Dermatologist Jessie Cheung on How to Make Your Penis Bigger – Men’s Health
NO SURPRISE TO anyone whos been living on planet Earth, but a lot of men want to have a bigger penis. The thing is, we cant go to the gym, do three sets of dumbbell penis reps, and get a larger schlong. If it were that easy, nearly every guy would be walking around with a snake in his pants.
Still, there actually are some things you can do to get a bigger penis, but many of these procedures are not cheap and come with some serious health risks. Nevertheless, we know you're probably curious about the wild world of penis enlargement, which is why we reached out to Jessie Cheung, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist who specializes in some of these techniques. Cheung has been a dermatologist for nearly 20 years, and six years ago, she moved from doing medical dermatology to focusing exclusively on cosmetic and sexual dermatology.
In addition to standard facial cosmetic procedures, Cheungwho's based in Manhattan and Chicagoperforms a slew of penis procedures, including fillers, fat injections, Bocox (that's Botox for your cock, FYI), and Emsella (a form of electromagnetic therapy that helps with premature ejaculation and erection strength.)
We interviewed Cheung about her dermatological methods for making patients' penises bigger, longer, and even capable of lasting longer during sex.
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
I dont want to brag, but a lot, hundreds. As a dermatologist, I'm used to looking at skin everywhere, including the penis, anus, scrotum, and perineum, and dealing with warts, hemorrhoids, and fissures. I stopped doing medical dermatology years ago and now focus on cosmetics, hormones, and sexual health. So that brings in men who need help with their erectile function, libido, premature ejaculation, and men who have purely cosmetic issues. The big one, of course, is increasing their penis size.
Actually, I see more men who complain about erectile dysfunction instead of size, but they always say that even if they are happy with their size, they wouldn't mind more length or girth.
I give them statistics: Numbers are facts. Interestingly, many of my men who want bigger penises have above-average length and girth. I think porn makes them lose touch with reality, just like we're seeing social media distort our perception of beauty.
Penis length must be 2.5 standard deviations below the average for that age to be considered a micropenis. For adults, that is 9.3 cm when stretched or 3.6 inches. In my office, I consider it a micropenis if they are too short to penetrate their partner.
Not that often. I would say my whole career, probably two that were so small they couldn't penetrateand that's really short. When its that small, they may want surgical intervention, and I dont do penis surgeries. So because of that, I don't see many men with a proper micropenis.
Yeah, so I perform filler injections. I also perform P-shots, which are designed to treat ED but have the additional benefit of increasing size, specifically girth. P-shots involve injecting biological substances such as Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is a source of growth factors for blood vessels and tissue, so activating the hibernating stem cells in the arteries and nerves stimulates repair and the production of healthy tissue.
P-shots start at $1800 and increase depending on the protocol used.
Ill try not to be too technical, but we draw your blood in these special tubes. We spin it down on the centrifuge, and on the top coat, there's a layer that's kinda yellowy, that's very rich with platelets, which contains eight to ten growth factors that are good for your blood vessels, collagen, and stem cell activation. So we inject that into places where you want to turn on stem cells, whether into your scalp to grow hair, your skin to help with wound healing, or the penis to activate stem cells to make blood vessels and nerves again. That said, PRP is about 10 to 15 years old. I prefer to use exomes.
So, I perform a topical infusion of exosomes, which really is the cutting edge of regenerative medicine. Exosomes are basically little email packets of information that your stem cells secrete to turn each other on and talk to each other. And they're filled with RNA, proteins, and peptides. Exomes have hundreds of more growth factors than PRP. They're also anti-inflammatory. So I use exosomes the exact same way I use P-shots, to help with ED, functionality, and size.
Anti-inflammation helps prevent tissue from aging. So in the case of penises, this will help you retain your functionality and erection strength as you age.
Fat is a great filler, and since fat is full of stem cells, I recommend fat for improving size and restoring erectile function. You will see increased girth and can regain lost length, both flaccid and erect.
A fat transfer to the penis is very straightforward. The injection technique is similar to how we inject the penis with regular fillers, but we are harvesting your own fat with gentle liposuction and processing the fat with PRP or exomes. I like to take fat from the pubic mound, which helps to expose more of the base of the penis to create more visible length. I call it pulling the turtle out of the shell.
Fat is a very cost-effective filler, and since fat functions as a natural implant, it lasts much longer than other fillers. The most significant benefit of using fat is the improvement of functionality, as the wound-healing activation of stem cells will target nerves and blood vessels to improve sensitivity and circulation. I like to transfer at least 20 mL of fat, which starts at $8,000.
There are risks associated with any injection! But understanding the anatomy and potential complications will mitigate those risks. For example, you don't want any material getting into large arteries, which can cause tissue to die. You also have to respect the layers and boundaries of the penis to avoid migration of the filler (i.e., the filler all moving to one place and sitting there). Bruising, swelling, uneven appearance, and infection are potential complications that I warn my patients about.
No, I have never had a patient who asked for a smaller penis. But penises do shrink over time, as testosterone levels fall and there is a decrease in blood flow. The blood vessels and tissue scar down and get stiff, so they can't stretch and fill up with blood for a full erection. As a result, men will notice their penis looking smaller while flaccid and erect and report softer erections.
Typically men in their fifties and sixties, though Ive seen men coming and seeking help for their shrinkage in their thirties.
Staying healthy [and] keeping your hormone levels optimized. [And you do that by] having a good quality of sleep, a healthy diet, keeping stress levels low, and not smoking. So things that are generally thought of as bad for you will negatively affect your penis size as you age.
Yes, my patients love Bocox! It helps with size and erections. Botulinum toxin works by relaxing the smooth muscle in the blood vessels of the penis. This means the blood vessels are more dilated and filled with blood at rest, so the penis hangs longer and thicker when flaccid. So its great if youre a grower and not a shower. But even with an erection, the penis is even more full of blood than usual, so it is harder and may be thicker. Bocox is a relatively safe treatment. It's usually two pokes after the application of a topical numbing cream. Risks include mild bruising and swelling.
So it's electromagnetic therapy. Basically, you're sitting on a chair, and a powerful magnet is at the chair's base. That magnet makes your pelvic floor muscles activate. So essentially, you're doing kegel exercises, whether it be for the penis, the vagina, or the anus. For the penis, that can help with premature ejaculation, but also erection strength and even size because of the increased blood flow. We have men who do Emsella for the anus, specifically sphincter control. There's a statistic that you complete over 11,000 Kegel exercises in 28 minutes on the Emsella chair. So it's very legit, and I love using it on my patients.
I will refuse to treat a patient who has unrealistic expectations. Beyond that, everyone has their own desired aesthetic, so I won't judge a man if he wants to have a huge penis. To each their own!
Social media and porn have created unrealistic expectations for bodies, faces, and genitalia. It's difficult to maintain a smooth, pink anus or vagina or penis or even nipples as we age, and sexual confidence is at an all-time low. Sex is excellent for your physical and mental health and appearance, so a therapeutic procedure that encourages sexual wellness and confidence is not really up to public judgment. It's a private health issue.
I had a patient who had filler injections done elsewhere. He had 15 syringes done in one session, and all the filler clumped up at the head of his penis. It was this huge blob. It looked like a golf ball.
So he came after it was botched to get it fixed. But didnt want to get the filler removed. So what I did was add more filler at the shaft and base, essentially to blend it in better.
Aside from the usual wows, what's memorable are the stories I hear when my patients return: sex multiple times a day, getting propositioned on Snapchat, video parties, and underground fame. My patients are definitely more confident. I had one patient who was too short to penetrate his partner, and after a combination of hormones, a P-shot, and fat transfer, he was finally able to have penetrative sex!
See the original post here:
Dermatologist Jessie Cheung on How to Make Your Penis Bigger - Men's Health