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Platelet-Rich Plasma For Arthritis | Dr. Colin MacLeod ND

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a therapy which uses a component of a persons own blood to treat their osteoarthritis. PRP is a safe treatment which often gives significant benefit to people suffering from osteoarthritis including improvements in stiffness, pain and mobility.

PRP injections contain a high concentration of your own platelets. These platelets contain a large amount of growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)1.

Table 1. Growth factors involved in tissue repair2.

These growth factors trigger tissue repair in our natural healing and recovery process. When a high concentration of these growth factors is introduced into the area of an injured or arthritic joint the healing process is jump-started.

Some research has suggested that PRP improves the integrity of the joint cartilage by increasing the amount of cartilage producing cells (chondrocytes) and by decreasing their rate of cell death (apoptosis)3. This would conceivably lead to a larger number of chondrocytes actively producing healthy cartilage within the joint and a healthier joint as a result.

PRP is prepared by drawing and centrifuging a small sample of your own blood on the day of treatment. A centrifuge is a device which rapidly rotates, spinning a blood sample at a high speed causing it to separate into layers based on weight. After centrifugation the blood sample separates into a top layer of plasma which is transparent yellow in color (mostly water with some dissolved proteins) and a bottom thick, red layer (red blood cells). At the junction of the plasma and red blood cell layers sits a dense concentration of platelets. This platelet-rich layer of the plasma is the portion of the blood which is collected and used for injection.

PRP is given by injection into the affected site or the site of injury. For example, in cases of tennis elbow the PRP injection is made at the site of the affected common extensor tendon on the elbow and in plantar fasciitis the injection is given at the site of the damaged plantar fascia insertion on the heel of the foot. In the case of osteoarthritis the injury includes two entire joint surfaces. An osteoarthritic joint is treated by injecting PRP into an affected joint space. Since a joint is a closed compartment the PRP fluid stays within the joint, coating the affected joint surfaces and exerting its effect on them through its rich concentration of growth factors.

Many studies have been performed on PRP injections for osteoarthritis and the results have been near-unanimously positive, showing a reduction in pain and improvement in mobility among the people receiving the treatment. In total, 54 studies have investigated PRP as a treatment for osteoarthritis and all 54 of these studies have found that this treatment was beneficial4-57.

Some research has found that 3 PRP injections, with 1 month between each injection, is more effective and gives longer lasting results than only one or two injections33.

Platelet-rich plasma vs hyaluronic acid

Most PRP for osteoarthritis research has been on the knee. To date 44 studies have examined PRPs effect on knee osteoarthritis while the hip has 4 studies, the temporomandibular joint has 3 studies, the ankle has 2 studies and the thumb has 1 study.

Figure 1. Number of studies (by joint) examining platelet-rich plasma for osteoarthritis. Most research performed on knee joint. Although the studies have yet to be done I have also seen good results with osteoarthritis of other joints including the shoulder, wrist and other hand joints.

PRP injection treatments are quite safe, having very little in the way of reported adverse effects58. While most treatments for pain involve a synthetic medication-based therapy, PRP simply uses a component of a persons blood. PRP therefore carries very little risk of causing an allergic reaction. The most common adverse effect of PRP is discomfort at the site of treatment for 1-3 days. This is a common reaction as the mechanism of action of PRP involves a short-term inflammatory phase after treatment which can contribute to discomfort temporarily. As with any injection there is a small chance of infection. There is also a small chance of allergic reaction to the local anesthetic (numbing agent) which is used at the site of the injection.

PRP treatment can provide lasting results for people with osteoarthritis including reduced pain and improved mobility. Typically 3 treatments will be required to attain maximum benefit from PRP. PRP injections can be done 2-4 weeks apart without issue.

PRP injections are a long-term solution for osteoarthritis. While this treatment gives long term benefit some people may experience discomfort following treatment for 1-3 days. In order to deal with this possible discomfort it is best to reduce physical activity after a PRP injection to avoid additional discomfort of the region which was treated. Applying ice to the affected area will not inhibit the effectiveness of the PRP treatment and may help if the treated area is achy or sore.

The treated body part should be rested on the day of treatment and if discomfort remains then 2-3 days of avoiding heavy activity may be required to assist in recovering. Anti-inflammatories such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen in general should not be taken for 2-7 days after a PRP treatment as they could theoretically dampen its effectiveness. Generally acetaminophen (Tylenol) is preferable to anti-inflammatories in this short term to manage any discomfort or pain which may be present.

People with active cancer or active infection are not candidates for PRP treatment. People with thrombocytopenia (low platelets) and people on blood thinners can have PRP treatment but some changes to the treatment may be required.

Naturopathic Doctor at MacLeod Naturopathic

Dr. Colin is a naturopathic doctor practicing in Upper Tantallon in the Halifax Area. He was born and raised in rural Cape Breton and returned to Nova Scotia to practice after finishing his naturopathic education in Toronto. His practice focuses on pain management and maintaining health through physical activity and diet. He utilizes platelet-rich plasma, neural prolotherapy and acupuncture to keep his patients pain-free so that they can stay physically active, social and healthy.

Last updated October 9, 2018

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Platelet-Rich Plasma For Arthritis | Dr. Colin MacLeod ND

Stem Cell Doctor West Bloomfield MI


Our patients receive the most effective, Stem Cell Doctor West Bloomfield MI, safe, and advanced regenerative stem cell therapy available. Stem Cell Doctor West Bloomfield MI, Our unique umbilical cord stem cell therapy activates the bodys own self-healing mechanisms for cellular/tissue regeneration and repair. Stem Cell Doctor West Bloomfield MI,

Human umbilical cord blood stem cells contain mesenchymal stem cells and garner optimal regenerative results. Stem cell therapy is a safe option and does not require surgery. Patients recover faster and there is less potential for complications. Results have proven to far exceed the common surgery-based autologous procedures. There are no negative side effects and the cells are undifferentiated, therefore the body does not reject them. Umbilical cord stem cells have been used for over thirty years to help reduce the chance of organ transplant rejection.

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Stem Cell Doctor West Bloomfield MI

FAQs – Stem Cell Treatment for Autoimmune Disorders

Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases

Today, new treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by Autoimmune Diseases. Stem Cell Research Centre provides stem cell therapy for Autoimmune Diseases to help those with unmet clinical needs achieve optimum health and better quality of life.

Stem cell therapy for Autoimmune Diseases is being studied for efficacy in improving the complications in patients through the use of their own stem cells.These autoimmune disorder treatments may help patients who dont respond to typical drug treatment, want to reduce their reliance on medication, or are looking to try stem cell therapy before starting drug treatment.

To learn more about becoming a patient and receiving stem cell treatment for autoimmune diseases at StemCell Research Centre,please contact one of our Patient Advocates at (800) 609-7795. Below are some frequently asked questions aboutstem cell therapy for Autoimmune Diseases.

The bodys immune system is a complex network of special cells and organs that defends the body from germs and other foreign invaders. In order for the immune system to function properly, it needs the ability to tell the difference between what's you and what's foreign. When the immune system cannot, it attacks normal cells by mistake. The result of these misguided attacks is what is known as autoimmune disease.

Millions of people suffer from over eighty different types of known autoimmune diseases. Common autoimmune diseases include:

Stem cells that come from your adipose (fat) tissue have distinct functional properties including immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory functional properties which have the capability of repairing and regenerating damaged tissue associated with disease and injury.

Upholding the highest levels of ethical conduct, safety and efficacy is our primary focus. Five clinical stem cell studies for Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are registered through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at Each clinical study is reviewed and approved by an independent Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure proper oversight and protocols are being followed.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of human tissue and have the ability to repair, rebuild, and rejuvenate tissues in the body. When a disease or injury strikes, stem cells respond to specific signals and set about to facilitate the healing process by differentiating into specialized cells required for the bodys repair.

There are four known types of stem cells which include:

Stem Cell Research Centre provides autologous adult stem cells (from fat tissue) where the stem cells come from the person receiving treatment.

Stem Cell Research Centre provides autologous adult adipose-derived stem cells (from fat tissue) where the stem cells come from the person receiving treatment.

We tap into our bodys stem cell reserve daily to repair and replace damaged or diseased tissue. When the bodys reserve is limited and as it becomes depleted, the regenerative power of our body decreases and we succumb to disease and injury.

Three sources of stem cells from a patients body are used clinically which include adipose tissue (fat), bone marrow and peripheral blood.

Performed by Board Certified Physicians, dormant stem cells are extracted from the patients adipose tissue (fat) through a minimally invasive mini-liposuction procedure with little to no downtime.

During the liposuction procedure, a small area (typically the abdomen) is numbed with an anesthetic and patients receive mild to moderate sedation. Next, the extracted dormant stem cells are isolated from the fat and activated, and then comfortably infused back into the patient intravenously (IV) and via other directly targeted methods of administration. The out-patient procedure takes approximately four to five hours.

Stem Cell Research Centre provides multiple administration methods for patients with Autoimmune Diseases to best target the disease related conditions and symptoms which include:

Since each condition and patient are unique, there is no guarantee of what results will be achieved or how quickly they may be observed. According to patient feedback, some patients report results in one to three months, however, it may take as long as six to nine months. Individuals interested in stem cell therapy are urged to consult with their physician before choosing investigational autologous adipose-derived stem cell therapy as a treatment option.

In order to determine if you are a good candidate for adult stem cell treatment, you will need to complete a medical history form which will be provided by your Stem Cell Research Centre Patient Advocate. Once you complete and submit your medical history form, our medical team will review your records and determine if you are a qualified candidate for adult stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Research Centre team members are here to help assist and guide you through the patient process.

Patients travel to Stem Stem Cell Research Centre located in Del Mar, California located in San Diego County for stem cell treatment from all over the United States, Canada and around the globe. Treatment will consist of one visit lasting a total of three days. The therapy is minimally invasive and there is little to no down time. Majority of patients fly home the day after treatment.

The side effects of the mini-liposuction procedure are minimal and may include but are not limited to: minor swelling, bruising and redness at the procedure site, minor fever, headache, or nausea. However, these side effects typically last no longer than 24 hours and are experienced mostly by people with sensitivity to mild anesthesia. No long-term negative side effects or risks have been reported.

The side effects of adipose-derived stem cell therapy are minimal and may include but are not limited to: infection, minor bleeding at the treatment sites and localized pain. However, these side effects typically last no longer than 24 hours. No long-term negative side effects or risks have been reported.

Stem Cell Research Centre provides adult stem cell treatment with mesenchymal stem cells which come from the person receiving treatment. Embryonic stem cells are typically associated with ethical and political controversies.

The FDA is currently in the process of defining a regulatory path for cellular therapies. A Scientific Workshop and Public Hearing Draft Guidances Relating to the Regulation of Human Cells, Tissues or Cellular or Tissue-Based Products was held in September 2016 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. Currently, stem cell treatment is not FDA approved.

In March 2016, bipartisan legislation, the REGROW Act was introduced to the Senate and House of Representatives to develop and advance stem cell therapies.

Stem cell treatment is not covered by health insurance at this time. The cost for standard preoperative labs are included. Additional specific labs may be requested at the patients expense.

With over 80 different types of Autoimmune Diseases and hundreds of symptoms, some of the most common symptoms include:

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FAQs - Stem Cell Treatment for Autoimmune Disorders

15 Stem Cell Therapy For Pain Questions, Answered

Stem cell therapy is an exciting area of research that holds tremendous potential for helping chronic pain patients reduce their pain. Rapid advances in this field of medicine are buoying doctors and patients hopes that the exciting therapy could change lives. Advances are being made nearly every day, and as scientists further understand the nature of these cells, even more uses for them are becoming known. If youve ever wondered about how stem cell therapy for pain could help you, these 15 questions delve into how this therapy works and who it could be used for.

Science has a strong interest in stem cells because of their renewing properties and the ability of these cells to develop into any type of tissue in the body of the organism. Researchers believe that they have the potential for immeasurable clinical uses in health. Research is advancing many stem cell based therapies for people who suffer from diseases such as:

Mayo Clinic explains how this therapy works:

Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the reparative response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivativesResearchers grow stem cells in a lab. These stem cells are manipulated to specialize into specific types of cells, such as heart muscle cells, blood cells or nerve cells. The specialized cells can then be implanted into a person.

Stem cell therapy is actually a type of treatment within the larger umbrella of regenerative medicine. Our longer post on regenerative medicine discusses the types of treatments available, including stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma injections.

Stem cells are essentially blank canvases that can transform into any type of cell in the human body. Specialized cells like bone cells, liver cells, and heart cells begin as stem cells. The process of the cells transforming from blank slates into specialized cells is called differentiation.

Stem cell therapy is the process of injecting these cells into damaged areas of the body, such as arthritic knees or shoulders. The stem cells then differentiate into damaged tissue, helping to regenerate the entire area.

There are two different types of natural stem cells and one that is genetically reprogrammed within the laboratory. Embryonic stem cells are the most immature and are found within the early stages of a growing embryo, usually after it has been left to develop five to six days. After the egg and sperm have united, the fertilized egg divides and creates stem cells that differentiate into the specialized cells the body requires to function. Many techniques using stem cells for pain therapies no longer rely on these types of stem cells.

The second type of stem cell, found naturally in organisms, is adult stem cells. These are present in developed tissue, such as muscle, skin, bone, brain, and blood. Also called tissue stem cells, they can self-renew and generate one specialized cell type. Under normal circumstances these tissue stem cells, or adult stem cells, will generate the type of cells that make up the organ in which they reside. These cells are used by the body to divide and repair injured areas or regenerate into specialized cells to replace the ones that are dead or damaged.

The third type of stem cells, which are genetically reprogrammed in the laboratory, are induced pluripotent stem cells. After years of stem cell research and development, it was discovered that artificially triggering certain genetic components would prompt different cells to become pluripotent stem cells, which were similar in nature to embryonic stem cells. This helps avoid ethical concerns associated with using human embryonic tissue for research and regenerative medicine.

The following video from an Arizona pain doctor goes into detail about how stem cell therapy for pain works.

There are twomajor types of stem cells: those harvested from adults and those harvested from embryonic tissues.

However, there are other ways to retrieve stem cells that reduce the use of embryonic stem cells, including:

As the Euro Stem Cell organization reports, some of these types of stem cells are more effective than others.

One source of stem cells is human embryos. These cells are called pluripotent stem cells, and theyre very useful to researchers because they can be multiplied indefinitely in the laboratory. Although these cells are often cultivated from embryos that are just a few days old, they can also be taken from fetal tissue thats older than eight weeks, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The majority of therapeutic stem cells come from adults. Even though embryos are the richest source of stem cells, humans of all ages have stem cells. Stem cells give adults the ability to replace damaged tissue, heal wounds, and grow hair.The patients own adult stem cells are extracted, purified, concentrated, and then injected into the damaged tissue. This process is usually non-surgical and the individual has very little recovery time. Most patients report only some soreness around the site of the injection. Sometimes there is also slight bruising. There have been no reports of serious side effects from treatments using stem cell therapy.

Newer research has given scientists the ability to reprogram specialized adult cells so they essentially return to their original stem cell state. These reprogrammed cells are known as induced pluripotent stem cells. Although this ability exists, scientists arent sure how or if these artificially created stem cells behave differently than other types.

Despite these unknowns, the reprogrammed stem cells are already being used in the development of medicines and helping scientists learn more about specific types of diseases, according to NIH.

Stem cells have many uses, and the full spectrum of their application isnt yet known. One way stem cells are helping researchers is by illuminating the inner workings of various diseases. Stem cells offer scientists the ability to model human disease progression in a laboratory setting.

This is exciting because many studies rely on animals with similar, but not exact, biology to humans. The more scientists can understand about human-specific disease progression, the greater insight they have regarding potential treatments.

For example, one of the earliest uses for stem cells were bone marrow transplants, used to help patients with leukemia or sickle cell anemia heal. This treatment has been used for more than 40 years. In addition, stem cell therapy may be used to treat:

The application of most interest to chronicpatients is likely the emerging field of regenerative medicine, which is the science of helping tissues regenerate. This field examines the potential of stem cells to repair damaged tissue and heal areas of the body bone and potentially organs, too affected by arthritis, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, Parkinsons disease, and more.

Exciting research has also uncovered the potential for stem cells to expand the number of lungs available for transplant. A portion of lungs available for transplant arent used because they become damaged. However, research from the American Physiological Society has found stem cells could help repair the organs and prepare them to save lives.

Other recent researchstories include:

For many of the studies underway, time is needed to fully examine the benefits and potential dangers of this treatment. Another obstacle is obtaining specific types of adult stem cells. Theyre difficult to grow in the laboratory, making it hard to produce the large numbers available for research.

Another potential issue with donor stem cells is the possibility of rejection. The immune system of the recipient could reject the cells, essentially making it difficult for the treatment to work as intended and causing ancillary problems.

Finally, since this is such a new treatment area, some government agencies are calling for more oversight of its use. Others are pushing back, claiming that stem cell therapy provides a new area of treatment for patients who have exhausted all other options.

That being said, even though there are complications and roadblocks to its use, the benefits of stem cell therapy could be huge. As the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine notes:

[A]n analysis of the potential benefits of stem cells based therapies indicates that 128 million people in the United States alone may benefit with the largest impact on patients with Cardiovascular disorders (5.5 million), autoimmune disorders (35 million) and diabetes (16 million US patients and more than 217 million worldwide).

Californias Stem Cell Agency gives a great overview of this process, noting:

In order to be approved by the FDA for use in human trials, stem cells must be grown in good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions. Under GMP standards, a cell line has to be manufactured so that each group of cells is grown in an identical, repeatable, sterile environment. This ensures that each batch of cells has the same properties, and each person getting a stem cell therapy gets an equivalent treatment. Although the FDA hasnt yet issued guidelines for how pluripotent stem cells need to meet GMP standards, achieving this level of consistency could mean knowing the exact identity and quantity of every component involved in growing the cells.

Stem cell therapy is being studied for a number of chronic pain conditions, especiallypain in the:

Stem cell therapy for pain could help reduce the inflammation that results in chronic pain, or it could help to heal regenerative conditions that lead to pain, such as arthritis.

Using stem cell therapy for knee pain is one of the leading areas of research. Stem cell therapy for knees can be provided as stem cell injections or as blood platelet treatments from the body itself (another form of regenerative medicine).These two treatments may help relieve pain associated with:

The leading researchers on stem cell therapy for knee pain claim that it can help patients avoid surgery, with its associated costs and risks.

Since stem cell therapy promises to treat a number of conditions related to degenerative conditions, like arthritis and tendonitis, stem cell therapy may present a great treat option for hip pain related to these causes.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is leading the efforts in research, but currently reports the following:

At present, there are no approved stem cell therapies for MS. Larger, longer-term, controlled studies are needed to determine the safety and effectiveness of using stem cells to treat MS. When the results of these and subsequent clinical trials are available, it should be possible to determine what the optimal cells, delivery methods, safety and actual effectiveness of these current experimental therapies might be for different people with MS.

Potentially. One of our sister clinics, Arizona Pain, is participating in a study evaluating the potential of stem cells to reduce back pain related to degenerative disc disease. This progressive condition sometimes results from injury, but other times has no clear cause.

The study is exciting because it involves stem cells harvested from the bone marrow of healthy, young adults, and therefore itdoesnt come with the ethical concerns of embryonic stem cells. So far, the results have been very positive, and a significant number of people who received stem cells for their back pain have experienced reduced discomfort and improved quality of life.

This study is currently in Phase III, which is the phase immediately preceding potential FDA approval. This means it could soon be available to many more patients and potentially covered by insurance, although each insurance companys coverage policy varies.

Absolutely, and the research into this area is very promising. In fact, scientists have recently uncovered the specific type of stem cell most likely to reduce arthritis pain. Theyre special cells that are specifically able to rebuild tissue, bone, and cartilage, potentially offering much relief to osteoarthritis patients.

What other questions do you have regarding stem cell therapy for pain? If youre ready to learn more about using stem cell therapy to treatyour pain, click the button below to find a pain specialist in your area.

See original here:
15 Stem Cell Therapy For Pain Questions, Answered

Stem Cell Treatment Seen to Benefit Lupus Patients in …

A single infusion ofmesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) those that make cells of the cartilage, bone, and fat decreased the number of auto-reactive immune cells in difficult-to-treat systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, a Phase 1 trial reports.

A Phase 2 study of this treatment is now opening in the U.S. and starting to recruiting eligible adults with lupus, ages 18 to 65.

Phase 1 findings were presented last month during the American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP) 2018 Annual Meetingin Chicago.The poster was tiled, Marked Immune Cell Subset Changes in Refractory Lupus Patients in a Phase I Trial of Allogenic Mesenchymal Stem Cells.

MSCs, a type of stem cell able to differentiate into bone, cartilage, connective tissue, muscle, and fat cells has shown promise as a potential therapy for lupus patients who fail to respond to conventional therapies.

The cells can be obtained from the umbilical cord, bone marrow, adipose tissue, muscle, and the lungs.

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)conducted a Phase 1 clinical trial to investigate the effects of umbilical cord-derived MSCs in six patients with hard-to treat, refractory SLE. Each patient received a single injection of one million cells per kg.

Researchers measured how the infusion affected the patients immune system, focusing on subsets of immune cells with key functions in lupus.

Among T-cells, researchers examined regulatory T-cells (Tregs) which dampen the activity of other immune cells and helper T-cells, important mediators of autoantibody production by B-cells in lupus patients.

Among B-cells, the researchers measured the levels of non-reactive B cells and abnormal memory B-cells, which arerelatively rare in healthy subjects but increased in SLE patients and associated with higher disease activity.

At 24 weeks post-treatment, the MSC infusion significantly reduced the amount ofabnormal memory B-cells and increased non-reactive B-cells compared to levels recorded at study start (baseline) infour of the six patients. In two patients, the therapy was also associated with an increase in Tregs, but that rise was modest compared to changes in B-cells.

In a previous study, the MUSC researchers identified two proteins, the glycoprotein-A repetitions predominant (GARP) and the transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, as key regulators of B-cell activity.

GARP is a cell surface receptor for TGF-beta and the interaction between both proteins was shown to regulate the activity of B-cells and prevent autoimmunity.GARP is highly expressed on MSCs and the levels of GARP and TGF-beta were significantly increased in patients blood following the infusion of MSCs.

Overall, these results support the clinical benefits of MSCs in hard-to-treat lupus.

The researchers have since launched a double-blind and placebo-controlled Phase 2 trial (NCT02633163) to evaluate the efficacy and safety ofMSCs, given in combination with standard of care, in 81 adults with SLE.

The trial, currently recruiting, is taking place seven locations in six U.S. states, and enrollment information is available here.

Lupus patients will be randomized to one of two doses of MSCs a low dose of one million cells or a high dose of five million cells or to a placebo, each delivered a single time into the blood.

The trial aims to assess if patients treated with MSCs respond better than those given a placebo infusion plus standard of care.

Responders are defined as patients who experience a four-point or higher reduction inthe SystemicLupusErythematosusDisease Activity Index score (SLEDAI),and receiving corticosteroids at a dose of 10 mg a day or less.

Additional measures include frequency of disease flares, accumulation of new damage, and changes in health-related quality of life, fatigue, pain, and depression.

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Stem Cell Treatment Seen to Benefit Lupus Patients in ...

Stem cell therapies: FDA sets a new path – CNN

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the FDA commissioner, and Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, co-authored a new paper detailing the delicate balance between safety and innovation when it comes to the possibilities of using stem cells in medicine.

"However, despite the increasingly widespread use of stem cells in techniques being labeled as regenerative medicine, clinical benefit has not been clearly shown in most instances," Gottlieb and Marks wrote.

The FDA hopes to change that, while continuing efforts to regulate the industry.

"The FDA seems to be saying they want to find a sweet spot of stem cell oversight where they encourage innovation by good citizens and yet also carefully regulate this sphere as well as encouraging those interested in transplanting stem cells into patients to work with the FDA," he said.

Although Gottlieb and Marks didn't mention clinics in their paper, they noted that facilitating the availability of safe and effective therapies was part of the FDA's oversight of regenerative medicine products, including new stem cell therapies.

The FDA will provide tools to encourage individual or small groups of physicians to collaborate in support of the development of a stem cell or other regenerative medicine product, they wrote.

Gottlieb and Marks also said the FDA is encouraging investigators who are involved in such innovative product development to engage in dialogue with the agency early on in the research process.

"It feels like the FDA leadership is in essence telling them, 'Do the right thing, and we'll help you with a trial, even if you aren't a big university or company,' " Knoepfler said. "It's reassuring to see though that the FDA still emphasizes it is crucial to have data and follow the rules."

The ability to make such predictions could be a big step toward getting safe and effective FDA-approved treatments to patients in the future.

For many investigational stem cell-based products, it remains unclear whether the measurements currently used to characterize products will predict their clinical effectiveness, according to the FDA.

As of now, stem cell-based products submitted to the FDA in clinical trial proposals are characterized using a small number of cell surface markers and simple measures of cell product activity -- but is that enough to truly predict clinical outcomes?

"We can use some of this information to help generate standards in this field," he said. "There is a tremendous amount of interest now in developing standards that will facilitate the development of regenerative medicine and products."

All in all, "combined with the publication today of New England Journal of Medicine article, the FDA wants to assure that developers of regenerative medicine therapies understand the regulatory pathways that are available," the agency said in a written statement emailed to CNN by a FDA spokesperson.

"The FDA is committed to ensuring that patients have access to safe and effective regenerative medicine products as efficiently as possible. We are also committed to making sure we take action against products being unlawfully marketed that pose a potential significant risk to their safety," the statement said.

"The agency has adopted a risk-based and science-based approach that builds upon existing regulations to support innovative product development while clarifying the FDA's authorities and enforcement priorities. This risk-based approach allows product developers time to engage with the FDA, to determine if they need to submit a marketing authorization application and, if so, submit their application to the FDA for approval," the statement said.

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Stem cell therapies: FDA sets a new path - CNN

Somatic Cells – Definition and Examples | Biology Dictionary

Somatic Cells Definition

Somatic cells are any cell in the body that are not gametes (sperm or egg), germ cells (cells that go on to become gametes), or stem cells. Essentially, all cells that make up an organisms body and are not used to directly form a new organism during reproduction are somatic cells. The word somatic comes from the Greek word (soma), which means body. In the human body, there are about 220 types of somatic cells.

There are many different kinds of somatic cells in the human body because nearly every cell found inside and on the surface of the human body, with the exception of cells that become sperm and eggs, is a somatic cell. In addition, mammals have many organ systems that specialize in specific functions, so there are many different specialized cells. The following is an overview of a few main types of cells in the human body.

Old bone cells are constantly being replaced with new bone cells. The two broad categories of bone cells are called osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts form bone and help maintain it. They are cuboidal, or square-shaped, and they make proteins that form bone. They also communicate with each other and produce certain molecules such as growth factors, which promote bone growth. Osteoclasts, on the other hand, resorb, or dissolve, old bone. They are large cells that have multiple nuclei. When the work of an osteoblast or osteoclast is done, it undergoes a programmed cell death known as apoptosis.

Muscle cells are also known as myocytes. They are long, tube-shaped cells. There are three types of muscle which are each made up of specialized myocytes: smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle lines the walls of internal organs such as the bladder, uterus, and digestive tract. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart, and it allows the heart to pump blood. Skeletal muscle is attached to bone and helps move the body.

The various parts of myocytes have special terminology because myocytes are so different from other types of cells. The cell membrane is called the sarcolemma, the mitochondria are called sarcosomes, and the cytoplasm is called the sarcoplasm. The sarcomere is the part of the cell that contracts and allows muscle movement, and they form long chains called myofibrils that run throughout each muscle fiber. Muscle cells cannot divide to form new cells. This means that even though muscles can get bigger through exercise, babies actually have more myocytes than adults.

Nerve cells are called neurons. Neurons are found throughout the body, but there is an especially high density in the brain and spinal cord, which control the bodys movements. Neurons send and receive information to and from other neurons and organs via chemical and electrical signaling. Neurons maintain a certain voltage, and when this voltage changes, it creates an electrochemical signal called an action potential. When an action potential occurs in a neuron, the neuron will release neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that affect target cells. Some examples of neurotransmitters are dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine (adrenaline), and histamine.

Neurons have a unique structure as shown in the diagram above. The main parts of a neuron are the soma, axon, and dendrites. The soma is the body of the cell and contains the nucleus. The axon is a long protrusion that transmits electrical impulses. The dendrites fan out from the soma and receive impulses from other neurons. The end of the axon branches out into axon terminals, which is where neurotransmitters are released.

Blood cells are called hematopoietic cells or hemocytes. There are three general types of blood cells: red blood cells, known as erythrocytes, white blood cells, or leukocytes, and platelets, also known as thrombocytes or yellow blood cells. These cells, along with plasma, comprise the contents of blood.

Erythrocytes carry oxygen to cells via the molecule hemoglobin, and they collect the waste product carbon dioxide from cells. They make up 40 to 45 percent of the bloods volume. Approximately one-fourth of the cells in the human body are erythrocytes. They live for around 100 to 120 days, and they do not have a nucleus when mature. Leukocytes defend the body against foreign substances and infectious disease agents like viruses and bacteria. They have a very short lifespan of only three to four days. Platelets are small cell fragments that help blood to clot after an injury. They also have a short lifespan, living for five to nine days.

Somatic cells are produced through the cell division process of mitosis. They contain two copies of each chromosome, one from an organisms mother and one from their father. Cells with two copies of each chromosome are called diploid. Sperm and egg cells, called gametes, are formed through meiosis, which is a slightly different cell division process that results in the cells having only one copy of each chromosome. These cells are called haploid. Gametes are haploid because a sperm and an egg fuse during fertilization to create a new organism with diploid cells. Mutations in somatic cells can affect an individual organism, but they do not affect the offspring since they are not passed on during reproduction. However, mutations that occur in gametes can affect offspring since the gametes are passed down. When gametes fuse, they become the offsprings first somatic cell, which subsequently divides to form all of their other somatic cells. Therefore, while mutations in somatic cells will not affect the next generation, mutations in gamete cells do and can sometimes have drastic effects. For example, if a large-scale mutation occurs and there is an extra chromosome in the fertilized egg, all the somatic cells will also have that extra chromosome when it divides. An extra chromosome 21 results in Down Syndrome.

1. Which type of cell is NOT a somatic cell? A. Leukocyte B. Myocyte C. Osteoblast D. Gamete

Answer to Question #1

D is correct. Gametes such as sperm and eggs are not somatic cells. They are germline cells, which are cells that pass on genetic material through the process of reproduction. Leukocytes (white blood cells), myocytes (muscle cells) and osteoblasts (a type of bone cell) are all somatic cells.

2. What is the approximate lifespan of an erythrocyte? A. 3-4 days B. 5-9 days C. 100-120 days D. 365-395 days

Answer to Question #2

C is correct. Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, live about 100-120 days, which is the longest lifespan of a blood cell. Leukocytes live for 3-4 days, while platelets live for 5-9 days.

3. What is the function of an osteoclast? A. To form and help maintain bone B. To attach to bone and allow it to move C. To resorb old bone D. To release neurotransmitters

Answer to Question #3

C is correct. Osteoclasts are bone cells that resorb, or break down, old bone so that osteoblasts can then replace it with newly created bone. Choice A describes osteoblasts. Choice C is referring to muscle cells, and choice D describes neurons.

Continued here:
Somatic Cells - Definition and Examples | Biology Dictionary

FAQs – Ocean Springs, MS – Gulf Coast Stem Cell …

Our Technology

Gulf Coast Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center (GCSC&RMC) uses adipose-derived stem cells for deployment & clinical research. Early stem cell research has traditionally been associated with the controversial use of embryonic stem cells. The new focus is on non-embryonic adult mesenchymal stem cells which are found in a persons own blood, bone marrow, and fat. Most stem cell therapy centers in the world are currently using stem cells derived from bone marrow.

A recent technological breakthrough enables us to now use adipose (fat) derived stem cells. Autologous stem cells from a persons own fat are easy to harvest safely under local anesthesia and are abundant in quantities up to 2500 times those seen in bone marrow.

Clinical success and favorable outcomes appear to be related directly to the quantity of stem cells deployed. Once these adipose-derived stem cells are administered back into the patient, they have the potential to repair human tissue by forming new cells of mesenchymal origin, such as cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons, nerve, fat, muscle, blood vessels, and certain internal organs. Stem cells ability to form cartilage and bone makes them potentially highly effective therapy for degenerative orthopedic conditions. Their ability to form new blood vessels and smooth muscle makes them potentially very useful in treating Peyronies disease and impotence. Stem cells are used extensively in Europe and Asia to treat these conditions.

We have anecdotal and experimental evidence that stem cell therapy is effective in healing and regeneration. Stem cells seek out damaged tissues in order to repair the body naturally. The literature and internet are full of successful testimonials but we are still awaiting definitive studies demonstrating the efficacy of stem cell therapy. Such data may take five or ten years to accumulate. In an effort to provide relief for patients suffering from certain degenerative diseases that have been resistant to common modalities of medical care, we are initiating pilot studies as experimental tests of therapy effectiveness with very high numbers of adipose-derived stem cells obtained from fat. Adipose fat is an abundant and reliable source of stem cells.

GCSC&RMCs cell harvesting and isolation techniques are based on technology from Korea. This new technological breakthrough allows patients to safely receive their own autologous stem cells in extremely large quantities. Our therapy and research are patient funded and we have endeavored successfully to make it affordable. All of our sterile procedures are non-invasive and done under local anesthesia. Patients who are looking for non-surgical alternatives to their degenerative disorders can participate in our trials by filling out our application to determine if they are candidates.GCSC&RMC is proud to be state of the art in the new field of Regenerative Medicine. RETURN TO TOP

We are currently in the process of setting up FDA approved protocols for stem cell banking in collaboration with a reputable cryo-technology company. This enables a person to receive autologous stem cells at any time in the future without having to undergo liposuction which may be inconvenient or contraindicated. Having your own stem cells available for medical immediate use is a valuable medical asset.

Provisions are nearly in place for this option and storage of your own stem cells obtained by liposuction at GCSC&RMC or from fat obtained from cosmetic procedures performed elsewhere should be possible in the near future. RETURN TO TOP

Adult (NonEmbryonic) Mesenchymal Stem Cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to replace dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue. These special cells seek out areas of injury, disease, and destruction where they are capable of regenerating healthy cells and enabling a persons natural healing processes to be accelerated. As we gain a deeper understanding of their medical function and apply this knowledge, we are realizing their enormous therapeutic potential to help the body heal itself. Adult stem cells have been used for a variety of medicaltherapies to repair and regenerate acute and chronically damaged tissues in humans and animals. The use of stem cells is not FDA approved for treating any specific disease in the United States at this time and their use is therefore investigational. Many reputable international centers have been using stem cell therapy to treat various chronic degenerative conditions as diverse as severe neurologic diseases, renal failure, erectile dysfunction, degenerative orthopedic problems, and even cardiac and pulmonary diseases to name a few. Adult stem cells appear to be particularly effective at repairing cartilage in degenerated joints. RETURN TO TOP

Regenerative Medicine is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function lost due to damage, or congenital defects. This field holds the promise of regenerating damaged tissues and organs in the body by stimulating previously irreparable organs to heal themselves. (Wikipedia) RETURN TO TOP

Traditionally, we have used various medications and hormones to limit disease and help the body repair itself. For example, hormone replacement therapy has, in many cases, shown the ability to more optimally help the immune system and thus help us repair diseased or injured tissues. Genetic research is an evolving area where we will eventually learn and utilize more ways of specifically dealing with gene defects causing degenerative disease. Stem cell therapy is another rapidly evolving and exciting area that has already shown considerable promise in treating many degenerative conditions. RETURN TO TOP

A stem cell is basically any cell that can replicate and differentiate. This means the cell can not only multiply, it can turn into different types of tissues. There are different kinds of stem cells. Most people are familiar with or have heard the term embryonic stem cell. These are cells from the embryonic stage that have yet to differentiate as such, they can change into any body part at all. These are then called pluripotential cells. Because they are taken from unborn or unwanted embryos, there has been considerable controversy surrounding their use. Also, while they have been used in some areas of medicine particularly, outside the United States they have also been associated with occasional tumor (teratoma) formations. There is work being conducted by several companies to isolate particular lines of embryonic stem cells for future use.

Another kind of stem cell is the adult stem cell. This is a stem cell that already resides in ones body within different tissues. In recent times, much work has been done isolating bone-marrow derived stem cells. These are also known as mesenchymal stem cells because they come from the mesodermal section of your body. They can differentiate into bone and cartilage, and probably all other mesodermal elements, such as fat, connective tissue, blood vessels, muscle and nerve tissue. Bone marrow stem cells can be extracted and because they are low in numbers, they are usually cultured in order to multiply their numbers for future use. As it turns out, fat is also loaded with mesenchymal stem cells. In fact, it has hundreds if not thousands of times more stem cells compared to bone marrow. Today, we actually have tools that allow us to separate the stem cells from fat. Because most people have adequate fat supplies and the numbers of stem cells are so great, there is no need to culture the cells over a period of days and they can be used right away. RETURN TO TOP

These adult stem cells are known as progenitor cells. This means they remain dormant (do nothing) unless they witness some level of tissue injury. Its the tissue injury that turns them on. So, when a person has a degenerative type problem, the stem cells tend to go to that area of need and stimulate the healing process. Were still not sure if they simply change into the type of injured tissue needed for repair or if they send out signals that induce the repair by some other mechanism. Suffice it to say that there are multiple animal models and a plethora of human evidence that indicates these are significant reparative cells. RETURN TO TOP

This will depend on the type of degenerative condition you have. A specialist will evaluate you and discuss whether youre a potential candidate for stem cell therapy. If after youve been recommended for therapy, had an opportunity to understand the potential risks and benefits, and decided on your own that you would like to explore this avenue, then you can be considered for stem cell therapy. Of course, even though its a minimally invasive procedure, you will still need to be medically cleared for the procedure. RETURN TO TOP

NO. However, GCSC&RMCs procedures fall under the category of physicians practice of medicine, wherein the physician and patient are free to consider their chosen course for medical care. The FDA does have guidelines about therapy and manipulation of a patients own tissues. At GCSC&RMC we meet these guidelines by providing same day deployment with the patients own cells that undergo very minimal manipulation and are inserted during the same procedure. RETURN TO TOP

No. Only adult mesenchymal stem cells are used. These cells are capable of forming bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, ligaments, blood vessels, and certain organs. Embryonic stem cells are associated with ethical considerations and limitations. RETURN TO TOP

Patients suffer from many varieties of degenerative illnesses. There may be conditions associated with nearly all aspects of the body. Board-certified specialists are ideal to evaluate, recommend and/or treat, and subsequently, follow your progress. Together, through the GCSC&RMC, we work to coordinate and provide therapy mainly with your own stem cells, but also through other avenues of regenerative medicine. This could include hormone replacement therapy or other appropriate recommendations.

For example, if you have a knee problem, you would see GCSC&RMCs Board Certified orthopedic surgeon rather than a generic clinic director. Also, you might be recommended for evaluation for hormone replacement therapy or an exercise program should such be considered optimal. Nonetheless, we believe stem cell therapy to be the likely foundation for regenerative medicine. It should also be noted, that all therapies are currently in the investigational stage. While we recognize our patients are seeking improvement in their condition through stem cell therapy, each deployment is part of an ongoing investigation to establish optimal parameters for future therapies, to evaluate for effectiveness and for any adverse effects. It is essential that patients understand they are participating in these investigational (research) analyses. Once sufficient information is appropriately documented and statistically significant, then data (validated by an Institutional Review Board) may be presented to the FDA for consideration of making an actual claim. RETURN TO TOP

Urology, cosmetic surgery, ear, nose, & throat, orthopedics, internal medicine, and cardiology are represented. Plans are currently being made for a number of other specialties. GCSC&RMC is the first multi-specialty stem cell center in the United States. RETURN TO TOP

Many have been told that they require surgery or other risky procedures for their ailments and are looking for non-invasive options. Some have heard about the compelling testimonials about stem cells in the literature and on various websites. Many have read about the results of stem cell therapy in animal models and in humans. GCSC&RMC gives a choice to those informed patients who seek modern regenerative therapy but desire convenience, quality, and affordability. GCSC&RMC fills a need for those patients who have been told that they have to travel to different countries and pay as much as twenty to one hundred thousand dollars for stem cell therapy offshore. (See stem cell tourism). RETURN TO TOP

Stem cells are harvested and deployed during the same procedure. Our patients undergo a minimally-invasive liposuction type of harvesting procedure by a qualified surgeon in our facility in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. The harvesting procedure generally lasts a few minutes and can be done under local anesthesia. Cells are then processed and are ready for deployment within 90 minutes or less. RETURN TO TOP

Bone marrow sampling (a somewhat uncomfortable procedure) yields approximately 5,000 60,000 cells that are then cultured over several days to perhaps a few million cells prior to deployment (injection into the patient). Recent advances in stem cell science have made it possible to obtain high numbers of very excellent quality multi-potent (able to form numerous other tissues) cells from a persons own liposuction fat. GCSC&RMC uses technology acquired from Asia to process this fat to yield approximately five hundred thousand to one million stem cells per cc of fat, and therefore, it is possible to obtain as many as 10 to 40 million cells from a single procedure. These adipose-derived stem cells can form many different types of cells when deployed properly including bone, cartilage, tendon (connective tissue), muscle, blood vessels, nerve tissue and others. RETURN TO TOP

GCSC&RMC patients have their fat (usually abdominal) harvested in our special sterile facility under a local anesthetic. The fat removal procedure lasts approximately twenty minutes. Specially designed equipment is used to harvest the fat cells and less than 100cc of fat is required. Postoperative discomfort is minimal and there is minimal restriction on activity. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cells are harvested under sterile conditions using a special closed system technology so that the cells never come into contact with the environment throughout the entire process from removal to deployment. Sterile technique and antibiotics are also used to prevent infection. RETURN TO TOP

No. Only a persons own adult autologous cells are used. These are harvested from each individual and deployed back into their own body. There is no risk of contamination or risk of introduction of mammalian DNA. RETURN TO TOP

These facilities are obtaining stem cells from bone marrow or blood in relatively small quantities and they are then culturing (growing) the cells to create adequate quantities. Research seems to indicate that the success of stem cell therapy is directly related to the quantity of cells injected. GCSC&RMC uses adipose-derived stem cells that are abundant naturally at approximately 2,500 times levels found in bone marrow (the most common source of mesenchymal stem cells). GCSC&RMC uses technology that isolates adipose stem cells in vast numbers in a short time span so that prolonged culturing is unnecessary and cells can be deployed into a patient within 90 minutes of harvesting. RETURN TO TOP

GCSC&RMC is doing pioneer research for treating many diseases. All investigational data is being collected so that results will be published in peer review literature and ultimately used to promote the advancement of cellular based regenerative medicine. FDA regulations mandate that no advertising medical claims be made and that even website testimonials are prohibited. RETURN TO TOP

No. Many are confused by this because they have heard of cancer patients receiving stem cell transplants. These patients had ablative bone marrow therapy and need stem cells to re-populate their blood and marrow. This is different from the stem cells we deploy to treat noncancerous human diseases at GCSC&RMC. RETURN TO TOP

Adult mesenchymal stem cells are not known to cause cancer. Some patients have heard of stories of cancer caused by stem cells, but these are probably related to the use of embryonic cells (Not Adult Mesenchymal Cells). These embryonic tumors known as teratomas are rare but possible occurrences when embryonic cells are used. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cell therapy is thought to be safe and not affect dormant cancers. If someone has had cancer that was treated and responded sucessfully, there is know reason to withhold stem cell deployment. In most cases, stem cells should not be used in patients with known active cancer. RETURN TO TOP

We know of no documented cases personally or in the literature where serious harm has resulted. All of our patients will be entered into a database to follow and report any adverse reactions. This information is vital to the development of stem cell science. There have been a few reports of serious complications from overseas and these are being thoroughly evaluated by epidemiologists to ascertain the facts. The International Stem Cell Society registry has over 1,000 cases currently registered and only 2% were associated with any complications, none of which were considered serious adverse events. RETURN TO TOP

None. Our aim is to make cell based medicine available to patients who are interested and to provide ongoing research data under approved Institutional Review Board (IRB) validated studies. We will follow our stem cell therapy patients over their lifetimes. This will enable us to accumulate significant data about the various degenerative diseases we treat. Instead of providing simply anecdotal or testimonial information, our goal is to categorize the various conditions and follow the patients progress through various objective (e.g. x-ray evidence or video displays) and subjective (e.g. patient and/or doctor surveys) criteria. We are aware of a lot of stories about marked improvement of a variety of conditions, but we make no claims about the intended therapy. At some point, once adequate amounts of data are accumulated, it might be appropriate to submit the information to the FDA at which point an actual claim may be substantiated and recognized by the Agency. Still, these are your own cells and not medicines for sale. They are only being used in your own body. Most likely, no claim needs to be made; rather a statistical analysis of our findings would suffice to suggest whether therapy is truly and significantly effective. We also hope to submit our patients data to an approved International Registry (See ICMS Stem Cell Registry) further fostering large collections of data to help identify both positive and negative trends. RETURN TO TOP

Our adipose derived stem cell harvesting and isolation technique yields extremely high numbers of stem cells. In reviewing outcomes data, therapy cell numbers appear to correlate with therapy success. Our cells are actually in a type of soup called Stromal Vascular Fraction SVF which is stem cells bathed in a rich mixture of natural growth factors (Not the same as human growth factor hormone which is only one type of growth factor). Some types of orthopedic and urologic diseases appear to respond better to stem cells that are super enriched with growth factors created by administering Platelet Rich Plasma to the patient. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma is derived from a patients own blood drawn at the time of deployment. At GCSC&RMC we do not add any foreign substances or medications to the stem cells. RETURN TO TOP

Depending on the type of therapy required, stem cells can be injected through veins, arteries, into spinal fluid, subcutaneously, or directly into joints or organs. All of these are considered minimally invasive methods of introducing the stem cells. Stem cells injected intravenously are known to seek out and find (see photo) areas of tissue damage and migrate to that location thus potentially providing regenerative healing. Intravenously injected stem cells have been shown to have the capability of crossing the blood-brain barrier to enter the central nervous system and they can be identified in the patients body many months after deployment. Note yellow arrow showing the stem cells concentrated in the patients hand where he had a Dupytrens contracture (Dupuytrens contracture is a hand deformity that causes the tissue beneath the surface of the hand to thicken and contract). RETURN TO TOP

Different conditions are treated in different ways and there are different degrees of success. If the goal is regeneration of joint cartilage, one may not see expected results until several months. Some patients may not experience significant improvement and others may see dramatic regeneration of damaged tissue or resolution of disease. Many of the disorders and problems that the physicians at GCSC&RMC are treating represent pioneering work and there is a lack of data. FDA regulations prevent GCSC&RMC from making any claims about expectations for success, however, if you are chosen for therapy, it will be explained that we believe stem cell therapy may be beneficial or in some cases that we are unsure and therapy would be considered investigational. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cell therapy relies on the bodys own regenerative healing to occur. The regenerative process may take time, particularly with orthopedic patients, who may not see results for several months. In some diseases, more immediate responses are possible. RETURN TO TOP

No. Only certain medical problems are currently being treated at GCSC&RMC. Check our list or fill out a candidate application form on the website. All patients need to be medically stable enough to have the stem cell deployment in our facility. There may be some exceptional conditions that may eventually be treated in hospitalized patients, but that remains for the future. Some patients may be declined due to the severity of their problem. Other patients may not have conditions appropriate to treat or may not be covered by our specialists or our protocols. A waiting list or outside referral (if we know of someone else treating such a problem) might be applicable in such cases. RETURN TO TOP

Yes. Patients with uncontrolled cancer are excluded. If you have an active infection anywhere in your body you must be treated first. Severely ill patients may require special consideration. Also, anyone with a bleeding disorder or who takes blood thinning medications requires special evaluation before consideration for stem cells. RETURN TO TOP

The specialist seeing you at GCSC&RMC will make a determination based on your history and exam, studies, and current research findings. Any complex cases may be reviewed by our ethics advisory committee. Occasionally, we may seek opinions from thought leaders around the world. RETURN TO TOP

No. Participation in any of our protocols is not mandatory and there are no incentives, financial or otherwise, to induce patients to enroll in our studies. However, GCSC&RMC is dedicated to clinical research for the development of stem cell science. GCSC&RMC is taking an active role in cutting edge clinical research in the new field of regenerative medicine. Research studies will be explained and privacy will be maintained. Formal future research studies will be regulated by an Institutional Review Board which is an authorized agency that promotes validity, transparency and protection of human study enrollees. RETURN TO TOP

At this time, we are not treating spinal cord injuries and some advanced diseases. See list of problems currently being studied at GCSC&RMC. RETURN TO TOP

Patients who are considered to be candidates based on information provided in the candidate application form will be invited for a consultation with one of our panel physicians. $250 is charged for this consultation which includes office evaluation (but may also include physicians evaluation of X-Rays, records, or telephonic consultations). Unfortunately, insurance generally will not cover the actual cost of stem cell therapy in most cases since stem cell therapy is still considered experimental. The cost varies depending on the disease state being treated and which type of stem cell deployment is required. RETURN TO TOP

Because of recent innovations in technology, GCSC&RMC is able to provide outpatient stem cell therapy at a fraction of the cost of that seen in many overseas clinics. The fee covers fat cell harvesting, cell preparation, and stem cell deployment which may include the use of advanced interventional radiology and fluoroscopy techniques. Financing is available through a credit vendor. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cells can be cryopreserved in the form of liposuction fat for prolonged periods of time. Currently, this service is outsourced to an outside provider known to have excellent quality control. Many patients have been inquiring about banking cells while they are still young since stem cell numbers drop naturally with each decade of life and some advocate obtaining and saving cells to be used later in life as needed. (see chart). RETURN TO TOP

Most patients, especially those with orthopedic conditions, require only one deployment. Certain types of degenerative conditions, particularly auto-immune disease, may respond best to a series of stem cell deployments. The number and necessity of any additional procedures would be decided on a case by case basis. Financial consideration is given in these instances. RETURN TO TOP

A good resource is the International Cellular Medicine Society (ICMS). Stem Cells 101


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FAQs - Ocean Springs, MS - Gulf Coast Stem Cell ...

Hematopoietic stem cell – Wikipedia

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the stem cells that give rise to other blood cells. This process is called haematopoiesis.[1] This process occurs in the red bone marrow, in the core of most bones. In embryonic development, the red bone marrow is derived from the layer of the embryo called the mesoderm.

Hematopoiesis is the process by which all mature blood cells are produced. It must balance enormous production needs (more than 500 billion blood cells are produced every day) with the need to precisely regulate the number of each blood cell type in the circulation. In vertebrates, the vast majority of hematopoiesis occurs in the bone marrow and is derived from a limited number of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are multipotent and capable of extensive self-renewal.

HSCs give rise to both the myeloid and lymphoid lineages of blood cells. Myeloid and lymphoid lineages both are involved in dendritic cell formation. Myeloid cells include monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, erythrocytes, and megakaryocytes to platelets. Lymphoid cells include T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. The definition of hematopoietic stem cells has evolved since HSCs were first discovered in 1961.[2] The hematopoietic tissue contains cells with long-term and short-term regeneration capacities and committed multipotent, oligopotent, and unipotent progenitors. HSCs constitute 1:10.000 of cells in myeloid tissue.

HSC transplants are used in the treatment of cancers and other immune system disorders.[3]

With regard to morphology, hematopoietic stem cells resemble lymphocytes. They are non-adherent, and rounded, with a rounded nucleus and low cytoplasm-to-nucleus ratio. Since HSCs cannot be isolated as a pure population, it is not possible to identify them in a microscope.

HSCs are found in the bone marrow of adults, especially in the pelvis, femur, and sternum. They are also found in umbilical cord blood and, in small numbers, in peripheral blood.[4]

Stem and progenitor cells can be taken from the pelvis, at the iliac crest, using a needle and syringe.[5] The cells can be removed as liquid (to perform a smear to look at the cell morphology) or they can be removed via a core biopsy (to maintain the architecture or relationship of the cells to each other and to the bone).[citation needed]

In order to harvest stem cells from the circulating peripheral blood, blood donors are injected with a cytokine, such as granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), that induces cells to leave the bone marrow and circulate in the blood vessels.[6] In mammalian embryology, the first definitive HSCs are detected in the AGM (aorta-gonad-mesonephros), and then massively expanded in the fetal liver prior to colonising the bone marrow before birth.[7]

It was originally believed that all HSCs were alike in their self-renewal and differentiation abilities. This view was first challenged by the 2002 discovery by the Muller-Sieburg group in San Diego, who illustrated that different stem cells can show distinct repopulation patterns that are epigenetically predetermined intrinsic properties of clonal Thy-1lo Sca-1+ linc-kit+ HSC.[8][9][10] The results of these clonal studies led to the notion of lineage bias. Using the ratio = L / M {displaystyle rho =L/M} of lymphoid (L) to myeloid (M) cells in blood as a quantitative marker, the stem cell compartment can be split into three categories of HSC. Balanced (Bala) HSCs repopulate peripheral white blood cells in the same ratio of myeloid to lymphoid cells as seen in unmanipulated mice (on average about 15% myeloid and 85% lymphoid cells, or 3 10). Myeloid-biased (My-bi) HSCs give rise to very few lymphocytes resulting in ratios 0 < < 3, while lymphoid-biased (Ly-bi) HSCs generate very few myeloid cells, which results in lymphoid-to-myeloid ratios of > 10. All three types are normal types of HSC, and they do not represent stages of differentiation. Rather, these are three classes of HSC, each with an epigenetically fixed differentiation program. These studies also showed that lineage bias is not stochastically regulated or dependent on differences in environmental influence. My-bi HSC self-renew longer than balanced or Ly-bi HSC. The myeloid bias results from reduced responsiveness to the lymphopoetin interleukin 7 (IL-7).[9]

Subsequently, other groups confirmed and highlighted the original findings.[11] For example, the Eaves group confirmed in 2007 that repopulation kinetics, long-term self-renewal capacity, and My-bi and Ly-bi are stably inherited intrinsic HSC properties.[12] In 2010, the Goodell group provided additional insights about the molecular basis of lineage bias in side population (SP) SCA-1+ lin c-kit+ HSC.[13] As previously shown for IL-7 signaling, it was found that a member of the transforming growth factor family (TGF-beta) induces and inhibits the proliferation of My-bi and Ly-bi HSC, respectively.

HSCs can be identified or isolated by the use of flow cytometry where the combination of several different cell surface markers are used to separate the rare HSCs from the surrounding blood cells. HSCs lack expression of mature blood cell markers and are thus, called Lin-. Lack of expression of lineage markers is used in combination with detection of several positive cell-surface markers to isolate HSCs. In addition, HSCs are characterised by their small size and low staining with vital dyes such as rhodamine 123 (rhodamine lo) or Hoechst 33342 (side population).

The classical marker of human HSC is CD34 first described independently by Civin et al. and Tindle et al.[14][15][16][17] It is used to isolate HSC for reconstitution of patients who are haematologically incompetent as a result of chemotherapy or disease.

Many markers belong to the cluster of differentiation series, like: CD34, CD38, CD90, CD133, CD105, CD45, and also c-kit the receptor for stem cell factor.

There are many differences between the human and murine hematopoietic cell markers for the commonly accepted type of hematopoietic stem cells.[18]

However, not all stem cells are covered by these combinations that, nonetheless, have become popular. In fact, even in humans, there are hematopoietic stem cells that are CD34/CD38.[19][20] Also some later studies suggested that earliest stem cells may lack c-kit on the cell surface.[21] For human HSCs use of CD133 was one step ahead as both CD34+ and CD34 HSCs were CD133+.

Traditional purification method used to yield a reasonable purity level of mouse hematopoietic stem cells, in general, requires a large(~1012) battery of markers, most of which were surrogate markers with little functional significance, and thus partial overlap with the stem cell populations and sometimes other closely related cells that are not stem cells. Also, some of these markers (e.g., Thy1) are not conserved across mouse species, and use of markers like CD34 for HSC purification requires mice to be at least 8 weeks old.

Alternative methods that could give rise to a similar or better harvest of stem cells is an active area of research, and are presently[when?] emerging. One such method uses a signature of SLAM family cell surface molecules. The SLAM (Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule) family is a group of more than 10 molecules whose genes are located mostly tandemly in a single locus on chromosome 1 (mouse), all belonging to a subset of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily, and originally thought to be involved in T-cell stimulation. This family includes CD48, CD150, CD244, etc., CD150 being the founding member, and, thus, also known as slamF1, i.e., SLAM family member 1.

The signature SLAM codes for the hemopoietic hierarchy are:

For HSCs, CD150+CD48 was sufficient instead of CD150+CD48CD244 because CD48 is a ligand for CD244, and both would be positive only in the activated lineage-restricted progenitors. It seems that this code was more efficient than the more tedious earlier set of the large number of markers, and are also conserved across the mouse strains; however, recent work has shown that this method excludes a large number of HSCs and includes an equally large number of non-stem cells.[22][23]CD150+CD48 gave stem cell purity comparable to Thy1loSCA-1+linc-kit+ in mice.[24]

Irving Weissman's group at Stanford University was the first to isolate mouse hematopoietic stem cells in 1988Template:Purification and characterization of mouse hematopoietic stem cells. and was also the first to work out the markers to distinguish the mouse long-term (LT-HSC) and short-term (ST-HSC) hematopoietic stem cells (self-renew-capable), and the Multipotent progenitors (MPP, low or no self-renew capability the later the developmental stage of MPP, the lesser the self-renewal ability and the more of some of the markers like CD4 and CD135):

Between 1948 and 1950, the Committee for Clarification of the Nomenclature of Cells and Diseases of the Blood and Blood-forming Organs issued reports on the nomenclature of blood cells.[25][26] An overview of the terminology is shown below, from earliest to final stage of development:

The root for erythrocyte colony-forming units (CFU-E) is "rubri", for granulocyte-monocyte colony-forming units (CFU-GM) is "granulo" or "myelo" and "mono", for lympocyte colony-forming units (CFU-L) is "lympho" and for megakaryocyte colony-forming units (CFU-Meg) is "megakaryo". According to this terminology, the stages of red blood cell formation would be: rubriblast, prorubricyte, rubricyte, metarubricyte, and erythrocyte. However, the following nomenclature seems to be, at present, the most prevalent:

Osteoclasts also arise from hemopoietic cells of the monocyte/neutrophil lineage, specifically CFU-GM.

In the context of hematopoietic stem cells, a colony-forming unit is a subtype of HSC. (This sense of the term is different from colony-forming units of microbes, which is a cell counting unit.) There are various kinds of HSC colony-forming units:

The above CFUs are based on the lineage. Another CFU, the colony-forming unitspleen (CFU-S), was the basis of an in vivo clonal colony formation, which depends on the ability of infused bone marrow cells to give rise to clones of maturing hematopoietic cells in the spleens of irradiated mice after 8 to 12 days. It was used extensively in early studies, but is now considered to measure more mature progenitor or transit-amplifying cells rather than stem cells.

DNA strand breaks accumulate in long term HSCs during aging.[27] This accumulation is associated with a broad attenuation of DNA repair and response pathways that depends on HSC quiescence.[27]Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is a pathway that repairs double-strand breaks in DNA. NHEJ is referred to as "non-homologous" because the break ends are directly ligated without the need for a homologous template. The NHEJ pathway depends on several proteins including ligase 4, DNA polymerase mu and NHEJ factor 1 (NHEJ1, also known as Cernunnos or XLF).

DNA ligase 4 (Lig4) has a highly specific role in the repair of double-strand breaks by NHEJ. Lig4 deficiency in the mouse causes a progressive loss of HSCs during aging.[28] Deficiency of lig4 in pluripotent stem cells results in accumulation of DNA double-strand breaks and enhanced apoptosis.[29]

In polymerase mu mutant mice, hematopoietic cell development is defective in several peripheral and bone marrow cell populations with about a 40% decrease in bone marrow cell number that includes several hematopoietic lineages.[30] Expansion potential of hematopoietic progenitor cells is also reduced. These characteristics correlate with reduced ability to repair double-strand breaks in hematopoietic tissue.

Deficiency of NHEJ factor 1 in mice leads to premature aging of hematopoietic stem cells as indicated by several lines of evidence including evidence that long-term repopulation is defective and worsens over time.[31] Using a human induced pluripotent stem cell model of NHEJ1 deficiency, it was shown that NHEJ1 has an important role in promoting survival of the primitive hematopoietic progenitors.[32] These NHEJ1 deficient cells possess a weak NHEJ1-mediated repair capacity that is apparently incapable of coping with DNA damages induced by physiological stress, normal metabolism, and ionizing radiation.[32]

The sensitivity of haematopoietic stem cells to Lig4, DNA polymerase mu and NHEJ1 deficiency suggests that NHEJ is a key determinant of the ability of stem cells to maintain themselves against physiological stress over time.[28] Rossi et al.[33] found that endogenous DNA damage accumulates with age even in wild type HSCs, and suggested that DNA damage accrual may be an important physiological mechanism of stem cell aging.

Being calm is different from doing nothing, the HSCs stay calm and maintain their quiescent nature. During the need of action it revokes the dormant state and becomes an active participant in the host metabolism. These Metabolic alteration that a stem cell undergoes during proliferation and quiescence are decisive which makes the cells to survive in extreme hypoxic environment that prevails in bone marrow.[34] This kind of quiescence nature in HSCs may be the reason behind for being/acting as stem cells for long lasting periods even throughout the lifetime of an individual.

HSCs can replenish all blood cell types (i.e., are multipotent) and self-renew. A small number of HSCs can expand to generate a very large number of daughter HSCs. This phenomenon is used in bone marrow transplantation,[35] when a small number of HSCs reconstitute the hematopoietic system. This process indicates that, subsequent to bone marrow transplantation, symmetrical cell divisions into two daughter HSCs must occur.

Stem cell self-renewal is thought to occur in the stem cell niche in the bone marrow, and it is reasonable to assume that key signals present in this niche will be important in self-renewal.[1] There is much interest in the environmental and molecular requirements for HSC self-renewal, as understanding the ability of HSC to replenish themselves will eventually allow the generation of expanded populations of HSC in vitro that can be used therapeutically.

HSCs have a higher potential than other immature blood cells to pass the bone marrow barrier, and, thus, may travel in the blood from the bone marrow in one bone to another bone. If they settle in the thymus, they may develop into T cells. In the case of fetuses and other extramedullary hematopoiesis, HSCs may also settle in the liver or spleen and develop.

This enables HSCs to be harvested directly from the blood.

A cobblestone area-forming cell (CAFC) assay is a cell culture-based empirical assay. When plated onto a confluent culture of stromal feeder layer, a fraction of HSCs creep between the gaps (even though the stromal cells are touching each other) and eventually settle between the stromal cells and the substratum (here the dish surface) or trapped in the cellular processes between the stromal cells. Emperipolesis is the in vivo phenomenon in which one cell is completely engulfed into another (e.g. thymocytes into thymic nurse cells); on the other hand, when in vitro, lymphoid lineage cells creep beneath nurse-like cells, the process is called pseudoemperipolesis. This similar phenomenon is more commonly known in the HSC field by the cell culture terminology cobble stone area-forming cells (CAFC), which means areas or clusters of cells look dull cobblestone-like under phase contrast microscopy, compared to the other HSCs, which are refractile. This happens because the cells that are floating loosely on top of the stromal cells are spherical and thus refractile. However, the cells that creep beneath the stromal cells are flattened and, thus, not refractile. The mechanism of pseudoemperipolesis is only recently coming to light. It may be mediated by interaction through CXCR4 (CD184) the receptor for CXC Chemokines (e.g., SDF1) and 41 integrins.[36]

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) cannot be easily observed directly, and, therefore, their behaviors need to be inferred indirectly. Clonal studies are likely the closest technique for single cell in vivo studies of HSC. Here, sophisticated experimental and statistical methods are used to ascertain that, with a high probability, a single HSC is contained in a transplant administered to a lethally irradiated host. The clonal expansion of this stem cell can then be observed over time by monitoring the percent donor-type cells in blood as the host is reconstituted. The resulting time series is defined as the repopulation kinetic of the HSC.

The reconstitution kinetics are very heterogeneous. However, using symbolic dynamics, one can show that they fall into a limited number of classes.[37] To prove this, several hundred experimental repopulation kinetics from clonal Thy-1lo SCA-1+ lin c-kit+ HSC were translated into symbolic sequences by assigning the symbols "+", "-", "~" whenever two successive measurements of the percent donor-type cells have a positive, negative, or unchanged slope, respectively. By using the Hamming distance, the repopulation patterns were subjected to cluster analysis yielding 16 distinct groups of kinetics. To finish the empirical proof, the Laplace add-one approach[clarification needed] was used to determine that the probability of finding kinetics not contained in these 16 groups is very small. By corollary, this result shows that the hematopoietic stem cell compartment is also heterogeneous by dynamical criteria.

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Hematopoietic stem cell - Wikipedia

Best Stem Cell Doctors in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Glendale …

Offering stem cell treatments in Phoenix Metro with Award Winning, Compassionate Top Docs! The same providers for the Phoenix Suns, Mercury, San Francisco Giants and the PGA Tour!

Dr. Damper is an interventional spine, pain and sports specialist. He is Board Certified and is an active member of the American Academy of PM&R, American Osteopathic Association and the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association.

After finishing medical school at AT Still University in Missouri, Dr. Damper performed his residency at Loyola University in Chicago. A subsequent fellowship in Interventional pain and spine work was completed at Non Surgical Orthopedic in Marietta, Georgia.

Dr. Damper is on the leading edge of regenerative therapies, treating each patient with unique options and knowledgeable interventionals. The success rate with patients is tremendous as they get back frequently to desired activities, from high level athletics to simply being able to walk farther!

Dr. Monte Hessler has been a top provider in the Valley for over 25 years. He works closely with the interventional doctors to help patients with regenerative medicine therapies.

He graduated from the University of Health Sciences in Southern CA, and for over fifteen years has been the team chiropractor for the Phoenix Suns and the Phoenix Mercury. In addition, he has provided chiropractic services to the San Francisco Giants, Milwaukee Brewers and the PGA Tour.

One of Dr. Hesslers key missions is helping patients avoid surgery through an integrated approach. This includes regenerative therapies along with physical therapy, laser and electrical stimulation, ultrasound, spinal decompression, massage and more!

R3 Stem Cells Centers of Excellence provide treatment options that offer patients hope and pain relief. Hope that possibly risky surgery can be avoided, and arthritis, back pain and soft tissue injury can be repaired with the individual then being able do things like hike,swim, play with your kids again, ride a bike and be Free of Pain!

Existing pain treatments have been excellent at reducing pain by masking discomfort in a band aid fashion with medications such as narcotics, NSAIDS and cortisone.

These treatments have been excellent for relief, but they DONT fix the underlying problem!

Fixing Tissue Injury

So how is the problem truly helpedat our Centers of Excellence, whether its joint arthritis, neck or back pain, achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, golfers/tennis elbow, sports injuries, ligament injury, COPD, kidney failure, neuropathy, Alzheimers, stroke, etc?

Regenerative Medicine at R3 Stem Cell centers has the possibility for repairing normal anatomy by using treatment with platelet rich plasma therapy, stem cells, and growth factors to potentiate a healing response in ones own body.

Stem Cells are a veritable blank slate and can differentiate into multiple types of cells helpful for tissue regeneration depending on the environment in which they are placed.

R3 Stem Cell Treatments

R3 stem cell injection treatments are all minimal risk, outpatient therapies. Several studies are showing these regenerative treatments to work very well at healing injury while reducing pain. For example, several professional sports leagues have approved of PRP therapy along with the WADA.

Pro athletes who have undergone regenerative therapies performed include the likes of Kobe Bryant, Rafael Nadal, Dwight Howard, Tiger Woods (during his prime) and many more.

All of the treatments at R3 Stem Cell centers are administered by compassionate, expertproviders who have performed lots of cases.

In fact, the R3 providers in Phoenix have been treating athletes from the PGA Tour, Phoenix Suns, Mercury and San Francisco Giants for over ten years! Get treated by the best, call us today at (480) 466-0980.








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Best Stem Cell Doctors in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Glendale ...