Category Archives: Stem Cell Doctors

About NSI Stem Cell | Natural Stem Cell Therapy Therapy …

Using the latest regenerative medicine technology, at NSI Stem Cell, its our mission to improve the quality and quantity of the lives of our patients while avoiding invasive surgical techniques and harmful medications.

If your house is on fire, you call the fire department. However, you dont call the fire department to come and rebuild the damaged areas of your house. The same is true when living with chronic illness and injury. For crisis situations, different types of medication may be necessary, but medicine alone will not truly fix the problem. Instead, depending on your condition, its important to incorporate a variety of remedies including: diet, exercise, physical therapy and in some cases stem cell therapy.

Using the latest regenerative medicine technology, at NSI Stem Cell, its our mission to improve the quality and quantity of the lives of our patients while avoiding invasive surgical techniques and harmful medications.

We are home to doctors and clinicians that are seasoned, knowledgeable, and passionate about helping patients. We work hard to provide seamless, safe and effective care for each patient that walks through our doors with the most advanced technology available to reverse disease, repair tissue, and promote health.

Learn more about what NSI Stem Cell can do for you below.

We know you have many choices when it comes to stem cell centers, so why choose NSI Stem Cell? First, we provide extensive patient education. The honesty and education that we give empower our patients to make informed decisions that will benefit them and their health the most.

Chances are, youve seen numerous doctors and from that, have had no real success in alleviating pain and restoring function. At NSI Stem Cell, we know the importance of finding someone that not only understands your medical journey, but provides the very best individualized care possible.

During your first visit to NSI Stem Cell, our doctors will provide a physical exam as well as go over the patients in-depth medical history. Additionally, the patients desires and expected outcomes can be discussed at length. Our medical team will spend as much time as necessary with each patient in order to ensure a proper diagnosis as well as educate the patient thoroughly on their condition as well as their available options.

NSI Stem Cell Services Include:

Stem Cell Therapy Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Blood Injection Therapy Functional Rehabilitation Nutritional Counseling

Because our consultations are done on an individual level, we are able to create precise programs such as a combination of the services listed above to help you regain function and return to everyday activities.

What I like about the [NSI Stem Cell] office is the professionalism, the care, the support, the answers to my questions and the continuing help whenever I need it. Leah

Over the last four years I have been suffering from pain, burning, numbness to the point where I couldnt get out of bed, couldnt function, couldnt work. Through all the many doctors that I visited over the years they gave me all kinds of medications where I had terrible reactions from them, ended up in the hospital and I couldnt function anymore. When I finally came to NSI, they gave me a program, and I felt wonderful. All my pain, all my numbness has disappeared. Im off all kinds of medications, Ive lost a lot of weight and I feel absolutely wonderful. Ths staff is awesome, the doctor is awesome, Im just so thankful that I found them. Connie

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How are stem cells used? Stem cells make it possible for the body to regenerate and heal itself after an injury or illness. When stem cells are harvested from the patient and injected back in, they heal damaged tissues and regenerate new healthy tissue. Better yet, because stem cells use your body to heal itself, they contain the building blocks for optimal health.

Stem cells are important because they are changing how patients heal from chronic illness and/or injury. Stem cells are also multi-potent meaning they have the ability to differentiate into muscle tendons, ligaments, bone, tissue and cartilage. They are key in helping a wound heal and/or repairing damage brought on by disease. Furthermore, unlike invasive surgeries, stem cell therapy has no recovery time.

The first successful cell transplantation happened in 1956, as Dr. E. Donnall Thomas performed the first successful bone marrow transplant between identical twins, where a healthy twin gave their bone marrow to the other twin who suffered from leukemia. The practice continued to evolve over the decades and in 2006, it was discovered that stem cells can be harvested from adult patients.

Stem cells are a naturally occurring cell type that can be found all throughout the human body. Adult stem cells are found in the bone marrow, but they are also abundantly stored in the fatty layer that lies just beneath the skin. In addition, stores of stem cells remain in the body throughout life. Bone marrow and adipose (fat) are the two most commonly used stem cells in stem cell therapy.

Have more questions? Contact us today to see how stem cell therapy can help your condition.

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The Stem Cell Institute of Texas | San Antonio, TX

Welcome to the Stem Cell Institute of Texas

The Stem Cell Institute of Texas provides the latest stem cell therapies using adult stem cells to treat a wide variety of health concerns. Our two main focuses cosmetics and orthopaedic conditions use adult stem cells to transform your appearance and function by stimulating the bodys repair mechanisms.

Cells derived from the Umbilical Cord of Live Healthy Birth Babies contains stem cells, growth factors, and proteins that stimulate YOUR body to regenerate damaged joints and tissue Just like in your youth!

Do you suffer from pain in your back or your joints, such as hip or knee, which prevents you from living life to the fullest? Is walking, cycling, gardening, fishing, or exercising, no longer possible with out pain? If you are missing out on your Golden Years, you need to see a regenerative medicine physician for a consultation. They can determine if the newest innovations in stem cell therapies are right for you.

The treatment is a simple non-surgical injection into the affected joint with no down time or lengthy recovery. You may maintain your normal lifestyle and allow the cells to create a balanced optimal environment in your joints so your body can repair itself. You should feel maximal results within 10 to 12 weeks at which time you can increase your activity levels to match your comfort, but understand that the regenerative process can continue for long periods of time.

Umbilical cord cells contain growth factors, proteins, and stem cells that continue to produce additional growth factors and proteins for a period of time. These components have the potential to positively affect the environment inside the joint and to stimulate your own tissue to aid in the regenerative process while ALSO stimulating your NATIVE STEM CELLS to aid in regeneration.

The Stem Cell Institute of Texas | San Antonio, TX

Regenexx Stem Cell Procedures | 100% Non-Surgical Pain …

Stem Cell Therapy Facts & Information

Stem Cell Therapyas an alternative solution to invasive surgery for patients suffering from a wide range of degenerative conditions and injuries including:

The Regenexx Stem Cell Therapy protocol produces the highest stem cell concentrations possible. All procedures utilize advanced imaging guidance to ensure the stem cells are delivered precisely to the area in need to assist healing in the damaged tissues.

Our bodys stem cells are responsible for healing us. However, as we age or sustain injury, we sometimes cannot get enough of these healing cells into the injured area. Stem Cell Therapy solves this problem by harvesting the patients own cells and then injecting them directly into the area in need. These cells can assist in the healing of damaged tissue, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone while decreasing downtime and avoiding painful rehabilitation periods typically associated with surgery. In a series of three injections spaced roughly two to five days apart, the patient can be well on their way to a full recovery.

TheStem Cell Therapy protocol is a series of three procedures that happen over the course of several days.

PRE-INJECTION: A dextrose solution that stimulates surrounding soft tissue & prepares it for stem cell procedure.

SAME-DAY STEM CELL PROCEDURE: In the morning, blood and bone marrow samples are taken. Later that day, stem cells and blood platelets are introduced into the injury site.

POST-INJECTION: Additional platelet stimulants are introduced to invigorate stem cells and boost healing process.

Stem Cell Therapy is intended to help your body actually heal injured tissue. Initial improvement and reduction in pain may be experienced very quickly, with continued improvement as the healing progresses. Patient studies have shown Stem Cell Therapy to be very effective at relieving pain, while MRI images have confirmed successful tissue repair following stem cell therapy. The need for surgery can be greatly reduced by treating injured tissues before the damage progresses and the condition is irreversible.

Have you been diagnosed with one the following:

Are you currently experiencing:

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Regenexx Stem Cell Procedures | 100% Non-Surgical Pain ...

Stem Cell Injections & Therapy | Microsurgical Spine Center

Microsurgical Spine Center (MSC) is now offering stem cell injection treatments for patients suffering from degenerative disc and spine and back pain. This new and innovative procedure is reinventing the way we imagine spinal care- as one of the first treatments that capitalizes on the bodys ability to heal itself. This minimally invasive and quick procedure is an exciting development in the field of spinal care, because it uses the patients own cells as a treatment method. Read more to learn more about how stem cell injections may help you find permanent relief. What are stem cells?

Stem cells are cells within the body without a predetermined function. That is, we can place them to become any type of cell and carry out any role in the body. The human body produces billions of stem cells, and medical studies have shown that by collecting and then relocating them to an area of tissue damage, they can grow to be new, healthy cells and replace the existing damaged cells.

Stem cell injections are a cutting-edge medical procedure that uses the bodys own healthy stem cells to regenerate and repair diseased spinal tissue. Microsurgical Spine Center was the first to perform this procedure for back pain in the state of Washington. You may have heard of the controversy of embryonic stem cell treatment, but we use adult stem cells from your own body.

A stem cell injection is a minimally invasive procedure performed in our outpatient surgery center. Patients can expect to feel relief from pain in less than two weeks.

However, it is important to remember that stem cell injections only treat one part of the problem. It is part of an overall lifestyle change and treatment plan that includes an anti-inflammatory diet and physical therapy. When done in conjunction with one another, these necessary changes improve the bodys mechanics to prevent future pain.

The stem cell injection procedure begins by extracting bone marrow from the pelvis bone. This is where the stem cells that will be used for your treatment will be found. Those cells are then spun at high speeds to separate them from the other components of bone marrow. This advanced separation technique, called centrifuging, was developed by MSCs partner, Celling Biosciences. Once stem cells are fully prepared, they are injected directly into the damaged discs. The injection is guided by ultrasound for complete accuracy. The entire procedure only takes about an hour and can be performed right in our office.


Stem cell injections can be used to treat degenerative disc disease of the spine, degenerative joint disease of the hip or shoulder, arthritis, meniscus tears, rotator cuff injuries, Achilles tendon injuries, sacroiliac (SI) joint pain and more.

While many therapy programs can help strengthen muscles to alleviate pain, when disc degeneration begins to occur, surgery has traditionally been one of the primary avenues for effective treatment. Today, though, adult stem cell therapy is fast becoming an alternative treatment for disc degeneration and low back pain.

Variations of this procedure can also be used in other areas including treating joint abnormalities like Achilles tendonitis and knee arthritis, or to postpone joint replacement surgery in active older adults. It can even help prolong professional athletic careers.

Microsurgical Spine Center offers stem cell injections for back, knee, hip, or other pain. We were the first to perform stem cell injections for the treatment of back pain in the state of Washington. Contact us online or call 253-841-8939 to schedule a consultation.

There are two main types of stem cell treatment: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The ones that have caused controversy in the headlines and among politicians are embryonic, because they are taken from early-stage embryos.

In its early days, stem cell therapy relied on cells removed from early-stage embryos, resulting in significant controversy among politicians and special interest groups. Today, researchers have learned how to locate and remove stem cells from the bone marrow of adults. That means your own cells can be used to help heal your body, without the risk of rejection that can accompany other procedures. At Microsurgical Spine Center, we use adult stem cells stem cells taken from your own body. We extract adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from your own bone marrow.

Possibly the best way to determine if you qualify for the procedure is to come in for a consultation. You are not a candidate if your spinal degeneration has gone so far that your spine is structurally damaged. For example, if you have severe scoliosis or if youve broken your back, your spine is not structurally sound.

Stem cell injections are recommended for patients who have early to middle-range degeneration. If you have cancer or if you are on anti-coagulant medication such as Coumadin, you are also not an eligible candidate for stem cell injections. To find out if you are a candidate for stem cell injections, come in for a consultation.

Stem cell injections using your own stem cells are considered safe. While there is always a risk of an injection causing bleeding, infection, or nerve damage, there is no chance of anallergic reaction with stem cell injections using your own stem cells. A consultation with our doctors will help you determine if stem cell injections are the right choice for you.

Stem cell injections are a quick in-office procedure at Microsurgical Spine Center that usually takes about an hour. It begins with a consultation with one of our physicians to properly screen and diagnose your back pain. You will be able to leave immediately after the injection and will begin to see results from the injection in 4-6 weeks.

There is virtually no recovery time needed from stem cell injections. The process is a fast in-office procedure with minimal pain. There will be some localized pain around the injection site, as with any shot

After your quick, in-office procedure, you will be able to leave immediately and resume daily activities. Results are typically noticed four to six weeks after injection.

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Stem Cell Injections & Therapy | Microsurgical Spine Center

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Injuries and …

Utilizing your own stem cells to help the healing process of shoulder / rotator cuff injuries or osteoarthritis

The human body is made of billions of specialized cells that form specific organs like the brain, skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and bone. Each day these cells go through a degenerative and regenerative process. As older cells die, new cells are born from stem cells with the unique capability of being able to create multiple types of other cells. However, when tissues are injured, the degenerative process exceeds this regenerative process, resulting in structures that become weaker, painful and less functional. While there are several types of stem cells, those that are best at promoting musculoskeletal healing (tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone) are found in bone marrow. These mesenchymal stem cells, or MSCs, are essential to successful patient outcomes and at StemCell ARTS, we utilize the patented Regenexx Stem Cell Protocol, which iscapable of yielding much higher concentrations of these important cells.

This outcome information summarizes the patient registry data for shoulders treated with the Regenexx same day stem cell procedure using the patients own stem cells. It was comprised of a mix of patients with rotator cuff tears, arthritis, labral tears, and instability.

Regenexx has published more data on stem cell safety in peer reviewed medical research for orthopedic applications than any other group world-wide. This is a report of 1,591 patients and 1,949 procedures treated with the Regenexx Stem Cell Procedure. Based on our analysis of this treatment registry data, the Regenexx Stem Cell Procedure is about as safe as any typical injection procedure, which is consistent with what we see every day in the clinic.

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These non-surgical stem cell injection procedures happen within a single day and may offer a viable alternative for those who are facing surgery or even joint replacement. Patients are typically able to return to normal activity following the procedure and are able to avoid the painful and lengthy rehabilitation periods that are typically required to help restore strength, mobility and range-of-motion following invasive joint surgeries. Lastly, patients are far less vulnerable to the risks of surgeries, such as infection and blood clots.

If you have experienced a shoulder or rotator cuff injury or pain from osteoarthritis, you may be a candidate for these regenerative procedures. Please complete the form below and we will immediately send you an email with information about the next steps in determining whether youre a good fit for these advanced stem cell procedures.

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Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Injuries and ...

Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy | The San Antonio Orthopaedic …

Orthopedic Areas of Interest for Stem Cell Therapy

Please Note: If you are having a stem cell therapy procedure in conjunction with another surgical procedure, your recommendations may change. Consult with your physician on the guidelines and restrictions for your specific case.

No. Because mesenchymal stem cell injections are considered investigational for orthopedic applications, most insurance companies will not cover the cost. Please contact our office to discuss cash payment options.

Your out-of-pocket cost will vary, depending upon whether you have stem cell therapy independent of or in conjunction with another surgical procedure. Our current pricing for stem cell therapy is as follows:

1.Fu, Tsai-Sheng, et al, Enhancement of Posterolateral Lumbar Spine Fusion Using Low-Dose rhBMP-2 and Cultured Marrow Stromal Cells, Journal of Orthopaedic Research March 2009, 380-4. 2. Centeno, Christopher, et al, Regeneration of meniscus cartilage in a knee treated with percutaneously implanted autologous mesenchymal stem cells, Medical Hypotheses (2008) 71, 900908. 3. Kovacevic BS, David et al, Biological Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Tendon Repair, Clin Orthop Relat Res (2008) 466:622633. 4. Rotini, Roberto et al, New perspectives in rotator cuff tendon regeneration: review of tissue engineered therapies, Chir Organi Mov (2008) 91:8792. 5. Tow B., et al, Disc Regeneration: A Glimpse of the Future, 2007 The Congress of 128 Neurological Surgeons. 6.Chen, Faye, et al, Technology Insight: adult stem cells in cartilage regeneration and tissue engineering, NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE RHEUMATOLOGY, JULY 2006 VOL 2 NO 7, 373-382. 7. Zantop, Thore et al, Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds Are Repopulated by Bone Marrow-Derived Cells in a Mouse Model of Achilles Tendon Reconstruction, Journal of Orthopaedic Research June 2006, 1299-1309. 8.Acosta F., Lotz J., Ames C., et al, The potential role of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for intervertebral disc degeneration: a critical overview, Neurosurg Focus 19 (3):E4, 2005. 9. Baksh D., et al, Adult mesenchymal stem cells: characterization, differentiation, and application in cell and gene therapy, J. Cell. Mol. Med. Vol 8, No 3, 2004 pp. 301-316. 10. Crevesten G., et al, Intervertebral Disc Cell Therapy for Regeneration: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Implantation in Rat Intervertebral Discs, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 3, March 2004 pp. 430434. 11. Hicok, K. C., et al, Human adipose-derived adult stem cells produce osteoid in vivo, Tissue Engineering, Vol. 10(3-4), 371-80, 2004. 12. Javazon, E., Mesenchymal stem cells paradoxes of passaging, Expiremental Hematology, 32(5)- 414-25, 2004. 13. Loening, A. M., et al, AMIDE: A Free Software Tool for Multimodality Medical Image Analysis, Molecular Imaging, Vol. 2(3), 131-7, 2003. 14. Heck J., et al, A Classification System for the Assessment of Lumbar Pain in Athletes, Journal of Athletic Training 2000;35(2):204211. 15. Kraus, K., Critically sized osteo-periosteal femoral defects: a dog model, Journal of Investigative Surgery, Vol. 12(2), 115-24, 1999. 16. Hernigou, Philippe et al, Abnormalities in the Bone Marrow of the Iliac Crest in Patients Who Have Osteonecrosis Secondary to Corticosteroid Therapy or Alcohol Abuse, J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1997;79:1047-53. 17. Nakajima MD, Takashi, et al, Evaluation of Posterolateral Spinal Fusion Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells, SPINE Volume 32, Number 22, pp 24322436.

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Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy | The San Antonio Orthopaedic ...

Stem Cell Transplant Program l University Hospitals …

UH Cleveland Medical Centers Stem Cell Transplant Program has received international recognition by the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT). Learn more.

University Hospitals Stem Cell Transplant Program offers excellence in cancer treatment for pediatric and adult patients. Located at UH Seidman Cancer Center in Cleveland, Ohio, the Stem Cell Transplant Program provides the latest innovations with superior outcomes for patients with leukemia, lymphoma and other hematologic (blood) types of cancer.

Experts in the Stem Cell Transplant Program provide specialized treatments, aiming to find the best therapy for each patient.

Our comprehensive program offers cord blood, blood, and marrow transplants for a range of hematologic cancers and other disorders using either the patients own stem cells or those donated by a family member or unrelated volunteer.

At UH Seidman Cancer Center, we take pride in offering a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment. Patients who seek care have access to a multidisciplinary team that includes:

After meeting with the patient, our experts develop a highly unique treatment plan based on each individuals specific needs and preferences. Transplant patients are evaluated and cared for by a team whose objective is to increase coordination of care and improve outcomes. Our team also works closely with the Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant Centerat University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Childrens Hospital to treat children with hematologic cancers and other blood disorders.

As an affiliate of the National Marrow Donor Program, our bone marrow transplant program is among the most accomplished and respected nationwide. Some of the UH Stem Cell Transplant Programs accomplishments include the following:

Other accomplishments in the field of stem cell therapy include:

In addition, we are aggressively pursuing innovative treatment developments through stem cell therapy clinical trials combining chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy and stem cell transplantation.

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Stem Cell Transplant Program l University Hospitals ...

Stem Cell Therapy Doctor | Westlake Austin Texas

Stem Cell Doctor

Stem cells are the pinnacle of regenerative medicine. In comparison to prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy, stem cell therapy uses healthy adult stem cells harvested from the patients own tissues and takes advantage of the ability of these cells to replace injured or degenerated cells and promote regeneration.

Adult stem cells are harvested from bone marrow or adipose tissue. When injected into injured or degenerated tissue (tendons, ligaments, spinal discs, etc), stem cells release signaling molecules. If viable surrounding tissues are still present, these signaling molecules or growth factors stimulate repair and regeneration of these tissues in a natural way.

The most common condition we treat with stem cell therapy is low back pain from degenerative disc disease (discogenic lumbar pain). This is a chronic pain condition notorious for how hard it is treated through conventional treatments like epidural steroid injections or lumbar fusion surgery. Stem cell therapy offers a new and exciting alternative to this problem.

Other conditions treated with stem cell therapy are musculoskeletal injuries and degenerative conditions of the shoulder, knee, and hip.

At this time, stem cell therapy is considered an experimental treatment. Its success also hinges on establishing a correct diagnosis with our pain-mapping techniques, and on the chronicity and severity of the condition. When successful, stem cell therapy can replace older, invasive surgical procedures that are prone to complications and liable to create additional arthritic degeneration with time.

Stem cell injections are an office-based treatment. We collect bone marrow from the hip bone (iliac wing) or adipose tissue usually from the abdomen, harvest the stem cells through a minimal manipulation process like centrifugation, and concentrate them using our custom algorithms. The cells are then injected into the affected areas using precise live radiological guidance. The procedure may last anywhere from 1-3 hours, including mandatory rest and recovery time after our lumbar disc procedures. We offer office-based sedation when necessary and close follow-up after each procedure, tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

To find out more, and to learn if you are a candidate for autologous, point-of-care stem cell therapy, contact us for an appointment.

Stem Cell Therapy Doctor | Westlake Austin Texas

About Stem Cells | Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute …

About Stem Cells In a Nut Shell: What are Stem Cells?

Simply put, in your body there are many different kinds of cells, each specialized for its own distinct task. Just as a banker works in a bank and a teacher works in a school, we have cardiac myocytes which are heart muscle cells, and retinal cells that work in eyes and allow us to see. Stem cells are immature cells which have the capability of becoming these more specialized cells. By purifying and amplifying these cells, we have developed an exciting new method to repair organs that are irreversibly damaged by the ravages of disease.

Importantly, adult stem cells can be obtained from adult human bone marrow. When extracted and grown under laboratory conditions, bone marrow stem cells can grow into many different kinds of cells, depending on the laboratory conditions under which they are grown.

Consider this scenario: you have a heart attack. You go to hospital. The doctors treat you and stabilize your condition, but they are unable to actually repair the damage your heart has sustained. Because of this you are at risk for other medical problems.

Doctors at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicines Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute are working on new therapies to address this specific problem. Using adult stem cells from the bone marrow, early tests have shown that cell-based therapies can reverse the damage your heart has sustained. Because of this, cell-based therapy may in the future improve the quality of life of patients who have had heart attacks. The mission of the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute at the University of Miami is to make this happen as soon as possible and to conduct basic research to help understand exactly how this works.

This scenario, with further research and careful clinical trials, has the potential to be applicable to the repair of damaged liver, lung, spinal cord, and even improve treatments for diabetes.

These stem cells have never been anywhere near an embryo. They were made and live in adult bone marrow.

Stem Cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to differentiate into a variety of different cell types. Most in the news are embryonic stem cells, derived from terminated embryos, but our researchers use stem cells that are isolated from adult bone marrow, with no risk to the donor. In particular, for heart repair, we use mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which are found in bone marrow, in muscle, skin and adipose tissue. They are able to differentiate into a number mesenchymal tissues, such as muscle, fibroblasts, bone, tendon, ligament and adipose tissue. They express signature markers that are unique, and easily distinguished from those of hematopoeitic and other types of stem cells.

Following myocardial infarction, heart tissue looses cardiac myocytes, which are irreplaceable nonrenewable cells. To compensate, it undergoes remodeling which results in hypertrophy and scar formation through accumulation of collagen and fibrosis. The heart thus enlarges and this leads to congestive heart failure. The ultimate goal of mesenchymal stem cell therapy is to stimulate repopulation of the damaged region with new heart tissue, and thus delay or prevent the progression from myocardial infarction to total heart failure.

Preliminary experimental and clinical trials have yielded promising results. MSCs, injected into heart tissue using a specialized catheter, were able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells. In addition, these new cells were able to perform the same function as the cells that were lost due to cardiac infarction. The results thus imply that MSCs are actually differentiating into functional, integrated cardiomyocytes.

The paradigm thus begins to shift , with the emphasis being placed on regenerative medicine. For heart attack, all existing therapies restore blood flow or aim to minimize damage to the heart. Now we can conceive for the first time of reversing the damage caused by the heart attack. Many challenges lie ahead. We need to find the optimal cell, and the best way to deliver it. We must make sure the therapies are safe, and we must fully understand all of the different ways in which cell therapy works. And finally, we need to do the formal and rigorous testing to make sure that the therapies are safe and effective. All of our testing in humans is performed with the approval of the United States Food and Drug Administration.

This strategy is applicable to a wide range of tissue types and diseases. Researchers at the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute are working together not only on finding treatments for heart failure, but also for cancer, diabetes, bone and neurodegenerative diseases.

Boyle A.J., Schulman S.P. and Hare J.M. (2006) Stem cell therapy for cardiac repair: ready for the next step. Circulation 114: 339-352.

Laflamme M.A. and Murry C.E. (2005) Regenerating the heart. Nat Biotech 23: 845-856.

Zimmet J.M. and Hare J.M. (2005) Emerging role for bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in myocardial regenerative therapy. Basic Res Cardiol 100: 471 481.

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About Stem Cells | Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute ...

Stem Cell Treatment Center | IN

At the Indiana Stem Cell Treatment Center, we provide stem cell therapy care for people suffering from diseases that may be alleviated by access to adult stem cell based regenerative treatment. The Center utilizes a fat transfer surgical technology to isolate and implant the patients own stem cells from a small quantity of fat harvested by liposuction on the same day. Stem cell therapy patients are evaluated by a respective member of our multi-specialty expert panel of Board Certified physicians representing many medical fields. The Indiana Stem Cell Treatment Center emphasizes quality and is highly committed to clinical research and the advancement of regenerative medicine. When it comes to stem cell therapy centers we always put the patients needs first

Founded in 2010 for the investigational use of stem cells deployments for degenerative conditions, the source of the cells is actually stromal vascular fraction, which is a protein rich segment of processed adipose tissue. Stromal vascular fraction contains a mononuclear cell line (predominantly autologous mesenchymal stem cells), macrophage cells, endothelial cells, red blood cells, and important growth factors that turn on the stem cells and promote their activity. We have high numbers of viable cells and we are trying to learn which diseases respond best and which deployment methods are most effective. We are growing and continue to use our surgical methods to deploy SVF for various degenerative conditions. We employ a clinical research coordinator to protect our valuable data and our vision is to perfect our treatments and ultimately teach them to other physicians around the world.

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Stem Cell Treatment Center | IN