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Doctors Question Perry’s Stem Cell Back Treatment

Associated PressAugust 19, 2011

He calls it innovative. Others call it a big risk. In any case, the stem cell procedure that Texas Gov. Rick Perry had last month was an unusual experiment to fix a common malady: a bad back. Perry and his doctor chose a treatment beyond mainstream medicine: He had stem cells taken from fat in his own body, grown in a lab and then injected into his back and his bloodstream during a July 1 operation to fuse part of his spine.

Some top scientists are questioning the safety and wisdom of Perry's treatment, especially because it was not part of a clinical trial in which unproven therapies are tested in a way that helps protect patients and advances medical knowledge.

It used Perry's own "adult" stem cells.Adult stem cells have long been used to treat cancers such as leukemia and lymphomait's what doctors are using when they do bone marrow transplants.

Perry, however, had an even more experimental procedure: stem cells from fat removed by liposuction and grown in a lab for some time before they were put into his spine and bloodstream.

Besides safety concerns, little is known about whether such cell therapies work.

Patients may believe cells helped them, but there's no way to know they did unless a study is done comparing those who did and did not receive such treatment, said Dr. Scott Rodeo, an orthopedic surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. He was a physician to the USA Olympics Teams in 2004 and 2008 and is associate team physician for the New York Giants football team.

Read the full story at

Doctors Question Perry's Stem Cell Back Treatment

Embryonic stem cell research: an ethical dilemma | Europe …

A human embryo can split into twins or triplets until about 14 days after fertilization

Egg and sperm: some people believe an embryo must be fully protected from conception onwards (Wellcome Images/Spike Walker)

Human blastocyst on the tip of a pin: embryonic stem cells can be grown from cells found in the blastocyst (Wellcome Images/Yorgos Nikas)

Some people think an embryo deserves special protection from about 14 days after fertilization

Many patients could one day benefit from embryonic stem cell research

The rules controlling embryonic stem cell research vary around the world and have been the topic of much discussion

Embryonic stem cell research poses a moral dilemma. It forces us to choose between two moral principles:

In the case of embryonic stem cell research, it is impossible to respect both moral principles.To obtain embryonic stem cells, the early embryo has to be destroyed. This means destroying a potential human life. But embryonic stem cell research could lead to the discovery of new medical treatments that would alleviate the suffering of many people. So which moral principle should have the upper hand in this situation? The answer hinges on how we view the embryo. Does it have the status of a person?

Chapter 1 of this film introduces some of the key ethical arguments. Watch this film and others on our films page.

The moral status of the embryo is a controversial and complex issue. The main viewpoints are outlined below.

1. The embryo has full moral status from fertilization onwards Either the embryo is viewed as a person whilst it is still an embryo, or it is seen as a potential person. The criteria for personhood are notoriously unclear; different people define what makes a person in different ways.

Development from a fertilized egg into to baby is a continuous process and any attempt to pinpoint when personhood begins is arbitrary. A human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage, just as an infant is a human being in the infant stage. Although an embryo does not currently have the characteristics of a person, it will become a person and should be given the respect and dignity of a person.

An early embryo that has not yet implanted into the uterus does not have the psychological, emotional or physical properties that we associate with being a person. It therefore does not have any interests to be protected and we can use it for the benefit of patients (who ARE persons).

The embryo cannot develop into a child without being transferred to a womans uterus. It needs external help to develop. Even then, the probability that embryos used for in vitro fertilization will develop into full-term successful births is low. Something that could potentially become a person should not be treated as if it actually were a person

2. There is a cut-off point at 14 days after fertilization Some people argue that a human embryo deserves special protection from around day 14 after fertilization because:

3. The embryo has increasing status as it develops An embryo deserves some protection from the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, and its moral status increases as it becomes more human-like.

There are several stages of development that could be given increasing moral status:

1. Implantation of the embryo into the uterus wall around six days after fertilization. 2. Appearance of the primitive streak the beginnings of the nervous system at around 14 days. 3. The phase when the baby could survive if born prematurely. 4. Birth.

If a life is lost, we tend to feel differently about it depending on the stage of the lost life. A fertilized egg before implantation in the uterus could be granted a lesser degree of respect than a human fetus or a born baby.

More than half of all fertilized eggs are lost due to natural causes. If the natural process involves such loss, then using some embryos in stem cell research should not worry us either.

We protect a persons life and interests not because they are valuable from the point of view of the universe, but because they are important to the person concerned. Whatever moral status the human embryo has for us, the life that it lives has a value to the embryo itself.

If we judge the moral status of the embryo from its age, then we are making arbitrary decisions about who is human. For example, even if we say formation of the nervous system marks the start of personhood, we still would not say a patient who has lost nerve cells in a stroke has become less human.

If we are not sure whether a fertilized egg should be considered a human being, then we should not destroy it. A hunter does not shoot if he is not sure whether his target is a deer or a man.

4. The embryo has no moral status at all An embryo is organic material with a status no different from other body parts.

Fertilized human eggs are just parts of other peoples bodies until they have developed enough to survive independently. The only respect due to blastocysts is the respect that should be shown to other peoples property. If we destroy a blastocyst before implantation into the uterus we do not harm it because it has no beliefs, desires, expectations, aims or purposes to be harmed.

By taking embryonic stem cells out of an early embryo, we prevent the embryo from developing in its normal way. This means it is prevented from becoming what it was programmed to become a human being.

Different religions view the status of the early human embryo in different ways. For example, the Roman Catholic, Orthodox and conservative Protestant Churches believe the embryo has the status of a human from conception and no embryo research should be permitted. Judaism and Islam emphasize the importance of helping others and argue that the embryo does not have full human status before 40 days, so both these religions permit some research on embryos. Other religions take other positions. You can read more about this by downloading the extended version of this factsheet below.

Extended factsheet with a fuller discussion of the issues by Kristina Hug (pdf) EuroStemCell film "Conversations: ethics, science, stem cells" EuroStemCell factsheet on ethical issues relating to the sources of embyronic stem cells EuroStemCell factsheet on the science of embryonic stem cells EuroStemCell FAQ on human embryonic stem cells and their use in research EuroStemCell summaries of regulations on stem cell research in Europe Booklet for 16+ year olds about stem cells and ethics from the BBSRC Research paper on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research by Kristina Hug

This factsheet was created by Kristina Hug and reviewed by Gran Hermern.

Images courtesy of Wellcome Images: Egg and sperm by Spike Walker; Blastocyst on pin by Yorgos Nikas; Diabetes patient injecting insulin by the Wellcome library, London.

Other images from "Conversations : ethics, science, stem cells", a film by EuroStemCell.

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Embryonic stem cell research: an ethical dilemma | Europe ...

STAP cells | Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog

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For the past few years post-publication peer review (PPPR) has grown in influence and one particular website, PubPeer, has become the primary go-to place specifically for bluntPPPR. The kind that happens in journal clubs in labs across the world. Comments on PubPeer have led to numerous serious corrections and retractions of flawed articles. Im most familiar with its role in the STAP cell case.

Both the founders of and most of the commenters on PubPeer have remained anonymous.

That is until today.

The founders of PubPeer have publicly identified themselves in a blog post and formed a new non-profit organization, The PubPeer Foundation.

PubPeer founders include Brandon Stell, George Smith and Richard Smith. Also with the founders on the PubPeer Foundation Board of Directors will be Boris Barbour and Gabor Brasnjo.

Who are these guys?

RetractionWatch (big HT to them) has an interesting interview with PubPeer founder Stell. I highly recommend reading it. Jennifer Couzin-Frankel over at Science also has a nice piece on this development.

Stell is a neuroscientist and Co-Team Leader at the Brain Physiology Lab in Paris, the source of his picture above.

I was trying to learn more about the other two founders, George Smith and Richard Smith. From Couzin-Frankels piece it appears that the brothers want to remain relatively out of the limelight, and their very common names may very well aid them in that. Couzin-Frankel does write that Richard was a grad student who briefly worked in Stells lab and George is a web developer.

As to the Foundation, RetractionWatch has a helpful quote from Stell on looking ahead:

What role do you hope PubPeer plays moving forward? What plans do you have for the Foundation?

We hope that the PubPeer Foundation will provide us with more opportunities to develop the site in ways that will help grow the community of post-publication peer reviewers and further encourage quality science.As more of us scientists become accustomed to commenting on papers, and as that becomes more of a part of the overall scientific process, I think well be able to finally up-end the backwards reward structure that is currently in place in science. Hopefully we can get to a point where the data are much more important to a scientists career than the journal that published them.

To form the PubPeer Foundation, the leaders could not remain anonymous. It seems like a good thing that the founders of PubPeer have identified themselves. They deserve a lot of credit for having had a transformative impact on how science corrects itself. Theyve also faced tough situations such as being sued by Fazlul Sarkar, a case that is still working its way through the legal system. Sarkar wants to know the identity of some anonymous PubPeer commenters. I predict that the PubPeer Foundation will now receive substantial financial support, which in part can be used to get legal assistancefor possible future challenges.

PubPeer has grown quickly, now has a striking following with around 300,000 pageviews/month and contains 35,000 total comments.

Obokata late press conference

The Japanese public broadcasting system, NHK, has been accused by scientist Haruko Obokata of violating her human rights.

Obokata was the primary researcher involved in the STAP cell fiasco in which two ultimately retracted Nature papers contained duplicated, plagiarized, and manipulated data. She was certainly not the only researcher on those papers, but overall she has been accused of having the most central role in the STAP problems. Obokata left RIKEN late in 2014.

During the height of the STAP cell mess the Japanese media hounded Obokata and other STAP cell authors including Yoshiki Sasai, who ultimately committed suicide. From accounts in Japan, the STAP cell story was on the equivalent of the nightly news and on the front of national newspapers and tabloids almost every day for a time.

For instance, NHK was incredibly persistent with pursing Obokata and now Obokata has said that they violated her human rights in a complaint to the Japanese Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization or BPO. Obokata asserts that NHK violated her rights in numerous ways including accusing her of stealing embryonic stem cells and she sustained injuries while being pursued by NHK. BPO will be investigating these and other assertions by Obokata against NHK.

During the STAP cell mess last year, it seems because I was covering the STAP cell claims and science here on this blog, many members of the Japanese media emailed and called me. I can understand that they were looking for information and perspectives, but it went out of control in certain cases. Some, including reporters saying they were from NHK, were very aggressive with me. They some persistently called me at work and even at home in the middle of the night.

I had decided to not talk with them because of their aggressiveness and their tendency to focus on negative, personal stories rather than the science and facts, but they wouldnt take no for an answer. Several pursued me for comment at conferences too. I dont have direct knowledge of what happened with Obokata and NHK, but my sense is that the media went way out of bounds on STAP and made it personal.

Who can forget the STAP cell scandal of last year?

Now almost a year and a half after the deeply flawed papers first were published, where do things stand?

As an international collaboration there were both American and Japanese sides to STAP.

In the US, STAP still remains eerily quiet.

In a month or so, the one-year sabbatical of STAP cell paper senior author, Professor Charles Vacanti of Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School, is scheduled to end.

There has been no public disclosure as to whether (or if) there was or is an institutional investigation into the possible roles of Vacanti and his trainee Koji Kojima in the fiasco that ultimately led to the retraction of two Nature papers.

In contrast, in Japan there have already been many serious repercussions for the STAP cell authors including Haruko Obokata, who was forced out of RIKEN after she couldnt reproduce STAP. See a full STAP cell timeline here.

Just recentlyit was announced that Obokata has been forced to repay the publication fees for the Nature papers. Not a big deal in it of itself, but still just another repercussion for her. The same article quoted an Obokata attorney that her physical condition is a concern.

Vacanti and Obokata

Overallthere has been and continues to be this tension between the reaction to STAP in the US and in Japan.

Well beyond Obokata, many other researchers in Japan have been negatively affected by the fallout from STAP. I dont think its an exaggeration to call it a scientific disaster. In the US, there has been pretty much no apparent fallout. Who knows, it may stay that way.

In the mean time the retracted STAP papers have become in a relatively short period extremely highly cited publications (e.g. 160 citations for one on GoogleScholar). A brief look makes clear that notall those citations are referring tothe papers as an example of what can go wrong either. Some are referring to the supposed science as if it was real, which is pretty sad.

We also never really did hear any meaningful discussion of STAP from Nature either. They pretty much sidestepped any responsibility. Hopefully they have brought online a more rigorous manuscript evaluation system like the one used by EMBO.

Brigham and Womens and Harvard face another stem cell hot potato in the controversy related to the work of cardiac stem cell researcher Piero Anversa. In that case the institution(s) did investigate and Anversa has sued them over how the investigation was handled. To my knowledge that situation remainsunresolved.

Could this other situation be a factor in how those two linked institutions viewSTAP? Again, for all we know there never was an investigation of Vacantis or Kojimas potential roles in STAP.

As more time passes, I dont think necessarily it means that the STAP issue will go away on this side of the world. Without more information on how the STAP storyevolvedhere in the US, it seems to me that the STAP issue overall cannot have full clarity and the lessons from it are incomplete. More facts and transparency on how that project developedare needed still. Will that ever happen? I dont know.

Each year towards the end of December I make predictions for the coming year as I did for 2015. In the past I usually make a top 10 prediction list, but for this year I made 20 predictions. Admittedly some of them may have been more hopes than predictions.

At mid-year today on June 30th, how am I doing? See below. Note that of course for some the jury is still out.

BTW, stay tuned for more on an upcoming update on the Japan IPSC macular degeneration trial where there seems to have been a (hopefully minor) hitch.

The annual ISSCR meeting has started in Stockholm.

This is always a great annual meeting both for the science and for connecting with people including new friends and colleagues as well as old friends.

Another element to the meeting is the insider conversations in the halls, restaurants, and bars that tell a behind the scenes story of the stem cell field.

Beloware my top 10 things to look for that might be discussed over a beer or coffee this year.Also be sure to check out the wonderfulguide to Stockholm from Heather Main and if you are there at the meeting enter our stem cell contests to win up to $100.

See original here:
STAP cells | Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment in Hyderabad India

What isPlatelet Rich Plasma

Eternesse Anti Aging Clinicis the only clinic in India that currently offersPRPto its patients.Platelet Rich Plasma, orPRP, isblood plasma with concentrated plateletsand othergrowth factors. The concentrated platelets found inPRPcontain huge reservoirs ofbioactive proteins, includinggrowth factorsand signaling proteins that are vital to initiate and acceleratetissue repairandregeneration. These growth factors number at least a dozen different factors. Thesebioactive proteinsinitiate connective tissue healing in tissues such asmeniscus (knee)androtator cuff tissue, boneandarticular cartilage regenerationand repair, promote development of new blood vessels, and stimulate thewound healing process.

ThePRPsignals the body to send instem cellsto repair the area of injury.PRP injectionsare sometimes done under fluoroscopic guidance (living x-ray) atEternesse Anti Aging Clinic. This is done for precise localized delivery of these healing factors into injured ligaments, muscles, and joints.

Steps Involved in Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma therapyis a treatment option for variousorthopaedic injuriesand conditions, which have traditionally required surgery or other extensive treatments.PRP injectionsare being utilized inorthopaedicswith increasing frequency and effectiveness. Injuries currently being treated with thePRP therapyare arthritis of the hip, knee, shoulder, ankle and other joints.PRPalso is utilized for soft tissue injuries such astendonitis, muscle sprainsandtears,and various types ofligament injuries. These include common tendon injuries such astennis and golfers elbow,Achilles tendonitisandknee tendonitis. PRP is also used to treat various injuries and conditions affecting (joint) injuries. These include rotator cuff and meniscus injuries.

AlthoughPRPtechnology is consideredcutting edge technology, it was initially developed 20 years ago for heart surgery to aid with the wound healing and blood loss. Its benefits are now being applied towards the facilitating of healing muscle, tendons, ligaments, articular and meniscal injuries. In fact, PRP has been widely used in Europe for many years.

To preparePRP, a small amount of blood is taken from the patients arm. The blood is then placed in acentrifuge. The centrifuge spins and separates the platelets form the rest of the blood components. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes and increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors up to 600%. Using the patients own blood, specially prepared platelets are taken and re-injected into the affected area. These platelets release special growth factors that lead to tissue healing. By using theconcentrated platelets, we increase the growth factors up to eight times which promotes temporary relief and stops inflammation.PRP injectionsactually heal the area over a period of time. This can be anywhere from one to three months.

The human body has a remarkable ability to heal itself, and by re-injecting concentrated platelets, we are facilitating thenatural healing process. ThePRPinjections are calling instem cellsto repair the area. When performing these injections, we must do whatever we can to maximize stem cell release to optimize healing.

PRP is a non-surgical technique which would suggest it is more convenient than a surgery.

Platelets are one of the primary constituents of blood along with white blood cells, red blood cells and plasma.

Platelets in the blood are responsible for the release of growth factors-power proteins which help repair and regenerate soft tissues.

Using a special procedure, we can extract the platelets out of the blood and increase their concentration by 1000 %. When injected into the knee, these highly concentrated platelets aid in the speedy healing of the knee.

We know certain factors diminish stem cell release such as smoking and alcohol intake. Obviously avoiding these pitfalls will do nothing but increase the success of the procedure. The platelets work by causing an inflammatory reaction. If we somehow diminish this inflammatory reaction than we may significantly decrease the chances of having a good result. For this reason, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil, Aleve, Motrin, ibuprophen etc. are not recommended. This restriction should be in place for about 4-6 weeks.

The use ofomega 3-fish oiland othernatural anti-inflammatory agentsdo not seem to work the same way as theNSAIDS(non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) and are thus not restricted.

What is the number of injections that are administered?

The number of injections performed depends upon the severity and the type of condition being treated. Age also seems to have an effect on the number of injections given. Typically, younger people generally need fewer injections for the same condition than a person who is older.

Is there any pain involved?

After the injection is given, there is usually a marked increase in pain for anywhere from 5-10 days. Tylenol and possibly a mild narcotic usually handle this pain. The pain may start up again only later to go away. A good analogy is that of a roller coaster where the initial few days are like the big drop on the roller coaster than the remaining few days are like smaller dips on a roller coaster!

We are Indias bestPRP Therapy provider. Dr. Leroy Rebello is Indias foremost expert and authority on Platelet Rich Plasma. If you are anorthopedist making aninquiry for your patient or someone suffering from bone injuries please contact us. If you simply want to rejuvenate your face and body using growth cells, then you are in good hands with the countrys best PRP specialist who will attend upon you. You can call us on the number below for an initial consultation with Dr. Rebello.

Continued here:
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment in Hyderabad India

Stem Cells Market Analysis by Product (Adult Stem Cells …


Chapter 1. Executive Summary 1.1. Stem Cells - Industry Summary and Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

Chapter 2. Stem Cells Industry Outlook 2.1. Market Segmentation 2.2. Market Size and Growth Prospects 2.3. Stem Cells Market Dynamics 2.3.1. Market Driver Analysis 2.3.2. Market Restraint Analysis 2.4. Key Opportunities Prioritized 2.5. Industry Analysis - Porter's 2.6. Stem Cells Market PESTEL Analysis, 2012

Chapter 3. Stem Cells Product Outlook 3.1.1. Adult Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Hematopoietic Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Mesenchymal Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Neuronal Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Dental Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 3.1.2. Human Embryonic Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 3.1.3. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 3.1.4. Natural Rosette Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 3.1.5. Very Small Embryonic Like Cells Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million)

Chapter 4. Stem Cells Application Outlook 4.1.1. Regenerative Medicine Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Neurology Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Orthopedics Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Oncology Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Hematology Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Cardiovascular and Myocardial Infraction Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Injuries Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Diabetes Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Liver Disorder Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Incontinence Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Others Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 4.1.2. Drug Discovery and Development Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million)

Chapter 5. Stem Cells Technology Outlook 5.1. Cell Acquisition Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.1.1. Bone Marrow Harvest Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.1.2. Apheresis Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.1.3. Umbilical Blood Cord Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.2. Cell Production Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.2.1. Therapeutic Cloning Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.2.2. In Vitro Fertilization Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.2.3. Isolation Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.2.4. Cell Culture Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.3. Cryopreservation Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 5.4. Expansion and Sub-Culture Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million)

Chapter 6. Stem Cells Regional Outlook 6.1. North America 6.1.1. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Products, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.1.2. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Applications, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.1.3. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Technology, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.2. Europe 6.2.1. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Products, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.2.2. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Applications, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.2.3. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Technology, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.3. Asia Pacific 6.3.1. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Products, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.3.2. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Applications, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.3.3. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Technology, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.4. RoW 6.4.1. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Products, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.4.2. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Applications, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) 6.4.3. Market Estimates and Forecasts, by Technology, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million)

Chapter 7. Stem Cells Competitive landscape 7.1 Advanced Cell Technology Inc. 7.1.1 Company Overview 7.1.2 Financial Performance 7.1.3 Product Benchmarking 7.1.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.2 STEMCELL Technologies Inc. 7.2.1 Company Overview 7.2.2 Financial Performance 7.2.3 Product Benchmarking 7.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.3 Cellular Engineering Technologies Inc. 7.3.1 Company Overview 7.3.2 Financial Performance 7.3.3 Product Benchmarking 7.3.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.4 BioTime Inc. 7.4.1 Company Overview 7.4.2 Financial Performance 7.4.3 Product Benchmarking 7.4.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.5 Cellartis AB 7.5.1 Company Overview 7.5.2 Financial Performance 7.5.3 Product Benchmarking 7.5.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.6 Angel Biotechnology 7.6.1 Company Overview 7.6.2 Financial Performance 7.6.3 Product Benchmarking 7.6.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.7 Bioheart Inc. 7.7.1 Company Overview 7.7.2 Financial Performance 7.7.3 Product Benchmarking 7.7.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.8 BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics 7.8.1 Company Overview 7.8.2 Financial Performance 7.8.3 Product Benchmarking 7.8.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.9 Celgene Corporation 7.9.1 Company Overview 7.9.2 Financial Performance 7.9.3 Product Benchmarking 7.9.4 Strategic Initiatives 7.10 Osiris Therapeutics 7.10.1 Company Overview 7.10.2 Financial Performance 7.10.3 Product Benchmarking 7.10.4 Strategic Initiatives

Chapter 8. Methodology and Scope 8.1. Research Methodology 8.2. Research Scope & Assumption 8.3. List of Data Sources

List of Tables: Stem Cells - Industry summary & Critical Success Factors (CSFs) Global Stem Cells revenue, 2012 - 2020 Global Stem Cells market revenue by region, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Global Stem Cells market revenue by products, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Global Stem Cells platforms, 2012 to 2020 (USD million) Global Stem Cells Market, by Region, 2012 to 2020 (USD million) Global Stem Cells Market, by Technology, 2012 - 2020 (USD million) Global Stem Cells Market, by Applications, 2012 - 2020 (USD million) North America Stem Cells demand, by products, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 North America Stem Cells demand, by applications, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 North America Stem Cells demand, by technology, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Europe Stem Cells demand, by products, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Europe Stem Cells demand, by applications, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Europe Stem Cells demand, by technology, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Asia Pacific Stem Cells demand, by products, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Asia Pacific Stem Cells demand, by applications, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Asia Pacific Stem Cells demand, by technology, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 RoW Stem Cells demand, by products, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 RoW Stem Cells demand, by applications, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 RoW Stem Cells demand, by technology, (USD million), 2012 - 2020 Global Stem Cells Market - Competitive Landscape List of Figures: Stem Cells Market Segmentation Global Stem Cells Market Revenue, 2012 - 2020 Stem Cells Market Dynamics Key Opportunities Prioritized Industry Analysis - Porter's Stem Cells PESTEL Analysis, 2012 North America Stem Cells Market, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million) Europe Stem Cells Market, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million RoW Stem Cells Market, 2012 - 2020 (USD Million)

Note: Product cover images may vary from those shown

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Stem Cells Market Analysis by Product (Adult Stem Cells ...

PRP Injections – Platelet Rich Plasma Injections …

PRP injections are a new medical technology used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries as well as in the aesthetic medicine field. This website aims to provide information about this therapy and where it can be performed.

The field of sports medicine is advancing at a rapid pace and is encouraging millions of people from athletes to the general population to participate in regular activity to stay healthy and active (1). However this increase in physical activity has also seen an increase in musculoskeletal injuries. The World Health Organisation has recently recognised that musculoskeletal injuries affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide and are the most common cause of severe long term pain and physical disability (2). In Australia alone, there are almost 4 cases of medically treated sporting injuries per 100 persons (3).

Soft tissue injuries which include ligament and tendons represent up to 45% of all musculoskeletal injuries (4,5). The increasing participation in sporting activities coupled together with improved modern imaging techniques such as MRI and high resolution ultrasound have helped sports medicine practitioners to better understand these injuries (6).

References 1. Snchez M, Anitua E, Orive G, Mujika I, Andia I. Platelet-rich therapies in the treatment of orthopaedic sport injuries. Sports Med. 2009;39(5):345-54. 2. Woolf AD, Pfleyer B. Burdon of major musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ. 2003;81:64656. 3. Cassel EP, Finch CF, Stathakis VZ. Epidemiology of medically treated sport and active recreation injuries in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia. Br J Sports Med 20032; 37: 405-9. 4. Anitua M, Snchez E, Nurden A, Nurden P, Orive G, And a I. New insights into and novel applications for platelet-rich fibrin therapies. Trends Biotechnol. 2006;24(5):22734. 5. Praemer AF. Musculoskeletal conditions in the United States. 2nd ed. Rosemont: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 1999. 6. Sampson S, Gerhardt M, Mandelbaum B. Platelet rich plasma injection grafts for musculoskeletal injuries: a review. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008 Dec;1(3-4):165-74.

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PRP Injections - Platelet Rich Plasma Injections ...

Embryonic stem cells controlled with light: Study reveals …

UC San Francisco researchers have for the first time developed a method to precisely control embryonic stem cell differentiation with beams of light, enabling them to be transformed into neurons in response to a precise external cue.

The technique also revealed an internal timer within stem cells that lets them tune out extraneous biological noise but transform rapidly into mature cells when they detect a consistent, appropriate molecular signal, the authors report in a study published online August 26 in Cell Systems.

"We've discovered a basic mechanism the cell uses to decide whether to pay attention to a developmental cue or to ignore it," said co-senior author Matthew Thomson, PhD, a researcher in the department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and the Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology at UCSF.

During embryonic development, stem cells perform an elaborately timed dance as they transform from their neutral, undifferentiated form to construct all the major organ systems of the body. Researchers have identified many different molecular cues that signal stem cells when to transform into their mature form, whether it be brain or liver or muscle, at just the right time.

These discoveries have raised hopes that taking control of stem cells could let scientists repair damaged and aging tissues using the body's own potential for regeneration. But so far, getting stem cells to follow instructions en masse has proven far more difficult than researchers once expected.

In recent years, scientists have found that many of the genes encoding these developmental cues constantly flip on and off in undifferentiated stem cells. How the cells manage to ignore these noisy fluctuations but then respond quickly and decisively to authentic developmental cues has remained a mystery.

"These cells receive so many varied inputs," said lead author Cameron Sokolik, a Thomson laboratory research assistant at the time of the study. "The question is how does the cell decide when to differentiate?"

To test how stem cells interpret developmental cues as either crucial signals or mere noise, Thomson and colleagues engineered cultured mouse embryonic stem cells in which the researchers could use a pulse of blue light to switch on the Brn2 gene, a potent neural differentiation cue. By adjusting the strength and duration of the light pulses, the researchers could precisely control the Brn2 dosage and watch how the cells respond.

They discovered that if the Brn2 signal was strong enough and long enough, stem cells would quickly begin to transform into neurons. But if the signal was too weak or too brief, the cells ignored it completely.

"The cells are looking at the length of the signal," Thomson said. "That was a big surprise."

To learn how stem cells were able to weed out fleeting Brn2 signals but respond to persistent ones, co-senior author Stanley Qi, PhD, and co-author Yanxia Liu, PhD, both now at Stanford University, used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system to add a fluorescent tag to the transcription factor Nanog, which normally acts as a brake on differentiation. This protein could then be used as a read-out on the cells' decision-making.

The team discovered that Nanog itself is actually key to the cells' impeccable sense of timing. When the Brn2 signal turns on, it disrupts a molecular feedback loop that keeps the cell stable and undifferentiated. In response, Nanog protein levels start to drop. However, the protein takes about four hours to dissipate completely, which makes Nanog an excellent internal stop-watch. If the Brn2 signal is a fluke, Nanog levels can quickly rebound and the cell will do nothing. On the other hand, if Nanog runs out and the Brn2 signal is still on, "it's like a buzzer goes off," Thomson said. "And once it goes, it really goes -- the cells rapidly start converting into neurons."

Thomson believes that similar timer mechanisms may govern stem cell differentiation into many different tissues.

"It's hard for a cell to be both tolerant and fast, to reject minor fluctuations, but respond very precisely and sharply when it sees a signal," he said. "This mechanism is able to do that."

Thomson is a UCSF Sandler Fellow and Systems Biology Fellow. Since 1998, these unique fellowship programs have enabled UCSF to recruit young researchers straight out of graduate school to pursue ambitious high-risk, high-reward science.

Thomson's ambitious big idea is to use the light-inducible differentiation technology his group has developed to study how stem cells produce complex tissues in three dimensions. He imagines a day when researchers can illuminate a bath of undifferentiated stem cells with a pattern of different colors of light and come back the next day to find a complex pattern of blood and nerve and liver tissue forming an organ that can be transplanted into a patient.

"There's lots of promise that we can do these miraculous things like tissue repair or even growing new organs, but in practice, manipulating stem cells has been notoriously noisy, inefficient, and difficult to control," Thomson said. "I think it's because the cell is not a puppet. It's an agent that is constantly interpreting information, like a brain. If we want to precisely manipulate cell fate, we have to understand the information-processing mechanisms in the cell that control how it responds to the things we're trying to do to it."

The rest is here:
Embryonic stem cells controlled with light: Study reveals ...

Researchers control embryonic stem cells with light

August 26, 2015 A colony of embryonic stem cells, from the H9 cell line (NIH code: WA09). Viewed at 10X with Carl Zeiss Axiovert scope. (The cells in the background are mouse fibroblast cells. Only the colony in the centre are human embryonic stem cells) Credit: Ryddragyn/ Wikipedia

UC San Francisco researchers have for the first time developed a method to precisely control embryonic stem cell differentiation with beams of light, enabling them to be transformed into neurons in response to a precise external cue.

The technique also revealed an internal timer within stem cells that lets them tune out extraneous biological noise but transform rapidly into mature cells when they detect a consistent, appropriate molecular signal, the authors report in a study published online August 26 in Cell Systems.

"We've discovered a basic mechanism the cell uses to decide whether to pay attention to a developmental cue or to ignore it," said co-senior author Matthew Thomson, PhD, a researcher in the department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and the Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology at UCSF.

During embryonic development, stem cells perform an elaborately timed dance as they transform from their neutral, undifferentiated form to construct all the major organ systems of the body. Researchers have identified many different molecular cues that signal stem cells when to transform into their mature form, whether it be brain or liver or muscle, at just the right time.

These discoveries have raised hopes that taking control of stem cells could let scientists repair damaged and aging tissues using the body's own potential for regeneration. But so far, getting stem cells to follow instructions en masse has proven far more difficult than researchers once expected.

In recent years, scientists have found that many of the genes encoding these developmental cues constantly flip on and off in undifferentiated stem cells. How the cells manage to ignore these noisy fluctuations but then respond quickly and decisively to authentic developmental cues has remained a mystery.

"These cells receive so many varied inputs," said lead author Cameron Sokolik, a Thomson laboratory research assistant at the time of the study. "The question is how does the cell decide when to differentiate?"

To test how stem cells interpret developmental cues as either crucial signals or mere noise, Thomson and colleagues engineered cultured mouse embryonic stem cells in which the researchers could use a pulse of blue light to switch on the Brn2 gene, a potent neural differentiation cue. By adjusting the strength and duration of the light pulses, the researchers could precisely control the Brn2 dosage and watch how the cells respond.

They discovered that if the Brn2 signal was strong enough and long enough, stem cells would quickly begin to transform into neurons. But if the signal was too weak or too brief, the cells ignored it completely.

"The cells are looking at the length of the signal," Thomson said. "That was a big surprise."

To learn how stem cells were able to weed out fleeting Brn2 signals but respond to persistent ones, co-senior author Stanley Qi, PhD, and co-author Yanxia Liu, PhD, both now at Stanford University, used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system to add a fluorescent tag to the transcription factor Nanog, which normally acts as a brake on differentiation. This protein could then be used as a read-out on the cells' decision-making.

The team discovered that Nanog itself is actually key to the cells' impeccable sense of timing. When the Brn2 signal turns on, it disrupts a molecular feedback loop that keeps the cell stable and undifferentiated. In response, Nanog protein levels start to drop. However, the protein takes about four hours to dissipate completely, which makes Nanog an excellent internal stop-watch. If the Brn2 signal is a fluke, Nanog levels can quickly rebound and the cell will do nothing. On the other hand, if Nanog runs out and the Brn2 signal is still on, "it's like a buzzer goes off," Thomson said. "And once it goes, it really goes - the cells rapidly start converting into neurons."

Thomson believes that similar timer mechanisms may govern stem cell differentiation into many different tissues.

"It's hard for a cell to be both tolerant and fast, to reject minor fluctuations, but respond very precisely and sharply when it sees a signal," he said. "This mechanism is able to do that."

Thomson is a UCSF Sandler Fellow and Systems Biology Fellow. Since 1998, these unique fellowship programs have enabled UCSF to recruit young researchers straight out of graduate school to pursue ambitious high-risk, high-reward science.

Thomson's ambitious big idea is to use the light-inducible differentiation technology his group has developed to study how stem cells produce complex tissues in three dimensions. He imagines a day when researchers can illuminate a bath of undifferentiated stem cells with a pattern of different colors of light and come back the next day to find a complex pattern of blood and nerve and liver tissue forming an organ that can be transplanted into a patient.

"There's lots of promise that we can do these miraculous things like tissue repair or even growing new organs, but in practice, manipulating stem cells has been notoriously noisy, inefficient, and difficult to control," Thomson said. "I think it's because the cell is not a puppet. It's an agent that is constantly interpreting information, like a brain. If we want to precisely manipulate cell fate, we have to understand the information-processing mechanisms in the cell that control how it responds to the things we're trying to do to it."

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Researchers control embryonic stem cells with light

Glutamate and glutamate receptors in the vertebrate retina …

Victoria Connaughton

1. General overview of synaptic transmission.

Cells communicate with each other electrically, through gap junctions, and chemically, using neurotransmitters. Chemical synaptic transmission allows nerve signals to be exchanged between cells which are electrically isolated from each other. The chemical messenger, or neurotransmitter, provides a way to send the signal across the extracellular space, from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic cell. The space is called acleft and is typically more than 10 nanometers across. Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the presynaptic cell and stored in vesicles in presynaptic processes, such as the axon terminal. When the presynaptic neuron is stimulated, calcium channels open and the influx of calcium ions into the axon terminal triggers a cascade of events leading to the release of neurotransmitter. Once released, the neurotransmitter diffuses across the cleft and binds to receptors on the postsynaptic cell, allowing the signal to propagate. Neurotransmitter molecules can also bind onto presynaptic autoreceptors and transporters, regulating subsequent release and clearing excess neurotransmitter from the cleft. Compounds classified as neurotransmitters have several characteristics in common (reviewed in Massey, 1990, Erulkar, 1994). Briefly, (1) the neurotransmitter is synthesized, stored, and released from the presynaptic terminal. (2) Specific neurotransmitter receptors are localized on the postsynaptic cells, and (3) there exists a mechanism to stop neurotransmitter release and clear molecules from the cleft. Common neurotransmitters in the retina are glutamate, GABA, glycine, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Neurotransmitter compounds can be small molecules, such as glutamate and glycine, or large peptides, such as vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Some neuroactive compounds are amino acids, which also have metabolic functions in the presynaptic cell.

Fig. 1. Structure of the glutamate molecule

Glutamate (Fig. 1) is believed to be the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina. In general, glutamate is synthesized from ammonium and alpha-ketoglutarate (a component of the Krebs Cycle) and is used in the synthesis of proteins, other amino acids, and even other neurotransmitters (such as GABA; Stryer, 1988). Though glutamate is present in all neurons, only a few are glutamatergic, releasing glutamate as their neurotransmitter. Neuroactive glutamate is stored in synaptic vesicles in presynaptic axon terminals (Fykse and Fonnum, 1996). Glutamate is incorporated into the vesicles by a glutamate transporter located in the vesicular membrane. This transporter selectively accumulates glutamate through a sodium-independent, ATP-dependent process (Naito and Ueda, 1983, Tabb and Ueda, 1991, Fykse and Fonnum, 1996), resulting in a high concentration of glutamate in each vesicle. Neuroactive glutamate is classified as an excitatory amino acid (EAA) because glutamate binding onto postsynaptic receptors typically stimulates, or depolarizes, the postsynaptic cells.

2. Histological techniques identify glutamatergic neurons.

Fig. 2. Glutamate immunoreactivity

Using immunocytochemical techniques, neurons containing glutamate are identified and labeled with a glutamate antibody. In the retina, photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells are glutamate immunoreactive (Ehinger et al, 1988, Marc et al., 1990, Van Haesendonck and Missotten, 1990, Kalloniatis and Fletcher, 1993, Yang and Yazulla, 1994, Jojich and Pourcho, 1996) (Fig. 2). Some horizontal and/or amacrine cells can also display weak labeling with glutamate antibodies (Ehinger et al., 1988, Marc et al., 1990, Jojich and Pourcho, 1996; Yang, 1996). These neurons are believed to release GABA, not glutamate, as their neurotransmitter (Yazulla, 1986), suggesting the weak glutamate labeling reflects the pool of metabolic glutamate used in the synthesis of GABA. This has been supported by the results from double-labeling studies using antibodies to both GABA and glutamate: glutamate-positive amacrine cells also label with the GABA antibodies (Jojich and Pourcho, 1996, Yang, 1996).

Fig. 3. Autoradiogram of glutamate uptake through glutamate transporters

Photoreceptors, which contain glutamate, actively take up radiolabeled glutamate from the extracellular space, as do Muller cells (Fig. 3) (Marc and Lam, 1981; Yang and Wu, 1997). Glutamate is incorporated into these cell types through a high affinity glutamate transporter located in the plasma membrane. Glutamate transporters maintain the concentration of glutamate within the synaptic cleft at low levels, preventing glutamate-induced cell death (Kanai et al., 1994). Though Muller cells take up glutamate, they do not label with glutamate antibodies (Jojich and Pourcho, 1996). Glutamate incorporated into Muller cells is rapidly broken down into glutamine, which is then exported from glial cells and incorporated into surrounding neurons (Pow and Crook, 1996). Neurons can then synthesize glutamate from glutamine (Hertz, 1979, Pow and Crook, 1996).

Thus, histological techniques are used to identify potential glutamatergic neurons by labeling neurons containing glutamate (through immunocytochemistry) and neurons that take up glutamate (through autoradiography). To determine if these cell types actually release glutamate as their neurotransmitter, however, the receptors on postsynaptic cells have to be examined.

3. Glutamate receptors.

Once released from the presynaptic terminal, glutamate diffuses across the cleft and binds onto receptors located on the dendrites of the postsynaptic cell(s). Multiple glutamate receptor types have been identified. Though glutamate will bind onto all glutamate receptors, each receptor is characterized by its sensitivity to specific glutamate analogues and by the features of the glutamate-elicited current. Glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists are structurally similar to glutamate (Fig. 4), which allows them to bind onto glutamate receptors. These compounds are highly specific and, even in intact tissue, can be used in very low concentrations because they are poor substrates for glutamate uptake systems (Tachibana and Kaneko, 1988, Schwartz and Tachibana, 1990).

Fig. 4. Glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists

Two classes of glutamate receptors (Fig. 5) have been identified: (1) ionotropic glutamate receptors, which directly gate ion channels, and (2) metabotropic glutamate receptors, which may be coupled to an ion channel or other cellular functions via an intracellular second messenger cascade. These receptor types are similar in that they both bind glutamate and glutamate binding can influence the permeability of ion channels. However, there are several differences between the two classes.

Fig. 5. Ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors and channels

4. Ionotropic glutamate receptors.

Glutamate binding onto an ionotropic receptor directly influences ion channel activity because the receptor and the ion channel form one complex (Fig. 5a). These receptors mediate fast synaptic transmission between neurons. Each ionotropic glutamate receptor, or iGluR, is formed from the co-assembly of individual subunits. The assembled subunits may or may not be homologous, with the different combinations of subunits resulting in channels with different characteristics (Keinanen et al., 1990, Verdoorn et al., 1991, Moyner et al., 1992; Nakanishi, 1992, Ozawa and Rossier, 1996).

Fig. 6. Comparison between NMDA and non-NMDA receptors

Two iGluR types (see Fig. 6) have been identified: (1) NMDA receptors, which bind glutamate and the glutamate analogue N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) and (2) non-NMDA receptors, which are selectively agonized by kainate, AMPA, and quisqualate, but not NMDA.

Non-NMDA receptors. Glutamate binding onto a non-NMDA receptor opens non-selective cation channels more permeable to sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions than calcium (Ca+2) (Mayer and Westbrook, 1987). Glutamate binding elicits a rapidly activating inward current at membrane potentials negative to 0 mV, and an outward current at potentials positive to 0 mV. Kainate, quisqualate, and AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid) are the specific agonists at these receptors; CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione), NBQX (1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-nitro-2,3-dione-benzo[f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide), and DNQX (6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione) are the antagonists.

Fig. 7. Whole-cell patch clamp to show quisqualate and kainate gated currents

In retina, non-NMDA receptors have been identified on horizontal cells, OFF-bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells (see below). Patch clamp recordings (Gilbertson et al., 1991, Zhou et al., 1993, Boos et al., 1993, Cohen and Miller, 1994, Yu and Miller, 1995) indicate that AMPA, quisqualate, and/or kainate application can evoke currents in these cells. However, the kinetics of the ligand-gated currents differ. AMPA and quisqualate-elicited currents rapidly desensitize; whereas, kainate-gated currents do not (Fig. 7a). The desensitization at AMPA/quisqualate receptors can be reduced (Fig. 7b) by adding cyclothiazide (Yamada and Tang, 1993), which stabilizes the receptor in an active (or non-desensitized) state (Yamada and Tang, 1993, Kessler et al., 1996).

Each non-NMDA receptor is formed from the co-assembly of several subunits (Boulter et al., 1990, Nakanishi et al., 1990, Nakanishi, 1992). To date, seven subunits (named GluR1 through GluR7) have been cloned (Hollmann et al., 1989, Boulter et al., 1990, Keinanen et al., 1990, Nakanishi et al., 1990, Bettler et al., 1990, 1992, Egebjerg et al., 1991). Expression of subunit clones in Xenopus oocytes revealed that GluR5, GluR6, and GluR7 (along with subunits KA1 and KA2) co-assemble to form kainate(-preferring) receptors; whereas, GluR1, GluR2, GluR3, and GluR4 are assembled into AMPA(-preferring) receptors (Nakanishi, 1992).

NMDA receptors. Glutamate binding onto an NMDA receptor also opens non-selective cation channels, resulting in a conductance increase. However, the high conductance channel associated with these receptors is more permeable to Ca+2 than Na+ ions (Mayer and Westbrook, 1987) and NMDA-gated currents typically have slower kinetics than kainate- and AMPA-gated channels. As the name suggests, NMDA is the selective agonist at these receptors. The compounds MK-801, AP-5 (2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid), and AP-7 (2-amino-7-phosphoheptanoic acid) are NMDA receptor antagonists.

NMDA receptors are structurally complex, with separate binding sites for glutamate, glycine, magnesium ions (Mg+2), zinc ions (Zn+2), and a polyamine recognition site (Fig. 6b). There is also an antagonist binding site for PCP and MK-801 (Lodge, 1997). The glutamate, glycine, and magnesium binding sites are important for receptor activation and gating of the ion channel. In contrast, the zinc and polyamine sites are not needed for receptor activation, but affect the efficacy of the channel. Zinc blocks the channel in a voltage-independent manner (Westbrook and Mayer, 1987). The polyamine site (Ransom and Stec, 1988, Williams et al., 1994) binds compounds such as spermine or spermidine, either potentiating (Ranson and Stec, 1988; Williams et al., 1994) or inhibiting (Williams et al., 1994) the activity of the receptor, depending on the combination of subunits forming each NMDA receptor (Williams et al., 1994).

To date, five subunits (NR1, NR2a, N2b, N2c, and N2d) of NMDA receptors have been cloned (Moriyoshi et al., 1991, Ikeda et al., 1992, Katsuwada et al., 1992, Meguro et al., 1992, Ishii et al., 1993). As with non-NMDA receptors, NMDA receptor subunits can co-assemble as homomers (i.e., five NR1 subunits; Moyner et al., 1992, Moriyoshi et al., 1992) or heteromers (one NR1 + four NR2 subunits; Meguro et al., 1992, Katsuwada et al., 1992, Moyner et al., 1992, Ishii et al., 1993). However, all functional NMDA receptors express the NR1 subunit (Moyner et al., 1992, Nakanishi, 1992, Ishii et al., 1993).

Fig. 8. NMDA receptor activation

The glutamate, glycine, and Mg+2 binding sites confer both ligand-gated and voltage-gated properties onto NMDA receptors. NMDA receptors are ligand-gated because the binding of glutamate (ligand) is required to activate the channel. In addition, micromolar concentrations of glycine must also be present (Fig. 8) (Johnson and Ascher, 1987, Kleckner and Dingledine, 1988). The requirement for both glutamate and glycine makes them co-agonists (Kleckner and Dingledine, 1988) at NMDA receptors.

Mg+2 ions provide a voltage-dependent block of NMDA-gated channels (Nowak et al., 1984). This can be seen in the current-voltage (I-V) relationship presented in Fig. 9 (from Nowak et al., 1984).

Fig. 9. Mg+2 ions block NMDA receptor channels

I-V curves plotted from currents recorded in the presence of Mg+2 have a characteristic J-shape (dotted line); whereas, a linear relationship is calculated in Mg+2-free solutions (solid line). At negative membrane potentials, Mg+2 ions occupy the binding site causing less current to flow through the channel. As the membrane depolarizes, the Mg+2 block is removed (Nowak et al., 1984).

Retinal ganglion cells and some amacrine cell types express functional NMDA receptors in addition to non-NMDA receptors (i.e., Massey and Miller, 1988, 1990, Mittman et al., 1990, Dixon and Copenhagen 1992, Diamond and Copenhagen, 1993, Cohen and Miller, 1994). The currents elicited through these different iGluR types can be distinguished pharmacologically. Non-NMDA receptor antagonists block a transient component of the ganglion cell light response; whereas, NMDA receptor antagonists block a more sustained component (Mittman et al., 1990, Diamond and Copenhagen, 1993, Hensley et al., 1993, Cohen and Miller, 1994). These findings suggest the currents elicited through co-localized NMDA and non-NMDA receptors mediate differential contributions to the ON- and OFF-light responses observed in ganglion cells (i.e., Diamond and Copenhagen, 1993).

5. Metabotropic glutamate receptors.

Unlike ionotropic receptors, which are directly linked to an ion channel, metabotropic receptors are coupled to their associated ion channel through a second messenger pathway. Ligand (glutamate) binding activates a G-protein and initiates an intracellular cascade (Nestler and Duman, 1994). Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are not co-assembled from multiple subunits, but are one polypeptide (Fig. 5b). To date, eight mGluRs (mGluR1-mGluR8) have been cloned (Houamed et al., 1991, Masu et al., 1991, Abe et al., 1992, Tanabe et al., 1992, Nakajima et al., 1993, Saugstad et al., 1994, Duvoisin et al., 1995). These receptors are classified into three groups (I, II, and III) based on structural homology, agonist selectivity, and their associated second messenger cascade (Table 1, end of chapter) (reviewed in Nakanishi, 1994, Knopfel et al., 1995, Pin and Duvoisin, 1995, Pin and Bockaert, 1995).

In brief, Group I mGluRs (mGluR1 and mGluR5) are coupled to the hydrolysis of fatty acids and the release of calcium from internal stores. Quisqualate and trans-ACPD are Group I agonists. Group II (mGluR2 and mGluR3) and Group III (mGluRs 4, 6, 7, and 8) receptors are considered inhibitory because they are coupled to the downregulation of cyclic nucleotide synthesis (Pin and Duvoisin, 1995). L-CCG-1 and trans-ACPD agonize Group II receptors; L-AP4 (also called APB) selectively agonizes Group III receptors. In situ hybridization studies have revealed that the mRNAs encoding Group I, II, and III mGluRs are present in retina (see below); however, with the exception of the APB receptor, the function of all these receptor types in retina has not been characterized.

APB receptor. In contrast to non-NMDA and NMDA receptors, glutamate binding onto an APB receptor elicits a conductance decrease (Slaughter and Miller, 1981, Nawy and Copenhagen, 1987, 1990) due to the closure of cGMP-gated non-selective cation channels (Nawy and Jahr, 1990) (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10.Whole-cell current traces to show kinetics of APB receptor gated currents

APB application selectively blocks the ON-pathway in the retina (Fig. 11) (Slaughter and Miller, 1981), i.e., ON-bipolar cell responses and the ON-responses in amacrine cells (Taylor and Wassle, 1995) and ganglion cells (Cohen and Miller, 1994, Kittila and Massey, 1995, Jin and Brunken, 1996) are eliminated by APB. Experimental evidence (Slaughter and Miller 1981, Massey et al., 1983) suggests the APB receptor is localized to ON-bipolar cell dendrites. Inhibition of amacrine and ganglion cell light responses, therefore, is due to a decrease in the input from ON-bipolar cells, not a direct effect on postsynaptic receptors.

Fig. 11. Intracellular recordings to show that APB selectively antagonizes the ON-pathways

APB (2-amino-4-phosphobutyric acid, also called L-AP4) is the selective agonist for all Group III mGluRs (mGluR4, 6, 7, and 8). So, which is the APB receptor located on ON-bipolar cell dendrites? MGluR4, 7, and 8 expression has been observed in both the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer (Duvoisin et al., 1995, Hartveit et al., 1995) suggesting these mGluRs are associated with more than one cell type. In contrast, mGluR6 expression has been localized to the INL (Nakajima et al., 1993, Hartveit et al., 1995) and the OPL (Nomura et al., 1994) where bipolar cell somata and dendrites are located. Furthermore, ON-responses are abolished in mice lacking mGluR6 expression (Masu et al., 1995). These mutants also display abnormal ERG b-waves, suggesting an inhibition of the ON-retinal pathway at the level of bipolar cells (Masu et al., 1995). Taken together, these findings suggest the APB receptor on ON-bipolar cells is mGluR6.

6. Glutamate transporters and transporter-like receptors.

Glutamate transporters have been identified on photoreceptors (Marc and Lam, 1981, Tachibana and Kaneko, 1988, Eliasof and Werblin, 1993) and Muller cells (Marc and Lam, 1981, Yang and Wu, 1997). From glutamate labeling studies, the average concentration of glutamate in photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells is 5mM (Marc et al. 1990). Physiological studies using isolated cells indicate that only M levels of glutamate are required to activate glutamate receptors (i.e., Aizenman et al., 1988, Zhou et al., 1993, Sasaki and Kaneko, 1996). Thus, the amount of glutamate released into the synaptic cleft is several orders of magnitude higher than the concentration required to activate most postsynaptic receptors. High affinity glutamate transporters located on adjacent neurons and surrounding glial cells rapidly remove glutamate from the synaptic cleft to prevent cell death (Kanai et al., 1994). Five glutamate transporters, EAAT-1 (or GLAST), EAAT-2 (or GLT-1), EAAT-3 (or EAAC-1), EAAT-4, and EAAT-5, have been cloned (Kanai and Hediger, 1992, Pines et al., 1992, Fairman et al., 1995, Schultz and Stell, 1996, Arriza et al., 1997, Kanai et al., 1997).

Glutamate transporters are pharmacologically distinct from both iGluRs and mGluRs. L-glutamate, L-aspartate, and D-aspartate are substrates for the transporters (Brew and Attwell, 1987, Tachibana and Kaneko, 1988, Eliasof and Werblin, 1993); glutamate receptor agonists (Brew and Attwell, 1987, Tachibana and Kaneko, 1988, Schwartz and Tachibana, 1990, Eliasof and Werblin, 1993) and antagonists (Barbour et al., 1991, Eliasof and Werblin, 1993) are not. Glutamate uptake can be blocked by the transporter blockers dihydrokainate (DHKA) and DL-threo-beta-hydroxyaspartate (HA) (Barbour et al., 1991, Eliasof and Werblin 1993).

Fig. 12 Glutamate transporters in Muller cells are electrogenic

Glutamate transporters incorporate glutamate into Muller cells along with the co-transport of three Na+ ions (Brew and Attwell, 1987, Barbour et al., 1988) and the antiport of one K+ ion (Barbour et al., 1988, Bouvier et al., 1992) and either one OH- or one HCO3- ion (Bouvier et al., 1992) (Fig. 12). The excess sodium ions generate a net positive inward current which drives the transporter (Brew and Attwell, 1987, Barbour et al., 1988). More recent findings indicate a glutamate-elicited chloride current is also associated with some transporters (Eliasof and Jahr, 1996, Arriza et al., 1997).

It should be noted that the glutamate transporters located in the plasma membrane of neuronal and glial cells (discussed in this section) are different from the glutamate transporters located on synaptic vesicles within presynaptic terminals (see section 1). The transporters in the plasma membrane transport glutamate in a Na+- and voltage-dependent manner independent of chloride (Brew and Attwell, 1987, Barbour et al., 1988, Kanai et al., 1994). L-glutamate, L-aspartate, and D-aspartate are substrates for these transporters (i.e., Brew and Attwell, 1987). In contrast, the vesicular transporter selectively concentrates glutamate into synaptic vesicles in a Na+-independent, ATP-dependent manner (Naito and Ueda, 1983, Tabb and Ueda, 1991, Fykse and Fonnum, 1996) that requires chloride (Tabb and Ueda, 1991, Fykse and Fonnum, 1996).

Glutamate receptors with transporter-like pharmacology have been described in photoreceptors (Picaud et al., 1995a, b, Grant and Werblin, 1996) and ON-bipolar cells (Grant and Dowling 1995, 1996). These receptors are coupled to a chloride current. The pharmacology of these receptors is similar to that described for glutamate transporters, as the glutamate-elicited current is (1) dependent upon external Na+, (2) reduced by transporter blockers, and (3) insensitive to glutamate agonists and antagonists. However, altering internal Na+ concentration does not change the reversal potential (Picaud et al., 1995b) or the amplitude (Grant and Werblin, 1995, Grant and Dowling, 1996) of the glutamate-elicited current, suggesting the receptor is distinct from glutamate transporters. At the photoreceptor terminals, the glutamate-elicited chloride current may regulate membrane potential and subsequent voltage-gated channel activity (i.e., Picaud et al., 1995a). Postsynaptically, this receptor is believed to mediate conductance changes underlying photoreceptor input to ON- cone bipolar cells (Grant and Dowling, 1995).

7. Localization of glutamate receptor types in the retina.

Fig. 13. The types of neurons in the vertebrate retina

Photoreceptor, bipolar, ganglion cells comprise the vertical transduction pathway in the retina. This pathway is modulated by lateral inputs from horizontal cells in the distal retina and amacrine cells in the proximal retina (Fig. 13). As described in the previous sections, photoreceptor, bipolar, and ganglion cells show glutamate immunoreactivity. Glutamate responses have been electrically characterized in horizontal and bipolar cells, which are postsynaptic to photoreceptors, and in amacrine and ganglion cells, which are postsynaptic to bipolar cells. Taken together, these results suggest glutamate is the neurotransmitter released by neurons in the vertical pathway. Recent in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical studies have localized the expression of iGluR subunits, mGluRs, and glutamate transporter proteins in the retina. These findings are summarized below.

8. Retinal neurons expressing ionotropic glutamate receptors.

In both higher and lower vertebrates, electrophysiological recording techniques have identified ionotropic glutamate receptors on the neurons comprising the OFF-pathway (Table 2, end of chapter). In the distal retina, OFF-bipolar cells (Fig. 14) (Euler et al., 1996, Sasaki and Kaneko, 1996, Hartveit, 1997) and horizontal cells (Fig. 15) (Yang and Wu, 1991, Zhou et al., 1993, Kriaj et al., 1994) respond to kainate, AMPA, and quisqualate application, but not NMDA nor APB. (However, NMDA receptors have been identified on catfish horizontal cells (ODell and Christensen, 1989, Eliasof and Jahr, 1997) and APB-induced hyperpolarizations have been reported in some fish horizontal cells (Nawy et al., 1989, Takahashi and Copenhagen, 1992, Furukawa et al., 1997)).

Non-NMDA agonists also stimulate both amacrine cells (Fig. 16a) (Massey and Miller, 1988, Dixon and Copenhagen, 1992, Boos et al., 1993) and ganglion cells (Fig. 16b) (Mittman et al., 1990, Diamond and Copenhagen, 1993, Hensley et al., 1993, Cohen and Miller, 1994, Yu and Miller, 1995). Ganglion cells responses to NMDA have been observed (Massey and Miller, 1988, 1990, Mittman et al., 1990, Diamond and Copenhagen, 1993, Cohen and Miller, 1994); whereas, NMDA responses have been recorded in only some types of amacrine cells (Massey and Miller, 1988, Dixon and Copenhagen, 1992, Boos et al., 1993, but see Hartveit and Veruki, 1997).

Fig. 16. Glutamate receptors on amacrine and ganglion cells

Consistent with this physiological data, antibodies to the different non-NMDA receptor subunits differentially label all retinal layers (Table 3, end of chapter; Hartveit et al., 1994, Peng et al., 1995, Hughes, 1997, Pourcho et al., 1997) and mRNAs encoding the different non-NMDA iGluR subunits are similarly expressed (Hughes et al., 1992, Hamassaki-Britto et al., 1993, Brandstatter et al., 1994). In contrast, mRNAs encoding NMDA subunits are expressed predominantly in the proximal retina, where amacrine and ganglion cells are located (INL, IPL, GCL; Table 3) (Brandstatter et al., 1994, Hartveit et al., 1994), though mRNA encoding the NR2a subunit (Hartveit et al., 1994) has been observed in the OPL and antibodies to the NR2d (Wenzel et al., 1997) and the NR1 subunits (Hughes, 1997) label rod bipolar cells.

9. Retinal neurons expressing metabotropic glutamate receptors.

All metabotropic glutamate receptors, except mGluR3, have been identified in retina either through antibody staining (Peng et al., 1995, Brandstatter et al., 1996, Koulen et al., 1997, Pourcho et al., 1997) or in situ hybridization (Nakajima et al., 1993, Duvoisin et al., 1995, Hartveit et al., 1995). MGluRs are differentially expressed throughout the retina, specifically in the outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer, and the ganglion cell layer (Table 4, end of chapter). Though different patterns of mGluR expression have been observed in the retina, only the APB receptor on ON-bipolar cells has been physiologically examined.

10. Retinal neurons expressing glutamate transporters.

The glutamate transporters GLAST, EAAC1, and GLT-1have been identified in retina (Table 5, end of chapter). GLAST (L-glutamate/L-aspartatetransporter) immunoreactivity is found in all retinal layers (Otori et al. 1994), but not in neuronal tissue. GLAST is localized to Muller cell membranes (Otori et al. 1994, Derouiche and Rauen, 1995, Rauen et al., 1996, Lehre et al., 1997). In contrast, EAAC-1 (excitatoryaminoacidcarrier-1) antibodies do not label Muller cells or photoreceptors. EAAC-1 immunoreactivity is observed in ganglion and amacrine cells in chicken, rat, goldfish, and turtle retinas. In addition, bipolar cells positive labeled with EAAC-1 antibody in lower vertebrates and immunopositive horizontal cells were observed in rat (Schultz and Stell, 1996). GLT-1 (glutamatetransporter-1) proteins have been identified in monkey (Grunert et al., 1994), rat (Rauen et al., 1996), and rabbit (Massey et al., 1997) bipolar cells. In addition, a few amacrine cells were weakly labeled with the GLT-1 antibody in rat (Rauen et al., 1996), as were photoreceptor terminals in rabbit (Massey et al., 1997).

11. Summary and conclusions.

Fig. 17. The ribbon glutamatergic synapse in the retina

Histological analyses of presynaptic neurons and physiological recordings from postsynaptic cells suggest photoreceptor, bipolar, and ganglion cells release glutamate as their neurotransmitter. Multiple glutamate receptor types are present in the retina. These receptors are pharmacologically distinct and differentially distributed. IGluRs directly gate ion channels and mediate rapid synaptic transmission through either kainate/AMPA or NMDA receptors. Glutamate binding onto iGluRs opens cation channels, depolarizing the postsynaptic cell membrane. Neurons within the OFF-pathway (horizontal cells, OFF-bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells) express functional iGluRs. MGluRs are coupled to G-proteins. Glutamate binding onto mGluRs can have a variety of effects depending on the second messenger cascade to which the receptor is coupled. The APB receptor, found on ON-bipolar cell dendrites, is coupled to the synthesis of cGMP. At these receptors, glutamate decreases cGMP formation leading to the closure of ion channels. Glutamate transporters, found on glial and photoreceptor cells, are also present at glutamatergic synapses (Fig. 17). Transporters remove excess glutamate from the synaptic cleft to prevent neurotoxicity. Thus, postsynaptic responses to glutamate are determined by the distribution of receptors and transporters at a glutamatergic synapses which, in retina, determine the conductance mechanisms underlying visual information processing within the ON- and OFF-pathways.


Glutamate and glutamate receptors in the vertebrate retina ...

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VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--STEMCELL Technologies Inc. has signed a patent license agreement with iPS Academia Japan, Inc. to license and commercialize iPS Academia Japan, Inc.s patented technologies for induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS cell) research.

This agreement will enable STEMCELL Technologies to develop, manufacture, and distribute products that are optimized for cellular reprogramming. This further expands STEMCELLs extensive portfolio of products for hPSC research, which includes ReproTeSR and TeSR-E7 media for reprogramming, the TeSR family of maintenance media, and the STEMdiff product line for robust and reliable differentiation to various cell lineages.

The patents related to iPS cell technologies licensed by iPS Academia Japan are the result of the groundbreaking research of Professor Shinya Yamanaka of the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) at Kyoto University, Japan. iPS cells hold immense potential for drug development and disease modeling. Somatic cells can be reprogrammed using iPS cell technology and subsequently differentiated into specific cell types of diverse lineages. This enables researchers to develop cell lines for, among other applications, screening potential treatments at the patient level. The personalized nature of this approach ensures greater predictive accuracy in disease modeling and treatment outcome.

About STEMCELL Technologies Inc. As Scientists Helping Scientists, STEMCELL Technologies is committed to providing high-quality cell culture media, cell isolation products and accessory reagents for life science research. Driven by science and a passion for quality, STEMCELL Technologies provides over 2000 products to more than 70 countries worldwide. Our specialty cell culture reagents, instruments and tools are designed to support science along the basic to translational research continuum. To learn more, visit

About iPS Academia Japan, Inc. iPS Academia Japan, Inc. (AJ) is an affiliate of Kyoto University, and its main role is to manage and utilize the patents and other intellectual properties held/controlled by Kyoto University and other institutions in the field of iPS cell technologies so that the research results contribute to health and welfare worldwide. AJ was established in Kyoto in June 2008. AJ's patent portfolio consists of approximately 110 patent families (350 patent application cases) in iPS cell technologies as of July 2015, and approximately 150 license arrangements have been executed with domestic or international entities.For more information, visit

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