cell of the body carries the same DNA information as the first, a change in those first embryonic cells becomes a change everywhere. Its also possible to go back one more step: egg or sperm cells can be edited prior to fertilization.

Individuals created with any such alterations will pass them on to their children; by definition, these genetic modifications will become part of the germ line.

He Jiankui, formerly a biophysicist at Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, calls the embryo-editing procedure gene surgery. Gene surgery is another IVF advancement, He says. For a few children, early gene surgery may be the only viable way to heal an inheritable disease and prevent a lifetime of suffering.

In 2015 the first report of human-embryo gene modification was published. Using nonviable IVF embryos from fertility clinics, other Chinese scientists had tested the accuracy of CRISPR edits in humans. This advance came surprisingly soon on the heels of Doudna and Charpentiers discovery in 2012. According to Edward Lanphier, then president of Sangamo BioSciences, the ubiquitous access to and simplicity of creating CRISPRs creates opportunities for scientists in any part of the world to do any kind of experiments they want.

This early attempt at human germ-line modification prompted the first International Summit on Human Genome Editing (Washington DC, 2016). Following the summit, Doudna shared her concerns with Vision: I would like to see the community of peopleall of us who are now living in a world where we have this technology availablecoming together to understand it well enough that we can think as a society about how to employ it in ways that will be beneficial to people and will cause, hopefully, no harm. We need to maximize the good while minimizing the risks and the dangers.

At the time, Doudna was optimistic and generally confident that everyone could work together to move forward.

We want to proceed in a way that is respectful of human life and that is cautious, but also appreciates that there are patients desperately waiting for treatments. We need to be balancing the benefits and the risks.

By what rules or principles should this science advance? At the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing (Hong Kong, 2018), He Jiankuialso known as JKplanned to present a series of principles that he and his collaborators believed would provide a solid humanitarian and ethical basis for moving forward with germ-line editing.

In the paper, Draft Ethical Principles for Therapeutic Assisted Reproductive Technologies, He and his colleagues proposed that a core set of fundamental human values be set by the medical and patient communities to advance a dialogue about the ethical use of ART [Assisted Reproductive Technology, including IVF] to help fertility-challenged couples conceive healthy children. Parameters for early-in-life genetic surgery would be brief and simple so as to be accessible to the public: Lawmakers in countries wishing to permit clinical trials and eventual regulatory submissions could build on these values to write cohesive rules that can still account for their countrys distinctive mix of religious beliefs, culture, and public-health challenges.

Initially the paper, published in The CRISPR Journal, seemed reasonable enough: Gene surgeries, including CRISPR gene editing and mitochondrial donation techniques, promise new therapeutic strategies during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to cure or prevent these diseases before a child can suffer. The authors went on to ask, What should be our proposed ethics and actual red lines?

Stanford neuroscientist William B. Hurlbut talks about his dealings with the Chinese researcher who created the worlds first gene-edited babies, and about the implications of that experiment.

They asserted, We have thought deeply about ethical foundations for regulation in discussions between researchers, patients and advocates, and ethicists both in China and abroad. One of those ethicists was William Hurlbut, who described his impressions of He in an interview with Vision: JK is a very nice person to talk with and is sincere in wanting to do good. ... He kept saying to me, We have to get this moving along, because the science is safe. He was convinced the science was safe.

JKs paper suggested five principles for determining whether germ-line editing should be approved in any given situation:

Its hard to disagree with any of these ideas.

We hold additional but less universal beliefs that further restrict the use of gene surgery, the authors noted, including the need to prioritize local population health needs and focus only on treating disease via prevalent, natural genetic variants.

As already noted, He Jiankui planned to present this material during the Hong Kong conference. In an e-mail to Vision, the moderator of the session, Robin Lovell-Badge (Francis Crick Institute, London), confirmed the timeline: Yes, JKs draft presentation did include a few slides on his view of the ethics of human germline genome editing. This was, according to Kevin Davies, the editor of The CRISPR Journal, always slated to be published around the time of the Summit meeting.

Just as one of the major problems with CRISPR editing is the danger of off-target misedits of the genome, Hes plan unraveled when it became known that he had already used CRISPR nine months earlier to edit and implant embryos. News of the birth of twins, dubbed Lulu and Nana, became public on the eve of the conference.

Lovell-Badge continued, I am fairly convinced that JK did not want the story of the babies to break until [a second] paper describing them was being published in a top journaland he appeared genuine when he apologized that the story broke early. Lovell-Badge has written an extensive account of behind-the-scenes meetings that took place at the time.

Was He Jiankui angling to create a kind of consensus supporting his ethics statements before his actions came to light? Had the scientific community supported his Draft Principles, it could arguably have helped both He and others justify what had been done. The principles, had they been sincere, might have paved the way for acceptance of germ-line editing.

According to Jon Cohen of Science, JK was also laying the groundwork for a kind of germ-line tourism business. Who knows how quickly we might have traveled that path had his timeline not tipped over? In failing to adhere to the cautionary principles that had existed by general agreement since 2016, he derailed any insight his Draft Principles might have provided; they have been dismissed as merely a bid to justify his own actions.

Citing Hes obvious conflict of interest, The CRISPR Journal retracted the paper. Its chief editor told Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News: The authors intentionally hid from us the fact that they were conducting clinical research on germline editing, and that babies had been born. ... It is a mesmerizing gaze into the psyche of the authors before the news came out and how misguided they were.

He Jiankui has been martyred as a rogue scientist, but his venture into the gene pool has made the waters even more enticing. If any Rubicon to germ-line editing existed, it has now been crossed.

We have spent billions to unravel our biology, not out of idle curiosity, but in the hope of bettering our lives. We are not about to turn away from this.

Its clearly turned up the heat, Eric Juengst, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of North Carolina, told Wired. Hes leapfrogged the safety research that everyone was calling for. The pressure is increased to actually get that research done.

According to Juengst, the article notes, a world with enhanced humans via gene-editing is an inevitability. People will have to learn to live in a world in which there are gene-edited fellow people among us, he said. And thats another focus that governments could take, to worry less about policing the science, and worry more about preparing society to live with this new kind of genetic diversity.

New regulations may create hard lines against germ-line modification, but if Lulu and Nana are normal and healthy (which has not yet been independently confirmed), desperate and/or curious parents will find an avenue to give it a try. In his book Designing Babies: How Technology Is Changing the Ways We Create Children, Robert Klitzman of the Columbia University Medical Center notes how difficult it will be to close the now-open door to germ-line editing.

Pointing to weak regulations and the free-market approach to ART that exists in many countries, including the United States, Klitzman has little confidence that attempts to regulate future implantation of edited embryos will be effective. Even the United Nations, with representatives from every country, has restricted powers, he notes. At some point, the transfer of gene-edited embryos into human wombs will probably be approved for use on an experimental or wider clinical basisonce its risks are better characterized, even though dangers will probably persist.

Klitzman continues, Many doctors and would-be parents prioritize patient autonomy over the rights of the future child, and minimize potential longer-term medical, psychological and social risks of ARTs. Given, in addition, the lucrative and competitive, profit-driven ART industry and its overall resistance to strong guidelines, numerous doctors might thus end up performing these procedures, with little regulatory or administrative hindrance (Klitzmans emphasis).

Assisted reproduction can do more than help infertile couples have a baby. It can help couples have the baby they want. So while we strive for health, there remains the question of whether we will objectify our children. Will we reduce them to products, fine-tuned, straightened and genetically honed to the parents recipe? In a consumer-conscious and market-driven world, a few may soon have both the economic and medical resources to purchase germ-line enhancements. One IVF parent explained his thinking to Klitzman: If youre paying to get a child, and this technology is there, why not use it? You go car shopping. You dont just want something that has four wheels. You might want a Mercedes. Thats why theres so many different kinds of cars. I dont see anything wrong with it.

Will we be brave enough to deny ourselves that future?

Eat of the forbidden fruit, God warns, and you shall surely die. Eat, promises the serpent, and you shall be like God. That temptationto be like Godis at the root of the ethical dilemmas posed by molecular biology.

In a video that was meant to coincide with the preplanned public announcement of Lulu and Nanas birth, He Jiankui made a poignant request. While there is collective skepticism about his motivations, his plea rings trueto remember that these babies are simply children for whom their parents believed they were doing the right thing. Did the parents understand the full implications of what he was asking them to undertake? Probably not, but desperate parents dont always see beyond their hope for a well child; theyre apt to grasp at any offer of help.

We hope that you have mercy for them, He said. Their parents dont want a designer babyjust a child who wont suffer from a disease which medicine can now prevent. Gene surgery is and should remain a technology for healing. [Enhancement] is not what a loving parent does. That should be banned. He concluded, I believe families need this technology and I am willing to take the criticism for them.

Was this bravery or bravado? A self-serving sales pitch or an earnest plea? In time well know whether Hes work was pioneeringor disastrous. In the meantime the research and the debates will continue.

The dark side of human nature is always with us. In the face of new trends in the world around, we need to think about how we, as individuals, will proceed.

At this stage, Doudna says, I support the plans of WHO and the National Academies to recommend strict regulation that precludes use [of germ-line editing] until scientific and technical questions are addressed and until ethical and societal matters are resolved. I prefer this to a moratorium which, to me, is of indefinite length and provides no pathway toward possible responsible use. Open discussion and transparency around this important topic should be encouraged, not suppressed.

Can the conflicts of interest that obscure clearheaded discussion be overcome? Who will lead that discussion? Self-interest is a powerful motivator. Researchers would need to hold themselves back, especially from exploring genetic enhancement. To expect such a thing, however, is to believe that all of us will be willing to step back from the threshold. It seems more likely that some will want to use these new tools to try to straighten things that need not be made straight.

If there were a fifth horseman of the Apocalypse, perhaps he would be genetically modified and his horse spurred forward by self-deception. Is it bravery to forge ahead into a new world of human genetic modification that will lead, almost inevitably, to enhancement, or is it wiser to step back, to resist that temptationto pull back on the reins and strive instead to be content with our variety, our limitations and our crooked branches? That is our collective challenge in this brave new world of making babies.

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Making a Better Baby - Vision Insights and New Horizons

The final frontier? Studying stem cells on the International Space Station – Scope

It's not often I get to write about astronauts and space travel. In fact, it's happened exactly... never. But now, thanks to a high-flying collaboration of Stanford researchers past and present, I get to write about something that's really out of this world.

Since 2006, iPS cells (short for induced pluripotent stem cells) have been at the forefront of groundbreaking research in biology and medicine. The cells' ability to become nearly any tissue in the body makes them an invaluable resource for physicians wishing to study the effect of drugs on specific, hard-to-obtain tissues or for researchers wanting to delve into the molecular missteps that lead to all manner of diseases.

Now iPS-derived human heart muscle cells called cardiomyocytes have found their way into space, as part of a study by cardiologist and stem cell researcher Joseph Wu, MD, PhD, graduate student Alexa Wnorowski and former Stanford graduate student Arun Sharma, PhD. With the help of NASA astronaut Kate Rubins, PhD, (also a former Stanford graduate student!), Wnorowski and Sharma studied the effect of the low gravity of the International Space Station on the heart cells' structure and function.

They published their findings today in Stem Cell Reports.

As Sharma, now a senior research fellow at Cedars-Sinai, explained in an email:

This project represented an opportunity for biomedical researchers to collaborate with astronauts and engineers in order to learn more about how a very unique environment, microgravity, affects the cells of the human heart.

Sharma, Wnorowski and Wu found that the cardiomyocytes cultured on the space station exhibited different patterns of gene expression than did their counterparts grown back here on Earth. They also displayed changes in the way they handled calcium -- an important regulator of contraction rate and strength.

Interestingly (and perhaps reassuringly for astronauts like Rubins), the cells appeared to return to normal when their five-and-a-half week jaunt into low Earth orbit ended.

"Working with the cells that launched to and returned from the International Space Station was an incredible opportunity," Wnorowski said. "Our study was the first conducted on the station that used human iPS technology, and demonstrated that it is possible to conduct long-term, human cell-based experiments in space."

All in all, the researchers were interested to see how nimbly the cells adjusted to their new, free floating life.

"We were surprised by how quickly human heart cells adapted to microgravity," Sharma said. "These results parallel known organ-level adaptations that happen to the heart during spaceflight."

Photos of Kate Rubins by NASA

Here is the original post:
The final frontier? Studying stem cells on the International Space Station - Scope

Space travel affects heart cells, but only temporarily – BBC Focus Magazine

The thought of spaceflight may make the heart skip a beat, but actually travelling beyond Earth could alter the organs cells.

With extended stays aboard the International Space Station (ISS) commonplace, and the likelihood of humans spending longer periods in space increasing, there is a need to better understand the effects of micro-gravity on cardiac function.

New research suggests heart muscle cells derived from stem cells have a remarkable ability to adapt to their environment during and after spaceflight.

Scientists examined cell-level cardiac function and gene expression in human heart cells cultured aboard the International Space Station for five-and-a-half weeks.They found that exposure to micro-gravity changed the expression of thousands of genes, but largely normal patterns reappeared within 10 days after returning to Earth.

Read more about the body in space:

Senior study author, Joseph Wu, of Stanford University School of Medicine, said: Our study is novel because it is the first to use human induced pluripotent stem cells to study the effects of spaceflight on human heart function.

Micro-gravity is an environment that is not very well understood, in terms of its overall effect on the human body, and studies like this could help shed light on how the cells of the body behave in space, especially as the world embarks on more and longer space missions such as going to the Moon and Mars.

Until now, most studies on how the heart reacts to micro-gravity have been conducted in either non-human models or at tissue, organ or systemic level.To address this, the beating cells were launched to the ISS aboard a SpaceX spacecraft as part of a commercial resupply service mission.Simultaneously, they were also cultured on Earth for comparison purposes.

When they returned to the planet, the cells showed normal structure and morphology.However, they did adapt by modifying their beating pattern and calcium recycling patterns.

Immunofluorescence imaging of the cells grown in micro-gravity aboard the International Space Station Joseph Wu lab, Stanford University School of Medicine/PA

Researchers sequenced the cells harvested at four-and-a-half weeks aboard the ISS, and 10 days after returning to Earth.Results showed that 2,635 genes were differentially expressed among flight, post-flight, and ground control samples.

Most notably, gene pathways related to mitochondrial function were expressed more in the space-flown cells, according to the research published in the Stem Cells Reports journal.

A comparison of the samples revealed the space cells adopted a unique gene expression pattern during spaceflight, which reverted to one that is similar to ground-side controls upon return to normal gravity.

Dr Wu added: Were surprised about how quickly human heart muscle cells are able to adapt to the environment in which they are placed, including micro-gravity.

These studies may provide insight into cellular mechanisms that could benefit astronaut health during long-duration spaceflight, or potentially lay the foundation for new insights into improving heart health on Earth.

Read more from the original source:
Space travel affects heart cells, but only temporarily - BBC Focus Magazine

Super-grafts That Could Treat Diabetes – Technology Networks

To save patients with a severe form of type 1 diabetes (characterized by the absence of functional insulin-producing cells), pancreatic cell transplantation is sometimes the last resort. The pancreas contains cell clusters called islets of Langerhans where cells that produce blood glucose regulating hormones are grouped together. However, the transplant process is long and complex: a significant part of the grafted cells die quickly without being able to engraft. By adding amniotic epithelial cells to these cell clusters, researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), Switzerland, have succeeded in creating much more robust super-islets of Langerhans. Once transplanted, more of them engraft; they then start producing insulin much more rapidly. These results, to be discovered in Nature Communications, would not only improve the success of cell transplants, but also offer new perspectives for other types of transplants, including stem cell transplantation.

Today, islet transplantation is one of the last-chance options for patients with a particularly severe form of type 1 diabetes. The islets are removed from a donors pancreas, isolated and then re-injected into the patients liver. The procedure is well controlled about fifteen patients benefit from it every year in Switzerland but nevertheless complex, says Ekaterine Berishvili, a researcher in the Department of Surgery at UNIGE Faculty of Medicine, who led this work. Many of the islets die along the way. It often takes several donors to treat one person, whereas we are in desperate need of donors.

Placental cells to help grafts

To improve the success of islet transplantation and the survival of transplanted cells, researchers in Geneva have sought to create new, more robust islets that would withstand the stress of transplantation better than natural islets. To do this, they came up with the idea of adding amniotic epithelial cells, taken from the wall of the inner placenta membrane, to the pancreatic cells. These cells, very similar to stem cells, are already used in other therapies, such as corneal repair for example, says Thierry Berney, Professor in the Department of Surgery at UNIGE Faculty of Medicine and Head of HUG Transplant Division, who co-directed this work. In our case, we found that they can promote the function of pancreatic cells, which is to produce hormones according to fluctuations in sugar levels.

First step, in vitro: the addition of amniotic epithelial cells allowed the cell clusters to form regular spheres, indicating better intracellular communication and connectivity. Second step in vivo: the scientists transplanted their super-islets of Langerhans into diabetic mice, which quickly began to produce insulin. Even with few cell clusters, our super islets adapted very well to their new environment and quickly became vascularized, says Fanny Lebreton, a researcher in the Department of Surgery at UNIGE Faculty of Medicine and the first author of this work. A good vascularization is indeed the key element of any transplantation: it allows to supply the new organ with oxygen and nutrients and guarantees their survival. In addition, the artificial islets quickly began to produce insulin.

Improving oxygenation and protecting islets

Amniotic epithelial cells are thus essential to islet survival and seem to act on two vital elements: the lack of oxygen, which usually kills a large number of transplanted islets, and the modulation of the host immune system to limit the risk of rejection. In any transplant, the first step is to lower the recipients immunity to limit the risk of rejection, says Ekaterine Berishvili. Amniotic epithelial cells have the unique characteristic of protecting the foetus, which is also a non-self, from attacks by its mothers immune system. We believe that the same mechanism is at work to protect the grafts. The protective mechanism, observed here on cell transplants, could also take place in other types of transplants or even in xenotransplantation where non-human cells or organs are transplanted into humans.

These discoveries now need to be confirmed on human subjects. Since the use of amniotic epithelial cells is already common in other clinical settings without adverse side effects, this could be done relatively quickly. An important hope for all those awaiting a transplant.

Reference:Lebreton, F., Lavallard, V., Bellofatto, K., Bonnet, R., Wassmer, C. H., Perez, L., Berishvili, E. (2019). Insulin-producing organoids engineered from islet and amniotic epithelial cells to treat diabetes. Nature Communications, 10(1).

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

Read more from the original source:
Super-grafts That Could Treat Diabetes - Technology Networks

Oct4, Considered Vital for Creating iPSCs, Actually Isnt Needed – The Scientist

Since 2006, when Shinya Yamanaka, now the director of the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application at Kyoto University, discovered a method that could guide fully differentiated cells back to their pluripotent state, scientist have been using his recipe to produce induced pluripotent stem cells. The protocol relies on overexpressing the so-called Yamanaka factors, which are four transcription factors: Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc (OSKM). While the technique reliably creates iPS cells, it can cause unintended effects, some of which can lead to cells to become cancerous. So researchers have worked to adjust the cocktail and understand the function of each factor.

No one had succeeded in creating iPS cells without forcing the overexpression of Oct4. It was thought that this was the most crucial factor of the four. At least until now.

If this works in adult human cells, it will be a huge advantage for the clinical applications of iPS cells.

Shinya Yamanaka, Kyoto University

Four years ago, Sergiy Velychko, a graduate student at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Hans Schlers lab, and his team were studying the role of Oct4 in creating iPS cells from mouse embryonic fibroblasts. He used vectors to introduce various mutations of the gene coding for Oct4 to the cells he was studying, along with a negative controlone that didnt deliver any Oct4. He was shocked to discover that even using his negative control, he was able to generate iPS cells.

Velychkos experiment was suggesting that it is possible to develop iPS cells with only SKM.

We just wanted to publish this observation, Velychko tells The Scientist, but he knew hed need to replicate it first because reviewers wouldnt believe it.

He and his colleagues, including Guangming Wu, a senior scientist in the lab, repeated the experiment several times, engineering vectors with different combinations of the four factors. SKMthe combination that didnt include Oct4was able to induce pluripotency in the cells with about 30 percent of the efficiency of OSKM, but the cells were of higher quality, meaning that the researchers didnt see evidence of common off-target epigenetic effects. They reported their results yesterday (November 7) in Cell Stem Cell.

Efficiency is not important. Efficiency means how many colonies do you get, explains Yossi Buganim, a stem cell researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who was not involved in the study. If the colony is of low quality, the chances that eventually the differentiated cells will become cancerous is very high.

Finally, the team employed the ultimate test, the tetraploid complementation assay, in which iPS cells are aggregated with early embryos that otherwise would not have been able to form a fully functional embryo on their own. These embryos grew into mouse pups, meaning that the iPS cells the team created were capable of maturing into every type of cell in the animal.

Whats more is they found that the SKM iPS cells could develop into normal mouse pups 20 times more often than the OSKM iPS cells, suggesting that the pluripotency of iPS cells can be greatly improved by omitting Oct4 from the reprogramming factor cocktail.

The results will need to be verified in human cells, Buganim cautions. His team has developed methods for creating iPSCs that worked well in mouse cells only to be completely ineffective in humans.

Yamanaka himself was enthusiastic about the results, telling The Scientist in an email that his team would definitely try the method in other cell types, especially adult human blood cells and skin fibroblasts. If this works in adult human cells, it will be a huge advantage for the clinical applications of iPS cells.

S.Velychkoet al.,Excluding Oct4 from Yamanaka cocktail unleashes the developmental potential of iPSCs,Cell Stem Cell,doi:10.1016/j.stem.2019.10.002,2019.

Emma Yasinski is a Florida-based freelance reporter. Follow her on Twitter@EmmaYas24.

Go here to read the rest:
Oct4, Considered Vital for Creating iPSCs, Actually Isnt Needed - The Scientist

An artist and a transplant researcher discuss the heart – Harvard Gazette

Doris A. Taylors so-called replacement ghost heart suggests something otherworldly, but the eerie-looking form is far from an apparition. Its an innovative approach to organ transplantation that has inspired many in the medical community and at least one artist.

The Texas researchers process piggybacks on natures sophisticated design. Together she and a team of researchers strip cells off human and animal cadaver hearts with a soapy solution, leaving ghostly white protein shells that retain the form of the organ. They inject them with a patients blood or bone-marrow stem cells, and the ghost hearts act as scaffolding on which the newly introduced cells can slowly transform into a beating muscle.

What we said was, Wouldnt it be really cool if we could wash the sick cells out and put the healthy cells back in? said Taylor, director of Regenerative Medicine Research and director of the Center for Cell and Organ Biotechnology at the Texas Heart Institute, during a recent talk at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

The hope is that one day these regenerated hearts will resolve the most challenging issues transplant patients currently face: the lack of a permanent artificial replacement, concerns about rejection, and the shortage of viable donor hearts.

Taylors efforts are driving what could become a revolution in organ transplants, and they have sparked the creativity of transdisciplinary artist Dario Robleto, whose latest work, on view at the Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery in Radcliffes Byerly Hall, recreates in images and sounds the original pulse wave of the heart first captured in visual form by scientists in the 1900s. Robleto and Taylor, longtime friends and Texas residents, explored those connections during Mondays Radcliffe discussion, which was moderated by Jennifer Roberts, Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Professor of the Humanities.

Robletos exhibit, Unknown and Solitary Seas, touches on the overlap between the medical mysteries and workings of the vascular pump, and the metaphor for the heart as the emotional center of the soul. It includes a video installation that features recreated sounds of a beating heart from the 19th century, reconstructed images of how the earliest pulse waves first appeared on the page, and a series of heart waveform sculptures in brass-plated stainless steel.

Roberts said that with his work, Robleto acknowledges the pulse waves promise, their profundity, their scientific value, but he also reclaims some of their ambiguity and asks us to wonder whether we can or should accept that these waveforms have escaped the realms of art, culture, and emotional communication.

Taylor similarly views her work as a blend of the scientific and the human. It transcends complicated, complex science, she says, in that her ghost hearts require a kind of passion, commitment, care, attention, and nurturing similar to whats required by a small child. Its really about building hearts at the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical level that I think is going to get them to work, she said.

For Robleto, big ideas, like the creation of a new human heart, require multiple perspectives.

The artist called Taylors work one of the most fascinating and definitely one of the most emotional things Ive ever seen. As an object, he added, the ghost heart is stunningly beautiful but it also raises questions about the self, identity, emotion, the notions of form and where memory is truly held, questions he thinks artists can help address. He cited two of the nations earliest heart transplants, after which the patients wives asked their husbands, who had received donor hearts, if they still loved them.

Taylors work, Robleto said, is right at the edge of identity and materiality and so when the day comes when someone says the first ghost heart transplant I think we will have a similar moment where perhaps we will be forced to re-evaluate what we ask from our heart metaphor.

Dario Robletos Unknown and Solitary Seas is on view in Byerly Halls Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery through Jan. 18, 2020.

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An artist and a transplant researcher discuss the heart - Harvard Gazette

Impact Of ELN Risk Stratification, Induction Chemotherapy Regimens And | CMAR – Dove Medical Press

Shanglong Feng,1,* Li Zhou,2,* Xinhui Zhang,1,* Baolin Tang,2 Xiaoyu Zhu,2 Huilan Liu,2 Zimin Sun,2 Changcheng Zheng1,2

1Department of Hematology, Anhui Provincial Hospital, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Peoples Republic of China; 2Department of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Peoples Republic of China

*These authors contributed equally to this work

Correspondence: Changcheng ZhengDepartment of Hematology, Anhui Provincial Hospital, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230001, Peoples Republic of ChinaTel/fax +86-551-62284476Email

Background: Hyperleukocytic acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (initial white blood cell count100 109/L) is a clinical emergency often accompanied by leukostasis syndrome, tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), with a poor clinical prognosis. The aim of this study retrospectively analyzed the clinical features of hyperleukocytic AML, focusing on high-risk factors affecting prognosis, the selection of initial induction therapy, and the impact of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) on prognosis.Patients and methods: A total of 558 AML patients at our center from January 2013 to December 2017 were diagnosed, and 52 (9.32%) patients presented with hyperleukocytosis were retrospectively reviewed.Results: The 3-year overall survival (OS) rate in the 1539 years old and 4060 years old group was 58.8% and 25.4%, respectively; the longest survival time in patients aged >60 years was only 8 months, and the 8-month OS rate was 8.3% (p=0.002). The 3-year OS rate of the patients in the favorable risk group, intermediate risk group and high risk group, according to the 2017 ELN risk stratification, was 50%, 28.0%, and 29.5%, respectively (p=0.374). The 3-year OS rate of patients carrying CEBPA or NPM1 mutation and those with FLT3-ITD or MLL mutation was 37.5% and 30.0%, respectively (p=0.63). The 3-year OS rate of patients employing an induction regimen of a standard IA regimen was 58.4%, and of those employing a non-standard IA regimen was 22.2% (p=0.065). The 3-year OS rate of the transplantation patients reached 73.8%, while the 9-month OS rate of patients without transplantation was 11.4% (p<0.001).Conclusion: This study suggest that hyperleukocytosis is an independent risk factor for AML patients, regardless of the risk stratification based on cytogenetic or molecular abnormalities. Age is the main factor influencing the prognosis of hyperleukocytic AML. The use of a standard IA regimen and HSCT can significantly improve the patients prognosis.

Keywords: acute myeloid leukemia, hyperleukocytosis, ELN risk stratification, induction chemotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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Impact Of ELN Risk Stratification, Induction Chemotherapy Regimens And | CMAR - Dove Medical Press

Novel Molecule Reduces the Aggressiveness of Pediatric Cancer – Technology Networks

In Brazil, scientists affiliated with the Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center (HUG-CELL) at the University of So Paulo (USP) have identified a molecule capable of reducing the aggressiveness of embryonal central nervous system tumors. These are malignant tumors that start in fetal cells in the brain and mainly affect children up to four years old.

The results arepublishedin the journalMolecular Oncology.HUG-CELLis one of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) supported by So Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP. Its principal investigator isMayana Zatz, Professor of Human and Medical Genetics at USP's Institute of Biosciences (IB).

The approach proposed by the group can be classified as a type of microRNA-based therapy. A microRNA is a small RNA molecule that does not encode protein but plays a regulatory role in the genome. In this study, researchers used a synthetic version of an inhibitor of microRNA-367 (miR-367) with anti-tumor activity.

"We demonstrated in an animal model of a central nervous system tumor that treatment with a microRNA inhibitor attenuates properties of tumor stem cells and prolongs survival," saidOswaldo Keith Okamoto, a professor at IB-USP and the principal investigator for the study.

Okamoto explained that embryonal central nervous system tumors such as medulloblastomas and atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RTs) tend to contain cells with characteristics similar to those of stem cells, which boosts their tumorigenic potential and capacity to invade tissue while also making them more resistant to cell death.

These tumors are caused by genetic or epigenetic aberrations in stem cells and neural progenitors when the nervous system is being formed during embryonic development. The neural stem cells that undergo these alterations later give rise to tumor cells. They form aggressive, fast-growing tumors that may appear shortly after birth, in later childhood or in adolescence.

In a previous study, the group tested an approach that used the Zika virus to destroy tumor stem cells (read more

Expression and inhibition

A more recent study was led byCarolini Kaid, a postdoctoral researcher at IB-USP with a scholarship fromFAPESP.

Previous research has already shown that OCT4A, one of the genes that encode pluripotency factors, is overexpressed in aggressive medulloblastomas and that this overexpression is associated with an unfavorable prognosis. During hermaster's research, Kaid detected the expression of miR-367, a gene that promotes stem-like traits in tumor cells, in parallel with overexpression of OCT4A (read more

The researchers then tested a specific synthetic inhibitor of miR-367 containing minor chemical alterations that make it more stable in cells. A patent application has been filed for the invention.

After inducing the formation of central nervous system tumors in mice using three different strains of tumor cells, the researchers injected the miR-367 inhibitor into the brain's right lateral ventricle, a pathway to the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. From there, the miR-367 inhibitor was able to access the tumor cells.

Tumor size was reduced considerably, and survival improved in all groups of mice. The results confirmed what had previously been observed in cell cultures.

In this model, the researchers noted that when the synthetic molecule interacted with miR-367 in tumor cells, it prevented this microRNA from affecting the levels of proteins it normally regulates, such as ITGAV and SUZ12.

The latter is known to be involved in silencing pluripotency-related genes in embryonic stem cells.

While the role of ITGAV in embryonal central nervous system tumors is not fully understood, ITGAV is known to participate in the renewal of both normal and tumor stem cells.

"When miR-367 is inhibited in cancer cells, it stops regulating several proteins. This molecular alteration eventually affects the properties of these cells, resulting in an attenuation of the tumor's aggressiveness. This is what makes the strategy interesting," Kaid said.

The researchers believe that in humans, the synthetic molecule alone may be capable of at least containing the development of these tumors and improving survival. Even so, they are testing combinations of the molecule with drugs currently used to treat the tumors. They want to find out whether the approaches could be combined using lower doses of chemotherapy drugs.

Before clinical trials can be performed, however, pharmacology and toxicity studies will be necessary, as will pharmacokinetic testing to show how the molecule is metabolized and how long it stays in the organism (its half-life).

When embryonal central nervous system tumors are conventionally treated with surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, morbidity and mortality rates for these patients are high. These tumors correspond to 10% of all central nervous system cancer cases in children.

Even patients who survive longer than most may suffer from permanent treatment-related sequelae that impair their quality of life, such as problems with development, cognition, locomotion and speech.

Reference: Kaid et al. 2019.miR367 as a therapeutic target in stemlike cells from embryonal central nervous system tumors. Molecular Oncology. DOI:

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Novel Molecule Reduces the Aggressiveness of Pediatric Cancer - Technology Networks

At the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians Live Congress 2019, FDA Safety Panel Says No to the Bad Actors – PRNewswire

MIAMI, Nov. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP) was joined by the alliance leader Janet Marchibroda in hosting a safety standards panel on Nov. 2 at the AASCP Live Congress 2019. The panel which was moderated by Janet Marchibroda, the president of The Alliance for cell therapy now, and included attendance via Skypeby Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics and Evaluation and Research was well-received by physicians from around the world.

The panel discussed safety precautions and considered guidelines for the safety of patients, calling out the bad actors in the field. They noted that current safety guidelines are antiquated and need revision to meet the demands of new cutting-edge medicine such as stem cells, which is a growing field in medical biologics.

Dr. A.J. Farshchian, a spokesperson forthe AASCP, was honored with the 2019 Visionary Award for his pioneering work with the AASCP and the stem cell industry. He said, "There's been too much talk but no action. We need to change that to ensure the safety of the patients who receive care. AASCP will gladly point out the bad actors to the FDA, are we telling on each other? Yes. Are we breaking the Code? No, we are just preserving what's left of this industry."

Later he added, "Many physicians and scientists are starting to believe that some of the regulations regarding stem cells which have been written many years ago have not kept up with the rapidly advancing science. These regulations must be revisited because they are all pass."

At the AASCP Live Congress, board certifications were also provided. To receive the board certification, physicians must meet stringent qualifications, including attending weekly meetings and pass a written and oral exam. The AASCP congratulates those who were recognized, including Dr. Rene Blaha, Dr. Warren Bleiweiss, Dr. Paula Marchionda and Dr. Kalpana Patel, all of whom received diplomat status; and Dr. Max Citrin, who received associate diplomat status.

The American Academy and its board also granted the title of associate professor and all rights therein to Dr. Richard Hull and Dr. Leonid Macheret. Dr. Richard Hull, who also earned tenure with the AASCP, said of the conference, "It is a great pleasure teaching this group of physicians. I love to teach and these physicians are so eager to learn."

To learn more about the AASCP, their educational initiatives and certification, visit


The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP) is an organization created to advance research and the development of therapeutics in regenerative medicine, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease related to or occurring within the human body. The AASCP aims to serve as an educational resource for physicians, scientists, and the public. To learn more, visit

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dr-farshchian.jpg Dr. Farshchian

SOURCE The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians


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At the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians Live Congress 2019, FDA Safety Panel Says No to the Bad Actors - PRNewswire

2019s Allen Distinguished Investigators will focus on the mysteries of our cells – Yahoo Tech

The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, a division of Seattles Allen Institute, is making a total of $7.5 million in awards to its latest class of five biomedical researchers.

The themes for this years Allen Distinguished Investigators focus on stem cell therapies and single-cell interactions in their native environments.

The field of stem cell biology has the potential to change how we treat diseases by helping precision medicine, and theres so much we still dont understand about the interplay between cells in living tissues or organs, Kathy Richmond, director of the Frontiers Group, said today in a news release.

Our 2019 Allen Distinguished Investigators are pushing their fields in these two areas, through new technology development, probing pivotal interactions in the body that cause health to fail, and generating creative new stem cell models that will improve our understanding of different human diseases, she said.

The late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen gave the Allen Distinguished Investigator program its start in 2010 as a way to support significant early-stage research thats less likely to receive grants from traditional sources. This years selections bring the roster to a total of 74 researchers, including 13 from the University of Washington.

Each of the investigators will receive $1.5 million in support for their projects over three years. Heres a rundown on the Class of 2019:

The 2019 Allen Distinguished Investigators include Samantha Morris of Washington University in St. Louis, Joshua Rabinowitz of Princeton University, Clive Svendsen of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Savas Tay of the University of Chicago and James Wells of Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center. (Allen Institute Photos)

Samantha Morris of Washington University in St. Louis aims to create a blueprint of cell identity that will enable researchers to improve the way they generate different kinds of cells from human stem cells.

Joshua Rabinowitz of Princeton University will lead a team developing new technologies to study metabolites, the molecules that result from our bodies conversion of food into energy, as well as metabolic activity in single cells from mouse and human tissue.

Clive Svendsen of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center will use stem cells to model how interactions between the gut microbiome and the brain might influence neuron death in patients with Parkinsons disease.

Savas Tay and his colleagues at the University of Chicago are looking into the roots of Crohns disease by combining the study of gene expression with single-cell measurements of proteins and protein complexes, using samples of healthy and diseased gut tissue.

James Wells and his colleagues of Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center will use stem cells to study maladies that affect enteroendocrine cells, which sense nutrients from the food we eat and then control how those nutrients are processed in the intestines.

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2019s Allen Distinguished Investigators will focus on the mysteries of our cells - Yahoo Tech