Category Archives: Stem Cell Doctors

Vampire FaceLift Procedure Discussed on The Doctors.mp4 – Video

The Vampire FaceLift® Procedure™ combines the science of hyaluronic acid fillers (ie, Restylane and Juvederm), unipotent stem cells, and beauty to provide a custom designer procedure. This procedure is specific and determined by the US Patent and Trademark office to be unique and original and is protected by the registered trademark: Vampire FaceLift®. Only providers listed on have been made privy to the trade secrets of how the three sciences discussed above are combined in a specific way

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Vampire FaceLift Procedure Discussed on The Doctors.mp4 - Video

Till and McCulloch, fathers of stem cell science : Mentors – Video

Doctors Ernest McCulloch and James Till were not only the fathers of stem cell science, but inspirational teachers. Their collegial approach and desire to answer the 'big questions' was passed on to hundreds of students at the University of Toronto and the Ontario Cancer Institute. Today these 'stars' in the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine owe much to McCulloch

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Till and McCulloch, fathers of stem cell science : Mentors - Video

Stem Cell Transplant Situation – Video

Etimos's webcam video November 4, 2011 08:39 AM After the apparent mixed results of my RCHOP chemotherapy, I have since been moved to a different regime involving an autologous stem cell transplant. I have already collected my stem cells, ready to be transplanted, but unfortunately my tumor grew faster than expected during the downtime, so my transplant has been delayed pending a secondary chemo treatment, and possibly radiotherapy.

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Stem Cell Transplant Situation - Video