Category Archives: Embryonic Stem Cells

Stem cell research: the debate continues to rage – (Science and Technology)

The list of medical or scientific endeavours mired in controversy is fairly short, but stem cell research and related therapy are some of the most contentious issues in modern science. Simply, stem cell therapy involves the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition, a form of this type of treatment involves bone marrow transplant which is a relatively common operation. Whilst this may not strike you as something worthy of debate, it is because it is the further research in stem cell therapy that has become a battleground of ideology and discussion.

There is research and case studies showing that stem cell therapy involving cells from the umbilical cord blood of infants as well embryonic stem cells from human embryos. Although the former is fairly innocuous, is the latter, which requires a human embryo that has caused controversy, as to harvest them, you must destroy the embryo.

Understandably, there is a lot of opposition to the use of human embryonic stem cells in research, often times based on a range of philosophical, moral, or religious objections, with most protesters worried of cloning embryos just to harvest these cells. Theology, philosophy and morality aside, the medical possibilities of embryonic stem cells are almost limitless.

Doctors have explained that due to the nature of these cells, they are more flexible and can be put to a far greater range of uses than other more conventional stem cells. They pertain that these cells could help treat an incredibly high amount of diseases and illnesses including but not limited to neurodegenerative diseases and conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Of course, this only adds to the mounting debate surrounding the use of these cells, further driving questions from a moral and philosophical viewpoint as to whether or not it is ethical to be using embryonic stem cells, despite the purported benefits. Although research continues into the use of these specific cells, and governments grapple with potential legal and medical ramifications, it is important to realize that there are several other stem cell opportunities that do not require the same controversial source.

Although there has been blowback on other forms of research in the sector namely the use of umbilical blood the use of bone marrow transplants and other such alternative continue to save lives daily. However, until society catches up with science and medicine, there will be a continued debate as to the ethics and morality of this type of research, its applications, and what it could open the door for.

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Stem cell research: the debate continues to rage - (Science and Technology)

Controversial milestone: Scientists genetically modify human embryos for first time, reports say – The San Diego Union-Tribune

A team of researchers that includes a scientist from the Salk Institute in La Jolla has created the first genetically modified human embryos, the MIT Technology Review reported this week.

If the achievement is true the scientists in question have neither confirmed nor disputed the account it could mark a milestone in preventing transmission of genetic diseases instead of just treating them.

It would also rev up debate about the safety and ethics of genetically changing human beings, including what laws exist to safeguard patients and what constitutes a medically legitimate genetic modification.

The technology could be used to alter people for nonmedical purposes such as making them taller, giving them a specific eye shape or switching out their black hair for a shade of blonde decisions that could be seen as fundamentally upending the definition of human nature.

The Technology Review story said the scientists harnessed the gene-editing method called CRISPR, a milestone in its own right, to modify one-celled embryos and allow them to develop for a few days. Other news organizations have published their own articles about this purported accomplishment, including the well-respected biomedical website Stat.

Prominent biologist Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health & Science University was the lead researcher on the study, according to the Technology Review and Stat stories. Both reports said he declined to comment.

Results of the peer-reviewed study are expected to be published soon in a scientific journal, Oregon Health & Science spokesman Erik Robinson said Thursday. He declined to specify what the study discovered.

The Technology Review story also said Jun Wu of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies took part in the research. On Thursday, the institute declined to discuss the study.

Mitalipov gained fame in 2013 for spearheading development of the first human embryonic stem cells genetically matched to specific living individuals. The method he and some colleagues employed, called somatic cell nuclear transfer, was originally used two decades ago to create Dolly the cloned sheep.

Those researchers had taken a nucleus from a donor cell in a sheep and transferred it into a sheep egg cell that had had its own nucleus removed. The combination cell acted like a normal fertilized egg, producing Dolly. That sheep had the DNA of the donor cell, so it was a nearly exact clone of the sheep where the donor cell was taken from.

Growing a creature in this way is called reproductive cloning, and the U.S. government bans such procedures on people. Mitalipov and colleagues performed what is called therapeutic cloning: They used the process to cultivate human embryonic stem cells, which are likewise genetically matched to the donor nucleus.

In theory, these stem cells could be grown into replacement tissues to repair disease or injury in the person with the matching DNA. Genetically matching the stem cells to a particular patient lowers the risk that tissue transplants would be rejected by the persons immune system.

Wu and other Salk researchers in the lab of Juan Carlos Izpisa Belmonte have collaborated with Mitalipov to explore somatic cell nuclear transfer as a therapy for mitochondrial diseases. Mitochondria are organelles that make most of the energy cells use and perform other vital functions. They carry their own DNA.

The scientists generated human stem cells in the lab, repaired mitochondrial defects and found that they were able to restore certain desired functions in cells.

They took human skin cells and inserted their nuclei into human egg cells with healthy mitochondria that had their own nuclei removed. Those manipulated egg cells were then grown until they produced embryonic stem cells, free of the defective mitochondria.

The United Kingdom has approved a method that resembles reproductive cloning to prevent inheritance of mitochondrial diseases. This process involves replacing the nucleus of an egg cell from a donor with healthy mitochondria with that from the egg cell of the mother-to-be with diseased mitochondria.

Whether the reports this week about genetically modified human embryos are true, the capability of genetically engineering human embryos is fast approaching, said a bioethicist and a stem cell researcher who have examined the issue.

But having the capability doesnt mean it should be done, said Michael Kalichman, co-founding director of the the Center for Ethics in Science and Technology at UC San Diego.

Kalichman said society isnt ready for genetically modifying humans, and that its time for the public to start paying attention to what has been considered a futuristic scientific issue.

The strongest argument for genetic modification is to stop diseases, he said. The strongest argument against the technology is that it might cause unanticipated problems.

Paul Knoepfler, a stem cell researcher at UC Davis, said no matter how much effort is spent to ensure patient safety, there are no guarantees.

The bottom line is that well never really know until someone tries it, Knoepfler said. Potential harm might not emerge until adulthood or even until the genetically altered people have their own children, he added.

The other big thing is, I am not really convinced we can draw a clear line between doing this for only medical purposes versus (cosmetic) traits, he said.

Finally, its not clear why genetically editing human embryos would even be needed to prevent transmission of a genetic disease, Knoepfler said.

We already have an existing technology which is basically embryo screening, he said. Multiple embryos can be generated through in vitro fertilization to find one that doesnt have the disease.

That would be much safer than actually doing an edit, he said.

Stem cells could treat mitochondrial disease

Oregon scientists make embryos with 2 women, 1 man

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Controversial milestone: Scientists genetically modify human embryos for first time, reports say - The San Diego Union-Tribune

3D printed brain-like tissue made from stem cells offers hope to address neurological disorders – Genetic Literacy Project

Scientists in Australia have used a 3D printer to create nerve cells found in the brain using a special bio-ink made from stem cells.

The research takes us a step closer to making replacement brain tissue derived from a patients own skin or blood cells to help treat conditions such as brain injury, Parkinsons disease, epilepsy and schizophrenia.

The bio-ink is made of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), which have the same power as embryonic stem cells to turn into any cell in the body, and possibly form replacement body tissues and even whole organs.

3D printing with bio-ink (ABC News)

[Jeremy Crookfrom the University of Wollongong stated]many neuropsychiatric disorders result from an imbalance of key chemicals called neurotransmittersFor example, he said, defective serotonin and GABA-producing nerve cells are implicated in schizophrenia and epilepsy[Thus] the team used 3D printing to make neurones involved in producing GABA and serotonin.

Apart from providing customized transplants, 3D printed tissue could be useful for medical research.

For example, tissue from a patient with epilepsy or schizophrenia could be created, specifically to study their particular version of the condition.

You can compare how neuronal networks form differently compared to healthy patient, said Dr Crook.

[Read the full study here]

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Scientists create 3D-printed brain-like tissue from stem cells

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3D printed brain-like tissue made from stem cells offers hope to address neurological disorders - Genetic Literacy Project

Vatican’s Academy for Life Appoints Eugenicist – Church Militant

VATICAN CITY ( - The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL) has added to its scandal by appointing a eugenicist involved in stem-cell research to its corp of 45 ordinary members, along with a pro-abortion philosopher, another pro-abortion eugenicist and a pro-contraception priest, who also supports euthanasia by starvation.

Professor Katarina Le Blanc, professor of stem cell research at the pro-abortion Swedish Karolinska Institute was appointed last month to PAL under Abp. Paglia. Le Blanc carries out her research, using stem cells derived from aborted babies even though the same academy, under the watch of Pope St. John Paul II, condemned such work in 2000.

In condemning the practice of experimenting on embryonic stem cells, PALremarked, "[It] is not hard to see the seriousness and gravity of the ethical problem posed by ... the production and/or use of human embryos."

There are other appointees to PAL with serious moral issues such as Fr. Maurizio Chiodi, who's supposedly a leading Italian moral theologian. He not only rejectsthe Church's ban on the use of artificial birth control but also believes it isn't obligatory to provide food and water to patients. Contrary to Fr. Chiodi's position, PAL stated in 2000 that food and water must always be provided to patients.

Nigel Biggar, one of 45 new ordinary members chosen to serve a five-year term on the Vatican's pro-life academy, believes it's morally acceptable to abort a person before 18 weeks of gestation. During an interview in 2011,Nigel, an Anglican minister and Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at the U.K.'s University of Oxford, stated, "I would be inclined to draw the line for abortion at 18 weeks after conception, which is roughly about the earliest time when there is some evidence of brain activity and therefore of consciousness."

In spite of the fact that many of these appointments to the supposedly pro-life institute are manifestly not pro-life, the head of the institute, Abp. Paglia,defends the appointments.

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Vatican's Academy for Life Appoints Eugenicist - Church Militant

UW-Madison scientists grow functional artery cells from stem cells –

In a step toward one of stem cell sciences chief goals, UW-Madison researchers have grown functional human artery cells that helped lab mice survive heart attacks.

The development, from the lab of stem cell pioneer James Thomson, could help scientists create arteries to use in bypass surgeries for cardiovascular disease, the nations top killer. Several challenges remain, however, and studies in people are years away.

This work provides valuable proof that we can eventually get a reliable source for functional arterial endothelial cells and make arteries that perform and behave like the real thing, Thomson said in a statement.

The research, reported Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is part of a federally funded effort at UW-Madison to create artery banks for cardiovascular surgery from universally compatible donors.

In a related project, other UW-Madison researchers are testing three-dimensional heart patches of heart muscle cells, grown from stem cells, in pigs. The goal is to replace diseased or damaged heart tissue in humans.

Since Thomson became the first scientist to successfully grow human embryonic stem cells in a lab in 1998, researchers around the world have been coaxing the universal cells into various cell types heart, pancreas, kidney, brain to develop therapies and better understand diseases.

Today, many researchers use cells reprogrammed to their embryonic state from mature cells known as induced pluri- potent stem, or iPS, cells as the raw material. Thomson helped discover iPS cells in 2007.

Many labs can convert embryonic stem cells or iPS cells into specific cell types, but developing specialized cell lines that are pure, functional and robust has been a challenge.

Thomson and his team set out to find a recipe for growing artery cells that would really function like arteries.

The researchers used two new techniques: single-cell RNA sequencing to identify genes highly expressed in cells that initiate artery development, and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to evaluate the function of the genes.

They found that five small molecules and growth factors are needed to encourage iPS cells to become functional artery cells. To their surprise, they discovered that insulin, a common growth factor that had been used before in trying to grow artery cells, actually inhibits such growth.

They used their recipe to make artery cells, and tested the cells in mice that had their left coronary arteries tied off to mimic heart attacks. Four weeks later, 83 percent of mice treated with the cells were alive, compared to 33 percent of mice that didnt get the cells.

We can use those cells to further create tissue-engineered arteries for bypass surgeries, said Jue Zhang, a scientist in Thomsons lab at the Morgridge Institute for Research and lead author of the study.

Developing off-the-shelf bypasses for surgery is the goal of an $8 million, seven-year grant UW-Madison received last year from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to create universal artery banks.

The blood vessels of many cardiovascular disease patients arent suitable for use as bypasses, doctors say, and growing bypasses from individual patients stem cells would be timely and expensive. The hope is to use iPS cells from a rare population of genetically compatible donors to grow arteries anyone could use.

UW-Madison scientists, including engineers Tom Turng and Naomi Chesler and pathologist Igor Slukvin at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, plan to grow artery cells on scaffolds and test them in monkeys. If successful, the cells would be produced for human studies at the Waisman Biomanufacturing facility on campus.

The heart patches involve another $8.6 million, seven-year National Institutes of Health grant, shared with the University of Alabama-Birmingham and Duke University.

The patches involve three types of heart cells, derived from iPS cells, said Dr. Tim Kamp, a UW-Madison cardiologist and co-director of the universitys Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center.

In studies in pigs, getting the patches to connect and survive when transplanted to pig hearts after heart attacks remains a challenge, Kamp said. Immune tolerance of the human grafts in pigs is another concern, he said.

But if such hurdles can be overcome, tests in humans could follow.

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UW-Madison scientists grow functional artery cells from stem cells -

GEN Roundup: Top Trends in Tissue Engineering – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News


1. F.T. Moutos et al., Anatomically shaped tissue-engineered cartilage with tunable and inducible anticytokine delivery for biological joint resurfacing, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113 (31) E4513E4522, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601639113.

2. B. Zhang et al., Biodegradable scaffold with built-in vasculature for organ-on-a-chip engineering and direct surgical anastomosis, Nat. Materials 15, 669678 (2016), doi:10.1038/nmat4570.

3. S. Shukla et al., Progenitor T-cell differentiation from hematopoietic stem cells using Delta-like-4 and VCAM-1, Nat. Methods 14(5), 531-538 (May 2017),doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4258. Epub Apr 10, 2017.

4. M.M. Pakulska, S. Miersch, and M.S. Shoichet, Designer protein delivery: from natural occurring to engineered affinity controlled release systems, Science 351(6279):aac4750, doi: 10.1126/science.aac4750.

5. M.M. Pakulska, C.H. Tator, and M.S. Shoichet, Local delivery of chondroitinase ABC with or without stromal cell-derived factor 1 promotes functional repair in the injured rat spinal cord, Biomaterials (accepted April 2017).

6. TissueGene, TissueGene to Highlight Invossa, the Worlds First Cell-Mediated Gene Therapy for Degenerative Osteoarthritis, at JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, Press Release,accessed June 12, 2017.

7. O.J.L. Rackham et al., A predictive computational framework for direct reprogramming between human cell types, Nat. Genetics 48, 331335 (2016), doi:10.1038/ng.3487.

8. D.B. Kolesky et al., Three-dimensional bioprinting of thick vascularized tissue, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113 (12), 31793184, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1521342113.

9. M.M. Laronda et al., A Bioprosthetic Ovary Created Using 3D Printed Microporous Scaffolds Restores Ovarian Function in Sterilized Mice, Nat. Commun. 8, 15261 (May 16, 2017).

10. I. Sagi et al., Derivation and differentiation of haploid human embryonic stem cells, Nature 532, 107111 (April 7, 2016), doi:10.1038/nature17408.

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GEN Roundup: Top Trends in Tissue Engineering - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Hurray for Gurdon and Yamanaka, Nobel Prize Winners for Pro-life Medicine – Gilmer Mirror

The research studies carried out by John B. Gurdon (Anglo-Saxon) and Shinya Yamanaka (Japanese) were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. These two scientists are considered of being the fathers of cellular reprogramming. They have achieved to create cells that behave identically to embryonic cells, however, without having to destroy human embryos. The Swiss Academy declared that both Gurdon and Yamanaka have revolutionized the current knowledge of how cells and organisms are developed, which has led to the perfection of the absurd methods of diagnosis and therapy.

Jhon Bertrand Gurdon, professor of the Zoology Department of the University of Cambridge, admitted of feeling extremely honored for such a spectacular privilege.

Moreover, Shinya Yamanaka discovered the so called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which have the same proprieties of the embryonic ones and are able to turn into whatever other type of body cell. He asserted that he will continue to conduct research in order to contribute to society and medicine. For him that is a duty.

Yamanaka created four types of genes that supply cells with their pluripotentiality, in other words, the same capacity that embryonic stem cells have. If implanted in differentiated cells, for example of skin, they become pluripotent stem cells. The iPS supply a vast amount of plasticity just as embryonic stem cells do, however, without requiring the extermination or cloning of human embryos, since the initial cells can be obtained from the same patient. In this aspect, these cells have the same status as adult stem cells do, with the advantage of their versatility.

The dilema that has been stirred by the iPS is being resolved due to recent studies carried out by Leisuke Kaji (Universidad de Edimburgo) and Andreas Nagy (Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital of Toronto).

The created iPS perennially retain their pluripotentiality. There is still the need of research to be conducted concerning the control of the difference between these cells in order for them to create the tissue that is necessary for each case. As Kaji affirms in The Guardian, it is a step towards the practical use of reprogrammed cells in the field of medicine, which could eventually lead to eliminating the need of counting on human embryos as the main source of stem cells.

The Episcopal Subcommittee for the Family and Defense of Life of the Episcopal Conference, beliefs that no Catholic could support practices such as abortion, euthanasia or the production, freezing and/or manipulation of human embryos.

Clement Ferrer

Independent Forum of Opinion

See the article here:
Hurray for Gurdon and Yamanaka, Nobel Prize Winners for Pro-life Medicine - Gilmer Mirror

What makes stem cells into perfect allrounders – – Phys.Org

June 27, 2017 Just a few days old embryonic cell clusters: with functional Pramel7 (left), without the protein (right) the development of the stem cells remains stuck and the embyos die. Credit: Paolo Cinelli, USZ

Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich have discovered the protein that enables natural embryonic stem cells to form all body cells. In the case of embryonic stem cells maintained in cell cultures, this allrounder potential is limited. Scientists want to use this knowledge to treat large bone fractures with stem cells.

Stem cells are considered biological allrounders because they have the potential to develop into the various body cell types. For the majority of stem cells, however, this designation is too far-reaching. Adult stem cells, for example, can replace cells in their own tissue in case of injury, but a fat stem cell will never generate a nerve or liver cell. Scientists therefore distinguish between multipotent adult stem cells and the actual allrounders - the pluripotent embryonic stem cells.

Epigenetic marks determine potential for development

Differences exist even among the true allrounders, however. Embryonic stem cells that grow in laboratory cell cultures are in a different state than the pluripotent cells found inside the embryos in the first days of development. In a study in the journal Nature Cell Biology, researchers led by Paolo Cinelli of the University Hospital Zurich and Raffaella Santoro of the University of Zurich have now demonstrated the mechanism by which natural allrounders differ from embryonic stem cells in cultures.

At the center of their discovery is a protein called Pramel7 (for "preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma"-like 7) found in the cells of embryonic cell clusters that are just a few days old. This protein guarantees that the genetic material is freed from epigenetic marks consisting of chemical DNA tags in the form of methyl groups. "The more methyl groups are removed, the more open the Book of Life becomes," Cinelli says. Since any cell of the human body can develop from an embryonic stem cell, all genes have to be freely accessible at the beginning. The more a cell develops or differentiates, the stronger its genetic material is methylated and "sealed closed" again. In a bone cell, for example, only those genes are active that the cell requires for its function, the biochemist explains.

Protein is responsible for perfect pluripotency

Despite its short action period of just a few days, Pramel7 seems to play a vital role: When the researchers headed up by Cinelli and Santoro switched off the gene for this protein using genetic tricks, development remained stuck in the embryonic cell cluster stage. In the cultivated stem cells, on the other hand, Pramel7 is rarely found. This circumstance could also explain why the genetic material of these cells contains more methyl groups than that of natural embryonic cells - the perfect allrounders, as Cinelli calls them.

Using the stem cell function to regenerate bone tissue

His interest in stem cells lies in the hope of one day being able to help people with complex bone fractures. "Bones are great at regenerating and they are the only tissue that does not build scars," Paolo Cinelli says. The bone stumps must be touching, however, in order to grow together. When a bone breaks in multiple places and even through the skin, for example, in a motorcycle accident, the sections of bone in between are often no longer usable. For such cases, a bone replacement is required. His team is studying carrier materials that they want to populate with the body's own stem cells in the future. "For this reason, we have to know how stem cells work," Cinelli adds.

Explore further: New tools to study the origin of embryonic stem cells

More information: Urs Graf et al, Pramel7 mediates ground-state pluripotency through proteasomalepigenetic combined pathways, Nature Cell Biology (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ncb3554

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What makes stem cells into perfect allrounders - - Phys.Org

Embryonic Stem Cells: 5 Misconceptions –

Fertility treatments could be a factor that will result in declining fecundity (potential for fertility, such as regular menstrual cycles) across the generations, some researchers say. Others point to the depression that can come with infertility as a reason to offer medicalized pregnanies. Image

Last week President Obama lifted restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research and asked the National Institutes of Health to come up with a funding game plan within 120 days. Yet while the field of stem cell research holds great promise, hype and misconceptions cloud the picture. Here are a five such misconceptions.

1. George W. Bush killed research on embryonic stem cells.

Wrong. Bush actually was the first president to allow federal funding. Bill Clinton had chickened out. A very brief history follows.

In 1974, Congress banned federal funding on fetal tissue research and established the Ethics Advisory Board to study the nascent field of in vitro fertilization. In 1980 Ronald Reagan killed the Board, which was friendly to embryonic research, resulting in a de facto moratorium on funding. Congress tried to override the moratorium in 1992, but George H.W. Bush vetoed it. Bill Clinton lifted the moratorium in 1993 but reversed his decision in 1994 after public outcry. In 1995, Congress passed the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, banning federal funding on any research that destroys human embryos.

In 2001 Bush enabled limited funding on embryonic stem cell lines already derived from discarded embryos; the life or death decision already had been made, he said. He thought more than 60 lines existed, but within months scientists realized that only about 20 were viable, not enough to do substantial research.

2. Bush spurred development of alternative sources of embryonic stem cells.

Sure, in the same way his disastrous invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq spurred the development of treatment for massive head trauma, or the way his economic policies have encouraged all of us to do more with less. One doesn't advance a scientific field by handicapping researchers.

Regardless, the biggest advance in recent years has come from Japan by a researcher not affected by U.S. research funding rules. U.S. federal funding could have led to even more advances of alternative sources, because funding stem cell research in general can have a synergetic effect across the various research specialties.

3. Embryonic stem cells are no longer needed.

Wrong. In 2007, Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan announced a breakthrough in which adult skin cells could be coaxed back into an embryonic state and thus regain the ability to branch into any kind of human cell, such as heart, pancreas or spinal cord nerve cell. While a major advance, the work itself is in an embryonic state, years from practical application.

The work on these so-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells complements embryonic stem cell research; it doesn't replace it. The iPS cells have a greater tendency to become cancerous. Work on "real" embryonic stem cells is needed, at a minimum, to understand what iPS cells lack. Many view Yamanaka's technique as brilliant yet worry that his four-gene manipulation of adult cells might be too simplistic.

Research on iPS cells is particularly exciting because it opens the possibility of using one's own cells say, from skin to produce pancreas cells to cure diabetes, whereas embryonic stem cells would introduce DNA from a stranger.

4. Cures are around the corner.

Wrong. Stem cell research is dominated by hype. Remember gene therapy, the insertion of genes into human cells to cure all types of diseases? Nearly two decades after the first gene therapy procedure, the technique remains highly experimental and problematic. Stem cell research faces a similar future.

5. Obama's executive order means "all systems go."

Unlikely. The new rule eliminates red tape, for now researchers can study any established embryonic stem cell line. Previously, stem cell researchers receiving private and public funding needed to keep detailed records of spending, down to which microscope is used for which kind of stem cell. That's history.

But the Dickey-Wicker Amendment (see No. 1 above) is the law of the land, meaning federally funded researchers cannot create new embryonic stem cells lines. They can work only on those new lines created with private funding, which aren't that plentiful. Also, some scientists worry that crucial private funding will dry up with the poor economy and false reassurances that federal funding is in place.

The furor over stem cells focuses on the definition of human life, which many believe begins when sperm meets eggs. Yet inevitably lines will be blurred in coming years when babies are born with the DNA of two sperms or ova transplanted into an egg. Just as humans evolved from non-humans with no precise generation in which a non-human gave birth to a human we may come to understand that all of nature is a continuum.

Christopher Wanjek is the author of the books "Bad Medicine" and "Food At Work." His column, Bad Medicine, appears each Tuesday on LiveScience.

The rest is here:
Embryonic Stem Cells: 5 Misconceptions -

Lab grown human colons change study of GI disease – Medical Xpress

June 22, 2017 This confocal microscopic image shows a human colon organoid generated in the laboratory with human pluripotent stem cells. The organoid is shown after it was transplanted into a mouse. The engineered colon secreted proteins found in natural human colon. Researchers report study results in Cell Stem Cell. Credit: Cincinnati Children's

Scientists used human pluripotent stem cells to generate human embryonic colons in a laboratory that function much like natural human tissues when transplanted into mice, according to research published June 22 in Cell Stem Cell.

The study is believed to be the first time human colon organoids have been successfully tissue engineered in this manner, according to researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center who led the project.

The technology allows diseases of the colon to be studied in unprecedented detail in a human modeling system. It also comes with the potential to one day generate human gastrointestinal (GI) tract tissues for transplant into patients, according to James Wells, PhD, senior study investigator and director of the Cincinnati Children's Pluripotent Stem Cell Center.

"Diseases affecting this region of the GI tract are quite prevalent and include ailments like colitis, colon cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hirschsprung's disease and polyposis syndromes," Wells said. "We've been limited in how we can study these diseases, including the fact that animal models like mice don't precisely recreate human disease processes in the gastrointestinal tract. This system allows us to very effectively model human diseases and human development."

Building the GI Tract

In a series of studies published since 2009, researchers in Wells' laboratory used human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to grow embryonic-stage small intestines with a functioning nervous system, and the antrum and fundus regions of the human stomach.

The researchers - including Jorge Munera, PhD, first author and postdoctoral fellow in the Wells laboratory - note in their current paper the colon has been more difficult to generate than other parts of the GI tract.

Part of the challenge to identifying the correct genetic and molecular programming to coax hPSCs in to colonic organoids has been a lack of data about embryonic development of the organ, according to the authors. They addressed this by conducting a series of molecular and genetic screens of developing hindgut tissues in animal models. The hindgut is the portion of the developing gut that gives rise to the entire large intestine - which includes the cecum, colon and rectum.

They also mined public databases (GNCPro, TiGER, Human Protein Atlas) to identify molecular markers of the hindgut in the adult colon.

Frogs and Mice at Forefront

To develop a model for generating the human colon, scientists first identified SATB2 (special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2) as a definitive molecular marker for hindgut in frogs, mice and in humans.

SATB2 is a DNA-binding protein that facilitates structural organization of chromosomes in the nucleus of cells.

The protein sequence of SATB2 is remarkably similar between frogs, mice and humans. This led the authors to the hypothesis that molecular signals regulating SATB2 in frogs and mice could be used to make human colon organoids that express the protein.

The authors also noticed that signaling from the growth factor BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) was highly active in the SATB2-expressing region of the gut tube. The researchers learned during their analysis of frog, mouse and human stem-cell derived intestine that signaling by BMP is needed to establish SATB2 in the developing hindgut. With SABT2 as a marker, the researchers show BMP signaling is required for development of tissues specific to the posterior gut region of frogs and mice where the colon develops.

When BMP protein was added for three days in human pluripotent stem cell-derived gut tube cultures, it induced a posterior HOX code. HOX includes a critical set of genes that help control the embryo's development plan from head to toe. Researchers report the posterior HOX helps control the formation of SATB2-expressing human colon organoids.

Testing Translational Potential

To see how human GI tissues perform in a living organism - and to test their future therapeutic potential - the research team included collaborators from the Division of Surgery, led by Michael Helmrath, MD, a pediatric surgeon and director of the Surgical Research program.

The tissue-engineered colonic organoids were transplanted into the kidney capsules of immunocompromised mice for six to 10 weeks. During observation and analysis of the now in vivo organoids, study authors looked for signs of posterior region enteroendocrine cells, which make hormones found in naturally developed human colon.

Researchers report that following transplant, the human colonic organoids assumed the form, different structures and molecular and cell properties of the human colon.

Munera, study first author, pointed to a number of new ways that human colon organoids could be used study disease.

"By exposing human colonic organoids to inflammatory triggers, we can now learn how the cell lining of the colon and the supporting cells beneath cooperate to respond to inflammation," Munera said. "This could be very relevant for patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. And because the microbiome, the organisms that live in our guts, are most concentrated in the colon, the organoids potentially could be used to model the human microbiome in health and disease."

Like other parts of the GI tract grown by the researchers, the human colon organoids also create a potential new platform for testing new drugs before the start of clinical trials. Most oral drugs are absorbed by the body through the gut.

Explore further: Human tissue model developed to test colon cancer drugs

More information: Cell Stem Cell (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2017.05.020

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Lab grown human colons change study of GI disease - Medical Xpress