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Association between birth by caesarian section and anxiety, self … – BMC Psychiatry

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Association between birth by caesarian section and anxiety, self ... - BMC Psychiatry

Structural basis of spike RBM-specific human antibodies … –

Convalescent and uninfected human blood samples

Volunteers aged 23 to 93 with a history of convalescent COVID-19 were enrolled from April 2020 to January 2021. Blood samples were collected on the day or one day before discharging from the hospital after symptom resolution. Duration is the time between PCR positive and blood sample collection. All blood samples used in this study were collected before taking any SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Uninfected healthy volunteers aged 36 to 62 who do not have severe immunological symptoms such as immunodeficiency, autoimmune, and allergic diseases were enrolled, and we confirmed uninfected/unvaccinated donors by their clinical history and ELISA titer. Detailed information on the cohort is in Supplementary Table1. PBMCs and plasma samples were isolated by density gradient centrifugation with Ficoll-Paque PLUS (GE Healthcare) and stored at 80C until use. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Epidemiology of Hiroshima University (E-2011) for studies involving humans. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

For single-cell sorting, PBMCs were treated with FcX blocking antibodies (BioLegend, #4422302) to reduce non-specific labeling of the cells. PBMCs were stained with S-trimer-Strep-tag, CD19-APC-Cy7 (BioLegend, #302217), and IgD-FITC (BioLegend, #348206) for 20min on ice. After washing, cells were stained with Strep-Tactin XT-DY649 (IBA) for 20min on ice. The cells were resuspended in FACS buffer (PBS containing 1% FCS, 1mM EDTA, and 0.05% NaN3) supplemented with 0.2g/ml propidium iodide (PI) to exclude dead cells. Cell sorting was performed on Special Order System BD FACSAria II (BD Biosciences) to isolate S-trimer+ CD19+ IgD cells from the PI live cell gate. Cells were directly sorted into a 96-well PCR plate. Plates containing single-cells were stored at 80C until proceeding to RT-PCR. Flow cytometric data were acquired on BD LSRFortessa (BD Biosciences) or CytoFLEX S (Beckman Coulter). Flow cytometric data were analyzed using BD FACSDiva (v8.0.2, BD Biosciences), CytExpert software (v2.4, Beckman Coulter), or FlowJo software (v10.8.1, BD Biosciences).

Single-cell sorted PCR plates were added to each well by 2l of pre-RT-PCR mix containing the custom reverse primers. After heating at 65C for 5min, plates were immediately cooled on ice. 2l of the pre-RT-PCR2 (PrimeScript II Reverse Transcriptase, Takara Bio) mix was added to each well. For RT reaction, samples were incubated at 45C for 40min followed by heating at 72C for 15min, then cooled on ice. For PCR amplification of full-length immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes, PrimeSTAR DNA polymerase (Takara Bio) and custom primers were used. For first PCR, the initial denaturation at 98C for 1min was followed by 25 cycles of sequential reaction of 98C for 10s, 55C for 5s, and 72C for 1.5min. For second PCR, the initial denaturation at 98C for 1min was followed by 35 cycles of sequential reaction of 98C for 10s, 58C for 5s, and 72C for 1.5min. PCR fragments were assembled into a linearized pcDNA vector using NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix (New England Biolabs) according to the manufacturers instructions. The pcDNA3 (Invitrogen) vectors containing an Ig light chain gene and the pcDNA4 (Invitrogen) vectors containing an Ig heavy chain gene were simultaneously transfected into Expi293 cells using Expi293 Expression System Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Four days after the transfection, the culture supernatants were collected and subjected to ELISA.

For the production of recombinant S-trimer, soluble S protein (amino acids 11213), including the T4 foldon trimerization domain, a histidine tag, and a strep-tag, was cloned into the mammalian expression vector. The protein sequence was modified to remove the polybasic cleavage site (RRAR to A), and two stabilizing mutations were also introduced (K986P and V987P; wild-type numbering)34,35. The human codon-optimized nucleotide sequence encoding for the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 (GenBank: MN994467) was synthesized commercially (Eurofins Genomics). A soluble version of the S protein (amino acids 11213), including the T4 foldon trimerization domain, a histidine tag, and a strep-tag, was cloned into the mammalian expression vector pCMV. The protein sequence was modified to remove the polybasic cleavage site (RRAR to A), and two stabilizing mutations were also introduced (K986P and V987P; wild-type numbering)35. The gene encoding RBD of SARS-CoV-2, Wuhan-Hu-1, was synthesized and cloned into vector pcDNA containing a human Ig leader sequence and C-terminal 6xHis tag. RBD mutants were generated by overlap PCR using primers containing mutations. The vector was transfected into Expi293 cells and incubated at 37C for 4 days. Supernatants were purified using Capturem His-Tagged Purification kit (Takara Bio), then dialyzed by PBS buffer overnight. Protein purity was confirmed by SDS-PAGE. Protein concentration was determined spectrophotometrically at 280nm.

MaxiSorp ELISA plates (Thermo Fisher Scientific) were coated with 2g/ml purified spike RBD or trimer in 1xBBS (140mM NaCl, 172mM H3BO3, 28mM NaOH) overnight at 4C, and then blocked with blocking buffer containing 1% BSA in PBS for 1h. Antibodies diluted in Reagent Diluent (0.1% BSA, 0.05% Tween in Tris-buffered Saline) were added and incubated for 2h. HRP-conjugated antibodies were added and incubated for 2h. Wells were reacted with the TMB substrate (KPL) and the reaction was stopped using 1M HCl. The absorbance at 450nm was measured on iMark Microplate Reader (Bio-Rad) and analyzed on MPM 6 software (Bio-Rad). Antigen-specific Ig titers were determined using serial serum dilution on antigen-coated wells next to Ig-capturing antibody standard wells on the same ELISA plate.

The binding affinity of obtained antibodies to RBD was examined by the BLItz system (Sartorius Japan) using protein A-coated biosensors. 10g/ml of antibody was captured by the biosensor and equilibrated, followed by sequential binding of each concentration of RBD. For dissociation, biosensors were dipped in PBST for 900sec. Results were analyzed on BLItz Pro (v1.3.1.3, Molecular Devices).

psPAX2 (Addgene, no.12260) was a gift from Didier Trono. pCDNA3.3_CoV2_B.1.1.7 (Addgene, no.170451) for Alpha-S and pcDNA3.3-SARS2-B.1.617.2 (Addgene, no.172320) for Delta-S proteins, were gifts from David Nemazee36. pTwist-SARS-CoV-2 18 B.1.351v1 (Addgene, no.169462) for Beta-S protein was a gift from Alejandro Balazs37. Lentiviral vector, pWPI-ffLuc-P2A-EGFP for luciferase reporter assay and pTRC2puro-ACE2-P2A-TMPRSS2 for the generation of 293T cell line susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection was created from pWPI-IRES-Puro-Ak-ACE2-TMPRSS2, a gift from Sonja Best (Addgene, no.154987) by In-Fusion technology (Takara Bio). pcDNA3.4 expression plasmids encoding SARS-CoV-2 S proteins with human codon optimization and 19 a.a deletion of C-terminus (C-del19) from Wuhan, D614G, and Omicron were generated by assembly of PCR products, annealed oligonucleotides, or artificial synthetic gene fragments (Integrated DNA Technologies, IDT) using In-Fusion technology. For Delta plus, Kappa and Lambda variants, S proteins with only RBD, D614, and P681 mutations were created from pcDNA3.4 encoding human codon-optimized Wuhan S protein (C-del19). LentiX-293T cells (Takara Bio) and 293T cells were maintained in culture with Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), penicillin-streptomycin (Nacalai tesque), and 25mM HEPES (Nacalai tesque).

To generate stable 293T-ACE2.TMPRSS2 cells (293T/TRCAT), lentiviral vector VSV-G-pseudotyped lentivirus carrying ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes were produced in LentiX-293T cells (Clontech) by transfecting with pTRC2puro-ACE2-P2A-TMPRSS2, psPAX2 (gag-pol), and pMD2G-VSV-G (envelope) using PEI-MAX (Polysciences). Packaged lentivirus was used to transduce 293T cells (Applied Biological Materials) in the presence of 5g/mL polybrene. At 72h post-infection, the resulting bulk transduced population positive for Human ACE2 expression stained by FITC-anti-ACE2 Antibody (Sinobiological) was sorted by Special Order System BD FACSAria II (BD Biosciences) and maintained in the culture medium in the presence of 2g/ml of puromycin.

Pseudoviruses bearing SARS-Cov2 S-glycoprotein and carrying a firefly luciferase (ffLuc) reporter gene were produced in LentiX-293T cells by transfecting with pWPI-ffLuc-P2A-EGFP, psPAX2, and either of S variant from Wuhan, D614G, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Delta plus, Kappa, Lambda, or Omicron using PEI-MAX (Polyscience). Pseudovirus supernatants were collected approximately 72h post-transfection and used immediately or stored at 80C. Pseudovirus titers were measured by infecting 293T/TRCAT cells for 72h before measuring luciferase activity (ONE-Glo Luciferase Assay System, Promega, Madison, WI). Pseudovirus titers were expressed as relative luminescence units per milliliter of pseudovirus supernatants (RLU/ml). For neutralization assay, pseudoviruses with titers of 14106RLU/ml were incubated with antibodies or sera for 0.5h at 37C. Pseudovirus and antibody mixtures (50l) were then inoculated with 5g/ml of polybrene onto 96-well plates that were seeded with 50l of 1104 293T/TRCAT cells/well one day before infection. Pseudovirus infectivity was scored 72h later for luciferase activity measured on ARVO X13 and 2030 Workstation (Perkin Elmer). The serum dilution or antibody concentration causing a 50% reduction of RLU compared to control (ED50 or IC50, respectively) were reported as the neutralizing antibody titers. ED50 or IC50 were calculated using a nonlinear regression curve fit on Prism (v9.0, GraphPad).

VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells (African green monkey kidney-derived cells expressing human TMPRSS2, purchased from the Japanese Collection of Research Bioresources (JCRB) Cell Bank, JCRB1819, were maintained in DMEM containing 10% FBS and 1mg/ml G418 at 37C in 5% CO2. The virus was propagated in VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells and the virus titer was determined by the 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) method and expressed as TCID50/ml38. The viral strains used are SARS-CoV-2/JP/Hiroshima-46059T/2020 (B.1.1, D614G, EPI_ISL_628993239), SARS-CoV-2/JP/HiroC77/2021, (AY.29, Delta, EPI_ISL_6316561), and SARS-CoV-2/JP/FH-229/2021 (BA.1.1, Omicron, EPI_ISL_11505197).

The serially diluted antibody (50l) was mixed with 100 TCID50/50l of the virus and reacted at 37C for 1h, then inoculated into VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Alternatively, the infectivity of the reacted antibody-virus mixture was measured by inoculating to 8 wells of a 96-well plate and observing cytopathic effects (CPE) or by the plaque assay using 10% methylcellulose to determine 50% effective dose (ED50) of the antibody. SARS-CoV-2 infection was performed in the BSL3 facility of Hiroshima University.

SARS-CoV-2 was incubated with mAb at twice the concentration of the EC50 corresponding to that viral load at 37C for 60min. After the incubation, 100l of the mixture was added to one well of a 24-well plate with confluent VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells and incubated for 72h at 37C with 5% CO2. The supernatants were collected as an escape-mutant virus when CPE was manifested. A no-antibody-control was included to confirm the amount of test virus required.

Viral RNA was extracted from virus-infected culture medium by using Maxwell RSC Instrument (Promega, AS4500). cDNA preparation and amplification were done in accordance with protocols published by the ARTIC network ( using V4 version of the ARTIC primer set from Integrated DNA Technologies to create tiled amplicons across the virus genome. The sequencing library was prepared using the NEB Next Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (New England Biolabs, E7645). Paired-end, 300bp sequencing was performed using MiSeq (Illumina) with the MiSeq reagent kit v3 (Illumina, MS-102-3003). Consensus sequences were obtained by using the DRAGEN COVID lineage software (Illumina, ver. 3.5.6). Variant calling and annotation were performed using the Nextclade website (

RBD from Wuhan-Hu-1, Delta, and Omicron variant and Fab fragment from NCV2SG48 with 6xHis-tag expressed in Expi293F cells (Thermo Fisher Scientific) were purified using Ni-NTA Agarose resin (QIAGEN). Fab fragment of NCV2SG53 was isolated from papain digests of the monoclonal antibody expressed in Expi293F cells using HP Protein G column (Cytiva). Purified each Fab fragments and RBD were mixed in the molar ration of 1:1.2 and incubated on ice for 1h. The mixture was loaded onto a Superdex 200 increase 10/300 GL column (Cytiva) equilibrated in 20mM Tris-HCl pH7.5, 150mM NaCl for removing the excess RBD. Fractions containing RBD and each Fab were collected and concentrated for crystallization. Chromatography was performed using NGC Chromatography Systems (BIO-RAD) and ChromLab v6 (BIO-RAD).

Crystallization was carried out by the sitting-drop vapor diffusion method at 20C. Crystals of RBD (Wuhan-Hu-1)-Fab (NCV2SG48) were grown in 2l drops containing a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of 7.5mg/ml RBD solution and 0.1M Bis-Tris pH5.5, 0.5M ammonium sulfate and 19% PEG3350. Crystals of RBD (Delta)-Fab (NCV2SG48) were grown in 2l drops containing a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of 7.5mg/ml RBD solution and 0.1M Bis-Tris pH6.5, 17.5% PEG10000, 100mM Ammonium acetate and 5% Glycerol. Crystals of RBD (Omicron BA.1)-Fab (NCV2SG48) were grown in 2l drops containing a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of 7.5mg/ml RBD solution and 0.1M Bis-Tris pH 5.5, 0.5M ammonium sulfate, 19.5% PEG 3350, 1mM EDTA and 10% glycerol. Crystals of RBD (Wuhan-Hu-1)-Fab (NCV2SG53) were grown in 2l drops containing a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of 7.5mg/ml RBD solution and 0.1M MES pH 6.0, 0.25M ammonium sulfate and 22.5% PEG3350. Crystals of RBD (Delta)-Fab (NCV2SG53) were grown in 0.6l drops containing a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of 7.5mg/ml RBD solution and 25% PEG1500. The single crystals suitable for X-ray experiments were obtained in a few weeks. X-ray diffraction data collections were performed using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8 beamline BL44XU40 in a nitrogen vapor stream at 100K. The data sets were indexed and integrated using the XDS package41, scaled, and merged using the program Aimless42 in the CCP4 program package43. The scaling statistics were shown in Table1.

Phase determinations were carried out by the molecular replacement method using the program Phaser44 in the PHENIX package45 and the program Molrep46 in the CCP4 program package with the combination of RBD structure (PDB ID:7EAM) and Fab structures (PDB ID:7CHB and 7CHP) as search models. The structure refinement was performed using the program phenix.refine47 in the PHENIX package and the program coot48 in the CCP4 program package. The final refinement statistics were shown in Table1. Interactions between RBD and Fabs were analyzed using the program PISA49 in the CCP4 program package. All figures of structures were generated by the program pymol (The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.4.0., Schrdinger, LLC.). Class 2a/AZD8895 (PDB ID:7L7D), Class 3a/REGN10987 (PDB ID:6XDG), Class 3b/S309 (PDB ID:7JX3), Class 4a/CR3022 (PDB ID:6ZLR), Class 4b/S2X259 (PDB ID:7M7W), and Class 5/S2H97 (PDB ID:7M7W) open data were used in Fig.3a.

The statistical analysis was performed using Prism 9.0 (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA, USA). Ordinary One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, Wilcoxon rank test, and Friedman test were used to compare data. P-value 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical tests are reported in figure legends and significance is reported at p0.05. To verify reproducibility, we repeated experiments more than two times as indicated in Figure legends. Detailed information on the sample is provided in Supplementary Tables.

Further information on research design is available in theNature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

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Structural basis of spike RBM-specific human antibodies ... -

Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy Unlocks the Power to Heal and … – Las Vegas Review-Journal

No matter your age, physical activity or stage in life, an injury or medical condition will profoundly affect your way of life. There can be plenty of fear and worry that goes along with these sorts of thing, still you want to feel good. Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy is a Nevada Regenerative Medicine clinic that will help you find the right solution for your unique situation and return you to living the life you love.

Stem cells are the bodys natural healers. Stem cell therapy is a way to boost thebodys abilityto heal itself by giving the body healthier cells. As we age, along with over-usage of our joints, this natural ability diminishes, and we get hurt more often and frequently. Stem cell therapy is a way to boost that ability by giving the body healthier cells.

These cells can be harvested from our own bodies or after-birth material. These sources lay dormant in fat tissue and bone marrow and also can be obtained from living birth tissue, such as the umbilical cord or placenta after a live healthy birth of a baby. Specific stem cells go toward inflammation and injury. They get to the root cause, and then they promote the recruitment of more specialized stem cells to come to the area to mitigate, or even resolve the patients problem completely.

Stem cells are the building blocks of the human body, says Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy Co-founder and CEO Blake Youmans.

Stem cell therapy is a revolutionary alternative treatment with the potential to help the body heal itself at the root cause. Stem cells, as the building blocks of life, have the ability to develop into many types of cells to aid in treating injuries and diseases. They can even help keep you healthy longer and prevent diseases. For example, some of the many conditions stem cell therapy can be used to treat include spinal cord injuries, all joint strains and pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis and some autoimmune diseases.

Another benefit is that surgery is potentially not needed with stem cell therapy. Treatments are minimally invasive and usually involve an injection into the affected area. As a result, there is little downtime. With this treatment, a person can return to a regular routine and enjoy activities that may have been stopped due to the injury or illness.

Stem cell therapy is a natural treatment utilizing the bodys healing mechanisms. Stem cells can be harvested from the patients body or other safe and tested sources including umbilical cord tissue. The therapy is safe since there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection, making it a practical option.

Treatments can potentially reverse the trauma that has been sustained, giving their patients a better quality of life. The world-class clinic offers the best techniques, procedures and equipment to provide its patients with the finest treatments and outcomes. Since treatments are tailored to each individual need, these procedures are accessed bi-annually for improvements and are focused on providing the best treatments currently available. An integral part of the business includes attending conferences, continuing education about advancements in the field and recruiting top team members.

We have been here in Las Vegas for 10 years with over 150 reviews with 4.8 stars. We built the business through word-of-mouth and our reputation. We care deeply about the patient outcome, says Youmans.

Another concern for Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy is that people mistakenly believe they must go to another country, such as Mexico, for these treatments.

You dont have to leave the state or even the country to receive this ground-breaking, top-of-the-line treatment and therapy, says Youmans. People will listen to podcasts, and popular podcasters will discuss clinics in Mexico, Columbia and Panama. However, there was a time when they would talk about stem cell therapy here in Las Vegas, and we are still here, providing the best care possible.

Southern Nevada is set up to become a medical destination with a foundation already in place to accommodate national and international visitors. Along with world-class stem cell treatment, visitors and their families will have the ability to also experience healthy opportunities in Las Vegas.

Youmans has followed his passion for developing a business to help people become well, with a preventative approach involving regenerative medicine. Youmans has managed medical establishments for 10 years after receiving his Bachelor of Science in biology from the College of Charleston, South Carolina. He relocated to Nevada in 2003, becoming a nationally registered paramedic, and witnessed patients getting emergent care needed for problems that could have been prevented. His desire to help others motivated him to develop Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy.

This revolutionary alternative treatment option, offered by Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy, can provide procedures to aid in healing injuries and diseases. Minimal invasiveness, natural healing properties, anti-aging benefits and no risk of rejection or allergic reaction create viable treatment options. More importantly, the clinic is located in Southern Nevada and is easily accessible nationally and globally.

Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy is located at 2551 N. Green Valley Parkway, Henderson, with easy access in Southern Nevada. For more information, call (702) 547-6565 or visit

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Las Vegas Review-Journal were not involved in the creation of this content.

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Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy Unlocks the Power to Heal and ... - Las Vegas Review-Journal

Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Insights with Upcoming Trends, Size, Share, Segmentation, Business Opportuni – openPR

The Stem Cell Therapy Market size is expected to grow from US$ 2,278.49 million in 2022 to US$ 6,206.89 million by 2028. The market is estimated to register a CAGR of 18.2% from 2022 to 2028.

Stem cells are preliminary body cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under a controlled environment in the body or a clinical laboratory, these cells divide to form more cells, called daughter cells. With the advent of modern health science, these cells have been demonstrated to play a major role in understanding the occurrence of diseases, the generation of advanced regenerative medicines, and the discovery of other drugs. Stem cells are formed in embryos, bone marrow, body fats, and umbilical cord blood, among others.

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The List of Companies - 1.MEDIPOST2.RichSource3.BioTime, Inc.4.Mesoblast Limited5.Holostem Terapie Avanzate Srl6.U.S. Stem Cell, Inc.7.TiGenix NV8.AlloSource9.NuVasive Inc10.JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.

The US is investing massive resources in its healthcare sector for accelerating research and development activities in stem cell technologies. These activities are projected to drive organic developments such as product launches, product approvals, and new product innovations. Financial aid from investors, government authorities, and significant players is, thus, likely to favor the stem cell therapy market growth in the US. In July 2019, Century Therapeutics raised US$ 250 million through a financing round to develop induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), which will be utilized in an allogeneic cell therapy platform.

Moreover, in December 2019, NIH launched the US's first clinical study of patient-derived stem cell therapy for the treatment of the retina. Such studies, combined with developments in regenerative medicine, are expected to drive the acceptance and adoption of stem cell therapy in the US, which, in turn, will drive the market by 2027.

For instance, in May 2019, SpinalCyte, LLC, a clinical-stage regenerative medicine company, announced the launch of a new comprehensive platform to raise awareness of the potential benefits served by fibroblasts and their promising applications in regenerative medicine technology.

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The stem cell therapy market in Canada is expected to grow in the future owing to the development of the healthcare sector and rapidly increasing investments in stem cell therapy technology. On the other hand, in Mexico, increasing awareness of the benefits offered by stem cell therapy would benefit the stem cell therapy market.

In 2020, Australia, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand took better measures than other Asia Pacific countries to flatten the curve of SARS-CoV-2 infection. They developed effective testing, tracing, and isolation systems to ensure that people comply with social distancing and similar key guidelines. Other countries, including Vietnam and Thailand, demonstrated the value of a proactive response to contain the virus and limit deaths. However, the onset of the COVID-19 crisis severely affected cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria prevention and treatment services in Asia Pacific. The number of COVID-19 cases in India has dropped significantly compared to trends recorded in 2020 and 2021. The repercussions of the pandemic, including supply chain disruptions owing to extended factory shutdowns and production delays, persisted for a short period. However, as the demand exceeded supply, the country experienced a hike in commodity prices.

In a new research methodology for developing a treatment for COVID-19, stem cell therapy and stem-cell-derived organoid models have received high attention. Additionally, clinical studies reveal that various organoids derived from stem cells act as an ideal model to explore the possibility and mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infecting multiple organs, and the outcomes can better research for clinical treatment. Moreover, stem cell therapy was made available for severe COVID-19 patients and for people recovered from severe complications to facilitate the repair of damaged lungs.

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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted people's lives and business operations worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the stem cell therapy market. The application of stem cells in the treatment of COVID-19 infection has gathered the attention of medical researchers, resulting in a higher number of clinical trials. Regenerative medicine based on cellular therapies may be developed as a treatment option for patients, lowering infection rates and mortality. Research institutes and companies are collaborating to develop novel treatment options for the disease. For instance, in April 2020, Infectious Disease Research Institute and Celularity announced that the US FDA had approved a clinical trial application to develop cell-based therapy for COVID-19. Thus, researchers are increasingly attempting to develop stem cell therapies targeting COVID-19. In January 2020, researchers from the University of Miami administered two stem cell infusions to COVID-19 patients suffering from lung damage. The results concluded that there were no significant side effects, and the therapy was reliable. Thus, increasing demand for regenerative medicines has had a positive effect on the stem cell therapy market during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Application-Based InsightsBased on application, the stem cell therapy market is divided into musculoskeletal, dermatology, cardiology, drug discovery and development, and other applications. The drug discovery and development segment held the largest share of the market in 2021 and is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.

End User-Based InsightsBased on end user, the stem cell therapy market is segmented into academic & research institutes and hospitals & clinics. The academic & research institutes segment held a larger share of the market in 2021, and the same segment is expected to register a higher CAGR during the forecast period (2022-2028).A few of the major primary and secondary sources referred to while preparing the report on the stem cell therapy market are the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Census Bureau, and the US National Library of Medicine.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction1.1 Scope of the Study1.2 Research Report Guidance1.3 Market Segmentation1.3.1 - By Type1.3.2 - By Treatment1.3.3 - By Application1.3.4 - By End User1.3.5 - By Geography2. - Key Takeaways3. Research Methodology3.1 Coverage3.2 Secondary Research3.3 Primary Research4. - Market Landscape4.1 Overview4.2 PEST Analysis4.2.1 North America PEST Analysis4.2.2 Europe - PEST Analysis4.2.3 Asia Pacific - PEST Analysis4.2.4 South and Central America - PEST Analysis4.2.5 Middle East and Africa PEST Analysis4.3 Experts Opinion5. - Key Market DynamicsContinued

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Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Insights with Upcoming Trends, Size, Share, Segmentation, Business Opportuni - openPR

Cord Blood Bank Market to Witness Massive Growth by Stemcyte … – Digital Journal


Published April 4, 2023

The Latest Released Cord Blood Bank market study has evaluated the future growth potential of Cord Blood Bank market and provides information and useful stats on market structure and size. The report is intended to provide market intelligence and strategic insights to help decision-makers take sound investment decisions and identify potential gaps and growth opportunities. Additionally, the report also identifies and analyses changing dynamics, and emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, opportunities, and restraints in the Cord Blood Bank market. The study includes market share analysis and profiles of players such as CBR systems, Inc. (United States), Cordlife (Singapore), Cryo-cell (United States), Cryo-Save AG (Europe), LifeCell (India), Stemcyte (India), ViaCord,Inc. (United States), Virgin Health Bank (U.K), Neostem, Inc.(United States)

If you are a Cord Blood Bank manufacturer and would like to check or understand the policy and regulatory proposals, designing clear explanations of the stakes, potential winners and losers, and options for improvement then this article will help you understand the pattern with Impacting Trends. Click To get SAMPLE PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures)

According to HTF Market Intelligence, the Global Cord Blood Bank market to witness a CAGR of 11% during forecast period of 2023-2029. The market is segmented by Global Cord Blood Bank Market Breakdown by Application (Cell Based Therapies, Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Immunotherapy, Tissue Engineering, Blood Disorders, Metabolic Disorders, Osteoporosis, Cancer and Diabetes Treatment) by Type (Public Cord Blood Banks, Private Cord Blood Banks, Hybrid Cord Blood Banks) by End User (Hospitals, Research Institutes, Specialty Clinics) by Service (Stem Cell Storage Services, Genetic & Genomic Testing Services, Reproductive Health Services) and by Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA)


Rapid advancement in cord blood storage and processing technologies aid in the rapid expansion of the Cord Blood Bank (CBB) market. Also, With the increased spending capacity of the people and the demand for advanced healthcare facilities including disease prevention and treatment, these factors are boosting the global cord blood bank market. Cord blood banks are the location where blood can be stored from the umbilical cord for future use. These are involved in medical data keeping and storage which also charge annual fees for storage and maintenance. The increasing application of cord blood and stem cells in genetic disease treatment is primarily driving the global cord blood banking services market.

Market Trends:

Market Drivers:

Market Opportunities:

Revenue and Sales Estimation - Historical Revenue and sales volume are presented and further data is triangulated with top-down and bottom-up approaches to forecast complete market size and to estimate forecast numbers for key regions covered in the report along with classified and well-recognized Types and end-use industry.

SWOT Analysis on Cord Blood Bank PlayersIn addition to Market Share analysis of players, in-depth profiling, product/service, and business overview, the study also concentrates on BCG matrix, heat map analysis, FPNV positioning along with SWOT analysis to better correlate market competitiveness.

Demand from top-notch companies and government agencies is expected to rise as they seek more information on the latest scenario. Check the Demand Determinants section for more information.

Regulation Analysis- Local System and Other Regulation: Regional variations in Laws for the use of Cord Blood Bank- Regulation and its Implications- Other Compliances

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In order to better understand market conditions five forces analysis is conducted that includes the Bargaining power of buyers, Bargaining power of suppliers, Threat of new entrants, Threat of substitutes, and Threat of rivalry.

- Political (Political policy and stability as well as trade, fiscal, and taxation policies)- Economical (Interest rates, employment or unemployment rates, raw material costs, and foreign exchange rates)- Social (Changing family demographics, education levels, cultural trends, attitude changes, and changes in lifestyles)- Technological (Changes in digital or mobile technology, automation, research, and development)- Legal (Employment legislation, consumer law, health, and safety, international as well as trade regulation and restrictions)- Environmental (Climate, recycling procedures, carbon footprint, waste disposal, and sustainability)

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Heat map Analysis, 3-Year Financial and Detailed Company Profiles of Key & Emerging Players: CBR systems, Inc. (United States), Cordlife (Singapore), Cryo-cell (United States), Cryo-Save AG (Europe), LifeCell (India), Stemcyte (India), ViaCord,Inc. (United States), Virgin Health Bank (U.K), Neostem, Inc.(United States)

Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated:- APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and the Rest of APAC; the Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka)- Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania)- North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico)- South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America)- MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)

Some Extracts from Cord Blood Bank Market Study Table of Content

Cord Blood Bank Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) [] in 2023Cord Blood Bank Market by Application/End Users []Global Cord Blood Bank Sales and Growth Rate (2019-2029)Cord Blood Bank Competition by Players/Suppliers, Region, Type, and ApplicationCord Blood Bank (Volume, Value, and Sales Price) table defined for each geographic region defined.Supply Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Industrial Chain Analysis........and view more in complete table of Contents

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Cord Blood Bank Market to Witness Massive Growth by Stemcyte ... - Digital Journal

ChristianaCare Researchers Show That Cancer Stem Cell … – ChristianaCare News

April 4, 2023 Bruce Boman, M.D., Ph.D.

Researchers at ChristianaCares Cawley Center for Translational Cancer Research at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute have demonstrated for the first time that microRNA (miRNA) expression leads to a diversity of cancer stem cells within a colorectal cancer tumor.

This diversity of cancer cells may explain why advanced colorectal cancer is difficult to treat. Study results have been released in the Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy.

The findings broaden the understanding of how miRNA expression adds to cancer stem cell diversity and may lead to more precise anti-cancer treatments for patients with advanced colorectal cancer. The research builds on prior discoveries by scientists at the Graham Cancer Center about how cancer stem cell activity contributes to the development and spread of colorectal cancer.

Our research shows at least in the laboratory that there are different subpopulations of cancer stem cells in a tumor, and they may be driving the growth of the cancer, said Bruce Boman, M.D., Ph.D., MSPH, FACP, principal investigator and medical director of Cancer Genetics and Stem Cell Biology at the Graham Cancer Center.

In one subpopulation of cancer stem cells, its miRNA will shut down the stem cell genes that are expressed in another subpopulation, and vice versa, within the same tumor.

The study focused on the composition of cancer stem cells within a colorectal cancer cell line (HT29) in the laboratory setting.

Researchers evaluated the different cancer stem cell subpopulations that were identified by examining patterns of miRNA expression in each subpopulation and looking for differences.

The researchers found that each of the four diverse subpopulations that were studied (ALDH, LRIG1, CD166 and LGR5) had a different miRNA expression or gene signature.

The researchers found that miRNA expression could inhibit the expression of messenger RNA (mRNA), which carries instructions from the DNA to encode specific proteins within cells. Therefore, miRNA, by controlling gene expression, dictate which proteins are contained in the stem cells. The researchers discovered the miRNA that are upregulated in certain cancer stem cell subpopulations are downregulated in other cancer stem cell subpopulations. In this way, differential miRNA expression leads to cancer stem cell heterogeneity within colorectal tumor tissue.

Its an early research finding and needs to be followed up with other experiments, but it has clear relevance to the clinic, Boman said.

The question is: Can you target the miRNA to make cancer more sensitive to certain treatments? Because we know what the current anti-cancer treatments are targeting, we may be able to modulate or manipulate the cancer, so it becomes more sensitive to the treatment.

For more than a decade, ChristianaCares researchers have contributed to the understanding of the role that cancer stem cells and miRNA expression play in the development and spread of colorectal cancer. This latest finding builds on earlier discoveries that examined a link between two cellular signaling pathways: retinoic acid (RA) signaling and wingless-related integration site (WNT) signaling, which are dysregulated by different gene mutations in colorectal tumors.

The RA signaling pathway induces growth arrest and differentiation of cancer stem cells. Notably, retinoic acid is effective against other types of cancer such as leukemia. The role of the WNT signaling pathway has an opposite effect on tumor growth. The WNT signaling pathway is activated by a mutation in the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene in about 90% of cases of colorectal cancer.

In APC mutant tissue, dysregulated miRNA expression may underlie an imbalance between the RA and WNT signaling, which then leads to intratumoral cancer stem cell heterogeneity. Still, this mechanism that may enable the cancer to proliferate could also provide clues on how to more effectively treat cancer.

If youve got an imbalance between these two signaling pathways, then youve likely got a growth driver, Boman said. The question is: Can you suppress the WNT signaling and enhance the retinoic acid signaling?

It may be possible to increase the sensitivity of colorectal cancer to retinoic acid-type drugs, and therapeutically shift the balance between different cancer stem cell subpopulations, thereby suppressing cancer growth. More research is needed to determine how targeted cancer therapies containing retinoic acid-type drugs may be made more effective against advanced cancer.

This research will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Orlando, Florida, April 14-19.

This research project was supported by a grant from the Lisa Dean Moseley Foundation.

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ChristianaCare Researchers Show That Cancer Stem Cell ... - ChristianaCare News

Lymphoma caregiver: MD Anderson is not just my workplace it’s … – MD Anderson Cancer Center

My husband, Donald, and I had been dating for less than a year in June 2010, when he was diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

We came to MD Anderson the following year because we hadnt seen any improvement in his condition, even after several months of lymphoma treatment with a local provider.

Thanks to MD Anderson, my husband was in remission by early 2012 and I was on a mission to become an occupational therapist here. Thats why I tell people today that MD Anderson didnt just save my husbands life. It also helped me to find my lifes work.

My husbands lymphoma symptoms

Donald first started showing symptoms of lymphoma in May 2010. It began with a pain on the left side of his abdomen. Shortly after that, he began having night sweats and developed a low-grade fever.

I was really worried about him. Don had always been super healthy and physically active. And while he did have a demanding, high-stress job, he was starting to feel much more fatigued than usual.

My husbands lymphoma treatment

At MD Anderson, we met with lymphoma specialist Dr. Fredrick Hagemeister. He said Donalds cancer was aggressive, but he was confident that we could treat it. He recommended several rounds of chemotherapy.

Donald began intensive chemotherapy to break up the tumor attached to his intestine. Then, Dr. Hagemeister suggested a stem cell transplant to keep the cancer in remission.

The stem cell transplant ended up being the last lymphoma treatment Donald needed, although a few months later, surgical oncologist Dr. Jean-Nicolas Vauthey had to remove portions of his small and large intestines because the cancer had damaged them.

My husband was formally declared in remission as of early 2012. He has shown no evidence of lymphoma since then.

Why it means so much to work for MD Anderson now

I was so grateful to MD Anderson for the care and consideration Donald and I received that I resolved to become an occupational therapist here. I achieved both of those goals in 2019, when I earned my certification as an occupational therapist and joined MD Anderson as an employee.

Now, Im a member of the same workforce that once saved my husbands life. This is incredibly meaningful to me. MD Anderson gave us our lives back, and I want to share that same gift with others.

As a caregiver and an employee at MD Anderson, I have always found the culture here to be warm, open and welcoming.

What I tell people about MD Anderson today

Today, Donald and I live on Galveston Island. So, it takes me about an hour and half to get to and from my job in the Texas Medical Center. But I feel like being a part of MD Anderson is worth sitting in traffic for.

Material things dont matter to me. You cant take them with you when you die. And the most important things in life like love, kindness, health and acceptance are things you cant buy.

MD Anderson gave us all of those things. So, its not just a workplace for me now. Its my passion.

Request an appointment at MD Anderson online or by calling 1-877-632-6789.

Lymphoma caregiver: MD Anderson is not just my workplace it's ... - MD Anderson Cancer Center

Myelofibrosis: Indications for Treatment and Transplant – Targeted Oncology

Case: A68-Year-OldWomanwithMyelofibrosis


Abdulraheem Yacoub, MD: Different patients with myelofibrosis will have different triggers and different indications for therapy. Even patients with lower-risk disease might have therapeutic needs, such as managing anemia or proliferation, symptoms, and quality of life. However, patients with relatively high-risk disease have more immediate need for therapy. Through multiple clinical trials that were completed on myelofibrosis, we have identified that therapy with JAK-STAT inhibitors or JAK inhibitors has profound benefit to patients. They improve symptoms, reduce spleen size, and prolong overall survival. Weve also identified that a delay of therapy could be detrimental to patients who might lose months or years of their potential life expectancy, and they can progress to where they arent eligible for additional therapy. As soon as we identify patients with high-risk disease, we discuss immediate interventions. This has been proven to be of value, including additional survival advantage. With patients who continue to have lower-risk disease, we reevaluate them frequently for indications for therapy or any signs and symptoms of progression in which therapy should be applied immediately.

The only curative therapy for patients with myelofibrosis remains allogeneic stem cell transplantation. In this therapy, patients receive myeloid ablation with chemotherapy and then replacement of their bone marrow by allogeneic graft, which could be from a family member or an unrelated donor. The success of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in myelofibrosis has improved substantially over the last few years, especially with the application of JAK inhibitor therapy as a bridge to transplant, as therapy after transplant, and the improvement in supportive care measures.

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation has risks and complications, and its geared toward patients with relatively good general health, good performance status, and few medical comorbidities. We absolutely evaluate every patient under age 70 for up-front allogeneic stem cell transplantation. In some institutions, including ours, we evaluate patients up to age 75 for allogeneic stem cell transplant with curative intent. For patients who are over age 75, we select them very carefully for the benefit and risk of such intervention. In general, patients should be in fair health, with few or well-controlled medical comorbidities, and with adequate social and economic support and access to a center with expertise in transplantation.

We routinely offer initial evaluation for the majority of our patients who are in that age limit, for the availability of a donor and the lack of other contraindications. Many patients are found to be eligible. This should be evaluated early in the patients course. That way, we can plan their bridging therapies strategically so they get transplanted at their best health state. What does that mean? Weve confirmed repeatedly that a therapy with a JAK inhibitor has meaningful value to patients health. They have improvement in their well-being, spleen size, functional ability, and quality of life. A successful therapy with a JAK inhibitor can make patients even more fit for bone marrow transplantation. The incorporation of initial therapy, along with coordination with a bone marrow transplant, is the standard of care in these patients.

Routinely, we offer patients first-line therapy with a JAK inhibitor; we optimize that. We allow patients to achieve maximum response and then proceed with transplant in a controlled and planned setting, so patients have many months to prepare emotionally, physically, and medically with bridging therapy. This allows time to select the best donor, to optimize their life events, and for work- and family-related issues so the transplant can be at the ideal time for the patient. Often, its 3 months to 1 to 2 years based on their risk and based on how well they do with bridging therapy. There are also personal choices for patients and the ability for donors at the center.

Transcript edited for clarity.

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Myelofibrosis: Indications for Treatment and Transplant - Targeted Oncology

Accumen Appoints Distinguished Hematologist-Oncologist, Patricia Ford, MD, to its Medical Advisory Board – Yahoo Finance

Scottsdale, AZ, April 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Board-certified hematology-oncologist, Patricia Ford, MD has been appointed to the Comprehensive Patient Blood Management (cPBM) Medical Advisory Board at Accumen. Dr. Ford will provide guidance to Accumens Clinical Transformation Services and solution teams as they implement Patient Blood Management programs in hospitals and health systems nationwide.

Dr. Fords innovative and patient-centered approach to stem cell transplantation without the use of blood transfusions sets her apart as a distinguished and nationally recognized oncologist. We are excited that she is coming onboard and supporting our cPBM programs, said Sherri Ozawa MSN, RN, Director of Clinical Operations and Delivery at Accumen.

Dr. Ford currently serves as Director for both the Peripheral Stem Cell Transplant Program and the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Health System. She is also a Founding Member and Past President of the Society for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management (SABM). Additionally, she has authored numerous publications about Patient Blood Management.

Dr. Ford received her doctorate from the University of Miami, completed her residency at the Graduate Hospital, and fellowship at Fox Chase Cancer Center. She was recognized in Philadelphia magazines annual Top Docs issues for 2018 and 2019, by Americas Top Doctors for 2017, and Best Doctors in America from 2005-2018.

Patient Blood Management is near and dear to my heart, and I am ecstatic to support Accumens world-class cPBM program. I look forward to aligning with and adding to Accumens clinical expertise, stated Dr. Ford.

About Accumen Inc.Accumen enables hospitals, health systems, and independent labs to respond to current challenges and even thrive in todays unpredictable and ever-changing environment. With a focus on lab operations, clinical transformation, and 3D imaging post-processing, Accumen leverages technology-enabled consulting services to solve complex hospital and health system issues. Based in Scottsdale, AZ with offices in Louisville, KY and Blue Bell, PA, Accumen accelerates results for more than 1,000 U.S. hospitals and health systems by providing expert resources, extensive operational and clinical data, as well as analytic technology.

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Accumen Appoints Distinguished Hematologist-Oncologist, Patricia Ford, MD, to its Medical Advisory Board - Yahoo Finance

California man in HIV remission opens up about his rare medical … – The Washington Post

Paul Edmonds, 67, is one of a handful of people who are in remission from HIV following an experimental stem cell transplant. (Lauren Justice for The Washington Post)

April 3, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT


DESERT HOT SPRINGS, Calif. In September 1988, an intern at San Francisco General Hospital told Paul Edmonds that he had HIV. Worse, the virus had already ravaged his immune system and progressed to full-blown AIDS. Edmonds was 33 that day. Having seen friends with HIV waste away in months, he assumed he would be dead within a year or two. Maybe sooner.

I remember how I felt inside when I heard, he said. I felt my heart sink.

Unlike most of his infected friends, Edmonds lived to see his 40th birthday, then his 50th, and his 60th. Then something extraordinary happened. In 2019, he became one of just five people in the world to receive a successful stem cell transplant from a donor with a rare genetic mutation that makes the body resistant to HIV.

In 2021, Edmonds stopped taking the medications he had depended on for half his life. Now 67 and living here in California, he is in long-term remission from HIV and leukemia.

Because of the risks involved in stem cell transplants, the treatment that effectively cured Edmonds is likely to remain extremely rare, reserved for patients with both HIV and cancer, said Ahmed Aribi, one of the doctors who treated him at the City of Hope cancer center in Duarte, Calif. As it stands, many HIV patients take antiretroviral drugs that have transformed the infection into a long-term, manageable condition.

But the knowledge scientists are gleaning from the handful of patients who have undergone stem cell transplants could unlock secrets about the virus that will lead to new treatments or vaccines.

Thats a long way from where we started, said Joseph Alvarnas, a professor of hematology at City of Hope.

Alvarnas began treating patients with HIV in 1985, as a medical student working at San Francisco General Hospital. Back then, patients newly diagnosed with AIDS-related lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system marked by weight loss, fever and drenching night sweats, had a median life span of just 30 days.

Today, Alvarnas said, there are thousands of Americans who, like Edmonds, have lived with HIV for many years, decades even. While the specifics of Edmondss story are unique, its broad strokes are emblematic of the long path America has followed in its fight against HIV, a journey from near despair to hope.

Where do we go from here?

Census figures show that more than 170 million Americans are probably too young to remember the early days of the HIV/AIDS crisis, but it was a time with intriguing parallels to the covid era. A new disease was spreading rapidly, killing in alarming numbers. Doctors and scientists scrambled to learn where it came from and how it might be stopped or slowed. Fear and misinformation spread, stigmatizing the infected and spurring conspiracy theories.

Its a time Edmonds and his husband, Arnie House, another longtime HIV survivor, remember all too well.

Raised Baptist, Edmonds grew up in the small town of Toccoa, Ga., about 100 miles northeast of Atlanta. At the age of 10, when he still had only a vague idea that he might be different from classmates, Edmonds said he learned a gay man had been beaten to death in Toccoa. Some residents said the man had deserved it.

Not until 1976, at age 21, would Edmonds tell family and friends what hed struggled to tell himself: He was gay.

Ill always love you, his father said. Just be the best person you can be. Shocked at first, Edmondss mother quickly adjusted and provided love and backing.

That year, Edmonds moved from Atlanta, where he had been working as a word processor typing documents, to San Francisco, and the change was incredible, he said. Gay men were flocking to San Francisco. Edmonds made friends easily. He celebrated. I didnt feel alone anymore.

Then, in 1980, people he knew began to get sick and die. At first, no one knew why. People called it the gay cancer, a term he despised.

Edmonds would sit in his neighborhood bar, the Deluxe, reading the obituaries in the Bay Area Reporter, a San Francisco newspaper. Often, the first he knew that a friend had even been sick was when he read the obituary. He would sit there crying, sometimes alone, sometimes with others.

Edmonds visited friends in hospitals. He attended funerals and life celebrations for the dead.

He felt healthy when he finally went to get tested for HIV in 1988, though he suspected that, like most of his friends, he had the virus.

One of the first things Edmonds did after learning that he had AIDS was to call his mother with the news; he had no siblings. His mother wept and said she would pray for him.

After receiving the diagnosis, Edmonds said, I let myself freak out. I probably drank too much, though I did get that under control at some point. Marijuana took on a much longer-term role in his survival. The drug countered the nausea, giving him an appetite, which in turn allowed him to avoid severe weight loss.

He did not plan his funeral, except to specify what he did not want. He did not want a religious service because he felt abandoned by religion. Nor did he want an open-casket funeral because he had not liked the ones hed attended while growing up. He asked to be cremated.

There were moments when Edmonds allowed himself to imagine death. How could I not? Yet he focused his mind on survival and did his best to banish despair. When he visited sick and dying friends, he never thought, Thats going to be me.

I tend to not give up, he said. Ever.

Edmonds tried dozens of medications, some of them experimental. The physical misery of AIDS the nausea, diarrhea and intense fatigue came not from the disease, but from side effects of the medications he took. He meditated and endured.

He felt sadness but also great anger that we werent getting the help that we needed. President Ronald Reagans first public mention of the word AIDS did not come until September 1985, according to numerous sources.

On the night of Feb. 23, 1992, Edmonds went to a bar, the Midnight Sun, in the Castro District of San Francisco. From across the bar, he and Arnie House, who had served in the Air Force, saw each other.

He was very talkative, and I thought he was very attractive, Edmonds said. There was just a lot to like.

Ditto, House said. I was just in awe of him.

When they spoke that first night, Edmonds explained that he had HIV.

I accepted it as normal, House said. I was enamored of him. That made it a lot easier.

Soon after that first meeting, Edmonds convinced House to get tested for HIV. The couple went to the test together. By this time, HIV treatments were improving, and so was the outlook for patients. The first of the effective protease inhibitor treatments was only a few years from receiving Food and Drug Administration approval.

When House learned that his test showed he had HIV, he took the news well. I said immediately, Where do we go from here?

We take care of each other, Edmonds replied.

That was indeed how their lives with HIV played out. When one was sick, it always seemed the other was well enough to care for him. House, who had worked for more than a decade as a nurse, proved comfortable in that role.

The two men drew up wills together. They accompanied each other to doctor visits. When they arrived home from medical appointments, they started researching what theyd learned from the doctors.

They collaborated on healthy diets, exercise regimens and the pros and cons of different medications.

Edmonds, who had painted before they met, returned to his art and taught House. They spent hours working over canvases. Edmonds, who had lived through dark times, adored the brightest colors sky blues, hot pinks and lime greens.

Painting, he said, was my happy place.

As years passed, the men discovered that for them, HIV was not a death sentence, but a fact of life. Edmondss 40th birthday celebration was bigger and better than his 35th. For his 50th, he threw a large party, hiring a jazz band and inviting 100 people. In 2014, Edmonds and House, then 58 and 57, respectively, were legally married.

But in August 2018, on one of his routine HIV checkups, Edmondss doctor analyzed his blood sample and discovered a problem. Although Edmonds felt no symptoms other than fatigue, he was diagnosed with a blood disorder called myelodysplastic syndrome. The disorder results in some newly formed red blood cells failing to grow correctly or to enter the bloodstream.

Edmonds was referred to City of Hope in Duarte, where doctors learned that the syndrome had progressed to acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. To treat the cancer, he required a blood stem cell transplant, a procedure that carries a 10 to 20 percent risk of death.

However, Edmondss leukemia had one benefit. He learned that when doctors searched for a compatible donor, they would have the chance to address both his leukemia and his HIV. They would hunt for a rare mutation, known as CCR5 Delta 32, which occurs in only 1 to 2 percent of the population. The mutation prevents HIV from invading cells and multiplying.

The transplant would have been too dangerous had Edmonds had HIV alone. But it was recommended for leukemia, giving Edmonds and his doctors a rare opportunity. The procedure had been tried before with other HIV patients; it had worked just four times, starting in 2007 with Timothy Ray Brown, a man known at first as the Berlin patient.

Doctors were able to find a donor who had the rare mutation and was a perfect match for Edmonds. The transplant was scheduled for Feb. 6, 2019. After six days of chemotherapy to wipe out his immune system so that it could not attack the donor cells, Edmonds was ready.

Okay, the dates finally here, he remembers thinking.

The transplant, which took 20 to 30 minutes, went well. He did better than average, said Aribi, one of his doctors at City of Hope.

Edmonds passed the critical 100-day mark after the transplant, the time when complications are most likely to develop. For an additional couple of months, he was required to stay within close range of the hospital. At that point, old friends from Boston, Atlanta, Austin and Reno, Nev., came to stay with him.

No one wanted me to be by myself, he said. The friends treated the time as a reunion, accompanying Edmonds to some of his old haunts, including his former loft in the Flower District of Los Angeles.

Edmonds delayed stopping his HIV medications during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, finally making the break on March 6, 2021.

The future of the HIV fight

The stem cell treatment, while unavailable to most patients, exposes a chink in HIVs armor, one scientists may be able to exploit years down the road should gene editing be proved safe in humans.

As one of a handful of HIV survivors who have gone into long-term remission, Edmonds is of keen interest to researchers.

Jana K. Dickter, an associate clinical professor with City of Hopes division of infectious diseases, said she is tracking Edmonds for two studies. One focuses on searching for reservoirs, small sites in the body where HIV can hide from the immune system, dormant but not producing new virus. The other study is trying to determine whether the virus can reactivate now that Edmonds has stopped taking HIV medications. So far, the studies have found no HIV reservoirs or signs that the virus is rebounding.

In the meantime, Edmonds has been visiting people who are sick and elderly, running errands and providing companionship. He has just begun sharing his own story.

Im a grateful person, he said. Somehow, miraculously, I survived all of this.

Read the original:
California man in HIV remission opens up about his rare medical ... - The Washington Post