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Seizures follow similar path regardless of speed, says study – Medical Xpress

June 27, 2017 In this cover drawing for Cell Reports, Columbia researchers illustrate the concept that seizures traveling at different speeds follow the same neuronal firing pattern, just as the above string pattern stays the same whether both hands move closer or farther apart. Credit: Michael Wenzel

Of the 50 million people who suffer from epilepsy worldwide, a third fail to respond to medication. As the search for better drugs continues, researchers are still trying to make sense of how seizures start and spread.

In a new study in Cell Reports, researchers at Columbia University come a step closer by showing that the neurons of mice undergoing seizures fire off in a sequential pattern no matter how quickly the seizure propagatesa finding that confirms seizures are not the result of neurons randomly going haywire.

"This is good news," said the study's senior author, Dr. Rafael Yuste, a neuroscientist at Columbia. "It means that local neuronal circuits matter, and that targeting the right cells may stop or even prevent some types of brain seizure."

To induce the seizures, researchers injected a tiny area of cortex in awake mice with two types of drugsone that increases neuronal firing and another that blocks the inhibitory interneurons that control information flow between cells. Recording the seizures as they rippled outward, researchers found that cells in the mouse's brain systematically fired one after the other. Under both models, the seizure spread across the top layer of cortex in a wave-like pattern before descending into its lower layers.

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Unexpectedly, they found that whether the seizure lasted 10 seconds or 30 seconds, it followed the same route, like a commuter stuck in traffic. The concept of neurons firing in a reliable pattern no matter how fast the seizure is traveling is illustrated on the cover of Cell Reports, drawn by the study's lead author, Dr. Michael Wenzel.

"The basic pattern of a string stretched between two hands stays the same whether the hands move closer together or farther away," he says. "Just as neurons maintain their relative firing patterns regardless of how slowly or quickly the seizure unfolds."

Researchers were able to get a cell-by-cell view of a seizure propagating through a mouse's brain using high-speed calcium imaging that allowed them to zoom in 100 times closer than electrode techniques used on the human brain.

It may be the first time that researchers have watched a seizure unfold at this level of detail, and their findings suggest that inhibitory neurons may be a promising area of future research, said Dr. Catherine Schevon, a neurology professor at Columbia University Medical Center who was not involved in the research.

"The role of inhibitory restraint in seizure development is an area that few have studied at micrometer scale," she said. "This could be a useful treatment target for future drug development or stem cell interneuron implants."

Explore further: Brain model explores the cause of different epileptic seizure onset patterns

More information: Cell Reports (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.05.090

Journal reference: Cell Reports

Provided by: Columbia University

At the onset of an epileptic seizure, differing characteristics of brain tissue surrounding the seizure's origin site may determine which of two main patterns of brain activity will be seen, according to a study in PLOS Computational ...

McLean Hospital and Harvard Stem Cell Institute scientists have new evidence that stem cell transplantation could be a worthwhile strategy to help epileptics who do not respond to anti-seizure drugs.

More than 50 million people of all ages suffer from epilepsy, otherwise known as seizure disorder, the fourth most common neurological disease in the world. Patients diagnosed with epilepsy often experience recurrent seizures ...

More than half of children with epilepsy outgrow their seizures, yet the mechanism underlying this remission is unknown.

Prolonged epileptic seizures may cause serious problems that will continue for the rest of a patient's life. As a result of a seizure, neural connections of the brain may be rewired in an incorrect way. This may result in ...

The ability to reliably pinpoint the anatomical source of epileptic seizures, different for each patient, remains elusive. One third of patients do not respond to medication and an alternative can be surgery to locate and ...

Mice, unlike cats and dogs, are able to move their whiskers to map out their surroundings, much as humans use their fingers to build a 3D picture of a darkened room.

Researchers have identified a network of neurons that plays a vital role in learning vocalizations by aiding communication between motor and auditory regions of the brain.

Behavioral training changes the way attention facilitates information processing in the human brain, a study publishing on June 27 in the open access journal PLOS Biology led by Sirawaj Itthipuripat, at University of California ...

Stroke is an age-related disease that disproportionately affects women. Although experimental studies have identified several hormonal and genetic factors underlying these differences, little is known about how pregnancy ...

While the definitive causes remain unclear, several genetic and environmental factors increase the likelihood of autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, a group of conditions covering a "spectrum" of symptoms, skills and levels ...

Of the 50 million people who suffer from epilepsy worldwide, a third fail to respond to medication. As the search for better drugs continues, researchers are still trying to make sense of how seizures start and spread.

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Seizures follow similar path regardless of speed, says study - Medical Xpress

Making Babies, No Sex Necessary – The Atlantic

In the future, when a couple wants to reproduce, they will not make a baby in a bed or in the backseat or a car, or under a Keep Off the Grass sign, says Henry Greely, the director of the Center for Law and the Biosciences at Stanford Law School.

Instead, they will go to a clinic. Using stem cells from the couples skin or other non-reproductive organs, scientists will be able to make eggs and sperm, which will be combined into embryos. Each of those embryos will have its own gene sequence, Greely says. The parents will be asked: What do you want to know about these embryos? And theyll be told.

Twenty or 30 years from now, parents will be able to screen their potential kids for genetic abnormalities, pre-disposal to disease, sex, and even cosmetic features like hair, eye, and skin color, Greely claims. The new way of baby-making will save women the pain of going through fertility treatments, he says, and it will prevent disease, save health-care costs, and give non-traditional families more chances to have children. If this reproductive future comes to pass, it will also come with a tangle of moral, legal, and medical questionsones that wont be easy to resolve, despite what Greely may think.

When Greely tells people about his theorywhich is the subject of his 2016 book, The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproductionthey tend to say, This is Gattica, or this is Brave New World, he said during an interview with the New York Times reporter Carl Zimmer on Monday at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic. Greely is skeptical of this argument. This is not designer babies. This is not super babies. This is selecting embryos, he said.

Greely gets some of his confidence from the limits of science. Geneticists likely wont be able to predict kids behavioral traits, he said, like their aptitude for math or agility on a sports field. But they may be able to anticipate some traits, like intelligence, in broad strokes. Being able to tell parents that this embryo has a 60 percent chance of being in the top half [of their school class], this embryo has a 13 percent chance of being in the top 10 percentI think thats really possible, he said.

Scientists have been screening embryos using a process called preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, for two and half decades, Greely said. This allows for the detection of some genetic diseases, as well as determining the sex of the embryo. Up until now, it has been expensive and arduous, but with new technologyincluding the expanded use of stem cellsit will become easy, he said. The people most likely to lead the way on easy PGD are those with fertility trouble, he argues, or those who cant have their own biological kids, including same-sex couples. For these people, the process seems to be a clear potential win: Once hopeless, they may soon be able to have biological children of their own.

But if the process does indeed advance in the way Greely predicts, it will come with big ethical challenges. Safety is a big issue, he said. Coercion is a big issue: Will you be forced to do this? No matter how easy PGD becomes, it will always be expensive, meaning that babies from rich families would gain even more advantages over other people before they leave the womb. The procedure also challenges the disability-rights movement, Greely pointed out: It implicitly suggests that some traits, and thus some people, are preferable to others.

Theres very little about our modern lives that a God from 3000 years ago would have expected.

Some critics may also claim this process is against Gods will, Greely added. I dont have a lot of confidence in the intellectual strength of that argument, but I think it has a lot of visceral support.

Despite Greelys skepticism, this seems to be the greatest potential objection to a world of skin-cell babies and intensive genetic screening: It assumes that the creation of life is a matter of pipettes and petri dishes, not something greater. While the widespread use of contraceptives has largely divorced sex from procreation, this process would represent the final severing. As Greely pointed out, the very meaning of sex would change. Most people have sex and it doesnt result in a baby, he said. They do it because they like it. They do it as a token of love. They do it because theyre forced to. They do it to make money. Pleasure, ultimately, will be a main driver of sex, he added.

For the many peoplereligious or notwho believe that life is not ultimately a matter of science, the world of easy PGD may seem disorienting, even morally disturbing. But Greely didnt think religious or moral arguments could persuade someone like him, or society more broadly, that easy PGD isnt a good idea.

If you, coming from a Catholic background, try to convince me, coming from a non-Catholic background ... that wouldnt work for me, he said. I need a more intellectual argument than one based on my faith or the tablets brought down from the mountain for me say this. Theres very little about our modern lives thats natural or what a God from 3000 years ago would have expected or wanted, including all of modern medicine.

As head-spinning as these theoretical ethical challenges are, perhaps easy PGD wont be as common as Greely thinks. After all, he joked, were never going to get rid of teenagers in the back seat of a car.

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Making Babies, No Sex Necessary - The Atlantic

What makes stem cells into perfect allrounders – – Phys.Org

June 27, 2017 Just a few days old embryonic cell clusters: with functional Pramel7 (left), without the protein (right) the development of the stem cells remains stuck and the embyos die. Credit: Paolo Cinelli, USZ

Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich have discovered the protein that enables natural embryonic stem cells to form all body cells. In the case of embryonic stem cells maintained in cell cultures, this allrounder potential is limited. Scientists want to use this knowledge to treat large bone fractures with stem cells.

Stem cells are considered biological allrounders because they have the potential to develop into the various body cell types. For the majority of stem cells, however, this designation is too far-reaching. Adult stem cells, for example, can replace cells in their own tissue in case of injury, but a fat stem cell will never generate a nerve or liver cell. Scientists therefore distinguish between multipotent adult stem cells and the actual allrounders - the pluripotent embryonic stem cells.

Epigenetic marks determine potential for development

Differences exist even among the true allrounders, however. Embryonic stem cells that grow in laboratory cell cultures are in a different state than the pluripotent cells found inside the embryos in the first days of development. In a study in the journal Nature Cell Biology, researchers led by Paolo Cinelli of the University Hospital Zurich and Raffaella Santoro of the University of Zurich have now demonstrated the mechanism by which natural allrounders differ from embryonic stem cells in cultures.

At the center of their discovery is a protein called Pramel7 (for "preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma"-like 7) found in the cells of embryonic cell clusters that are just a few days old. This protein guarantees that the genetic material is freed from epigenetic marks consisting of chemical DNA tags in the form of methyl groups. "The more methyl groups are removed, the more open the Book of Life becomes," Cinelli says. Since any cell of the human body can develop from an embryonic stem cell, all genes have to be freely accessible at the beginning. The more a cell develops or differentiates, the stronger its genetic material is methylated and "sealed closed" again. In a bone cell, for example, only those genes are active that the cell requires for its function, the biochemist explains.

Protein is responsible for perfect pluripotency

Despite its short action period of just a few days, Pramel7 seems to play a vital role: When the researchers headed up by Cinelli and Santoro switched off the gene for this protein using genetic tricks, development remained stuck in the embryonic cell cluster stage. In the cultivated stem cells, on the other hand, Pramel7 is rarely found. This circumstance could also explain why the genetic material of these cells contains more methyl groups than that of natural embryonic cells - the perfect allrounders, as Cinelli calls them.

Using the stem cell function to regenerate bone tissue

His interest in stem cells lies in the hope of one day being able to help people with complex bone fractures. "Bones are great at regenerating and they are the only tissue that does not build scars," Paolo Cinelli says. The bone stumps must be touching, however, in order to grow together. When a bone breaks in multiple places and even through the skin, for example, in a motorcycle accident, the sections of bone in between are often no longer usable. For such cases, a bone replacement is required. His team is studying carrier materials that they want to populate with the body's own stem cells in the future. "For this reason, we have to know how stem cells work," Cinelli adds.

Explore further: New tools to study the origin of embryonic stem cells

More information: Urs Graf et al, Pramel7 mediates ground-state pluripotency through proteasomalepigenetic combined pathways, Nature Cell Biology (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ncb3554

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What makes stem cells into perfect allrounders - - Phys.Org

Cellect’s Novel Technology Isolates Therapeutic Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine – Digital Journal (press release)

This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire

New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/27/2017 -- Stem cell therapy, a way to replace damaged tissues through regenerative medicine, holds hope for patients everywhere. However, aside from very few applications, cell therapy has not made the leap from laboratory to market. One of the major hurdles have been a cost-effective way of achieving purified stem cells. A big challenge in cell therapy has been separating mature donor cells, which can cause severe damage to the patient, from the donor's stem cells which heal through regenerative medicine. Cellect Biotechnology Ltd., developer of a novel stem cell collection technique, has an effective and elegant technology for harvesting stem cells.

A key component of Cellect's platform technology, ApoGraft, is the ApoTainer which uses cell suicide inducing proteins to kill older cells through apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Cellect has discovered that in an apoptotic environment, mature cells die, while stem cells survive and thrive. The cell selection process is quick, just hours, and the result is a rich, non-toxic batch of stem cells ready to be implanted.

In its first indication, Cellect is evaluating its technology in allogenic (donor) bone marrow transplant (BMT) where up to 50% of patients suffer graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) under current methods, often leading to sickness and death. With the right stem cell procedure, GvHD can be reduced and potentially eliminated.

BMT, a procedure fraught with the chance for GvHD because of its mix of old cells that trigger rejection of tissue implants, is Cellect's initial indication. Cellect demonstrated success in its first stem cell transplant in March using ApoGraft in BMT in its Phase I/II trial, leading to the independent Data and Safety Monitoring Board's (DSMB) approval to continue patient enrollment. A total of 12 patients suffering from blood cancer will be treated, with an eye on efficacy and safety in preventing GvHD.

75,000 BMTs are performed in the US annually at an average cost of $800,000 per transplant, resulting a $60 billion market that is growing due to an aging population and is mainly limited by the GvHD.

Currently, stem cells are either sourced from the patient (autologous) prior to undergoing high-dose chemo or radiation therapy, or they are harvested from donor (allogeneic) stem cells. Chances for perfect donor match for blood cancer patients undergoing BMT are only 25% not good odds. Allogenic donors are subject to an intensive and long procedure including rigorous physical exams, blood samples taken in up to four separate appointments, time commitment of 30 hours spread over four to six weeks, and travel expense.

Both autologous and allogeneic methods can be hazardous because of the combined mix of old cells and vital stem cells that have a better chance to avoid GvHD. This is standard medicine, and not an optimal solution. Cellect's technology eliminate the non-matched immune response carrying cells . Time and money can be saved.

Operating under a well-thought out business model, Cellect plans to out-license its ApoGraft platform to pharma, biotech, research centers and hospitals, furnishing them with an unprecedented tool. Non-exclusive licensing gives Cellect a broad array of potential partners.

Cellect's robust intellectual property protection includes patents that cover all aspects of selecting only the cells needed for the transplantation, with the promise of avoiding GvHD. Yet Cellect's platform is not only for blood cancers. Other future applications can be directed to autoimmune disease such as Juvenile diabetes, all significant markets.

Cellect has drawn leaders in key areas important to further regenerative medicine into mainstream treatment options. Scientific and medical advisors include researchers and practitioners from Dana Farber, Harvard, King's College London, Pfizer Inc., the FDA, and Stanford. All have a deep interest in making stem cell therapy a reality. All will be critical to advising the company on current and future regulatory pathways. All strongly believe in Cellect's technology.

At the end of the first quarter of 2017, Cellect had cash of approximately $7 million. With the stock trading at about $8.50, the market cap is $45 million.

If the Phase I/II study proves successful, Cellect will be well positioned to partner with pharma and biotech firms who will use the ApoGraft platform in whichever applications they wish, giving Cellect an opportunity for ongoing revenue from licensing and royalties. This could boost its cash levels, stock price and market cap.

Cellect leads the world in providing a pioneering method to harvest stem cells that seek to cure many diseases, starting with proof in BMT, without adverse side effects. Its goal is to make ApoGraft available for clinics to use easily and effectively, much like any modern-day medical tool. Its technology is both simple and revolutionary, making stem cell medicine a nearer-term reality than ever before.

RAY DIRKS Research suggests that Readers/Investors place no more than 1% of the funds they devote to common stocks in any one issue. It's best to diversify.

About Ray Dirks Ray Dirks came to Wall Street with Goldman, Sachs & Co. in 1963 where he was established as the leading insurance stock analyst dealing with institutional investors and high -net worth investors both in the U.S. and internationally.

In 1973 Ray uncovered the biggest Ponzi scheme of the 20th century, the Equity Funding fraud. Over the years Ray has expanded his stock market research to include Healthcare Stocks and Special Situations. Ray has written two books, "The Great Wall Street Scandal" and "Heads You Win, Tails You Win," published by McGraw-Hill and Bantam Books respectively. He continues to provide research to institutions and individuals, and he manages money for some individual investors.

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Cellect's Novel Technology Isolates Therapeutic Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine - Digital Journal (press release)

askST: Is stem cell therapy available in Singapore? – The Straits Times

Reader Charles Wang wrote in to ask if stem cell therapy is approved for use in Singapore. Stem cell therapy refers to the use of stem cells to treat various medical conditions. Mr Wang also asked if it is available, and where one can seek this treatment.

Health reporter Linette Lai answered.

Any new treatment must be backed by sufficient scientific evidence to ensure that it is safe and effective. However, there is not enough scientific evidence yet for stem cell therapy to be approved as a mainstream treatment in Singapore.

There is not enough scientific evidence yet to ensure that stem cell therapy is safe and effective for it to be approved as a mainstream treatment in Singapore. PHOTO: ST FILE

A Health Ministry spokesman said: "To date, stem cell therapy has not been substantiated by sufficient clinical evidence as a form of mainstream treatment for any diseases or ailments and is not available as a treatment in our public hospitals.

"If any registered medical practitioners or institutions want to administer stem cells as a form of medical treatment, it will have to be conducted within the context of clinical trials."

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askST: Is stem cell therapy available in Singapore? - The Straits Times

Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market Report 2017 – Strategies for … – Business Wire (press release)

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Market For Cell Therapy Manufacturing - Strategies for Pricing, Cost Control, Reimbursement, Distribution, & More" report to their offering.

This global strategic report provides detailed analysis of ten leading cell therapy companies worldwide, evaluating the strengths of each company, as well as identifying cell therapy products in development, manufacturing strategies, and partnerships.

The report analyzes time frames for cell therapy product development, distribution channels, key trends and technologies impacting cell therapy manufacturing, cost control measures, and challenges and considerations affecting with cell therapy manufacturing.

Additionally, the report identifies cell therapy products that have been reviewed and approved by internationally-recognized regulatory agencies, as well as products brought to market in the U.S. with FDA approval. It also specifies which cell therapies have since been pulled from market, due to factors such as low adoption rates, unsuccessful reimbursement strategies, or high cost of manufacturing.

It provides an overview of the regulatory environment affecting cell therapy manufacturing in key countries worldwide, evaluating the importance of the recent FDA guidelines for Human Cell and Tissue-based Products (HCT/Ps) and the 21st Century Cures Act, as well as accelerated pathways for cell therapy approvals in Japan, including the:

- Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine (Law No. 85/2013)

- Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device (PMD) Act (Law No. 84/2013)

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction to Cell Therapy Manufacturing

2. Leading Cell Therapy Companies

3. Approved Cell Therapy Products

4. Pricing Analysis for Cell Therapy Products

5. Cost-Control for Cell Therapy Products

6. Time Frames for Cell Therapy Product Development

7. Reimbursement of Cell Therapy Products

8. Distribution Channels for Cell Therapy Products

9. Market Trend Analysis - Key Trends Impacting the Marketplace

10. Technologies Impacting the Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market

11. Market Potential for Autologous vs. Allogeneic Manufacturing

12. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Challenges and Considerations

13. Conclusions

Cell Therapies Mentioned:

- Apligraf (Organogenesis, Inc. & Novartis AG)

- Carticel (Genzyme)

- Cartistem (MEDIPOST)

- ChrondoCelect (TiGenix NV)

- Cupistem (Anterogen)

- Dermagraft (Advanced Tissue Sciences)

- Epicel (Vericel)

- Hearticellgram-AMI (FCB Pharmicell)

- Holoclar (Chiesi Farmaceutici)

- Osteocel (NuVasive)

- Prochymal (Mesoblast)

- Provenge

- Strimvelis (GSK)

- TEMCELL (JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., Licensee of Mesoblast Ltd.)

For more information about this report visit

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Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market Report 2017 - Strategies for ... - Business Wire (press release)

Stem-cell treatment arrives in Kamloops – Kamloops This Week – Kamloops This Week

Gail Walsh didnt want to spend the rest of her days waiting.

The 72-year-old retired Peachland woman said she needed surgical procedures on both knees, hip, neck and back, but didnt want to sit on the waiting list. Instead, she researched alternatives and learned about a doctor in Kelowna offering private stem-cell treatment.

The retired teachers aid committed $6,500 with the hopes of checking some items off her list of procedures.

I thought, I can just see the rest of my days, waiting for surgery after surgery, then recuperating in between, Walsh told KTW. It just seemed to me it was worth the money to try.

Helping people on wait lists is among reasons why a longtime Kamloops neurosurgeon recently began offering stem-cell treatment, despite the fact the procedure is not approved by Health Canada.

The expense [of stem-cell treatment], itll never be offered in the public system, so Canada will be behind the rest of the world, Dr. Richard Brownlee told KTW.Lots of people will do medical tourism, theyll go to Mexico or the States or Germany or whatever to get treatment thats not available here. Wait lists are the other thing.People wait for a year to get a MRI, so if they dont have to wait, they can come in and get one in less than a week or two.

The Welcome Back Centre, a private pain-management clinic on Columbia Street, began offering stem-cell treatment three months ago.

Stem cells are prevalent in humans and can be extracted to help treat degenerative, inflammatory or autoimmune conditions, Brownlee said.

Under the right conditions, stem cells can adapt into other cells. Someone with arthritis may have stem cells injected into a joint to create new cartilage, while athletes may treat soft tissue after a muscle tear, he said.

Brownlee noted the medicine is evolving, even being used to slow down symptoms of but not cure amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS/Lou Gehrigs Disease.)

Stem cells are what do the repairing, Brownlee said. So, if youre putting a big number of those locally at the site of where the injury is, it just encourages healing.

Controversy has surrounded embryonic stem-cell harvest from fetuses. Brownlee said it is both unethical and risky, being that young cells have the potential to change into anything, including cancer.

Much like organ transplant, there is also the risk of the body rejecting them. Brownlees office extracts stem cells from the adults who are receiving them.

If youre taking it directly from the person and processing it and putting it right back in, theres no issues with it, he said.

Brownlee said stem-cell treatment is ideal for people who either havent healed adequately or who have developed degenerative changes over time. Ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per treatment, it is often sought as a last resort.

The centre has treated about a half-dozen knees and hips and is expanding into other treatments.

Nothing has 100 per cent effectiveness, but most of the conditions, about 85 per cent of people get benefit, Brownlee said.

In offering the first treatment of its kind in the city, Brownlee is educating the public and keeping up with new developments. He just got back from a conference in Beverly Hills through the Cell Surgical Network and said he is looking at joining the group to gain access to data from more than 7,000 cases.

Its just new and different and its something that will probably never be offered through the public system, he said.

As for Walsh, seven weeks after her first treatment, she said its too early to determine if the procedure was successful. Relief could take up to nine months.

All I know is so far, theres nothing harmful done, she said.

While Dr. Richard Brownlee said stem-cell treatment will likely never be offered publicly, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last year announced $20 million in funding to the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine to help establish a stem-cell therapy development facility in Toronto.

Regenerative medicine is the future and not only is it the future, its a branch of medicine that Canada and the province of Ontario are actually quite good at, Trudeau was quoted at the time in a story in the Globe and Mail about the announcement.

The medical advances and innovations happening right here in Toronto are world class.

Knees: partial to complete ligament tears, osteoarthritis, partial to complete meniscal tears, augmented ACL or PCL reconstruction;

Shoulder: partial to complete rotator cuff tears, labral tears, osteoarthritis;

Foot and ankle: tendon inflammation, osteoarthritis, patron to complete Achilles tendon tear;

Elbow, wrist and hand: partial to complete ligament tears, epicondylitis, osteoarthritis;

Spine: discogenic back pain, facet arthritis, degenerative disc disease;

Hip: osteoarthritis, labral tears, articular cartilage injuries, avascular necrosis.

Stem cells can be injected locally or delivered intravenously.

Gordie Howe underwent stem-cell therapy after having a stroke and responded well. His family said it helped him walk again, improved his speech and helped him gain weight.

Fat contains 100 to 1,000 times more stem cells than bone marrow.

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Stem-cell treatment arrives in Kamloops - Kamloops This Week - Kamloops This Week

Stem Cell Procedures: Know Before You Buy – KUTV 2News

SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) Today on Fresh Living were talking about Stem Cell Therapy.

Dr. Steven Warren from Intermountain Health and Wellness joined the show to share information with Casey & Kari about what patients need to know:

Before a patient commits to having a stem cell injection the patient should:

1. That an MRI or CT of the joint has shown the destruction of the tissue and Stem cells are needed to repair the damaged tissue.

2. Confirm that they will be getting a certificate that verifies that the injection will contain, live viable stem cells and at least a cell count of 1 million for most joints in the body.

3. That the doctor has been thoroughly trained in joint injections using guided imaging injections. Such as a C-arm fluoroscopy or Ultrasound.

4. Ensure the procedure will be performed under a strict sterile environment. To reduce the risk of a joint infection.

Intermountain Health and Wellness has a deal for Fresh Living viewers: call in NOW for a consultation to find out what stem cells can do for YOU! First 25 callers will receive a FREE MRI with the procedure. phone (801) 981-8795

For more information, visit:

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Stem Cell Procedures: Know Before You Buy - KUTV 2News

Stem cell agency faces leadership challenge – Capitol Weekly


by DAVID JENSEN posted 06.27.2017

Californias 12-year-old stem cell research effort is expected to give away tens of millions of dollars in public this week, but its most important matters issues that deal with its survival and future likely will be discussed behind closed doors at a meeting Thursday of its governing board.

On the table is the leadership of the $3 billion organization, which is scheduled to run out of cash in just three years, which amounts to a mere tick of the clock in the world of biomedical research. Beginning next week the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), as the agency is formally known, will be minus its chief executive officer and its longtime counselor, who even predates the organizations actual creation in 2004.

CIRM has a checkered record in recruiting new presidents for a variety of reasons (seehere,hereandhere).

CIRM directors are scheduled to meet Thursday at the San Francisco Marriott hotel in Burlingame, Ca., to confirm the appointment of Maria Millan, CIRMs vice president of therapeutics, as interim president of the agency. She will assume the duties of Randy Mills, who is leaving CIRM next week to head the National Marrow Donor Progam.

Mills, who was paid $573,00 last year, also made it clear to the California Stem Cell Report in May that Millan is the appropriate person to take over the agency on a permanent basis after he leaves.

However, the decision is up to the 29-member board, which has scheduled an executive session Thursday to discuss the interim replacement for Mills. Hejoined the agency only three years ago but has left an impressive mark.

CIRM directors have also scheduled a July 17 meeting of their presidential search subcommittee to deal with the agencys leadership during what could be the last years of its life.

CIRM has a checkered record in recruiting new presidents for a variety of reasons (seehere,hereandhere). Some candidates have rejected offers. Other search efforts have been excessively prolonged.

The agency hopes to add 38 more trials over the next three years. But there are no guarantees that any will be successful.

Finding a new president from outside CIRM poses difficulties that would not have been in place, for example, five years ago. They include the tenuous future of CIRM along with the time needed for a normal executive search, plus the learning curve for a new CEO.

While CIRM is a small enterprise in some ways (less than 50 employees), it is an unusual mix of government, biotech business and academia, unlike any other state agency. The combination has raised hurdles in the past.

The clock is running out fast at the agency. Any alterations in the plan put in place by Mills, Millan and company could slow its efforts to fulfill voter expectations that the agency would actually generate a widely available therapy. CIRM is helping to finance 27 current clinical trials, which are the last stages in research prior to a product reaching the market. The agency hopes to add 38 more trials over the next three years. But there are no guarantees that any will be successful.

Millan can step in and pick up the job relatively seamlessly. Bringing in a CEO from outside could well take six months or more, including relocation. But serving as the head of an organization that could be out of business in three years may not be appealing to many and could prolong recruitment.

Looming in the background is a gossamer plan for another ballot initiative to fund CIRM beyond 2020.

If Millan is bypassed by the board, she may well leave the agency, triggering a cascade of departures as other CIRM employees also look to their own professional futures. An employee drain would hamper the agencys drive to come up with a commercial therapy.

James Harrison, the longtime counsel to the agency, is also leaving at the end of this week, returning to other pursuits at his private practice. Harrison has been a cornerstone of CIRM and has influence well beyond the not-so-simple legal matters involving the agency. He was also one of the authors of the 10,000-word ballot initiative that created the agency in 2004.

Scott Tocher, a longtime veteran of the agency, will replace Harrison. An announcement of the appointment is expected at the Thursday meeting.

Looming in the background is a gossamer plan for another ballot initiative to fund CIRM beyond 2020. Bob Klein, a Palo Alto real estate investment banker who led the campaign that created CIRM, is talking about a $5 billion bond measure on the ballot as early as November of next year. Some political observers have predicted a less-than-warm-reception for such a proposal, given that the agency has yet to measure up to its 2004 campaign promises.

Another, rival proposal is being mentioned that would, in fact, move stem cell funding away from the agency.

One stem cell scientist, Paul Knoepfler of UC Davis, wrote last week about the agencys presidential search.

Commenting on his blog, Knoepfler said that CIRM directors should pick a fantastic person to replace Mills. Knoepfler said the new president should have strong leadership skills, a big picture clinical vision and impeccable stem cell credentials, criteria that one could argue have not been met by most CIRM CEOs.

In the past, debate about presidential candidates centered on whether they should be stem cell stars or a leader who can execute an aggressive program that is already approved and in place. Given the current CIRM challenges, other criteria, such as speed and continuity, are also high.

The journal Nature this year said that the agency is in its last stage. CIRM directors may well have that admonition on their minds as they consider fresh leadership for the program. Sphere: Related Content

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