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Religion and The Trump-Pence Ticket – The Tablet Catholic Newspaper

Pope Francis greets Vice President Mike Pence during a meeting at the Vatican in January. (Photo: CNS/Vatican Media)

WINDSOR TERRACE The majority of Americans dont view President Donald Trump as being a religious man, according to a Pew Research poll, but while the president isnt often photographed attending church services, he has frequently evoked religion in his speeches and his actions.

[Related: Trump-Pence 1st Term Record Leaves Catholic Leaders With Mixed Feelings]

Trump is outspoken in his pro-life views on abortion, and in 2020 became the first sitting president to address the March for Life in Washington D.C. in person, rather than appearing via video or a recorded message.

Trump, who was raised in Queens, is a Presbyterian and was confirmed at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica in 1959. His parents, Fred and Mary Anne, joined the Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan in the 1970s. Pastor Norman Vincent Peale ministered to the Trump family for several years until his death in 1993.

The president enjoys strong support within the evangelical community and mentioned religion at several points in his 2020 State of the Union Address.

At one point during the speech, Trump pointed to Robin Schneider, who was seated in the audience with her young daughter Ellie. Ellie was born premature at just 21 weeks in 2017 but was saved by doctors and through the prayers of her parents, Trump said. Ellie reminds us that every child is a miracle of life, the president said. He added that he would ask Congress to pass a bill to ban late-term abortion of babies.

Yet, when Americans were asked in a Pew poll if Trump is religious, the majority thought he didnt have strong beliefs.

According to the poll, 40 percent of respondents said the president is not at all religious and 23 percent replied that he was not too religious. Taken together, thats 63 percent of Americans who think Trump is not very religious.

Only seven percent told pollsters that the president was very religious. Twenty-eight percent said he was somewhat religious.

When asked what Trumps religion is, 32 percent identified him as a Protestant; 34 percent said they had no idea what religion he practices; and 16 percent said he had no religion at all.

Vice President Pence

Vice President Mike Pence, a former congressman and the former governor of Indiana, was raised Catholic and was an altar server at Sunday Masses in his youth. In later years, Pence attended services at Grace Evangelical Church in Indianapolis.

As a congressman, Pence gained a reputation as a staunch pro-life supporter. He adamantly opposed the expansion of abortion rights and fought against federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. He also pushed for a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage.

During his time as governor, he signed a religious freedom bill into law that allowed businesses and individuals to cite their religious beliefs and refuse to do business with people whose views they find objectionable.

In January of this year, Pence met with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

Pence has often described himself as a born-again, evangelical Catholic.

In another revealing comment, he once told reporters that he was a Christian, a Conservative, and a Republican in that order.

[Related: Trump-Pence 1st Term Record Leaves Catholic Leaders With Mixed Feelings]

Here is the original post:
Religion and The Trump-Pence Ticket - The Tablet Catholic Newspaper

‘I had my penis amputated – so I’ve travelled the world shopping for a new one’ – Mirror Online

Richard Stamp is a stark reminder to men across the country why they need to keep on top of their tackle.

He suffered months of pain but, like many men, he put off seeking medical attention and buried his head in the sand, believing everything would be all right in the end.

But that decision cost him dearly as he ended up losing his penis after being diagnosed with cancer in 2018. His relationship also suffered and he lost his girlfriend.

Doctors had to amputate most of the 54-year-olds organ to save his life.

Now Richard, who works in the entertainment industry, has let cameras into his home as he embarks on a year-long quest to discover ways he can rebuild it, from stem cell growth to reconstruction.

In the Channel 5 documentary Shopping For A New Penis, the cameras capture the heartbreaking moment he discusses his struggles with his ex-partner, Angie.

Richard, who has a son and daughter from a previous relationship, says: Angie and I were together for two years before my cancer was discovered.

He admits he was avoiding sex before his diagnosis as it caused him pain.

It built up over time," he said. "Why I wasnt having penetration was because it really hurt, so I started feeling more vulnerable. Then I just didnt want to do that at all.

During a holiday in Cambodia, Richard felt a lump on his penis, but even then he waited two months to go to the doctor.

He was finally diagnosed in Australia, where he was working at the time.

The medic, Dr Cox, told him he was going to have to have his entire penis amputated.

I met this frightening doctor who, very starkly, said: Your c**ks going to come off, explains Richard, who is from Tooting, South London.

He showed me a model of a c**k, like I was some sort of a farm animal.

"It was so cold. All that went through my mind was panic.

Everything was spinning around thats the worst moment of my lifetime.

Richard flew home for a second opinion and soon discovered that his local hospital, St Georges in Tooting, is Europes leading medical institute dealing with penile cancer.

There, his surgeon, Dr Ben Ayres, confirmed amputation was necessary, but he was able to save a tiny portion of his penis.

Richard says: I remember before the operation, thinking, Im going to run away.

"Then the realisation is where am I going to run to? If I dont do this, Im going to die.

Maybe it sounds crazy if youre not a bloke, but living without a penis makes you question who you are.

I was just a normal bloke before all this happened an Arsenal supporter, a father of two who enjoyed a beer with his mates.

"Then one day I was told by a doctor that my penis had to be removed.

"Since then Ive been trying to work out how I survive without a c**k.

"How I live, work, have sex and go to the toilet, how to be a bloke without having a penis.

Im really angry I let it get that far. I feel a complete fool. I could kick myself because I could have saved it.

One of the main questions Richard is often asked is whether he can still have sex, and he wasted no time finding out.

But he admits that being intimate has been a new challenge.

He says: I was grateful I could still orgasm, but then I had to work out how to do that with a partner, how to share my new body with someone.

But some women dont mind.

Richard is now on a mission to return his manhood to its former glory.

He says: Ive been on a journey to see what the world has to offer, plastic ones, prosthetic ones, even ones grown in laboratories.

He concludes: Im going to go for reconstruction. The process is due to start in February.

Richard has met his new surgeon, Prof David Ralph from University College Hospital in London.

The reconstruction requires three 13-hour surgeries.

Doctors will remove flesh from his arm and bottom to form his new penis, an implant will be placed inside and then a pump will be installed in his scrotum to give him an erection at the touch of a button.

He smiles: Its weird. I want it to feel like me, not an object. Im a bit scared, its like something off Doctor Who from the 70s.

Im going through the mental thought process of building myself up to do this. Ever since my first operation, Ive been taking things weeks at a time, thats all I can do.

The documentary is a warts-and-all look at what happens when you dont listen to your body. Richard is now a speaker for the mens cancer charity, Orchid, and he hopes that people will learn from his costly mistake.

He says: Its sort of inbred in men, isnt it, to be tough? Not talk about stuff, just get on with it. Toughen up, be a man.

"Its such a taboo thing to talk about and to experience, and when I found I had penile cancer, I had no idea it even existed.

So the message to every man watching this documentary is if theres something up, get it checked. If youve got a girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, hopefully youll be able to talk to them.

If youre on your own, then talk to a friend. The main thing is you must talk to someone. Dont stick your head in the sand like I did.

Cancer of the penis affects around 630 men every year in the UK.

If caught early, around 70% of those diagnosed with it will survive.

It mostly affects men in their 60s.

Symptoms include:

Excerpt from:
'I had my penis amputated - so I've travelled the world shopping for a new one' - Mirror Online

Determined 24-year-old fighting rare aggressive cancer – Northumberland Gazette

Ryan Renton with girlfriend Beth Drummond (left). Ryan was diagnosed with CLL which transferred to Richters syndrome

At 19, Ryan Renton was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) a rare form of blood cancer after being hospitalised with glandular fever.

Following gruelling treatment, the former Berwick High School student went into remission in 2016 but last October Ryan and his family were given the heartbreaking news that the cancer had returned.

Treatment had been going well for the 24-year-old until he started getting headaches in June and doctors found his cancer had progressed to Richter's syndrome an extremely rare complication with CLL which means Ryans cancer is now more aggressive and fast-growing.

Dad Brian, sister Stacy, Ryan and mum Tracy.

Ryan is now half way through the exhausting chemotherapy treatment and may need radiotherapy ahead of a bone marrow transplant later this year.

Ryan, who worked as a builder with dad Brian, said: Some people take bad to chemotherapy and they have stages where they have to take a break, thankfully my body hasnt reacted in that way. Its the tiredness that affects me the most.

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"With CLL, doctors expected that it would come back. Its just something that I have to deal with, you just have to take it on a daily basis really.

Cancer Research UK says between just two and 10 in every 100 people diagnosed with CLL develop the more aggressive Richters syndrome.

Mum Tracy, 52, said: "Were so proud of him. We just have to support him through it. Ryan being so positive helps us.

"Hes going to get a lot worse before he gets better.

"When he goes in for his bone marrow transplant later this year he will be in hospital for six to eight weeks in isolation.

His family are encouraging people to register to become stem cell donors through DKMS or the Anthony Nolan Trust.

"It will save someones life at the end of the day thats why its very important to have all these donors, added Tracy.

Ryans girlfriend, 20-year-old Beth Drummond, set up a Just Giving page in the hope of raising 500 to help give Ryan the best 25th birthday in October.

Within hours theyd topped their target and now more than 4,600 has been donated.

Ryan is never one to complain, life keeps throwing all these curve balls at him, but he takes them like a boss and always has the most positive attitude, said Beth.

"Hes got a super long journey ahead of him and we are all super proud of him for being so amazing through all of this. Nobody deserves to have to go through this at such a young age.

Covid-19 restrictions means Ryan cant go away but he is looking to buy a gaming computer with the funds donated.

Ryan added: Im overwhelmed with the support. I wanted to thank my football club, Tweedmouth Amateur FC, for all of their support and Luke Dickson and Robyn Pick who were due to complete the Gateshead Half Marathon for Berwick Cancer Cars so they ran a course around Berwick instead.

The rest is here:
Determined 24-year-old fighting rare aggressive cancer - Northumberland Gazette

Archbishops vaccine stance out of tune with community – The Age

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

Singing from the same hymn sheet in times of crisis makes both common and ethical sense, which is why reports of the Archbishops of Sydneys suggestion (Archbishops tell PM of tainted vaccine concerns, 25/8) of a Oxford vaccine boycott seems so wildly out of tune with contemporary Australia. COVID-19 has brought out the best in many communities, seeing greater kindness, empathy and compassion but this latest outburst from the same spiritual test tube that invested $2million against marriage equality and threatened politicians who advocated medical abortion is yet another exception to the Australian rule.

Exceptionalism, entitlement and privilege are at the heart of the problem of church leaders who lead prayers for a vaccine but, not liking the answer, send it back to the kitchen. Most ordinary Christian people are genuinely hopeful and want the best for all Australians. It is nonsense to place the interests of any foetus or prelate above finding a vaccine to defend human life. Fr Peter MacLeod-Miller, Rector of Albury, St Matthews Anglican Church

Use of cell lines helps redeem moral status Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher and his ecumenical colleagues in their criticism of the projected use of the AstraZeneca vaccine do not seem to have recognised the fact there are bioethicists, both Catholic and Anglican among them, who believe that the subsequent use of such foetal cell lines, far from aggravating the immorality of the original abortion, at least to some degree, redeems it. This subsequent use is not a justification of the original abortion, and, equally certainly, one should not abort in order to generate the foetal cells. But, once the abortion has taken place, rather than consigning the foetus to the hospital waste, the derivation of such cell lines from the foetus for vaccination or for other morally acceptable uses may well be considered morally responsible rather than ethically compromised. William Uren, Parkville

Speculation not only unhelpful but dangerous I live with an anti-vaxxer who I love dearly but our difference in views are increasingly fractious. While, for the nation I hope we develop a COVID-19 vaccine, I despair over the challenge in persuading my partner (and subsequently our children) to vaccinate. The article (Doctors say COVID jab must not be mandatory, 23/8) has galvanised my partners resistance to not only taking a COVID-19 vaccine, but all vaccines and presents another hurdle among the uninformed propaganda peddled by anti-vaxxer groups. If it cant be tested properly it should not be administered. Public discussion on these topics are rapidly contorted by anti-vaxxer groups and recited ad nauseum in many households. Information is contorted then weaponised.

Governments should not release a vaccination until it is entirely safe. Dont speculate on the safety aspects of a yet-to-be-developed vaccination. The AMA and Australian government have just added another string to the bow of the anti-vaxxer propaganda machine. Name and address withheld

Archbishops ought to be commended The three Archbishops of Sydney should be commended for their courageous stand in defense of proper ethical standards in medicine. The foetus didnt give consent to being killed and its body parts used for medical research. Just forget about it you say? It happened 50 years ago and you cant be responsible for that? That would be true if we were animals with no conscience. Like many unethical approaches to science and technologies, disadvantages come back to complicate apparent technical advantages. Stefan Kos, Toorak

Outdated moral theology causes great distress Archbishops have spoken out against the Oxford coronavirus vaccine on the basis that it is derived using human embryonic stem cells obtained from aborted foetuses. Non-Christian religions have no such objection. As a former priest and now retired doctor and psychiatrist, I must warn of the anxiety and distress such outdated moral theology causes in the hearts and minds of the faithful. It has happened before. There is no need for religion in making moral judgments. We all have personal conscience, reason and human empathy that tell us what is right and what is wrong. Dr Peter Evans, Malvern

Too busy to reply Treasurer faces his greatest challenge (26/8) is brilliant. At last we know why those of us who are members of the Kooyong branch of Grandmothers for Refugees, advocating for the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers, never receive replies to the letters we send.

The Treasurer is busy phoning journalists. We in the Kooyong electorate do receive regular email updates telling us of his largesse (with our money) and of his appearances in the media. But nothing about the people our leaders consider voiceless.

The closing comment hits the nail on the head: The bottom line is even his colleagues arent quite sure what he stands for. As grandmothers who are elders in our community, we know that knowing what you stand for is every humans greatest challenge. Our hope is that Mr Frydenberg will discover what he stands for, and that he will be assisted in this by listening to those in our community who are deliberately silenced or preferably unheard. Mary Williams, Camberwell

Pressing matters In early April, I wrote to our local member Michael Sukkars office seeking guidance about consular assistance for our daughter who was stranded in Guatemala. We are yet to receive an acknowledgement from his office. I now understand that he and his staff have been awfully busy attending to other pressing matters. Gloria Bower, Mitcham

Same, same Nick OMalley (Chief Scientist Alan Finkel fires back after criticism on gas, 26/8) reports that Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel wrote that greenhouse gas emissions caused by burning coal gas to generate electricity were lower than that created by burning coal. I can assure both OMalley and Dr Finkel that an atom of carbon, whether in the form of coal, or in the form of coal gas derived from coal, will end up as carbon dioxide when burned. In other words, based on carbon content, the emissions of both sources are equivalent. Assoc. Prof. Maurie Trewhella, College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University

Show us the numbers Having some of the nations leading climate change scientists at loggerheads with the Chief Scientist is not a good look. The sooner some ballpark figures for energy generation between now and 2050 are put into the public domain for debate the better. This needs to show how the transition from fossil to renewable energy is expected to track. Once we have an initial pathway outlined, the speed, extent and cost of change can be debated and refined. This might show Dr Finkel and the climate scientists are not too far apart in their thinking. It will also hopefully force a response (and action) from an obstructionist government and vacillating opposition. Peter Thomson, Brunswick

Many lives saved As a GP I am grateful that we have had stage four lockdown. It is the fastest way to reduce deaths and get the economy back to health. Aiming for zero transmission as has happened in other states needs emergency powers, given how many people give themselves exceptions to masks etc. It is unlikely we will have a vaccinated population before September next year. Fighting coronavirus is a marathon, not a sprint. Despite mistakes, clear leadership based on medical evidence has saved many lives. Dr Margaret Beavis, Brighton

Adopt Finnish system I suggest to David Zyngier (Letters, 26/8) that the best way for Australia to reduce social segregation in schooling is to join Finland in fully funding non-government schools and not permitting them to charge fees, or New Zealand which almost fully funds those that charge very low fees. The problem in Australia is not the fact of funding but the use of the socially stratifying Howard/Gonski socio-economic status funding model, the one that ignores school fees. Chris Curtis, Hurstbridge

Hewson insightful What an insightful column from former leader of the Liberal Party John Hewson (Cancerous branch stacking demands leadership, 26/8), regarding the practice of branch stacking. While Labor leaders acted decisively, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has once again been shown up as weak; hand washing and buck passing while he kowtows to the religious right of his party. Gillian Unicomb, Sandford

Power imbalance The fact that Indigenous Australians hold the rights to only a fraction of available surface water in the Murray-Darling basin is another example of the structural inequality that exists in this country (Basin agency warns on water, 26/8). This is no different to the powerlessness of Aboriginal communities to stop the destruction of sacred sites. Only when First Nations Australians are treated as equals while decisions are being made about natural resource development will there be true progress towards reconciliation. Colin Smith, Mount Waverley

Neglect long exposed The Prime Ministers attempt to deflect responsibility for the COVID-19-related disasters in Victorian aged care by pointing to other failures or mismanagement in the control of the pandemic, or by suggesting that Australias record of nursing home deaths is better than other countries, is disgraceful. The neglect and brutality in aged care facilities has been exposed numerous times, including via a royal commission, long before the pandemic. Despite these disclosures, nothing has been done. I wonder how the families who lost loved ones feel, as their relatives deaths are reduced to political point scoring. If our leaders cant take responsibility for their failures, surely they can at least show some compassion. Cheryl Day, Beaumaris

Yearning for dignity Apologising for his governments failure in aged care, Morrison said: On those days when our efforts fall short, none are more sorry than I as Prime Minister. The PMs apology might be genuine, heartfelt even, but families of the residents who have died prematurely in aged care homes, often in the most distressing of circumstances, might see the apology as inefficacious. The Morrison governments lamentable failure in aged care has denied those dying the one thing they might have wished for a basic level of dignity. Neil Hudson, East Melbourne

Sukkar loses my vote Whether or not Michael Sukkar survives the allegations against him, I will not be voting Liberal in Deakin as long as he is the partys candidate. I respect that his socially conservative views are different from mine. As a consequence, I reluctantly put aside his decision to renege on a promise to his electorate that he would vote for the same-sex marriage legislation in December 2017 in accordance with the majority view of Australians. But what I am not prepared to go along with is someone who refuses to appreciate that the party he serves is a broad church and what is worse someone who is actively plotting against Victorian Liberal MPs who do hold views more aligned with mine. Its time to go, Mr Sukkar. Ivan Glynn, Vermont

Urgent scrutiny needed There has been much criticism of Daniel Andrews request to extend emergency powers in Victoria. The fact that other states already have these powers has been omitted from much of the discussion. Yet there has been little scrutiny of the national cabinet, which does not include the Opposition Leader and operates in secrecy. In addition, there is a National COVID-19 Commission stacked with fossil fuel executives who are allegedly making plans to revive our economy without developing renewable energy. This commission also operates in secret and is not required to release details of their meetings. Scrutiny of these bodies is urgently needed. Jen Hooper, Box Hill

Return to the 1950s When will Mr Morrison give women a fair go? His home builder grants disproportionately favour men and he provides little or no JobKeeper support for mostly female-dominated industries such as councils, universities and childcare. Now we see the Defence Force getting $1 billion to increase overall personnel numbers. When you consider that women are also picking up much of the home schooling, it seems the COVID-19 response comes straight from the back-to-the-50s playbook. Donna Wyatt, Wyndham Vale

Tough enough for Defence At a time when the costs of COVID-19 are escalating daily, a $1billion boost in defence spending seems ill considered ($1b defence cash splash, 26/8). When the going gets tough, governments can almost be relied upon to increase defence spending. The notion of building our sovereign industrial capacities exposes the hollow nature of a government which is not prepared to deal properly and meaningfully with the complex problems which face all of us at present, especially the young who, as Ross Gittins points out, have been hardest hit by this pandemic. Helen Scheller, Benalla

Lower voting age Every day, we hear of young people with talent, intelligence and enterprise. Yet they are not entitled to vote. Lets face it, we grown ups have made a mess of the planet. In many places, including Argentina and Scotland, people from the age of 16 are optionally entitled to vote. We should do the same. Young people are the ones who are going to have to put up with the mess weve made. Peter Seligman, Brunswick West

Virus compensation Will Victorian Liberal senator Sarah Henderson (Victorians urged to claim lockdown compensation, 26/8) also support compensation claims against the federal government given they failed to prevent the first arrival of the virus? Steve Melzer, Hughesdale


Politics Its Time: Both Michael Sukkar and Kevin Andrews should be sacked from Parliament. Don Vincent, North Warrandyte

Michael Sukkar, another minister behaving badly with impunity. Phil Lipshut, Elsternwick

Hey Scomo, dont take us for suckers time to ditch Sukkar. John Lippmann, Canterbury

The PM and AFL umpires have something in common; inconsistency and incompetency, blame anyone but yourself for a wrong decision and then deny any decision or criticism. Bruce Dudon, Woodend

The PM is pointing the finger of blame at the Premier. Three other fingers are pointing back at him and the thumb is a rude remnant from his bushfire debacle. Greg Curtin, Blackburn South

Coronavirus After moaning to a client in the US about being stuck in stage four restrictions, she casually commented: I wish someone would look after us like that. Enough said. Claire Collins, Flemington

Id far prefer to run with the approach of the epidemiologist, Catherine Bennett (25/8) than I would that of the law graduate, James Moutsias. Merv Wilson, Mitcham

Travellers tales are no longer filling up my Facebook feed. Whats exciting now is parcel tracking. Rilke Muir, Kensington

Gas debate Re Chief Scientist Alan Finkel fires back after criticism on gas (26/8). All gas but no hydrogen. Why? Sally Dammery, Malvern East

Like the debate about climate change, the debate about gas as a transition fuel is over. You cannot fix the problems caused through burning fossil fuels by burning more fossil fuels. Helen Moss, Croydon

Finally Lets hope the Qantas workers about to lose their jobs own millions of Qantas shares so they can take advantage of the share price rise. Tony OBrien, South Melbourne

To submit a letter to The Age, email Please include your home address and telephone number.

Excerpt from:
Archbishops vaccine stance out of tune with community - The Age

COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Global Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020-2024 | Technavio – Business Wire

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The stem cell therapy market is expected to register a CAGR of almost 7% during 2020-2024, as per the latest research report by Technavio. The report offers a detailed analysis of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the market in optimistic, probable, and pessimistic forecast scenarios.

Request for Technavios market report estimates including pre- and post-COVID-19 impact on stem cell therapy market. Download a Free Sample Report on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic analysis.

Due to the extensive spread of the virus across the globe, the Health Care Industry is anticipated to have Positive impact. The stem cell therapy market will showcase Neutral impact during 2020-2024.

Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020-2024: Segmentation

Stem Cell Therapy Market is segmented as below:

North America region will account for the highest incremental growth during the forecast period due to the high number of research facilities and government funding for innovative stem cell and regenerative medicine research.

With the surging growth of COVID-19 pandemic, the Health Care market is anticipated to have a Direct impact during the forecast period. View market snapshot before purchasing

Limited number of FDA-approved stem cell therapies has been an instrumental factor in influencing the growth of stem cell therapy market. Other market drivers include accelerated regulatory approval. Technavio offers custom research analysis on the crucial pointers to highlight the impact of COVID-19 on the market across the supply chain.

Key Considerations for Market Forecast:

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Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020-2024: Vendor Analysis

The market is fragmented, and the degree of fragmentation will accelerate during the forecast period. Key players in the market have been launching several initiatives and introducing innovative products and services to cater to a larger target audience during the pandemic. Major market participants include Gilead Sciences Inc., Holostem Terapie Avanzate Srl, Lineage Cell Therapeutics Inc., Lonza Group Ltd., Novartis AG, Nuvasive Inc., Organogenesis Inc., Osiris Therapeutics Inc., RTI Surgical Holdings Inc., and Vericel Corp.

Technavio's custom research reports offer detailed insights on the impact of COVID-19 at an industry level, a regional level, and subsequent supply chain operations. This customized report will also help clients keep up with new product launches in direct & indirect COVID-19 related markets, upcoming vaccines and pipeline analysis, and significant developments in vendor operations and government regulations. Register for a free trial today and gain instant access to 17,000+ market research reports. Technavio's SUBSCRIPTION platform

Table of Contents:

Executive Summary

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation by Type

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Geographic Landscape

Vendor Landscape

Vendor Analysis


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Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Global Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020-2024 | Technavio - Business Wire

Yale Researchers Take Stem Cells One Step Closer to Replacing Parathyroid Gland Function – Yale School of Medicine

Yale investigators have developed a multistep process that models the biological instructions to create parathyroid gland cells from pluripotent stem cells, a significant milestone along the path toward helping people who lack the hormones released by parathyroid glands.

In a study published Aug. 18 in the journal Endocrinology with funding from Womens Health Research at Yale, the authors demonstrated a highly reproducible technique for creating a cell that can produce RNA capable of manufacturing parathyroid hormone for people mostly women who suffer from missing or malfunctioning parathyroid glands. RNA serves as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA to produce proteins including hormones, substances secreted into the blood to regulate bodily functions.

This marks the latest development in senior author Dr. Diane Krauses efforts to achieve a cure for a condition known as hypoparathyroidism, in which patients lack parathyroid hormone (PTH), leading to calcium deficiency and many health problems, from painful muscle spasms to heart failure.

A major obstacle for this type of research is demonstrating the ability to reproduce the technique in other laboratories, said Dr. Krause, Professor of Laboratory Medicine, Cell Biology, and Pathology and Associate Director of the Yale Stem Cell Center. We were able to show our protocols success with two different cell types in our lab as well as in the laboratory of our partners at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. Colleagues from the University of California, San Francisco provided additional critical assistance.

Women in the United States suffer from thyroid disease at rates up to eight times higher than men. Women develop thyroid cancer at a rate three times higher than men, often requiring the surgical removal of the thyroid gland as well as the smaller, often embedded parathyroid glands responsible for maintaining the bodys calcium levels.

Building on research developed in part by three Womens Health Research at Yale grants, Dr. Krauses team manipulated what are known as pluripotent stem cells through stages of development so that they could eventually produce parathyroid hormone. Pluripotent stem cells are the bodys basic, convertible building blocks that have the potential for becoming any of the bodys specialized cells, such as those that form bone, heart tissue, or, in this case, parathyroid-like cells.

Our success would not have been possible without generous support from Womens Health Research at Yale, Krause said.

Dr. Krause has recently received a two-year grant from the National Cancer Institute to continue this work, including the first-ever single-cell analysis of normal human parathyroid tissue to better guide efforts toward developing parathyroid-like cells that produce functional levels of PTH when injected into the body.

These exciting results are the product of years of careful effort by Dr. Krause and her colleagues in guiding the slow and steady progress of science, said WHRY Director Carolyn M. Mazure, Ph.D. This is just the latest example of how early investment and dedication continues advancement toward life-changing results.

Other authors on the study include Betty R. Lawton and Courtney E. Gibson of Yale, Corine Martineau and Michael A. Levine of the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, and Julie Ann Sosa and Sanziana Roman of the University of California, San Francisco.

See more here:
Yale Researchers Take Stem Cells One Step Closer to Replacing Parathyroid Gland Function - Yale School of Medicine

Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market to Witness Astonishing Growth by 2029 | VETSTEM BIOPHARMA, Cell Therapy Sciences, Regeneus, Aratana Therapeutics,…

A new Research Report published byGMAunder the titleGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market (COVID 19 Version)can grow into the worlds most important market which has played an important role in making progressive impacts on the global economy. TheGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketReport presents a dynamic vision for concluding and researching market size, market hope and competitive environment. The study is derived from primary and secondary Research and consists of qualitative & Quality analysis. The main company in this Research isVETSTEM BIOPHARMA, Cell Therapy Sciences, Regeneus, Aratana Therapeutics, Medivet Biologics, Okyanos, Vetbiologics, VetMatrix, Magellan Stem Cells, ANIMAL CELL THERAPIES, Stemcellvet

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Research Methodology:

Primary Research:

We interviewed various key sources of supply and demand in the course of thePrimary Researchto obtain qualitative and quantitative information related to this report. Main sources of supply include key industry members, subject matter experts from key companies, and consultants from many major firms and organizations working on theGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market.

Secondary Research:

Secondary Researchwas performed to obtain crucial information about the business supply chain, the company currency system, global corporate pools, and sector segmentation, with the lowest point, regional area, and technology-oriented perspectives. Secondary data were collected and analyzed to reach the total size of the market which the first survey confirmed.

Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:

Historical year 2013-2018

Base year 2019

Forecast period** 2020 to 2029

Some Key Research Questions & answers:

What Is impact of COVID 19 on Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market ?

Before COVID 19Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketSize Was XXX Million $ & After COVID 19 Excepted to Grow at a X% & XXX Million $.

Who are the Top Key Players in the Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market and what are their priorities, strategies & developments?

Lists of Competitors in Research is:VETSTEM BIOPHARMA, Cell Therapy Sciences, Regeneus, Aratana Therapeutics, Medivet Biologics, Okyanos, Vetbiologics, VetMatrix, Magellan Stem Cells, ANIMAL CELL THERAPIES, Stemcellvet

What are the Types & Applications of the Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market ?

Applications cover in these Reports Is:Veterinary Hospitals, Veterinary Clinics, Veterinary Research Institutes, ,

Types Cover in this Research:Allogeneic Stem Cells, Autologous Stem cells, ,

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TOC ofGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketResearch Report at

All percent shares, breaks, and classifications were determined using the secondary sources and confirmed through the primary sources. All parameters that may affect the market covered in this study have been extensively reviewed, researched through basic investigations, and analyzed to obtain final quantitative and qualitative data. This has been the study of key quantitative and qualitative insights through interviews with industry experts, including CEOs, vice presidents, directors and marketing executives, as well as annual and financial reports from top market participants.

Table of Content:

1 Report Summary

1.1 Research Scope

1.2 Key Market Segments

1.3 Target Player

1.4 Market Analysis by TypeAllogeneic Stem Cells, Autologous Stem cells, ,

1.5 Market by ApplicationVeterinary Hospitals, Veterinary Clinics, Veterinary Research Institutes, ,

1.6 Learning Objectives

1.7 years considered

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2 Global Growth Trends

2.1 GlobalGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketSize

2.2 Trends ofGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketGrowth by Region

2.3 Corporate trends

3 Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market shares by key players

3.1Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketSize by Manufacturer

3.2Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy MarketKey players Provide headquarters and local

3.3 Major Players Products / Solutions / Services

3.4 Enter the Barriers in theGlobal Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market

3.5 Mergers, acquisitions and expansion plans


About Author: GMAglobal research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.

Contact Us: JCMARKETRESEARCH Mark Baxter (Head of Business Development) Phone:+1 (925) 478-7203 Email:[emailprotected]

The rest is here:
Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market to Witness Astonishing Growth by 2029 | VETSTEM BIOPHARMA, Cell Therapy Sciences, Regeneus, Aratana Therapeutics,...

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020 | Global (North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific) Market Status and…

Global Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020-2025 Analysis &Forecast Report: By Region, Application, Type, Key Players Global (North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific) Forecast 2025.

Global Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market research report focuses on Current & Future Market Size, Price, Trends, Shares, Segment & Forecast 2020-2025 and gives in-depth analysis of past and future six years industryOpportunities,Sales, Revenue, consumption, and Market Growth Analysis.

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Research report gives a comprehensive analysis of present and future Opportunities toexplains the forthcoming interest in the market. Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarket report gives manufacturers, regional analysis, figure, segmented by End-users type and applications and the real procedure of entire Animal Stem Cell Therapy Marketplace. Worldwide Animal Stem Cell Therapyindustry 2011-2025 report shares data about key driving components, risks, and opportunities with its impact by Region.

Request For The Free Sample Copy Of Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market Report Which Provides Key Market Trends | Growth Forecast | Sale | Revenue | Manufactures @

Key Players: Market Segmented By Prominent Players:

VETSTEM BIOPHARMA, MediVet Biologic, J-ARM, Celavet, Magellan Stem Cells, U.S. Stem Cell, Cells Power Japan, ANIMAL CELL THERAPIES, Animal Care Stem, Cell Therapy Sciences, VetCell Therapeutics, Animacel, Aratana Therapeutics

An up to date research report has been disclosed by Eon Market Research highlighting the title Global Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report 2020 which presents an outlook of modern marketplace growth as well as the predicted forecast along with Rate on Investment (ROI) collectively with developing CAGR close to XX% all through 2020-2025. The file studies Animal Stem Cell Therapy industry revenue in the global marketplace, especially in North the united states, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, and India, with production, consumption, revenue, import and export in those areas.

Segmentation by type:

Dogs Horses Others

Segmentation by application:

Veterinary Hospitals Research Organizations

Global Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market Analysis Covers The Following Points

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Industry Sales, Revenue, and Market Growth Analysis.

Region-wise market Size, SWOT,PEST,ROI(Return on Investment)Analysis.

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Industry Forecast (Industry Level, Product Type Level, Channel Level) 2020-2025.

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Industry Positioning Analysis and Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market Drivers and Opportunities.

Market Opportunities, market risk, market driving force.

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Marketing Channel Development Trend & Competitive landscape.

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Business Supply and demand, Pricing Strategy, Brand Strategy.

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Scope: Scope Of Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market:

This report basically covers Animal Stem Cell Therapy industry in North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific. This report isolates the Animal Stem Cell Therapy market based on competitive players, type, regions, and applications. At the start, the report covers the pinnacle Animal Stem Cell Therapy industry players from locales like the United States, EU, Japan, and China.

This report identifies the global Animal Stem Cell Therapy marketplace size in for the year 2011-2017, and forecast of the equal for the year 2025. It additionally highlights the ability to increase possibilities in the upcoming years, even as additionally reviewing the marketplace drivers, restraints, growth signs, challenges, market dynamics, aggressive landscape, and different key aspects with appreciation to worldwide domestic Animal Stem Cell Therapy marketplace.Global Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market gives a region-wise analysis like growth aspects, sales and revenue, Past, present and forecast trends, Analysis of emerging market sectors and development opportunities in {{ keyword }} will forecast market growth.

Global Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarketplace Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers:

Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarket in North America (Canada and Mexico).

Europe Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarket(Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy).

Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarket in Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and South-east Asia).

Latin America Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarket, Middle and Africa.

Subsequent parts of the report, gives statistics which include market, product, price and channel capabilities with appreciate to the forefront Animal Stem Cell Therapy exhibit designs anticipated inside the midst of the take a look at time allotment from 2020 to 2025, Animal Stem Cell Therapy marketplace selling techniques, local and funding evaluation and sales analysis of Animal Stem Cell Therapy market put it up for sale sellers, measurable statistics functions of the Animal Stem Cell Therapy market and fundamental Animal Stem Cell Therapy business end nearby facts accumulating sources and reference vicinity.

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Table Of Content OfGlobal Animal Stem Cell TherapyMarket:

To depict Animal Stem Cell Therapy Introduction, item scope, market diagram, showcase openings, Market hazard, advertise the main thrust;

To examine the best makers of Animal Stem Cell Therapy, with deals, income, and cost of Animal Stem Cell Therapy, in 2016 and 2017;

To show the focused circumstance among the best makers, with deals, income, and piece of the overall industry in 2016 and 2017;

To demonstrate the worldwide market in locales, with deals, income, and piece of the overall industry of Animal Stem Cell Therapy, for every district, from 2013 to 2018;

To investigate the market by nations, by type, by application, and by makers, with deals, income, and piece of the overall industry by entering nations in these areas;

To demonstrate the market by sort and application, with deals piece of the pie and development rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;

Animal Stem Cell Therapy showcase conjecture, by districts, sort, and application, with deals and income, from 2018 to 2023;

To depict Animal Stem Cell Therapy deals channel, wholesalers, brokers, merchants, Research Findings and Conclusion, reference section and information source.

*** Thanks for reading! You can also request custom information like chapter-wise or specific region-wise study as per your interest. ***

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EON Market Research(EMR) is a market research-based company that empowers data-driven companies. We provide accurate and well-informed market research reports, Real-Time with Real Application. Good research methodology proves to be effective and concise knowledge that uses complex decisions from day-to-day to day-to-day life to help us manage vision, intention and well-armed strategies. At EON Market Research, we are constantly striving for excellence in the techniques and consistency of research in our studies.

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Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020 | Global (North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific) Market Status and...

Adult Stem Cell Assay Market : Segmentation, Industry Trends and Development to 2025 – Scientect

The report is an all-inclusive research study of the global Adult Stem Cell Assay market taking into account the growth factors, recent trends, developments, opportunities, and competitive landscape. The market analysts and researchers have done extensive analysis of the global Adult Stem Cell Assay market with the help of research methodologies such as PESTLE and Porters Five Forces analysis. They have provided accurate and reliable market data and useful recommendations with an aim to help the players gain an insight into the overall present and future market scenario. The Adult Stem Cell Assay report comprises in-depth study of the potential segments including product type, application, and end user and their contribution to the overall market size.

The Adult Stem Cell Assay Market carries out financial changes that occur year by years in market, with information about upcoming opportunities and risk to keeps you ahead of competitors. The report also describes top company profiles that present in market with trends worldwide. This research guided you for extending business.

The Adult Stem Cell Assay Market research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data and statistically-supported and industry-validated market data and projections with a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. It provides analysis and information by categories such as market segments, regions, and product type and distribution channels.

For more insights into the Market, request a sample of this report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @

segment by Type, the product can be split into Viability/Cytotoxicity Isolation & Purification Cell Identification Proliferation Differentiation Function Apoptosis Market segment by Application, split into Regenerative Medicine & Therapy Development Drug Discovery & Development Clinical Research

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia India Central & South America

A proper understanding of the Adult Stem Cell Assay Market dynamics and their inter-relations helps in gauging the performance of the industry. The growth and revenue patterns can be revised and new strategic decisions taken by companies to avoid obstacles and roadblocks. It could also help in changing the patterns using which the market will generate revenues. The analysis includes an assessment of the production chain, supply chain, end user preferences, associated industries, proper availability of resources, and other indexes to help boost revenues.

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Market Segmentation based On Type, Application and Region:

The global Adult Stem Cell Assay is analyzed for different segments to arrive at an insightful analysis. Such segmentation has been done based on type, application and Region.

Global Adult Stem Cell Assay market is presented to the readers as a holistic snapshot of the competitive landscape within the given forecast period. It presents a comparative detailed analysis of the all regional and player segments, offering readers a better knowledge of where areas in which they can place their existing resources and gauging the priority of a particular region in order to boost their standing in the global market.

The Global Adult Stem Cell Assay Market is gaining pace and businesses have started understanding the benefits of analytics in the present day highly dynamic business environment. The market has witnessed several important developments over the past few years, with mounting volumes of business data and the shift from traditional data analysis platforms to self-service business analytics being some of the most prominent ones.

For the future period, sound forecasts on market value and volume are offered for each type and application. In the same period, the report also provides a detailed analysis of market value and consumption for each region. These insights are helpful in devising strategies for the future and take necessary steps. New project investment feasibility analysis and SWOT analysis are offered along with insights on industry barriers. Research findings and conclusions are mentioned at the end.

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Table of Content:

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Adult Stem Cell Assay Market : Segmentation, Industry Trends and Development to 2025 - Scientect

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market Comprehensive Study Explores Huge Growth In Future – Scientect

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Marketis a professional and in-depth market report that focuses on primary and secondary drivers, market share, possible sales volume, leading segments and geographical analysis of the Chemical and Materials industry. It shows that the rise in market value is generally attributed to the rising growth of the application industries and the subsequent rise in demand for applications. TheAutologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Marketanalysis gives an examination of various segments that are relied upon to witness the quickest growth amid the approximate forecast frame. The competitive landscape section of the Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Marketreport brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis of major industry players.

Europe autologous stem cell and non-stem cell based therapies market is registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. The report contains data from the base year of 2018 and the historic year of 2017. The rise in the market can be attributed growing awareness of the therapeutic potential of stem cells in effective disease management and increased public-private investment in the development of stem cell therapies.

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Prominent Key Players Covered in the report:

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Cytori Therapeutics Inc., General Electric Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG ., Medtronic, Natus Medical Incorporated., Integra LifeSciences Corporation, RAUMEDIC AG, Abbott., Endotronix, Inc. among others.

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies market is framed with a bunch of Graphical Statistics, Table and Figures, Data Analysis Representation described in detail with a transparent goal to target potential company stakeholders. Featuring Industry Chain Structure strongly gives out the overview of market growth and it becomes easy to project the hurdles and upsurge profit graphs.

Coming to the Competitive landscape this Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies market report gives out each and every aspect required to measure the existing market performance including technological advancements, business overview, positive and negative factors of market position and challenges faced but the market leaders to rank themselves above all. Quality parameters like Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies sales reach, regional coverage, production price trends, and manufacturing cost structure are also studied to give out perfect competition outlook

Major Regions as Follows:

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Key Pointers Covered in the Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market Industry Trends and Forecast

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Prime Factors Influencing Market Growth

Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market Overview:

Later, the report focuses on regions operational coverage across the world mainly sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate variable within each region depending upon its capacity. This research also results to measure global Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies competitors according to specific regions for development and compound growth rate.

Reasons to Purchase this Report

Significant Market Features:

This report features a mainly top to bottom approach to target key aspects of Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies market that includes, Gross Revenue, CAGR, Key Players, Cost Structure, Production Capacity, Sales Analysis and Future Growth Trends projected on the basis of historical Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies research.


Part 01: Executive Summary

Part 02: Scope of the Report

Part 03: Research Methodology

Part 04: Market Landscape

Part 05: Pipeline Analysis

Part 06: Market Sizing

Part 07: Five Forces Analysis

Part 08: Market Segmentation

Part 09: Customer Landscape

Part 10: Regional Landscape

Part 11: Decision Framework

Part 12: Drivers and Challenges

Part 13: Market Trends

Part 14: Vendor Landscape

Part 15: Vendor Analysis

Part 16: Appendix

In conclusion, the Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market report is a reliable source for accessing the research data that is projected to exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, benefits, limits, trends, market growth rates, and figures. SWOT analysis is also incorporated in the report along with speculation attainability investigation and venture return investigation.

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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with an unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.

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Autologous Stem Cell and Non-Stem Cell Based Therapies Market Comprehensive Study Explores Huge Growth In Future - Scientect