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Doctor’s Tip: How to prevent and survive breast cancer – Glenwood Springs Post Independent

Breast cancer is the number one type of cancer in the U.S, aside from skin cancer. Every year, around 280,000 women are diagnosed with it and some 43,000 die from it.

Some of the billions of cells in our bodies are always mutating. Mammograms and self-breast exams are said to provide early detection of breast cancer, but Dr. Michael Greger points out that this is actually late detection, because by the time breast cancer is diagnosed by these methods it has been present for years, starting with the first abnormal cell. Humans evolved to eat plants, and plants contain micronutrients that destroy mutant cells before they propagate and cause cancer; animal products lack this ability.

If you are a woman and want to do everything you can to prevent breast cancer, read the chapter on breast cancer in Dr. Gregers book How Not to Die, and search breast cancer on his website If youre a breast cancer survivor, read The Cancer Survivors Guide, Foods That Help You Fight Back! by Neal Barnard, M.D.

Following are some important tips to prevent breast cancer, found in these two books plus an article in the January/February issue of Nutrition Action titled, Cancer, How to Lower Your Risk.

Alcohol, even in small amounts, was declared in 2014 by the World Health Organization to be a definitive human breast carcinogen, due to DNA damage, oxidative stress, and increase in estrogen levels.

Melatonin, the sleep hormone, appears to have a protective effect against breast cancer. Melatonin levels are lowered by bright lights during pre-bedtime hours from sources such as light bulbs, TV screens, computers and smart phones. For unknown reasons, eating meat lowers melatonin levels and vegetables raise them.

Estrogen in excess increases breast cancer risk, and women need to be hesitant about taking post-menopausal hormones bio-identical hormones have not been shown to be any safer. Fat cells produce estrogen, so to avoid breast cancer its important to maintain ideal body weight.

Saturated fat present in animal products, cooking oils and coconut products (other than coconut water) increases breast cancer risk.

Exercise, such as brisk walking for at least 30-60 minutes every day, lowers breast cancer risk due to loss of excess fat and lower levels of inflammation.

Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs) are carcinogens produced by cooking meat (including chicken) and seafood at high temperatures, such as roasting, pan frying, grilling, and baking. According to Dr. Greger, One of the most abundant HCAs in cooked meat was found to have potent estrogen-like effects, fueling human breast-cancer cell growth.

Lignans are plant estrogens (a.k.a. phytoestrogens) activated by good gut bacteria, that dampen the effects of the bodys own estrogen, according to Dr. Greger. Lignans are particularly plentiful in flaxseeds, and are also found in berries, whole grains and dark, leafy greens.

Cholesteral, when levels are high, may increase breast cancer risk, according to Dr. Greger thought to be due to our bodies using cholesterol to make estrogen or to shore up tumor cell membranes to help the cancer migrate and invade more tissue. Unfortunately, reducing levels with statin drugs has not been shown to reduce breast cancer risk.

Fiber present in plant but not animal products helps remove estrogen via the GI tract, thereby lowering breast cancer risk. Several studies show that for every 29 grams of fiber intake per day there is a 15% lower risk of breast cancer.

Carotinoids are micronutrients found in green, orange and red fruit and vegetables and have been found to protect against breast cancer. Apple peels in particular contain a compound that activates breast tumor-suppressor genes.

Sulforaphane, a compound in cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower) suppresses the ability of breast cancer stem cells to form tumors the cause of recurrence of breast cancer that occasionally happens after years of remission. Cooking destroys the enzyme that releases sulforaphane, so some needs to be eaten raw or eat some raw cruciferous vegetables before eating cooked.

Soy? Many people have the misconception that soy contains estrogen and should therefore be avoided to prevent breast cancer. The fact is that if the weak, estrogen-like compounds in soy attach to breast tissue receptors, stronger, harmful estrogens are prevented from attaching, resulting in a lower risk of breast cancer. Asian women eat a diet high in soy products, and have much lower risk of breast cancer compared to women on a typical Western diet.

Dr. Feinsinger is a retired family physician with special interest in disease prevention and reversal through nutrition. Free services through Center For Prevention and The Peoples Clinic include: one-hour consultations, shop-with-a-doc at Carbondale City Market, and cooking classes. Call 970-379-5718 for appointment, or

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Doctor's Tip: How to prevent and survive breast cancer - Glenwood Springs Post Independent

All You Need to Know about a Bone Marrow Transplant – Metropolis Healthcare

What is a Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure for patients with certain cancers and other diseases such as severe aplastic anaemia, immune deficiency disorders, etc. Bone marrow is a spongy material present inside the bones which produces and stores blood cells. The transplantation of blood stem cells replaces damaged bone marrow with functioning, healthy bone marrow; rejuvenates the immune system to fight back the diseased or damaged cells; and assists in the smooth recovery of the patient.

At a young stage, your blood cells are called hematopoietic stem cells. After maturing they travel into your blood from your bone marrow, therefore a bone marrow transplant is also called a stem cell transplant.

A bone marrow transplant involves taking stem cells from your bone marrow, then filtering those cells and then giving these filtered stem cells back to the donor or to another person.

The main aim of a bone marrow transplant is to infuse healthy bone marrow cells into a person. Since,1998 this procedure has been used to successfully treat diseases such as aplastic anaemia, immune deficiency disorder, lymphomas, leukemias and some solid tumor cancers.

Bone marrow transplant is done to cure many types of cancer and some other diseases. Often to cure cancer, the doses of chemotherapy that a patient is subjected to are quite high and this high-frequency radiation can permanently damage or destroy the stem cells in the bone marrow therefore, a transplant may be needed.

In some cases, the stem cells in the bone marrow are already damaged by the occurrence of a disease and so a transplant is needed.

A bone marrow transplant may help you by:

The risks and benefits must be weighed in a thorough discussion with your healthcare emphasising why a Bone Marrow Transplant.

Following are the examples of the most common diseases that may benefit from a bone marrow transplant:

Doctors are also able to perform anumbilical cord blood transplant where stem cells are collected from the umbilical cord immediately after the delivery of an infant. These stem cells can reproduce into mature, functioning blood cells quicker and more effectively than the stem cells taken from the bone marrow of another child or adult. These stem cells are tested, typed, counted, and frozen until they are needed for a transplant.

Only your doctor can decide whether or not a bone marrow transplant is the best course of action for you. With a physical examination and multiple tests, your doctor will be able to talk to you about what type of procedure is your best bet and what you can expect.

If your doctor and you reach a common ground and decide to go ahead with a bone marrow transplant, finding a donor will start after matching your bone marrow transplant will be finalised.

A few days before the transplant your doctor will put a tube called a central venous catheter into a vein in your chest. Your doctor along with your medical team will use it to take blood and give you medicine and It will stay there until after your treatment.

A bone marrow transplant is a widely accepted, associated medical procedure for certain types of cancer and other diseases that could damage or destroy the bone marrow of a patient. The transplanting of blood stem cells has pronged applications to produce new blood cells, promote new marrow growth, and regenerate the immune system. This as well promotes patient recovery and survival rates.

However, continuous follow-up care is essential for the patients. Also, a pre-procedure discussion with a healthcare provider and specialists in bone marrow transplants is advisable to learn the risks and benefits. Metropolis Healthcare is a leading pathology lab and diagnostic centre with a multinational network, a comprehensive range of 4000+ clinical laboratory tests and profiles, and senior pathologists to deliver diagnostic solutions. They offer the convenience of a stay-at-home blood collection service, online tracking of samples, and report download from a single app.

They are widely recognized by several brands and institutions and offer a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility program. Bone marrow transplant is a boon to many patients and new methods and diagnoses to improve treatment options and decrease complications and side effects are continually being discovered.


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All You Need to Know about a Bone Marrow Transplant - Metropolis Healthcare

Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19 Review: Look Closely And You … – TV Fanatic

Hospital politics are always messy. Even when no corporate overlord is trying to steer the institution in a direction that might not be best for patients, board members often clash with healthcare providers.

Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19 is the latest medical drama to explore what happens when a non-doctor with their own agenda gains a controlling interest in the hospital (both The Good Doctor and New Amsterdam offered similar stories in 2022).

Jack seemed all right as a hospital owner -- until he wasn't. But his latest victory was utterly predictable.

With all the noise Sharon, George, and Will kept making about how Vernon would swing the vote their way, how could he not betray them at the last second?

Will went to a ton of trouble to ensure Vernon could vote while Jack tried his hardest to interfere -- only for Vernon to gain a new perspective after his surgery.

Surprise! NOT. Vernon hadn't considered the issue before falling ill; he only went along with Sharon because he'd been on the board for 23 years and trusted her opinion.

Although Vernon came through the surgery fine, thanks to OR 2.0 and Abrams' surgical skills, I'd think he'd need more than an hour in the recovery room before he could sit through a board meeting, even by video. The man just had brain surgery!

Television brain tumor survivors often wake up with drastically different personalities, so it was likely that Vernon would support Jack for that reason. The only twist was that 2.0's saving his life made him decide that Jack's vision for the hospital was the way to go.

I don't know George and Sharon's counterarguments, but they allowed Jack to frame the discussion in a way that benefited his position. Why is going to for-profit status the only way to ensure Gaffney continues offering cutting-edge medical technology?

Instead of arguing that for-profit status is contrary to the hospital's established mission, which board members didn't appear to care about, the counterargument should have focused on for-profit status being unnecessary to achieve the goal of being a leader in the medical tech sector.

They could have focused on the idea that Gaffney could be that leader AND continue to provide care to all patients, regardless of income level.

This missed opportunity will change Gaffney forever -- or at least until the board votes to repeal the for-profit status. But the irony of Will's plan causing the opposite result of what he wanted was SO delicious!

Grace balked at Will asking for her expertise when it meant that Jack's proposal might be defeated, but will she change her tune now that Vernon votes for the plan?

What Will did wasn't entirely unethical.

Yes, getting Vernon's wife to agree to surgery meant Vernon could participate in the board meeting. But Vernon needed the surgery anyway; he had to be intubated, with no guarantee that the alternative treatment would do anything to resolve his tumor.

Grace might have felt used, but she DID help Vernon get the needed treatment, so there was that.

Archer's behavior was a lot more questionable. At least half the reason he broke Kira's confidentiality was to get back at Asher for telling Sean about Archer's medical condition.

He gave her a BS explanation about Kimberly being Kira's proxy if something went wrong during surgery, but come on. Every other word out of his mouth was about how now Asher believed in confidentiality when she didn't before.

This petty behavior and refusal to recognize patients' rights made me hate Archer when he arrived at Med. He's been more tolerable lately and, in some ways, more relatable.

But not this time. He was wrong to violate Kira's confidentiality, and even if Asher was wrong to break his, that's no excuse. Didn't Archer learn that two wrongs don't make a right long before he was old enough for medical school?

The Kira situation was surprisingly opposite of what I expected.

When Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19 spoilers stated that Asher and Archer would be dealing with a stem cell disease and a pregnant daughter, I predicted that the mother would want her daughter to give up the baby so that she could use its stem cells.

That would have been a fascinating ethical dilemma, but the actual story was fantastic. Still, I wondered why the doctors couldn't use the stem cells from the non-viable fetus to cure Kimberly's disease, assuming they were a match.

I'm glad that Marcel helped Tanaka-Reid get his self-confidence back.

I could have done without most of this story, which featured a bunch of residents acting like high school students. The teasing and bullying were inappropriate behavior. Tanaka-Reid acted like the stereotypical nerdy kid who pretends not to care but secretly fears his bullies are right to tease him.

Marcel was right that the other residents were reacting to Tanaka-Reid acting like he was far superior for the last year or so, but again -- two wrongs don't make a right. And in this case, there was far too much immature behavior for my liking.

At least Marcel and Tanaka-Reid have settled into a more respectful mentor/mentee relationship! Tanaka-Reid was insufferable when he used to try to replace Marcel's judgment with his own.

Charles' main story was interesting. I liked that Maggie could interpret ASL so that they could catch Sandy making up stories about what her brother was communicating.

Aiden's desire to keep the imaginary voices in his head because he could HEAR them was also interesting, and I wish there'd been more time to develop that part of the story.

And what was with Lilian's obnoxious brother? Charles went from one language barrier to another in that last scene, and Pavo did nothing to endear himself to viewers. I wondered if he thinks Charles is too good for Liliana or believes a doctor must have an ulterior motive for dating his sister.

Your turn, Chicago Med fanatics! Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know your thoughts.

Don't forget you can watch Chicago Med online on TV Fanatic.

Chicago Med airs on NBC on Wednesdays at 8/7c.

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Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter.

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Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 19 Review: Look Closely And You ... - TV Fanatic

Mum put on life support after infected finger led to ‘devastating … – The Independent

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A mother-of-three who noticed her finger had become infected as it was all swollen and green and was put in an induced coma after a devastating leukaemia diagnosis which left her battling for life has said it was never an option to give up.

Now celebrating being almost six years cancer-free, Peppie Scobbie, 53, who lives in Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, said she did not feel right while holidaying in Portugal in July 2017 after which she returned home and noticed her finger had gone green and was swollen and throbbing.

After antibiotics failed to treat the apparent infection, she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) a type of blood cancer aged 47, and underwent three intense rounds of chemotherapy, which made her hair fall out in clumps.

During the first round of treatment, Peppie developed pneumonia and sepsis and was put in an induced coma and on life support, which made doctors question whether she was going to make it.

Amazingly, Peppie bounced back, completed all three rounds of chemotherapy, and was told she was cancer-free just before Christmas in 2017.

Peppie then received a stem cell transplant from her older brother Tom McClure in January 2018 a form of treatment for certain types of cancer as she knew that if she did not have this, she would relapse and die.

Thanks to her treatment, she was able to marry Stevie, a 51-year-old foreman, in 2020, and her brother-turned-donor Tom walked her down the aisle.

Now, despite being told she will be in chronic pain for the rest of her life and suffering with severe side effects as a result of her medication, she will soon celebrate being six years cancer-free and wishes to share the message that theres light at the end of the tunnel.

I have days where I could cry, Peppie said.

I could lie in my bed at night and cry because it upsets me, and I always say, Why me? Why did this have to happen to me?

But I want to be here and live a life as best I can, considering whats against me.

It was never an option for me to give up; it never ever has been and never ever will be.

Peppie first noticed she didnt feel (herself) during a holiday in Portugal in July 2017.

(PA Real Life)

After returning home and resuming work with her cleaning business, from which she has since retired, Peppie said a clients dog jumped on her arm and it felt like an electric shock.

Her arm went black and blue within a matter of hours, which she thought was strange but initially didnt think anything of it, however, this soon changed.

I dragged myself out my bed every morning to go to work, but I was screaming inside because I just knew there was something not quite right with me, Peppie said.

Peppie then noticed the skin on the middle finger of her left hand had become infected.

The finger was throbbing but three courses of antibiotics prescribed by her GP did nothing to alleviate the symptoms.

On August 16 2017, Peppie underwent blood tests and the following day she received a phone call from her doctor saying she had a high white blood cell count and low haemoglobin levels.

Just 30 minutes later, she received a second call and was told she had leukaemia.

She said she was devastated.

I felt physically sick, Peppie said.

You just read about things like that, and you hear it about other people, but you dont expect to hear that about yourself.

It was a bit surreal.

Peppies brother Tom, walking her down the aisle

(PA Real Life/Gallery Eleven Photography)

On August 18, the day after receiving the news, it was confirmed Peppie had AML and she began her first round of chemotherapy.

Peppie said she did not have time to process her thoughts as her brain went numb, but the only question she had in her mind at that time was am I going to survive this?

I just kept thinking, am I going to die? Peppie continued.

Then I thought, no, dont put that in your head, because if I start thinking thoughts like that then its just going to consume me and its going to bring me down.

I tried not to think about the bad side of things, I tried to be positive.

However, after starting chemotherapy Peppie said she began to develop a temperature.

She was taken to the high-dependency unit where she lost consciousness, before being moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) at University Hospital Monklands where she was put in an induced coma and placed on life support for two weeks.

It was later discovered she had developed pneumonia and sepsis.

Peppie was visited by her family during this time, and doctors did not know whether she was going to make it, but thankfully, the will and the fight was there.

I was told about a week afterwards that not many people survive and come back up the stairs the way I did, Peppie said.

Peppie then started her second and third rounds of chemotherapy, and while she did not have any major complications, the medication she was taking made her hallucinate and she lost her hair.

This led to her shaving her head, which was a hard pill to take.

I couldnt even look in the mirror because all I could see was this person that had cancer, who was ill, and it took me a long time to see past that person, she said.

By Christmas, Peppie was told she was in remission, which was the best outcome, and she was able to spend time with her family and now-husband.

She was also told that her older brother Tom McClure was the perfect match for a stem cell transplant, and she received this in January 2018.

She had another transplant in June, but was then diagnosed with graft versus host disease where white blood cells attack the patients own body causing severe illness and damage to the skin on her feet and hands.

After recovering from this, Peppie married Stevie on February 14 2020, and Tom walked her down the aisle, as their father, Thomas, had passed away from pulmonary fibrosis in 2015.

She said she couldnt think of anyone better to stand in for her dad.

Although Peppie is now nearly six years cancer-free, she is still taking numerous medications, including immunosuppressive drugs and steroids.

As a result of taking steroids, Peppie said her gut and mouth have been permanently affected and she develops ulcers; she has avascular necrosis, which affects blood supply to the bone; she has undergone two knee replacements; and she has been diagnosed with osteoporosis a condition that weakens bones.

She also has blood tests every fortnight and recently underwent two blood transfusions.

Although she is in pain every single day, she still goes to aqua-fit classes three times a week, sees her friends, and walks her two dogs, Lily and Cooper.

The grandmother-of-five said her family keep her strong because they mean everything to me, and she hopes that she can offer a glimmer of hope to those going through cancer treatment by sharing her story.

Im five years post-transplant and Im still here, Im still living my life, she said.

Its maybe not the best quality life most days it is but youve just got to cling on to that hope and that positivity to get you there, and obviously have good family and friends to help you achieve that.

Theres light at the end of the tunnel.

Leukaemia UK is investing in life-changing research into more effective treatments for AML and other types of blood cancer. For more information, visit:

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Mum put on life support after infected finger led to 'devastating ... - The Independent

Fecal Transplant Pill Approved for Recurrent C. Diff Infection – Everyday Health

The first ever pill that mimics the effects of fecal transplants was approved on April 26, 2023, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The treatment, called Vowst, is created with healthy bacteria from screened fecal donations, and is used to prevent the recurrence of C. difficile(C. diff) infection (CDI) in adults following antibacterial treatment for recurrent CDI.

Todays approval provides patients and healthcare providers a new way to help prevent recurrent C. difficile infection, said Peter Marks, MD, PhD, the director of the FDAs Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in the FDA statement.

The availability of a fecal microbiota product that can be taken orally is a significant step forward in advancing patient care and accessibility for individuals who have experienced this disease that can be potentially life-threatening, said Dr. Marks.

CDI, caused by the bacterium C. difficile, is one of the most common healthcare-associated infections, and results in severe nausea, cramping, and diarrhea.

When the community of microorganisms inhabiting the gut and supporting our health is disturbed with antibiotics usually prescribed for the treatment of unrelated medical issues C. difficile can expand in numbers and produce toxins that can damage the lining of the large gut, says Niaz Banaei, MD, a professor of pathology and infectious diseases at Stanford Medicine in Palo Alto, California, who was not involved in the development of Vowst.

This can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea and gut inflammation, and even death if not treated appropriately, says Dr. Banaei. Approximately 15,000 to 30,000 people die from the infection each year.

Unfortunately, this disease process can recur because key members of the gut microbial community have vanished, he says. Besides taking antibiotics, other risk factors for recurrent CDI include:

Fecal microbiota transplant restores the gut microbial community back to a healthy state and reverses the pathologic state that occurred as a result of the disruption, he says.

More than 10 years ago, doctors began successfully treating recurrent CDI with fecal transplants, a procedure that involves taking healthy bacteria from the feces of a screened donor and transferring them to the colon of the recipient, typically through a colonoscopy.

Fecal microbiota transplant has been shown to be highly effective in restoring the gut microbiota and preventing recurrence of CDI, says Banaei.

The Vowst treatment aims to offer those same benefits restore the gut flora to prevent further episodes of CDI but via oral capsules. Carefully screened donations plus rigorous manufacturing and quality control are all part of producing the capsules, says Carlo Tanzi, PhD, the head of investor relations and corporate communications for Seres Therapeutics, the manufacturer of Vowst.

After the stool samples are collected and tested, the samples are processed to remove the waste, isolate the healthy bacteria, and kill any other lingering organisms. Thousands of capsules can be made from each stool sample, making it a more efficient process than current fecal transplants, according to the company.

FDA approval was based on a phase 3 study published January 20, 2022, in theNew England Journal of Medicine. Of the 182 participants, 88 percent who took the capsules did not experience reinfection after eight weeks, compared with 60 percent of those who received placebo. At six months post-treatment, 79 percent of the Vowst group were recurrence-free, compared with 53 percent in the placebo group.

The FDA approval of fecal capsules will simplify restoration of the gut microbiota and will make the intervention more accessible, says Banaei.

This is an important advancement for those who suffer from the estimated nearly 156,000 episodes of recurrent CDI in the United States each year, says Dr. Tanzi. These patients often suffer debilitating symptoms, like frequent diarrhea up to 15 times a day, which prevent them from participating in their normal daily activities. Patients often are unable to leave the house, go to work, and spend uninterrupted time with loved ones, he says.

In the clinical trials, recipients experienced some side effects acutely, including abdominal bloating, fatigue, constipation, chills, and diarrhea, but overall, the intervention did not raise any safety concerns, says Banaei.

Vowst may carry a risk of transmitting infectious agents, according to the FDA statement. It is also possible for Vowst to contain food allergens, the agency noted.

The dosing regimen of Vowst is four capsules taken by mouth once a day, for three consecutive days. The therapy is expected to be available beginning June 2023, according to the product website.

The list price for Vowst is $17,500, according to a company presentation. The actual cost to consumers will depend on insurance coverage.

It will be interesting to see if other patient populations with disrupted gut microbiota but with nonC. diffdiarrhea also benefit from Vowst, says Banaei.

The makers of Vowst believe there may be more opportunities to create new treatment modalities through the microbiome not just in recurrent CDI, but in additional therapeutic areas where the microbiome has a direct connection to human health.

According to Tanzi, the company is continuing to investigate new products, including an investigational therapy designed to reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, bacteremia, and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) in immunocompromised patients, including patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

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Fecal Transplant Pill Approved for Recurrent C. Diff Infection - Everyday Health

Top 12 best hair transplants in Turkey and the cost list – The Upcoming

Top 12 best hair transplants in Turkey and the cost list

Hair transplant surgeries are frequently performed in Istanbul, Turkey. Numerous hair restoration clinics and skilled doctors can be found in the city. Consider the following important factors when looking into hair transplants in Istanbul:

Expert surgeons: Hair transplant surgeons in Istanbul are renowned for their high level of training and expertise. Many of them possess in-depth training and experience in successfully completing hair restoration procedures. They frequently have a solid track record of contented patients and keep up with the most recent developments in the industry.

Contemporary clinics: Istanbuls hair transplant clinics are outfitted with cutting-edge technology and sophisticated amenities. They follow universally recognised hygienic and medical care standards. The staff at the clinics is frequently highly trained and puts patients safety and comfort first.

Sophisticated methods: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), two sophisticated hair transplant methods, are frequently used in Istanbul clinics. These methods enable precise and undetectable results with little scarring and quicker healing timeframes.

Competitive pricing: Compared to many other countries, hair transplant operations in Istanbul are typically more affordable. The reduced price is not a sign of lowered quality; rather, it results from fewer overhead expenses and the citys competitive hair transplant market.

Istanbul is a significant international hub with good connectivity, making it easily accessible and practical. For patients from other countries, who can take advantage of direct flights from various areas, it is conveniently accessible. In order to make the experience for patients as convenient as possible, the city also provides a wide selection of lodging choices and services.

Researching clinics and surgeons in Istanbul before undergoing a hair transplant is crucial. View before-and-after pictures, read patient testimonials, and assess the surgeons credentials and experience. Make appointments with many clinics to discuss ones unique condition, expectations, and goals.

During the consultation, patients can evaluate the surgeons strategy, learn about the recommended course of action, and ask any questions they may have. This will assist in choosing a trustworthy facility and qualified surgeon who can produce the desired outcomes for the hair transplant treatment in Istanbul and help them make an informed selection.

Hair loss can occur due to generic factors or testosterone, which is common in men and women. The list below highlights the top 12 best hair transplants in Turkey.


For maximum customer satisfaction and a graft guarantee, NimClinic is an ideal choice. As a global and reliable brand, it boasts experienced healthcare staff and surgeons who provide top-notch services. NimClinic utilises the latest cosmetic surgery and hair transplant technologies while treating patients from all over the world. The price range for hair transplants in Turkey varies from 1,600 to 3,500.

Doku Medical

Offering various treatments, including laser treatment, hair transplantation, filler applications, and breast aesthetics, Doku Medical is a comprehensive medical centre. The clinics world-class staff employs state-of-the-art hair transplantation methods, ensuring healthy hair. Hair transplantation services include beard, eyebrow, and hair transplants, with prices ranging from $2,000 to $3,000.


As the first European clinic to provide stem cell treatment, CapilClinic utilises the latest hair transplant technologies. The medical staff has over ten years of experience in the field, and the clinic offers a lifetime warranty worth 2,190.

Dr Muttalip Keser Clinic

For those seeking to restore their hair, Dr Keser uses special techniques to perform world-class hair transplants for each client. As hair transplants are not simple procedures, a professional surgeon is required to conduct the entire process. The hair transplant prices for an operation by Dr Keser start at 8,750 for 2,500 grafts.

HLC Clinic

HLC Clinic in Turkey provides clients with top-quality hair transplants to enhance their aesthetic appeal and natural health. The procedure utilises modern hair transplant techniques, ensuring safety and excellent results. Hair transplant costs depend on the location and typically range between 2.7 to 3 per graft.

Asmed Clinic

As one of only 30 clinics worldwide accepted by all three organisations the Hair Transplant Mentor, the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons, and the American Hair Loss Association Asmed Clinic is a prestigious establishment. The cost for a transplant at this clinic is approximately 3 per graft.

Turkey Ana Clinic

Professionals at Turkey Ana Clinic strive to achieve optimal naturalness in each clients appearance. Additionally, clients receive free medical consultations with top surgeons. The price for a hair transplant at this clinic ranges from $1,100 to $2,200.

HairPol Clinic

As one of the best hair transplant and treatment centres in Turkey, HairPol Clinic offers services such as eyebrow, beard, and hair transplants. The transplant prices vary between $3,500 and $5,000.

Acbadem Hospital

As Turkeys leading multi-specialty hospital group, Acbadem Hospital provides world-class medical services to its clients. With a team of around 7,500 professionals, clients receive top-notch expertise. The price for a hair transplant at this hospital can range between $400 and $20,000.

Medart Hair Clinic

The average cost for hair transplant procedures at Medart Hair Clinic is about 3,000. Their hair transplant services include FUE hair transplant, DHI hair transplant, and sapphire FUE hair transplant.

Smile Hair Clinic

Smile Hair Clinic offers the best and high-grade standards for hair transplant operations. The average price ranges between 2,000 and 16,000.

Hair of Istanbul

Hair of Istanbul provides its services worldwide, creating a comfortable environment for each client, complete with a chill zone to relax. The prices for hair transplant services range between $3,000 and $7,000.

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Top 12 best hair transplants in Turkey and the cost list - The Upcoming

Geothermal Everywhere: Finding the Energy to Save the World – WIRED

because of the promising conditions in Starr and Hidalgo Counties, Jamie had been helping a handful of people there. The Sage team, of course. The public utility manager for the city of McAllen, who desperately wants to build a geothermal plant for his city. Shed been talking to Dario Guerra, a local water engineer who had been preaching the gospel of geothermal for years. One person she hadnt met, though, was James McAllen.

So, late in the afternoon, Jamie and I headed about an hour northwest from the city of McAllen to the 50,000-acre San Juanito Ranch, widely known as McAllen Ranch. We were buzzed through an inconspicuous gate, and Jamesthin, tall, with an ivory cowboy hat on his headstrode up to meet us, a big smile on his face. We made our way to the ranch headquarters: the Rock House, a low-slung stone building thats more than a century old. Yep. James great-great-grandfather gave the town its name. The ranch has worked cattle and horses since before Texas was a state. But, he explained, theres no more profit in cattle.

The McAllen family ranch includes a cattle farm and a hunting lodge. But James McAllens central focus is the stewardship of the place for his heirs, so now he wants to build a geothermal plant there.

My job is to see how we can get this ranch down the road for the next 100 years, he said. And we arent going to do that with livestock. Instead the family looks to every single resource, from the sun to the wind to the grass to the dirt to the gravel. About five years ago, James and a partner installed an array of solar panels. The ranch happens to share a property line with an energy substation, and they now sell power back to the electric company. He was planning to build four more solar arrays.

But one of his nephews, who was studying at UT Austin, had recently called him up. Hey, you know, Uncle Jim, the kid said, I just had a class about geothermal. And McAllen Ranch was all over it. Turns out, in the late 70s, when the government was looking for places to test out geothermal, they had approached James dad to see whether he wanted to work with them on a demonstration plant. It was kind of science fiction technology, James explained. So, no.

After his nephews call, James got to thinking. He talked to the utility company he sells solar to; they were excited by the prospect of buying geothermal energy, because its a baseloadalways availablesource. So he called his friend Dario Guerra (the very same), and Dario told James about the Sage crew and their work nearby. Pretty soon, Cindy and Lev and Lance showed up for dinner with bottles of tequila. Within a few weeks, James signed a joint-venture agreement with the team: Hed work on raising the $27 million or so theyd need, and Sage would begin planning for wells on the ranch.

Jamie had been sitting a bit quiet, for her, on the far side of the table as James told us this whole story. But during a pause, she busted in with enthusiasm. Wait. Is your nephew in petroleum engineering? she asked. That class exists because of GEO! she exclaimedGEO being the program she had started at the university. Ifeel like Im in a simulation, she said. The kids professor was the first instructor Jamie had recruited to UT.

Jamie is, of course, just one of a group of evangelists, people who dont have clear job titles like CEO or director, but whowhile they canare on relentless missions to try to make something better, something livable happen.

On our last morning in Texas, I found Jamie in the dining room of the hotel, some cereal and yogurt on the table in front of her. She was watching a video of her boy. Tears on her cheeks. She handed me her phone so I could see Sage. He was at a table eating breakfast. Hes a gorgeous child: wide smile, fabulous curly dark hair. He communicates via sweet grunts and laughs. She missed him. But she was also crying because she was exhausted and overwhelmed. Thats because after seeing how far Sage Geosystems had come, and meeting James McAllen, it was sinking in that after all the hours and days and minutes shed spent pushing this project along, the quest for geothermal had taken on a life of its own.

When I got home from the Texas trip, my husband and I had to face new test results, and horrible conversations with our doctors. Then he had the first of two major surgeries. In the moments between ER visits and desperate phone calls, I filled up as much space in my mind as I could to keep my thoughts off of the inconceivable. But as the scaffolding of the life we had built began to shudder, facing the simple requirements of getting through a day became hard. Then harder still.

The rest is here:
Geothermal Everywhere: Finding the Energy to Save the World - WIRED

World Thalassaemia Day 2023 Date, Theme and Significance: Everything To Know About the Global Health – LatestLY

World Thalassaemia Day 2023 (File Image)

World Thalassaemia Day is an annual observance that is marked every year on May 8. The day raises awareness about Thalassaemia, an inherited blood disorder. World Thalassaemia Day also educates people about the myths related to the disease, and the social stigma attached to it and helps the patients suffering from thalassaemia to lead a normal life. The day also recognizes the efforts of doctors and medical professionals in helping patients to provide improved quality of life. In 1994, Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) announced that May 8 would be marked as International Thalassemia Day every year. Panos Englezos, the president and the founder of TIF, established this day in memory of his son George and the other thalassemia patients who fought this disease.Bladder Cancer Awareness Month 2023 Date, Theme & Significance.

What is Thalassaemia?

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder characterized by less oxygen-carrying protein (haemoglobin) and fewer red blood cells in the body than normal. The symptoms include weakness, fatigue, paleness, and slow growth. While mild forms may not need treatment, severe forms may require blood transfusions or a donor stem-cell transplant.

World Thalassaemia Day 2023 Date and Theme

World Thalassaemia Day 2023 will be celebrated on Monday, May 8. This year's theme is, "Be Aware. Share. Care."

World Thalassaemia Day Significance

World Thalassaemia Day is a perfect opportunity to educate people about the disease and the myths around it. It is a genetic blood disorder that causes the body's haemoglobin level to be lower than normal. It is a genetic blood disorder that gets transferred from parents to their children. World Thalassaemia Day calls for collective action by communities across the world to spread awareness about the disorder and its effects on patients. The day educates people about the importance of consulting a doctor before marriage if a person suffers from thalassemia so that they do not face problems later in their lives.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 06, 2023 11:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Originally posted here:
World Thalassaemia Day 2023 Date, Theme and Significance: Everything To Know About the Global Health - LatestLY

McCandless family to host bone marrow registration drive for 8-month-old daughter – CBS News

MCCANDLESS, Pa. (KDKA) A McCandless family is boosting efforts to find a bone marrow donor for their 8-month-old daughter.

They're holding a registration drive in Ross Township this weekend in hopes someone may have the stem cells that can save their baby's life.

When you hear Clementine Blackham giggle and see her precious face, you would think she's like any other baby.

"You'd look at her and think that I was lying. I look at her and think that I'm lying," her mother, Tanner, said.

Clementine is battling an extremely rare gene mutation, called the TLR8 gene, recently discovered in 2021.

"It's your worst nightmare," Tanner said.

Tanner and her husband, Tim, said the mutation will cause their daughter to go into bone marrow failure because her body doesn't produce red blood cells.

Clementine is the only female and one of only nine other children to be diagnosed. She's also one of two children to have it in every cell of their body.

"Unfortunately, over half of those children have passed away since the diagnosis or before diagnosis," Tanner said.

Right now, Clementine gets blood transfusions to keep her alive, but they can only do so much. Her only hope is a bone marrow transplant. It's not a cure, but her best chance at surviving.

"Our doctors tell us that this is uncharted territory and they are going into it with the best knowledge that they have, but they only know as much as they know," Tanner said.

The family is holding a donor registration Sunday at The Block Northway in Ross Township, with the help of the non-profit organization DKMS, where you can get swabbed for the gene. There will also be vendors, live music, fire trucks, face painting and Disney princesses.

"Could you be Clementine's perfect match? Yes. But could you be the 1000s of other kids that need a bone marrow transplant? Yes," Tanner said.

No matter what happens, they're doing all they can for their daughter and other families fighting the same battle.

"We will not stop until she has her match," Tanner said.

If you want to go to the drive, it's happening at The Block Northway outside the area by DSW and Lands' End and inside the lobby between the two stores. The event is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

Anyone who is in good health between the ages of 18 to 55 is eligible.

They'll also be raising money for medical and living expenses for when Clementine hopefully has that transplant. They would have to relocate to St. Louis, Missouri, for six months to a year while their 3-year-old daughter remains in McCandless with family.

If you can't make it to the drive, you can also register here.

Here is the original post:
McCandless family to host bone marrow registration drive for 8-month-old daughter - CBS News

Cellulite Will Never Totally Go Away, But There Are Some Ways To … – Glam

Most experts agree that dry brushing can't make cellulite disappear, so why are we mentioning it here? Because the skin benefits that accompany dry brushing can actually make your cellulite a little less obvious and give you glowing skin that can provide you with a little confidence boost.

Dry brushing, which can be a beauty routine game-changer,consists of using a natural bristle brush on dry skin. You move the brush in circular motions, almost like a gentle massage. As an added bonus, the bristles also exfoliate your skin. The result? A glowing complexion. Dry brushing can increase blood circulation in targeted areas and can plump the skin, which can make cellulite appear slightly less obvious, albeit only for a short while. So, if you're headed out the door with your friends to a pool party, dry brushing could help your skin to appear smoother while you're out and about, but the next day, the cellulite will be back, and, quite frankly, that's okay.

Many tout dry brushing as an excellent way to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, and, while there isn't any scientific evidence to support these claims, you can definitely give it a whirl and see how it works for you. Plus, you'll be left with soft, exfoliated skin. Dry brushing is also a great tool for treating keratosis pilaris and keeping ingrown hairs at bay, so you'll reap some sweet benefits either way.

Continued here:
Cellulite Will Never Totally Go Away, But There Are Some Ways To ... - Glam