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Restoring vision through retinal ganglion cell repopulation – Ophthalmology Times Europe

Ophthalmology is pioneering the field with clinical trials of stem cellderived retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor transplantation to potentially restore vision in diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and macular dystrophies. (Image credit freshidea /

Ophthalmologists are all too familiar with the heartbreak that accompanies a new diagnosis of advanced optic neuropathy and the inability to offer patients treatment that can restore their vision. The unifying feature of all optic neuropathies is the death of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which are the projection neurons that transmit visual information from the retina to the brain via axons running through the optic nerve. Optic nerve diseases are both prevalent and irreversible; glaucoma alone affects more than 80 million individuals worldwide.

RGCs are central nervous system neurons and, like brain and spinal cord neurons, are not spontaneously regenerated following injury or insult in mammals. However, regenerative medicine advances are opening new pathways to restoring function in historically incurable neurodegenerative diseases, and ophthalmology is pioneering the field with clinical trials of stem cellderived retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor transplantation to potentially restore vision in diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and macular dystrophies.

Unfortunately, RGC replacement represents a more formidable challenge. Unlike photoreceptors, which comprise only four major subtypes, are intrinsically light responsive and make only a single synaptic connection to an adjacent retinal bipolar cell, RGCs are much more complex. Primates possess more than a dozen molecularly, functionally and topographically unique subtypes of RGCs that receive afferent input from complex inner retinal circuits that can include dozens of presynaptic bipolar and amacrine cells, and that must extend lengthy axons through the optic nerve and into one of several visual centres in the brain.

The list of challenges in making functional RGC replacement a reality is daunting and will require therapeutic manipulation of cellular pathways involving neuronal survival, migration, dendritogenesis and axogenesis, pathfinding, synaptogenesis and myelination. However, there is reason to be hopeful. Although the concept of optic nerve regeneration has long been the subject of fantasy, recent advances in neuroscience have converged to a point where functional RGC replacement may now be feasible.

Generation of new RGCs

The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from individual patients is now commonplace. By obtaining a skin biopsy, blood sample, or even urine specimen, it is possible to create patient-specific cell lines capable of nearly infinite expansion and to differentiate those iPSCs into a variety of specialised cells that are lost in various disease states. Indeed, scientists have developed several methodologies to create immature RGCs or even entire neural retinas (retinal organoids) from stem cells.

These advances have provided the tools necessary to begin preclinical experimentation in transplanting new RGCs into eyes with optic neuropathy. Separately, investigators have made significant advances in understanding the molecular pathways that enable lower vertebrates, like teleost fish, to regenerate their optic nerves following injury. By activating several proregenerative genes in the retinal Mller glia of adult mice, investigators have successfully coaxed these cells to proliferate and then transdifferentiate into RGC-like cells. Therefore, viable techniques to regenerate RGCs from both exogenous and intrinsic sources are available.

Integration into the retina

Placing new RGCs into the diseased retina is only the first step in functional vision restoration. Once present, RGCs must elaborate dendrites within the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and generate synapses with bipolar and amacrine cells to receive visual information that will be processed and relayed to the brain. Recent work in our laboratory has demonstrated that this does not occur spontaneously after RGCs are transplanted into the eye.

The internal limiting membrane (ILM; the basement membrane that separates the neural retina from the vitreous cavity) constitutes a barrier to the retinal transit of drugs and gene vectors, and we have shown that the ILM also inhibits the retinal integration of RGCs introduced into the vitreous cavity. By disrupting the ILM, we have been able to achieve not only migration of transplanted RGCs into the neuroanatomically relevant layer of the retina but also extension of dendrites into the IPL, where synaptogenesis can occur.

Because removal of the ILM through surgical peeling is an established technique used to treat macular holes and other vitreoretinal disorders in human patients, this finding provides a directly translatable approach to achieving retinal engraftment of transplanted neurons. Research is now poised to leverage synergy between RGC transplantation approaches and recent advances in neuroprotection to achieve greater and more widespread survival of donor RGCs across the retina, and to begin promoting dendrite extension and patterning, synaptogenesis, and integration into specific inner retinal circuits.

Eye-brain connectivity

Perhaps the most arduous challenge to RGC replacement will be promoting and guiding donor RGC axons from the retina to relevant visual processing centres in the brain, such as the lateral geniculate nucleus. Fortunately, great strides in the neuroregeneration field have been made in this area over the past 15 years. By studying endogenous RGCs injured by direct optic nerve trauma, investigators have identified several molecular pathways that can be modulated to unleash a latent regenerative capacity of mammalian RGCs. With therapeutic manipulation, mouse RGCs can regenerate axons for several millimeters past the site of an optic nerve crush.

Although many regenerating axons meander in a random fashionsometimes growing into ectopic locations such as the contralateral optic nervein some instances, these axons reach relevant visual centres in the brain and even restore rudimentary visually guided behaviors. Ongoing work to provide chemotactic guidance cues is increasing the efficiency of targeted axon regeneration, and applying these techniques to repopulated RGCs provides a promising means to regenerate the optic nerve de novoin cases of advanced optic neuropathy.

Efforts toward RGC repopulation

Although significant headway has been made to generate, protect, enhance or regenerate portions of RGCs in specific model systems, a lot of work clearly remains before a comprehensive treatment paradigm will be capable of replacing RGCs throughout the entirety of their contribution to the visual pathway. A pressing challenge is to begin consolidating the most efficacious approaches to each step of the RGC replacement process into a unified approach. Stem cell biologists are engineering RGCs with enhanced survival and integration capacity. Developmental biologists are detailing the molecular cues that drive patterning of RGC connectivity in the retina and the brain.

Cellular neuroscientists are curating the specific transcriptional and wiring patterns of RGCs and their changes in optic neuropathic disease states. Biomedical engineers are developing methods for transplanting delicate neurons on protective scaffolds and providing long-term trophic support and guidance cues to grafted cells.

Given the complexity of the task at hand, collaborative efforts among scientists with diverse expertise will be necessary to generate clinically viable methods for RGC repopulation. A group of leading investigators in the fields of ophthalmology and neuroscience has organised the Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) Repopulation, Stem cell Transplantation, and Optic nerve Regeneration consortium, which is bringing together more than 200 investigators worldwide. By fostering in-depth discussions regarding the most important obstacles to be overcome and organizing sustained collaborative research endeavors, we hope major headway will be made in the coming years to bring RGC repopulation toward the stage of clinical trial.

Read the rest here:
Restoring vision through retinal ganglion cell repopulation - Ophthalmology Times Europe

Thomas Hospital stem cells headed to International Space Station – NBC 15 WPMI

International Space Station (Photo: NASA) Thomas Hospital stem cells headed to International Space Station

Infirmary Health has announced that, through an ongoing partnership with LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, CD-34 cells (stem cells) collected from umbilical cord blood, including those collected by Megan Dimoff, M.D., at Thomas Hospital, will soon travel to the International Space Station.

LifeSouth was selected to provide these cells to Abba Zubair, M.D., Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic for his research study aboard the Space Station. Dr. Zubair and others are studying how these stem cells will divide or expand in space versus how the same cells expand on Earth, with the ultimate goal that these cells will be used for cancer treatment.

At Infirmary Health, our mission is LIFE. We are honored to fulfill our commitment to our mission through this unique opportunity granted to Thomas Hospital and Dr. Dimoff by Dr. Zubair and his team. We are incredibly proud of Dr. Dimoff, her representation of Thomas Hospital and her passion for advancing the practice of medicine., said Ormand Thompson, president of Thomas Hospital.

LifeSouths Cord Blood Bank provides products used for this study. At Thomas Hospital and Mobile Infirmary, mothers can donate their newborns umbilical cord blood, which is made available for patients needing a stem cell transplant. If the cord blood is not viable for transplant, it can be used for medical research aimed at curing cancers, diseases and genetic disorders.

A spacecraft is scheduled to launch this month from Kennedy Space Center and will carry these cryogenically-preserved cells to the International Space Station. Crew members on board will thaw the cells and seed them into specialized hardware to allow them to expand.

For more information about the Cord Blood Bank and other birth services at Infirmary Health, visit

To view a video interview of Dr. Megan Dimoff, visit

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Thomas Hospital stem cells headed to International Space Station - NBC 15 WPMI

New events including ‘Be the Match’ and ‘Teddy Bear Clinic’ at … – Waukon Standard

The annual Family Wellness Fair will be held Wednesday, May 10 from 3:30-6 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon. Health and wellness testing, exhibits, activities and refreshments will all be providing a complete evening of entertainment and education for families of all ages. This year, masks will not be required and the fair will be back to a full-size event with refreshments and taste testing. Everyone in the area communities is welcome to attend this free event.

Be the MatchNew this year, visitors to the fair can participate in the Be the Match bone marrow sampling which will be provided by the hospitals Laboratory. This is the same program that Robyn Roberts from Good Morning America endorses following her own successful bone marrow transplant match 10 years ago. A blood stem cell donation can be a cure for blood cancer, sickle cell, and other deadly diseases. Many patients and their families are counting on drives like this to find their match. The process is simple and painless and will be available for all visitors to the fair.

ExhbitorsMany exhibitors will have display tables with information, demonstrations, and activities for the entire family. To date, the exhibitors include: Allamakee County Emergency Management, Allamakee Substance Abuse Prevention, Gundersen Medical and Vision Clinic, Helping Services for Northeast Iowa, Northeast Iowa Agency on Aging, Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health, Northeast Iowa Community Action (NEICAC), Northeast Iowa Recreation Center, TASC, Village Creek Bible Camp, Waukon Good Samaritan Center, Waukon Lions Club For Kids Sight, Waukon Park and Recreation/Waukon Aquatic Center and the Waukon Wellness Center.EntertainmentEntertainment for the evening will include special appearances by Klyde Thinger the Clown and Mike Chapman, Balloon Artist. In addition, a Waukon Fire Department fire truck and Veterans Memorial Hospital ambulance will be parked outside the entrance to the fair for children to view. Face painting will again be offered this year, as well as a medical temporary tattoo table and health care career photo booth, plus many other youth games such as a bean bag toss and Operation game, among others. The Gundersen Air helicopter is also scheduled to be on-site for outdoor tours on the way to the newly remodeled Gundersen Medical Clinic where the teddy bear clinic will be held that evening, offering youth free teddy bears as they experience a medical office visit.

Health FairVMH staff will be on hand to perform a number of free health tests and share health information such as blood pressure testing, grip strength testing and childrens reach game, O2 saturation and carbon monoxide testing, the effects of smoking, diabetes and blood sugar testing, chair massages, gut health, Vitamin D and blood type testing, surgical services, correct hand washing technique and cell phone sanitation, physical therapy, safe drug disposal, advanced directives and patient portal registration, among many other topics. Again this year, Veterans Memorial Hospital staff will be demonstrating and instructing Hands Only CPR that can effectively be used by anyone, on anyone who is experiencing cardiac arrest. Information on how to Stop The Bleed with hands-on practice will also be highlighted. Hospital staff will also be offering tours of the CT machine and new Mammogram machine as well as Infusion and Outpatient area.Door PrizesOver 100 door prizes will be given away that night. All visitors to the Family Wellness Fair are eligible to win just by signing in at the registration table as they enter the event. Names will be drawn throughout the evening with all winners having their choice of door prizes.

All visitors to the Family Wellness Fair are asked to enter the fair through the Medical Clinic main entrance. The fair route will proceed through the building into the hospital, out through the ER entrance to the newly remodeled Gundersen Clinic building, back through the hospital lower level, exiting out the main entrance of the hospital. Parking will be available at both the clinic and hospital lots, as well as all street parking.

The annual Family Wellness Fair, held Wednesday, May 10 from 3:30-6 p.m., is a community wide event offering families of all ages a night of entertainment and education about the resources available to them. This fun-filled family event is free and open to all members of the community of any age. For any additional information, feel free to contact Erin Berns, Public Relations Director at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.

New events including 'Be the Match' and 'Teddy Bear Clinic' at ... - Waukon Standard

UFC champion Aljamain Sterling opens up about his last-ditch therapy to save title bout – 7NEWS

UFC Bantamweight Champion Aljamain Sterling has turned to unconventional medicine to help ensure that he was defending his title against rival Henry Cejudo at UFC 288 on Sunday.

The New York native underwent stem cell therapy to help fix a torn bicep, which he had battled through two title bouts with.

WATCH THE EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Sterling discusses his stem cell therapy.

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The Funkmaster says the move was crucial in allowing him to fight this weekend after already having to delay the fight which was earmarked for March.

It was very important helping me with my injury. It was either that or get surgery, he told

I thought the bicep was going to heal up on its own, but it didnt.

We tried the PT (physical therapy) route, but we were trying PT for about a year, and it didnt heal up in time.

Staring down a potential surgery that could delay his timeline even further, Sterling scrambled to get a booking.

Stopping short of going under the knife, he decided that a stem cell therapy clinic in Colombia was his best bet.

With only a few months notice, the tight turnaround made it difficult for the American to get a booking.

The earliest they could have gotten me in was like late March, Aljamain Sterling said.

If that was the case, I thought I might as well get the surgery because it was going to too late (to fight in May).

Thankfully, we had some people from the UFCPI pull some strings.

Shout out to Heather, she was able to move some things around with the coordinators over there and get me in earlier.

There he underwent state-of-the-art stem cell procedures for his bicep, along with other niggling injuries.

I think it has helped a ton. Im feeling good. Im using it pretty well, he said.

Theres still some pain here and there, but its way better than before, and hopefully it is enough to get me through this fight and get my hand raised.

After his success with the stem cell therapy, the UFC champion believes that it should be more widely available throughout the US and other western countries.

In particular, Sterling lauded Bioxcellerator and clinics like it around the world.

Oh, 100 per cent, Sterling replied.

We have it here (in the US), but its nowhere near the same level as they have in Colombia.

The culturing, the way they do it. Its just the next level over there at Bioxcellerator, and they do a good job.

I think thats why theyre one of the best locations to go to.

When you go in the approach of the facility, the hospitality, the cleanliness of the place, its a really top-notch and I look forward to going back.


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UFC champion Aljamain Sterling opens up about his last-ditch therapy to save title bout - 7NEWS

On the horizon: Treatments for both forms of AMD – Ophthalmology Times Europe

More therapies are available for wet age-related macular degeneration, but research also is focused on the dry form of the disease.

Once there were none, but now there are many treatments for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). By far, more therapies are available for wet AMD, but research also is focused on dry AMD. The goal is to effectively reduce the treatment burden in addition to improving and preserving vision.

Dr Katherine Talcott highlighted the more recent therapeutic additions to the market. She is a staff surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute and an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, US.

Neovascular AMD therapies

Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs are the first-line treatments for neovascular AMD, which have been effective in improving vision in randomised clinical trials.

However, Dr Talcott noted data from real-world studies illustrate that it is difficult to achieve good long-term outcomes. This can happen because of undertreatment resulting from the treatment burden on patients, caregivers and clinical practices.

The hope for the FDA-approved port delivery system (Susvimo implant, ranibizumab injection; Genentech), a permanent, refillable, surgically implanted device that continuously releases treatment, was to alleviate the treatment burden of patients with neovascular AMD. Susvimo is under a temporary recall because of dislodgement of the internal structures of the device.

Faricimab (Vabysmo; Genentech) is a bispecific antibody that is injected intravitreally and inhibits both VEGF-A and ANG2. In clinical trial results, the visual acuity gains with faricimab were equivalent to those achieved with aflibercept (Eylea; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals). One distinct advantage is that fewer injections are needed with faricimab compared with aflibercept, a finding that suggests the drug may be more durable.

The holy grail in the treatment of neovascular AMD is a one-and-done treatment for the disease and this is where gene therapy may play a role. RGX-314 (ReGenXBio) is a one-time surgically implanted subretinal gene therapy to encode for an anti-VEGF protein. The phase 1/2 trial results were promising, Dr Talcott reported, and the implant is being evaluated in two phase 3 trials, ATMOSPHERE (NCT04704921) and ASCENT (NCT05407636). This is a promising option, she said, and noted the importance of the availability of longer-acting options on the horizon.

Dry AMD therapies

Geographic atrophy (GA), the end stage of dry AMD, has become a major research target for which, until recently, no treatments were available. Most of the current therapies being evaluated are complement inhibitors of C3 and C5, which are important factors in development of inflammation in the eye and ultimately cell death.

Pegcetacoplan (Syfovre; Apellis), a complement C3 inhibitor, was approved in February 2023 by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat GA. A phase 2 study showed that the drug slowed progression of GA, which led to the DERBY (NCT03525600) and OAKS (NCT03525613)studies, the primary end point of which is the change in the total area of the GA lesions at 12 months. At the 18-month time point, data from both studies showed significant changes in the rate of growth of the GA in the patients receiving active treatment. There were no functional improvements in vision seen with the therapy.

Another drug under study is avacincaptad pegol (Zimura; Iveric Bio), a C5 inhibitor in the GATHER 1 and 2 studies. The end point of both studies was the rate of growth of GA, which was shown to slow with treatment.

With both investigational drugs, there is a higher rate of conversion to neovascular AMD compared with sham treatment.

Gene therapies also may have a role in controlling GA. Gyroscope Therapeutics is looking at a complement factor I, GT005, in the FOCUS study (NCT03846193), in which the gene therapy is delivered into a bleb created in the subretinal space.

Neovascular AMD and GA both result in irreversible vision loss that require effective treatments to reduce individual and societal treatment burdens. Many studies are ongoing and investigating a number of therapeutic options. There also may be a role in the future for potential surgical innovations that may help address the treatment burden, Dr Talcott concluded.

Originally posted here:
On the horizon: Treatments for both forms of AMD - Ophthalmology Times Europe

The miracle and gift of organ donation – The Tryon Daily Bulletin – Tryon Daily Bulletin

Published 11:36 am Monday, May 1, 2023

Ive worked in healthcare my entire adult life and remain amazed by advances in medical technology, new medicines, and contemporary surgical procedures.

I served as a dialysis nurse at a hemodialysis clinic early in my nursing career. Caring for my patients three times a week for several hours of treatment, I often became close to them. One of the most exciting times during this position was when a patient on the transplant list had a beeper go off! It was a huge celebration and a rush to quickly remove them from dialysis and get them to the transplant center!

In April, we celebrated National Donate Life Month. Through this article, I hope to catch your attention on the life-saving possibilities of organ transplantation and the dire need for organ donors.

At any given time, more than 105,000 people in the U.S. are on a transplant list. The need is great, yet the pool of available healthy organs is small. Every nine minutes, another person is added to the list, while seventeen people die each day waiting for an organ match. For each organ/eye/tissue donor, we can heal or save more than seventy-five lives.


Post-Circulatory Death Donation:Historically, donated organs came from donors who died from brain death while the heart continued to beat. Medical advances now allow the transplantation of organs where the heart has stopped beating. As a result, up to thirty percent of all organ donations now come from such donors.

Organ Perfusion Systems:Mechanical devices called organ perfusion systems help organs remain viable at body temperature outside the body. For example, the heart in a box is a technology that resuscitates a stopped heart and can keep it beating for up to eight hours before its transplanted. There are similar devices that preserve lungs and livers outside the body. The new perfusion technology has doubled the transplant window.

Organs from Hepatitis C-positive Donors:Organs from hepatitis C-positive donors were not considered viable. But because of a new generation of antiviral medications, these organs are now safely transplanted into patients. After the organs are transplanted, patients begin antiviral therapy that typically eliminates the virus from the body within seven days.

Stem Cell Therapy:Since its inception in the 1980s, stem cell research has advanced significantly, and today we are on the cusp of miraculous developments. The patients stem cells divide into daughter cells, which can become new stem cells or evolve into any specialized cell in the body. Under the right conditions, stem cells can replace damaged cells. Researchers now believe stem cells can grow new organs.Think about the magnitude of this promise!

In theory, organs grown from the patients stem cells would be accepted by the body, eliminating the need for anti-rejection medication and reducing the overall risk of transplantation. Other applications of stem cell technology include treating disease and genetic conditions. For example, weve learned from one study that manipulated bone marrow cells transplanted into two young boys halted the growth of a fatal brain disease called adrenoleukodystrophy. Countless promising applications suggest stem cell therapy is the future of medicine.


Locally, we work with LifeShare Carolinas. Their position statement is Honoring the wishes of organ, eye, and tissue donorsgiving hope, life, and healing. I share this information to ask that you consider becoming an organ donor and communicating those wishes to your family.

Your donation can help save lives. And your financial gifts help fund public education to inspire more people to give the gift of life and to support donor families through the Bridge to Healing program.

If you have a healthcare topic of interest or want to learn more about St. Lukes Hospital, send me a note at Also, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, or visit our website at

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The miracle and gift of organ donation - The Tryon Daily Bulletin - Tryon Daily Bulletin

As Precision Medicine is critical, we cannot think about one size fits … – BSA bureau

South Korea-based GPCR Therapeutics is a venture-backed, clinical-stage international biopharmaceutical company with an innovative approach to developing therapeutics built on its proprietary G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) data. The companys proprietary data-driven approach has identified over 1,000 GPCR pairs upon which drug screening campaigns can be pursued. In an email interview with BioSpectrum Asia, Dr Pina Cardarelli, Chief Scientific Officer, GPCR Therapeutics explains more about their unique approach and how GPCR-targeted therapies may change the cancer treatment landscape.

Can you explain what GPCR heteromers are and why they are a promising target for cancer therapeutics?

Before I answer your question about heteromers, let me explain what GPCRs are first. GPCRs represent the largest protein family that consists of 7 transmembrane proteins located on the cell membrane. They transmit chemical signals from extracellular stimuli resulting in key physiological effects. Their endogenous ligands include hormones, neurotransmitters and chemokines.

GPCRs have been implicated in many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), Alzheimers disease, and cancer as well as many others. As of 2020, 142 compounds were in clinical trials targeting 83 different GPCRs (19 are novel GPCRs with no previous FDA-approved drugs).

Based on technology from Seoul National University that has been pursued at GPCR Therapeutics, Inc. we know distinct GPCRs can associate with other GPCRs forming heteromers. When both ligands are present, they amplify the signal induced by each ligand-receptor pair alone. Using a bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) technique, the team discovered over 1000 interactors of two distinct GPCRs coming together to form a heteromer.

The team then focused on one GPCR called CXCR4, which plays a critical role in cancer progression. CXCR4 drives cell migration, metastasis, angiogenesis, proliferation and survival. Multiple CXCR4 inhibitors have failed in the clinic; however, we believe a blockade of multiple pathways could be the key to getting a sustained therapeutic benefit.

Can you walk us through your drug discovery and development process, from identifying potential targets to clinical trials?

We identified over 40 GPCRs that associate with CXCR4. We then prioritised the list to GPCRs where the ligand was known. This allowed us to perform functional assays like calcium flux assay to determine if we see additive or synergistic effects. The top selected GPCR that was selected was the beta 2 adrenergic receptor (2AR).

So why 2AR? Many similar qualities are shared with CXCR4. Interestingly, this target also plays an important role in cancer. Firstly, the ligands for this target, Epinephrine (Epi) and Norepinephrine (NE) are induced under stress. Patients diagnosed with cancer experience significant stress, and this stress promotes tumorigenesis, proliferation, angiogenesis and immunosuppression. For their immunosuppressive role, Epi and NE induce suppressive immune cells, such as M2 or MDSCs in tumour microenvironments. In addition, a number of studies have shown that cancer patients on non-selective beta-blockers, such as propranolol, have improved PFS and OS.

While propranolol was commercially available, it was critical that we acquire a CXCR4 inhibitor and preferably one that had been tested clinically. We acquired Burixafor, now known as GPC-100, from a company called Taigen. A review of their clinical data showed exciting safety and efficacy in stem cell mobilisation. From our in vivo stem cell mobilisation studies, we found the addition of propranolol improved the mobilisation of cells driven by GPC-100. Concurrently, we embarked on the synthesis of a GMP-grade new drug product, identified a clinical CRO and initiated a clinical trial design.

What specific types of cancers are you currently targeting with your therapeutics, and what progress have you made in these areas?

Because the US clinical study previously conducted in stem cell mobilisation in a number of hematologic malignancies showed promising data, we decided to focus on Multiple Myeloma. Currently, the trial is a two-arm study with each arm having 20 patients. In the first arm, patients will be treated with a low dose of propranolol and GPC-100. The second arm is a triple combination which includes GPC-100, propranolol and G-CSF. We are excited to report that our first clinical site was activated on February 14, 2023. With respect to future trials, GPC-100 plus propranolol can be extended to stem cell mobilisation in NHL or used as a chemosensitiser in AML. Finally, if our arm that omits G-CSF is successful, this gives us an opportunity to work on diseases where G-CSF is contraindicated, like Sickle Cell Disease.

How does your company plan to address potential challenges or roadblocks in bringing GPCR heteromer-targeted therapeutics to market?

We have recently published a paper in scientific reports, meaning that our co-targeting drug development strategy has been peer-reviewed and validated in academia. We plan to continue our work and expand our pipeline by targeting the interaction of CXCR4 and other GPCRs as well.

If our Phase 2 study is successful, it will increase the likelihood of finding a partner to collaborate with us in further developing this programme and bringing our therapeutics to market.

With whom have you partnered to further your mission and research?

A recent partnership between AdAlta and GPCR Therapeutics was established to evaluate a new cancer treatment approach combining beta blockers plus AdAltas CXCR4-inhibiting i-bodies. AdAlta is a clinical-stage drug discovery company developing novel therapeutic products from its i-body platform and we will evaluate AdAltas CXCR4 inhibiting ibodies as cancer therapeutics, using GPCR Therapeutics proprietary combination inhibition approach.

Can you speak to any recent milestones or successes that your company has achieved in its mission to develop cancer therapeutics targeting GPCR heteromers?

In the past seven months, we have opened up our own independent US laboratory site in the San Francisco Bay area. As mentioned above, we have recently published one paper which supports our heteromer hypothesis with another GPCR known as histamine receptor H1 (HRH1). HRH1 is widely expressed in various cancers, and, like ADRB2, the level of co-expression of CXCR4 and HRH1 is related to poor prognosis, in this case, in breast cancer patients. The simultaneous expression of both receptors leads to the formation of the CXCR4-HRH1 heteromer, and this complex demonstrates enhanced signalling and migration capabilities. We have also submitted an additional manuscript that provides evidence for ADRB2 and heteromer formation in cancer cell lines endogenously expressing each receptor using a time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy technique. Of course, our biggest milestone was conducting the numerous steps that are required to initiate a clinical trial. The tremendous work that ultimately led to proceeding into the clinic with our first site activation in February, was incredibly rewarding.

How do you envision the future of cancer treatment and the role that GPCR-targeted therapies may play in this landscape?

As we progress forward, we cannot think about one size fits all. Precision medicine is critical. With the developments in AI, I believe that we will be able to genetically determine the profile of the tumour, and integrate that information with multiple databases leading to more precisely treating the patients with the correct drugs. What is also critical is to determine what combinations are appropriate. Since I was intimately involved in the rise of checkpoint inhibitors, I see their success but also am clear that not all tumours respond so we need to determine what is the best approach for these patients. I also suspect that CAR-T will make great advances eventually leading to more cures. Currently, there is a long delay to produce the cells and the side effect profile is not ideal. Hopefully, we will see advancement in allogeneic CAR-T or CAR-NK.

Because I have spent most of my career working on biologics, one area that I am particularly interested in is leading the company into this space. We only have one approved antibody drug targeting GPCR for cancer treatment. I see significant opportunities for us to consider bispecific antibodies that target two GPCRs or one antibody that can block the formation of the two GPCRs and thereby block signal crosstalk. To demonstrate our commitment to this area, we have recently hired an expert antibody engineer to move us quickly into this space.

Ayesha Siddiqui

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As Precision Medicine is critical, we cannot think about one size fits ... - BSA bureau

Meet the School of Medicine’s 2023 Distinguished Professors – Duke University School of Medicine

This spring, 27 faculty members in the Duke University School of Medicine have been awarded distinguished professorships. The new distinguished professors were honored at the annual distinguished professorship event on May 4.

In total, Duke University awarded distinguished professorships to 44 faculty members from seven Duke colleges and schools this year.

Distinguished professorships are awarded to faculty who have demonstrated extraordinary scholarship in advancing science and improving human health.

The 2023 recipients from the School of Medicine are:

Peter Allen, MD

Peter Allen, MD, is a professor of surgery. An accomplished surgeon who specializes in treating disorders of the pancreas, liver, bile ducts, stomach, and adrenal glands, he serves as chief of the Division of Surgical Oncology. Allen is known for his multidisciplinary approach to research and patient care, particularly for those with complex issues involving cancer. In addition to his patient care and research accomplishments, he is a superb medical educator and mentor. His reputation as a leader in his field serving as an author, editorial board member and visiting lecturer has elevated the Duke surgical oncology program.

Michael Bagnat, PhD

Michael Bagnat, PhD, is a professor of cell biology. He is a highly productive scientist who creatively combines tools and approaches from the fields of cell biology, developmental biology, physiology, genetics, biophysics, and computational modeling. His research has provided insight into the molecular physiology of fundamental processes in the gut and other organ systems. His studies of intestinal development and physiology have laid the groundwork for identifying modifiers of intestinal inflammation, and potential drivers of human inflammatory bowel disease. He has an exceptional reputation as a mentor and teacher.

Richard Bedlack, MD, PhD

Richard Bedlack, MD, PhD, is a professor of neurology. A leader in clinical care and research in the field of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), he founded and developed the ALS clinic at Duke, which has become one of the nations largest and most comprehensive multi-disciplinary ALS care centers. He has spent nearly two decades studying and collaborating on epidemiologic, genetic, and interventional ALS research trials. He built an international research program called ALSU Entangled that uses social networking and crowd sourcing to review alternative therapies for ALS. He has also been an important advocate for military personnel with an increased risk of ALS, and he created a VA Cooperative Studies Program to study feasibility of a brain computer interface for veterans with ALS.

Michael Bolognesi, MD

Michael Bolognesi, MD, is a professor of orthopaedic surgery. As chief of the adult reconstruction service, he has used his academic and organizational leadership to make a significant impact on the field of orthopaedics and joint reconstruction in adults. His research is focused on improving clinical outcomes, implant survivorship, the biology of hip and knee arthritis, and cost-effectiveness. He leads the adult reconstruction fellowship program, and in 2019, he served as the 29th president of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons.

Louis DeFrate, ScD

Louis DeFrate, ScD, is a professor of orthopaedic surgery and biomedical engineering. He studies anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) mechanics and has used advanced radiographic and MR imaging to investigate soft tissue structure, composition, and function, and to improve outcomes in ACL repair. DeFrate is vice chair for biomechanics, movement, and imaging research and the director of the K-lab. He employs innovative methods using motion capture, MRI, and biplanar radiography to study the knee. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons awarded DeFrate its Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award.

Cagla Eroglu, PhD

Cagla Eroglu, PhD, is a professor of cell biology and neurobiology. She studies the development of synaptic connectivity in the mammalian brain. Her focus has been on how glial cells called astrocytes affect synaptogenesis. As a postdoctoral fellow, she discovered the receptor for astrocyte-derived Thrombospondin on neurons, published in a landmark 2009 paper. The mechanisms her lab has uncovered for how specific molecules function have set new paradigms in the field. She is considered a leader in this rapidly growing area and has published numerous significant and high-impact papers.

Daniel George, MD

Daniel George, MD, is a professor of medicine and a professor in surgery. Since 2003 he has led the genitourinary section of the Duke Division of Medical Oncology, and he leads Dukes participation in the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium. His research leading and collaborating on clinical trials of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, anti-androgen therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy has led to advances in the treatment of patients with kidney cancer and prostate cancer. He is vice dean of diversity and equity in the Division of Medical Oncology, and he conducts clinical trials aimed at understanding and addressing the disproportionately poor outcome of Black men with prostate cancer.

Christopher Granger, MD

Christopher Granger, MD, is a professor of medicine and a professor in the School of Nursing. He has conducted practice-changing clinical research for over 30 years in cardiovascular medicine, leading a number of large international clinical studies of heart attacks, unstable angina, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. He has also led clinical studies of blood thinners and coronary intervention for heart attacks, stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, and prevention of heart attack for patients with coronary artery disease. He serves as the chairman of the American Heart Association Mission: Lifeline program to improve heart attack care nationally as well as the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guideline committee for heart attack care.

Gerald Grant, MD

Gerald Grant, MD, is a professor and chair of the Department of Neurosurgery and a professor in neurobiology. He is an internationally recognized pediatric neurosurgeon and surgeon-scientist who focuses on two critical areas: the biological function of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and mechanisms involved in recovery from brain injury. He studies the unique features of the BBB surrounding brain tumors at the molecular and functional level. His research focuses on innovative ways to open the BBB to improve the delivery of novel drugs and immunotherapy to target brain tumors.

Matthias Gromeier, MD

Matthias Gromeier, MD, is a professor of neurosurgery. He has dedicated his career to unraveling RNA virus/host relations and devising methods of exploiting them for cancer immunotherapy and vaccine design. He has applied his discoveries to design an attenuated poliovirus to activate the immune system to target glioblastoma and other cancers. In addition, his lab has conducted mechanistic studies showing how the attenuated poliovirus stimulates presentation of tumor antigens and antigen-presenting cells.

Rana Gupta, PhD

Rana Gupta, PhD, is a professor in medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition, and a professor in cell biology. He is internationally known for his expertise in metabolic regulation and adipose tissue biology. His discoveries of genetic factors and specialized subpopulations of adipose tissue precursor cells open the door to translational implications in metabolic diseases. He has received honors including the Searle Scholar Award, the Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Award, and the Richard E. Weitzman Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award from the Endocrine Society.

Susan Halabi, PhD

Susan Halabi, PhD, is a professor of biostatistics and bioinformatics and co-chief of the Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics. She has been at the forefront of designing and analyzing clinical trials in oncology for over 25 years. She is focused on developing innovative variable selection methods for biomarkers and high dimensional data. Among her key contributions are building and validating prognostic models of outcomes for prostate cancer and identifying surrogate endpoints for overall survival. A past-president of the Society for Clinical Trials and the 2022 recipient of the Janet L. Norward Award, Dr. Halabi is a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials, the American Statistical Association, and the American Society for Clinical Oncology.

John Jelovsek, MD

John Jelovsek, MD, is a clinical researcher and professor of obstetrics and gynecology. He also serves as the director of data science for womens health in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. He is an expert in developing and validating individualized patient-centered prediction tools that improve patient and clinician decision-making with contracting and possibly preventing pelvic floor disorders after childbirth. One such tool, which predicts urinary incontinence after pelvic organ prolapse surgery, has been incorporated into the American Urogynecologic Societys mobile app for clinical use and is now used by surgeons across the world.

Eric Laber, PhD

Eric Laber, PhD, is a professor of statistical science, biostatistics and bioinformatics, and a research professor of global health. He is an expert in data-driven decision making at the intersection of biostatistics, statistics, and machine learning, with applications in clinical trials, precision medicine, and experimental design. This field focuses on improving algorithms for solving sequential decision problems, with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes across diverse fields. He has also made significant contributions in the field of personalized medicine, contributing fundamental statistical methodology that has helped facilitate rapid advances in the field. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and honors.

Seok-Yong Lee, PhD

Seok-Yong Lee, PhD, is a professor in biochemistry and cell biology. As a membrane structural biologist, he has developed advanced tools in X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and electrophysiology and has applied these tools to solve challenging questions about membrane and protein structural biology. He has become a world leader in this field and has made major advancements in three different classes of membrane protein: active transporters, ion channels, and enzymes. He has provided a better understanding of the cold and menthol sensor in mammals and a pain sensor for noxious chemicals. His work has also led to structural drug designs that can improve pharmacological properties.

Jennifer Lodge, PhD

Jennifer Lodge, PhD, is a professor of molecular genetics and microbiology and serves as Duke Universitys vice president for research and innovation. She leads oversight of Dukes annual research portfolio. Lodges research focuses on the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, exploring the biochemical processes by which this fungus builds its cell walls. Her work has brought the field of molecular pathogenesis for cryptococcosis from its infancy to one of the true model fungal pathogens for worldwide study. Lodge is a fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Academy of Inventors.

Edward Miao, MD, PhD

Edward Miao, MD, PhD, is a professor of immunology, molecular genetics and microbiology, cell biology, and pathology. He also serves as vice chair for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Department of Integrative Immunobiology. He studies mechanisms of cell death that play critical roles in the immune response to bacterial infection. He is expanding the medical knowledge base of the fundamental interactions between the immune system and a range of invaders. His lab has pioneered the use of environmental bacteria with pathogenic potential that have not adapted to evade mammalian immunity and comparing these to bona fide human pathogens that are able to hide from mammalian immune defenses.

David Page, PhD

David Page, PhD, is professor and chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and a professor of computer science. A highly respected computer scientist whose work is primarily focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning, Page is recognized for his pioneering efforts to use machine learning in biomedical applications, including the first application of dynamic Bayesian network learning to time-series gene expression as a means to better learn how genes cause other gene expressions to change. Over his career, Page has received numerous awards and is a member of several NIH review committees. He was inducted into the American College of Medical Informatics in 2021.

Steven Patierno, PhD

Steven Patierno, PhD, is a professor of medicine and pharmacology and cancer biology. He is also a professor in family medicine and community health and deputy director of Duke Cancer Institute. Patierno is a renowned cancer researcher with training in molecular oncology and pharmacology and expertise in lung, breast, and prostate cancer. His work to develop innovative interventions for mitigating health disparities in the cancer patient population is well-recognized locally and nationally. His funding track record includes multiple R01 grants as principal investigator and co-principal investigator. Patiernos numerous awards and honors include the AACR Distinguished Science of Cancer Disparities Research Award and the Duke University Health System Diversity and Inclusion Award.

John Rawls, PhD

John Rawls, PhD, is a professor of molecular genetics and microbiology and cell biology. He also is a professor in medicine. Rawls studies the influence of the gut microbiome on vertebrate host physiology and is a world leader in using the tractable zebrafish model for such studies. He has used both zebrafish and mouse systems to yield insights about host-microbe interactions relevant to development, homeostasis, metabolism, and disease. The work impacts many areas, including gut motility, fat absorption, effects of diet, visceral adipose tissue, obesity, gut immune responses, diabetes, and neural development.

Danny Schust, MD

Danny Schust, MD, is a professor and vice chair for research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is a national and international leader and physician scientist in obstetrics and gynecology and is renowned in his field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility. He is widely recognized for his work in areas of early pregnancy, recurrent pregnancy loss, early placental development, reproductive infectious diseases, and the immunology of the human maternal-fetal interface. His research interests center on understanding human placental development, both normal and dysfunctional. His lab uses 2D and 3D stem cell-derived models to study human implantation and placentation.

Svati Shah, MD, MHS

Svati Shah, MD, MHS, is a professor of medicine and of biostatistics and bioinformatics. She is the associate dean of genomics and director of the Duke Precision Collaboratory, as well as vice chief of translational research and director of the Adult Cardiovascular Genetics Clinic in the Division of Cardiology. She brings expertise in biostatistics, bioinformatics, genetics, translational biology, and molecular discovery tools to her research into genetic and metabolic pathways in cardiovascular diseases. She has advanced both the understanding of underlying genetic risk for atherosclerotic disease and the biologic metabolic underpinnings of obesity and heart failure. Currently, her lab studies metabolic and genetic pathways of cardiometabolic diseases, integrating diverse genomic, metabolomic and proteomic techniques for identification of novel mechanisms of disease and biomarkers.

Beth Sullivan, PhD

Beth Sullivan, PhD, is a professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, professor of cell biology, and associate dean of research training. She studies epigenetic and genetic mechanisms of centromeres, specialized chromosomal sites involved in chromosome architecture and movement, kinetochore function, heterochromatin assembly, and sister chromatid cohesion. Dysregulation of chromosomal segregation underlies many human genetic disorders. Among Sullivans major accomplishments have been to define the functions and roles of telomeres. She has made important discoveries regarding the functions of centromeres, mechanisms of chromosomal segregation, and has contributed to the final full sequence of the human genome.

Shyni Varghese, PhD

Shyni Varghese, PhD, is a professor of orthopaedic surgery and a professor in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. She is a biomedical engineer whose research addresses musculoskeletal tissue repair, disease biophysics, and organ-on-a-chip technologies. Her lab seeks to understand theeffect of physicochemical cues of the microenvironment on cellular behaviors leading to stem cell commitment, tissue repair and homeostasis, or disease progression. Her research has provided deep insights into how extracellular matrix interactions govern tissue regeneration in musculoskeletal systems and disease progression in the context of fibrosis.

Anthony Viera, MD

Anthony Viera, MD, is professor and chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and a professor in population health sciences. His focus is in the areas of cardiovascular disease prevention research, in particular improving detection and control of hypertension, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and obesity prevention. His most influential work on masked hypertension and blood pressure monitoring addresses a huge public health problem and has the potential to prevent cardiovascular disease in those that are not currently diagnosed by traditional methods. Much of his scholarly work has focused on using rigorous scientific methods to address fundamental questions in primary care practice as well as educating and mentoring students and trainees to bring data science and clinical investigation to primary care.

Kevin Weinfurt, PhD

Kevin Weinfurt, PhD, is professor and vice chair of research in the Department of Population Health Sciences and a faculty member of the Duke Clinical Research Institute. He is also a professor of psychology and neuroscience, psychiatry and behavioral health, and biostatistics and informatics. He is co-director of the Center for Health Measurement and of the Clinical Research Training Program. He conducts research on measuring patient-reported outcomes, medical decision-making, and bioethics.

Christopher Woods, MD

Christopher Woods, MD, is a professor of medicine, pathology, and global health. He is the executive director of the Hubert/Yeargan Center for Global Health and associate director of the Duke Center for Applied Genomics and Precision Medicine. His research crosses multiple disciplines, including innovative diagnostic platforms, clinical trials, and clinical testing in infectious disease diagnosis. He has used genomic approaches of the host response for diagnosis of infectious disease, which has established him as a leader in diagnostic innovation. His research impact spans the globe and has facilitated projects in 33 countries and studentled projects in 17 countries.

Read more here:
Meet the School of Medicine's 2023 Distinguished Professors - Duke University School of Medicine

The first fecal transplant pill is heading to pharmacies – Freethink

This article is an installment of Future Explored, a weekly guide to world-changing technology. You can get stories like this one straight to your inbox every Thursday morning bysubscribing here.

The FDA has approved a first-of-its-kind pill, made from human fecal matter, to treat bacterial infections in the gut potentially kicking off an era in which we target the microbiome to treat many other diseases.

This approval is the tipping point for the field, Eric Shaff, president and CEO of Seres Therapeutics, the company that created the pill, told TIME Magazine.

The gut ecosystem: Your digestive tract contains trillions of microbes, known collectively as your gut microbiome. While that might sound creepy, the tiny hitchhikers are mostly harmless and often helpful they help digest food, produce vitamins, aid the immune system, and more.

The composition of the gut microbiome has been linked to everything from depression to cancer.

Your diet, ancestry, medications, and even your social network help determine the composition of your gut microbiome, and if this ecosystem becomes unbalanced theres not enough diversity, or too much/too little of some kind of microbe you can experience health problems.

These problems probably arent just limited to the GI tract, either the gut microbiome has been linked to everything from depression to cancer.

The challenge: Repeated infections with the bacteria C. difficile (C. diff) are one of the most well-known examples of how an imbalanced gut microbiome can affect health.

C. diff infections typically occur in patients whove recently been prescribed antibiotics, because antibiotics can kill off too many bacteria that compete with C. diff for resources. This allows the microbe to overpopulate the gut, causing diarrhea, fever, and nausea.

In severe cases, a C. diff infection can be fatal an estimated 15,000 people die from them in the US every year.

In 2019, a patient died because his fecal transplant contained E. coli.

While another round of different antibiotics may clear up a C. diff infection, the bacteria is very persistent about one in six people diagnosed with an infection will get another one within 2 to 8 weeks.

To help restore balance in the gut, people with severe or recurrent C. diff can undergo a therapy called a fecal transplant, which is exactly what it sounds like: fecal matter donated by someone with a healthy gut is transplanted (usually rectally) into the patient. The idea is that the microbes from the healthy donor can repopulate and restore balance to the patients microbiome, preventing C. diff from growing out of control.

While the fecal matter used for these transplants is typically screened for harmful bacteria and viruses prior to use, some have slipped through the cracks in the past people have gotten sick from fecal transplants, and in 2019, a patient died because his donor stool contained E. coli.

The availability of a fecal microbiota product that can be taken orally is a significant step forward.

In November 2022, the FDA approved the first fecal transplant therapy for C. diff infections that therapy, Rebyota, is sourced from qualified donors and carefully screened, giving patients a safer way to treat their infections.

What Rebyota couldnt give them was an easier way they would still need to receive the fecal transplant rectally in a doctors office.

Whats new? Now, the FDA has approved VOWST, a fecal transplant pill to treat recurrent C. diff infections.

Seres Therapeutics manufactures the pill using screened fecal matter, and the treatment is four capsules once a day for three days in adults who have already received antibiotics for recurrent C. diff infections.

Credit: Seres Therapeutics

In a phase 3 study, 88% of patients given the fecal transplant pill went 8 weeks without a recurrent C. diff infection compared to 60% of those who received a placebo. Six months after the therapy, 79% of the treatment group was still infection-free compared to just 53% of the placebo group.

The availability of a fecal microbiota product that can be taken orally is a significant step forward in advancing patient care and accessibility for individuals who have experienced this disease that can be potentially life-threatening, said Peter Marks, director of the FDAs Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

Looking ahead: Seres is already in the middle of a phase 1b study for its next microbiome-targeting pill, SER-155, which is being developed for people whove had organ or stem cell transplants.

It contains a mix of lab-grown bacteria designed to inhibit the proliferation of pathogens, reduce gut inflammation, and modulate the immune system. The hope is that it will prevent antibiotic-resistant infections and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), a potentially fatal complication in which donated cells attack a recipients body.

If we see traction [with transplant patients], then we think there are opportunities in treating cirrhosis, cancer neutropenia, and other conditions where antimicrobial resistance is a problem, Shaff told TIME.

Well be able to look at a persons microbiome and tell a patient their risk of developing a disease.

Meanwhile, other research groups are developing microbiome-targeting therapies to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, and even aging itself, while still others are trying to identify biomarkers in the microbiome that could help with disease diagnosis and prevention.

In the future, well be able to look at a persons microbiome and tell a patient their risk of developing a disease, much like we do now with commercially available human gene panels, predicts Purna Kashyap, co-associate director of the Microbiome Program in the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine.

This holds promise as a preventive strategy because, unlike our genes, the microbiome can be changed, he continued.

The bottom line: Even before fecal transplants became the standard of care for recurrent C. diff, people were trying to improve the health of their microbiomes with probiotics, gut healthy diets, and more but the efficacy of those approaches has always been questionable.

Only thanks to a recent wave of scientific interest are we now seeing just how important the gut microbiome is to our health and how we can precisely manipulate it to achieve real results the kind good enough to secure FDA approval.

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The first fecal transplant pill is heading to pharmacies - Freethink

A Lifetime of Achievement for an Oncology Nurse –

Mary Colasuonno, B.S.N., RN, BMTCN, started her career at the City of Hope National Medical Center (COHNMC) more than 30 years ago. COHNMC is a National Cancer Institute-designated health care facility providing care for patients with cancer in Duarte, California. Mary has worked on a bone marrow transplant inpatient unit for all of her nursing career.

Recently she was asked to step in as an interim nurse manager for another hematology inpatient unit. She wholeheartedly accepted and developed close relationships with the nursing staff there over the span of three months.

In her career as a nurse, she has always made a conscious effort to make every interaction count. Mary is always determined to provide positivity to others. In her own words, positivity fosters healing. She is a firm believer that whatever light you can provide to a patient will be what is needed in that moment.

Mary has positively affected patients in so many ways. She has inspired her patients to want to do better not only for themselves but for her as well. Mary recalled a patient she took care of 30 years ago. This patient returns to COHNMC each year for the Bone Marrow Transplant Reunion. At this event, patients celebrate their survivor- ship after having a stem cell transplant at COHNMC. Every year, this patient seeks Mary out to cherish Marys impact on her healing and conquering of cancer.

Marys patients have described her as an angel who was especially appointed to care for them. One patient even recognized her voice in a dark room during a nurse shift handoff. This patient was overwhelmed with sadness when she learned that her cancer was no longer treatable. Mary helped this patient cope with the emotional toll that cancer takes on its victims. Even though Mary had been her nurse years prior, she recognized her voice immediately. Mary has a genuine and authentic approach with patients that makes her unforgettable. She prayed with the patient who was faced with the life-wrenching reality of a terminal diagnosis.

Mary goes out of her way to care for patients, even when they arent assigned to her or even on her unit. Her sister-in-laws husband received a diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. She took it upon herself to discuss the treatment course with her sister-in-law and her husband.

Mary believes strongly in the value of education and knowledge. She feels compelled to teach each patient about the treatment process and side effects so that patients are not surprised by what occurs. According to Mary, knowledge provides power for patients. In her perspective, nurses can become accustomed to the treatments they provide and they often forget that the experience is extremely new to patients. She goes out of her way to make sure all treatments and interventions are explained to and understood by patients.

Along with patient care, Mary has been a lifetime volunteer. Even during her break from nursing to raise her children, Mary volunteered with the international evangelical Christian nonprofit Awana and her local church. She raised wonderful children who are now her legacy and continue her spirit of volunteerism. Mary is filled with pride when she describes how her son raised more than $100,000 to build a medical clinic in Zimbabwe.

Her influence has a profound effect on all of those around her. In the past year, she became the propelling force behind a blood pressure clinic at the Duarte Senior Center. She gets to know the senior citizens who come to the clinic and really listens to them. One lady purchased the same blood pressure cuff that Mary uses and came back to show Mary how she was following Marys advice and tracking her vital signs.

In her interim position as nurse manager over an 18-bed inpatient hematology oncology unit, Mary has led the team to outstanding patient outcomes. Central line bloodstream infections are an ongoing concern at COHNMC. Mary collaborated with infection prevention to ensure that current policies were upheld. She reviewed the policy and expectations for appropriate central line care with every nurse in the unit. Since she started the reinforce- ment of the policies, their unit has not had one line infection.

Not only is Mary a phenomenal healer for her patients, but she also leads her team to seek out excellence in patient outcomes. In everything Mary does, she does so with empathy and an innate understanding of how others feel. It is my honor to nominate Mary Colasuonno for the Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing. In any and all definitions of a healer, Mary exceeds. Thank you for considering Mary for this distinct honor.

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A Lifetime of Achievement for an Oncology Nurse -