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Stem Cell Medicine | Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Stem Cell Medicine is the Murdoch Children's Research Institute's (MCRI)world-class research program in stem cells.We havea vision to prepare Australia for the transition from fundamental stem cell research in the lab towardtranslation outcomes using stem cells, with the delivery of human stem cell-based products and clinical practices.

Our research includes stem cell-based disease modelling and drug screening and the development of stem cell therapies and bioengineered tissues (explained in detail below). Embedded in the Royal Children's Hospital, and located in Melbourne's biomedical precinct, MCRI Stem Cell Medicine ensures that we workclosely and collaboratively with key experts in the field, including clinicians, biomedical scientists, engineers, ethicists, as well asthe local and international biotech sector. We also engage closely with key stem cell research networks and bodies including Stem Cells Australia, the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research, the National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia, and look forward to participating in the International Society for Stem Cell Research annual meeting scheduled in Melbourne 2018.

By consolidating our research talent, fostering collaboration, strategically investing resources, and expanding our infrastructureplatforms, MCRI is now one of the worlds leading institutes in pluripotent stem cell research.

A stem cell is a cell that can generate more stem cells but can also form other specialised types of cells.

The early embryo is formed from embryonic stem cells. These stem cells are pluripotent, which means they are able to divide and program themselves into any other type of cell. Pluripotent cells are no longer present after birth, and while some specialised adult stem cells remain throughout the body in places like the skin, liver, blood and intestine, most adult cells are fully differentiated.

In the lab, we reprogram these adult cell types back into pluripotent stem cells and then differentiate them again into the type of cell we wish to study. These are called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

At MCRI, we turn iPSCs into different types of committed cells that the human body is unable to regenerate itself, such as the cells of the kidney and heart. Our researchers are world leaders in both generating iPSCs and generating specific cell types from them.

Using Stem Cell Medicine to Transform Clinical Care and Patient Outcomes

Our vision is to be an Australian and international leader in navigating the transition forthe use of human iPSCs from the lab towardclinical use and practice.The use of iPSCs enables cutting-edgeopportunities to conductpatient-specific disease modelling, personalised drug screening, cell therapy and bioengineered organs built from stem cells.

Our location within the Royal Childrens Hospital and our participation in theMelbourne ChildrensCampusmakes us ideally placed to discover and deliver stem cell medical breakthroughs.

Stem Cell Medicine Expertise

MCRI Stem Cell Medicinehas established a Stem Cell Derivation Facility for generating patient stem cells, and has pioneered protocols for turning these stem cells into heart, blood, cartilage, pancreas, nerves and kidney cells. In early 2017 we also introduced a Gene Editing Facility, currently servicing internally only.

We also have expertise in gene editing, which allows us to correct or create specific gene changes in normal or patient stem cells. Our Translational Genomics Unit is being used to examine tissues made from patient stem cells to monitor the effect of the gene changes on every other gene. This information can be used to validate the link between novel gene changes and disease, and find potential pathways to target with drugs.

Our expertise lies in the generation of stem cells from patients and the differentiation of those stem cells into different specialised tissues. This provides the potential for both patient-based disease modelling and the development of treatments for:

It is now possible to take any cell from a patient and turn this back into a stem cell, which we then have the ability to transform into any other cell type in our labs. This means we can make a stem cell from a patient with a disease and study any gene changes that may have caused the disease. This stem cell can then be differentiated into the cell type that is damaged, such as a nerve, kidney or muscle cell for a 'disease in a dish' approach.

In this way, we can study whether a gene is at fault, and then understand why this change is affecting cell function. Put simply, we make a tissue from the patient to understand their disease.

This provides the possibility of testing new drugs or new therapies to specifically treat that patient.

Human tissue formed using stem cells provides a new approach for the pharmaceutical industry to test drugs before clinical trial, providing an early opportunity to identify drug toxicity and a platform for testing drug efficacy.

Such drug screening has the potential to reduce the use of animals in drug development and enable substantial cost savings in the pharmaceutical industry. Using patient-derived stem cells, it may also be possible to develop personalised treatments by testing these on patient stem cell-derived tissues.

By improving our methods for turning a human stem cell into the many types of tissues present in the body, it will eventually be possible to deliver cells back into patients to treat disease.

Around the world, the first clinical trials using stem cell-derived tissues are being performed to treat blindness, neurological disease and diabetes.

Together with new approaches for making the right cell type, MCRI Stem Cell Medicine is ideally located within a hospital precinct, allowing research into how to deliver the right cells into the right patients and access to the Melbourne Childrens Trial Centre to test safety and patient outcome.

Our research will focus on the treatment of childhood cancer, blood disorders, heart disease and kidney disease.

In some cases, delivering a cell may not be enough. MCRI Stem Cell Medicine also conducts research into approaches for the bioengineering of replacement organs using human cell types generated from stem cells.

The hope is that this will ultimately provide treatments for many conditions, including heart disease, bone disease and kidney disease.

Delivering a cell or bioengineered organ into a patient will face the same challenges seen in conventional organ donation.

Without a good DNA match, the patient will reject their stem cell treatment. To address this, we aim to generate a bank of human stem cells matched to the genetically diverse Australian population. These stem cells, generated from banked cord blood, can be turned into the required cell type for treatment ensuring a good match for the patient being treated.

As the home of the Bone Marrow Donor Institute (BMDI) Cord Blood Bank, MCRI is ideally positioned to establish the first bank of human stem cells (known as a Haplobank) matched for the Australian population.

Tailored to the ethnic diversity present in Australia, we will generate human stem cell lines designed to provide a transplantation match for more than 95 per cent of the Australian population.

Stem cell research has attracted considerable public interest and ethical debate. We engage actively with the public to discuss this new area of research, listening to the feedback from the community on any potential concerns and ensuring there is accurate information available for those seeking advice.

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Stem Cell Medicine | Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Adult Stem Cells Show Anti-Aging Potential –

April 1, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 7)

Gail Dutton

Longeveron-Grown Stem Cells Advance on Aging Frailty and Related Disabilities

The stem cell industry took some nasty blows in the early 2000s, when the morality of using embryonic stem cells was questioned and all but a few lines of those cells were excluded from federal research grants. Stem cell experts left the United States for laboratories in Singapore and elsewhere.

In the void that remained, determined stem cell researchers found a way forward: adult stem cells. These cells are found throughout the bodyin bone marrow, hair follicles, and other tissuesand they are multipotent, which means they retain the ability to differentiate into some or all of the specialized cell types of the tissue or organ in which they are embedded. Although adult stem cells lack the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells, they can be reprogrammed to become cells of a specific cell type or induced pluripotent stem cells.

The reprogramming technology developed by stem cell researchers is beginning to bear fruit. Although it is not the low-hanging fruit envisaged at the dawn of stem cell science, it is worth the reach. Applications are being developed for basic research, drug testing, and cell-based therapeutics. This last application area, which promises to generate replacement cells and tissues, may be the most important. It is being explored by several companies that hope to manufacture adult stem cells and thereby reinvigorate regenerative medicine. One of companies is Longeveron. By producing allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCS) from adult human bone marrow MSCs, Longeveron intends to ameliorate diseases and disabilities associated with aging.

Frailty and Diseases of Aging

Im a cardiologist, but Ive long been interested in medical diseases of aging, begins Joshua M. Hare, M.D., co-founder and CSO, Longeveron. Heart disease primarily affects older people, and age is a huge risk factor.

Frailty associated with aging is an underappreciated problem, he continues, adding that it affects approximately 12% of all people age 65 or older. Besides becoming familiar with the statistics of aging frailty, Dr. Hare saw it in his practice.

Dr. Hare has been thinking about the causes of frailty among otherwise healthy people for at least 20 years. Frailty affects so many people of advanced age, yet almost nothing is being done for this group, he notes. It represents a huge challenge.

Aging, he explains, affects all of our organs. Older hearts dont work as well as younger hearts, all other things being equal. Therefore, we hypothesized that the decline in function was related to the depletion of normal adult stem cells in the body. Then we found a way to replete them. For us, it was a Eureka! moment.

A Biotech Founded to Bring MSCs to Market

Dr. Hare says that he co-founded Longeveron in 2014 for the express purpose of bringing the benefits of MSC technology to a broad population. Universities arent set up to take a new therapeutic through the regulatory steps to bring a drug to market, he points out. Rather than hope a biotech company would be interested in acquiring the research, he took matters into his own hands.

Now Longeveron manufactures MSCs in a proprietary process that the company exclusively licensed from the University of Miami. The cells are introduced into the body intravenously.

The decision to form a company was based on clinical trial results, he says. He and his team had recently conducted and published the results of a 45-patient allogeneiC human mesenchymal stem cells in patients with aging fRAilTy via intravenoUS delivery (CRATUS) study. Not only were the patients showing positive responses, they were doing very, very well, Dr. Hare recalls. This was exciting because there were no successful medical therapies whatsoever for this condition. Those trial results were validated by favorable responses from the geriatric medicine community.

One very public sign of approval came in the form of an editorial in the October 2017 issue of The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. The editorials authors called MSC translation a promising and innovative approach for the treatment of frailty in older humans.

The same issue of the journal also published an article summarizing the results of a small, 30-person study. According to this article, treated patients showed remarkable improvements in physical performance measures and inflammatory biomarkers, both of which characterize frailty syndrome. It concluded that larger trials were warranted.

A Check on Inflammation

The use of MSCs to treat aging is a new and exciting component of biotech, Dr. Hare points out. The theory holds that transplanted MSCs can reduce the chronic inflammation associated with aging and aging-related disease, and thereby improve functional capacity and quality of life. At another level, MSCs have the potential to ameliorate diseases and conditions of aging and, perhaps, even increase longevity.

Despite this potential, Dr. Hare cautions against unrealistic expectations: There are quite a few startups, but few major companies are far along in terms of developing or commercializing this type of therapeutic.

Slightly more than three years old, Longeveron has one therapeutic in Phase IIb clinical trials. Additional trials are open. Some are focused on aging frailty; others are evaluating the cells as a way to treat Alzheimers disease.

Longeveron recently indicated that it had completed enrollment for the second cohort of a Phase I/II trial to test the safety and efficacy of a mesenchymal stem cell therapy for improving influenza vaccine response in patients with aging frailty. The company expects data in 2018.

The Competitive Landscape

Designed from MSCs extracted from bone marrow, the therapeutic product is allogenic. It can be made in large quantities and will be available off-the-shelf. Currently, says Dr. Hare, there are no MSCs on the United States market, although one MSC therapy has been approved. Also, two or three companies are pressing ahead with the development of MSC therapies.

According to Dr. Hare, Longeverons MSCs are unique in two respects: the way they are produced, and the way they are characterized. The specifics of manufacturing and the cells characterization features, however, are confidential. They are trade secrets, Dr. Hare insists.

In a recent interview, Dr. Hare was not only reticent about Longeverons technology, he was also vague about the specific challenges the company has weatheredbut not because all these challenges are particulalry sensitive. He was hurrying to help a patient. He did mention, however, challenges pertaining to the specific (and confidential) methods used to turn a cell into a drug, and the FDA guidances for those methods. The next step for the young company, he said, is to begin negotiations with the FDA to design Phase III trials.

In January, Longeveron won a research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop therapeutics to combat metabolic syndrome. The $1.15 million grant is part of the NIH Fast Track program for small businesses. Earlier, the company received clinical trials funding from Alzheimers Association and Marylands Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO).

Dr. Hare attributes Longeverons success to date to a capable team. Dr. Hare himself is founding director of the University of Miamis Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute (ISCI). The scientific advisory board includes thought leaders in geriatrics and cardiology from leading institutions in the United States and Japan. Management team members have histories in academia and corporate operations. None, however, has taken a drug to market.

In the end, a lack of commercialization experience may not matter. Longeveron, recognizing its strengths, plans to partner for that phase of its journey.

A Booming Market

If future trials are as successful as Dr. Hare hopes, Longeverons new therapy will be firmly on the path to commercialization. Given the global population of aging baby boomers, he envisions a broad market for the therapy.

People came to us in droves for the clinical trials, Dr. Hare reports. Having the signs and symptoms of frailty troubles people. They have a palpable sense of becoming disabled simply because they are aging. They want to improve their quality of life.

Regenerative therapies already are gaining regulatory approval for many indications. And, while aging has been largely ignored, it is unlikely to be ignored much longer.

If Longeverons approach is eventually commercialized, in the not-too-distant future, any geriatrician or general practice physician should be able to administer Longeverons MSCs to roll back frailty and possibly reduce other deficits in functional capacity related to aging, such as Alzheimers disease and metabolic syndrome.


Location: Life Science & Technology Park' 1951 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 520, Miami, FL 33136

Phone: (305) 909-0840

Principal: Joshua M. Hare, M.D., Co-Founder and CSO

Number of Employees: 18

Focus: Longeveron, a clinical stage company, produces mesenchymal stem cells to alleviate frailty and other conditions associated with aging.

Originally posted here:
Adult Stem Cells Show Anti-Aging Potential -

Home – Seattle Stem Cell Center

Dr. Tami is a certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine, and Integrative & Natural Medicine. She is the type of doctor that other doctors go to. Her unique combination of experience and expertise allows her to not only make her patients look great on the outside, but she is also uniquely qualified to treat patients using the newest and most cutting edge medical and nutritional therapies to heal and retard the effects of hard living, illness and age.

Many physicians treat symptoms, Dr. Tami discovers and treats root causes. What that mean for you is a real diagnosis and a program personally tailored for you by one of the top doctors in the country. Despite her high level of training and accolades her approach is holistic and cutting edge. She is committed to increasing the quality of life for all of her patients. She cares about each of her patients and treats them like family.

Additionally, Dr. Tami is on the faculty of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, and lectures around the world on Aesthetics and Bio-identical hormones for men and women as well as the benefits of stem cell therapy. She is featured as the Health and Beauty Expert for King 5 Health Link regularly, has been the health expert for articles for Shape magazine and has hosted two radio shows about Aesthetic Medicine and cutting edge natural medicine and a best selling author.

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Home - Seattle Stem Cell Center

Stem Cell Therapy Doctors Scottsdale & Phoenix – Stem Cell …

Human stem cells are in your body to generate new and replacement cells, originating and repairing bone, muscle, cartilage, spinal discs and other specialized cells.

Our stem cell therapy doctors have used stem cell treatments to successfully to treat joint injuries and age-related joint degeneration, including osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Medical researchers have known for years that stem-cell therapy treatments have the potential to change the face of human aging and alleviate suffering. The capacity for stem cells to self-renew and give rise to ensuing generations offers potential for groups of tissues that can potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body, with minimal risk of rejection and side effects.

Your stem cells can buildnewcartilage, ligament and tendon tissue and restore the joints original function. Stem-cell therapy treatment is an alternative to joint replacement surgery. It is non-surgical and minimally invasive. It is low-risk: it doesnt permanently alter your structure with foreign materials as with joint replacement surgery. It leaves your options open.

Stem cells are the big guns of regenerative joint-repair therapy. The treatment concentrates your own stem cells at the site of an injury to exploit their ability to develop into the specific cell types needed to repair and restore your injured joint.

For stem-cell treatment, we will collect stem cells from your body, concentrate them and then precisely place them where healing is needed. Your bodys own healing process will take over from there.

Many of our patients have experienced significantly reduced pain with stem cell therapy we provide in Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ.

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Stem Cell Therapy Doctors Scottsdale & Phoenix - Stem Cell ...

Find a stem cell transplant provider | CTCA

A stem cell transplant is a procedure that infuses healthy cells into the body to replace diseased or damaged bone marrow. Stem cell transplants are commonly used to treat cancers that affect the blood and lymphatic systems. Those cancers include leukemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma. This treatment may also help patients recover from cancer treatments such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The doctors who perform stem cell transplants at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) are hematologists and/or medical oncologists who focus on treating hematologic cancers. These oncologists perform two main types of stem cell transplantation. Autologous transplant is a procedure where cells are collected from the patient's own bloodstream (peripheral blood stem cells). The cells are then frozen and stored, and after intensive therapy, they are transplanted in the patient. The other type of stem cell transplants are called allogeneic. This procedure involves harvesting stem cells from a donor whose tissue closely matches the patient.

It may take time after a stem cell transplant to rebuild your immune system to healthy levels. Your doctors actively monitor you in the weeks following the transplant and check your blood counts frequently. Doctors may prescribe medications, if necessary, and may perform blood transfusions to address infections or bleeding problems after the stem cell transplants.

To reduce the risk of complications and side effects, the stem cell transplant teams at our five CTCA hospitals, located across the United States, work with you to address your needs throughout the stem cell transplant process. The stem cell transplant team collaborates with other members of the patients care team, including supportive care clinicians who offer mind-body medicine, oncology rehabilitation, nutrition therapy, chiropractic care and other therapies to help manage side effects and improve the patients quality of life.

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Find a stem cell transplant provider | CTCA

StemCell | Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center of Cleveland …

Welcome to OSCTC ! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions Learn More

Welcome to OSCTC! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions

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Welcome to OSCTC! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions

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Welcome to OSCTC! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions

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Welcome to OSCTC! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions

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Welcome to OSCTC! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions

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Welcome to OSCTC! The Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center, an affiliate of the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions

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StemCell | Ohio Stem Cell Treatment Center of Cleveland ...

stem cell doctors Archives – Stem Cell Therapy Phoenix

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There is a new branch of medicine forming to assist those who have suffered significant damage to the cartilage of their joints; whether by arthritic degradation or injury. Since cartilage does not regrow normally very well in the body without outside stimulation -such as microfracture surgery...

Both PRP and bone marrow stem cell injections are used in regenerative medicine. The two have been the subject of much interest over the past few years as clinical studies have been conducted to ascertain their benefits and uses in different treatments. Most patients with...

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stem cell doctors Archives - Stem Cell Therapy Phoenix

Our Doctors – Knee Stem Cells

Dennis M. Lox, M.D. Knee Stem Cell Treatments have been seen Across The Nation.

Dennis M Lox, M.D. is an expert in Knee Stem Cell Injections for those who seek an alternative to the unnecessary complex knee surgery of that in the past by providing Knee Stem Cell Treatment. Dennis M. Lox, M.D. has privately owned Medical Centers that do not partake in the fast chain franchise that other Stem Cell Centers are stuck doing, thus he is able provide a more personalized treatment for your particular injury.

Dennis M. Lox, M.D. centers have a professional, caring environment for patients looking for comfort in their time of need and provids follow-ups on your wellbeing to enhance your recovery. Dennis M. Lox, M.D. has been helping patients since 1990 nationally and internationally and has been the focus of the Stem Cell News Worldwide with his expertise and he continually researches new technologies to further Stem Cell advancements.


Lox, D.M., Heine, M.W., and Lox, C.D., Hemostatic Alterations Resulting from Chronic Ethanol Ingestion during Tetracycline Therapy in the Rat, Neurobeh, Toxiocol: Vol. 7, 1985.

Lox, C.D. and Lox, D.M., Effects of Acute Ethanol Intoxication Combined with Secobarbitol Abuse on Homeostasis, General Pharm Vol. 16, 1985. 252-258.


Lox, D.M., Sports Medicine and Stem Cells: A Clinical Transformation Presentation at the Select Biosciences Conference: Tissue Engineering and Bio printing, Boston, Massachusetts, February 2015

Lox, D.M., Clinical Regulation of Cytokine and Inflammatory Pathways with Autologous Stem Cell Therapy Presentation at the 17th Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine Group, The Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2014

Lox, D.M., Moderator 3rd Annual International Conference on Tissue Science and Regeneration, Valencia, Spain, September 2014

Lox, D.M., Athletes and Avascular Necrosis Presentation at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Tissue Science and Regeneration, Valencia, Spain, September 2014 Lox, D.M., Managing Sports and Arthritic Complaints with Stem Cells, Presentation at the Select Biosciences Clinical Translation of Stem Cells, Palm Desert, California, April 2014

Lox, D.M., A Professional Football Player with Failed Knee Surgery: A Case of Treatment with Adipose Derived Stem Cells, Presentation at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Asia Chapter (Termis AP) Annual Conference, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2013

Lox, D.M., Chronic Foot Pain in a Ballerina: Treatment with Regenerative Medicine Presentation at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Asia Pacific Chapter (Termis AP) Annual Conference, Shanghai, China, October 2013

Lox, D.M., Knee Osteoarthritis: Quality of Life (Q o L) Measures Following Autologous Stem Cell Therapy Presentation at the International Cartilage Repair Society Annual Meeting, Izmir, Turkey, September 2013

Lox, D.M., Cytokine Modulation with Nutraceuticals as a Synergistic Mechanism for Regenerative Grafting in Osteoarthritis Repair Presentation at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013

Lox, D.M., Arthritis: Quality of Life (Q o L) Measures following Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Presentation at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013

Lox, D.M., Can Healthcare Outcomes Be Quantified with Stem Cell Therapy in Osteoarthritis?

Presentation at the World Stem Cell Summit, West Palm Beach, Fl. December 2012

Lox, D.M., Regenerative Rehabilitation of an Elite Soccer Player, Presentation at the First Annual Symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation, Pittsburgh, PA, November 3-4, 2011.

Lox, D.M., Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering: Ethical Concerns with Health Care Reform, Presentation at the 2011 World Stem Cell Summit, Pasadena, CA on October 2011.

Lox, D.M., Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in the Rehabilitation of a Soccer Player, Presentation at the Stem Cells Europe 2011 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland on July 2011.

Lox, D.M., Autologous Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Orthopedic Medicine: A Veterinary Correlate, Presentation at the 2nd North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference, Lexington, Kentucky on June 2011.

Lox, D.M., Regenerative Medicine Techniques in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Presented at the

11th Annual Conference of the International Neural Transplantation and Repair, Sand Key, FL on May 2011.

Lox, D.M., Current Regenerative Medicine Techniques, Tampa, Florida on July 10, 2010.

Lox, D.M., Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Course Presentation, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Assembly (Moderator: Dennis M. Lox, M.D. Speakers: Jose Ochoa, M.D., Gabor Racz, M.D., Dennis M. Lox, M.D.); Seattle, Washington on November 5, 1998.

Lox, D.M., New Treatments in Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia, Presented at the Morton Plant/Mease Health Education Center Countryside, Florida on December 13, 2001.

Lox, D.M., Acute Spinal and Pain Syndromes Presented to the Pinellas County Primary Care and OB/GYN physicians, sponsored by Knoll Pharmaceuticals, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Complex Musculoskeletal Assessment and Treatment, Presented to the Zenith Insurance Company; Sarasota, Florida on September 28, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Fibromyalgia, Presented to Cigna Health Care Physicians, sponsored by Health South Rehabilitation Corporation; Tampa, Florida on September 19, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Evaluation of the Difficult Pain Patient, Presented to the Pinellas County Orthopedic Journal Club, sponsored by Knoll Pharmaceuticals; Clearwater, Florida on September 8, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Fibromyalgia, Presented to the Travelers Insurance Company, sponsored by Health South Rehabilitation Corporation; Tampa, Florida on August 19, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Complex Pain Management, Presented to the Physicians of Collier County, sponsored by Knoll Pharmaceuticals; Naples, Florida on May 16, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Managing Pain in a Managed Care, Presented to the Pinellas County Podiatric Medical Association Meeting; Clearwater, Florida on April 14, 1998.

Lox, D.M., Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: The Historical Perspective from Bonica and Beyond, Presented at the 7th Annual John J. Bonica Vail Winter Pain Conference, sponsored by the Ohio State University Medical Center, College of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology; Vail, Colorado on March 1998.

Lox, D.M., Pain Management, Presented to Lee County Physicians, sponsored by Knoll Pharmaceuticals; Ft. Myers, Florida in December 1998.

Lox, D.M., Managing Pain in a Managed Care Environment, Presented to the Pinellas County Physicians, sponsored by Knoll pharmaceuticals; Clearwater, Florida in December 1997.

Lox, D.M., Regional Pain Syndrome Update, Presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Pain ISIG; Boston, Massachusetts in September 1997.

Lox, D.M., Physical Medicine for Women Who Hurt all Over (Physical and Somatization Considerations, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Update, Presented at the 9th Annual OB/GYN Summer Symposium, Womens Health Care in the 90s, sponsored by the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Jackson Hole, Wyoming in August 1997.

Lox, D.M., Replacing the Terms of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Sympathetically Maintained Pain-An Uphill Battle, Presented at the 13th Annual Update in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, sponsored by the University of Utah School of Medicine, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Park City, Utah, March 1997.

Lox, D.M., Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Presented to Claim Management, Utilization Management, Case Managers, Adjustors and Supervisors of the Travelers/Aetna Insurance Companies; Orlando, Florida in August 1996.

Lox, D.M., Soft Tissue Injuries/RSD/Fibromyalgia-The Rational or Irrational Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, Presented to Claim Management, Utilization Management, Case Managers and Supervisors of Travelers Insurance Company; Tampa, Florida, 1996.

Lox, D.M., Overview of the Soft Tissue Injury/RSD/Fibromyalgia-The Rational or Irrational Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, Presented to the Regional Adjustors and Personnel of Geico Insurance Company; Macon, Georgia in May 1996.

Lox, D.M., Causalgia/RSD/SMP-History and Treatment, Presented during the Re-Employment rules of Florida Workers= Compensation Conference, sponsored by the Southwest Chapter of NARPPS in May 1996 (2 CME credits).

Lox, D.M., RSD-Treatment Options for the 90s, Presented to the Florida Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector (FARPPS) in March 1996 (2 CME credits).

Lox, D.M., Causalgia/RSD/SMP-The 100 Year War, Presented to The Florida Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector in January 1996 (2 CME credits)

Lox, D.M., The Differential Diagnosis of Spinal Injuries, Presented to the Intracorp Rehabilitation Nurses in April 1992 (4 CME credits).

Lox, D.M., A Physiatrist Approach to Industrial Industries, Presented to the Florida Rehabilitation Nurses in May 1991 (4 CME credits).

Lox, D.M., Skiing Injuries: Prevention and Rehabilitation, Presented at the North American Medical and Dental Association Seminar; Vail, Colorado in February 1989.

Lox, D.M., The Failed Back Patient, Presented at the Annual Texas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society Meeting; Austin, Texas in August 1989.

Lox, D.M., Dermatomal Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Gadolinium-MRI in the Evaluation of Chronic Low Back Pain, Presented at the 50th Annual Session of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; San Antonio, Texas in November 1989.

Lox, D.M., The Evaluation and Treatment of Lumbar Spine Disorders, Presented at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Allied Health; San Antonio, Texas in December 1988.

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Our Doctors - Knee Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells | Cells | MCAT | Khan Academy

An overview of early development of a zygote to an embryo. Embryonic and somatic stem cells. Created by Sal Khan.

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Embryonic stem cells | Cells | MCAT | Khan Academy

Crucial Differences Between Non-Embryonic and Embryonic Stem …

July 10, 2009 | by Jan F. Dudt | Topic: Faith & Society Print

We hear a lot about stem cells, which are front-and-center as a major policy debate in America, one that involves science, medicine, ethics, politics, and much more.

What are the issues? Whats at stake? What are embryonic and non-embryonic stem cells? What are the crucial differences and distinctions we need to make as a society and citizenry?

Stem-cell technologies are some of the newest and fastest developing biotechnologies. Typically, along with genetic engineering and cloning, these technologies constitute the kind of 21st century advances that make this the century of Biology.

A stem cell is a type of cell that is nonspecific in its function; in contrast, for instance, to a heart or brain cell, which is functionally specific. There are two major sources of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and non-embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are obtained from 5- to 12-day old embryos. Although removal of a stem cell from an embryo kills the embryo, the stem cells are valued for their potential to produce any type of cell. That is, they have high plasticity. Conversely, non-embryonic stem cells are found in large quantities in placenta, umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, and in essentially all adult organs or tissues, including bone marrow, fat, kidney, liver, pancreases, intestines, breast, lung, etc. Any of these non-embryonic stem cells have ample plasticity and can give rise to nearly any type of cells, including heart, liver, lung, muscle, etc.

Thus, the heart of the stem-cell controversy centers on the aforementioned fact that the extraction of stem cells from 5- to 12-day embryos kills the embryo. But thats not the only issue: In addition, stem cells derived from an embryonic human may, in turn, reject the person who receives them. This situation is called graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD). The problem can be avoided by producing an embryonic clone of the person needing the stem cells. However, the procedure produces an embryo that is indistinguishable from an embryo from a fertilized egg. This embryonic clone would be destroyed during the stem-cell harvesting required by the therapy. This type of cloning is called therapeutic cloning, since the production of a human baby is not the goal. (Reproductive cloning, producing a cloned human baby, has been universally outlawed.)

Another problem is that the embryonic stem cells can unpredictably cause cancer in the treated patient.

On the other hand, newly developed treatments associated with non-embryonic (adult) stem cells are way ahead of any hoped-for treatments associated with embryonic stem cells. Recent non-embryonic stem-cell therapies include treatments for non-healing bone breaks, healing damaged hearts, regenerating damaged muscles, correcting scoliosis, regenerating knee cartilage, treating thalassemia, osteoarthritis, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, spinal chord and nerve damage. Treatments to heal conditions associated with almost any organ or tissue are in view. These advances cast serious doubt on the need to develop embryonic stem-cell therapies, especially since embryonic technologies are morally objectionable, given that they require the death of the human embryo.

The use of ones own adult stem cells (autologous stem-cell transplant) is a way to avoid the problems of rejection and of killing human embryos. Also, certain types of adult stem cells (mesenchymal cells) can be harvested from anyone and changed in the lab (transdifferentiated) into a desired cell. In both of these stem-cell applications there are no adverse effects to the donor of the adult stem cells. The non-embryonic stem cells are safely harvested, purified from other cells and/or expanded in culture, and introduced into the patient without rejection. In another process, virtually any adult cell can be harvested from ones own body and treated to become cells capable of producing the needed cell type (induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS). These cells can also be cultured in the lab, and reintroduced into the patient. All of these sources of adult stem cells avoid the problem of having to use patented embryonic stem-cell lines that would be less available to the public.

And yet, the reputed plasticity of the embryonic stem cells continues to make the prospects of doing research on human embryos attractive to researchers who are uninhibited by the prospect of killing human embryos.

It is worth pointing out that, in terms of medical applications and treatments, two major facts are usually left out of these discussions: First, non-embryonic stem-cell treatments have been used to treat tens of thousands of patients, and with dramatic benefits. However, embryonic stem cells have not had one clinical trial with humans. Also, it has been clearly demonstrated that non-embryonic stem cells do not produce cancerous tumors in humans. Whether iPS cells share this non-tumorigenic quality is not yet clear. However, iPS cells have all of the medical application value hoped for in embryonic stem cells.

It must be noted that in a field as rapidly moving as stem-cell research, this situation will likely not be current for long. However, the current progress of stem-cell research as of spring 2009 speaks volumes regarding the effectiveness of non-embryonic vs. embryonic stem-cell research. The promises of embryonic stem-cell researchers are wildly overstated. The claims that embryonic stem-cell therapies will be available in five to 10 years rings hollow.

Aside from these scientific considerations, there are moral-religious matters of obvious concerns to Christians:

Christians committed to the sanctity of human life should look with favor on technologies that preserve and/or improve human life. Consequently, non-embryonic stem-cell advances should be embraced when they: 1) respect the consent and preserve the dignity of the stem-cell donors, 2) enhance the health of the stem-cell recipient, and 3) protect human life at every stage of development. Embryonic stem-cell harvesting remains problematic because the procedure destroys the smallest and most helpless members of the human family: embryos.

In truth, embryonic stem-cell use is being trumped by successful and surprising advances in adult and other non-embryonic stem-cell research. These advances protect the dignity of the donor and recipient while recognizing the value of all humans, regardless of their stage of life, from conception through old age. Hence, all frozen human embryos should be given a chance to be born, not given over to researchers to be destroyed for the sake of a research project.

Dr. Jan Dudt is a professor of biology at Grove City College and fellow for medical ethics with The Center for Vision & Values. He teaches as part of colleges required core course Studies in Science, Faith and Technology wherein students, among other things, study all of the major origins theories and are asked to measure them in the light of biblical authority.

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