Category Archives: Stem Cell Doctors

French Doctors Using Red Blood Cells Created From Stem Cells

From: September 03, 2011 - French researchers say they have successfully injected red blood cells produced from stem cells into a patient for the first time. It is seen as a step towards a long-term goal of producing blood in large quantities. For now donors are still in demand: their numbers are declining despite an ever-increasing need for blood transfusions....

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French Doctors Using Red Blood Cells Created From Stem Cells

Stem Cells, Sight For The Blind -this is big medical news we learned today that doctors have restored sight to some people blinded by accident harvesting stem cells from their own eyes to grow new corneas. Suggesting a wider frontier ahead and here's doctor Richard Bezer "imagine all the beauty of life gone in an instant suddenly blinded by a terrible accident you can only make out light and dark but now a seismic breakthrough using stem cells from one's own eyes promises new sight to those blinded by burns it's very exciting for an ophthalmologist it's really is as good as it gets" This is a human cornea created with human stem cells remarkable images of replacement eye part grown in a laboratory here's how they did it: Stem cells were taken from a part of the eye there was still unaffected. stem cell therapy, scientists then put them in an incubator to grow more the damaged cells were then replaced with a new ones they created.

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Stem Cells, Sight For The Blind

Worlds First Synthetic Organ Transplant: Swedish doctors sets world record

Stockholm, Sweden -- Surgeons from Karolinska University Hospital have carried out the world's first synthetic organ transplant, after scientists in London created an artificial windpipe which was then coated in stem cells from the patient. Details on:

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Worlds First Synthetic Organ Transplant: Swedish doctors sets world record