Author Archives: admin

Neural Stem Cells Reverse Alzheimer’s-Like Symptoms – Video

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have reversed Alzheimers-like symptoms in mouse models of the disease with injections of neural stem cells. The first author, Mathew Blurton-Jones, has a Training grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. The lead author, Frank LaFerla, has a SEED grant and an Early Translational grant from CIRM.

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Neural Stem Cells Reverse Alzheimer's-Like Symptoms - Video

Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Cured by Stem Cell Treatments – Video

Learn more at ? There is hope for those who suffer from complications of diabetes mellitus. Joann was legally blind, her vision was 20/60, and she suffered from diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Her vision was restored and A1C level went from 9 to 6 after her type 2 diabetes complications were reversed from stem cell treatments.

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Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Cured by Stem Cell Treatments - Video