Category Archives: Stem Cell Doctors

Bone marrow transplant – Mayo Clinic


A bone marrow transplant is a procedure that infuses healthy blood stem cells into your body to replace your damaged or diseased bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant is also called a stem cell transplant.

A bone marrow transplant may be necessary if your bone marrow stops working and doesn't produce enough healthy blood cells.

Bone marrow transplants may use cells from your own body (autologous transplant) or from a donor (allogeneic transplant).

At Mayo Clinic, doctors who specialize in blood diseases (hematologists) form a multidisciplinary team with other experts to provide personalized, whole-person care to adults and children undergoing bone marrow transplants.

Your transplant team may include hematologists, cancer specialists (oncologists), mental health specialists (psychologists and psychiatrists), a bone marrow transplant scheduling coordinator, transfusion medicine nurses, trained and specialized nurses, physician assistants, social workers, a nurse coordinator, a clinical nurse specialist, a dietitian, pharmacists, a chaplain and a child life specialist for children undergoing bone marrow transplant.

Children and adolescents undergoing bone marrow transplants receive care at the Children's Center at Mayo Clinic's campus in Minnesota. At Mayo Clinic's campus in Arizona, pediatric experts collaborate with the Phoenix Children's Hospital to provide care to young patients. Together the two oversee a single bone marrow transplant program for children. Pediatric patients receive care from Mayo Clinic specialists in Florida through a partnership with Nemours Children's Specialty Care and Wolfson Children's Hospital.

Mayo Clinic's approach

A bone marrow transplant may be used to:

Bone marrow transplants can benefit people with a variety of both cancerous (malignant) and noncancerous (benign) diseases, including:

Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside some bones. Its job is to produce blood cells. If your bone marrow isn't functioning properly because of cancer or another disease, you may receive a stem cell transplant.

To prepare for a stem cell transplant, you receive chemotherapy to kill the diseased cells and malfunctioning bone marrow. Then, transplanted blood stem cells are put into your bloodstream. The transplanted stem cells find their way to your marrow, where ideally they begin producing new, healthy blood cells.

Mayo Clinic doctors have extensive experience performing bone marrow transplants for adults and children with a variety of cancerous and noncancerous diseases. Each year, more than 700 people undergo bone marrow transplants at Mayo Clinic.

The first bone marrow transplant at Mayo Clinic occurred in 1963. Bone marrow transplant procedures are performed by doctors at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., and Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz., which are ranked among the Best Hospitals for cancer by U.S. News & World Report.

The long history of bone marrow transplants performed at Mayo Clinic means that doctors are prepared with the knowledge and resources to provide you with expert, personalized care.

A bone marrow transplant poses many risks of complications, some potentially fatal.

The risk can depend on many factors, including the type of disease or condition, the type of transplant, and the age and health of the person receiving the transplant.

Although some people experience minimal problems with a bone marrow transplant, others may develop complications that may require treatment or hospitalization. Some complications could even be life-threatening.

Complications that can arise with a bone marrow transplant include:

Your doctor can explain your risk of complications from a bone marrow transplant. Together you can weigh the risks and benefits to decide whether a bone marrow transplant is right for you.

If you receive a transplant that uses stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant), you may be at risk of developing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This condition occurs when the donor stem cells that make up your new immune system see your body's tissues and organs as something foreign and attack them.

Many people who have an allogeneic transplant get GVHD at some point. The risk of GVHD is a bit greater if the stem cells come from an unrelated donor, but it can happen to anyone who gets a bone marrow transplant from a donor.

GVHD may happen at any time after your transplant. However, it's more common after your bone marrow has started to make healthy cells.

There are two kinds of GVHD: acute and chronic. Acute GVHD usually happens earlier, during the first months after your transplant. It typically affects your skin, digestive tract or liver. Chronic GVHD typically develops later and can affect many organs.

Chronic GVHD signs and symptoms include:

You'll undergo a series of tests and procedures to assess your general health and the status of your condition, and to ensure that you're physically prepared for the transplant. The evaluation may take several days or more.

In addition, a surgeon or radiologist will implant a long thin tube (intravenous catheter) into a large vein in your chest or neck. The catheter, often called a central line, usually remains in place for the duration of your treatment. Your transplant team will use the central line to infuse the transplanted stem cells and other medications and blood products into your body.

If a transplant using your own stem cells (autologous transplant) is planned, you'll undergo a procedure called apheresis (af-uh-REE-sis) to collect blood stem cells.

Before apheresis, you'll receive daily injections of growth factor to increase stem cell production and move stem cells into your circulating blood so that they can be collected.

During apheresis, blood is drawn from a vein and circulated through a machine. The machine separates your blood into different parts, including stem cells. These stem cells are collected and frozen for future use in the transplant. The remaining blood is returned to your body.

If a transplant using stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant) is planned, you will need a donor. When you have a donor, stem cells are gathered from that person for the transplant. This process is often called a stem cell harvest or bone marrow harvest. Stem cells can come from your donor's blood or bone marrow. Your transplant team decides which is better for you based on your situation.

Another type of allogeneic transplant uses stem cells from the blood of umbilical cords (cord blood transplant). Mothers can choose to donate umbilical cords after their babies' births. The blood from these cords is frozen and stored in a cord blood bank until needed for a bone marrow transplant.

After you complete your pretransplant tests and procedures, you begin a process known as conditioning. During conditioning, you'll undergo chemotherapy and possibly radiation to:

The type of conditioning process you receive depends on a number of factors, including your disease, overall health and the type of transplant planned. You may have both chemotherapy and radiation or just one of these treatments as part of your conditioning treatment.

Side effects of the conditioning process can include:

You may be able to take medications or other measures to reduce such side effects.

Based on your age and health history, your doctor may recommend lower doses or different types of chemotherapy or radiation for your conditioning treatment. This is called reduced-intensity conditioning.

Reduced-intensity conditioning kills some cancer cells and somewhat suppresses your immune system. Then, the donor's cells are infused into your body. Donor cells replace cells in your bone marrow over time. Immune factors in the donor cells may then fight your cancer cells.

Your bone marrow transplant occurs after you complete the conditioning process. On the day of your transplant, called day zero, stem cells are infused into your body through your central line.

The transplant infusion is painless. You are awake during the procedure.

The transplanted stem cells make their way to your bone marrow, where they begin creating new blood cells. It can take a few weeks for new blood cells to be produced and for your blood counts to begin recovering.

Bone marrow or blood stem cells that have been frozen and thawed contain a preservative that protects the cells. Just before the transplant, you may receive medications to reduce the side effects the preservative may cause. You'll also likely be given IV fluids (hydration) before and after your transplant to help rid your body of the preservative.

Side effects of the preservative may include:

Not everyone experiences side effects from the preservative, and for some people those side effects are minimal.

When the new stem cells enter your body, they begin to travel through your body and to your bone marrow. In time, they multiply and begin to make new, healthy blood cells. This is called engraftment. It usually takes several weeks before the number of blood cells in your body starts to return to normal. In some people, it may take longer.

In the days and weeks after your bone marrow transplant, you'll have blood tests and other tests to monitor your condition. You may need medicine to manage complications, such as nausea and diarrhea.

After your bone marrow transplant, you'll remain under close medical care. If you're experiencing infections or other complications, you may need to stay in the hospital for several days or sometimes longer. Depending on the type of transplant and the risk of complications, you'll need to remain near the hospital for several weeks to months to allow close monitoring.

You may also need periodic transfusions of red blood cells and platelets until your bone marrow begins producing enough of those cells on its own.

You may be at greater risk of infections or other complications for months to years after your transplant.

A bone marrow transplant can cure some diseases and put others into remission. Goals of a bone marrow transplant depend on your individual situation, but usually include controlling or curing your disease, extending your life, and improving your quality of life.

Some people complete bone marrow transplantation with few side effects and complications. Others experience numerous challenging problems, both short and long term. The severity of side effects and the success of the transplant vary from person to person and sometimes can be difficult to predict before the transplant.

It can be discouraging if significant challenges arise during the transplant process. However, it is sometimes helpful to remember that there are many survivors who also experienced some very difficult days during the transplant process but ultimately had successful transplants and have returned to normal activities with a good quality of life.

Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.

Mayo Clinic doctors and scientists are involved in cutting-edge research that allows them to apply the latest advances to patient care.

Innovations include:

At Mayo Clinic, some bone marrow transplants are performed as hospital-based outpatient procedures, which reduces the amount of time you'll need to spend in the hospital.

Living with a bone marrow transplant or waiting for a bone marrow transplant can be difficult, and it's normal to have fears and concerns.

Having support from your friends and family can be helpful. Also, you and your family may benefit from joining a support group of people who understand what you're going through and who can provide support. Support groups offer a place for you and your family to share fears, concerns, difficulties and successes with people who have had similar experiences. You may meet people who have already had a transplant or who are waiting for a transplant.

To learn about transplant support groups in your community, ask your transplant team or social worker for information. Also, several support groups are offered at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

Mayo Clinic researchers study medications and treatments for people who have had bone marrow transplants, including new medications to help you stay healthy after your bone marrow transplant.

If your bone marrow transplant is using stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant), you may be at risk of graft-versus-host disease. This condition occurs when a donor's transplanted stem cells attack the recipient's body. Doctors may prescribe medications to help prevent graft-versus-host disease and reduce your immune system's reaction (immunosuppressive medications).

After your transplant, it will take time for your immune system to recover. You may be given antibiotics to prevent infections. You may also be prescribed antifungal, antibacterial or antiviral medications. Doctors continue to study and develop several new medications, including new antifungal medications, antibacterial medications, antiviral medications and immunosuppressive medications.

After your bone marrow transplant, you may need to adjust your diet to stay healthy and to prevent excessive weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other negative health effects.

Your nutrition specialist (dietitian) and other members of your transplant team will work with you to create a healthy-eating plan that meets your needs and complements your lifestyle. Your dietitian may also give you food suggestions to control side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, such as nausea.

Your dietitian will also provide you with healthy food options and ideas to use in your eating plan. Your dietitian's recommendations may include:

After your bone marrow transplant, you may make exercise and physical activity a regular part of your life to continue to improve your health and fitness. Exercising regularly helps you control your weight, strengthen your bones, increase your endurance, strengthen your muscles and keep your heart healthy.

Your treatment team may work with you to set up a routine exercise program to meet your needs. You may perform exercises daily, such as walking and other activities. As you recover, you can slowly increase your physical activity.

Jan. 24, 2019

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Bone marrow transplant - Mayo Clinic

Stem Cell Therapy Sarasota | Advanced Rejuventation

Welcome to Advanced Rejuvenation

At our state of the art clinic we are using cutting edge regenerative techniques to improve the health and well being of our patients. At Advanced Rejuvenation, we provide care for people suffering from diseases that may have limited treatment options and may respond to alternative and cell based regenerative treatments. Advanced Rejuvenation emphasizes quality and our well trained physicians are highly committed to the advancement of regenerative medicine.

Dr. Jeff Sack is a board certified cardiologist who is specializing in conservative Regenerative Cardiology using Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone Therapy, NAD, Vitamin infusions, Chelation Therapy, Lipid Exchange, PK Protocol, Peptide Therapy, Stem Cells, Exosomes and Lifestyle / Nutritional Programs. These modalities are designed to stimulate the cardio and vascular system to repair itself. Advanced Rejuvenation is introducing these cutting edge therapies to stimulate the body to recover from heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.

Beth Moran, Nurse Practitioner, has over 30 years experience in assisting clients in finding their path to wellness. Beth has been a guest lecturer at Stony Brook University. She has also been interviewed on CBS, The McNeil Lehrer Report, Medical News Network, The Gar Beth Moran is also a co-founder of The Guild of Holistic Practitioners, and has been a pioneer in the field of holistic health care on the East End of Null Show and numerous other TV and radio shows. For five years, Beth hosted her own TV show on Cablevision, interviewing holistic health care providers. Beth Moran is the author of Intuitive Healing A Womans Guide To Finding The Healer Within, which gives a great deal of information about the mind and body and encourages patients to listen and advocate for themselves. Using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Thyroid Balance, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone, Stem Cell & Prolozone Therapy, IV Nutritional Therapies, PK Protocol, Treatment for CIRS and Chronic Lyme and Bio Identical Hormones.

Dr. Bramson received his undergraduate degree from the University of South Florida in 1974. He attended the Illinois College of Podiatry Medicine, where he graduated in 1978. He later went on to obtain a degree at Essex University in Maryland as a Physician Assistant in 1997. Dr Bramson worked as both a Podiatrist and an Orthopedic Physician Assistant for close to 15 years for a orthopedic practice in Fort Washington, Maryland. He has extensive experience in Orthopedics which includes assisting in hundreds of surgical procedures such as total knee and hip replacements. He is now playing for the other side using PRP, stem cells, Exosome, prolotherapy and prolozone to stimulate the body to repair itself.With hisextensive background as a podiatrist, he brings a great advantage to Advanced Rejuvenation with our lower extremity cases such as lower back pain, hip, knee, foot and ankle.

Dr. John A. Lieurance is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Registered Medical Assistant and Performs Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.He has practiced in Sarasota for 24 years. Dr. Lieurance has a gift for difficult cases where other practitioners have failed.With the successful integration ofFunctional Neurology, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Nutrition using the Asyra, Detoxification Programs and LumoMed inner ear therapy. His Musculoskeletal Ultrasound training includes over 100 hours through the Gulf Coast Ultrasound Institute, 60 hours through AAOM, 90 hours through AOAPRM, and 60 through TOBI. He also has extensive training for sterile lab procedures and the processing of blood platelets, bone marrow aspirate, and adipose tissue through Oregen Biologics, Emcyte Corporation, Ron Gardener, M.D. (orthopedic surgeon), Regenestem and the Ageless Regenerative Institute. He has been an assistant instructor for hands on practicum for diagnosis using musculoskeletal ultrasound for the 3rd Annual Platelet Rich Plasma & Regenerative Medicine Symposium in Los Angeles, California in 2015, and was a speaker at the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association (FCPA) in Orlando, Florida in 2016 onClinical Applications of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. He has completed training with Dr Richie Shoemaker in 2019 for diagnosis & treatment of CIRS and with the Shoemaker Protocol. His techniques include Continuing Chiropractic Education:Chiropractic Neurology, Applied Kinesiology AK, Cold Laser Therapy, Extremity Adjusting, Sports Injury Taping, Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries, Lumbar and Cervical Disc Decompression, Pettibon Scoliosis through the Carrick Institute of Functional Neurology as well as Vestibular Rehabilitation & Movement Disorders through the Carrick Institute in 2012,16, 17, 18. Dr. Lieurance is the developer of Functional Cranial Release and teaches, as well as certifies, these methods to doctors around the world.

Alex received his graduate degree from the East West College of Natural Medicine where he excelled in his understanding and practical application of both Eastern and Western Medicine. In addition to his Oriental Medical knowledge, he has an equal proficiency in Western Medical diagnosis, which resulted under the tutelage of the great Dr. Banerjee M.D. FACE (Listed in Best Doctors of America). Dr. Smithers is a board certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Physician as well as a Registered Medical Assistant. A native of Sarasota, Dr. Smithers family has a long and well-known history in the community. Dr. Smithers work with Prolozone, Prolotherapy and other regenerative therapies as well as High Definition Ultrasound.His knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine gives him a special gift in this field of medicine. He is currently scheduled to sit the medical boards at the end of the year to receive his M.D.

30 Years experience with IV nutrition to include administration of IV vitamins, PK Protocol, 10 Pass Hyperbaric Ozone, Glutathione, NAD Infusion and Silver IV. She is certified ICU nurse and if she cant get your IV started than no-one can!

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Stem Cell Therapy Sarasota | Advanced Rejuventation

Stem Cell for Lower Back Pain Specialists Tombal TX | The Best Stem Cell Doctors in Tombal TX

Stem Cell for Lower Back Pain Specialists Tombal TX | The Best Stem Cell Doctors in Tombal TX CALL US: (281) 367-6900 CLICK HERE (WEBSITE) CLICK HERE (FACEBOOK) CLICK HERE (YOUTUBE)

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Stem Cell for Lower Back Pain Specialists Tombal TX | The Best Stem Cell Doctors in Tombal TX

Regenerative Medicine Uses And Future Potential …

What Is Regenerative Medicine? If youre suffering from ongoing, nagging chronic pain that hasnt benefited from other treatments, you could benefit from an exciting new area of pain management known as regenerative medicine. These minimally-invasive treatments offer patients pain relief, while reducing the likelihood of infection and avoiding the need for surgery. For many patients, regenerative medicines can help them get their lives back by jump-starting their bodys own natural healing processes.

Regenerative medicine includes treatments like PRP therapy and stem cell therapy. The most common conditions that have been successfully treated using regenerative medical procedures include arthritis andinjuries to cartilage, tendons, muscle, bone, spinal discs, and other tissue types. For many patients, it can help them:

In this post, we talk about how these treatments work and if they could relieve your pain.

For these patients, regenerative medicine may be able to help. Regenerative medicines are cutting-edge therapies that use chemistry, medicine, robotics, biology, computer science, genetics, and engineering to construct a biologically compatible structure for many different tissues found in the body.Although relatively new in the field of acute and chronic pain management, regenerative medical procedures do date back as early as 1962.

Regenerative medicine offers a number of different benefits, including:

The following TED Talk gives a greater overview of the possible future benefits of this therapy.

The vast majority of early regenerative procedures were tissue-based, being developed for skin grafting. The first successful tissue that was engineered for grafting procedures was finalized in the 1970s, a mere eight years after the first synthetic tissue was developed. Howard Green and colleagues from Harvard Medical School began by harvesting a skin biopsy, later perfecting the practice of growing skin epidermis.

Following these advancements, researchers developed regenerative medical improvements in stem cell research, enabling successful bone marrow transplantation for individuals suffering from leukemia.

Having discovered the ability of the body to organize and regenerate tissue after cell death, researchers aimed their future studies at the goal of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering to replace tissue that had been damaged, lost through injury, or deteriorating with advanced age. Many diseases and injuries that result from failing tissue could potentially be successfully treated using regenerative medicine therapies.

Symptoms will vary patient to patient, but may include:

Pain is thought to be an indicator of tissue damage or an underlying injury. A number of existing treatments can help a patient cope with chronic pain, but dont fully address the underlying damage or injury. New regenerative medicine therapies can target the underlying problem and promote the bodys natural healing processes. Patients who experience the following list of conditions may be viable candidates for regenerative medicine.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint condition that causes degenerative cartilage changes in the joints. It is believed that the damage can be the result of wear and tear on the joint through a number of years or as a direct result of a specific injury. With enough damage to the cartilage that protects the joint, there is a high risk opposing bones will rub directly against each other. This direct contact causes damage to the ends of the bones and a significant inflammatory response and pain.

Traditional treatment approaches only help to manage the pain and not cure the condition. Stem cell therapy is believed to be more fitting since the goal is to repair the condition and reduce the bone-on-bone contact.

This is a degenerative condition of the individual bones of the spine, called vertebrae. Most commonly, spondylolisthesis occurs when the vertebrae slips over one another or becomes dislocated. Patients may experience nonspecific low back pain because a large number of individuals with this anatomical distortion do not present to their physician with related symptoms, including pain.

With spondylolisthesis the nerves around the weakened vertebrae can become compressed, resulting in pain and potentially muscle weakness. These symptoms can include:

Estimates are that 12% of the population has had difficulties with spondylolisthesis.

This common condition is characterized by a narrowing of the spinal canal. With spinal stenosis there is a restriction from this narrowing that results in neurogenic claudication. The spine is a row of 26 bones that allows movement and bending. Through the center is an opening, or canal, that protects the spinal cord. The narrowing with spinal stenosis can occur in the center, in the canals, or the spaces between the vertebrae. This narrowing puts pressure on the nerves in the spinal cord and can result in pain or numbness in the legs or shoulders, depending upon where the restriction is located.

Spinal stenosis is more common in individuals over the age of 50 years, but may occur in younger people who suffer an injury to the spine or are born with a narrowing of the spinal canal. Generally, pain specialists suggest using conservative or lifestyle changes to manage pain from this condition. If that doesnt work, patients may find relief with regenerative medicine techniques.

Spinal deformities are genetically linked issues that are related to the natural curvature of the spine. They generally involve the entire length of the spinal column and are relatively uncommon.

Conditions can affect the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spinal regions and symptoms will vary widely depending upon the location. Some of these conditions are visible at birth, while others are only diagnosed when signs and symptoms develop.

A compression fracture is typically caused by osteoporosis and has a higher prevalence rate among post-menopausal women and in those individuals with a long history of corticosteroid use. These fractures result in a decrease in height of the vertebrae of at least 15 to 20%.

In one study, which examined 7,000 women over the age of 65, researchers found that 5% had suffered a compression fracture over a four-year period. Previous studies have suggested that nearly 4% of adults evaluated in a primary care setting could attribute back pain symptoms to a compression fracture.

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that results in symptoms from changes to the vertebral discs in adults as they age. The aging process increases the risk of tears to the disc, which is a likely cause of this type of pain. Spinal discs are soft and compressible that helps cushion the spinal column, which allows the spine to flex, twist, and bend. Although it can occur anywhere along the spine, it most often occurs in the lower back and neck. The pain can occur throughout the spine but in some instances affects the intervertebral disc.

Treatment modalities include physical therapy, pain medications, spinal fusion surgery, and steroid injections. New advances in regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy can help patients suffering from degenerative disc disease. Following extraction of the patients stem cells, usually from the bone marrow in the hip, the cells are engineered, concentrated, and injected into the site of the injury.

A herniated disc is characterized by damage to the intervertebral discs, which cause them to bulge from the intervertebral space or to rupture completely. The daily stress of movement, poor posture, injuries, and age can cause them to bulge, rupture, or herniate. The expansion of the disc material puts pressure on the surrounding nerves and spinal column, which is believed to be the source of pain. Herniated discs are more commonly found in aging people. Treatments include physical therapy, which has shown promise in relieving pain and improving the ability to function daily, however, it requires a significant time commitment in the therapists office and in daily home exercises.

Surgical treatment options may be suggested to cut out or remove the bulging or herniated material from the spinal column. The removal of the herniated disc carries a number of different risks related to the area of the spinal column where the disc is located and the weakened area of the column following surgery. Surgery is not always successful and there is a slight risk of damage to the spine or nerves, and risk of infection. New techniques from regenerative medicine using a patients own stem cells has shown good results with regeneration and rebuilding of the network of cells that make up the injured disc.

This is a common form of chronic foot pain that occurs between the ball of the foot and the heel. There is a thick connective tissue on the bottom of the foot, called the plantar fascia, which connects the ball of the foot to the heel. This plantar fascia supports the arch of the foot and can become strained from a number of different sources, including overuse, tight calf muscles, and poor foot placement. The damage forms tiny tears along the ligament, which is the likely source of pain. Treatments usually target the underlying condition, and then the symptoms of pain.

Regenerative medical treatments are an ideal choice for patients who have chronic pain in the plantar fascia and have corrected the underlying biomechanical issue that caused the initial condition. These therapies will promote healing of the damaged tissue. In fact, several studies provide realistic support for the use of platelet rich plasma therapy as an effective method of treatment to reduce or eliminate the pain associated with plantar fasciitis.

The sacroiliac joint is a large joint area that is located at the base of the spine. The joint connects the spine to the hip, or pelvis. In many cases, the individual can identify an injury that transpired previous to the onset of pain. Causes of this type of pain include:

There is limited evidence that current treatments are successful. Once a doctor relieves the underlying cause of pain, regenerative medicine may affect some degree of pain relief. This pain relief appears to last longer than that of steroid injections.

Also known as sciatica, lumbar radiculopathy occurs when a herniated disc, often between L5 and S1, pushes against the nerve. Patients experience pain that travels down the leg. The primary goal is to reduce the size of the disc and reduce the compression on the nerve root, thus reducing the pain.

There are a number of different treatment options for patients who suffer from lumbar radiculopathy. However, if they are unsuccessful, or if patients do not receive relief from their pain, they can be a candidate for stem cell injections.

In cervical radiculopathy, patients experience chronic pain originating from the cervical spine, or the neck area. When a disc in the neck pushes against a nerve root exiting the cervical spine, it causes pain to travel down the arms.

Radiculopathy in younger individuals can be from a herniated disc or neck injury. Older adults may suffer but physicians expect to also find osteophyte formation causing narrowing of the foramen, a reduced disc height and degenerative changes in the intervertebral joints.

Some patients who experience severe, unremitting back pain choose to undergo surgery to gain relief. Unfortunately, some patients may continue to suffer pain following surgical repair, which is recognized as a failed back surgery. Causes include:

Individuals with a history of other emotional disturbances, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, depression, or anxiety are at an increased risk of developing chronic pain conditions following a back surgery.

Pain symptoms of a failed back surgery are usually dull, aching pain that is diffuse across the back and legs. Some patients do suffer from stabbing, pricking, or sharp pain in the limbs. When other treatments have failed to relieve pain following a failed back surgery, regenerative medicine treatment options might be considered.

Further, regenerative medicine therapies are relatively new and historically have very few studies documenting their effectiveness on different types of pain conditions. The FDA has not approved the use of adult stem cells to treat aging or to prevent, treat, or cure any disease or medical condition mentioned. Because of this, your insurance may not cover the cost of these procedures.

In addition, many regenerative medicine studies and treatments involve the use of living stem cells.Both legal and ethical issues are inherent in the use of embryonic stem cells. Although stem cell research holds great promise for the development of successful treatment modalities for conditions that thus far have no permanent treatment, research also raises both ethical and political controversies. However, reprogramming adult stem cells to produce pluripotent stem cells avoids these ethical issues that are specific to embryonic stem cell research. Adult or pluripotent stem cells are used for the majority of all regenerative pain medicine approaches, but always talk to your doctor if you have further questions.

To learn more about regenerative medicine for your pain condition, you can find a pain doctor in your area by clicking the button below or looking for one in your area by using the tips here:

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Regenerative Medicine Uses And Future Potential ...

Stem cell Doctors Auburn Hills MI | knee pain treatment Auburn Hills MI

Stem cell Doctors Auburn Hills MI | knee pain treatment Auburn Hills MI Stem Cell Seminars Stem Cell Website Video Testimonials

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn at this special live educational seminar: Learn about this remarkable cutting edge healing Stem Cell Doctors in Auburn Hills MI, technology that can actually repair damaged tissue in the body through a painless and safe stem cell injection. (Hint: Normal drugs just mask the pain.) According to Michigan Integrative Healths chief medical officer, "Patients can experience a significant decrease in pain and improved range of motion within weeks of just one treatment." When the body heals, the pain naturally goes away. Discover how stem cell injections work...Auburn Hills MI, Stem Cell Doctors Auburn Hills MI, (This is really fascinating stuff!) We'll explain how they pinpoint the impaired areas, remove the swelling with powerful anti-inflammatory properties and heal them by regenerating new cells and tissue. Why this innovative therapy is helpful for degenerative arthritis, degenerative cartilage and ligaments, bone spurs, degenerative joint disease, bursitis and tendonitis. Stem Cell Clinic in Troy MI, If you suffer from one of these or know someone who is in pain, this could be life-changing. Michigan Integrative Health is one of the first clinics in the area to offer this highly advanced form of therapy.

To reserve your seat at this informative seminar, click on one of the buttons on below or call (844) 644-7836 or (844) MIH-STEM. When you attend, youll receive a special reduced price consultation at the clinic to explore your stem cell therapy options. If you are unable to attend one of these seminar dates, Stem Cell Specialists in Troy MI, please call to schedule a consultation or find out about the next seminar

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Stem cell Doctors Auburn Hills MI | knee pain treatment Auburn Hills MI

Stem cell Doctors Troy MI | knee pain treatment Troy MI

Stem cell Doctors Troy MI | knee pain treatment Troy MI Stem Cell Seminars Stem Cell Website Video Testimonials

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn at this special live educational seminar: Learn about this remarkable cutting edge healing Stem Cell Doctors in Troy MI, technology that can actually repair damaged tissue in the body through a painless and safe stem cell injection. (Hint: Normal drugs just mask the pain.) According to Michigan Integrative Healths chief medical officer, "Patients can experience a significant decrease in pain and improved range of motion within weeks of just one treatment." When the body heals, the pain naturally goes away. Discover how stem cell injections work...Troy MI, Stem Cell Doctors Troy MI, (This is really fascinating stuff!) We'll explain how they pinpoint the impaired areas, remove the swelling with powerful anti-inflammatory properties and heal them by regenerating new cells and tissue. Why this innovative therapy is helpful for degenerative arthritis, degenerative cartilage and ligaments, bone spurs, degenerative joint disease, bursitis and tendonitis. Stem Cell Clinic in Troy MI, If you suffer from one of these or know someone who is in pain, this could be life-changing. Michigan Integrative Health is one of the first clinics in the area to offer this highly advanced form of therapy.

To reserve your seat at this informative seminar, click on one of the buttons on below or call (844) 644-7836 or (844) MIH-STEM. When you attend, youll receive a special reduced price consultation at the clinic to explore your stem cell therapy options. If you are unable to attend one of these seminar dates, Stem Cell Specialists in Troy MI, please call to schedule a consultation or find out about the next seminar

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Stem cell Doctors Troy MI | knee pain treatment Troy MI

Stem Cell Fraud: A 60 Minutes investigation – CBS News

The Internet is full of websites selling unproven stem cell treatments for incurable illnesses. Scott Pelley confronts one disgraced doctor offering false hope to a family with a disabled child.

The following is a script of "Stem Cell Fraud" which aired on Jan. 8, 2012, and was rebroadcast on Aug. 26, 2012. Scott Pelley is the correspondent. Oriana Zill and Michael Rey, producers.

(CBS News) There's no greater desperation than to be told that you, or your child, has a disease for which there is no hope. Many people with incurable illness look forward to the promise of stem cells. Stem cells have the potential to turn into any kind of cell and, in theory, they could repair damaged cells, though, scientists tell us that we are years away from realizing that dream.

There is no stem cell miracle today, so con men, have moved in to offer the hope that science cannot. Just look online and you will find hundreds of credible looking websites offering stem cell cures in overseas clinics.

Two years ago we began investigating stem cell charlatans. We worked with patients suffering from incurable diseases, and we discovered con men, posing as doctors, conducting dangerous medical experiments.

[Scott Pelley: You know, Mr. Stowe, the trouble is that you're a con man.]

Our report started a federal investigation and since that story, we have been digging into the rapidly growing trade in fake stem cell cures. As we reported last January, we've found something even more alarming: illegal stem cell transplants that are dangerous and delivered to your doorstep. They are scams that often bilk the desperate out of their last dollar of savings and their last ounce of hope.

[Brandon Susser: I know you're tired.]

Adam and Brandon Susser are 11-year-old twins. Adam has cerebral palsy, his brain was damaged by a lack of oxygen before he and his brother were born.

Gary Susser: He's confined to a wheelchair. He needs assistance with all his daily living activities from cleanliness to feeding, to clothing.

Gary and Judy Susser have searched for anything that might improve on the judgment handed down by Adam's doctors.

Gary Susser: The sentence of being a quadriplegic, the sentence of being totally blind, the pronouncement by physicians that we should put him away.

Scott Pelley: Those were the things that his regular doctors were telling you?

Gary Susser: Correct. We were being advised literally, "Put him away. He's gonna destroy your life."

So back in 2003, the Sussers took a chance on the theory of stem cells. Adam was three. They brought him to a doctor in Mexico who injected stem cells with no idea whether they would work.

Judy Susser: We both decided that in the severity of his condition that we'd have to try it.

Apparently, there was no harm and no miracle.

Gary Susser: The progress that he made after that was minimal at best and therefore we didn't see any good coming out of it.

Today, people like the Sussers can find hundreds of sophisticated websites offering stem cell treatments for every hopeless disease.

2012 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Stem Cell Fraud: A 60 Minutes investigation - CBS News

Knee – Regenexx

Have you been told that steroid injections or invasive surgery are your only options to treat your knee pain? Interventional orthopedics provides a non-surgical alternative that uses your own cells to repair the damage.

Recent research shows that some of the most popularorthopedic kneesurgeriesincluding meniscectomies have no benefit and are not more effective than placebo or sham surgery. Moreover, knee replacement is extremely traumatic and carries associated risks, and even successful surgeries minimally require months of painful rehab to regain strength and mobility. Most surgeries also accelerate degeneration that leads toosteoarthritis and exacerbate the biomechanical problems that initially led to the need for the surgery. Regenexx urges patients suffering from knee injuries or degenerative conditions to consider all of their options.

At Regenexx we invented a new approach to orthopedic care we call Interventional Orthopedics. This approach involves the use of image guidance (flouroscopy and ultrasound) to precisely place high-dose stem cells or platelets from your body directly where they are needed in a specific joint structure. These cells then work in the site of your injury to grow into new, healthy tissue, a process that will only occur if the cells have been placed exactly where they need to go in order to achieve positive outcomes for the patient.This precise approach to orthopedic care cant be replicated by a surgeon or nurse in a chiropractors office. Interventional Orthopedics requires thousands of hours of training following a standardized protocol process to become a licensed Regenexx physician.

The innovative Regenexx procedures restore knee function and mobility and decrease pain without the need for surgery by regenerating damaged tissue. During this outpatient procedure, ourexpert physiciansuseprecise image guidanceto inject custom concentrations ofyour body's natural healing agentsinto the exact areas of damage to tighten and stabilize your knee joint for better function and mobility.

This page contains an extensive library of educational resources on kneeconditions and our patented kneeprocedures created by Regenexx and our founder, Chris Centeno, M.D.. We encourage you to research your options.

GET RELIEF. 855-330-5818

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Knee - Regenexx

stem cell Doctors in Dearborn MI | stem cell clinic Dearborn

stem cell Doctors in Dearborn MI | stem cell clinic Dearborn MI Stem Cell Website Video Testimonials

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn at this special live educational seminar: Learn about this remarkable cutting edge healing Stem Cell Doctors in Dearborn MI, technology that can actually repair damaged tissue in the body through a painless and safe stem cell injection. (Hint: Normal drugs just mask the pain.) According to Michigan Integrative Healths chief medical officer, "Patients can experience a significant decrease in pain and improved range of motion within weeks of just one treatment." When the body heals, the pain naturally goes away. Discover how stem cell injections work... (This is really fascinating stuff!) We'll explain how they pinpoint the impaired areas, remove the swelling with powerful anti-inflammatory properties and heal them by regenerating new cells and tissue. Why this innovative therapy is helpful for degenerative arthritis, degenerative cartilage and ligaments, bone spurs, degenerative joint disease, bursitis and tendonitis. Stem Cell Clinic in Dearborn MI, If you suffer from one of these or know someone who is in pain, this could be life-changing. Michigan Integrative Health is one of the first clinics in the area to offer this highly advanced form of therapy.

To reserve your seat at this informative seminar, click on one of the buttons on below or call (844) 644-7836 or (844) MIH-STEM. When you attend, youll receive a special reduced price consultation at the clinic to explore your stem cell therapy options. If you are unable to attend one of these seminar dates,Stem Cell Specialists in Port Huron MI, please call to schedule a consultation or find out about the next seminar

Theresa - Livonia, MI Patient

"I had back pain, sciatica, and both knees hurt. Its been 5 weeks since I received care. My back pain and sciatica are gone. My knee pain has improved by 75%. Before care my back would hurt when I stood to wash dishes. Now I have no pain."

Rick - Shelby Township, MI Patient

"I was having grinding in my shoulders at night, severe hip problem on the left side and a joint issue in the right toe. 5 weeks after care the grinding in my shoulder is just about gone. My hip pain is completely gone. I have also had a reduction in urinary urgency that has been reduced by 80-90%." Cell Therapy for back pain in Dearborn MI, stem cell therapy for back pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Therapy for back pain in Dearborn MI, stem cell therapy for spine degeneration Lansing MI, stem cell therapy for spine degeneration in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Therapy & Treatment Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Therapy Treatments in Dearborn MI, The Best Stem Cell Therapy Treatments in Dearborn MI, where Can I get Stem Cell Treatment in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Centers in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Center in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Clinics in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Clinics Dearborn MI, stem cells for back pain Dearborn MI, Stem Cells for Back Pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cells for back pain Doctor in Dearborn MI, stem cell therapy for back pain reviews Dearborn MI, Stem cell therapy for back pain Reviews in Dearborn MI, treatment for chronic back pain Doctor Dearborn MI, Treatment for chronic back pain Doctors in Dearborn MI, stem cell therapy for lumbar discs Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Therapy for lumbar discs in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Therapy Doctor for lumbar Discs in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell & Regenerative Therapy Dearborn MI, The Best Stem Cell Doctor in Dearborn MI, The Best Stem Cell Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem cell hip Regeneration Hip Doctor Dearborn MI, Stem Cell hip Regeneration Hip Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell hip Regeneration Hip Specialists in Dearborn MI, stem cell for back pain Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem cell doctor Back pain Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Doctor for Back Pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Doctors for Back pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Doctors for Neck Pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Doctor Neck Pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Doctor lower Back pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Arm pain Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Neck Pain Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Back Pain Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Knee Pain Doctors in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Hip Regeneration Dearborn MI, Alternative to Hip Replacement Surgery in Dearborn MI, Hip Cartilage replacement Stem Cells Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Hip replacement Doctor in Dearborn MI, Stem Cell Hip replacement Doctors in Dearborn MI, Alternatives to hip replacement for osteoarthritis in Dearborn MI, Nonsurgical alternatives to hip replacement surgery in Dearborn MI, stem cells for back pain Dearborn MI, Stem Cells for Back Pain in Dearborn MI, Stem Cells for back pain Doctor in Dearborn MI,

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stem cell Doctors in Dearborn MI | stem cell clinic Dearborn

Stem Cell of Atlanta Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy …

Dr. Brandy Brown, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

A professional FNP-C, with a love of nursing and a passion for helping people, Dr. Brandy Brown, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, is an effective APRN, business owner, consultant, and educator with 15+ years industry experience. She is also the President/CEO and Co-founder of non-profit, BLINGG. Owner of Extraordinary Nurses, LLC and Extraordinary Family Healthcare.

Brandy Brown, graduated at every degree level as she started out as a CNA at age 20. She currently possesses a AA and ASN Dr. Brown, was not satisfied until she reached her ultimate lifetime goal of FNP. She pursued her BSN, then onto Frontier Nursing University for her MSN as a Family Nurse Practitioner. In 2016, completed her Doctoral Program for her DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice), bringing her career level to the top in her field. She is intelligent, driven and demonstrates genuine compassion and advocacy, to deliver best-in-class patient care and patient services. Nursing often involves hectic and fast-paced environments where judgment, discretion and on-the-spot leadership are required. Dr. Brandy Brown is developing into a leader in nursing and in her community. She is a motivator to everyone she meets to grow and become an impact in their career, life, profession, and community.

Brandy is knowledgeable and has comprehensive experience in many areas of nursing including: Labor & Delivery, Pain Management, Nutrition, Anesthetics, OB/GYN, Wellness, Womens Health, Pain management with alternative treatment and Family Practice. Dr. Brown, is linking natural and medical options for her patients to manage or resolve diseases.

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Stem Cell of Atlanta Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy ...