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A Dangerous Game: Some Athletes Risk Untested Stem Cell Treatments

Image: Peter Ryan

In 2005, at the age of 32, then Los Angeles Angel Bartolo Coln won the American League Cy Young Award for best pitcher, one of professional baseball's top honors. He stumbled through subsequent seasons, however, after a series of rips and strains in the tendons and ligaments of his throwing arm, shoulder and back. In 2009 he all but quit baseball. Desperate to reclaim his career, Coln flew home to the Dominican Republic in 2010 for an experimental procedure not vetted or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Doctors centrifuged samples of Coln's bone marrow and fat, skimmed off a slurry containing a particular kind of stem cellimmature, self-renewing cells that can turn into a variety of tissuesand injected it into his injured shoulder and elbow. Within months of the procedure the then 37-year-old Coln was once again pitching near the top of his game for the New York Yankeescommanding a 93-mile-per-hour fastball.

Whether the injected stem cells rejuvenated his arm is an open question. The fda and the International Society for Stem Cell Research warn that no rigorous studies have demonstrated that such treatments safely and effectively repair damaged connective tissue in people. The results of related animal studies, though promising, have raised more questions than answers. The term stem cell makes it sound cutting edge and exciting, says Paul Knoepfler, a cell biologist at the University of California, Davis, who also writes frequently on policy surrounding stem cells. But the role of these cells in sports medicine is essentially all hype.

No matter, apparently, to the aging, injured athletes who have followed Coln's lead. Lefty pitcher C. J. Nitkowski, who underwent the same procedure in 2011, told readers of his personal blog that he did not mind the lack of carefully controlled research. My attitude is I don't have the time to wait for the five- or 10-year study to come out, the then 38-year-old relief pitcher wrote, so I'm taking a chance now. Besides, Nitkowski figured, even if the treatment did not work, any health risks ought to be slight because the cells involved were his own.

That might not be such a safe bet. Numerous studies suggest that Coln, Nitkowski and others trying untested stem cell treatments may be risking more than they think. Even a syringe of one's own stem cells taken from one part of the body and squirted into another may multiply, form tumors, or may leave the site you put them in and migrate somewhere else the fda warns on its Web site. More clinical research is needed to define safety procedures, as well as how many cells of which types and what other tissue factors produce the desired results. In some animal studies, for example, the regenerated tissue is not as strong or flexible as the original. In other cases, an overgrowth of scar tissue makes the injected tendon or ligament adhere to the overlying skin. By preventing different tissues from gracefully sliding past one another, these adhesions sometimes pull an even bigger tear in an already serious wound.

In addition, Knoepfler worries that high-profile sports testimonials by Coln, Nitkowski and others will encourage joggers with blown-out knees and the parents of sore-armed Little Leaguers to demand the procedure before it has been thoroughly tested. When celebrities take to a new treatment, many other people follow suit, he says. Such premature enthusiasmor an unforeseen tragedy that results from proceeding too fast too sooncould also prevent serious researchers from getting funding to do the kinds of careful experiments that might eventually lead to safe and reliable treatments.

Seeds of Repair

The need for better ways to reknit damaged tendons and ligaments is painfully apparent to the roughly two million Americans in a given year who seek medical help for tears in their shoulder's rotator cuff, for example, or the 100,000 patients in the same year who undergo surgery in the U.S. to repair a ripped or ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee. Tendons and ligaments are tough, fibrous bands, made mostly of collagen, that anchor networks of muscles to a bone or link bones and cartilage across crucial joints. They lend strength, flexibility and stability to your daily twists and turns, whether you are rocketing a baseball across home plate or hefting a suitcase into an overhead bin. Once frayed or snapped, they can take many months or longer to mendeven with surgery.

A Dangerous Game: Some Athletes Risk Untested Stem Cell Treatments

Body fat good source of stem cells, say doctors

By Philip C. Tubeza Philippine Daily Inquirer

Health Secretary Enrique Ona said that the Department of Health would come out in the coming weeks with the rules to regulate stem cell therapy in the country. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

MANILA, PhilippinesHealth buffs may abhor body fat but it is actually a good source for stem cells that can be used to help treat diseases ranging from athritis, diabetes, or even HIV/AIDS in the future, according to a stem cell expert.

Speaking at the first national convention of the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine, Vasilis Paspaliaris, a stem cell expert from Greece, said body fat or adipose tissues have been proven to be rich sources of mesenchyme stem cells, used for regenerative medicine.

Why fat? Whats the interest in fat? Theres a lot more mesenchyme stem cells in adipose tissue, Paspaliaris said during the convention at the Manila Hotel.

Many of you cosmetic surgeons know that fat has been used as a filler for breast enhancements. Everyone knew there was a therapeutic use for fat. And plastic surgeons were quite aware of it. They have seen its rejuvenative effects, he added.

He said that while mesenchyme tissues could also be found in the skin and the kidneys, there is 10,000 times more mesancyme stem cells in adipose tissue.

And what is a big deal in adipose tissue is that (its) easily accessible with a minimal invasive procedure. More importantly, we can take a little amount of fat and we already have enough numbers of cells that we can take back straight to our patients, he added.

However, Paspaliaris said that the fat person would not necessarily have more mesenchyme stem cells than someone thinner.

The bigger you are does not mean that you have more stem cells. It just means you have more lipids (or stored energy), he added.

Body fat good source of stem cells, say doctors

Stem Cell Therapy Guidelines Readied

MANILA, Philippines --- The Department of Health (DOH) is preparing guidelines for the use of stem cell therapy in the treatment of diseases in the Philippines.

This was announced by DOH Secretary Enrique T. Ona yesterday in a convention on stem cell therapy at the Manila Hotel.

Ona said a bio-ethics advisory board will develop the guidelines which will include ethical standards in the application of stem cell therapy to treat diseases such as malignancies, blood disorders and metabolic disorders, among others.

"The institutional board will review and approve Stem Cell therapies based on guidelines by the advisory board," Ona said.

He added that the board will also include ethical and legal issues surrounding stem cell therapy.

Last week, the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) and the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine (PSSCM) issued a joint statement that warned against the dangers of receiving stem cell transplants that came from another source other than the patient's body.

"If the stem cell that you received is not from your own body, it could lead to fatal complications," Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine (PSSCM) and the PMA said.

The doctors warned that complications arising from stem cell transplants include graft-versus-host disease, stem cell (graft) failure, organ injury, infections, cataracts, infertility, new cancers, and even death.

Ona said a public hearing will be held on January 18 regarding the preliminary draft of the guidelines.

He said the guidelines will ensure the minimum quality of service and application in the use of stem cells in health settings.

See the original post:
Stem Cell Therapy Guidelines Readied

Ben-Gurion U. establishes stem cell research fund in honor of inventor Jordan Baruch

Public release date: 14-Jan-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Andrew Lavin 516-944-4486 American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

CHEVY CHASE, MD, January 15, 2013 -- American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU) received a substantial donation from Rhoda Baruch, wife of the late Dr. Jordan Baruch, to fund stem cell research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Beer-Sheva, Israel.

The Jordan Baruch Stem Cell Research Fund was dedicated at the University on December 30 in the presence of Rhoda Baruch and 20 members of her extended family.

"Jordan recognized that here at Ben-Gurion University are the people who walk the extra mile and who are dedicated to the less fortunate. What the people of BGU have in addition to their brilliance and creativity is a sense of compassion and dedication that touched us so much. If anyone can do it, you guys can do it," Baruch declared.

The donation will support scholarly collaboration between specially selected medical and pharmacological researchers, stem cell biologists and tissue engineers. It will support the work of BGU's new Center for Regenerative Medicine, Cellular Therapy and Stem Cell Research.

"Jordan was a passionate supporter of Israel and especially BGU," says Keren Waranch, director of the Washington-Baltimore Region of American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU), who also attended the dedication.

"He and Rhoda founded the local AABGU chapter in the 1980s and funded the Mendel Wasserman Career Development Chair in Desert Studies, named in memory of Rhoda's father.

"We are extremely grateful to Rhoda for this generous contribution and moving tribute to her husband of 67 years," Waranch adds. "This fund will launch BGU forward in researching the treatment and potential cure for debilitating diseases such as diabetes, ALS, Parkinson's and leukemia."

Dr. Baruch (pronounced Bah-ROOSH), who died in 2011, was considered one of the foremost authorities in the field of acoustics. He held several patents for sound-dampening technology and loudspeaker systems.

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Ben-Gurion U. establishes stem cell research fund in honor of inventor Jordan Baruch

Stem-cell approach shows promise for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Jan. 14, 2013 Researchers have shown that transplanting stem cells derived from normal mouse blood vessels into the hearts of mice that model the pathology associated with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) prevents the decrease in heart function associated with DMD.

Their findings appear in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the gene for dystrophin, a protein that anchors muscle cells in place when they contract. Without dystrophin, muscle contractions tear cell membranes, leading to cell death. The lost muscle cells must be regenerated, but in time, scar tissue replaces the muscle cells, causing the muscle weakness and heart problems typical of DMD.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that DMD affects one in every 3,500 males. The disease is more prevalent in males because the dystrophin mutation occurs on the X chromosome; males have one X and one Y chromosome, so a male with this mutation will have DMD, while females have two X chromosomes and must have the mutation on both of them to have the disease. Females with the mutation in one X chromosome sometimes develop muscle weakness and heart problems as well, and may pass the mutation on to their children.

Although medical advances have extended the lifespans of DMD patients from their teens or 20s into their early 30s, disease-related damage to the heart and diaphragm still limits their lifespan.

"Almost 100 percent of patients develop dilated cardiomyopathy," in which a weakened heart with enlarged chambers prevents blood from being properly pumped throughout the body, said University of Illinois comparative biosciences professor Suzanne Berry-Miller, who led the study. "Right now, doctors are treating the symptoms of this heart problem by giving patients drugs to try to prolong heart function, but that can't replace the lost or damaged cells," she said.

In the new study, the researchers injected stem cells known as aorta-derived mesoangioblasts (ADM) into the hearts of dystrophin-deficient mice that serve as a model for human DMD. The ADM stem cells have a working copy of the dystrophin gene.

This stem cell therapy prevented or delayed heart problems in mice that did not already show signs of the functional or structural defects typical of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the researchers report.

Berry-Miller and her colleagues do not yet know why the functional benefits occur, but proposed three potential mechanisms. They observed that some of the injected stem cells became new heart muscle cells that expressed the lacking dystrophin protein. The treatment also caused existing stem cells in the heart to divide and become new heart muscle cells, and the stem cells stimulated new blood vessel formation in the heart. It is not yet clear which of these effects is responsible for delaying the onset of cardiomyopathy, Berry-Miller said.

"These vessel-derived cells might be good candidates for therapy, but the more important thing is the results give us new potential therapeutic targets to study, which may be activated directly without the use of cells that are injected into the patient, such as the ADM in the current study," Berry-Miller said. "Activating stem cells that are already present in the body to repair tissue would avoid the potential requirement to find a match between donors and recipients and potential rejection of the stem cells by the patients."

Here is the original post:
Stem-cell approach shows promise for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Court lifts cloud over embryonic stem cells – Stem Cell Cafe

Researchers are keen to compare induced pluripotent stem cells (pictured) with their embryonic cousins.


The US Supreme Courts decision last week to throw out a lawsuit that would have blocked federal funding of all research on human embryonic stem cells cleared the gloom that has hung over the field for more than three years. Yet the biggest boost from the decision might go not to work on embryonic stem (ES) cells, but to studies of their upstart cousins, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which are created by reprogramming adult cells into a stem-cell-like state.

At first glance, iPS-cell research needs no help. Researchers flocked to the field soon after a recipe for deriving the cells from adult mouse cells was announced in 2006, partly because this offered a way to skirt the thorny ethical issues raised by extracting cells from human embryos. But the real allure of iPS cells was the promise of genetically matched tissues. Adult cells taken from a patient could be used to create stem cells that would, in turn, generate perfectly matched specialized tissues replacement neurons, say for cell therapy. Although the number of published papers from iPS-cell research has not yet caught up with that of ES-cell work (see Inducing a juggernaut), US funding for each approach is now roughly matched at about US$120 million a year.

C. T. Scott et al. Cell 145, 820826 (2011)

But, as iPS cells crop up in ever more labs, ES cells generally cheaper, better behaved and backed by an extra decades worth of data promise to have an important supporting role. Ever since iPS cells were described, researchers have been trying to understand just how similar they are to ES cells. iPS cells begin with different patterns of gene expression, and they can also acquire mutations during the reprogramming process, which means that every iPS cell must be thoroughly evaluated before it can be used in any study. Human ES cells will always be the standard to which other cells will be compared, says Roger Pedersen, who studies how stem cells retain embryo-like states at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Federally supported ES-cell research was shut down in the United States on 23August 2010, a year after a lawsuit was filed by two opponents of human ES-cell research, and remained frozen for more than two weeks (see Fifteen years of controversy). Many investigators shied away from the field for fear of having to shut down again. The Supreme Courts move has reassured investigators such as Candace Kerr, who studies early development of the brain at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. As a young scientist working towards tenure, she felt particularly vulnerable to the threat of ES-cell funding being stopped. So she switched to iPS cells in 2010, while the lawsuit was working its way through the US court system. With the litigation over, she says she need not hesitate or fear adding to her work with experiments using ES cells, which she finds much easier to prompt into neurons than iPS cells. I am excited and relieved by this decision, she says.

The tussles over whether or not US federal funds can be used for research involving human embryonic stem cells have a long history.

November 1998 Paper announces the isolation of embryonic stem (ES) cells from human embryos.

August 2001 US President George W. Bush restricts federal funding for work on human ES cells to a few extant lines.

Originally posted here:
Court lifts cloud over embryonic stem cells – Stem Cell Cafe

SanBio Announces Enrollment Of The Second Cohort Of Patients In Its Clinical Trial Of Stem Cell Therapy For Chronic …

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Jan. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --SanBio Inc. today announced the successful enrollment of the second dose cohort of patients in its Phase 1/2a clinical trial testing the safety and efficacy of a novel allogeneic stem cell therapy product, SB623, in patients suffering from chronic deficits resulting from previous stroke injuries. The first 12 patients, of a planned total of 18, have been successfully administered SB623. The trial is being conducted at Stanford University, the University of Pittsburgh and Northwestern University. No safety concerns have been attributed to the cell therapy product. For details regarding this clinical trial, please refer to

SB623 is derived from adult bone marrow and has shown safety and efficacy in rodent models of chronic stroke. "The successful completion of the first two dose cohorts of this pioneering clinical trial is a clear indication of the dedication and professionalism of the entire team," said Keita Mori, SanBio CEO.

SB623 is being delivered to the damaged region of the brains of patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke. Product safety is the primary focus of the study but various measurements of efficacy are also being tested.

"We are pleased with the safety findings of the study thus far," said Dr. Ernest Yankee, SanBio's Executive Vice President of Development. "We anticipate completing the enrollment of the third and final dose cohort early in the year and reporting the results shortly thereafter."

About SB623: SB623 is a proprietary cell therapy product consisting of cells derived from genetically engineered bone marrow stromal cells obtained from healthy adult donors. SB623 is administered adjacent to the area damaged by stroke and functions by producing proteins that aid the regenerative process.

About SanBio: SanBio is a privately held San Francisco Bay Area biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of new regenerative cell therapy products.

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Originally posted here:
SanBio Announces Enrollment Of The Second Cohort Of Patients In Its Clinical Trial Of Stem Cell Therapy For Chronic ...

Stem Cells May Hold Promise for Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Apparent stem cell transplant success in mice may hold promise for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease. The results of the study will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 65th Annual Meeting in San Diego, March 16 to 23, 2013.

"There have been remarkable strides in stem cell transplantation when it comes to other diseases, such as cancer and heart failure," said study author Stefania Corti, MD, PhD, with the University of Milan in Italy and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. "ALS is a fatal, progressive, degenerative disease that currently has no cure. Stem cell transplants may represent a promising avenue for effective cell-based treatment for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases."

For the study, mice with an animal model of ALS were injected with human neural stem cells taken from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iPSC are adult cells such as skin cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state. Neurons are a basic building block of the nervous system, which is affected by ALS. After injection, the stem cells migrated to the spinal cord of the mice, matured and multiplied.

The study found that stem cell transplantation significantly extended the lifespan of the mice by 20 days and improved their neuromuscular function by 15 percent.

"Our study shows promise for testing stem cell transplantation in human clinical trials," said Corti.

The study was supported by AriSLA - The Italian Foundation for Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Learn more about ALS at

The American Academy of Neurology, an association of more than 25,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals, is dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care. A neurologist is a doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, migraine, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.

For more information about the American Academy of Neurology, visit or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

SOURCE American Academy of Neurology

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Stem Cells May Hold Promise for Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)

Vail's Science Behind series event looks at stem cell treatment for joint pain

Join Walking Mountains Science Center for a discussion on the Science Behind Stem Cell Treatment for Joint Pain on Jan. 16 at 6:30 p.m. ThriveMD medical director Scott Brandt will discuss how stem cells carry huge potential to restore an active and pain-free life.

Autologous (self-derived adult) stem cell therapy is one of the newest and most innovative avenues in regenerative medicine. Brandt will walk attendees through the minimally invasive procedure that works to relieve the pain and limitations of damaged joint cartilage without resorting to an invasive joint replacement surgery.

The procedure involves harvesting a patient's own stem cells found in fat tissue, most often from the abdominal region. The tissue is then prepared in a cell-processing laboratory and injected into the ailing joint an hour later, using fluoroscopic guidance. Once injected, the cells can sense proteins that have been generated from cartilage damage. In response, these cells have the ability to make chondrocytes, which are the type of cells found in healthy cartilage. Then, through chondrogenesis (cartilage cell division), the damaged cartilage can be replaced with healthy cartilage tissue.

Brandt will also discuss the results he is seeing with autologous stem cell therapy and why he prefers using adipose (fat)-derived stem cells.

For the past 15 years, Brandt has specialized in interventional pain management and is now one of the few physicians in the country to be trained in a minimally invasive technique that is helping many patients find alternatives to difficult joint replacement surgery. He is board certified by the America Board of Anesthesiology and has been a diplomat of the American Board of Pain Medicine.

See the rest here:
Vail's Science Behind series event looks at stem cell treatment for joint pain

Gazette.Net: Neuralstem

Physicians, researchers, patients and their advocates in the spinal injury field are keeping a close eye on Rockville biotech Neuralstem as it prepares to launch a Phase 1 safety trial of its stem cell treatment for chronic spinal cord injury.

The Food and Drug Administration approved the trial Monday. Neuralstem plans to conduct the study on eight patients who are completely paralyzed at or below their spinal cord injuries.

Its important that people understand this is very different from other methods that have gone on before, CEO Richard Garr said. This is the real deal. We have compelling data. Cells are surviving, grafting and doing what we would they would do. The FDA go-ahead follows Neuralstems report in October that rats given the stem cell product, NSI-566, seven days after suffering an ischemic stroke showed improvement in motor and neurological tests.

Should this prove to be successful, it will allow for some regeneration of human spinal cord cells and for people to regain function. It will be an incredible breakthrough, with huge implications for the health care market, said Paul Tobin, president and CEO of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association.

More than 10,000 people in the U.S. sustain spinal cord injuries each year, according to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. About 840,000 people have chronic spinal cord injury. Currently, the best treatment is mitigating secondary damage and providing environments and tools that support patients with these injuries, Tobin said.

While Tobin emphasized that the industry is still far from a cure yet, the Neuralstem treatment could be a tremendous step and appears to be worth exploring.

The primary objective of the study is to determine the safety and toxicity of human spinal stem cell transplants for treating paralysis and related symptoms due to chronic spinal cord injury, according to Neuralstem information. A secondary objective is evaluating graft survival in the transplant site.

All patients will receive six injections in or around the injury site, with the first four patients receiving 100,000 cells per injection and the second four receiving 200,000 cells per injection. The study will follow the patients for six months after the procedures.

Following Mondays announcement, stock analyst Aegis Capital of New York raised its 12-month price target for Neuralstem to $4 from $3.50.

Investors should note the fact that spinal cord injury is the clinical indication that most closely mirrors the situation in the preclinical rat model that yielded the ground-breaking data published in the [trade journal] Cell last year, Aegis wrote in a report Monday.

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Gazette.Net: Neuralstem