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Stem Cell Treatment Center | IN

At the Indiana Stem Cell Treatment Center, we provide stem cell therapy care for people suffering from diseases that may be alleviated by access to adult stem cell based regenerative treatment. The Center utilizes a fat transfer surgical technology to isolate and implant the patients own stem cells from a small quantity of fat harvested by liposuction on the same day. Stem cell therapy patients are evaluated by a respective member of our multi-specialty expert panel of Board Certified physicians representing many medical fields. The Indiana Stem Cell Treatment Center emphasizes quality and is highly committed to clinical research and the advancement of regenerative medicine. When it comes to stem cell therapy centers we always put the patients needs first

Founded in 2010 for the investigational use of stem cells deployments for degenerative conditions, the source of the cells is actually stromal vascular fraction, which is a protein rich segment of processed adipose tissue. Stromal vascular fraction contains a mononuclear cell line (predominantly autologous mesenchymal stem cells), macrophage cells, endothelial cells, red blood cells, and important growth factors that turn on the stem cells and promote their activity. We have high numbers of viable cells and we are trying to learn which diseases respond best and which deployment methods are most effective. We are growing and continue to use our surgical methods to deploy SVF for various degenerative conditions. We employ a clinical research coordinator to protect our valuable data and our vision is to perfect our treatments and ultimately teach them to other physicians around the world.

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Stem Cell Treatment Center | IN

America | Stem – Regenerative Muscoskeletal Medicine

Stem Cell Institute of America

The Stem Cell Institute of America trains physicians in your community on how to share the amazing benefits of stem cells and the other advanced regenerative options that are available to you. Thus enabling you to understand all of your options when it comes to regenerative medicine. These physicians have decided to educate people, local clubs, churches, businesses and organizations in their community etc. on one of the most significant medical breakthroughs in natural medicine. Their purpose is to educate and answer questions on how you or someone you know can live a life without pain by utilizing adult stem cells derived from your fat or bone marrow as well as from other advanced options such as amniotic or cord sources that are much less invasive.

Chronic pain robs suffers of their quality of life and often leads to unnecessary pain medications and even depression. It is possible to turn the clock of time backwards and get your life back.

During our unique 1 hour presentation, you will learn everything there is to know about Stem Cells and other advanced regenerative options, including how they work, the different types, where they work best, research studies and effectiveness.

Stem Cells are changing the lives of thousands across this great country for the better and our volunteers are fully trained by the Stem Cell Institute of America to present this amazing educational work shop to your local business, clubs, churches, gyms, organizations, support groups etc.

By reviewing the most up to date techniques and research, The Stem Cell Institute of America has customized a presentation on this revolutionary medical breakthrough featuring as many options as possible so you have the best chance to find relief from a very large array of chronic pain and health issues. For instance, until recently, treatment options for people with chronic joint pain were limited to steroid injections and surgery that offer only short term or often-harmful outcomes.

Now, safe and effective treatments for knee, shoulders, hips, elbows, back and neck are available without harmful Side Effects or PAIN.

Regenerative Cellular Medicine works with the bodys natural ability to heal itself. Unlike treatments that simply address the symptoms, regenerative cell therapy actually promotes the natural process of repair in the body, assisting in restoring degenerated tissue.

Call us today to Register for the nextseminar in your areaon the amazing benefits of Stem Cells and other advanced regenerative options, and learn more about the most significant medical breakthrough of the 21st century!

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America | Stem - Regenerative Muscoskeletal Medicine

Regenexx Overview – Health Link Medical Center

Select a Problem Area

If you have pain, we're here to help. Regenexx Procedures are patented stem cell and blood platelet procedures that are used to treat a wide range of joint and spine conditions.

Click a problem area to discover what Regenexx can do for you.

The Regenexx family of non-surgical stem-cell & blood platelet procedures are next generation regenerative injection treatments for those who are suffering from shoulder pain due to arthritis, rotator cuff and shoulder labrum tears, overuse injuries, and other degenerative conditions. Regenexx is also a viable alternative for those considering shoulder replacement surgery.

View Details About Shoulder Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

Shoulder Procedure Video

Regenexx Procedures are advanced stem cell and blood platelet procedures for foot and ankle conditions. Before you consider ankle surgery, fusion or replacement, consider the worlds leading stem cell and prp injection treatments.

View Details About Foot & Ankle Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

Ankle Procedure Video

The Regenexx family of non-surgical stem-cell & blood platelet procedures are next generation regenerative injection treatments for those who are suffering from pain or reduced range of motion due to basal joint / cmc arthritis, hand arthritis, or other injuries & conditions in the hand.

View Details About Hand & Wrist Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

The Regenexx family of non-surgical stem cell and blood platelet procedures offer next-generation injection treatments for those who are suffering from knee pain or may be facing knee surgery or knee replacement due to common injuries, arthritis, overuse and other conditions.

View Details About Knee Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

ACL Procedure Video In-Depth with Dr. John Schultz ACL Procedure Video

The Regenexx family of non-surgical stem-cell & blood platelet procedures are next generation regenerative injection treatments for those who are suffering from pain, inflammation or reduced range of motion due tocommon elbow injuries, arthritis and overuse conditions.

View Details About Elbow Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

The Regenexx family of hip surgery alternatives are breakthrough, non-surgical stem-cell treatments for people suffering from hip pain due to common injuries, hip arthritis & other degenerative problems related to the hip joint.

View Details About Hip Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

Hip Labrum Procedure Video Hip Avascular Necrosis Procedure Video

Regenexx has many non-surgical platelet and stem cell based procedures developed to help patients avoid spine surgery and high dose epidural steroid side effects. These procedures utilize the patients own natural growth factors or stem cells to treat bulging or herniated discs, degenerative conditions in the spine, and other back and neck conditions that cause pain.

View Details About Spine Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

Intradiscal Procedure Video

Regenexx has many non-surgical platelet and stem cell based procedures developed to help patients avoid spine surgery and high dose epidural steroid side effects. These procedures utilize the patients own natural growth factors or stem cells to treat bulging or herniated discs, degenerative conditions in the spine, and other back and neck conditions that cause pain.

View Details About Spine Treatments

Commonly Treated Conditions:

Cervical Spine Video

See the article here:
Regenexx Overview - Health Link Medical Center

Patients guide to treatments – The Niche

Updated for 2016. Top 10 list of important, easy to understand facts for patients about stem cell clinic treatments.

For better or worse, I am in the unique position of being a stem cell scientist and also a former cancer patient. Looking on the bright side this gives me a unique perspective on things compared to many of my colleagues.

I know there are thousands of people out there looking for more practical information about stem cell therapies and treatments. These folks understandably are using the Internet to look for some clear, good info on stem cell treatments either for themselves or their loved ones. Too often the info that is out there is either wrong, partially misleading, biased, or overly complex.

So in this post I want to address this need for trustworthy factual information and no-nonsense perspectives. I am speaking as a scientist, patient advocate and cancer survivor in the form of 10 key realties list belowto help you guide your way through the jungle of stuff out there about stem cells. As mentioned above, I have now updated this post for 2016 as some things have changed in big waysin just the past few years.Keep in mind this is not medical advice and you should absolutely talk to your personal doctor with whom you should make your own decisions.

1) Stem cells are often essentially a type of drug and possibly permanent in your body after a transplant.Yeah, stem cells can be extremely unusual drugs, but they are often drugs even if some argue they arent. The FDA considers them drugs in many cases. Unlike other drugs, once a patient receives a stem cell drug, it will not necessarily simply go away like other drugs because a stem cell drug consists of living cells that often behave in unpredictable ways. What this means is if the stem cells are doing bad things your doctor has no way to stop it. You have no way to stop it. Also because stem cells are alive they can grow inside your body, move around, and change. This can be helpful or harmful, but the big point is that it is not something that is controllable or reversible.

2) Side effects.Like any medical product, even aspirin,stem cells treatments will have side effects. Not maybe. Definitely. Our hope is the side effects will be relatively mild. Different kinds of stem cells have variable risk profiles, but if someone tells you that the stem cell treatment they are selling has no risks then that is a big red flag and I would walk away. They are either woefully lacking in knowledge or arent being honest with you. Sometimes clinics will either on their websites or in person acknowledge risks almost as sort of a disclaimer, but then theyll tell more casually that there arent really any risks. A common statement is The only risk is that it wont work. Thats false.

3)The only stem cell treatment explicitly approved by the FDA for use in the U.S. consists of versions of bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.What this means is that any other stem cell treatment you see advertised on Facebook or Google or elsewhere that indicates it will be given to you inside the U.S. is not FDA approved. The exceptions to this are if it is part of an FDA-approved clinical trial or it is using stem cells in a procedure that meets other criteria (e.g. being both homologous use and minimally manipulatedyeah I know these are jargon terms).

4)If you venture outside the U.S. for a stem cell treatment, use extra caution, but in 2016 also be very careful inside the U.S.Whether you travel abroad or closer to home, have a knowledgeable physician inside the U.S. guiding you, preferably your primary care doctor who mot often are not going to buy into hype. We have to avoid the trap of thinking that only the U.S. can offer advanced medical treatments and these days many American patients get their stem cell transplants here in the U.S. from dubious clinics.

5)Stem cells are not a cure-all.I am as excited as anybody about the potential of stem cells to treat a whole bunch of diseases and injuries, but they are not some kind of miracle cure for everything. When a doctor offers to inject some kind of stem cells into a patient either into the bloodstream or into a specific place that is injured such as a shoulder, we just do not know at this point if it will do any good with the exception of bone marrow transplant. You should start getting worried if the clinic tells you that one kind of stem cell such as fat, bone marrow, or amniotic stem cells can treat many different conditions. Theres no science behind that kind of claim. Stem cells are not a panacea.

Patients often mention to me that the doctors offering stem cell treatments told them that the treatments are proven safe.or that your own stem cells cannot harm youor that adult stem cells are harmless. I often tell people to think about how much research and how many questions they ask when looking to get a new car. You should bring at least that level of intensity (ideally much more) to getting info about stem cell transplants too as the stakes are even higher.Be skeptical. Ask many questions and if you arent convinced, then dont do it.

6)Dont let celebrities be your guide to medical care.The number of famous people getting stem cell treatments is increasing including sports stars and politicians. Dont let what these folks do influence what you decide to do about your health. Just because they are famous do not believe for one minute that they are any more informed than you or your personal doctor about medical treatments or stem cells. If anything I think sometimes famous people are more reckless with their health than average people like you and me.

7)Reach out to scientists as a source of info.As a scientist I am always happy to hear from people outside the scientific community with questions about stem cells and other research. I cant speak for all stem cell scientists but you might be surprised at how likely it is that if you send them a very short, clear email with one or two questions that they will respond and be helpful. We cant or shouldnt offer medical advice, but we can give our perspectives on stem cell research and its clinical potential, etc. Just do not cold call scientists as you are unlikely to find them that way and even if you do, they may be cranky. Email. If they dont reply try someone else and dont be offended they we didnt answer. Often times we may not answer because we are super busy. For instance, I often get more than 100 emails a day.

8)The people selling you non-FDA approved stem cell treatments want your money.As such they will do their best to convince you that their treatment is safe and effective. The more convincing they are then the more money they make. They may offer patient testimonials either from patients who truly believe they were helped or from people who are paid to say the treatment helped them. The bottom line is that the sellers of dubious stem cell treatments are generally in it for the big bucks. Admittedly I do think that some of these providers truly believe stem cells are helpful, but youll never see even them offering to give patients the cells at cost. These are instead very much for-profit operations.

9)NEWJust because something is called a stem cell clinical trial doesnt mean it really is and being listed on means a lot less than it used to.I am contacted weekly or even daily at times by patients or their families and they are rightly focused on getting information that they can trust. Many stem cell clinics call the treatments that they offer by the name clinical trial and thats often misleading. In the standard meaning of clinical trial the experimental therapy being tested has the FDAs approval to be used in the study, there are data supporting the study, and those doing the trial do not charge patients to be in it. You shouldnt have to pay to be a guinea pig. I think thats almost always going to be unethical on the part of those giving it. I often suggest that people turn to the federal website for information and that is still a great resource, but be aware that many pseudo-clinical trials are popping up on there that are really mostly about making money. They do not have FDA approval in many cases and there are other issues of concern. So even on that website use caution.

10)The most important thing is information/data and you have a right to see it before treatment.Before you or a loved one get a stem cell treatment, ask two key questions. First, is the treatment FDA approved and if not, why not? Second, can you please show me the data that proves your treatment is safe and effective? See what kind of answer you get. If they criticize the FDA or invoke a plot by big pharma to block stem cells then that is a warning flag. If they refuse to show you data, then that is a big red warning flag. They may say it is confidential or that it is not published yet, but as a patient you have a right to see the data, assuming they have any data at all.

These facts will likely change over the coming years, but right now I think they represent reality. I know as patients we need hope, but these unapproved stem cell treatments will at best take your money for nothing, and at worst will endanger you or your loved ones.

The post above is for information only and is not medical advice. All medical decisions should be made by patients in consultation with their personal physicians.

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Patients guide to treatments - The Niche

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – OrthoInfo – AAOS

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

During the past several years, much has been written about a preparation called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its potential effectiveness in the treatment of injuries.

Many famous athletes Tiger Woods, tennis star Rafael Nadal, and several others have received PRP for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. These types of conditions have typically been treated with medications, physical therapy, or even surgery. Some athletes have credited PRP with their being able to return more quickly to competition.

Even though PRP has received extensive publicity, there are still lingering questions about it, such as:

Although blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), it also contains small solid components (red cells, white cells, and platelets.) The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries.

PRP is plasma with many more platelets than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual.

To develop a PRP preparation, blood must first be drawn from a patient. The platelets are separated from other blood cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. Then the increased concentration of platelets is combined with the remaining blood.

Although it is not exactly clear how PRP works, laboratory studies have shown that the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP can potentially speed up the healing process.

To speed healing, the injury site is treated with the PRP preparation. This can be done in one of two ways:

Research studies are currently being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PRP treatment. At this time, the results of these studies are inconclusive because the effectiveness of PRP therapy can vary. Factors that can influence the effectiveness of PRP treatment include:

According to the research studies currently reported, PRP is most effective in the treatment of chronic tendon injuries, especially tennis elbow, a very common injury of the tendons on the outside of the elbow.

The use of PRP for other chronic tendon injuries such as chronic Achilles tendonitis or inflammation of the patellar tendon at the knee (jumper's knee) is promising. However, it is difficult to say at this time that PRP therapy is any more effective than traditional treatment of these problems.

Much of the publicity PRP therapy has received has been about the treatment of acute sports injuries, such as ligament and muscle injuries. PRP has been used to treat professional athletes with common sports injuries like pulled hamstring muscles in the thigh and knee sprains. There is no definitive scientific evidence, however, that PRP therapy actually improves the healing process in these types of injuries.

More recently, PRP has been used during certain types of surgery to help tissues heal. It was first thought to be beneficial in shoulder surgery to repair torn rotator cuff tendons. However, the results so far show little or no benefit when PRP is used in these types of surgical procedures.

Surgery to repair torn knee ligaments, especially the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is another area where PRP has been applied. At this time, there appears to be little or no benefit from using PRP in this instance.

Some initial research is being done to evaluate the effectiveness of PRP in the treatment of the arthritic knee. It is still too soon to determine if this form of treatment will be any more effective than current treatment methods.

PRP has been used in a very limited way to speed the healing of broken bones. So far, it has shown no significant benefit.

Treatment with PRP could hold promise, however, current research studies to back up the claims in the media are lacking. Although PRP does appear to be effective in the treatment of chronic tendon injuries about the elbow, the medical community needs more scientific evidence before it can determine whether PRP therapy is truly effective in other conditions.

Even though the success of PRP therapy is still questionable, the risks associated with it are minimal: There may be increased pain at the injection site, but the incidence of other problems infection, tissue damage, nerve injuries appears to be no different from that associated with cortisone injections.

If you are considering treatment with PRP, be sure to check your eligibility with your health insurance carrier. Few insurance plans, including workers' compensation plans, provide even partial reimbursement.

Original post:
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) - OrthoInfo - AAOS

What Are Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections?

Platelet rich plasma (abbreviated PRP) is a treatment used for a variety of common orthopedic conditions. PRP is a concentration of platelet cells taken from your blood, and these platelets have growth factors that may help in the healing process of chronic injuries. Growth factors are chemicals that signal the body to initiate a healing response. By injecting PRP into areas of an injury, the hope is to stimulate and optimize your body's ability to heal the chronic conditions. PRP contains a high concentration of platelets, other blood cells important in healing, and growth factors.

PRP has been used in operating rooms for several decades to help with wound healing, and to stimulate bone formation in spinal fusion surgery. Recently, PRP has been used in outpatient settings for treatment of common overuse conditions including:

PRP injections can be done in a physician's office. The procedure takes about 30 minutes in order to withdraw the blood, spin the blood in the centrifuge, and inject the PRP into the injured area.

Finding a physician who provides PRP injections can be a challenge, but most commonly these are offered by orthopedic physicians who specialize in the care of chronic sports injuries.

PRP is obtained from the patient who is being treated. Blood is withdrawn from a vein in the patient's arm and the blood is placed in a centrifuge, a machine that spins at a high speed to separate the different types of blood cells. The physician extracts the platelet-rich portion of the blood, and injects this into the area of injury. There is not just platelets in the concentrated layer of the "spun" blood, but also other important growth factors, plasma, and some red blood cells.

PRP injections are given as soon as the blood has been spun and the platelets separated. Some physicians may choose to add an "activating agent," usually either thrombin or calcium chloride, while some inject just the platelets. Studies have shown that the tendons being injected can also activate the PRP, so the activating agent may not be necessary.

There is no clear science to justify a particular quantity of PRP and number of injections needed. Most physicians perform one injection, although sometimes PRP injections are given as a series of injections over a span of several weeks.

We know from laboratory studies that PRP can help increase certain growth factors that are important in the healing process. What we do not know is if this makes any difference in healing when PRP is injected into an injured part of the body.

Clinical studies that have been done so far do not clearly demonstrate if PRP is more effective than other treatments. While there are reports of cases of success, it is not known if these successes are better, or worse, than other standard treatments. Currently, investigations are underway to determine if PRP is more helpful than other treatments for chronic tendonitis.

PRP has been shown to have some beneficial effects for tennis elbow, Achilles injuries, and even knee arthritis. Unfortunately, these are relatively small studies that follow the patients for a relatively short duration. Because of this, most doctors, and definitely most insurance companies, consider PRP to be experimental. However, talk to any patient who has found success with PRP, and they will tell you about how successful this treatment can be! It is important to remember, the even though there are some success stories and small studies that show benefit, we really don't know if PRP is worth the expense of this treatment.

Side effectsare uncommon, but they are possible. Whenever a needle is inserted through the skin, infection can occur. The other more common side effect of PRP injections is an increase in inflammation and pain after the injection.

PRP injections are not recommended in individuals with bleeding disorders, those taking anti-coagulation medications (e.g.Coumadin), or those who have cancer, active infections, or are pregnant.

PRP injections are not covered by most insurance plans, so there is usually a fee for providing this service. If your insurance does not cover these injections, you can try to appeal to the insurance provider, but because there is little scientific evidence to support PRP use, the likelihood of coverage may be low.

Most physicians charge between $500 and $1,000 per injection, although I have also heard of fees up to $2,500. Fees for PRP injections vary widely, and you may be able to work out a payment with your physician. While there are many different costs to obtain PRP, most physician offices use disposable kits offered by some of the major orthopedic supply companies. These kits cost a few hundred dollars, so there is certainly flexibility in payment, and you should negotiate the best possible rate if you are paying out of pocket.

PRP injections have been a subject ofsignificant interest for orthopedic surgeons and for their patients. Trying to stimulate a healing response within the body can be a challenge, and PRP injections may be an effective way to achieve that goal. While there is some data to support the use of PRP injections in certain clinical situations, there is other datathat questions whether this is more beneficial than traditional treatment. There is little harm in PRP injections, and they are certainly a reasonable option, but the cost of these injections is often not covered by insurance plans. I think it is reasonable to consider a PRP injection, however it certainly should not be viewed as a mandatory treatment, and this should only be consideredwhenother simpler,and more proven treatments are attempted first.

Continued here:
What Are Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections?

The Stem Cell Institute – Panama City, Panama – medical …

The Stem Cell Institute is a modern medical clinic that uses adult stem cells to treat chronic diseases for which there are inadequate standard therapies. The Institute is currently accepting patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes Type 2, Heart Failure, Osteoarthritis & Degenerative Joint Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Spinal Cord Injury.

At the Stem Cell Institute you will find facilities and level of professionalism found in the top medical centers in the United States. In 2009, over 250 international patients where treated at the Panama clinic of the Stem Cell Institute.

The Doctors at the Stem Cell Institute are highly trained specialists, many of whom trained in the U.S. All physicians are multi-lingual and speak English.

All cells used in treatments are processed in accordance with Current Good Tissue Practices (CGTP) in a state-of-the-art laboratory that is licensed and certified by the Ministry of Health of Panama.


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The Stem Cell Institute - Panama City, Panama - medical ...

Stem Cell Therapy NYC, Regenerative Medicine Injections …

Brooklyn NYC 2279 Coney Island Ave, #100 Brooklyn, NY 11223

Manhattan NYC 234 East 23 Street, Ste 1 New York, NY 10010

* Immediate lab & testing results * Same day appointments

Advanced Regenerative Medicine Center Of New York

How Stem Cells help in Sports Injuries

Platelet rich plasma therapy

Joint regeneration therapy

Stem cell doctor Reyfman offers the most effective stem cell treatments available in the USA. Come see our new cutting edge, state-of-the-art regenerative medicine clinic in NYC.

Stem cell knee therapy is a proven, effective treatment for injuries and diseases...

Hip injuries and ailments can be debilitating. Stem cell therapy for hips...

Your spine is a complex network of bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles...

Shoulder therapy, particularly physical therapy, can put you out of commission...

If you suffer an injury or ailment to your foot or ankle, you lose not only mobility...

Medical treatments using stem cells have shown dramatic results and...

Board-Certified Pain Management Physician who specializes in the treatment of athletic injuries and chronic conditions including artritis pain using the cutting edge stem cell injections and regenerative medicine procedures.

For more information about the the stem cell therapy treatment for knee, ankle, hip, back or shoulder pain offered at Stem Cell Therapy Brooklyn or to schedule a consultation with the with the stem cell doctor, Dr. Leon Reyfman, please contact our NYC pain management clinic in Manhattan, Brooklyn & Queens.

All I can say is WOW thank God I found this place! Ive worked at a desk for 60 hours a week for the past 10 years, and it really started to take a toll on my back just this year. Through a good recommendation from a buddy of mine, I went to go see Dr. Reyfman and I am finally starting to be able to sleep at night again. Best pain management doctor. Bravo stem cell Dr. Reyfman! ~Yelp

Stem cell therapy NYC specialist Dr. Leon Reyfman and his team of pain relief specialists with locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens have always believed that the least invasive tactics for relieving pain are the most beneficial. When you visit stem cell doctor Reyfman in his NYC regenerative medicine clinic, youre treated with respect and concern. If youre in pain, its Dr. Leon Reyfmans job to relieve it.

This regenerative therapy is widely becoming recognized and accepted throughout the traditional medical community as a first line of defense against chronic pain. Stem cell treatments rely on your own stem cells removed from your bone marrow and injected into the areas that are causing you pain. Theres no need to tread into the controversial field of embryonic stem cell cultivation when you carry all the necessary tools within your own body to heal yourself.

When you visit the Brooklyn, Queens or NYC office, you never receive cookie-cutter treatment. Following a thorough medical history and a complete examination that may include blood work and X-rays, stem cell doctor Leon Reyfman spends time getting to know you, your medical goals and your willingness to try innovative procedures, such as stem cell therapy.

As an interventional pain management specialist with years of experience in NYC, stem cell Dr. Leon Reyfman and his team have relied on traditional methods of pain management. But now we offer stem cell therapy treatment and regenerative therapy for many painful chronic conditions including Shoulder Arthritis, Tendonitis, Chronic Neck Pain, Chronic Back Pain, Hip Arthritis, Arthritis of the Knee or Ankle.

Additionally, platelet rich plasma treatments rely on your own healthy blood cells to stir recovery of diseased and damaged areas of your body. A simple centrifuge spins platelets out of your blood so that they can be injected directly into the places that need a greater blood supply.

Stem Cell Therapy & Regenerative Medicine of Brooklyn NY: 2279 Coney Island Ave, 2nd Fl, Brooklyn, NY 11223 | Tel: (718) 488-0188

Stem Cell Therapy & Regenerative Medicine of Manhattan NYC: 234 East 23 Street, Ste 1, New York, NY 10010 | Tel: (212) 612-2222

Stem Cell Therapy & Regenerative Medicine of Queens NY: 96-18 63 Drive, Ste 202, Rego Park, NY 11374 | Tel: (718) 459-9999

We were selected to be a part of international medical team for Rio Olympic Games

2017 Stem Cell Therapy Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan NYC. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy

Website & Management by NYMM

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Stem Cell Therapy NYC, Regenerative Medicine Injections ...

Stem Cell Therapy in Mexico – Official Treatment Center

Adipose Derived Stem Cells:

Adipose derived stem cells are obtained from a sample of human abdominal fat tissue. The cells themselves are not fat. They are encased in and surrounded by fat tissue. Once the fat sample has been obtained, a special enzyme is used to melt-away the fat, and leave only something called SVF (short for Stromal Vascular Fraction), which contains stem cells, accessory cells and growth factors.

This SVF is washed and purified in the lab, and is then isolated for infusion or injection.

This method provides a much larger number of stem cells than bone marrow or peripheral blood, making it more efficient and highly effective in a variety of conditions, especially those that require creation of new blood vessels, and repairing tissues damaged due to lack of oxygenation.

Whartons Jelly Derived Stem cells:

Unlike Fat, Bone marrow or other tissues that can be harvested for stem cell isolation, Whartons Jelly does not contain SVF. It is a gelatinous substance found in the umbilical chord, which separates maternal and fetal tissues, acting as a kind of buffer so that these tissues dont come into direct contact with each other. This particular characteristic is the reason they became known as universal donor cells, since they are able to interact with any tissue, in any host, without causing any form of immune response.

Unlike cells obtained with SVF, stem cells in Whartons jelly are not found grouped with other cells types or blood products. They can be obtained in much larger numbers, and are already completely isolated, which means that you get stem cells exclusively.

The fact that they are obtained from umbilical chords, donated by pre-screened donors after their pregnancy has come to full-term, means that they are much easier to harvest, in much larger numbers, and without the need for a specific, invasive and painful procedure. It also means that because of the incredibly large number of cells that can be obtained, they can be cryo-preserved and stored at pre-determined dose sizes in individual containers for specific uses.

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Stem Cell Therapy in Mexico - Official Treatment Center

UW Madison Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center

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Medicine is rapidly approaching a great advance that will augment or replace drugs with human cells for treating a range of intractable conditions, an expert in cell therapy told the Wisconsin Technology Council on June

New insights into the molecular machinations behind fragile X syndrome, the most common inherited intellectual disability, may help researchers develop potential therapies. Fragile X is a genetic condition that affects one in 4,000 males and

SCRMC member Jing Zhang, PhD, of the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, has been named the new Centennial Professor of Oncology. This professorship, endowed through the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health,

SCRMC faculty members Dr. Christian Capitini and Dr. Peiman Hematti treat a patient at UW Health's American Family Children's Hospital with her own, genetically modified immune cells. The first gene therapy approved in the United States, CAR T therapy is being explored as a treatment for blood cancers that do not respond well to chemotherapy. By David Wahlberg for the Wisconsin State Journal.

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health have used human stem cells to make blood-forming cells and demonstrated that they can function as lymphoid precursors, or the earliest cells from which various immune cells arise. These findings may be helpful for treating a variety of blood cancers, according to Igor Slukvin, MD, PhD, SCRMC faculty member, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, and lead scientist of the research studies.

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UW Madison Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center