Eyes repaired with Stem Cells
Stem cells on a contact lens led doctors to a simple discovery, that stem cells do not just heal INSIDE.
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Eyes repaired with Stem Cells
Stem cells on a contact lens led doctors to a simple discovery, that stem cells do not just heal INSIDE.
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Eyes repaired with Stem Cells
This is an excerpt from an interview by Dawn Young with Dr.
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Interview w/ Dr. Lawrence Goldstein, stem cell research expert and advocate
Meet some of the patients, families, doctors and nurses of Akron Children's Hospital's Stem Cell Transplant Program. The program, which is part of the Showers Family Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders, provides both autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplants to help restore the healthy stem cells detroyed by chemotherapy or radiation.
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Sickle Cell Transplant Program
Ian MacKenzie is Professor of Stem Cell Science at the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. This talk was given on the 8th of July 2011 as part of a research opportunities day oraganised by Saving Faces.
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Prof Ian MacKenzie on cancer stem cells part 2 of 3
Who Should Take StemEnhance? gmp.stemtechbiz.com Anyone wanting to enjoy optimal health... Anyone wanting optimal fitness and performance..
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Stem Enhance - Support The Natural Release Of Adult Stem Cells (part 4).flv
StemCellTV was created primarily to be a global information portal related to the use of stem cells in cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. StemCellTV will bring you the latest news, information, events, and opinions related to stem cell use in the cosmetic and plastic surgery fields.
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Listen to two of the stem cell physicians and nurses talk about what life is like at Riley Hospital for Children and how Zoe's Bone Marrow Buddies has made a significant difference.
Doctors and Nurses speak out about Zoe's Bone Marrow Buddies
Body's Own Stem Cells To Fight Diabetes Type 1 Doctors believe they are getting closer to a cure that could dramatically change the lives of people with Type I Diabetes. In patients with Type I Diabetes the body thinks the pancreas is a foreign invader, so it starts to destroy the organ's islet cells. Those are the cells that produce insulin
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Diabetes Type 1 Cure
BY STEVEN HSIEH You're watching multisource sports video news analysis from Newsy.
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Manning, Owens Try Stem Cell Therapy
A look at life-saving research scientists are doing in to stem cell therapy. Interesting video from BBC show Life Blood. Watch more high quality videos on the BBC Worldwide YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com
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Life-saving research in to stem cells - Horizon - BBC