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Cesca Therapeutics Forms Joint Venture with Healthbanks Biotech (USA) to Provide Immune Cell Banking and Cell Processing Services – BioSpace

ImmuneCyte to Begin Operations in Fourth Quarter of 2019

RANCHO CORDOVA, Calif., Oct. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Cesca Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: KOOL), a market leader in automated cell processing and autologous cell therapies for regenerative medicine, and ThermoGenesis, its wholly owned device subsidiary, today announced that the company has entered into a definitive joint venture agreement with HealthBanks Biotech (USA) Inc., one of the world's leading stem cell bank networks, to commercialize its proprietary cell processing platform, CAR-TXpress, for use in immune cell banking as well as for cell-based contract development and manufacturing services (CMO/CDMO). The joint venture will be named ImmuneCyte Life Sciences Inc. ("ImmuneCyte") and is expected to officially launch during the fourth quarter of 2019.

Under terms of the agreement, ImmuneCyte will initially be owned 80% by HealthBanks Biotech and 20% by Cesca. Cesca will contribute to ImmuneCyte exclusive rights to use ThermoGenesis' proprietary cell processing technology for the immune cell banking business and non-exclusive rights for other cell-based contract development and manufacturing services. Cesca will also contribute its clinical development assets to the joint venture, as the company has decided to discontinue these activities in order to focus exclusively on the device business.

Once operational, ImmuneCyte will be among the first immune cell banks in the U.S. to provide clients with the opportunity to bank their own healthy immune cells for future use as a resource for cell-based immunotherapies, such as dendritic cell and chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies. ImmuneCyte will utilize ThermoGenesis' proprietary CAR-TXpress platform which allows for the isolation of different components from 200 ml of blood in cGMP compliant, closed system. Given that the CAR-TXpress platform can increase cell processing efficiency by up to 16-fold as compared with the traditional, labor-intensive ficoll gradient centrifugation-based cell processing method, ImmuneCyte is expected to offer customers an unparalleled competitive advantage, including an ability to store their own immune cells at a tangibly lower cost.

"The ImmuneCyte joint venture will be paramount to the execution of our strategy to become a preferred cell processing and manufacturing solution provider in the cell and gene therapy field," said Dr. Chris Xu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cesca Therapeutics. "CAR-T therapeutic research is advancing rapidly. Partnering with HealthBanks Biotech, one of the foremost stem cell bank networks, with an experienced team and an established global infrastructure, will offer customers the ability to preserve younger, healthier and uncontaminated immune cells for potential future use. By applying our proprietary CAR-TXpress technology to immune cell banking and other CDMO cellular manufacturing services, we will allow for the manufacture and production of more effective and less costly immunotherapies."

In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two CAR-T cell therapies, under breakthrough designation, for the treatment of advanced B cell leukemia and lymphomas. Both use autologous (a patient's own) immune T cells to fight cancer and have reported an over 80% response rate in the "no-option" patient group, for those who have failed both chemo- and radiation therapies. This has helped to spur massive global interest for the development of additional CAR-T immunotherapies1. By the end of September 2019, there were over 800 CAR-T cell clinical trials registered on the website, targeting a wide variety of blood cancers and solid tumors.

Although highly effective, several recent studies on the eligibility of patients to enroll in CAR-T clinical trials showed that as many as 30-50% of cancer patients may not be eligible to enroll or to get sufficient CAR-T cells manufactured for the therapy. Reasons may include: (1) the function of the immune system declines with age and can be negatively affected by other medical conditions, (2) most standard cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation, destroy the immune system, and (3) in many cases of advanced cancer, cancer cells will enter circulation, invade and interfere with the body's natural production of immune cells. According to a recently reported JULIE trial, a CAR-T clinical trial in relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), one-third of the 238 screened patients failed to be enrolled, and more than half of the 238 failed to receive the intended CAR-T therapy2,3. ImmuneCyte will offer customers the ability to preserve younger, healthier and uncontaminated immune cells, for potential future use in advanced cancer immunotherapy.

About HealthBanks Biotech (USA) Inc.HealthBanks Biotech, headquartered in Irvine, CA, is one of the leading stem cell bank networks in the world and offers services globally through its sister companies located in the United States and other regions and nations. HealthBanks Biotech is accredited by the FDA, AABB, and CAP. The HealthBanks Biotech group was originally founded in 2001 with a vision that stem cells and cell and gene therapies could transform modern medicine. HealthBanks Biotech is a subsidiary of Boyalife Group, Inc. (USA), an affiliate of Boyalife (Hong Kong) Limited, the largest stockholder of Cesca. For more information about HealthBanks Biotech (USA) Inc., please visit:

About ImmuneCyte Life Sciences Inc.ImmuneCyte will provide clients with the opportunity to bank their own immune cells when the cells are "healthy and unaffected" as a future resource for cellular immunotherapies, such as CAR-T. ImmuneCyte utilizes a proprietary CAR-TXpress platform, a GMP compliant close-system capable of automated separating and cryopreserving different components from blood. For more information about ImmuneCyte Life Sciences Inc., please visit:

About Cesca Therapeutics Inc.Cesca Therapeutics develops, commercializes and markets a range of automated technologies for CAR-T and other cell-based therapies. Its device division, ThermoGenesis develops, commercializes and markets a full suite of solutions for automated clinical biobanking, point-of-care applications, and automation for immuno-oncology. The Company has developed a semi- automated, functionally closed CAR-TXpress platform to streamline the manufacturing process for the emerging CAR-T immunotherapy market. For more information about Cesca and ThermoGenesis, please visit:

Company Contact:Wendy

Investor Contact:Paula Schwartz, Rx


1. Facts About Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (2018).

2. Updated Analysis of JULIET Trial: Tisagenlecleucel in Relapsed or Refractory DLBCL (2018).

3. Eligibility Criteria for CAR-T Trials and Survival Rates in Chemorefractory DLBCL. Journal of Clinical Pathways (2018).

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SOURCE Cesca Therapeutics Inc.


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Cesca Therapeutics Forms Joint Venture with Healthbanks Biotech (USA) to Provide Immune Cell Banking and Cell Processing Services - BioSpace

Engineered cell-based therapy as a new treatment strategy for type 1 diabetes – Medical News Bulletin

Cell-based therapy for type 1 diabetes is a new treatment strategy that is showing promising results. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that can develop early in life. The disease involves the destruction of pancreatic beta cells by the bodys auto-immune response resulting in insufficient insulin production to regulate blood glucose. If left untreated, this condition can lead to serious long-term effects such as neuropathy, retinopathy, and renal failure. Insulin therapy is the current standard of care treatment of type 1 diabetes. However, insulin therapy cannot fully prevent the long-term complications associated with type 1 diabetes.

Organoids are tiny, three-dimensional tissue cultures that are derived from stem cells. Organoids can be created to replicate the complexity of an organ or they can be crafted to express selected aspects of an organ such as producing only certain types of cells.

Researchers have created organoids that differentiate into insulin-producing pancreatic cells. These modified insulin-producing cells successfully regulated blood glucose levels when implanted in diabetic mice.

The cluster of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin is known as islets. Islet cell transplantation is a powerful tool to treat type 1 diabetes. Many studies have shown how this cell therapy could be effective in the treatment of diabetes if long-term control of glucose levels can be achieved.

Researchers have faced challenges in this treatment strategy due to loss of islet cells after the transplantation. The loss of cells occurs mainly because of inflammation of the transplant site and revascularization of cells that disrupts blood and oxygen supply leading to cell death. Scientists are looking for new strategies that can prevent the loss of islet cells and improve clinical islet transplantation outcomes.

Amniotic epithelial cells are stem cells that have a high proliferative capacity, self-renewal ability, multilineage differentiation, ease of access, and are safe for transplantation. During the last few years, human amniotic epithelial cells have been of great interest to researchers working on regenerative medicine.

In a new study recently published in Nature Communications, researchers from Geneva, Switzerland, engineered viable and functional insulin-producing organoids by combining human amniotic epithelial cells and dissociated islet cells. The researchers tested if inclusion of human amniotic epithelial cells enhanced the engraftment and viability of islet cells and determined if this cell-therapy for type 1 diabetes was successful in mouse models. Various tests such as insulin expression, insulin secretion, and stability under hypoxic conditions were used to test the viability of the organoids.

The organoids composed of human amniotic epithelial cells and islet cells did not experience any islet loss post transplantation. The researchers observed a clear protective effect of amniotic epithelial cells on islet cells in conditions of hypoxia. In addition, the organoids maintained responsiveness to glucose and showed significant protection from cell death.

The researchers found that islet organoids enriched with human amniotic epithelial cells resulted in mass engraftment of insulin producing beta cells thus improving function of these cells. Compared with islet cell organoids not combined with amniotic epithelial cells, the organoids with islet cells and amniotic epithelial cell combination normalized the blood glucose levels in diabetic mice. This suggests that there was adequate blood glucose regulation achieved by these engineered organoids.

These findings show that combining islet cells with human amniotic epithelial cells markedly improves their functionality and viability of islet cells. It also helps in the successful engraftment of islet cells. This cell therapy for type 1 diabetes has the potential to be the next treatment strategy for this condition.

The researchers express the need to further explore the use of these organoids to include more favorable implantation sites and expanding to the use of stem cells that are an unlimited source of insulin.

Written by Preeti Paul, M.Sc.

Reference: Fanny Lebreton et al., Insulin producing organoids engineered from islet and amniotic epithelial cells to treat diabetes. Nature Communications 10, Article number: 4491 (2019)

Image bySteve BuissinnefromPixabay

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Engineered cell-based therapy as a new treatment strategy for type 1 diabetes - Medical News Bulletin

Do transhumanists need their own bill of rights? – Quartz

In todays future-facing era, phenomena once relegated to the world of science fiction are starting to edge their way into reality.

We have scientists growing brains from stem cells in petri dishes; robots are being granted national citizenship; virtual intelligences experience and expressanger.

For the past 50 years, the microprocessorthe chip that processes information in a computerhas doubled in capacity at least everyyear to two years. Experts predict that machine intelligence will be smarter than humans by 2030.

So heres my question: When the machines weve created possesses an intelligence that equals ours, will they deserve our protection?

Will they desire it? Maybe even demand it?

This should be your question, too. Because in a little longer than a decades time, well need answers if want to avert moral and civil rights mishaps.

Futurists and technologists have been working to prepare the world for radical new sapient technologies and intelligences with publications such as the Cyborg Bill of Rights V1.0 which advocates equality for mutants.

Beyond the microprocessor, instrumental in catapulting machine intelligence to new levels through its ever-increasing speed for calculations, weve seen accelerating advances in genetic editing, stem-cell research, and 3D bioprinting, each which will help to create entities that have both consciousness and intelligence. This year 3D bioprinting has come so far that a team of Israeli scientists were able to successfully print part of a human heart.

Netflix released a popular four-part documentary series called Unnatural Selection on the topic.

Scientists are already wading into murky waters when it comes to the rights of these new intelligent organisms that we create. AtYale University brains from deceased pigs are being stimulated in a vat, which has prompted controversy in the animal rights world.

Do the brains of these animals, once dead, now represent live animals? And if so, do they receive the same legal rights that have informed laws that protect animals against harmful animal testing and animal cruelty?

As a result of these emerging ethical issues, were seeing more debates about new terms of futurist-oriented rights.

But the fact remains that there are few, if any, actual rules for most of our new scientific realities.

This is largely what inspired me to come up with theTranshumanist Bill of Rights, which Wiredpublished in full in 2018. The document recently underwent its third rendition via crowdsourcing.

When the machines weve created possesses an intelligence that equals ours, will they deserve our protection?

Like many of the cyborg bills that existthere are about half a dozen significant ones floating around the internetthis bill includes legal protections for thinking robots, gender explanations for virtual intelligences, laws for genetically engineered sapient creatures, defense of freedoms allowing biohackers to modify their bodies, and many other protections. It even includes policies to fight off environmental destruction and planetary existential threats such as asteroids, plagues, nuclear war, and global warming.

In 2015, Iwalked up to the US Capitol building holdinga single-page print out of the document I had written. The machine gun-toting police standing guard just feet away from me threatened arrest, but there was little need; the taped-on page quickly fell off the building, fluttered off the wall in the wind.

I wasnt arrested. The police and journalists surrounding me chuckled at the bungled ceremonial moment.

I recall that I couldnt help but smile myself at the idea of getting a futurist bill of rights to become a fixed part of US governing policy at the time.

But four years later, with machines showing ever increasing sophisticationhumans are even marrying robotsin some parts of the worlda bill of rights is not as wild as it once sounded. We could easily say the same for genetically-modified babies being born, which happened for the first time inChinalast year.

In my work, I meet with people around the world who are interested in answering not if we need a futurist bill of rights, but when we will need it, from Harvard Universitys Kennedy School of Government to theCato Institute to theWorld Economic Forumto European ministries.

If you look through the various cyborg-inspired bills of rights already out there, youll find that a major goal is to include cyborg and transhumanist rights in the UNs 1948Universal Declaration of Human Rights one day.

The ideas of personhood, a right to education, and freedom of speech were once considered unattainable in some countries. Now these basic human rights are common, and at least some of this change is due to the powerful legal influence of the UNs universal bill, often seen as a blueprint for governments and laws around the globe.

Interestingly, one of the challenges of getting a transhumanist bill of rights taken seriously comes from minorities groups, when its perceived that futurist rights will undermine movements of historically marginalized peoples. While plenty of transhumanists are members of the LGBTQ community, the community has been reluctant to wander intofuturist LGBTQissues, such as nongender roleplaying as different species in virtual environments.

LGBTQ friends of minewhile often sympathetic to transhumanist goalshave told me that they believe that after their historic quest for rights in America especially, they still need to focus on progress for their own movement and its goals. They perceive a futurist bill of rights as a distraction.

I respect and agree with this. Minorities in the US and around the world face social discrimination and violations of rights that warrant our attention. But it wont slow down the trajectory of radical technologies, which is spurring a growing futurist community to call for its own set of rights, rules, and protections.

I understand that at times it seems preposterous to believe the world will need to consider whether super intelligentrobots can vote, or whether human heads can betransplantedto waiting tech-engineered bodies, or if four years of college education canbe downloadedinto human brains.

But these realities are likely to occur long before the century is out.

If society doesnt accept that new sapient lifeformswhether its an autonomous digital avatar living in a supercomputer, or a biological creature with human-level intelligence that genetic editing createdalso need rights, or that new forms of engineered conscious intelligences will walk among humans on Earth as a result of scientific progress, society will undergo another wave of civil strife as we scramble to play catch-up to whats fair and moral.

At the very least, societies and governments need more comprehensive plans to formally deal with these new realities. That begins with a Congressional dialogue and forming preliminary legal documents outlining potential rights for the evolving future.

Ultimately, it comes down to how humans believe new intelligent life deserves to be treated.

See the original post here:
Do transhumanists need their own bill of rights? - Quartz

Global Wound Care Market Outlook to 2024: New Product Approvals/Launches, Emergence of Stem Cell Therapy For Wound Healing – P&T Community

DUBLIN, Oct. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Wound Care Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2019-2024" report has been added to's offering.

The global wound care market is growing at a CAGR of over 5% during the forecast period 2018-2024.

The adoption of wound care biologics is augmenting the growth of the global wound care market. The commercial availability of a wide array of wound biologics is likely to encourage many end-users to use them in treating wounds as they are clinically proven, safe, and effective than other products.

The growing incidence of infections caused in lesions is another factor accelerating the growth of anti-microbial dressings market segment. Anti-microbial agents such as chlorhexidine, maggots, silver, iodine, and honey are increasingly becoming important in the global wound care market. Therefore, the incorporation of anti-microbial agents in wound dressing products is improving clinical outcomes for the treatment of wounds, thereby driving the global wound care market.

This research report includes detailed market segmentation by products, wound type, end-users, and geography. The increase in the geriatric population is a major contributing factor for the growth of the advanced wound care segment as the prevalence of diabetes and other diseases is more common in the elderly age group than youth.

The advanced segment is also growing as the majority of market players are offering innovative products to meet the demand for wound care worldwide. The rising incidence of diabetes and associated diabetic foot ulcers in the elderly population globally is fueling steady growth for traditional products.

The market is also growing steadily as products such as gauze bandages and adhesive bandages witness sustainable demand for small cuts, bruises as well as for chronic wounds and burns, especially in developing countries. Developing regions such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America are the largest contributors to the traditional products.

The acute wound market is growing mainly due to the rise in surgical site infections (SSI) and the increase in the number of burn cases worldwide. Chronic wounds do not heal through the normal healing process. The segment is growing due to the growing burden of diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, and some surgical site infections that do not heal naturally or with medicines.

The shift from traditional lower technology wound care treatments to the adoption of advanced treatments is a major factor for the high share of the hospitals and specialty wound clinic segment. Long-term care facilities segment is growing at a steady pace because of the growing incidence of chronic wounds due to the increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes. The growing elderly population is contributing to the growth of the segment as they are more prone to chronic diseases.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Research Methodology

2 Research Objectives

3 Research Process

4 Scope & Coverage4.1 Market Definition4.2 Base Year4.3 Scope of the study4.4 Market Segments

5 Report Assumptions & Caveats5.1 Key Caveats5.2 Currency Conversion5.3 Market Derivation

6 Market at a Glance

7 Introduction7.1 Wound Care: An Overview7.1.1 Background7.1.2 Wound Care for Acute & Chronic Wounds7.1.3 Wound Care: Market Snapshot

8 Market Dynamics8.1 Market Growth Enablers8.1.1 Increasing Prevalence of Acute & Chronic Wounds8.1.2 New Product Approvals/Launches8.1.3 Increasing Number of Surgical Procedures8.2 Market Growth Restraints8.2.1 High Cost of Advanced Wound Care Products & Devices8.2.2 Limitations & Complications with Wound Care Products & Devices8.2.3 Intense Competition & Pricing Pressure8.2.4 Shortage of Resources for Wound Care Treatments8.3 Market Opportunities & Trends8.3.1 Focus on Development & Commercialization of Wound Biologics8.3.2 High Demand for Anti-microbial Wound Dressing Products8.3.3 Growing Popularity of Natural Surgical Sealants8.3.4 Emergence of Stem Cell Therapy For Wound Healing

9 Global Wound Care Market9.1 Market Overview9.2 Market Size & Forecast9.3 Five Forces Analysis

10 By Product Type10.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine10.2 Market Overview

11 Advanced Wound Care Products11.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine11.2 Market Overview11.3 Advanced Wound Care Segmentation by Product Type11.4 Advanced Wound Dressings11.5 Wound Therapy Devices11.6 Wound Care Biologics

12 Traditional Wound Care Products12.1 Market Overview12.2 Market Size & Forecast

13 Sutures & Stapling Devices13.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine13.2 Market Overview13.3 Market Size & Forecast13.4 Segmentation by Product Type13.5 Sutures13.6 Stapling Devices

14 Hemostats & Surgical Sealants14.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine14.2 Market Overview14.3 Market Size & Forecast14.4 Segmentation by Product Type14.5 Hemostats14.6 Surgical Sealants

15 By Wound Type15.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine15.2 Market Overview15.3 Acute Wounds15.4 Chronic Wounds

16 By End Users16.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine16.2 Market Overview16.3 Hospitals & Specialty Wound Care Clinics16.4 Long-term Care Facilities16.5 Home Healthcare16.6 Others

17 By Geography17.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine17.2 Market Overview

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Global Wound Care Market Outlook to 2024: New Product Approvals/Launches, Emergence of Stem Cell Therapy For Wound Healing - P&T Community

New study reveals why breast cancer spreads to the brain – USC News

Most cancers kill because tumor cells spread beyond the primary site to invade other organs. Now, a USC study of brain-invading breast cancer cells circulating in the blood reveals they have a molecular signature indicating specific organ preferences.

The findings, which appear in Cancer Discovery, help explain how tumor cells in the blood target a particular organ and may enable the development of treatments to prevent the spread of cancers, known as metastasis.

In this study, Min Yu, assistant professor of stem cell and regenerative medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, isolated breast cancer cells from the blood of breast cancer patients with metastatic tumors. Using a technique she developed previously, she expanded or grew the cells in the lab, creating a supply of material to work with.

Analyzing the tumor cells in animal models, Yus lab identified regulator genes and proteins within the cells that apparently directed the cancers spread to the brain. To test this concept, human tumor cells were injected into the bloodstream of animal models. As predicted, the cells migrated to the brain. Additional analysis of cells from one patients tumor predicted that the cells would later spread to the patients brain and they did.

Yu also discovered that a protein on the surface of brain-targeting tumor cells helps them to breach the blood-brain barrier and lodge in brain tissue, while another protein inside the cells shield them from the brains immune response, enabling them to grow there.

We can imagine someday using the information carried by circulating tumor cells to improve the detection, monitoring and treatment of the spreading cancers, Yu said. A future therapeutic goal is to develop drugs that get rid of circulating tumor cells or target those molecular signatures to prevent the spread of cancer.

Yu is a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC, and her laboratory is located in the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center.

In addition to Yu, other authors of the study are Remi Klotz, Amal Thomas, Teng Teng, Sung Min Han, Oihana Iriondo, Lin Li, Alan Wang, Negeen Izadian, Matthew MacKay, Byoung-San Moon, Kevin J. Liu, Sathish Kumar Ganesan, Grace Lee, Diane S. Kang, Michael F. Press, Wange Lu, Janice Lu, Bodour Salhia and Frank Attenello, all of the Keck School of Medicine; Sara Restrepo-Vassalli, James Hicks and Andrew D. Smith of USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences; and Charlotte S. Walmsley, Christopher Pinto, Dejan Juric and Aditya Bardia of Massachusetts General Hospital.

The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (DP2 CA206653) the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation, the Stop Cancer Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Alexander & Margaret Stewart Trust, the SC CTSI pilot grant (UL1TR001855 and UL1TR000130), a California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) postdoctoral fellowship and a CIRM Bridges award (EDUC2-08381), and the National Cancer Institute (P30CA014089).

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New study reveals why breast cancer spreads to the brain - USC News

Meet the axolotl: A cannibalistic salamander that regenerates its limbs and might help us better understand human stem cell therapy -…

Imagine youre a smiley-faced, feathery-gilled Mexican salamander called an axolotl. Youve just been born, along with hundreds of brothers and sisters. But salamanders like you live in the wild only in one lake near Mexico City, and that habitat isnt big enough for all of you. Theres not enough food. Only the strongest can survive. What do you do?

If youre an axolotl, you have two choiceseat your siblings arms, or have your arms eaten.

But even if you are the unfortunate victim of this sibling violence, not all hope is lost. In a few months, youll grow a whole new armbones, muscle, skin, nerves and all.

Its pretty gruesome, but cannibalism is a possible reason why they grow their arms back, says associate biology professor James Monaghan. His lab studies regeneration in axolotls, a peculiar species that can grow back limbs and other organs to various degrees.

When an injury occurs, some cues are released in that animal that tells cells near the injury to go from a resting state into a regenerative state, Monaghan says.

His lab is trying to figure out what those cues are, and how we might induce that response in humans, who have very limited regenerative abilities.

Humans are notoriously bad at regenerating, Monaghan says. After were done growing, the genes that tell our cells to grow new organs are turned off.

Thats a good thing because otherwise itd be chaos, he says. No one wants to spontaneously grow an extra finger.

Axolotls can turn back on those genes that we turn off permanently, Monaghan says.

Understanding the specific mechanisms that induce regenerative responses in axolotls is no small task since axolotls have the largest genome ever sequenced.

So far, the lab has identified one molecule, neuregulin-1, which is essential for regeneration of limbs, lungs, and possibly hearts.

When we removed it, regeneration stopped. And when we added it back in, it induced the regenerative response, Monaghan says. Im not saying its a golden bullet for inducing regeneration in humans, too, but it could be part of the puzzle.

A lot of researchers study limb regeneration in axolotls. But Monaghans lab is interested in extending this research to other organs, as well.

When you think of the human condition, most of our issues with disease are with internal organs, Monaghan says.

Take retina regeneration, for example. Monaghan says we can either learn the process axolotls undergo that allows their specialized cells to return back to developmental cells, and then mimic that process in human eyes. Or, we can learn which elements of the axolotl enable their cells to behave this way, and then add those elements to human stem cell therapy.

To test the latter, Monaghan has teamed up with a Northeastern associate professor of chemical engineering, Rebecca Carrier, and her lab to figure out the best way to transplant mammalian retinal cells using molecules found in the axolotl.

In the experiment, Monaghan and Carrier used pig eyes, which are similar to human eyes. When they transplanted stem cells from the retina of one pig into the retina of another, 99 percent of the transplanted cells died. Somethings missing, Monaghan says. The cells dont have the right cues.

But when Carrier and Monaghan injected those same pig stem cells into the axolotl eye, fewer cells died. They were much happier, Monaghan says. Theres something in the axolotl retina that the mammalian cells like.

One reason axolotls are so good at receiving transplants is because, unlike humans, they dont have a learned immune system, meaning they cant distinguish between themselves and foreign entities.

Its really easy to do grafts between animals because the axolotls cant tell that the new tissue isnt theirs, he says. They dont reject it like we might.

An obvious example of this can be seen in axolotls that are genetically modified with a green fluorescent protein found in jellyfish. These naturally white axolotls glow neon green in certain lighting.

With this we can ask really basic questions, like do cells change their fate when they participate in regeneration? Monaghan says.

For example, if Monaghan grafts muscle tissue from a green fluorescent animal onto a white axolotl and then that axolotl regenerates, does the axolotl grow green muscle? Do its bones glow green, too? What about its skin?

Researchers have found, however, that cells dont actually change. Green muscle yields green muscle only.

The axolotl isnt the only animal that can regrow organs. Starfish, worms, frogs, and other species of salamanders can also regenerate. But axolotls are special because, unlike other animals, they can regrow organs that are just as robust as the originals, no matter how old they get.

For example, tadpoles can regenerate limbs. But once they undergo metamorphosis and become frogs, they can only regrow a spike, Monaghan says. They lose the ability to grow back their digits.

The axolotls ability to fully regrow organs, even as it ages, could be partially due to its perpetual juvenile state. Axolotls, unlike most other amphibians, dont undergo metamorphosis naturally, which means they never technically reach adulthood, even though they can reproduce. This condition is called neoteny.

Axolotls come from a species that used to walk on land, Monaghan says. They do have legs, after all. But some mutation occurred that keeps them in the lake and from reaching adulthood.

To test whether their neotenic state is responsible for their ability to regenerate, Monaghan took a group of axolotl siblings and induced metamorphosis in one half by exposing them to thyroid hormones, a chemical that flips on the maturity switch in these amphibians. The other half was kept in the juvenile state.

In the experiment, the juveniles regenerated normally, but all of their adult siblings regenerated slower than usual, and had deformities in their regrown limbs.

There is some association with neoteny and the ability to regenerate, Monaghan says. But its not the main factor.

That main factor is yet to be discovered. But even though some of this might sound like science fiction, you already made an arm once, Monaghan says. If we could just learn how to turn back on those programs, our bodies might do the rest of the work.

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Meet the axolotl: A cannibalistic salamander that regenerates its limbs and might help us better understand human stem cell therapy -...

More awareness needed on stem cell donation: expert – The Hindu

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), popularly known as bone marrow transplantation (BMT), is a curative modality for a number of benign and malignant blood disorders, said Dr. Murali Krishna Voonna, surgical oncologist and managing director of Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital and Research Institute.

Speaking at an awareness programme on stem cell donation organised here by the hospital, in association with Datri Blood Stem Cell Donor Registry, he said hematopoietic stem cells are immature cells that can develop into all types of blood cellswhite blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. They are found in the peripheral blood and bone marrow.

A sizeable population are diagnosed to have benign diseases such as thalassemia major, sickle cell anaemia and aplastic anaemia, and the HSCT is among the efficient curative measures. Acute leukaemia and other blood cancers also need this procedure, he said.

Highlighting that stem cell donation and a registry are vital, Dr. Muralikrishna explained for a successful hematopoietic stem cell transplant, the patients genetic typing (HLA typing) needs a close match with that of the donor. Every patient has 25% chance of finding a match within the family, he said.

Dr. Muralikrishna stated that in such cases, finding a donor is a pressing need. There are over 80 donor registries and more than 30 million registered donors across the globe, with a very few Indians being a part of it. This reduces the chances of finding a possible match for patients of Indian origin. Patients are more likely to find a possible match within their ethnicity, which means people sharing the same cultural linguistic and biological traits, he explained.

The problem can be solved if the donors enroll themselves with a registry which will store the stem cell details and the details. Pledging to donate stem cells is easy like swabbing the inner-cheek. The donors are contacted if patients have HLA matching, he said, adding that the stem cell donation was carried out only when a match was found for a patient, not when one pledge to donate.

A blood stem cell collection centre was inaugurated at the hospitals premises on the occasion. Earlier, to avail of such service and for HLA-typing, one has travel to Hyderabad and Chennai, Dr. Muralikrishna said.

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More awareness needed on stem cell donation: expert - The Hindu

Lucknow: In a first, 26-yr-old DMD patient in UP survives with stem cell therapy –

Lucknow: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a deadly genetic disorder, 99.9 per cent people suffering from which, die between the age of 13 to 23 years. However, in a first, a 26-year-old patient from Lucknow has survived DMD by regularly taking stem cells for the last five years.

Children, suffering from DMD, usually die of cardio-respiratory failure. But with the stem cell therapy, this patient has not lost muscle power in last five years and heart and lung muscles and the upper half of the body are working well.

Dr. B.S Rajput, the surgeon who is treating this patient, said, "DMD is a type of muscular dystrophy and being a genetic disorder, it is very difficult to treat. Autologous (from your own body) bone marrow cell transplant or stem cell therapy in such cases was started in Mumbai about 10 years back.

Dr Rajput, who was recently appointed as visiting professor at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, said he has treated several hundred DMD patients and recently this combination protocol was published in the international Journal of Embryology and stem cell research.

According to Dr Rajput, this disease is endemic in eastern UP, especially Azamgarh, Jaunpur, Ballia and some of the adjoining districts of Bihar, and one out of every 3,500 male child, suffers from the disease.

Yet the disease is not given as much attention as it should be.

Dr Rajput, who is consultant bone cancer and stem cell transplant surgeon from Mumbai, said though patients in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar get financial support from the Chief Minister's Relief Funds, the treatment of autologous bone marrow cell transplant is not included in the package list of Ayushman Bharat scheme, which deprives many from getting the treatment.

The doctor further informed that efforts are being made to establish the department of regenerative medicine in the medical college, where bone marrow cell transplant and stem cell therapy would be done even for other intractable problems like spinal cord injury, arthritis knee and motor neurone disease.

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Lucknow: In a first, 26-yr-old DMD patient in UP survives with stem cell therapy -

Registration Open for The Eye and The Chip Research Congress – Newswise


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Newswise DETROIT Registration is now open for the 11th The Eye and The Chip research congress, which will take place Nov. 10-12, 2019 at The Henry Hotel in Dearborn, Michigan. This years research congress will focus on the relationship between neurobiology and nanoelectronics with respect to artificial vision. The ultimate goal of the research congress is to advance progress toward artificial vision for many people who suffer from blindness.

Results from this research congress will help move us towards the day when many people who are currently blind will be able to recover some level of useful vision, said Phillip Hessburg, M.D., Medical Director of the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology, the research arm of Henry Ford Health Systems Department of Ophthalmology. At this collaborative event, the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology brings together more than 30 authorities from various vision science and technology fields.

The Eye and the Chip is dedicated to fostering collaborative relationships between major programs in Europe, America, Asia and Australia that are working to make advances and identify challenges remaining in the global pursuit of true artificial vision. The research congress also seeks to present outcomes of device implantation where it is occurring and identify progress toward FDA approval of various visual neuro-prosthetic devices implantated in humans.

At the end of this three-day research congress, attendees will:

Presenters from around the world will take the stage at this years research congress. For an up-to-date and complete list of presenters and topics, and access to the full congress agenda, please visit the confirmed speakers website. 21.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) (TM) are available, as are 21.50 Non-Physician Credit Hours.

For more information, go to or contact program coordinator Roseanne Horne at 313-936-1968 or

About Henry Ford Health System and the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology:

Henry Ford Health System is a six-hospital system headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. It is one of the nations leading comprehensive, integrated health systems, recognized for clinical excellence and innovation. Henry Ford provides both health insurance and health care delivery, including acute, specialty, primary and preventive care services backed by excellence in research and education. Henry Ford Health System is led by President & CEO Wright Lassiter III. Visit to learn more.

The Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology (DIO) is the research arm of the Henry Ford Department of Ophthalmology, committed to the education and support of the visually impaired, helping them maintain dignity and independence, while learning to how to live productively in a sighted world. The DIO is also a world leader in facilitating collaborative research, sponsoring two international research congresses. Visit to learn more.

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Registration Open for The Eye and The Chip Research Congress - Newswise

‘I’ve potentially saved a stranger’s life by donating my blood stem cells and it was painless’ – inews

NewsReal LifeLydia Burgess-Gamble has helped a sick woman in her twenties after they were genetically matched

Tuesday, 22nd October 2019, 10:38 am

Lydia Burgess-Gamble felt a lump in her throat when she got the letter saying her stem cells were a match for someone sick.

The 42-year-old had signed up to the register to be a donor almost three years earlier and hadn't given it much thought since.

Ahead of her 40th birthday, she'd wanted to do something altrusistic. Now she had the chance to potentially save someone's life who was battling a blood cancer or blood disorder.

Donating stem cells today is almost as easy as giving blood. "It was a straightforward and painless process and being able to relax and read a book for a few hours was a luxury," she said.

Patients face difficult odds

Every 20 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer, such as leukaemia, myeloma or lymphoma. That's more than 30,000 people a year. Worldwide, it's one every 30 seconds.

Patients suffering with these types of cancers can have their bone marrow damaged by the cancer itself, or from chemotherapy and radiation treatments. A stem cell transplant lets the new stem cells take over from the damaged marrow so the body can produce healthy, cancer-free blood cells.

Even though there are over 27 million people on the worldwide register, this isnt enough, according to charity DKMS. At any one time there are around 2,000 people in the UK in need of a transplant.

Matching donors and patients isnt easy because it's determined by tissue type, not blood group. There are thousands of different human leukocyte antigen (HLA) characteristics, in millions of combinations. Doctors look to relatives for a match but two out of three of those in need are unable to find one, and so must rely on the generosity of strangers.

Most donations are day cases at hospital

Lydia, an environmental research scientist from Brighton, became aware of the process involved through a Facebook post. "A friend shared an appeal for a loved one who needed a donor," she said. "I remember watching a documentary about donating bone marrow in the 90s and I hadn't realised it mainly doesn't involve an invasive procedure until I read this post."

The donation usually involves a nonsurgical procedure called peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donation for around 90 per cent of all cases, which is the method Lydia used.

With this method, blood is taken from one of the donors arms and a machine extracts the blood stem cells from it. The donors blood is then returned to their body through their other arm. It is an outpatient procedure that usually takes four to six hours.

'I had no side effects, other than I felt a little more tired than usual the next day'

Lydia Burgess-Gamble

This procedure doesn't "deplete" a donor's supply of stem cells, as a donor's stem cells will completely replenish themselves within two to four weeks afterwards.

"I had no side effects, other than I felt a little more tired than usual the next day but within 24 hours I was completely back to normal," said Lydia.

"All I know about my recipient is that it's a woman in her twenties who lives in Turkey. I'd love to make contact one day. I'm not expecting anything but I'm hoping she gets well and we may be able to meet."

The other 10 per cent of donations are made through bone marrow, where donors give cells from the bone marrow in their pelvis. This is under general anaesthetic so that no pain is experienced. The collection itself takes one to two hours and most donors return to their regular activities within a week. Two weeks after donation, your bone marrow will have recovered fully, and the hip bone will have fully healed within six weeks.

Donating: the process

To become a potential blood stem cell donor first check your eligibility on the DKMS website and request a swab kit for your cheek.

Complete the swabs posted to you at home and send them back. Then yourtissue type will be analysed and your details will be added to the UK stem cell registry. Your details can be searched for a genetic match for people all over the world who need a second chance at life.

The odds are you may never be called upon, but if you are, you will have a blood test at your local GP or hospital and will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire and consent form. If you're deemed fit and healthy enough, you'll have a further medical assessment and consultation at a specialist collection centre (where you will later donate your blood stem cells).

It's important to read about the methods used to collect blood stem cells PBSC and bone marrow donation because if youre on the register, you should be willing to donate in either way. The method will be determined by what the doctors believe will be best for the patient. However, you will of course always have the final decision on whether you are happy to proceed.

When a donor is matched with a patient, DKMS will cover the costs (including any travel, meals, or accommodation expenses that may be necessary and lost wages if you are not covered by your employer).

Your blood stem cells will never be stored, they last for around 72 hours and are delivered straight to the person in need by a special courier.

You will be allowed to meet the patient, if they consent, eventually UK guidelines state this can happen two years after the donation (and tules vary by country).Contact through anonymous letters can be established before this time via DKMS.

You will stay on the register until your 61st birthday.

See the rest here:
'I've potentially saved a stranger's life by donating my blood stem cells and it was painless' - inews