Category Archives: Adult Stem Cells

How to awaken neural stem cells and reactivate them? – Tech Explorist

Cellular metabolism is essential for adult neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) behavior. These cells can be reactivated to form new neurons. However, its role in the transition from quiescence to proliferation has yet to be fully understood.

A team led by scientists from the Universities of Geneva (UNIGE) and Lausanne (UNIL) has discovered the importance of cell metabolism in this process and identified how to wake up these neural stem cells and reactivate them. They successfully increased the number of new neurons in the brain of adult and even elderly mice.

The brain is constructed during embryonic development by neural stem cells (NSCs), which produce all other central nervous system cells, including neurons. Interestingly, NSCs keep growing and can produce new neurons in specific brain regions even after the brain has fully developed. Adult neurogenesis is a biological process crucial for particular tasks, including memory and learning.

However, in the adult brain, these stem cells become more silent or dormant and reduce their capacity for renewal and differentiation. As a result, neurogenesis decreases significantly with age.

Scientists uncovered a metabolic mechanism by which adult NSCs can emerge from their dormant state and become active.

Francesco Petrelli, a research fellow at UNIL and co-first author of the study with Valentina Scandella, said,We found that mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles within cells, regulate the level of activation of adult NSCs.

A crucial component in this control is played by the mitochondrial pyruvate transporter (MPC), a protein complex first identified by Professor Martinous team eleven years ago. Its activity affects the available metabolic possibilities for a cell. Scientists can awaken dormant cells by altering their mitochondrial metabolism by understanding the metabolic mechanisms that separate active cells from dormant cells.

By utilizing chemical inhibitors or creating mutant mice for the Mpc1 gene, biologists have been able to block MPC activity. The scientists stimulated dormant NSCs and subsequently generated new neurons in the brains of adult and even old mice by using pharmacological and genetic approaches.

Professor Knobloch, co-lead author of the study, said,With this work, we show that redirection of metabolic pathways can directly influence the activity state of adult NSCs and consequently the number of new neurons generated.

Jean-Claude Martinou, co-lead author of the study, said,These results shed new light on the role of cell metabolism in regulating neurogenesis. In the long term, these results could lead to potential treatments for conditions such as depression or neurodegenerative diseases.

Journal Reference:

How to awaken neural stem cells and reactivate them? - Tech Explorist

Stem cell therapy: A possible solution to save our coral reefs – The Miami Hurricane

This article was the 2022 first-place winner of the University of Miami Graduate Op-Ed Challenge.

Imagine your next snorkeling vacation at a barren underwater desert. The vibrant corals and bright flashes of darting fish reduced to nothing but a bleak wasteland.This reality is around the corner.

Weve been seeing a decline in coral reef health for decades. Scientists have undeniably proven that greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the global increase in temperature and ocean acidification, the top contributors to coral decline. Yet, political and economic restraints prevent the reversal of greenhouse gas emissions at a sufficient rate.

So how can we buy corals the time they need until such drastic changes can be met? The answer might be in human medicine.

Patients diagnosed with leukemia or Non-Hodgkins lymphoma are often faced with intense, harmful treatments of chemotherapy or radiation. This leaves the body with a diminished blood cell supply. Its becoming common to follow these treatments with stem cell therapies to reintroduce healthy stem cells, ultimately providing new blood cells and mitigating unpleasant symptoms. Could the same be done for corals?

Coral gardening is currently the favored practice of coral preservation amongst coral conservationists. Artificial structures, usually made out of PVC pipes or plastic mesh, are built to provide a nursery. On these nurseries, small coral fragments are cultivated by conservationists and volunteers until they reach an optimal size. At this point they are outplanted on the reef using a marine epoxy, or glue. While efforts can focus on corals that are more tolerant of higher temperatures, this technique requires endless hours of manpower, reduces the diversity of corals on the reef and is time-consuming due to corals slow-growing nature. While this method has undoubtedly provided relief for many reefs, it is not sustainable enough for the future of corals.

Optimal solutions would be able to prevent the declining health of adult corals already present on the reef. To this end, genome editing and probiotic treatments are examples of solutions under consideration. These methods hold water and should be further explored, but they present their own issues.

As in human cancer patients, stem cell therapy may be the ideal solution. Transplanting stem cells from a resilient coral to one more susceptible, would preserve adult corals already existing on the reef, maintain the genetic diversity, require less maintenance by conservationists and volunteers and maintain the reef structure which is so necessary for the entire ecosystem. So why havent we tried stem cell therapy on corals?

The problem is simple: we dont know if corals have stem cells. Closely related animals (think anemones and jellyfish) have been shown to possess these regenerative cells, suggesting corals might, too.

Testing this is no simple task, unfortunately. A common method of identifying stem cells in other animals is to use a fluorescent tag for common stem cell-associated markers, similar to how we detect antibodies. However, corals possess a wide range of natural fluorescent proteins, making it impossible to distinguish the stem cell markers. To overcome this, researchers at the University of Miami have identified a population of cells that exhibit many characteristics of stem cells across the animal kingdom. These small, structurally simple and rare cells show a gene expression signature similar to an unspecialized cell, which provides convincing evidence that these are indeed stem cells.

With this kernel of hope, the next stage of this research is addressing the logistics: How do we transplant stem cells, and which corals should act as the donors? Corals are essentially animals in rock-form, making classic needle-based injections a challenging mode of transplantation.

One avenue to explore is the application of short-term hydrogels. Commonly used as wound dressings in humans, hydrogels are an ideal substance for donor cell transfers, and act as a physical barrier against physical damage and infection.

The second factor to consider is which corals should serve as the donors. Just as our blood type determines from whom we can receive blood transfusions, there may be genetic compatibility factors that will need to be considered on top of resiliency to heat and other stressors. However, considering that many coral species are capable of growing and fusing together, the probability of successful transplantations seems high.

Despite the hurdles, this research should proceed. We are way past the luxury of questioning if human intervention is necessary or acceptable. According to greenhouse gas emission and temperature predictions by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, corals will face annual mass bleaching and mortality events by 2050. The current methods of coral conservation are simply not enough, and we need to be more effective in our efforts if we are going to save the coral reefs we rely upon and love. Stem cell therapy could be the answer.

Grace Snyder is a graduate student at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, studying the capability of coral stem cell transplantations.

See original here:
Stem cell therapy: A possible solution to save our coral reefs - The Miami Hurricane

What are ‘minibrains’? Everything to know about brain organoids –

In the past decade, lab-grown blobs of human brain tissue began making news headlines, as they ushered in a new era of scientific discovery and raised a slew of ethical questions.

These blobs scientifically known as brain organoids, but often called "minibrains" in the news serve as miniature, simplified models of full-size human brains. These organoids can potentially be useful in basic research, drug development and even computer science.

However, as scientists make these models more sophisticated, there's a question as to whether they could ever become too similar to human brains and thus gain consciousness, in some form or another.

Scientists grow brain organoids from stem cells, a type of immature cell that can give rise to any cell type, whether blood, skin, bowel or brain.

The stem cells used to grow organoids can either come from adult human cells, or more rarely, human embryonic tissue, according to a 2021 review in the Journal of Biomedical Science (opens in new tab). In the former case, scientists collect adult cells and then expose them to chemicals in order to revert them into a stem cell-like state. The resulting stem cells are called "induced pluripotent stem cells" (iPSC), which can be made to grow into any kind of tissue.

To give rise to a minibrain, scientists embed these stem cells in a protein-rich matrix, a substance that supports the cells as they divide and form a 3D shape. Alternatively, the cells may be grown atop a physical, 3D scaffold, according to a 2020 review in the journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (opens in new tab).

To coax the stem cells to form different tissues, scientists introduce specific molecules and growth factors substances that spur cell growth and replication into the cell culture system at precise points in their development. In addition, scientists often place the stem cells in spinning bioreactors as they grow into minibrains. These devices keep the growing organoids suspended, rather than smooshed against a flat surface; this helps the organoids absorb nutrients and oxygen from the well-stirred solution surrounding them.

Brain organoids grow more complex as they develop, similar to how human embryos grow more and more complex in the womb. Over time, the organoids come to contain multiple kinds of cells found in full-size human brains; mimic specific functions of human brain tissue; and show similar spatial organization to isolated regions of the brain, though both their structure and function are simpler than that of a real human brain, according to the Journal of Biomedical Science review.

Minibrains can be used in a variety of applications. For example, scientists are using the blobs of tissue to study early human development.

To this end, scientists have grown brain organoids with a set of eye-like structures called "optic cups;" in human embryos in the womb, the optic cup eventually gives rise to the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye. Another group grew organoids that generate brain waves similar to those seen in preterm babies, and another used minibrains to help explain why a common drug can cause birth defects and developmental disorders if taken during pregnancy. Models like these allow researchers to glimpse the brain as it appears in early pregnancy, a feat that would be both difficult and unethical in humans.

Minibrains can also be used to model conditions that affect adults, including infectious diseases that affect the brain, brain tumors and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, according to the Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology review. In addition, some groups are developing minibrains for drug screening, to see if a given medication could be toxic to human patients' brains, according to a 2021 review in the journal Frontiers in Genetics (opens in new tab).

Such models could complement or eventually replace research conducted with cells in lab dishes and in animals; even studies in primates, whose brains closely resemble humans', can't reliably capture exactly what happens in human disease. For now, though, experts agree that brain organoids are not advanced enough to partially or fully replace established cell and animal models of disease. But someday, scientists hope these models will lead to the development of new drugs and reduce the need for animal research; some researchers are even testing whether it could be feasible to repair the brain by "plugging" injuries with lab-grown human minibrains.

Related: FDA no longer requires animal testing for new drugs. Is that safe?

Beyond medicine and the study of human development, minibrains can also be used to study human evolution. Recently, scientists used brain organoids to study which genes allowed the human brain to grow so large, and others have used organoids to study how human brains differ from those of apes and Neanderthals.

Finally, some scientists want to use brain organoids to power computer systems. In an early test of this technology, one group recently crafted a minibrain out of human and mouse brain cells that successfully played "Pong" after being hooked up to a computer-controlled electrode array.

And in a recent proposal published in the journal Frontiers in Science (opens in new tab), scientists announced their plans to grow large brain organoids, containing tens of thousands to millions of cells, and link them together to create complex networks that can serve as the basis for future biocomputers.

Although sometimes called "minibrains," brain organoids aren't truly miniaturized human brains. Rather, they are roughly spherical balls of brain tissue that mimic some features of the full-size human brain. For example, cerebral organoids, which contain cell types found in the cerebral cortex, the wrinkled outer surface of the brain, contain several layers of tissue, as a real cortex would.

Similarly, brain organoids can generate chemical messages and brain waves similar to what's seen in a full-size brain, but that doesn't mean they can "think," (opens in new tab) experts say. That said, one sticking point in this discussion is the fact that neuroscientists don't have an agreed-upon definition of consciousness, nor do they have standardized ways to measure the phenomenon, Nature reported (opens in new tab) in 2020.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine assembled a committee to tackle these quandaries and released a report in 2021 (opens in new tab), outlining some of the potential ethical issues of working with brain organoids.

At the time, the authors concluded that (opens in new tab) "In the foreseeable future, it is extremely unlikely that [brain organoids] would possess capabilities that, given current understanding, would be recognized as awareness, consciousness, emotion, or the experience of pain. From a moral perspective, neural organoids do not differ at present from other in vitro human neural tissues or cultures. However, as scientists develop significantly more complex organoids, the possible need to make this distinction should be revisited regularly."

Here is the original post:
What are 'minibrains'? Everything to know about brain organoids -

BioRestorative Therapies Receives Notice of Allowance by the … – BioSpace

--Notice of allowance will be the third US patent to issue from this ThermoStem family targeting obesity and metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes--

MELVILLE, N.Y., March 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. (BioRestorative, BRTX or the Company) (NASDAQ:BRTX), a clinical stage company focused on stem cell-based therapies, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a notice of allowance for a patent application related to the Companys metabolic ThermoStem program. The notice of allowance was issued on February 24, 2023.

This will be the third patent granted under this particular family of intellectual property, claims granted under the new patent cover implantable three-dimensional scaffolds and brown adipocytes that have been derived from human brown adipose-derived stem cells. Therapeutic benefits of using brown adipose have been demonstrated in various models and may provide a valuable therapeutic tool for treating a range of metabolic disorders. In addition, BioRestorative is evaluating the use of this technology to target indications outside of metabolic disorders.

This is the second notice of allowance we have received regarding our ThermoStem program within 2023. This notice of allowance is very meaningful as it provides the Company with further protection and strengthens our technology as we develop and expand into the clinic. Additionally, it enhances our ability to engage with the strategic community on collaborative and partnering opportunities said Lance Alstodt, the Companys CEO.

About BioRestorative Therapies, Inc.

BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. ( develops therapeutic products using cell and tissue protocols, primarily involving adult stem cells. Our two core programs, as described below, relate to the treatment of disc/spine disease and metabolic disorders:

Disc/Spine Program (brtxDISC): Our lead cell therapy candidate,BRTX-100,is a product formulated from autologous (or a persons own) cultured mesenchymal stem cells collected from the patients bone marrow. We intend that the product will be used for the non-surgical treatment of painful lumbosacral disc disorders or as a complementary therapeutic to a surgical procedure. TheBRTX-100production process utilizes proprietary technology and involves collecting a patients bone marrow, isolating and culturing stem cells from the bone marrow and cryopreserving the cells. In an outpatient procedure,BRTX-100is to be injected by a physician into the patients damaged disc. The treatment is intended for patients whose pain has not been alleviated by non-invasive procedures and who potentially face the prospect of surgery. We have commenced a Phase 2 clinical trial usingBRTX-100to treat chronic lower back pain arising from degenerative disc disease.

Metabolic Program (ThermoStem): We are developing a cell-based therapy candidate to target obesity and metabolic disorders using brown adipose (fat) derived stem cells to generate brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT is intended to mimic naturally occurring brown adipose depots that regulate metabolic homeostasis in humans. Initial preclinical research indicates that increased amounts of brown fat in animals may be responsible for additional caloric burning as well as reduced glucose and lipid levels. Researchers have found that people with higher levels of brown fat may have a reduced risk for obesity and diabetes.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and other risks, including, without limitation, those set forth in the Company's latest Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

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BioRestorative Therapies Receives Notice of Allowance by the ... - BioSpace

NSW Government backs University-led consortium on drug discovery – University of Sydney

Professor Michael Kassiou will lead the NSW Organoid Innovation Centre.

The University of Sydney will lead the establishment of the NSW Organoid Innovation Centre, a new multi-institution facility that will apply the latest stem-cell techniques to accelerate drug discovery and design.

Funding of $2.5 million for the centre was delivered by the NSW Government through the Emerging Industry Infrastructure Fund. The University of Sydney will invest an additional $1.3 million in the centre, which is a collaboration with the University of NSW and the Childrens Medical Research Institute at Westmead.

The academic lead for the centre is Professor Michael Kassiou from the School of Chemistry and the Drug Discovery Initiative at the University of Sydney.

The NSW Organoid Innovation Centre will turbocharge the biomedical ecosystem in NSW and establish a world-class stem-cell research and drug discovery hub for Australia, he said.

Sometimes referred to as mini organs in a dish, organoids are self-organising clusters of multiple cell types derived from human stem cells. The cells can be taken from a patients body to create clinically relevant organic testing sites in the lab.

We can run our database of existing drug types against the organoid cells in the laboratory. This gives us a much better chance of success in drug discovery, bypassing several steps in traditional drug design, Professor Kassiou said.

Conventional drug discovery often uses animal surrogates for testing. However, animal surrogates are not always reliable models for how drugs work in humans.

Professor Kassiou said: Organoid technology bridges the gap between initial discovery and testing directly in humans, with potential to rapidly accelerate relevant drugs to treat disease.

This new approach is all about targeting processes that are clinically relevant to the disease you are interested in, he said.

The University of Sydney is investing in robotic facilities for the centre to develop precision drug-screening platforms that rapidly and automatically handle the stem-cell organoids.

The NSWOIC node at UNSW will be led by Dr Shafagh Waters and the CMRI node at Westmead will be led by Dr Anai Gonzalez Cordero. These two nodes will focus on producing the stem cells and organoids needed by the centre.

Dr Waters said: At UNSW, we're proud to join forces with the University of Sydney and CMRI. With our advanced techniques for upscale production of clinically relevant, quality-assured adult stem-cell-derived organoids, we're opening new possibilities for targeted therapies and personalised medicine.

Dr Gonzalez Cordero said: Were grateful to the NSW Government for its vision and foresight. Without this investment we wouldnt be able to develop and test new therapies for patients living with genetic disease who presently have few or no options for a treatment or cure.

University of Sydney staff working with Professor Kassiou at the new centre include:

Professor Glenda Halliday, Professor Wojciech Chrzanowski and Professor Gemma Figtree, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health; and Professor Greg Neely from the Faculty of Science.

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NSW Government backs University-led consortium on drug discovery - University of Sydney

Transplanted brain organoids show response to visual stimuli in … – Drug Target Review

Researchers say that by looking at individual neurons, they were able to gain a deeper understanding of the integration of transplanted brain organoids.

In a study published in Cell Stem Cell, researchers have shown that brain organoids can integrate with rat brains and respond to visual stimulation like flashing lights.

Decades of research has shown that scientists can transplant individual human and rodent neurons into rodent brains, and, more recently, it has been demonstrated that human brain organoids can integrate with developing rodent brains. However, whether these organoid grafts can functionally integrate with the visual system of injured adult brains has yet to be explored.

We focused on not just transplanting individual cells, but actually transplanting tissue, said senior author Assistant Professor H. Isaac Chen. Brain organoids have architecture; they have structure that resembles the brain. We were able to look at individual neurons within this structure to gain a deeper understanding of the integration of transplanted organoids.

The researchers cultivated human stem cell-derived neurons in the lab for around 80 days before grafting them into the brains of adult rats that had sustained injuries to their visual cortex. Within three months, the grafted organoids had integrated with their hosts brain: becoming vascularised, growing in size and number, sending out neuronal projections, and forming synapses with the hosts neurons.

The team made use of fluorescent-tagged viruses that hop along synapses, from neuron to neuron, to detect and trace physical connections between the organoid and brain cells of the host rat. By injecting one of these viral tracers into the eye of the animal, we were able to trace the neuronal connections downstream from the retina, said Chen. The tracer got all the way to the organoid.

Next, the researchers used electrode probes to measure the activity of individual neurons within the organoid when the animals were exposed to flashing lights and alternating white and black bars. We saw that a good number of neurons within the organoid responded to specific orientations of light, which gives us evidence that these organoid neurons were able to not just integrate with the visual system, but they were able to adopt very specific functions of the visual cortex.

The team was surprised by the degree to which the organoids were able to integrate within only three months. We were not expecting to see this degree of functional integration so early, said Chen. There have been other studies looking at transplantation of individual cells that show that even nice or 10 months after you transplant human neurons into a rodent, theyre still not completely mature.

Neural tissues have the potential to rebuild areas of the injured brain, Chen added. We have not worked everything out, but this is a very solid first step. Now, we want to understand how organoids could be used in other areas of the cortex, not just the visual cortex, and we want to understand the rules that guide how organoid neurons integrate with the brain so that we can better control that process and make it happen faster.

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Transplanted brain organoids show response to visual stimuli in ... - Drug Target Review

Europe Stem Cell Manufacturing Market Revenue to reach USD 23,505.08 million by 2028 – openPR

Europe Stem Cell Manufacturing Market

Europe Stem Cell Manufacturing Market research report provides data and information about the scenario of Medical Devices industry which makes it easy to be ahead of the competition in today's speedily changing business environment. This market report has been structured by applying the best and standard analytical methods which are SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces analysis that analyse and evaluate all the primary and secondary research data and information in this report. What is more, the credible Europe Stem Cell Manufacturing Market report intensely analyses the potential of the market with respect to existing scenario and the future prospects by considering all industry aspects of Medical Devices industry.

Stem cells are body's raw material which can differentiate into variety of cells. It means cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Stem Cell therapies are defined as treatment for medical condition which involves the use of any type of human stem cells including embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells for allogenic and autologous therapies.

This stem cell manufacturing market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import-export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localized market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on the stem cell manufacturing market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.

The stem cell manufacturing market is segmented on the basis of products, application, end user and distribution channel.On the basis of products, stem cell manufacturing market is segmented into stem cell lines, instruments, consumables & kits. On the basis of application, cell manufacturing market is segmented into research applications, clinical applications, cell and tissue banking and others. On the basis of end user, stem cell manufacturing market is segmented into biotechnology & pharmaceutical companies, research institutes and academic institutes, cell banks and tissue banks, hospital & surgical centers and others. On the basis of distribution channel, stem cell manufacturing market is segmented into direct sales and third party distributors.

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Europe Stem Cell Manufacturing Market Revenue to reach USD 23,505.08 million by 2028 - openPR

Helping Stroke Recovery with Stem Cells (Sponsored content from … – Varsity Online

As a stroke occurs, some parts of the brain may be temporarily deprived of oxygen due to the interruption of blood flow or a hemorrhage. This causes the death of millions of neurons. According to the CDC report, almost 87% of all strokes are ischemic strokes, i.e., they are caused by a blockage. The two available treatments for stroke include mechanical thrombectomy and stem cell therapy. In mechanical thrombectomy, the blood clots from the brain are removed by administering anti-clotting drugs and using a catheter-based system. This method is effective within six hours of a stroke.

In cell-based therapy, the mesenchymal stem cells are injected or infused into the patient to fuel the repair process within the site of a stroke. This therapy can be given to a patient with either of two forms of stroke and any time after the cardiovascular accident (CVA). While this method is not common yet, the stem cell stroke clinical trial has proven that it aids in expediting repair mechanisms after a stroke. This article will teach you how this research and development can help stroke patients recover.

Stem cells can seek out damaged tissues in the body and trigger regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects there. Many scientists worldwide are turning towards stem cells for clinical trials. They are trying to figure out how they can help in stroke recovery. In a research conducted at Stanford University School of Medicine, stem cell transplant therapy was used on the brains of 18 individuals who suffered a stroke (DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.012995).

Their brains were injected with SB623 cells (mesenchymal stem cells). These were derived from the bone marrow of two donors. Interestingly, the trial participants showed an average increase of 11.4 points on the Fugl-Meyer Assessment, which is a stroke-specific impairment test. This test proved that they are indeed effective in stroke recovery years after its occurrence, regardless of the persons age.

The trial also showed motor-function improvements in patients with no immune rejection of cells within and after the therapy.

They belong to a class of undifferentiated cells. What makes them special is that they can differentiate into specialized types. In other words, they have the ability to become nerve, cardiac, or blood cells, depending on their location within the body. Another factor that makes them special is that they can divide infinitely.

This makes them ideal for replacing damaged cells due to neurological injuries such as stroke. As per a study by Michael Levy and his colleagues, intravenous injection of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells is an effective treatment for long-term post-stroke recovery (DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.119.026318). Once they are injected into the brain, it helps promote regeneration and repair the damaged tissue.

Contrary to popular belief, the injected stem cells by themselves dont replace the neurons. Instead, they enhance the native mechanisms of recovery in the brain and turn it into a cell-regenerating machine. This treatment also helps stimulate neuroplasticity, which reorganizes the circuits in the brain. Here is the evidence:

It was proved that this treatment increases functional recovery regardless of the persons age or the type of stroke that they suffered.

Stem cell therapy involves injecting separated and cultivated adult stem cells into the bloodstream where they reach the site of injury, or directly into the brain. What is important, there are no serious side effects from this therapy. Once the treatment is complete, it improves the natural capacity of the brain to regrow neurons.

The chronic stroke patients who were provided with this therapy demonstrated substantial recovery even long after the occurrence. Hence, this treatment has great potential to restore physical functions after a period of immobility. This gives hope to those who have not been able to achieve progress in recovery after a stroke using conventional rehabilitation methods.

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Helping Stroke Recovery with Stem Cells (Sponsored content from ... - Varsity Online

The cell therapy manufacturing market is anticipated to grow at an … – PR Newswire

Given the consistent research efforts and continuous growth of the cell therapies development pipeline, this upcoming therapeutic segment is expected to represent one of the highest valued segments of the biopharmaceutical industry in the foreseen future

LONDON, Feb. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --Roots Analysishas announced the addition of "Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market(5th Edition), 2022-2035"report to its list of offerings.

Owing to the intricacies associated with the manufacturing processes, requirement for advanced production facilities and the growing demand for cell therapy products, developers are actively outsourcing certain production operations, in addition to expanding their in-house capabilities.

To order this 649 page report, which features 245+ figures and 285+ tables, please visit

Key Market Insights

Around 240 organizations claim to be engaged in contract manufacturing of cell therapies

The current market landscape is dominated by industry players, which constitute 70% of the total number of stakeholders. It is worth mentioning that, amongst these, over 39% companies are small firms.

340+ production facilities dedicated to cell therapies have been established worldwide

North America has emerged as a key manufacturing hub for cell therapies, featuring the presence of nearly 46% manufacturing facilities; this is followed by Europe (28%). Other emerging regions include China, Japan, Singapore and Australia.

65+ cell therapy manufacturers are focused on immune cell and stem cell therapies

Most of the players in this domain are focused on manufacturing of T cell therapies, primarily CAR-T therapies, while stem cell therapy manufacturers are primarily engaged in the production of adult stem cells and mesenchymal stem cell therapies

Presently, more than 100 companies carry out manufacturing at all scales of operation.

Nearly 54% players have the required capabilities for commercial scale manufacturing. It is worth noting that all industry and non-industry players manufacture cell therapies required for clinical purposes.

45+ companies offer automated and closed systems to cell therapy developers

More than 70 automated and closed systems are being used for cell therapy manufacturing. Nearly 60% automation technologies have been developed for processing and manufacturing adult stem cells, followed by those focused on T cells (53%).

1,038+ clinical trials evaluating cell therapies have been registered post 2019, worldwide

The clinical research activity (in terms of number of trials registered) increased at a CAGR of 73%, during the period 2019-2022. Of the total number of trials, close to 94% studies are presently active. Amongst the active trials, 76% were observed to be currently recruiting.

Over 260 partnerships were established in this domain, during the period 2016-2022

A large proportion (28%) of the partnerships were related to cell therapy manufacturing, followed by mergers and acquisitions (19%), and product development and commercialization agreements (9%).

Expansion activity in this domain has grown at a CAGR of 70%, between 2017 and 2022

More than 110 facility expansions were reported during the given time period. Over 80% instances were related to the establishment of new facilities, followed by those involving the expansion of existing facilities (19%).

Initiatives undertaken by big pharma players have increased at a CAGR of 58%, during 2017-2022

Several big pharma players have carried out initiatives focused on cell therapy manufacturing. Gilead sciences, Takeda Pharmaceutical and Novartis are some of the prominent big pharma players in this domain.

Currently available global cell therapy manufacturing capacity is estimated to be over 5.44 billion sq. ft. of dedicated cleanroom area

The maximum (48%) installed capacity (in terms of cleanroom area) belongs to companies based in North America; the region has a higher number of players, which have multiple production facilities. This is followed by Asia Pacific (41%) and Europe (12%).

The demand for cell therapies is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 16%, during 2022-2035

Presently, the clinical demand for stem cell and CAR-T cell-based products is the highest; this trend is unlikely to change in the foreseen future as well. On the other hand, the demand for NK cell and dendritic cell therapies is expected to grow at a relatively faster pace, over the next decade.

By 2035, the market for commercial scale cell therapy manufacturing is likely to grow at an annualized rate of 19%

Currently, North America and Europe capture more than 55% share of the overall market. Specifically, the cell therapy manufacturing market in Asia Pacific is driven by countries, such as China, Japan, South Korea, India and Singapore. It is worth noting that the current market in Asia Pacific is primarily driven by the clinical demand for cell therapies.

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Frequency Asked Questions

The financial opportunity associated with the cell therapy manufacturing market has been analyzed across the following segments:

The report also features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom, the manufacturing of cell therapies is largely being outsourced due to exorbitant costs associated with the setting-up of in-house expertise. The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:

The research includes profiles of key players (industry and non-industry; listed below), featuring a brief overview of the company / organization, along with details related to its manufacturing facilities, service portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.

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The cell therapy manufacturing market is anticipated to grow at an ... - PR Newswire

New Research Suggests Stem Cell Therapy Enhances Muscle Growth and Regeneration – Generation Iron Fitness Network

Did you know there was a cheat code to help you build muscle faster because of scientific advancements? Finally, a powerful weapon that you can utilize that doesnt leave you gasping for air through rigorous workouts or eating chicken, broccoli, and rice for every meal. Stem cell therapy is viable for those looking to pack massive amounts of muscle.

This is why many elite athletes and bodybuilders including 7x 212 Mr. Olympia Flex Lewis and 8x Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman have turned to them after discovering their positive effects on their workouts and physique. Read on to learn more.

Stem cells lie within your muscle and are responsible for growing and repairing tissue. The more stem cells you can produce, the more muscle you can build and the faster you recover.

Stem cell therapy is the process of using stem cells to help your muscles grow and generate. Your body already produces stem cells. So new stem cells are either extracted from your body or someones else. These stem cells have properties that help you repair and grow muscle tissue.

Stem stell therapy, often called regenerative medicine, works exceptionally well for those suffering from an injury. For example, think of a shoulder injury. Patients who have received stem cells for such injuries have reported less pain. And, therefore, can get back in the gym sooner or do movements that were once bothersome.

In addition, research shows that stem cell therapy can help with muscle growth. Thats because it enables you to regenerate new muscle tissue (1).

Muscle regeneration depends on muscle progenitor cells (MPCs), activated by nutrients and growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 increases protein synthesis by increasing satellite cells (adult muscle cells). Activating your satellite cells is required for the regenerative process. So any nutrition or intervention that can stimulate the release of IGF-1 will lead to muscle regeneration and growth. Stem cells are one factor that has the potential to do this.

It also increases your production of growth hormones, which are responsible for protein synthesis and preventing muscle breakdown.

Stem cell injections are inputted directly into the injured area or the muscle group youd like to grow bigger and stronger. These stem cells hold powerful healing process abilities to help your muscle repair from injury or strenuous activity or build more muscle tissue. This reduces your pain, inflammation, and soreness, meaning youll be able to get back to the gym faster after a workout or injury. In addition, youll be able to train with more volume since it enhances your recovery, further enhancing your muscle growth.

Of course, there are many benefits to stem cell therapy.

Youll recover faster from injuries if you implement stem cell therapy. This will help you alleviate pain quickly and get you in the gym faster.

Stem cell therapy will strengthen you and help you hit new personal records. A weight you once plateaued on will feel lighter the next time you lift it.

Of course, not only will you gain more strength, but youll build more muscle since strength is correlated with muscle growth. But since stem cell therapy regenerates new muscle tissue, itll put an extra layer of mass on your frame without adding any body fat.

Since stem cell therapy helps you build lean muscle naturally, itll speed up your metabolism. Thats because the more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be.

Of course, resistance training is one way to increase stem cell production since it activates your satellite cells. But another approach is to practice stem cell therapy. For example, injecting a needle with stem cells into your injured muscle or the muscle group you want to strengthen and build muscle mass. But what if you want a less invasive approach? One thats less expensive and comes with less risk.

A 2022 study supports the use of dietary supplements to enhance muscle cell activation (2).

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MuscleMeds Stemtropin is the first natural dietary supplement that increases stem cell and GH production. A 72% increase in GH and a 20% increase in stem cells is a pretty drastic increase, so it should provide you with all the benefits GH and stem cells offer, including increased strength and muscle growth, muscle regeneration, and fighting age-related diseases.

A premium natural dietary stem cell and growth hormone booster like Muscle Meds Stemtropin is our supplement of choice.

Stemtropin increases stem cell production by 20% and HGH by 72%, skyrocketing muscle growth. It also helps with muscle regeneration and protects against age-related muscular atrophy. The natural ingredients in this product that make this possible are:

Stemtropin works to boost your stem cells and promote overall well-being. This innovative dietary supplement contains the natural herb buckthorn, known for its 20% increase in stem cell activity. In addition, youll get Safed Musli, which may help reduce swelling, and tropical legume Mucuna Pruriens, which might improve testosterone levels too. It also has melatonin: an antioxidant powerhouse with powerful properties to shield muscles from intense exercise-induced oxidative stress.

Stem cell therapy is an excellent option for athletes and lifters looking to get stronger and add muscle to their frames without doing any additional dieting and lifting. This is all possible by injecting your stem cells or another patient stem cells into the injured muscle or the muscle group you want to strengthen.

Of course, youll still need to adhere to a proper diet and train and the more you diet and train hard, the better results youll get with stem therapy. But as long as youre already working out and eating healthy, stem cell therapy will improve your physique. In addition, stem cell therapy will help you recover from injuries and physical activity, so you can get rid of pain quickly and get back in the gym sooner.

Stem cell therapy is expensive and comes with risks, though. This is why we recommend a natural dietary product with the same benefits. Try MuscleMeds Stemtropin and share your results with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

Read more from the original source:
New Research Suggests Stem Cell Therapy Enhances Muscle Growth and Regeneration - Generation Iron Fitness Network