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FATE THERAPEUTICS INC Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (form 10-Q) –

The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with ourfinancial statements and accompanying notes included in this Quarterly Report onForm 10-Q and the financial statements and accompanying notes thereto for thefiscal year ended December 31, 2022 and the related Management's Discussion andAnalysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, which are containedin our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and ExchangeCommission on February 28, 2023.

This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q contains "forward-looking statements" withinthe meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act). Suchforward-looking statements, which represent our intent, belief, or currentexpectations, involve risks and uncertainties and other factors that could causeactual results and the timing of certain events to differ materially from futureresults expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In some casesyou can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "will,""expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "predict," "potential,""believe," "should" and similar expressions. Factors that could cause orcontribute to differences in results include, but are not limited to, those setforth under "Risk Factors" under Item 1A of Part II below. Except as required bylaw, we undertake no obligation to update these forward-looking statements toreflect events or circumstances after the date of this report or to reflectactual outcomes.


We are a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing afirst-in-class pipeline of programmed cellular immunotherapies to patients withcancer and autoimmune disorders. Our development of first-in-class cell therapyproduct candidates is based on a simple notion: we believe that better celltherapies start with better cells.

To create better cell therapies, we have pioneered a therapeutic approach thatwe generally refer to as cell programming: we create and engineer human inducedpluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to incorporate novel synthetic controls of cellfunction; we generate a clonal master iPSC line for use as a renewable source ofcell manufacture; and we direct the fate of the clonal master iPSC line toproduce our first-in-class cell therapy product candidate. Analogous to mastercell lines used to manufacture biopharmaceutical drug products such asmonoclonal antibodies, we believe clonal master iPSC lines can be used to massproduce multiplexed-engineered cellular immunotherapies which are well-definedand uniform in composition, can be stored in inventory for off-the-shelfavailability, can be combined and administered with other therapies, and canhave broader patient reach.

Utilizing this therapeutic approach, we are advancing a cell therapy pipelinecomprised of off-the-shelf, multiplexed-engineered, iPSC-derived natural killer(NK) and T-cell product candidates that are selectively designed, incorporatenovel synthetic controls of cell function, and are intended to deliver multiplemechanisms of therapeutic importance to patients for the treatment of cancer andautoimmune diseases.

We have entered into a research collaboration and license agreement with theRegents of the University of Minnesota to develop off-the-shelf, engineeredNK-cell cancer immunotherapies derived from clonal master iPSC lines.Additionally, we have entered into a research collaboration and licenseagreement with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) to developoff-the-shelf, engineered T-cell cancer immunotherapies derived from clonalmaster iPSC lines.

In September 2018, we entered into a collaboration and option agreement (OnoAgreement) with Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Ono) for the joint development andcommercialization of off-the-shelf, iPSC-derived CAR T-cell product candidatesfor the treatment of cancer. In June 2022, we entered into an amendment (OnoAmendment) to the Ono Agreement to expand the collaboration to include theresearch and development of off-the-shelf, iPSC-derived CAR NK-cell productcandidates, and pursuant to the Ono Agreement, Ono agreed to provide novelbinding domains targeting a second solid tumor antigen under the collaboration.

In April 2020, we entered into a collaboration and option agreement with JanssenBiotech, Inc. (Janssen), part of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson& Johnson (Janssen Agreement), for the development and commercialization ofoff-the-shelf, iPSC-derived CAR NK and CAR T-cell product candidates for thetreatment of cancer. Through the period ending December 31, 2022, Janssen hadexercised a commercial option for two collaboration candidates: an iPSC-derived,CAR-targeted NK cell product candidate for the treatment of B-cell lymphoma, forwhich the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed an Investigational NewDrug (IND) application in December 2022; and an iPSC-derived, CAR-targeted NKcell product candidate for the treatment of multiple myeloma, for which thecompanies were preparing to submit an IND application to the FDA in early 2023.On January 3, 2023, we received notice of termination from Janssen of theJanssen Agreement. The termination of the Janssen Agreement took effect on April3, 2023, and during the three months ended March 31, 2023, we performed winddown activities, including discontinuing development of all collaborationproduct candidates, including two product candidates that were expected to enterthe clinic in 2023.

In January 2023, we announced the discontinuation of our FT516, FT596, FT538,and FT536 NK cell programs to focus our resources on advancing our mostinnovative and differentiated programs.


We were incorporated in Delaware in 2007, and are headquartered in San Diego,CA. Since our inception in 2007, we have devoted substantially all of ourresources to our cell programming approach and the research and development ofour product candidates, the creation, licensing and protection of relatedintellectual property, and the provision of general and administrative supportfor these activities. To date, we have funded our operations primarily throughthe public and private sale of common stock, the private placement of preferredstock and convertible notes, commercial bank debt and revenues fromcollaboration activities and grants.

We have never been profitable and have incurred net losses in each year sinceinception. Substantially all of our net losses resulted from costs incurred inconnection with our research and development programs and from general andadministrative costs associated with our operations. We expect to continue toincur operating losses for at least the foreseeable future. Our net losses mayfluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter and year to year. We expect ourexpenses will increase substantially in connection with our ongoing and plannedactivities as we:

conduct our ongoing and planned clinical trials of our product candidates, whichmay include higher clinical trial expenses associated with arrangements we mayenter into with clinical research organizations (CROs) for the execution andmanagement of certain clinical trials, including trials outside of the UnitedStates;

conduct Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) production, including through the useof contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) for the conduct of some or all ofthe activities required for manufacturing our iPSC-derived cell productcandidates, process and scale-up development and technology transfer activitiesfor the manufacture of our product candidates, including those undergoingclinical investigation and IND-enabling preclinical development;

procure laboratory equipment, materials and supplies for the manufacture of ourproduct candidates and the conduct of our research activities;

conduct preclinical and clinical research to investigate the therapeuticactivity of our product candidates;

continue our research, development and manufacturing activities, including underour sponsored research and collaboration agreement with Ono;

maintain, prosecute, protect, expand and enforce our intellectual propertyportfolio;

engage with regulatory authorities for the development of, and seek regulatoryapprovals for, our product candidates;

build out business operations at our corporate headquarters, including internalGMP production capabilities;

continue to implement the corporate restructuring and reduction in force that weannounced in January 2023; and

continue operating as a public company and support our operations and developcommercial infrastructure for potential commercialization of our productcandidates.

We do not expect to generate any meaningful revenues from product sales,royalties, or sales milestones unless and until we successfully completedevelopment and obtain regulatory approval for one or more of our productcandidates, which we expect will take a number of years. If we obtain regulatoryapproval for any of our product candidates, we expect to incur significantcommercialization expenses related to product sales, marketing, manufacturingand distribution. Accordingly, we will seek to fund our operations throughpublic or private equity or debt financings, collaboration arrangements, orother sources. However, we may be unable to raise additional funds or enter intosuch other arrangements when needed on favorable terms or at all. Our failure toraise capital or enter into such other arrangements when needed would have anegative effect on our financial condition and ability to develop our productcandidates.

Financial Operations Overview

We conduct substantially all of our activities through Fate Therapeutics, Inc.,a Delaware corporation, at our facilities headquartered in San Diego,California. The results of operations include the operations of the Company andits subsidiaries. To date, the aggregate operations of our subsidiaries have notbeen significant and all intercompany transactions and balances have beeneliminated in consolidation.

Collaboration Revenue

To date, we have not generated any revenues from therapeutic product sales orroyalties. Our revenues have been derived from collaboration agreements andgovernment grants.


Agreement with Janssen Biotech, Inc.

On April 2, 2020 (the Janssen Agreement Effective Date), we entered into aCollaboration and Option Agreement (the Janssen Agreement) with Janssen Biotech,Inc. (Janssen), part of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson &Johnson. Additionally, on the Janssen Agreement Effective Date, we entered intoa Stock Purchase Agreement (the Stock Purchase Agreement) with Johnson & JohnsonInnovation - JJDC, Inc. (JJDC). Under the terms of the Janssen Agreement and theStock Purchase Agreement taken together, we received $100.0 million, of which$50.0 million was an upfront cash payment and $50.0 million was in the form ofan equity investment by JJDC. Additionally, we are entitled to receive fees forthe conduct of all research, preclinical development and IND-enabling activitiesperformed by us under the Janssen Agreement.

We determined the common stock purchase by JJDC represented a premium of $9.93per share, or $16.0 million in aggregate (the Equity Premium), and the remaining$34.0 million was recorded as issuance of common stock in shareholders' equity.

On January 3, 2023, we received notice of termination from Janssen of theJanssen Agreement. The termination will take effect on April 3, 2023, and duringthe three months ending March 31, 2023, we performed wind down activities,including discontinuing development of all collaboration product candidatesunder the Janssen Agreement. We expect to be reimbursed for all wind downactivities associated with the termination of the Janssen Agreement in thesecond quarter of this year. Under the terms of the Janssen Agreement, inconnection with the termination, (i) all licenses and other rights granted toeither party pursuant to the Janssen Agreement have terminated, subject tolimited exceptions set forth in the Janssen Agreement; (ii) both parties havewound down all development, commercialization and manufacturing activities underthe Janssen Agreement; (iii) neither party has any right to continue to develop,manufacture or commercialize any collaboration candidate or collaborationproduct or use the other party's materials; and (iv) neither party is restrictedfrom independently developing, manufacturing, or commercializing any product,including any products directed to the same antigens as those of anycollaboration candidate or collaboration product.

During the three months ended March 31, 2023, we recognized $52.3 million ofcollaboration revenue under the Janssen Agreement, of which $41.2 million waspreviously deferred. During the three months ended March 31, 2022, we recognized$15.9 million of collaboration revenue under the Janssen Agreement.

Agreement with Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

On September 14, 2018, we entered into a Collaboration and Option Agreement (theOno Agreement) with Ono for the joint development and commercialization of twooff-the-shelf iPSC-derived CAR T-cell product candidates (Candidate 1 andCandidate 2). Pursuant to the terms of the Ono Agreement, we received anupfront, non-refundable and non-creditable payment of $10.0 million.Additionally, we are entitled to receive fees for the conduct of research anddevelopment under a joint development plan, which fees were estimated to be$20.0 million in aggregate.

We concluded that certain units of account within the Ono Agreement representeda customer relationship and in accordance with ASC 606, we determined that theinitial transaction price under the Ono Agreement equals $30.0 million,consisting of the upfront, non-refundable and non-creditable payment of $10.0million and the aggregate estimated research and development fees of $20.0million. In addition, we identified our performance obligations under the OnoAgreement, including our grant to Ono of a license to certain of ourintellectual property subject to certain conditions, our conduct of researchservices, and our participation in a joint steering committee. We determinedthat all performance obligations should be accounted for as one combinedperformance obligation since no individual performance obligation is distinct,and that the combined performance obligation is transferred over the expectedterm of the conduct of the research services, which is estimated to be fouryears.

In December 2020, we entered into a letter agreement with Ono pursuant to whichOno delivered proprietary antigen binding domains targeting an antigen expressedon certain solid tumors for incorporation into Candidate 2 and paid the Companya milestone fee of $10.0 million for further research and development ofCandidate 2. In addition, Ono terminated all further research and developmentwith respect to Candidate 1, and we retained all rights to research, develop andcommercialize Candidate 1 throughout the world without any obligation to Ono.

In June 2022, we entered into an amendment with Ono to the Ono Agreement (theOno Amendment). Pursuant to the Ono Amendment, the companies agreed to designatean additional antigen expressed on certain solid tumors for research andpreclinical development, and Ono agreed to contribute proprietary antigenbinding domains targeting such additional solid tumor antigen (Candidate 3). Inaddition, for both Candidate 2 and Candidate 3, the companies expanded the scopeof the collaboration to include the research and development of iPSC-derived CARNK cell product candidates (in addition to iPSC-derived CAR T-cell productcandidates) targeting the designated solid tumor antigens. Similar to Candidate2, we granted to Ono, during a specified period of time, a preclinical option toobtain an exclusive license under certain intellectual property rights, subjectto payment of an option exercise fee to us by Ono, to develop and commercializeCandidate 3 in all territories of the world, where we retain rights toco-develop and co-commercialize Candidate 3 in the United States and Europeunder a joint arrangement with Ono under which we are eligible to share at least50% of the profits and losses. We maintained worldwide rights of manufacture forCandidate 3. The preclinical option expires upon the earlier of: (a) September30, 2024, or (b) the achievement of the pre-defined preclinical milestone underthe joint development plan for Candidate 3. Subject to payment of an extensionfee by Ono, Ono may choose to defer its


decision to exercise the preclinical option until no later than June 2026. Underthe Ono Amendment, aggregate estimated research and development fees have beenincreased by approximately $9.3 million, for a total estimated $29.3 million inaggregate research and development fees over the course of the joint developmentplan.

In November 2022, Ono exercised its preclinical option to Candidate 2, and weexercised our preclinical option to co-develop and co-commercialize (CDCCOption) in the United States and Europe under a joint arrangement with Ono. As aresult, we received an option exercise fee of $12.5 million from Ono.

During the three months ended March 31, 2023, we recognized $6.7 million ofcollaboration revenue and $1.0 million of contra-research and developmentexpense under the Ono Agreement. During the three months ended March 31, 2022,we recognized $2.5 million of collaboration revenue under the Ono Agreement.

Research and Development Expenses

Research and development expenses consist of costs associated with the research,preclinical development, process and scale-up development, manufacture andclinical development of our product candidates, the research and development ofour cell programming technology including our iPSC product platform, and theperformance of research and development activities under our collaborationagreements. These costs are expensed as incurred and include:

salaries and employee-related costs, including stock-based compensation;

costs incurred under clinical trial agreements with investigative sites;

costs to acquire, develop and manufacture preclinical study and clinical trialmaterials, including our product candidates;

costs associated with conducting our preclinical, process and scale-updevelopment, manufacturing, clinical and regulatory activities, including feespaid to third-party professional consultants, service providers and suppliers;

costs incurred for our research, development and manufacturing activities,including under our collaboration agreements;

costs for laboratory equipment, materials and supplies for the manufacture ofour product candidates and the conduct of our research activities;

costs incurred to license and maintain intellectual property; and

facilities, depreciation and other expenses including allocated expenses forrent and maintenance of facilities.

We plan to increase our current level of research and development expenses forthe foreseeable future as we continue the clinical and preclinical developmentand manufacture of our product candidates, research and develop our iPSC productplatform, and perform our obligations under collaboration agreements includingunder our agreements with Ono, University of Minnesota and MSK. Our currentplanned research and development activities over the next twelve months consistprimarily of the following:

conducting clinical trials of our product candidates, including through theengagement of CROs to manage various aspects of our clinical trials;

conducting GMP production, including through the use of CMOs for the conduct ofsome or all of the activities required for manufacturing our iPSC-derived cellproduct candidates, process and scale-up development and technology transferactivities for the manufacture of our product candidates, including thoseundergoing clinical investigation and IND-enabling preclinical development;

procuring laboratory equipment, materials and supplies for the manufacture ofour product candidates and the conduct of our research activities;

conducting preclinical and clinical research to investigate the therapeuticactivity of our product candidates; and

conducting research, development and manufacturing activities, including underour sponsored research and collaboration agreement with Ono.


Due to the inherently unpredictable nature of preclinical and clinicaldevelopment and manufacture, and given our novel therapeutic approach and thecurrent stage of development of our product candidates, we cannot determine andare unable to estimate with certainty the timelines we will require and thecosts we will incur for the development and manufacture of our productcandidates. Clinical and preclinical development and manufacturing timelines andcosts, and the potential of development and manufacturing success, can differmaterially from expectations. In addition, we cannot forecast which productcandidates may be subject to future collaborations, when such arrangements willbe secured, if at all, and to what degree such arrangements would affect ourdevelopment and manufacturing plans and capital requirements. We cannot predictthe effects of the impact of global economic and market conditions, the COVID-19pandemic and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on our business and operations, andour expenditures may be increased by delays or disruptions due to these or otherfactors, including as a result of actions we take in the near term to ensurebusiness continuity and protect against possible supply chain shortages.

General and Administrative Expenses

General and administrative expenses consist primarily of salaries andemployee-related costs, including stock-based compensation, for our employees inexecutive, operational, finance and human resource functions; professional feesfor accounting, legal and tax services; costs for obtaining, prosecuting,maintaining, and enforcing our intellectual property; and other costs and fees,including director and officer insurance premiums, to support our operations asa public company. We anticipate that our general and administrative expenseswill increase in the future as we increase our research and developmentactivities, maintain compliance with exchange listing and SEC requirements,protect and enforce our intellectual property, and continue to operate as apublic company.

Other Income (Expense)

Other income (expense) consists of changes in the fair value of stock priceappreciation milestones associated with the Amended and Restated ExclusiveLicense Agreement dated May 15, 2018 (Amended MSK License) with Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center (MSK), interest income earned on cash and cashequivalents and interest income from investments (including the amortization ofdiscounts and premiums).

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine Award

On April 5, 2018, we executed an award agreement with the California Institutefor Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) pursuant to which CIRM awarded us $4.0 millionto advance our FT516 product candidate into a first-in-human clinical trial (theAward). In November 2019, we submitted an IND application for FT516 in advancedsolid tumors. As of March 31, 2023, we have received aggregate disbursementsunder the Award in the amount of $4.0 million.

Pursuant to the terms of the Award, we, in our sole discretion, have the optionto treat the Award either as a loan or as a grant. In connection with ourdecision to discontinue our FT516 program during the first quarter of 2023, wereversed the liability associated with the Award, and recorded such amount inother income during the three months ended March 31, 2023.

Critical Accounting Policies and Significant Judgments and Estimates

Our management's discussion and analysis of our financial condition and resultsof operations are based on our unaudited condensed consolidated financialstatements, which have been prepared in accordance with United States generallyaccepted accounting principles. The preparation of these unaudited condensedconsolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgmentsthat affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expensesand the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities in our financialstatements. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate our estimates and judgments,including those related to the fair value of the stock price appreciationmilestones for the Amended MSK License, contracts containing leases, accruedexpenses, stock-based compensation, and the estimated total costs expected to beincurred under our collaboration agreements. We base our estimates on historicalexperience, known trends and events, financial models, and various other factorsthat are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of whichform the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets andliabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results maydiffer from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

The estimates and judgments involved in our accounting policies as described inItem 7 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022,continue to be our critical accounting policies and there have been no othermaterial changes to our critical accounting policies during the three monthsended March 31, 2023.

See Note 1 to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for asummary of critical accounting policies and information related to recentaccounting pronouncements.


Results of Operations

Comparison of the Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 and 2022

The following table summarizes the results of our operations for the threemonths ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 (in thousands):

Collaboration Revenue. During the three months ended March 31, 2023 and 2022, werecognized revenue of $59.0 million and $18.4 million, respectively, under ourcollaboration agreements with Janssen and Ono. The increase in collaborationrevenue was attributable to recognition of deferred revenue balances associatedto the Janssen contract termination.

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FATE THERAPEUTICS INC Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (form 10-Q) -

Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ: OCEA) Announces 70% Increase in … – InvestorsObserver

Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ: OCEA) Announces 70% Increase in Price Target by EF Hutton from $10 to $17 on New Glioblastoma Results Validating Profound Tumor Suppression with Anti-Chi3L1 Antibody

Providence, RI, May 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ocean Biomedical, Inc. ( NASDAQ: OCEA ), a biopharma company working to accelerate the development and commercialization of scientifically compelling assets from research universities and medical centers, announced today that an equity analyst coverage report issued by EF Hutton has increased that firms price target by 70%, now targeting $17 per share, up from their initial target of $10 per share. This increase was attributed in part to the publication in Cancer Research of findings suggesting compelling activity of Chi3L1 in animal models of glioblastoma.

The animal models cited in the studies used mice implanted with human glioblastoma to test the efficacy of Ocean Biomedicals anti-Chi3L1 therapeutic candidate, and showed tumor reduction of greater than 60% in 2 different study approaches. The groundbreaking research uncovers in detail how the suppression of Chi3L1 works to keep glioma stem cells from differentiating into the most aggressive forms of glioblastoma. This data provides further evidence of the therapeutic potential of Oceans anti-Chi3L1 for solid tumors.

From the EF Hutton The publication elucidates the mechanism by which Chi3L1 licenses the proliferation of GBM in animal models, and the role by which antibodies against Chi3L1 play in limiting their growth, the EF Hutton report notes, Further, the publication speaks to the effect of OCEA's antibodies on the GBM stem cell niche. Dr. Elias' previous work has demonstrated the multifaceted role that Chi3L1 plays in other solid tumor types such as melanoma and lung cancer.

Dr. Elias work is the foundation of both the oncology and fibrosis programs at Ocean, the report additionally notes, adding that, the key takeaway message from Dr. Tapinos work is that if the reversion of GBM cells to a less mature state (also known as a mesenchymal phenotype) is prevented, one may be able to provide meaningful benefit to patients with this challenging condition, which is uniformly fatal.

From Ocean Biomedical We are honored to see independent institutional research analyst coverage recognizing our core programs in oncology, fibrosis, and infectious diseases that we believe have the potential to save thousands of lives, commented Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria co-founder and Chairman of OCEA.

We appreciate EF Huttons close attention to our research news and long-term analytics, said Gurinder Kalra, Oceans Chief Financial Officer,

Our team of experienced biopharma executives and top-tier scientists are working to move our research programs forward step by step towards IND filings on each of them as efficiently as possible, said Elizabeth Ng, CEO of Ocean Biomedical.

Oceans core assets in oncology, fibrosis, and infectious diseases, all based on new target discoveries enabling first-in-class drug and vaccine candidates, were developed through past and ongoing grants totaling $123.9 million.

A copy of EF Huttons full analyst report can be obtained directly from EFHutton.

All reports on OCEA prepared by analysts represent the views of such analysts and are not necessarily those of OCEA. OCEA is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or timelines provided by analysts. OCEA does not expressly or by implication warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, assumption, data, forecast, price target, estimate, or projection contained in the reports or industry notes provided by analysts, and the dissemination of such reports or industry notes does not necessarily constitute or imply OCEAs endorsement or recommendation.

About Ocean Biomedical

Ocean Biomedical, Inc. (Ocean Biomedical or the Company) is a Providence, Rhode Island-based biopharma company with an innovative business model that accelerates the development and commercialization of scientifically compelling assets from research universities and medical centers. Ocean Biomedical deploys the funding and expertise to move new therapeutic candidates efficiently from the laboratory to the clinic, to the world. Ocean Biomedical is currently developing five promising discoveries that have the potential to achieve life-changing outcomes in lung cancer, brain cancer, pulmonary fibrosis, and the prevention and treatment of malaria. The Ocean Biomedical team is working on solving some of the worlds toughest problems, for the people who need it most.

To learn more, visit .

Forward-Looking Statements

The information included herein and in any oral statements made in connection herewith include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as estimate, plan, project, forecast, intend, will, expect, anticipate, believe, seek, target or other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters, although not all forward-looking statements contain such identifying words. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding estimates and forecasts of financial and performance metrics and expectations. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified herein, and on the current expectations of the Companys management and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as, and must not be relied on by any investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions.

Any discoveries announced by the Company are based solely on laboratory and animal studies. Ocean Biomedical has not conducted any studies that show similar efficacy or safety in humans. There can be no assurances that this treatment will prove safe or effective in humans, and any clinical benefits of this treatment is subject to clinical trials and ultimate approval of its use in patients by the FDA. Such approval, if granted, could be years away.

Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside the control of the Company that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors, among others, that may affect actual results or outcomes include but are not limited to: (i) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against the Company; (ii) changes in the markets in which the Company competes, including with respect to its competitive landscape, technology evolution, or regulatory changes; (iii) changes in domestic and global general economic conditions; (iv) the risk that the Company may not be able to execute its growth strategies; (v) risks related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and response, including supply chain disruptions; (vi) the risk that the Company may not be able to develop and maintain effective internal controls; (vii) the risk that the Company may fail to keep pace with rapid technological developments to provide new and innovative products and services or make substantial investments in unsuccessful new products and services; (viii) the ability to develop, license or acquire new therapeutics; (ix) the risk that the Company will need to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; (x) the risk that the Company experiences difficulties in managing its growth and expanding operations; (xi) the risk of product liability or regulatory lawsuits or proceedings relating to the Companys business; (xii) the risk of cyber security or foreign exchange losses; or (xiii) the risk that the Company is unable to secure or protect its intellectual property.

The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties that are described in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2022, and which are described in the Risk Factors section of the Companys definitive proxy statement filed by the Company on January 12, 2023, and other documents to be filed by the Company from time to time with the SEC and which are and will be available at . These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Companys assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this filing. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

Ocean Biomedical Investor Relations

Ocean Biomedical Media Relations

Kevin Kertscher Communications Director

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Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ: OCEA) Announces 70% Increase in ... - InvestorsObserver

VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC / MA Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (form 10-Q) –


Financial Highlights

Revenues In the first quarter of 2023, our net product revenues increased to $2.4 billion

primarily due to the

internationally and

Expenses Our total research and development ("R&D"), acquired in-process research and

administrative ("SG&A") expenses

compared to $818.3

primarily due to increased

in mid- to late-stage

net product revenues in

increased to $11.5

as of December 31, 2022

cash flows partially

Inc. ("Entrada") and


TRIKAFTA/KAFTRIO is approved and reimbursed or accessible in more than 30countries outside the U.S.

Potential Near-Term Launch Opportunities

We are preparing for the following near-term launches of potential new products:

Exa-cel in SCD and TDT

We recently completed rolling submissions of our biologics licensingapplications ("BLAs") for exa-cel in the U.S. Exa-cel has been granted FastTrack, Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy, Orphan Drug and Rare PediatricDisease designations in the U.S.

Vanzacaftor/tezacaftor/deutivacaftor in CF


Table of Contents


Cystic Fibrosis

Beta Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease

We are evaluating the use of exa-cel, a non-viral ex vivo CRISPR gene-editingtherapy, for the treatment of SCD and TDT.

Dosing in the Phase 3 CLIMB-111 and CLIMB 121 clinical trials evaluatingexa-cel continues, as does the CLIMB 131 long-term follow-up clinical trial inpatients 12 years of age and older.

Two additional Phase 3 clinical trials evaluating exa-cel in children with SCDor TDT 5 to 11 years of age are ongoing.

Neuropathic Pain

APOL1-Mediated Kidney Disease

The FDA granted inaxaplin Breakthrough Therapy designation for APOL1-mediatedFSGS and the EMA granted inaxaplin Orphan Drug and PRIME designations for AMKD.

Type 1 Diabetes

Our hypoimmune cell research program continues to progress.


Table of Contents

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

Additional Earlier Stage R&D Programs

Investments in External Innovation

Recent investments in external innovation are included below:

We announced a new licensing agreement for the use of CRISPR's gene-editingtechnology, known as CRISPR/Cas9, to accelerate the development of ourhypoimmune cell therapies for T1D.


Table of Contents

Sales of our products depend, to a large degree, on the extent to which ourproducts are reimbursed by third-party payors, such as government healthprograms, commercial insurance and managed health care organizations.Reimbursement for our products, including our potential pipeline therapies,cannot be assured and may take significant periods of time to obtain. Wededicate substantial management and other resources to obtain and maintainappropriate levels of reimbursement for our products from third-party payors,including governmental organizations in the U.S. and ex-U.S. markets.

We expect to continue to identify and evaluate potential acquisitions and mayinclude larger transactions or later-stage assets.

Collaboration and In-Licensing Arrangements


Table of Contents

In February 2023, we closed our strategic collaboration and licensing agreementwith Entrada. Upon closing, we made an upfront payment of $225.1 million toEntrada, and purchased $24.9 million of Entrada's common stock.

Acquired In-Process Research and Development Expenses


millions, except percentages and per share amounts)Product revenues, net

millions, except percentages)

millions, except percentages)


Research and Development Expenses


Table of Contents

Our research expenses have been increasing over the last several years as wehave invested in our pipeline and expanded our cell and genetic therapycapabilities, resulting in increased headcount, outside services and otherdirect expenses and infrastructure costs associated with our researchfacilities. We expect to continue to invest in our research programs with afocus on creating transformative medicines for serious diseases.

Our development expenses increased by $118.5 million, or 26%, in the firstquarter of 2023 as compared to the first quarter of 2022, primarily due toincreased costs to support clinical trials associated with our advancingpipeline programs, including pain, our CF triple combination ofvanzacaftor/tezacaftor/deutivacaftor, exa-cel and T1D. We are significantlyinvesting in internal headcount, leveraging outsourced services, and investingin infrastructure to support these programs.

Acquired In-process Research and Development Expenses


Table of Contents

to another due to upfront, contingent milestone, and other payments pursuant toour existing and future business development transactions, includingcollaborations, licenses of third-party technologies, and asset acquisitions.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by 12% in the firstquarter of 2023 as compared to the first quarter of 2022, primarily due to thecontinued investment to support the commercialization of our medicines andincreased support for our pipeline product candidates.

Contingent Consideration

The fair value of our contingent consideration decreased by $1.9 million and$7.5 million in the first quarter of 2023 and 2022, respectively.

Other Non-Operating Income (Expense), Net

Interest Income

Interest Expense

Interest expense was $11.4 million and $14.9 million in the first quarter of2023 and 2022, respectively. The majority of our interest expense in theseperiods was related to imputed interest expense associated with our leasedcorporate headquarters in Boston.

Other Income (Expense), Net

Income Taxes


Table of Contents


The following table summarizes the components of our financial condition as ofMarch 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022:

Net cash provided by (used in):

Investing Activities

Financing Activities

Sources and Uses of Liquidity


Table of Contents

Credit Facilities & Financing Strategy

Future Capital Requirements

We have significant future capital requirements, including:

Facility and finance lease obligations.

Royalties we pay to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on sales of our CF products.

Cash paid for income taxes.

In addition, we have significant potential future capital requirementsincluding:

To the extent we borrow amounts under our existing credit agreement, we wouldbe required to repay any outstanding principal amounts in 2027.

As of March 31, 2023, we had $2.9 billion remaining authorization availableunder our Share Repurchase Program.

There have not been any material changes to our future capital requirementsdisclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,2022, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, onFebruary 10, 2023.


Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operationsare based upon our condensed consolidated financial statements prepared inaccordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the U.S. The


Table of Contents


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VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC / MA Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (form 10-Q) -

Editas Medicine Announces First Quarter 2023 Results and … – GlobeNewswire

Company to provide a clinical update on the EDIT-301 Phase 1/2 RUBY trial for SCD in June at the European Hematology Association Congress (EHA) and in a Company-sponsored webinar

On track to dose 20 total patients by year-end in the RUBY trial

First patient in EDIT-301 EDITHAL trial for TDT dosed with successful neutrophil and platelet engraftment; Company on track to provide clinical update by year-end

Appointed Emma Reeve as Chair of the Board, effective at Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and Elliott Levy, M.D. as an Independent Director

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Editas Medicine, Inc. (Nasdaq: EDIT), a clinical stage genome editing company, today reported business highlights and financial results for the first quarter 2023.

I am energized by our strong start to the year. We entered 2023 with the objective of accelerating the development of EDIT-301 and positioning Editas as a leader in programable in vivo gene editing. Following on our December EDIT-301 clinical data showing a competitive and potentially differentiated product, we have built considerable momentum with our EDIT-301 program, including dosing and engraftment of the first patient in our EDITHAL trial. We look forward to disclosing the clinical progress of EDIT-301 when we provide a RUBY trial update with safety and efficacy data from multiple patients next month in an oral presentation at the European Hematology Association Congress and in a Company-sponsored webinar. I am pleased with the progress weve made against our strategic plan, commented Gilmore ONeill, M.B., M.M.Sc., President and Chief Executive Officer, Editas Medicine. Alongside our newly sharpened strategic focus are our world-class scientists and employees who are committed to our strategic direction and are building on the momentum from our clinical milestones to date and driving execution towards our goals.

Recent Achievements and Outlook

Ex Vivo Hemoglobinopathies

Business Development & Other Corporate Highlights

Elliott Levy, M.D., appointed to the Editas Board of Directors as an independent directorDr. Levy is an accomplished biopharmaceutical executive with more than 20 years of global research and development expertise, including leading clinical strategy and development for multiple programs at all stages of development at global biopharmaceutical companies Amgen and Bristol Myers Squibb.

Linea Aspesi joined Editas as Chief People OfficerMs. Aspesi brings to Editas more than 25 years experience, including 15 years in the life sciences sector, aligning talent plans to company vision, mission, and values, and partnering with senior leaders to define and drive cultural transformation strategies.

First Quarter 2023 Financial Results

Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities as of March 31, 2023, were $401.8 million compared to $437.4 million as of December 31, 2022. The Company expects existing cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities to fund operating expenses and capital expenditures into 2025.

Upcoming Events

Editas Medicine plans to participate in the following scientific and medical conference:

Editas Medicine plans to participate in the following investor events:

Conference CallThe Editas Medicine management team will host a conference call and webcast today at 8:00 a.m. ET to provide and discuss a corporate update and financial results for the first quarter of 2023. To access the call, please dial 1-877-407-0989 (domestic) or 1-201-389-0921 (international) and ask for the Editas Medicine earnings call. A live webcast of the call will also be available on the Investors section of the Editas Medicine website at, and a replay will be available approximately two hours after its completion.

AboutEditas MedicineAs a clinical stage genome editing company, Editas Medicine is focused on translating the power and potential of the CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR/Cas12a genome editing systems into a robust pipeline of treatments for people living with serious diseases around the world. Editas Medicine aims to discover, develop, manufacture, and commercialize transformative, durable, precision genomic medicines for a broad class of diseases. Editas Medicine is the exclusive licensee of Broad Institute and Harvard Universitys Cas9 patent estates and Broad Institutes Cas12a patent estate for human medicines. For the latest information and scientific presentations, please visit

Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains forward-looking statements and information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words anticipate, believe, continue, could, estimate, expect, intend, may, plan, potential, predict, project, target, should, would, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements in this press release include statements regarding the initiation, timing, progress and results of the Companys preclinical and clinical studies and its research and development programs, including dosing 20 total patients by year-end in the RUBY trial, the timing for the Companys receipt and presentation of data from its clinical trials and preclinical studies, including a clinical update for the RUBY trial in June 2023 and an additional clinical update by year-end and a clinical update from the EDITHAL trial by year-end, potential of, and expectations for, the Companys product candidates, the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals, and the Companys expectations regarding cash runway. The Company may not actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in these forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Actual results or events could differ materially from the plans, intentions and expectations disclosed in these forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including: uncertainties inherent in the initiation and completion of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, including the RUBY and EDITHAL trials, and clinical development of the Companys product candidates, including EDIT-301; availability and timing of results from pre-clinical studies and clinical trials; whether interim results from a clinical trial will be predictive of the final results of the trial or the results of future trials; expectations for regulatory approvals to conduct trials or to market products and availability of funding sufficient for the Companys foreseeable and unforeseeable operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements. These and other risks are described in greater detail under the caption Risk Factors included in the Companys most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other filings that the Company may make with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the future. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release represent the Companys views only as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Except as required by law, the Company explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

EDITAS MEDICINE, INC.Consolidated Statement of Operations(amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)(Unaudited)

EDITAS MEDICINE, INC.Selected Consolidated Balance Sheet Items(amounts in thousands)(Unaudited)

Editas Medicine Announces First Quarter 2023 Results and ... - GlobeNewswire

Global Cell and Tissue Analysis Market Research Report 2023 – Benzinga

DUBLIN, May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --The "Global Markets and Technologies for Cell and Tissue Analysis" report has been added to's offering.

The global market for cell and tissue analysis was estimated to be $16.7 billion in 2021 and is expected to increase to $28.9 billion in 2027, growing at a CAGR of 9.6% during the forecast period. In this report the cell and tissue analysis market is segmented based on technology type, end user and region.

This report focuses on the global market of cell and tissue analysis (CTA) products and provides an updated review, including basic design and applications in various arenas of biomedical and life science research. The report deals with CTA products covering the total market, which includes three main areas of applications.

Cell and tissue analysis products are playing pivotal roles in biomedical research. In the expanding field of biomedical research and development researchers and scientists employ a variety of cell and tissue analysis products. These products play important roles in the diagnosis of various forms of cancer and other diseases and also assume crucial roles when it comes to understanding diverse cellular activities. With the rise of chronic and infectious diseases, there is an urgent need for efficient diagnostics and better healthcare conditions to treat diseases. Along with the recent intensification of research in academia and the biomedical industry, demand is increasing significantly for advanced technology for drug development and screening.

Personalized drug treatment is becoming a reality. In response to the rise in the incidence of a number of diseases and an ageing population, the drug discovery industry is developing new and more efficacious drugs based on specific biomarker signatures and hence cell and tissue analysis technologies will also help in personalized drug development.

Apart from this the increasing demand for single-cell analysis and the extensive research ongoing in this area will further contribute to the market. Other drivers contributing to the market include advances in technologies and product launches, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, an ageing population, and rising investments and funding. However, the market is facing some challenges such as the high cost of instruments, lack of skilled labor and stringent regulations.

Major players in the market are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danaher, Becton, Dickinson & Co., Illumina, and Agilent Technologies. Technology types covered are biospecimen technology, cell separation, and cell and tissue characterization. Based on type, the cell and tissue characterization segment has the highest share. Each type is further categorized into subtypes.

North America has the highest share of the market by region, followed by Europe. Extensive R&D activities take place in the region, there are major players present, there is plentiful funding, and there is an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. All these factors will contribute to growth in the market

Report Includes

Key Topics Covered:

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background3.1 Introduction3.1.1 History3.1.2 Cells3.1.3 Animal Tissue3.2 Classification of Techniques Used in Cell and Tissue Analysis3.3 Biospecimen Techniques3.3.1 Microarray3.3.2 Tissue Microarrays3.3.3 Cellular Microarray3.3.4 Dna Microarray or Dna Chip3.3.5 Protein Microarray or Peptide Chip3.4 Cell-Separation Techniques3.4.1 Mechanical and Physical Dissociation3.4.2 Based on Adherence3.4.3 Based on Size and Density3.4.4 Based on Affinity3.4.5 Lab-On-Chip Techniques3.5 Cell and Tissue Characterization3.5.1 Cell-Based Assays3.5.2 Histology and Immunohistochemistry3.5.3 Flow Cytometry3.5.4 Genotyping and Expression Analysis3.5.5 Western Analysis3.5.6 Components of Cell-Based Assays

Chapter 4 Market Dynamics4.1 Factors Affecting the Market4.1.1 Market Drivers4.1.2 Challenges for the Market for Cell and Tissue Analysis4.1.3 Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Chapter 5 Emerging Technologies

Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Technology6.1 Cell and Tissue Analysis Technologies6.1.1 Biospecimen Technology6.1.2 Cell Separation Technology6.1.3 Cell and Tissue Characterization

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End-user7.1 End-users7.1.1 Biopharmaceutical Companies7.1.2 Academic and Research Institutes7.1.3 Healthcare and Clinical

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region8.1 North America8.2 Europe8.3 Emerging Markets

Chapter 9 Regulatory Aspects9.1 New Approvals of Cell and Tissue Analysis Products9.2 Recalls and Safety Alerts

Chapter 10 Patent Analysis10.1 Patent Activity on Cell and Tissue Analysis10.1.1 Patent Review by Year10.1.2 Patent Review by Country10.1.3 Patent Review by Company, University and Institute

Chapter 11 Competitive Landscape11.1 Mergers and Acquisitions11.2 Competitive Analysis11.2.1 Biospecimen Technology11.2.2 Cell Separation Technology11.2.3 Cell and Tissue Characterization Technology

Chapter 12 Company Profiles

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SOURCE Research and Markets

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Global Cell and Tissue Analysis Market Research Report 2023 - Benzinga

Promising Future In Live Cell Imaging Market, Analysis By … – Digital Journal


Published May 3, 2023

The research elaborates on the growth rate of the Live Cell Imaging Market and examines it using a complete and trustworthy examination of the company profile. The research offers a thorough analysis, market size, share, insights, evaluation for developing segments, and many other important market aspects.

The global live cell imaging market was worth USD 2.35 billion in 2021 and is expected growing at a 9.2% CAGR from 2021 to 2030.

Live cell imaging is a technique used to observe and study biological processes at the cellular level in real-time using microscopy. It allows scientists to visualize and monitor dynamic cellular events such as cell division, migration, and death. The global Holotomography (HT)market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years due to the increasing demand for high-resolution imaging techniques in life sciences research and the development of new drugs.

The live cell imaging market is primarily driven by the increasing demand for advanced imaging techniques in the life sciences industry. The growing need for high-resolution imaging techniques to understand the complex biological processes at the cellular level is expected to boost the market growth. In addition, the development of new drugs and therapies for various diseases, such as cancer, is also driving the demand for Holotomography techniques.

The market is also expected to benefit from technological advancements in live cell imaging systems. The introduction of new imaging techniques such as confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, and super-resolution microscopy is expected to increase the adoption of Holotomography systems in research and development activities. However, the high cost of live cell imaging systems and the lack of skilled professionals to operate the systems are expected to restrain the market growth to some extent.

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Key Players

Market Segmentation

Live Cell Imaging Market, Based onProduct

Live Cell Imaging Market, Based onApplication

Live Cell Imaging Market, Based onTechnology

Live Cell Imaging Market, Based on Regions

Report customized for your company:

Brief Table of Contents: Live Cell Imaging Market


Market Overview

Technology Overview

Market Segmentation

Competitive Landscape

Future Outlook


Read Detailed TOC here:

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See the article here:
Promising Future In Live Cell Imaging Market, Analysis By ... - Digital Journal

Cellectis Provides Business Update and Reports Financial Results … – GlobeNewswire

NEW YORK, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cellectis (the Company) (Euronext Growth: ALCLS - NASDAQ: CLLS), a clinical-stage biotechnology company using its pioneering gene-editing platform to develop life-saving cell and gene therapies, today provided a business update and announced its results for the three-month period ending March 31, 2023.

Cellectis took a notable step forward this quarter with the first patient being dosed in France with our in-house manufactured product candidate UCART22 in the BALLI-01 clinical study. UCART22 is currently the most advanced allogeneic CAR T-cell product in development for relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We believe that our off-the-shelf treatment approach, coupled with our ability to manufacture UCART product candidates entirely in-house, gives us a main advantage on the market: it potentially maximizes the chances for eligible patients to be treated without delay, said Andr Choulika, Ph.D., CEO of Cellectis.

Cellectis also announced last month that it implemented the use of Sanofis alemtuzumab as a Cellectis Investigational Medicinal Product, coded as CLLS52, as part of the lymphodepletion regimen for UCART22 in the BALLI-01 clinical trial, for UCART123 in the AMELI-01 clinical trial, and for UCART20x22 in the NATHALI-01 clinical trial. This follows the partnership and supply agreements we entered with Sanofi regarding alemtuzumab.

This quarter, Cellectis announced the closing of the global offering of 25 million dollars of its Depository Shares, launched in February the net proceeds of the global offering and option of the Company is 22.8 million dollars and in April, the drawdown of the 20 million euros under the Finance Contract for up to 40 million euros credit facility made with the European Investment Bank in December 2022. Cellectis plans to use the net proceeds of the funds to focus on the development of its pipeline of allogeneic CAR T-cell product candidates UCART22, UCART20x22 and UCART123, the Company decided to stop enrollment and treatment of patients with UCARTCS1. Indeed, to accelerate the speed of enrollment of patients in the MELANI-01 study, evaluating UCARTCS1, the Company would have had to invest meaningful amount of resources. To optimize its resources, Cellectis decided to focus its development efforts on the BALLI-01, AMELI-01 and NATHALI-01 studies.

We are excited about the drive in our clinical trials, building on the momentum of our lead product candidates in our pipeline, and the upcoming milestones for 2023.

Pipeline Highlights

UCART Clinical Developments Programs

BALLI-01 (evaluating UCART22) in relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (r/r B-ALL)

NATHALI-01 (evaluating UCART20x22) in relapsed or refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (r/r NHL)

AMELI-01 (evaluating UCART123) in relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (r/r AML)

MELANI-01 (evaluating UCARTCS1) in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (r/r MM)

Research Data & Preclinical Programs

TALEN-edited MUC1 CAR T-cells

Multiplex engineering for superior generation of efficient CAR T-cells

Licensed Allogeneic CAR T-cell Development Programs

Servier and Allogene: anti-CD19 programs

Allogene continues to enroll patients in the industrys first potentially pivotal Phase 2 allogeneic CAR T clinical trial with ALLO-501A. Allogene announced that the single-arm ALPHA2 trial will enroll approximately 100 r/r large B cell lymphoma (LBCL) patients who have received at least two prior lines of therapy and have not received prior anti-CD19 therapy. Allogene expects to complete enrollment in H1 2024.After the close of the quarter, Allogene announced that pooled data from the Phase 1 ALPHA/ALPHA2 trials of ALLO-501/501A, in r/r LBCL would be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting June 2 6, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois.

Allogene: anti-BCMA and anti-CD70 programs


Cytovia Therapeutics, Inc. (Cytovia)

Corporate Updates

Global offering and American Depositary Shares (ADS)

Calyxt and Cibus Merger Agreement

Warrant agreement with the European Investment Bank

Financial results

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of Cellectis, which consolidate the results of Calyxt, Inc. of which Cellectis owned approximately 48.2% of outstanding shares of common stock (as of March 31, 2023), have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IFRS).

We present certain financial metrics broken out between our two reportable segments Therapeutics and Plants in the appendices of this Q1 2023 financial results press release.

On January 13, 2023, Calyxt, Cibus Global LLC (Cibus) and certain other parties named therein, entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the Merger Agreement), pursuant to which, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, Calyxt and Cibus will merge in an all-stock transaction (the Calyxt Merger). As a consequence of the foregoing, Calyxt meets the held-for-sale" criteria specified in IFRS 5 and has been classified as a discontinued operation.

Cash: As of March 31, 2023, Cellectis, excluding Calyxt, had $88 million in consolidated cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash. This compares to $95 million in consolidated cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash as of December 31, 2022. This difference mainly reflects $30 million of cash out, which include $6 million of payments for R&D expenses, $4 million for SG&A suppliers, $15 million for staff costs, $4 million for rents and taxes, $1 million of reimbursement of the PGE loan and a $23 million net cash inflow from the capital raise closed in February.

Based on the current operating plan, Cellectis (excluding Calyxt) anticipates that the cash and cash equivalents as of March 31, 2023 will fund Cellectis operations into the third quarter of 2024.

Revenues and Other Income: Consolidated revenues and other income were $3.6 million for the three months ended March 31, 2023 compared to $3.8 million for the three months ended March 31, 2022. The slight decrease of $0.2 million between the three months ended March 31, 2023, and 2022 reflects the recognition of two milestones related to Cellectis agreement with Cytovia for $1.5million in 2022 while recognition of revenues in 2023 is not material and was almost fully offset by an increase of the research tax credit for $1.0 million in addition to the recognition of a BPI R&D grant of $0.3 million.

R&D Expenses: Consolidated R&D expenses were $21.1 million three months ended March 31, 2023 compared to $26.6 million for the three months ended March 31, 2022. The $5.5 million decrease was primarily attributable to (i) a $2.6 million decrease in personal expenses due to departures not replaced (ii) a $3.0 million decrease in purchases, external expenses and other (from $13.8 million in 2022 to $10.8 million in 2023) mainly explained by internalization of our manufacturing and quality activities to support our R&D pipeline.

SG&A Expenses: Consolidated SG&A expenses were $5.0 million for the three months ended March 31, 2023 compared to $6.1 million for the three months ended March 31, 2022. The $1.1 million decrease primarily reflects (i) a $0.9 million decrease in purchases, external expenses and other (from $3.7 million in 2022 to $2.9 million in 2023) mainly explained by the implementation of our new enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in 2022 (ii) a $0.2 million decrease in personal expenses.

Net income (loss) from discontinued operations: The $1.7 million decrease of net loss from discontinued operations between the three-month period ended March 31, 2022 and 2023 is primarily driven by (i) the decrease of $2.6 million of R&D expenses (from $3.2 million in 2022 to $1.3 in 2023) and SG&A expenses (from $2.9 million in 2022 to $2.2 million in 2023) partially offset by (i) the increase of $0.7 million of net financial loss and (ii) the increase of $0.2 million of other operating expenses.

Net Income (loss) Attributable to Shareholders of Cellectis including Calyxt: The consolidated net loss attributable to shareholders of Cellectis was $30.1 million (or $0.58 per share) for the three months ended March 31, 2023, of which $27.8 million was attributed to Cellectis continuing operations, compared to $31.9 million (or $0.70 per share) for the three months ended March 31, 2022, of which $28.3 million was attributed to Cellectis continuing operations. This $1.8 million decrease in net loss between the three months of 2023 and 2022 was primarily driven by (i) a $5.3 million decrease of research and development, (ii) a decrease of $1.7 million of loss from discontinued operations, (iii) a $1.3 million decrease of SG&A expenses partially offset by (i) an increase in net financial loss of $5.3 million primarily due to the decrease of the fair value of Cytovias convertible note on March 31, 2023 of $4.6 million compared to a $7.9 million on December 31, 2022, (ii) a decrease of $0.2 million of revenues and other income, (iii) an increase of other operating expenses of $0.6 million, (iv) a decrease of $0.4 million in loss attributable to non-controlling interests due to the decrease in Calyxts net loss.

Adjusted Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Shareholders of Cellectis: The consolidated adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders of Cellectis was $28.1 million (or $0.55 per share) for the three months ended March 31, 2023, of which $26.2 million is attributed to Cellectis, compared to a net loss of $29.3 million (or $0.64 per share) for the three months ended March 31, 2022, of which $26.0 million was attributed to Cellectis.

Please see Note Regarding Use of Non-IFRS Financial Measures for reconciliation of GAAP net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis to adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis.

We currently foresee focusing our cash spending at Cellectis for 2023 in the following areas:

* These amounts reflect adjustments made in connection with the presentation of the discontinued operation

Note Regarding Use of Non-IFRS Financial Measures

Cellectis S.A. presents adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis in this press release. Adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis is not a measure calculated in accordance with IFRS. We have included in this press release a reconciliation of this figure to net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis, which is the most directly comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with IFRS. Because adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis excludes Non-cash stock-based compensation expensea non-cash expense, we believe that this financial measure, when considered together with our IFRS financial statements, can enhance an overall understanding of Cellectis financial performance. Moreover, our management views the Companys operations, and manages its business, based, in part, on this financial measure. In particular, we believe that the elimination of Non-cash stock-based expenses from Net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis can provide a useful measure for period-to-period comparisons of our core businesses. Our use of adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our financial results as reported under IFRS. Some of these limitations are: (a) other companies, including companies in our industry which use similar stock-based compensation, may address the impact of Non-cash stock- based compensation expense differently; and (b) other companies may report adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders or similarly titled measures but calculate them differently, which reduces their usefulness as a comparative measure. Because of these and other limitations, you should consider adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis alongside our IFRS financial results, including Net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of Cellectis.

*These amounts reflect adjustments made in connection with the presentation of the discontinued operation

About Cellectis

Cellectis is a clinical-stage biotechnology company using its pioneering gene-editing platform to develop life-saving cell and gene therapies. Cellectis utilizes an allogeneic approach for CAR-T immunotherapies in oncology, pioneering the concept of off-the-shelf and ready-to-use gene-edited CAR T-cells to treat cancer patients, and a platform to make therapeutic gene editing in hemopoietic stem cells for various diseases. As a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with over 23 years of experience and expertise in gene editing, Cellectis is developing life-changing product candidates utilizing TALEN, its gene editing technology, and PulseAgile, its pioneering electroporation system to harness the power of the immune system in order to treat diseases with unmet medical needs. Cellectis headquarters are in Paris, France, with locations in New York, New York and Raleigh, North Carolina. Cellectis is listed on the Nasdaq Global Market (ticker: CLLS) and on Euronext Growth (ticker: ALCLS). For more information, visit Follow Cellectis on social media: @cellectis, LinkedIn and YouTube

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as anticipate, believe, intend, expect, plan, scheduled, could, would and will, or the negative of these and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements, which are based on our managements current expectations and assumptions and on information currently available to management, including information provided or otherwise publicly reported by our licensed partners. Forward-looking statements include statements about advancement, timing and progress of clinical trials (including with respect to patient enrollment and follow-up), the timing of our presentation of data and submission of regulatory filings, the adequacy of our supply of clinical vials, the operational capabilities at our manufacturing facilities, the sufficiency of cash to fund operations, the adequacy and continuity of supply of clinical supply and alemtuzumab, the ability of an anti-CD52 as alemtuzumab to improve any efficacy and the potential benefit of UCART product candidates. These forward-looking statements are made in light of information currently available to us and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including with respect to the numerous risks associated with biopharmaceutical product candidate development. With respect to our cash runway, our operating plans, including product development plans, may change as a result of various factors, including factors currently unknown to us. Furthermore, many other important factors, including those described in our Annual Report on Form 20-F and the financial report (including the management report) for the year ended December 31, 2022 and subsequent filings Cellectis makes with the Securities Exchange Commission from time to time, as well as other known and unknown risks and uncertainties may adversely affect such forward-looking statements and cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements publicly, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

For further information, please contact:

Media contact:

Pascalyne Wilson, Director, Communications, +33 (0)7 76 99 14 33,

Investor Relation contacts:

Arthur Stril, Chief Business Officer, +1 (347) 809 5980,

Ashley R. Robinson, LifeSci Advisors, +1 617 430 7577

1 Cash position includes cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash. Restricted cash was $5 million as of March 31, 2023.

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Cellectis Provides Business Update and Reports Financial Results ... - GlobeNewswire

An inducible model for genetic manipulation and fate-tracing of … –

The role of mesenchymal cell populations in the development of liver fibrosis has been extensively studied in the last decades15,16,17,18,19, but oftentimes interpretation of the results is limited by the models used.

Both the Lrat- and the PDGFR promoters were shown to label HSCs in the context of liver fibrosis of different etiologies3,7. However, both the previously described LratCre and PDGFR-Cre reporter mice have a constitutively active Cre recombinase, which limits their use. This can result in unspecific activity if the promoter is only temporarily active in the course of cell differentiation, but not specific for the differentiated cell20. Furthermore, the time point of Cre activity can be a concern once a specific deletion results in cell lethality during early development.

Those concerns could be addressed by using a transgenic mouse model with inducible Cre expression. However, no such model that targets mesenchymal cell populations has been published so far. We therefore investigated whether the inducible PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 mouse11 can be used as a reliable tool to express transgens in mesenchymal cell populations in the liver.

To address this question, we generated a triple transgenic mouse model containing the PDGFR-P2A-CreERT211, a red fluorescent tdTomato Cre reporter21, and a Col1a1-driven GFP22. Our data revealed that tamoxifen-induced activation of PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 efficiently induced reporter gene expression in pericytes of the liver, which lasted up to one year after activation. Experiments with vehicle-treated mice showed practically no reporter expression, demonstrating no significant leakiness of the PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 construct which has been observed for other CreER transgenic mice, such as the RipCreER, a beta-cell specific mouse line that can be used to manipulate gene expression in insulin-producing cells of the endocrine pancreas23. PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 induced reporter expression was tested via immunostaining for markers of different liver resident cell types, in which fluorescent reporter expression only overlapped with desmin, a marker commonly used to stain pericytes in different organs, including HSCs3,24,25,26. Staining for the portal fibroblast marker Thy1.2 revealed overlap with PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 induced reporter expression, which is in line with previous data showing that fibroblasts and VSMC express Thy1 to a certain extent5. It has been suggested that HSCs and Thy1.2 positive cells are two distinct cell populations13,27, however it cannot be excluded that also some HSCs express Thy15.

Furthermore, PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 induced reporter expression remained specific for mesenchymal cells even under fibrogenic conditions in the CCl4 toxic liver fibrosis model. Overlap of alpha smooth muscle actin, a common myofibroblast marker, and overlap with endogenous collagen 1a1 driven GFP further confirmed that fibrogenic cells in the liver are PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 derived. As we achieve a high recombination of PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 in retinoid positive HSCs of over 90% and a similarly high percentage of pericyte derived myofibroblasts in three different liver fibrosis models, the inducible PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 model can be used once an inducible Cre mouse model for liver mesenchymal cell populations is required with a similar efficiency as the constitutive PDGFRCre7 or the well accepted LratCre transgenic mouse model3.

However, PDGFRCre as a marker for fibrogenic cells in the liver has some limitations. In recent years, single cell RNA sequencing studies using a Pdgfrb-GFP transgenic mouse have revealed a spatial zonation of HSCs with central-vein-associated HSCs and portal vein-associated HSCs, whereby central-vein-associated HSCs were the dominant collagen-producing cells in CCl4 induced toxic liver injury5. Without other markers, PDGFRCre cannot distinguish between these different HSC populations with distinct functions and the different PDGFR-positive cell populations including fibroblasts, HSCs and VSMC5. Furthermore, another study identified several clusters of fibroblasts in the liver, with some of them (Fib-3 and Fib-4 clusters) expressing low levels of Pdgfrb and thus being underestimated in studies using Pdgfrb as a promoter for Cre recombinases or GFP14. We also performed immunohistochemistry for Slit2, a marker for portal fibroblasts with mesenchymal stem cell features (PMSCs)14. In contrast to this study, we observed Slit2 expression not only restricted to the portal area, but also in the liver parenchmya. Of note, PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 driven tdTomato expression overlapped with Slit2, both in normal and fibrotic liver indicating that Slit2 might not only be a precursor for PMSCs but also for HSCs. Further studies need to address this finding.

Nevertheless, our data demonstrates that the tamoxifen inducible PDGFR-P2A-CreERT2 mouse model is similarly efficient to the established constitutive LratCre and PDGFR-Cre mouse models and can be applied once an inducible Cre recombinase is required to study liver fibrogenesis.

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Global Hematological Cancers Therapeutics Market to Reach $122.75 Billion by 2032, Driven by Rising Prevalence – EIN News

The global hematological cancers therapeutics market size was USD 66.77 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 122.75 Billion in 2032

Although the development of novel treatments is leading to increased demand for hematological cancer therapies, the high cost of medicines, negative effects of therapies, and availability of alternative treatments remain major challenges to the growth of the market. Despite these challenges, rising R&D investments by government entities, commercial businesses, and academic institutions are expected to drive revenue growth.

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Segments Covered in the Report:

The global therapy market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years. The therapy market is categorized into different types, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplantation. The revenue generated by each therapy type is expected to increase from USD billion in 2019 to USD billion by 2032. Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. It is one of the most common cancer treatments and is expected to contribute significantly to the therapy market's revenue. The increasing incidence of cancer worldwide is a major driving factor for the growth of the chemotherapy market.

Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that targets specific genes or proteins that contribute to cancer cell growth. It is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, owing to its increasing effectiveness in cancer treatment. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses the body's immune system to fight cancer cells. It is a relatively new type of cancer treatment and is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, owing to its potential to treat a wide range of cancers. Stem cell transplantation is a type of cancer treatment that involves replacing diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells. It is primarily used to treat blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. The increasing incidence of these types of cancers is expected to contribute significantly to the growth of the stem cell transplantation market.

The therapy market is also categorized based on the indication, including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. The revenue generated by each indication is expected to increase from USD billion in 2019 to USD billion by 2032. Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood cells. The increasing incidence of leukemia worldwide is a major driving factor for the growth of the leukemia market. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. The increasing incidence of lymphoma worldwide is a major driving factor for the growth of the lymphoma market. Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells in the bone marrow. The increasing incidence of multiple myeloma worldwide is a major driving factor for the growth of the multiple myeloma market.

The therapy market is also categorized based on the regional outlook, including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. The revenue generated by each region is expected to increase from USD billion in 2019 to USD billion by 2032.

North America is expected to dominate the therapy market owing to the increasing incidence of cancer and the high cost of cancer treatment in the region. Europe is also expected to witness significant growth owing to the increasing investment in cancer research and development. The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth owing to the increasing healthcare infrastructure and the rising prevalence of cancer in the region. Latin America and the Middle East and Africa are also expected to witness significant growth owing to the increasing government initiatives and investments in the healthcare sector.

Strategic Development:

Strategic advancements in the healthcare industry include significant developments in various drug treatments for different types of cancers. AbbVie Inc. declared positive outcomes from a Phase 3 clinical trial in September 2021 that assessed the drug, VENCLYXTO (venetoclax), in combination with a Hypomethylating Agent (HMA) to treat newly diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in elderly patients or those ineligible for intensive chemotherapy.

AstraZeneca plc announced that its drug, CALQUENCE (acalabrutinib), was granted regulatory approval by the European Commission in May 2021 for the treatment of adults with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Additionally, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company stated that its drug, REBLOZYL (luspatercept-aamt), was granted regulatory approval by the European Commission in March 2021 to treat anemia in adults with beta-thalassemia who need regular Red Blood Cell (RBC) transfusions.

Furthermore, in November 2020, GlaxoSmithKline plc partnered with iTeos Therapeutics Inc. to develop and market iTeos's cancer immunotherapy, EOS-448, together with GlaxoSmithKline's hematological cancer therapies.

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Competitive Landscape:

The global hematological cancers therapeutics market is highly competitive, with several key players operating in the industry. These major players are AbbVie Inc., Amgen Inc., AstraZeneca plc, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Celgene Corporation, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis International AG, and Pfizer Inc. AbbVie Inc. is a leading player in the global hematological cancers therapeutics market, with a strong portfolio of products, including Imbruvica and Venclexta. Amgen Inc. is another major player in the industry, offering a range of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Neulasta, Kyprolis, and Blincyto.

AstraZeneca plc is a multinational pharmaceutical company that offers a range of drugs for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Calquence and Lumoxiti. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company is another key player in the market, offering a portfolio of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Opdivo and Empliciti. Celgene Corporation is a biotechnology company that focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialization of therapies for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Its portfolio of products for the treatment of hematological cancers includes Revlimid and Pomalyst.

Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. is a multinational healthcare company that offers a range of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Rituxan and Gazyva. GlaxoSmithKline plc is another major player in the market, offering a portfolio of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Zejula and Arzerra. Johnson & Johnson is a multinational healthcare company that offers a range of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Darzalex and Imbruvica. Novartis International AG is another key player in the market, offering a portfolio of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Kymriah and Tasigna.

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Pfizer Inc. is a multinational pharmaceutical company that offers a range of products for the treatment of hematological cancers, including Besponsa and Mylotarg. These major players are expected to continue to dominate the global hematological cancers therapeutics market in the coming years, owing to their strong product portfolio and focus on innovation and research and development.

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Global Hematological Cancers Therapeutics Market to Reach $122.75 Billion by 2032, Driven by Rising Prevalence - EIN News

Citius Pharmaceuticals Announces $15 Million Registered Direct … – PR Newswire

CRANFORD, N.J., May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Citius Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CTXR) ("Citius" or the "Company"), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of first-in-class critical care products, today announced that it has entered into definitive agreements with certain healthcare-focused and institutional investors for the purchase of an aggregate of 12,500,001 shares of its common stock and accompanying warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 12,500,001 shares of its common stock, at a purchase price of $1.20 per share and accompanying warrant in a registered direct offering. The closing of the offering is expected to occur on or about May 8, 2023, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions.

H.C. Wainwright & Co. is acting as the exclusive placement agent for the offering.

The warrants have an exercise price of $1.50 per share, will be exercisable six months from the date of issuance, and will expire five years from the date of issuance.

The aggregate gross proceeds to the Company from the offering are expected to be approximately $15 million, before deducting the placement agent fees and other offering expenses payable by the Company. Citius currently intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, including pre-clinical and clinical development of our product candidates and working capital and capital expenditures.

The securities described above are being offered pursuant to a "shelf" registration statement (File No. 333-255005) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and declared effective on April 16, 2021. The offering is being made only by means of a prospectus, including a prospectus supplement, forming a part of the effective registration statement. A final prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus relating to the securities being offered will be filed with the SEC and be available at the SEC's website at Electronic copies of the final prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus relating to the securities being offered may also be obtained, when available, by contacting H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC at 430 Park Avenue, 3rdFloor, New York, NY 10022, by calling (646) 975-6996 or emailing [emailprotected].

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities described herein, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.

About Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Citius is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of first-in-class critical care products, with a focus on oncology, anti-infectives in adjunct cancer care, unique prescription products, and stem cell therapies. For more information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements

This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements are made based on our expectations and beliefs concerning future events impacting Citius. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "will," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "should," and "may" and other words and terms of similar meaning or use of future dates. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could negatively affect our business, operating results, financial condition and stock price, and includes all statements related to the completion of the registered direct offering, the satisfaction of customary closing conditions related to the registered direct offering and the intended use of net proceeds from the registered direct offering. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated, include, without limitation: risks related to the closing of the offering; market and other conditions; our ability to successfully undertake and complete clinical trials and the results from those trials for our product candidates; our need for substantial additional funds; risks relating to the results of research and development activities; uncertainties relating to preclinical and clinical testing; the early stage of products under development; the estimated markets for our product candidates and the acceptance thereof by any market; risks related to our growth strategy; patent and intellectual property matters, our ability to attract, integrate, and retain key personnel; our ability to obtain, perform under and maintain financing and strategic agreements and relationships; our ability to identify, acquire, close and integrate product candidates and companies successfully and on a timely basis; our dependence on third-party suppliers; government regulation; competition; as well as other risks described in our SEC filings. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.

Investor Contact:Ilanit Allen[emailprotected]908-967-6677 x113

Media Contact:STiR-communicationsGreg Salsburg[emailprotected]

SOURCE Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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