Stem cell centre in Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre
Interview with Mayur Abhaya, Executive Director, LifeCell International, Chennai (, May 30, 2009, 1 pm
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Stem cell centre in Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre
Interview with Mayur Abhaya, Executive Director, LifeCell International, Chennai (, May 30, 2009, 1 pm
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Stem cell centre in Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre
European doctors have successfully given a woman a new windpipe with tissue grown from her own stem cells. The ground-breaking procedure could revolutionise how doctors carry out organ transplants in the future.
See more here:
Stem cells used in organ surgery - 20 November 2008
Human embryonic stem cell research has come to a halt at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
TEDxPhoenix 2009 presents Dr. Jane Maienschein, Professor of Biology, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University. Needless to say, growing up near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and having a nuclear physicist as a parent certainly influenced Dr.
Original post:
TEDxPhoenix - Jane Maienschein - Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine and Us - Reverse Aging or Anti-Aging Treatments using Stem Cells. Patient, Mr. Lew Hollander is a 79 year old Ironman Triathlon competitor who has had 5 stem cell treatments over the past 2 years for anti-aging and better health
Read the rest here:
Reverse Aging - Anti-Aging - Stem Cell Treatment
A recent report may give hope for doctors and patients who wish to utilize stem cell research. As Teri Okita reports, embryonic stem cells may treat people safely and help lead to new cures.
Read more:
New Stem Cell Breakthrough
The internationally renowned Vienna-based Clinic DDr.
See the original post here:
Breast Augmentation with Autologous Stem Cells at Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Doctors in Glasgow are defending their pioneering stem cell research into treatment for stroke victims, insisting that it is ethically sound. From the article at
On April 10, 2010, dozens of stem cell transplant recipients and their families gathered at the University of Chicago Medical Center to share their stories of survival.
Go here to see the original:
2010 Stem Cell Transplant Reunion at University of Chicago
Dr Mike Hutchinson and Dr Larry Snyder perform the first in-clinic adipose stem cell therapy in Kansas at University Animal Clinic.
Excerpt from:
Kansas' First In-Clinic Adipose Stem Cell Procedure