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Girl, 17, ‘didn’t feel real’ after discovering cause of lump she’d ignored – The Mirror

Grace Callaghan, 17, from Glasgow, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma two weeks after her 16th birthday in May 2021 and is preparing to undergo her second round of chemotherapy

A schoolgirl diagnosed with a rare form of cancer after finding a lump on her stomach has vowed to not stop living life to the full.

Grace Callaghan, 17, from Glasgow, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma two weeks after her 16th birthday in May 2021 and is preparing to undergo her second round of chemotherapy.

The teenager first noticed a growth on her abdomen back in December 2020, but initially ignored it. However, after Grace began experiencing pain in her chest and ribs, she knew she had to get it checked out, Daily Record reports.

After being referred to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, the teen was devastated to learn the growth was actually a tumour. Grace started a gruelling course of treatments which have included chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant and two operations.

This February, the teen was dealt a further blow when new scans showed that despite the intensive treatment, the tumour had grown again.

Grace is now undergoing another round of chemotherapy but says doctors won't know if the treatment has been successful until next month.

But Grace has refused to let her health battle stop her from enjoying life - including going to see her beloved Celtic.

Grace, from Glasgow, told the Record: "Before I was diagnosed I was really active - I liked going to the gym and I was on the school netball team. I was always out with my friends and never really in the house.

"When I found out I had cancer, it was crazy. I didn't know what to do with myself, it didn't feel real.

"I was still doing loads of things while going through treatment - I would go out to football games and concerts.

"I just thought, 'you never know what's going to happen tomorrow', so I refused to breakdown and let it stop me."

Grace has suffered some complications during her treatment, including her bowel becoming blocked after folding over during a 12-hour operation to remove the tumour in March 2022, resulting in her having to undergo further operations.

Immunotherapy also had to be paused after Grace began suffering from seizures in December last year.

Now Grace says all she can do is wait to find out if this round of treatment has been successful. If not, she will have to seek further treatment at a specialist hospital in England or consider joining a clinical trial.

Despite constantly being in and out of hospital, hard working Grace has managed to keep up with her schoolwork and is currently sitting her Higher exams - with her health battle inspiring her future career prospects.

She added: "After school, my goal is to become a nurse. It's something I've always wanted to do. It would be really nice to give back.

"The whole situation has been hard, but I've just taken it all in my stride because there's nothing else you can do at the end of the day. I try to stay positive and just get through it."

Girl, 17, 'didn't feel real' after discovering cause of lump she'd ignored - The Mirror

‘Knocked down again’: Influencer talks finding tumour after son’s cancer diagnosis – Yahoo Canada Shine On

Sarah DeMelo and her husband Brad Kearns are seen with their son Benjamin who was diagnosed with cancer last year. (Submitted by Sarah DeMelo)

A Canadian mother and influencer says she never thought she'd be dealing with something as awful as cancer. But in the past year, her family has been hit with "bad luck" twice.

Sarah DeMelo is waiting on a diagnosis for what doctors are "fairly certain" is cancer, eight months after her son Benjamin was diagnosed with leukemia.

"I've been hearing lately that we're 'so strong' but you have no choice," DeMelo said. "When you're handed this, you really have no choice but to be strong for your kids."

DeMelo, who lives in Oakville, Ont. with her husband Brad and their two toddlers, said her oldest son Benjamin had been sick towards the end of last summer. For two weeks up until Benjamins diagnosis in mid-August, the family had been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals.

"Everyone was kind of dismissing me," the 35-year-old mom said. "I knew something was wrong with him, but I never in a million years thought that this is what it was."

Benjamin was just two weeks away from his third birthday when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

Benjamin was just two years old when he was diagnosed. (Submitted by Sarah DeMelo)

ALL is a type of cancer that begins in the stem cells of blood. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, in leukemia there is an overproduction of immature blood cells called blast cells that develop abnormally. Those cells then over time crowd out the normal blood cells so they cant do their jobs.

The Canadian Cancer Society said ALL is the most common type of leukemia diagnosed in young children, and it occurs more often in boys.

Benjamin was diagnosed with B-cell ALL, a favourable classification of ALL.

DeMelo said she remembers that moment distinctly. His diagnosis was confirmed at around 1 a.m. on Aug.12, 2022.

"I remember sitting there in the dark feeling so alone, not being able to talk to anyone because everyone was asleep, thinking how am I going to tell my mom about this?,'" she recalled.

Story continues

"My husband was there with me, he was sleeping beside Benjamin and I just had this awful feeling. I didn't know what the future would hold."

Married couple Brad Kearns and Sarah DeMelo are seen with their two sons. (Submitted by Sarah DeMelo)

Her younger son Elliot had his first birthday just two days prior, which the family didnt get to celebrate.

On the morning of Aug. 12, a Friday, DeMelo had to break the news to her mom.

"I had to step out of the room to call her, and I couldn't get the words out.

"I remember just breaking down in the hallway outside of Benjamin's hospital room and the nurses rushing over and pulling me into a private room."

DeMelo said she still gets emotional every time she walks through that hallway.

Benjamin began treatment the following Monday.

DeMelo said they were told the first four weeks of treatment were "really important" because on the 29th day, the doctors would do a test to determine whether he still had cancer in his bone marrow.

"The first month was awful and he had to be on these certain drugs," the mom said.

"It felt like my Benjamin was gone Like he was replaced with this crazy, emotional (kid) and just eating constantly."

Later in his treatment, he lost what DeMelo said was his "long, beautiful blond wavy hair," and developed a "moon face" from his medication.

"He just went through such a big physical change that it was really hard for me specifically to see him like that."

DeMelo said her three-year-old son Benjamin went through a huge physical change while in chemo. (Submitted by Sarah DeMelo)

On that 29th day, DeMelo said, her son got "the best news possible" and went into remission.

Because of the favourable outcome, Benjamin was able to join a study through which he will only have to do a year and a half of maintenance shorter than the norm for boys.

Last month, he ended his frontline treatment, an intense treatment, and was on a three-week chemo break. "He's full of energy and an appetite," DeMelo said. "We've really enjoyed this last little break."

His next treatment phase began on Monday, a day the parents were dreading.

DeMelo said her son understands a lot for his age.

She said he understood early on there was something wrong and that he had to go see doctors and take medicine to get better.

"I don't think he still understands the severity of his condition," the mom added.

"I don't know if he thinks it's rare because when you go to SickKids... he sees other kids his age that have no hair, and they're getting chemo. So to him, it kind of feels normal."

For DeMelo and her husband though, it hasn't been easy.

"Its just hard as a parent to see your little boy, who's usually so full of energy and so happy, just so tired and not like not himself."

In addition to her son's difficult diagnoses, DeMelo had a health scare herself.

She is still waiting on an official diagnosis, but her oncology ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist is fairly certain" its cancer.

DeMelo first felt something under her chin around July 2022, but as her son became sick she brushed it off."

In September she had an appointment for it and did an ultrasound, than a CT scan later in the fall. Doctors said her lymph nodes could just be swollen, but ordered an MRI just to be safe."

DeMelo had an "awful" hour-and-a-half-long MRI on the afternoon of Jan. 26 and was told results could take ten days. But early next morning, she got a call from her family doctor that a tumour was found in her salivary gland.

"I was scared. I was worried," she said.

That weekend, she received her MRI report to her email address.

"Needless to say, I will never open up another medical document again for myself," DeMelo said.

"I opened up the report and... the words 'highly concerning' were everywhere," she remembered.

"That was probably the worst night. I went down a really dark hole things like, 'am I going to be around for my kids?'"

The Canadian Cancer Society says salivary gland cancers are very rare. When a cancerous tumour does develop in the salivary glands, it can grow into nearby tissue and destroy it; it can also spread to other parts of the body.

DeMelo said hers was in the sublingual gland, an even rarer spot.

"I was really angry and I didn't understand why this was happening. My son had just finished the most intense part of treatment and we had felt like we just finished the hardest part and then we just got knocked down again."

DeMelo was then referred to an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) for a biopsy.

"She really reassured me and said 'we'll just do a surgery and maybe a little radiation and everything should be fine.' So we did a biopsy it came back inconclusive with malignant potential."

Another biopsy with an oncology ENT also came back inconclusive, she said, and an invasive surgery was needed.

DeMelo had two glands and some lymph nodes removed from her neck. (Submitted by Sarah DeMelo)

Three weeks ago, DeMelo underwent the surgery, a neck dissection, to remove her sublingual and submandibular glands, as well as lymph nodes, on the left side. She is now healing as she waits for the pathology. Her doctors are fairly certain the tumour was cancerous.

"I always try to remain hopeful and positive, but of course, I'm scared theres still so much unknown," she said.

At least knowing the tumour is gone from her body brings some relief, she added.

DeMelo said she feels "very fortunate" for her support system.

DeMelo said her husband has been hands-on throughout the whole process. (Submitted by Sarah DeMelo)

"The reason I am able to be so strong during these times is because I have an amazing supportive partner who has been so involved in it all," she said of her husband Brad.

"He has been my rock."

Her family and friends have also helped out immensely.

I have the best parents and in-laws that I can ask for. They have been so supportive, helping out around the house and taking care of the children."

DeMelo said shes also grateful for the community she built online through her work as an influencer.

That community "has been extremely supportive as well for both Benjamin and myself; sending books for Benjamin, or even gift cards," she said.

Sharing her familys health journey online has been like keeping a diary for DeMelo. But thats not the only reason shes been sharing.

"I want to champion for childhood cancer. I want to show that it's not as rare as people think it is," the mom said.

"I want people to know what childhood cancer looks like, how it affects the family, and raise awareness for it."

DeMelo also said she wants to empower parents to advocate for their childrens health and their own.

Trust your gut and your instincts if things don't feel right," she encouraged. "If I didnt trust my mama instincts with Benjamin, he could have been in a different position at diagnosis."

In the meantime, DeMelo and her family are hopeful for the future.

"We're going to get through this, and the only way out is through," she said.

"As much as cancer sucks and I hate it, and it's taken away a lot of joy and experiences from our family, I think there could be a lot of beauty in it as well; it really teaches you to enjoy every day, every normal moment."

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'Knocked down again': Influencer talks finding tumour after son's cancer diagnosis - Yahoo Canada Shine On

Detained Academic At Risk of Death in Egypt, Rights Groups Call for … – Democracy for the Arab World Now

Salah Soltan, the arbitrarily detained father of a prominent US human rights defender, should be released to get life-saving health care, DAWN and 50 other human rights organizations said in a letter today. The US should urge Egypt to release him immediately.

The full text of the letter can be read below.

(Beirut, May 3, 2023) The Egyptian authorities should immediately release Salah Soltan, the arbitrarily detained father of a prominent US human rights defender, 51 human rights organizations said today. The authorities should ensure his immediate and urgent access to life-saving health care, and conduct effective and transparent investigations into reports that he has been tortured and otherwise ill-treated.

Soltan, 63, said in a letter leaked on March 20, 2023 that the authorities in Badr 1 prison, east of Cairo, have deprived him of adequate healthcare even though he suffers from life-threatening heart and liver diseases among other complex medical conditions. The deliberate denial of healthcare may amount to torture. Independent doctors said in letters addressing the Biden administration, which the family shared with rights groups, that they fear Soltan is at "increased risk of sudden death" a decade after his initial arbitrary arrest and subsequent unfair conviction on politicized charges.

"On top of railroading him in an unfair trial, Egyptian authorities are deliberately abusing Salah Soltan's rights by failing to provide him with health care." said Adam Coogle, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "The authorities should at minimum transfer him to a qualified medical facility where independent health professionals can treat him without hindrance."

Before moving to the United States, Soltan was a professor of Islamic Law at Cairo University. He later founded and served as the president of the Islamic American University in Dearborn, Michigan from 1999 to 2004. As a legal US permanent resident, Soltan lived and worked in the USA for over a decade before his arrest in Egypt in September 2013 for opposing the military's ousting of elected president Mohamed Morsi. A court sentenced Soltan to life in prison in September 2017 in a mass trial marred by extensive due process and fair trial violations. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined in 2018 that his arrest was arbitrary, as the authorities failed to provide credible evidence of wrongdoing, and that his prosecution violated the right to political participation and freedoms of peaceful assembly and expression.

In recent years, Soltan's family said, the authorities have not provided him sufficient healthcare for chronic and new conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, hepatitis C, and a spinal disc condition, among others. The authorities have held him incommunicado several times, sometimes for months, during which the family knew nothing about his health or whereabouts.

The Freedom Initiative, a DC-based human rights organization, has documented that the authorities in Badr 1 prison intentionally denied Soltan healthcare during two incidents in which he lost consciousness and had other serious symptoms. On December 18, 2022, Soltan said during a family visit that he had suffered from extreme chest pain the previous week and had called for help multiple times, before losing consciousness.

Other prisoners heard his screams and called for help. Eight hours later, prison officials came to his cell and, again, refused to take him to a doctor despite him clearly needing medical attention, intentionally denying him healthcare, sources told Freedom Initiative. Soltan, the sources said, continued to report that he was having increasing chest pains, numbness in his extremities, and limited mobility in his fingers.

Several sources, including former detainees, said that Soltan collapsed in his cell and was immobile on another occasion, during the first half of January 2023. Other inmates were screaming for help for approximately seven hours, all to no avail. The Badr 1 prison authorities ultimately came to him in his cell, and denied him health care, refusing to move him to a prison hospital or provide him with medications.

In addition to denying him access to timely healthcare, including medical examinations, prison authorities have complete discretion over provision of his vital medications and medical devices. Soltan has reported being denied medications entirely or given pills inconsistently.

In April 2022 and January 2023, 20 US-based medical professionals and specialists sent private letters to the Biden administration and shared them with rights groups and Egyptian officials detailing Soltan's medical condition and the risks posed to his life by the continued denial of healthcare. In the letter, doctors assessed Soltan's condition based on his US medical history and documents and the scant information available during his detention.

Doctors said that Soltan is most likely suffering from coronary heart disease, poorly controlled hypertension, and kidney stones, and that his diabetes lacks "objective assessment of glycemic control." They said that Soltan is "at imminent risk of developing significant complications, including cardiac events (heart attacks, strokes, heart failure;, liver fibrosis/cirrhosis; irreversible neurological damage; and increased risk of sudden death)."

Soltan's deteriorating health condition and the continued denial of healthcare by prison authorities is particularly concerning given reports that at least five prisoners have died in custody in Badr prison complex since June 2022 when the authorities began transferring prisoners there where authorities have held Soltan in a solitary cell since September 2022. Local Egyptian media recently reported that several inmates have attempted suicide in Badr prison complex based on leaked letters by prisoners about inhumane detention conditions.

A March 20 statement by more than 30 human rights organizations shed light on serious allegations of denial of healthcare and other abusive conditions of detention at Badr prison complex. The abuses include 24/7 surveillance of cells with CCTV cameras, exposure to florescent lighting around the clock, and chaining prisoners to the walls of their cells without food and water for days at a time.

The co-signing organizations believe that the authorities' abuse of Soltan appears to be in retaliation for the human rights work of his son, Mohamed Soltan, who lives in the USA. The authorities' retaliation has included detention of other family members, and direct threats and harassment in the US.

The Egyptian authorities have recently embarked on a public relations campaign, asserting that prison conditions in Egypt have improved, while deliberately leaving inmates with serious medical issues to suffer in prison, in some cases leading to death. In November 2019, following the unexpected death of former President Mohamed Morsi in abusive detention, United Nations experts wrote that due to Egypt's detention conditions, "thousands more detainees across Egypt may be suffering gross violations of their human rights, many of whom may be at high risk of death."

In recent years the Egyptian government has deployed lobbyists to cite decades old problematic remarks by Salah Soltan to dissuade policymakers from advocating for his release, but his detention and trial in Egypt are unrelated to these remarks and solely based on his peaceful political affiliation.

In recent years, the US Congress has routinely listed Salah Soltan, along with other prisoners, in the Explanatory Statements of its annual appropriations bills as a case for the secretary of state to "consider" in determining whether to certify that the Egyptian government has met specific human rights benchmarks. The statements also urged "that humane treatment and fair trials be afforded to [those specific names listed] and other prisoners in Egypt." Additionally, on the campaign trail, then-candidate Joe Biden condemned Egypt's exile of Mohamed Soltan and the threats to his family as "unacceptable."

The right to life is non-derogablethat is, a right that cannot be suspended under any circumstances, including in times of emergencies or war and inherent to everyone, including those in custody. The Human Rights Committee, which interprets the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, has said that the right to life "should not be interpreted narrowly".

It also said that the deprivation of life involves "intentional or otherwise foreseeable and preventable life-terminating harm or injury, caused by an act or omission." The obligations of states to protect lives "extends to reasonably foreseeable threats and life-threatening situations that can result in loss of life." In this context, the organizations said, if Soltan dies in prison due to the systemic denial of health care and sustained ill-treatment, the authorities would be directly responsible for the arbitrary deprivation of his right to life. According to the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions, "violations of the right to life stem not only from an intentional act of deprivation of life (murder) by the State, but also from State's negligence in providing basic conditions and services that guarantee life, such as access to food, water, health services and housing."

The USA should urge Egypt to release Salah Soltan immediately, and to seek urgent treatment for his health conditions.

"The Biden administration has prioritized efforts to bring home Americans who have been wrongfully detained abroad, and it is long past time for Salah Soltan to be reunited with his family in the USA" said Allison McManus, the Freedom Initiative's Managing Director. "As long as Soltan remains behind bars, his American family cannot feel truly safe and secure. The USA should not only stand up for Soltan's rights, but it should also protect the rights of his family."


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Detained Academic At Risk of Death in Egypt, Rights Groups Call for ... - Democracy for the Arab World Now

LifeSouth Stem Cells Headed to Space – Free Press of Jacksonville – Jacksonville Free Press

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. April 26, 2023 LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, headquartered in Gainesville, Fla., was selected to provide CD-34 cells (stem cells) to Dr. Abba Zubair of Mayo Clinic in Florida for his research study aboard the International Space Station. This is a collaborative research study that includes BioServe Space Technologies, University of Colorado Boulder and ClinImmune, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver and Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Zubair and others are studying how these stem cells will divide or expand in space versus how the same cells expand on Earth with the ultimate goal that these cells could be used for cancer treatment.

It is an honor for LifeSouth to be selected by Dr. Zubair to provide stem cells for this important research, said LifeSouth President and CEO, Kimberly Kinsell. By partnering with medical researchers like Dr. Zubair, with their incredibly important work, we are helping to advance lifesaving medical research. This aligns with LifeSouths core mission of saving lives.

A Northrup Grumman Cygnus spacecraft is scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space Center in May 2023 and will carry the cryogenically preserved cells provided by LifeSouth to the International Space Station. Crew members on board will thaw the cells and seed them into specialized hardware to allow them to expand.

Products being used for this study are produced by LifeSouth from umbilical cord blood collected by the LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank that are not eligible for transfusion. Mothers can donate their newborns umbilical cord blood for transplant at hospitals partnering with LifeSouth locally at UF Health and Baptist Medical Center South. The cord blood collected is banked and listed on the Be the Match Registry, making it available for patients needing a stem cell transplant. If the cord blood is not viable for transplant, it can be used for medical research aimed at curing cancers, diseases and genetic disorders.

Luis Hernandez, Director of Cellular Therapies for LifeSouth, emphasizes the importance of cord blood donation to help patients and research programs advancing modern medicine. Our hospital partners and the families that donate their umbilical cord to LifeSouths public cord blood bank provide lifesaving opportunities to patients now and those who will benefit from future scientific breakthroughs.

To learn more about LifeSouth Community Blood Centers and the LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank visit


About LifeSouth:

LifeSouth is a non-profit community blood bank serving more than 125 hospitals in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. LifeSouth is committed to meeting the blood supply needs of hospitals and their patients by providing the highest quality blood components and services. The LifeSouth team is dedicated to making sure the blood is there when a patient is in need. To learn more, visit

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LifeSouth Stem Cells Headed to Space - Free Press of Jacksonville - Jacksonville Free Press

Driving the CAR: The Road Ahead for Cell Therapy – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Programming human cells to perform desired therapeutic functions is the basis for the growing field of cell therapy. One key example is chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell immunotherapy, in which patient-derived T cells are genetically modified to express artificial antigen-targeting receptors to allow redirection to attack tumors. While cell therapies have shown clinical promise, the field has navigated challenges relating to safety, barriers to activity due to tumor heterogeneity, immune cell exhaustion, and the immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. In addition, the complex manufacturing of CAR-Ts and other cell-based therapies translates to high costs and places constraints on scale and accessibility.

In this interview (conducted by senior editor Fay Lin), we asked Geulah Livshits, Senior Research Analyst at Chardan, to assess the advances and challenges facing the cell therapy field. Livshits discusses how the field has progressed with advances in tumor-immune interactions, cell engineering technologies, as well as improvements in cell manufacturing and the logistics of cell therapy administration in the clinic.

(This interview has been edited for length and clarity.)

How would you describe the current state of CAR-T therapies? What are the challenges?

Livshits: Its been more than five years since the first approval of CAR-Ts targeting CD19 for B-cell leukemia and lymphoma. The field has learned a lot since then, both with respect to science and what it takes to make cell therapies work in the commercial setting. While these initial agents were approved in patients who had progressed in standard of care therapies (third-line or later), weve also seen some CAR-Ts outperform standard-of-care chemotherapy in second-line lymphoma over the past year and gain approval in additional lymphoma subsets. This has allowed these advanced therapies to be used in earlier line settings, as well as in larger numbers of patients.

Beyond CD19, there has been a lot of success with CAR-Ts for multiple myeloma, targeting B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA), where some agents have shown response rates of up to 95% and thus far have impressive durability. This has led to interest in developing engineered cell therapies for solid tumors, which account for close to 90% of cancer deaths in the United States.

CAR-T manufacturing is complex as they are living drugs. It involves cell collection, genetic engineering within appropriate specifications such as viability, and then infusion back into the patient. Approved CAR-Ts are autologous, meaning that theyre manufactured individually for each patient. As a result, you cant scale up by making a bigger batch of cells. You have to scale out by making more batches at once and have the equipment to run those batches as patients need them. Theres a lot of logistics involved in ensuring that cancer patients who are eligible to receive CAR-Ts can actually get them manufactured and delivered in a timeframe during which they can still benefit.

CAR-Ts are also not the only modalities that are being developed for their indications. For example, bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) and to some extent, antibody-drug conjugates are also being developed for similar targets. Those are off-the-shelf biologics. Data on cell therapies are being analyzed in the context of durability of response, safety, and convenience relative to what is also emerging on some of these other agents.

In principle, cell therapies can be engineered to have additional functionalities beyond the currently approved CAR-Ts. Some areas of active innovation include a few overlapping buckets. These strategies include expanding the use of cell therapies to solid tumors, enhancing the safety elements of cell therapy so that they could be used in earlier lines and in community and outpatient treatment settings, and addressing some of those logistical challenges that are associated with current cell therapies. Different groups are focusing on the identification of optimal targets and additional cargos that could be incorporated to drive activity, such as different cell sources and cell types that have distinct activity, safety profiles, and manufacturability.

How are currently approved CAR-Ts developed and administered to patients?

The current approved CAR-Ts, such as Kymriah, Yescarta, Abecma, Carvykti, etc. are patient specific. The process involves harvesting immune cells from the patient by apheresis, genetically modifying them with the vector to get the construct, and then expanding them over several days. While doses vary by product, several of them are above 1 million cells per kilogram. The engineered cells are typically frozen down, shipped to the patients hospital, and infused into the patient. The turnaround time is often around three weeks, sometimes more.

Once the cells are infused, they rapidly expand and reach peak levels within two weeks of infusion and then decline. The long-term persistence and kinetics are often variable between products, patients, and indications, but CAR-Ts can persist at detectable levels for months to years due to the long lifespan of T cells.

To promote the expansion and activity of CAR-Ts, patients typically undergo lymphodepletion conditioning, typically with chemo drugs, such as fludarabine and cyclophosphamide. This transiently depletes a patients own lymphocytes and removes the sinks for cytokines to allow them to be available to support CAR-T expansion. Those expanded CAR-Ts then circulate around the body and kill cells with their respective targets, such as CD19, BCMA, and others. That includes both cancer cells as well as normal B cells.

How effective are these CAR-T therapies?

Responses tend to be pretty high for CD19 cancers and multiple myeloma. Many of these patients achieve a complete response or partial clearance within four weeks. In many cases, 40% of lymphoma patients and high numbers of multiple myeloma patients can remain responsive up to two years post-treatment. However, the durability numbers vary.

While thats encouraging, theres still room for improvement, particularly in the third-line setting. The activity has been quite encouraging in these cancer types but the answer is [to be determined] in other indications as we start to look beyond the lowest hanging fruits. Durability, toxicity, and safety are other relevant metrics that people use to evaluate these therapies.

Speaking of toxicity, are there any toxicities associated with these CAR-T therapies?

Years of clinical experience have shown some clear patterns on that front. CAR-Ts have been associated with certain toxicities including cytokine release syndrome, macrophage activation syndrome, immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS), as well as infections. The infections are often related to the lymphodepletion component because youre eliminating a persons immune cells, but other components arise from different elements of the CAR-T expansion.

Clinicians who have been administrating these therapies over the past several years have been increasingly adept at navigating the safety issues and treating cytokine release syndrome by using tocilizumab, an IL6 antibody. ICANS has been managed using corticosteroids. The field is seeing increasing assessment of CAR-T administration in outpatient settings. It is also important to keep in mind that all of this is learned from blood cancers. The situation could be different in solid tumors, where cell therapy strategies have also been in the clinic for quite a while.

What is the history behind cell therapy in oncology?

Years before CAR-Ts were [developed], there was work from Steve Rosenbergs group back in the 1980s and 1990s at the National Cancer Institute that showed immune cells could be harnessed to mediate rejection of a tumor. Much of that work focused on tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). TILs could be isolated from a patients tumor and then grown up in culture to doses of billions of cells and then infused back into that patient. That approach led to durable regressions of late-stage solid tumors. The idea behind TILs is that T cells that are found within a tumor might be likely to be enriched for T cells that are reactive to that tumor. Expanding and reinvigorating those cells outside the body can help them mount a more successful attack against that tumor.

Historically in those studies, TILs werent engineered and there was much less understanding about how that worked. Now we know that T cells, via their T-cell receptors (TCRs), can recognize tumor cells and kill them, particularly when theyre expressing proteins that are derived from mutations. That approach has been quite heavily studied, particularly in cancers that have a high number of mutations like melanoma. Companies that are operating in that space, such as Achilles Therapeutics, Instil Bio, Iovance Biotherapeutics, KSQ Therapeutics, and Lyell Immunopharma, are working on professionalizing elements of isolation of the TILs, their expansion, as well as looking at different strategies to boost their activity, either by reducing exhaustion or increasing cell killing capabilities.

How does research in engineered TCRs compare with CAR-T research?

The major difference between CARs and TCRs is that TCRs can recognize protein targets that have been processed into short fragments and then are presented on the cell surface in the context of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Both cell-surface and intracellular proteins are presented this way, meaning TCRs can target a wide range of potential targets. However, these MHC complexes vary from person to person. What that functionally means from a therapeutic development standpoint is that separate TCR products do need to be produced to target distinct alleles of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system.

The prevalence of different alleles varies across geographies. For example, in the United States, its estimated that around 40% of the Caucasian population has the most common HLA allele. There are other frequencies for less common variants. A series of products would need to cover additional segments of that population. This is distinct from CAR-Ts, where the CAR comprises an antibody-like domain that then recognizes unprocessed protein targets on the surface of tumor cells. Its not restricted by these HLA allele specificities, but they are limited to targeting proteins on the surface of the cell. They have a narrower potential antigen target pool, but a broader potential patient coverage by not being HLA restricted.

The antibody-like binders of CAR-T constructs are restricted to recognizing cell surface proteins. Are they able to distinguish between tumor and normal cells bearing their target? What are some solutions for off-target effects?

The currently approved CAR-Ts cant distinguish between cancer cells and normal cells. They kill cells that have enough of the target, and that can lead to on-target off-tumor toxicity. In the case of B-cell cancers, that translates to depletion of normal B cells along with the cancer cells. While thats not ideal, its an acceptable trade-off given the activity profile, considering that a patient can get by without B cells, especially with supportive treatment. In other tumor types, this can pose a bigger safety risk. For example, a patient died during an early study of CAR-Ts targeting HER2 days after administration, potentially because the T cells recognized low levels of their target in the lung tissue, which led to high inflammation in the lung.

Companies and academic groups are looking at safety switches or regulatable CARs or logic gates to try to reduce those off-tumor toxicities. Theyre focusing on targets that are highly expressed in cancers and have more limited expression in health tissues. This is also where the TCR T cells come into play. Theres a larger target space of intracellular proteins used to select targets that are overexpressed in cancer or neoantigen peptides that arise from mutated proteins. Targets that are overexpressed in cancer, such as NY-ESO-1, MAGE-A4, and PRAME, are being explored by companies like Adaptimmune, Immatics, and Tscan Therapeutics, while others such as Affini-T Therapeutics are targeting neoantigens.

While the TCR T space has lagged behind CAR-Ts, there are several biotech-driven programs that are now in the clinic. Adaptimmune expects to complete a rolling BLA submission for its MAGE-A4 TCR T program for synovial sarcoma in the middle of this year. A key technological area of focus among programs that are either pre-clinical or early development is screening T-cell receptors to have that optimal binding affinity to their target, but also screening to make sure that they dont cross-react with other proteins in healthy cells. There are also strategies to functionalize different types of T cells, for example, not just CD8 cells but also CD4 cells. There are some programs being advanced in conjunction with histological markers to allow their use in patients who express the target and would be more likely to benefit from the treatment.

What are the challenges posed by the tumor microenvironment on the effectiveness of these therapies? How are these challenges addressed?

The tumor microenvironment is definitely seen as a major barrier for cell therapy, particularly in solid tumors. There are several immune suppressive signals from different cell types that can promote T-cell exhaustion or other elements of T-cell dysfunction. Over the past decade, there have been many academic and industry studies teasing out how these tumor microenvironment mechanisms work and what characteristics are associated with functionality vs dysfunctionality (e.g. using CRISPR screens to functionally identify genes whose disruption can promote T-cell activity).

Other approaches identify additional components, such as cytokines or switch receptors, that can convert negative signals into positive or co-stimulatory signals to further boost activity in these immune suppressive microenvironments. These different approaches are expected to move through clinical trials in the coming years. Companies are also looking at combining T-cell therapies with approved checkpoint inhibitors as another way to boost activity.

How can off-the-shelf strategies simplify the manufacturing workflow of these therapies?

An advantage of off-the-shelf approaches is that the complex manufacturing and engineering does not have to be done individually for each patient. As a result, there is no 3-4 week lag to treatment. Also, in some cases, patients who have gone through multiple rounds of therapy may not have immune cells of sufficient quality or quantity to make a great autologous cell product.

The challenge is that immune systems are good at recognizing and eliminating foreign cells. Donor T-cells may attack a patients body (graft-versus-host disease, GvHD) or the bodys own immune cells can recognize donor cells as foreign and attack those. GvHD can be avoided by eliminating the endogenous TCR and T cells using tools such as gene editing, or by using other cell types that dont have this GvHD property. The issue with GvHD seems to be solvable with current technologies, but the immune invasion part is a bit more complicated. There are several strategies that are in development and the optimal approach remains to be seen at present. Companies such as Allogene Therapeutics, Beam Therapeutics, Caribou Biosciences, CRISPR Therapeutics, Precision BioSciences, and Sana Biotechnologies, are using different strategies to evade rejection from the patients T or NK cells.

There are several companies using NK cells, a cell type expected to have a shorter persistence. NK cells can be given at doses of over 1 billion cells in multiple administrations and potentially multiple cycles. One of the other attractive features of NK cells is that there seems to be a lower propensity towards cytokine release syndrome. That, in addition to engineering them with a CAR, can work in conjunction with some therapeutic antibodies to kill by multiple methods.

Different sources of NK cells are being explored by companies in the space. What is the impact of the starting material on the manufacturing process, costs, and attributes of the final product?

For NK cells, there have been a few different cell-sourcing strategies. Some groups, such as Nkarta, are developing donor-derived NK cells that are taken from other people and expanded. Others such as Fate Therapeutics, Century Therapeutics, and Shoreline Biosciences, are advancing NK cells that are derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Companies like Takeda are advancing NK cells that are isolated from cord blood, which might have distinct properties. Donor-derived processes might yield expansion of NK cells several thousand-fold over a 2-3 week period and generate hundreds to thousands of doses per round. As this isnt bespoke, companies are able to scale up for commercial use. What that translates to in terms of cost per dose will depend on the dose paradigms that might end up being effective. Its still early days for the space, and the optimal dose regimens that would be used in commercial settings are not yet defined.

The difference with iPSC-derived therapies is that they can be expanded theoretically indefinitely and thus could be used to generate a clonally derived cell bank. This means that you can do all of the genetic engineering and have those associated costs upfront, freeze down a working cell bank, run a manufacturing batch, take cells from the bank and adjust culture conditions to differentiate them into NK cells. As its off-the-shelf, a batch can be hundreds or thousands of doses, depending again on manufacturing scale and dose levels and the exact process. Each of these approaches has its advantages and open questions.

What are the prospects for CRISPR, base and prime editing in the CAR-T field?

Various gene editing approaches are being used in cell therapy, particularly in the immune evasion setting. Were also starting to see use in autologous settings. For example, disruption of PD-1 in TILs from Iovance is an example of gene editing being used in cell-based therapies. There is interest in other approaches, such as base and prime editing that dont cause double-strand DNA breaks. Those approaches can make it easier to edit multiple genes at once while avoiding translocations. While current approved CAR-Ts use viral vectors to deliver the CAR construct, there is interest in using other approaches to insert the CAR or TCR construct, or other elements using non-viral approaches to target them in a particular location.

Geulah Livshits, PhD, ([emailprotected]) is a senior research analyst with Chardan in New York City, covering biotech companies.

GEN Biotechnology, published byMary Ann Liebert, Inc., is the new, marquee peer-reviewed journal publishing outstanding original research and perspectives across all facets of the biotech industry. Thisarticlewas originally published in the February 2023 issue of GEN Biotechnology,Volume 2, Issue 1.

Read more:
Driving the CAR: The Road Ahead for Cell Therapy - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

R3 Anti-Aging Medicine Launches New Beverly Hills Clinic – EIN News

R3s new Beverly Hills location will provide med spa treatments and stem cell therapies to improve health and wellness, and combat negative effects of aging.

R3 President Kathleen Frankie Francesca will serve as one of the co-owners of this location. While this new location will provide the same procedures as R3s other clinics, it will additionally be adding more exclusive social events: Frankie is eager to host monthly celebrity wellness events to promote anti-aging and overall wellness. The company will also collaborate with celebrity brand ambassadors, such as actor and cold press company owner Andrew Walker, to host these events. Some of R3s other brand ambassadors include All My Children actors Cameron Mathison and Colin Egglesfield; Hallmarks Crystal Lowe; and Days of Our Lives and 90210 actor Trevor Donovan.

Named one of the Top Ten Biotech Startups of 2021, R3 is pioneering the anti-aging industry with its innovative work in stem cell operations research. R3s Scottsdale location provides traveling and in-house training opportunities and ultrasound courses for doctors to get hands-on experience with regenerative aesthetics procedures. The company then uses these IRB-approved protocols in each of its locations.

Roxanne GuzmanNow PR+1 424-245-4004email us here

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R3 Anti-Aging Medicine Launches New Beverly Hills Clinic - EIN News

Young scientist, longevity expert from Poland, at the AMWC 2023 … – The First News


Hope for patients with chronic diseases, abdominal obesity and persistent overweight! Innovative anti-aging therapies improving quality of life.

The prestigious 21st World Congress on Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine, held in Monaco from March 30 to April 1, 2023, is a unique annual event attended by more than 12,000 specialists from around the world.

Innovation in anti-aging medicine, treatment of overweight and inflammation

Under the aegis of the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society (AMS), the congress annually promotes aesthetic and anti-aging medicine programs, continuous education, new ideas and the exchange of experiences of the scientific community and anti-aging medicine practitioners.

Congress organizers invite scientists and promising practitioners from around the world. Each presentation is created on the basis of 4 principles: Experience, Excellence, Evidence, Engagement and is structured to allow participants to actively participate and debate.

Pole among 6 most promising aesthetic and anti-aging specialists in the world

Julia Trawinska, Specialist in Functional Medicine and Phenotypic Therapy has been recognized as one of the world's most promising and innovative young professionals in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine.VIMED

Hundreds of contenders from all over the world have applied to be Young Innovators. Only 6 people were selected to present their research results in the Aesthetic Disruptors Young-Career Innovators From Around The World session. Among them, Julia Trawinska from VIMED Medical Center was the only Pole.

Julia Trawinska, Specialist in Functional Medicine and Phenotypic Therapy has been recognized as one of the world's most promising and innovative young professionals in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine.

The Congress Board selected individuals whose research met the criteria of Significance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Originality, and Impact on the development of science and evidence based.

Effective treatment of overweight in people over 40 is possible

Julia Trawinska presented the results of a study involving 62 patients who underwent innovative therapy for the treatment of persistent overweight at the clinic in Warsaw. The topic of the presentation was: Innovative personalized therapy for the treatment of inflammation, persistent overweight and abdominal obesity in people over 40 years of age.

The proprietary method, developed by Julia Trawinska in collaboration with Italian scientists from Unicusano University in Rome, shows proven results. Eliminating inflammation and thus effectiveness in restoring optimal cellular metabolism in patients over 40 that leads to significant weight loss and rejuvenation of the body.

Julia Trawinska is the CEO of the medical facility that has been one of the first in the world to use non-invasive, personalized lifestyle medicine therapies to treat chronic diseases since 2006.

In 2012, the clinic was one of the first in Europe to install monoplace hyperbaric chambers. They are an indispensable part of multifactorial therapies supporting the body's regeneration processes and treating diseases of civilization.

Innovative methodology leads to optimization of metabolic processes and regeneration of all organs.

With comprehensive therapeutic intervention at the level of the epigenome, the body's natural aging processes are slowed down. As a result of optimization of glycation processes, increased production of telomerase enzyme and mobilization of stem cells (Stem Cell).

Modern therapies developed at the Polish clinic among the finalists of the AMWC Awards 2023 in Monaco

TheAMWC AwardsBest Clinical Cases competition, held during the congress, showcases the greatest achievements of specialists from around the world in 12 categories. The goal is to identify the best, most innovative, safe and effective procedures to improve the condition, appearance, quality of life and revitalize the body.

This year, as many as two therapies from Poland were selected for the finals of the AMWC Awards 2023, out of 12 categories. Both therapies were submitted by Julia Trawinska and were based on the patients treated at her clinic.

Innovative treatment method for overweight and abdominal obesity

Effective weight loss - in category 04 Best non-surgical body contouring - therapy for the treatment of persistent overweight and abdominal obesity. The patient lost more than 50 kg of body fat in a year, without losing muscle tissue, without any surgical intervention, without drugs, without removing excess skin, and without intensive exercise. The patient reported feeling 10 years younger with improved physical and mental health, and was able to take on new professional challenges with ease.

Comprehensive rejuvenation combined with treatment of chronic diseases

Comprehensive rejuvenation - in category 12 Best results of integrative medicine, improving quality of life - therapy, thanks to which the patient, suffering from inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract for years, rejuvenated and regained the ability to function normally in society. In a matter of months, she got rid of years of severe disorders caused by malabsorption, SIBO, chronic inflammation of the small intestine and colon, and anemia. Thanks to the therapy, the patients life was completely transformed - she began to enjoy it again.

Polish specialists set world standards in anti-aging medicine and chronic disease treatment

The inclusion of these therapies among the finalists of the competition, selected from over 1 000 submissions from around the world, is a tremendous honor. The therapy, submitted in the Best Non-Surgical Body Contouring category, has been recognized as one of the top three nominees for the main award. It has been recognized for its comprehensive, non-invasive, effective and completely safe approach.

Participation in such a prestigious congress and recognition in the competition is an extremely important achievement for Trawinska, and the functional medicine clinic from Poland. This young, extremely talented specialist, a pioneer in personalized treatment and clinical nutrition, contributes to promoting the achievements of Polish lifestyle medicine worldwide.


More here:
Young scientist, longevity expert from Poland, at the AMWC 2023 ... - The First News

Desert Hot Springs man comes forward as fifth person in remission … – Desert Sun

'I still have to remind myself that it's real'

Video: Paul Edmonds is fifth person in HIV remission

Paul Edmonds, a current Desert Hot Springs resident, is the fifth person living with HIV worldwide to go into full remission following a stem cell transplant.

Taya Gray, Palm Springs Desert Sun

For the past two years, Paul Edmonds has been part of an extremely exclusive club with a membership that has reached five people.

After navigating HIV for more than 30 years, along with a leukemia diagnosis that came in 2018, a life-saving stem cell transplant became available thanks to a donor who had a rare genetic mutation that makes the body resistant to most strains of HIV. In 2021, Edmonds stopped taking his HIV medication, what he was dependent on for almost half his life. Today the 67-year-old who lives in Desert Hot Springs is the fifth person in the world in remission of HIV.

Edmonds joins four others who have received similar news, including the late Palm Springs residentTimothy Ray Brown (who was known as the "Berlin Patient"), the first person cured of the virus, who died from a reoccurrence of cancerin 2020. Others who are in remission of HIV are "London Patient" Adam Castillejo, "Dsseldorf Patient" Marc Franke and the "New York Patient," the first woman to be considered cured who has not come forth publicly. Edmonds is the eldest among the group and had HIV the longest.

"I can remember the day and hearing about Timothy Ray Brown, that was huge," Edmonds told The Desert Sun in a recent interview. "That was the first time that I ever thought there could be a cure."

After two years of being anonymously known as the "City of Hope Patient," he decided to publicly come forward with his story. By sharing his journey, he wants to advocate for and offer hope to those living and aging with HIV that a cure could be possible one day.

Related: 'People with HIV are my family': London patient revealed as cured joins Palm Springs man, who was the first

Related: 'London Patient' Adam Castillejo, second person cured of HIV

Edmonds grew up in a small town in Georgia about 100 miles northeast of Atlanta. During his high school years, he struggled with his sexual identity and didn't have a support system because he kept it all to himself. His "lifesaver" at the time was his involvement in his school's band, which consisted of a close-knit group of people, some of whom he's still in contact with today.

By the end of his senior year, Edmonds felt he couldn't handle the pressure anymore. He decided to live with his cousins in Pensacola, Florida, where he would finish high school and begin college, until he moved back to Atlanta. He received therapy, found support and was able to "accept who I was and come out" as a gay man.

With a different outlook on life, Edmonds, 21 at the time, made the decision to move to San Francisco in 1976.

"Gay men were kind of flocking there from all over at that time," he said of the California city. "It was just an unbelievable experience. I'd never seen anything like it, and I no longer felt alone. It was just exciting and thrilling."

Everything was "just great" until the 1980s rolled around, and many of his peers started getting sick. "No one knew what was going on," Edmonds said about that time, although many would refer to it as a "gay cancer."

Human immunodeficiency virus, more commonly referred to as HIV, is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infections. If left untreated, it can lead to AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. On June 5, 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on the first five cases of what would be known as AIDS.

Rare lung infections and anaggressive cancer calledKaposis sarcoma first began to show among men who have sex with men (MSM) in 1981, and by the end of the year, there were 270 reportedcases of severe immune deficiencyamong MSM. The following year,more cases appeared among MSM in Southern California, which suggested the illness wassexual,leading to the name "gay-related immune deficiency." Cases also surfaced among those who inject drugs, hemophiliacs and Haitians.

Today, it is widely understood that the virus can be spread to all people, though some are still at higher risk of infection. Approximately84.2 million people around the world have been infected by HIV since the start of the epidemicand40.1 million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses.

Related: For decades, queer men have had trouble donating blood. Change could be on the horizon

Related: Reflections on 40 years of HIV/AIDS: Community members compare epidemic to COVID-19 pandemic

By the mid-1980s, the first HIV blood test was developed, but Edmonds was not ready to get results himself.

"Anyone who I knew who was testing positive was dead within two years," he said. "I just wasn't ready to go there."

He moved to Los Angeles for a few years to change his environment, but moved back to San Francisco in 1988. That same year, his father died, which served as the catalyst for Edmonds getting tested. The result came back positive, and because his helper T cell count was below 200 then, he was diagnosed with AIDS. He was 33.

"It just felt like my heart sank," Edmonds recalled, though he noted he did not feel sick. "The intern who was my doctor in this clinic, I can see her emotions. I think it was a hard thing for her to do."

He began using AZT, the first drug to gain approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating AIDS. The drug helped decrease deaths and infections among those who were diagnosed with the virus, although it had serious side effects, such as intestinal problems, nausea, vomiting and headaches. Around the time Edmonds began taking the drug, doctors decided to cut the dosage in half, which lessened those effects. As new drugs became available, he would switch to them, and he "pretty much felt sick all the time."

"But I did what I had to do," he added. "I am not a person who just easily gives up. I don't look to the worst-case scenario, I don't allow myself to."

Though things looked dark in the HIV/AIDS fight back then, Edmonds focused on living in the moment and taking his diagnosis one step at a time. As medical advancement came, like protease inhibitors, medications that help slow the progression of HIV, he would allow himself to think about the future and felt hopeful that things would be brighter.

Sure enough, the birthdays kept coming. He always dreamed of having a big party for his 50th birthday, and he got to enjoy that moment surrounded by 100 guests in a lodge on the Russian River.

Edmonds also said he had an "incredible" support system in his life. The LGBTQ community "stepped forward" and helped when no one else would. Then in February 1992, during happy hour at the San Francisco bar Midnight Sun, he met Arnie House, who had served in the Air Force.

"It really was kind of like love at first sight. I don't know that we knew that right then, but that's what it was," Edmonds said of his husband. "Once we met, we've had very few days apart."

Edmonds encouraged House to get tested for HIV, who also received a positive diagnosis. But that didn't change anything between them, as they've "always been there for each other," Edmonds said.

In August 2018, Edmonds was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, which eventually developed into acute myeloid leukemia, a cancerthat starts in the bone marrow but often moves into the blood. Those living and aging with HIV are at higher risk of developing leukemia and other blood cancers due to suppressed immune systems.

It was recommended that Edmonds start chemotherapy as soon as possible, and later undergo a stem cell transplant. At the same time, Edmonds and House were planning on moving to the Palm Springs area, and he was referred to seek treatment at City of Hope in Duarte, one of the highest-volume transplant centers in the nation.

Not only would doctors look for a donor to address his leukemia, but also one who carried a rare mutation, homozygous CCR5 delta 32 mutation, which makes people resistant to most strains of HIV infection. Only roughly 1% of people carry this mutation. The four other people who have been declared in remission of HIV have received transplants that have targeted their HIV and a type of cancer.

It took almost a month before a donor was found via the Be The Match donor registry. Before he could undergo the transplant, his acute myeloid leukemia had to go into remission. He went through three rounds of chemotherapy, and he developed a fungal infection in his lungs during one. He also had to change the antiretroviral drugs he was taking in order to minimize drug interactions with the chemotherapy.

Finally in mid-January 2019, his leukemia went into full remission thanks to a reduced intensity chemotherapy that was developed for older patients. Afterward, he received a week of chemotherapy to wipe out his immune system and prepare his body to receive his donor's healthy stem cells, which he said was the "hardest of all of them."

But despite all the pain and side effects, "I didn't have to think at all whether I wanted to move forward to get a bone marrow transplant," Edmonds said. "I didn't even see it as an option ... it was that or death."

On Feb. 6, 2019, the transplant lasted about 30 to 40 minutes via an IV transfusion. Edmonds said he didn't have any side effects and almost immediately "felt great." Nurses even gave him a medal and started singing "Happy Birthday" to celebrate the moment.

"New life came into me," he said, noting that his blood type changed to his donor's, which is common in transplants. Some recipients might also notice other changes regarding allergies or their hair texture. "I was kind of hoping I would start getting some new hair, but that didn't happen. That's OK," he joked. Among lingering side effects that Edmonds deals with are dry eyes and mouth sores.

Edmonds had to stay close to the hospital after his treatment, and many friends from across the country stayed with him and made sure he was never alone. "I just had the best time," he recalled of all the trips they took, like playing tourist in his once-home of Los Angeles.

Doctors carefully monitored Edmonds following his transplant for both his cancer and HIV status.

Dr. Jana Dickter, associate clinical professor with City of Hopes Division of Infectious Diseases, did a number of tests to see if there was any evidence of HIV found in his body. When she and her colleagues could not find any, she opened up a "second trial" and asked Edmonds to stop taking his HIV medications.

"I monitored him for any occurrence of HIV virus and this entailed getting blood tests on him every week initially and then converted to every two weeks just because we wanted to catch if there was any recurrence in the system and start him back on his medications," Dickter said. "The longer the time went, there was no evidence of circulating HIV."

Additional testing was done in labs, such as challenging his cells with HIV, but they could not be infected with the virus, and there was no evidence of an HIV reservoir found in his body.

Edmonds officially stopped taking his HIV medication in March 2021.

"I still have to remind myself that it's real," he said of his in-remission HIV status. "But I'm feeling it."

There's still a little bit of worry in the back of his mind about whether his cancer or HIV will return, but he said he's gotten to the point where "it's OK for me to let myself believe it, and I absolutely believe it." He also said the people he's told locally have been "just thrilled for me and very, very supportive."

For Dickter, witnessing the journey firsthand has been "incredibly exciting." When she entered medical school in the 1990s, she got to see the excitement when antiretroviral therapy became available and it provided patients who were so close to death with a "second life." Fast forward to today, she was one of those in the room to tell a patient they were in remission of HIV.

"I've always wanted to be able to tell a patient that there was no evidence of remaining virus in their system, and at City of Hope we were able to do just this," Dickter said. "The experiences that he encountered, especially early on and the stigma and the fear, he's a true survivor of the epidemic, and it's so wonderful to see this happy ending for him and his family."

The success of Edmonds' treatment and his unique circumstances also give Dickter hope that it could be reciprocated in others. He was unique in the sense that, compared to the four other people who underwent transplants, he was the oldest patient, had been living with HIV the longest and had received reduced intensity chemotherapy. "This case gives me hope that there might be other opportunities in the future for older people who have HIV and blood cancers that we may be able to put them in remission for both," she said.

There's also plenty of research taking place at City of Hope in hopes of potentially finding a cure for HIV. Not only are there discussions about providing transplants for other patients with HIV and blood malignancies, but Dickter said there's an upcoming clinical trial that will look at chimeric antigen receptor T cells to treat HIV. She explained there has been preclinical research that has shown these "T cells can target and kill HIV-infected cells and potentially control HIV, and this has the potential to provide HIV patients with lifelong viral suppression without antiretroviral therapy."

Edmonds also hopes to be an advocate for HIV cure research and provide support wherever he can. He currently sits on the Community Advisory Board for RID-HIV (Reversing Immune Dysfunction for HIV-1 Eradication) Collaboratory, one of 10 Martin Delaney Collaboratories for HIV Cure Research funded by the National Institutes of Health, which he is "very honored" to be a part of. He is also in contact with his peers Castillejo, who has spoken at a number of conferences, and Franke, just beginning his public journey, and hopes to do work with them.

For now, Edmonds gets to live his life on his own terms, although he still visits City of Hope for routine care and tests. He and House are avid painters and have their art showcased throughout their home Edmonds paints more abstract pieces while House does more figurative work. Edmonds wants to create collages that tell his story in some way, but they also have a bit of work to do around their Desert Hot Springs home, where they've lived for almost two years. As they emerge out of mostly sheltering-in-place during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are also plans to visit San Francisco this summer.

Aside from encouraging the HIV-positive community, there's also a part of Edmonds that hopes the intern who informed him of his AIDS diagnosis in 1988 stumbles upon his story and sees where life has taken him. Where he stands today is a moment so many have hoped for, and one that seemed unthinkable decades ago.

"It truly is a miraculous story," he said with a smile.

Ema Sasic covers entertainment and health in the Coachella Valley. Reach her at or on Twitter @ema_sasic.

See the article here:
Desert Hot Springs man comes forward as fifth person in remission ... - Desert Sun

Effectiveness of Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in … – CDC

Jennifer DeCuir, MD, PhD1,*; Diya Surie, MD1,*; Yuwei Zhu, MD2; Manjusha Gaglani, MBBS3,4,5; Adit A. Ginde, MD6; David J. Douin, MD6; H. Keipp Talbot, MD2; Jonathan D. Casey, MD2; Nicholas M. Mohr, MD7; Tresa McNeal, MD3,4; Shekhar Ghamande, MD3,4; Kevin W. Gibbs, MD8; D. Clark Files, MD8; David N. Hager, MD, PhD9; Minh Phan, MS9; Matthew E. Prekker, MD10; Michelle N. Gong, MD11; Amira Mohamed, MD11; Nicholas J. Johnson, MD12; Jay S. Steingrub, MD13; Ithan D. Peltan, MD14; Samuel M. Brown, MD14; Emily T. Martin, PhD15; Arnold S. Monto, MD15; Akram Khan, MD16; William S. Bender, MD17; Abhijit Duggal, MD18; Jennifer G. Wilson, MD19; Nida Qadir, MD20; Steven Y. Chang, MD, PhD20; Christopher Mallow, MD21; Jennie H. Kwon, DO22; Matthew C. Exline, MD23; Adam S. Lauring, MD, PhD24; Nathan I. Shapiro, MD25; Cristie Columbus, MD4,5; Robert Gottlieb, MD, PhD4,5; Ivana A. Vaughn, PhD26; Mayur Ramesh, MD26; Lois E. Lamerato, MD26; Basmah Safdar, MD27; Natasha Halasa, MD2; James D. Chappell, MD, PhD2; Carlos G. Grijalva, MD2; Adrienne Baughman2; Kelsey N. Womack, PhD2; Jillian P. Rhoads, PhD2; Kimberly W. Hart, MA2; Sydney A. Swan, MPH2; Nathaniel Lewis, PhD1; Meredith L. McMorrow, MD1,; Wesley H. Self, MD2,; IVY Network (View author affiliations)

What is already known about this topic?

Waning of monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19associated hospitalization among adults is recognized; however, little is known about the durability of protection provided by these vaccines against COVID-19associated invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and in-hospital death during the Omicron variant period.

What is added by this report?

Monovalent mRNA vaccination was 76% effective in preventing COVID-19associated IMV and death <6 months after the last dose and remained 56% effective at 12 years.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines provided substantial, durable protection against COVID-19associated IMV and death. All adults should remain up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccination to prevent critical outcomes of COVID-19.

Views equals page views plus PDF downloads

As of April 2023, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in 1.1 million deaths in the United States, with approximately 75% of deaths occurring among adults aged 65 years (1). Data on the durability of protection provided by monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccination against critical outcomes of COVID-19 are limited beyond the Omicron BA.1 lineage period (December 26, 2021March 26, 2022). In this case-control analysis, the effectiveness of 24 monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses was evaluated against COVID-19associated invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and in-hospital death among immunocompetent adults aged 18 years during February 1, 2022January 31, 2023. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against IMV and in-hospital death was 62% among adults aged 18 years and 69% among those aged 65 years. When stratified by time since last dose, VE was 76% at 7179 days, 54% at 180364 days, and 56% at 365 days. Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccination provided substantial, durable protection against IMV and in-hospital death among adults during the Omicron variant period. All adults should remain up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccination to prevent critical COVID-19associated outcomes.

Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has been shown to prevent hospitalization and critical outcomes, including IMV and death, during SARS-CoV-2 Alpha, Delta, and early Omicron variant periods (2,3). However, rapid waning of COVID-19 VE against infection, outpatient illness, and hospitalization has been observed during Omicron variant predominance (4). Understanding the durability of protection provided by monovalent mRNA vaccination against critical outcomes is vital. Although a bivalent mRNA dose was recommended on September 1, 2022, for all persons who had completed a primary COVID-19 vaccination series, bivalent vaccination coverage among adults aged 18 years is 20%, and most adults have only received monovalent mRNA vaccines (1,5). In addition, COVID-19 VE against hospitalization might be artificially reduced by routine testing for SARS-CoV-2 at admission, which can detect SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients admitted for reasons other than COVID-19 (4,6,7). VE against critical outcomes might be less susceptible to this bias and is therefore needed to help guide COVID-19 vaccination policy regarding revaccination intervals.

Data from the Investigating Respiratory Viruses in the Acutely Ill (IVY) Network were used to conduct a case-control analysis measuring the effectiveness of monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccination against COVID-19associated IMV and in-hospital death. During February 1, 2022January 31, 2023, adults aged 18 years admitted to 24 hospitals in 19 U.S. states who met a COVID-19like illness case definition and received SARS-CoV-2 testing were enrolled. IVY Network methods have been described previously (2,3). Briefly, case-patients were defined as those who received a positive SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or antigen test result within 10 days of illness onset and within 3 days of hospital admission, and either received IMV or died in the hospital within 28 days of admission. Control patients were defined as those who received negative SARS-CoV-2 and influenza test results by RT-PCR within 10 days of illness onset and within 3 days of hospital admission. Patients who received positive influenza test results were excluded from the analysis because of potential correlation between COVID-19 and influenza vaccination behaviors (8).

Demographic and clinical data, including receipt of IMV and in-hospital death within 28 days of admission, were collected through electronic medical record (EMR) review and patient or proxy interview. COVID-19 vaccination history was ascertained from state or jurisdictional registries, EMRs, vaccination cards, and self-report. Patients were included in the analysis if they 1) received zero COVID-19 vaccines doses (unvaccinated) or 2) received 2, 3, or 4 monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses (monovalent-vaccinated), with the last dose received 14 days before illness onset for a primary series dose or 7 days before illness onset for a booster dose. Patients were excluded from the analysis if they were immunocompromised,** received a non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose, received only 1 monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose, received a bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose, or for other reasons that made the patient ineligible.

VE against IMV and in-hospital death was calculated using logistic regression, in which the odds of monovalent mRNA vaccination (versus being unvaccinated) were compared between COVID-19 case-patients and control patients. Logistic regression models were adjusted for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services region, calendar time in biweekly intervals, age, sex, and self-reported race and Hispanic ethnicity. VE was calculated as (1 adjusted odds ratio) x 100%. Results were stratified by age group, time since receipt of last monovalent mRNA vaccine dose, and number of monovalent mRNA vaccine doses received. Differences between VE point estimates with nonoverlapping 95% CIs were considered statistically significant. Analyses were conducted using SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute). This activity was determined to be public health surveillance by each participating site and CDC and was conducted in a manner consistent with all applicable federal laws and CDC policy.

During February 1, 2022January 31, 2023, a total of 6,354 immunocompetent control patients and COVID-19 case-patients with IMV or in-hospital death were enrolled in the IVY Network. After exclusion of 1,933 patients,*** 4,421 (70%) were included in the analysis (362 case-patients and 4,059 control patients). Patients were most commonly excluded because of receipt of a bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose (446 [23% of excluded patients]), receipt of a non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (392 [20%]), or receipt of only 1 monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose (260 [13%]). Among included patients, the median age was 64 years (IQR=5375 years) (Table 1). Ninety-one percent of patients had one or more chronic condition, and 20% had a previous self-reported or documented SARS-CoV-2 infection. Among 362 case-patients with IMV or in-hospital death, 146 (40%) were unvaccinated, 216 (60%) were monovalent-vaccinated, 293 (81%) received IMV, and 156 (43%) died in the hospital within 28 days of admission. Among 4,059 control patients, 979 (24%) were unvaccinated, and 3,080 (76%) were monovalent-vaccinated.

Among monovalent-vaccinated patients, the median interval from receipt of last dose to illness onset was 248 days (IQR=138378 days) (Table 2). When compared with unvaccinated patients, the VE of 24 monovalent mRNA vaccine doses against IMV and in-hospital death was 62%. VE was 57% among patients aged 1864 years and 69% among patients aged 65 years. When stratified by interval since receipt of last monovalent dose, VE against IMV and in-hospital death was 76% at 7179 days, 54% at 180364 days, and 56% at 365 days. Within each interval since receipt of last monovalent dose, VE estimates did not differ significantly by number of doses received. VE point estimates were higher 7179 days since last dose compared with 180 days since last dose, although 95% CIs overlapped.

Among immunocompetent adults aged 18 years admitted to 24 hospitals in the IVY Network in 19 U.S. states, receipt of 24 monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses provided substantial protection against COVID-19associated IMV and in-hospital death during the Omicron variant period. Protection was highest during the first 6 months after the last monovalent dose, with persistent residual protection remaining after 6 months and sustained at 12 years. Monovalent mRNA vaccination also provided substantial protection against COVID-19associated IMV and death among adults aged 65 years, the age group that remains at highest risk of severe COVID-19 (1). These findings underscore the importance of staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccination to prevent critical outcomes of COVID-19, including optional, additional bivalent mRNA booster doses for persons at highest risk of severe disease.

A previous analysis from the IVY Network showed high effectiveness of monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccination against COVID-19associated IMV and death during the Delta and early Omicron variant periods (2). The current analysis expands on these findings by reporting monovalent mRNA COVID-19 VE against IMV and in-hospital death for a full year during the Omicron variant period. These results suggest some waning of protection against IMV and death after 6 months from receipt of the last dose but demonstrate clinically meaningful levels of protection for 1 year (median=455 days). In stratified analyses, VE appeared to correlate more closely with time since last dose than with total number of doses received. These findings are consistent with evidence from the United Kingdom showing that among adults aged 65 years, VE of monovalent COVID-19 vaccination against COVID-19associated mortality during the Omicron variant period was 49.7% for 2 doses and 56.9% for 3 doses after 40 weeks (280 days) from vaccination (9). Together, these results suggest maximal benefit of COVID-19 vaccination during the first 6 months after receipt, which should be considered along with trends in COVID-19 incidence and risk factors for severe disease when planning COVID-19 revaccination schedules.

The findings in this report are subject to at least four limitations. First, the sample size was insufficient to generate VE estimates for each Omicron lineage period separately or to calculate some VE estimates stratified by both time since last monovalent mRNA dose and number of doses received. Second, although case-patients had evidence of acute respiratory illness and received a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result, inclusion of case-patients who died or required IMV for reasons other than COVID-19 could have reduced VE because of misclassification. Third, previous SARS-CoV-2 infection was infrequently reported or documented among patients in this analysis, which prevented evaluation of the impact of previous infection on VE against critical outcomes. Finally, although VE estimates were adjusted for patient-level demographic characteristics, calendar time, and geographic region, residual confounding, including from COVID-19 antiviral treatment, cannot be excluded.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 1.1 million COVID-19associated deaths have occurred in the United States, with the majority occurring among patients aged 65 years. Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccination provided substantial, durable protection against COVID-19associated IMV and death during the Omicron variant period, including among older adults. Protection against these critical outcomes appeared to correlate more closely with time since last dose than with total number of doses received. On April 18, 2023, bivalent mRNA vaccines became the only mRNA COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States. Only 42% of adults aged 65 years have received a bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose and are up to date with COVID-19 vaccination (1). CDC recommends that all adults remain up to date with COVID-19 vaccination, including the updated bivalent vaccine, to prevent critical outcomes of COVID-19.

1National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC; 2Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; 3Baylor Scott & White Health, Temple, Texas; 4Texas A&M University College of Medicine, Temple, Texas; 5Baylor Scott & White Health, Dallas, Texas; 6University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; 7University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; 8Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; 9Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland; 10Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 11Montefiore Healthcare Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York; 12University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington; 13Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Massachusetts; 14Intermountain Medical Center and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; 15University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 16Oregon Health & Science University Hospital, Portland, Oregon; 17Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia; 18Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio; 19Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California; 20Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California; 21University of Miami, Miami, Florida; 22Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; 23The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio; 24University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 25Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; 26Henry Ford Health, Detroit, Michigan; 27Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut.

Abbreviations: HHS=U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; IMV=invasive mechanical ventilation.* Hospitals by HHS region included Region 1: Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, Massachusetts), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston, Massachusetts), and Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut); Region 2: Montefiore Medical Center (New York, New York); Region 3: Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, Maryland); Region 4: Emory University Medical Center (Atlanta, Georgia), University of Miami Medical Center (Miami, Florida), Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, Tennessee), and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center (Winston-Salem, North Carolina); Region 5: Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio), Hennepin County Medical Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Henry Ford Health (Detroit, Michigan), The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (Columbus, Ohio), and University of Michigan Hospital (Ann Arbor, Michigan); Region 6: Baylor Scott & White Medical Center (Temple, Texas) and Baylor University Medical Center (Dallas, Texas); Region 7: Barnes-Jewish Hospital (St. Louis, Missouri) and University of Iowa Hospitals (Iowa City, Iowa); Region 8: Intermountain Medical Center (Murray, Utah) and UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (Aurora, Colorado); Region 9: Stanford University Medical Center (Stanford, California) and Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles, California); and Region 10: Oregon Health & Science University Hospital (Portland, Oregon) and University of Washington (Seattle, Washington). Other race, non-Hispanic includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander categories, which were combined because of small counts. Other includes patients who self-reported their race and ethnicity as Other and those for whom race and ethnicity were unknown. Chronic medical condition categories include autoimmune, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hematologic, neurologic, pulmonary, and renal diseases.** Previous SARS-CoV-2 infection was defined as any self-reported or documented previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. Previous Omicron infection was defined as any self-reported or documented previous SARS-CoV-2 infection that occurred during December 26, 2021January 31, 2023.

Abbreviations: IMV=invasive mechanical ventilation; VE=vaccine effectiveness.* Monovalent-vaccinated patients received 24 monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses and zero bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses. VE was estimated by comparing the odds of monovalent mRNA vaccination among case-patients and control patients, calculated as VE=100 (1 odds ratio). Logistic regression models were adjusted for date of hospital admission (biweekly intervals), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services region (10 regions), categorical age (1849, 5064, and 65 years), sex, and race and ethnicity (Black or African American, non-Hispanic; White, non-Hispanic; Hispanic or Latino, any race; Other race, non-Hispanic; and Other, unknown) unless otherwise noted. Logistic regression models for age groupspecific VE estimates were adjusted for continuous age. Logistic regression models for VE of 4 monovalent doses were restricted to patients aged 50 years admitted during April 5, 2022January 31, 2023, and were adjusted for continuous age.** VE estimate was not reported because of insufficient sample size.

Suggested citation for this article: DeCuir J, Surie D, Zhu Y, et al. Effectiveness of Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Preventing COVID-19Associated Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Death Among Immunocompetent Adults During the Omicron Variant Period IVY Network, 19 U.S. States, February 1, 2022January 31, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:463468. DOI:

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Effectiveness of Monovalent mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in ... - CDC

Trajectory of the Changing GA Treatment Landscape – Managed Markets Network

Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA: Now I would like to really transition into the future considerations of geographic atrophy [GA]. Obviously, theres been a lot of excitement here recently around complement inhibitors, and I feel like the treatment of the future landscape is even more exciting. And were going to have more options for our patients to really improve outcomes, give durable responses, and ultimately, improve the quality of life. Dr Lally, I would like to start with you. What are you most excited about in the treatment landscape of GA in the next 5 years? And what are some final thoughts that you want to share with our viewing audience from todays discussion?

David Lally, MD: I think the take-home message that Im excited about is there has really been an explosion of clinical trials and different strategies of trying to tackle this disease of GA. Blocking complement is one very important part of the puzzle. But as we have seen and we have talked about earlier, complement inhibition is really just the tip and just the start of what is to come. And really our goal is we want to prevent GA from even developing, or if it develops, we want to stop it in its track. These new therapies are really the first step of showing a slowing progression, but the disease is still progressing. We do not want it to progress. We want to stop it or prevent it from even developing. There are a lot of different strategies out there beyond complement [inhibitors] looking to try to accomplish this goal. Something we look at is neuroprotection, which is a big umbrella term thats kind of even hard to define what neuroprotection means. But I think neuroprotective medicines that can protect the retina; the retina is like an outpouching of the brain. We consider it like neural tissue, an outpouching of the brain. Any medication that can really preserve neuronal health, I think is going to be an exciting place to look. I think what is exciting is there is a lot of work going into trying to design and figure out end points that can be used to see the effects of treatments at the intermediate stage of dry AMD [age-related macular degeneration] before GA develops. And I think, again, if we can find really good clinical trial outcome measures, for the development of GA, in a reasonable time frame to run a clinical trial, I think we are really going to see the field move forward. There are a lot of people working on functional outcome measures, on structural outcome measures, to really try to help us hone in there. I think regenerative medicine is interesting. Some strategies are looking at replenishing the atrophic area with pluripotent embryonic stem cells. And theres some work that is actually getting into the later stages of development. Stem cells, although we are not all the way there yet, I think are starting to make some progress in the development of hopefully getting to an FDA-approval someday, and actually restoring the loss of the photoreceptors. But to me, the most encouraging if we look at these complement inhibitors is I hope someday we have gene therapy for these complement inhibitors. Wouldnt it be wonderful if we could give one intravitreal injection with a gene therapy that went into the cells, and we had our own retina cells make the complement inhibitors themselves where it went on forever? Because, as I mentioned earlier, these patients live with this disease for the rest of their lives. The way its looking right now, in the current state, they are going to be receiving intravitreal injections, either monthly or every other month, indefinitely. I think gene therapy is a place to be watching in the future. But the take-home message is its a really exciting time if you are a patient with GA. This is really a hallmark time in our field, having our first FDA-approved treatment. Hopefully, we may have a second soon in the summertime. The knowledge is really exponentially moving forward, and I really think in 5 years we are going to have even a lot more knowledge and we are going to have a lot better treatments coming for our patients.

Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA: Absolutely. Great final comments. And a lot more real-world evidence to make more informed decisions. Dr Lopes, curious what are your thoughts on how you expect the treatment landscape to change in the next 5 years, and upon that, what are your final thoughts from todays discussion?

Maria Lopes, MD, MS: Its certainly an exciting time to be in this disease space and going from no treatments to several, with 1 already approved and more in the pipeline. I guess until there is a cure, there is an unmet need. Exciting to see not just slowing disease progression, but that were looking at different mechanisms of action that hopefully make a very significant impact on preserving vision and potentially, halting progression as well as maybe even reversing disease, which is really exciting and innovative. [I would] love to see maybe more personalized medicine around predictive tools because as we have more treatment options, how do we sequence those options? How do we define what success looks like in this disease state if were just looking at a rate of growth? [I would] love to see more about any predictive tools that help us, not just identify, but then have the right shared decision approach that hopefully has and meets patient expectations, as well as payer needs and budget impact, and ultimately, making a significant impact on a clinically meaningful difference, which is about vision preservation.

Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA: Excellent. Clinical meaningful difference is really whats going to carry us forward, I feel like, from a treatment selection standpoint. Dr Khanani, we couldnt end without your thoughts on the evolving treatment landscape in the next 5 years. And also, what are some of your final thoughts and takeaways for our viewing audience?

Arshad Khanani, MD: Ryan, thank you again for moderating this great discussion. I really enjoyed it. I think the bottom line for me is that GA is a devastating disease that progresses 100% of the time, in 100% of the patients. And its a really severe disease that can take your independence away. It puts our patients in really tough situations. They cannot function and they go into depression. It really impacts the quality of life, and it leads to other comorbidities because the patients cannot see. Now, its a really exciting time to have the first FDA-approved treatment in pegcetacoplan [Syfovre], and hopefully, avacincaptad pegol coming in August. As physicians, there are still big unmet needs in this space. Obviously, complement inhibitors are a great start. Its chapter 1 of a really thick book that we will write together over the next 1 to 2 decades. In the next 5 years or so, I think we have both of these approved treatments, hopefully, that we utilize in an appropriate fashion to help our patients. And I think having artificial intelligence to help us with finding the right patients, doing the right treatment interval, monitoring the growth will be important. Now, its exciting because we have so many things in the pipeline. Gene therapy programs, some of them are in phase 2 trials, where you are actually enriching a complement factor I, and kind of modulate the overactive complement system in bringing it towards normal complement activity. We have to wait for the data to see if that pans out. Treatment burden will likely be a big problem with frequent injections. Gene therapy, as Dr Lally said, with one-time treatment targeting the complement system in one way or another, whether in the operating room or in clinic, will be exciting. We have some other novel drugs and mechanisms of action that are in the pipeline. We saw some promising data from elamipretide to preserve mitochondrial function. There are other pathways we are looking at. But at this point, over the next 5 years, I think we will have to utilize the complement inhibitors in a fashion to help our patients preserve their vision. Final comments from me, it was very depressing over the last 15 years of practice for me to give the bad news of blindness to our patients with GA. Now I can give them some hope. They will be able to preserve their vision longer. Yes, we cannot reverse the disease. Yes, we cannot stop the disease. But slowing the disease down can have meaningful outcomes in the future because the treatment effect is greater the longer you treat these patients. And then, hopefully, we will have more treatments come down the pipeline and treat this disease early at the intermediate stage so we can actually tell our patients that you are not going to go blind.

Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA: Complement inhibitors sure are going to be a game changer in the field of GA. Thank you all so much. Thank you to our expert panelists for this rich and informative discussion, and to our viewing audience, we hope that you found this AJMC Peer Exchangeto be useful and informative.

Transcript edited for clarity.

See the original post:
Trajectory of the Changing GA Treatment Landscape - Managed Markets Network