Science Daily: New Discovery May Eliminate Potentially Lethal Side Effect of Stem Cell Therapy – Video
Doctors James Till and Ernest McCulloch are the fathers of the field of stem cell science. They made the first discovery that confirmed the existence of stem cells in 1961 in Toronto while working at the Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital.
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Till and McCulloch, fathers of the field of stem cell science : Legacy - Video
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Facial Rejuvenation and anti-aging. This treatment consists of using the patient's own blood components to stimulate stem cells to regenerate new tissue. PRP treatments stimulate collagen and improves skin texture, tone, and complexion
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PRP on the Doctors show - Video
University of Florida scientists have discovered a way to separate the neural wheat from the chaff during the process of generating brain cells for potential patient therapies. The technique, recently detailed in the online journal PLoS ONE, could be applied to long-awaited stem cell treatments for Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries and other brain disorders.
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UF scientists devise way to sort brain cells for potential transplants - Video
Drs. Lewis Obi and John Murray appeared on WJXT morning show recently to discuss the innovative Adivive (Lipokit) Autologous Fat Transfer procedure. Adivive is the first FDA-approved medical device that collects and filters one's own fat for the use in cosmetic surgery and is especially ideal for breast cancer patients looking for breast reconstructive surgery
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Adivive (Lipokit) Autologous Fat Transfer with Adult Stem Cells - Video
It's estimated some 8-million Americans suffer from peripheral arterial disease - which slowly cuts off blood flow to the lower part of the legs. The condition - also known as "PAD" - is so devastating for some, that by the end of the day another 400 people in the US will lose a leg to amputation because of it. But doctors are now testing a new way to treat these patients - not with a breakthrough medicine or a new surgical technique...
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Injecting Patients With Own Stem Cells to Save Legs - Video
Learn more at ? There is hope for those who suffer from complications of diabetes mellitus. Joann was legally blind, her vision was 20/60, and she suffered from diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Her vision was restored and A1C level went from 9 to 6 after her type 2 diabetes complications were reversed from stem cell treatments.
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Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Cured by Stem Cell Treatments - Video LONDON (AFP) British and Italian doctors have carried out groundbreaking surgery to rebuild the windpipe of a 10-year-old British boy using stem cells developed within his own body, they said. In an operation Monday lasting nearly nine hours, doctors at London's Great Ormond Street children's hospital implanted the boy with a donor trachea, or windpipe, that had been stripped of its cells and injected with his own. Over the next month, doctors expect the boy's bone marrow stem cells to begin transforming themselves within his body into tracheal cells -- a process that, if successful, could lead to a revolution in regenerative medicine
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British boy receives pioneering stem cell surgery WOW - Video A young mother has become the first in the world to get a new part of her body made from her own stem cells. The woman in Spain received a new windpipe -- grown in a lab.
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Woman gets a new body part made from her own stem cells
Sabrina Cohen, head of the Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research, welcomes Dr. Joshua Hare and Dr.
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Sabrina Cohen "CELLebrity Doctors Calendar