Category Archives: Stem Cell Medical Center

UofL researchers to study health impacts of vaping, nicotine on youth – The Lane Report

LOUISVILLE, Ky. The American Heart Association is investing nearly $17 million to fund a two-year research initiative, ENACT (End Nicotine Addiction in Children and Teens), led by a national network of scientists focusing on the health impacts of e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery systems on youth and young adults.

As part of this network, researchers at the University of Louisville Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute will conduct studies to better understand youth vaping. Institute researcher Joy Hart, professor in the UofL Department of Communication, will lead a team engaging local youth to learn about what drives youth to use e-cigarettes, the health effects of this use and how to motivate young people to stop using these products.

This investment is the latest in a multipronged, ongoing commitment announced last fall by the American Heart Association to fight the growing epidemic of youth vaping.

E-cigarettes are being marketed as a healthy option to traditional cigarettes, but no one knows if vaping is safe in the long run because e-cigarettes havent been around long enough to be studied deeply. Some diseases can take years and even decades to develop, so there is more work needed to fully understand all the dangers, said Dr. Robert A. Harrington, AHA president, Arthur L. Bloomfield professor of medicine and chair of the department of medicine at Stanford University. Theres certainly plenty of indication theyre harmful for growing minds and bodies because we know e-cigarettes contain nicotine and we know the harmful effects of nicotine, but its important we grow that overall body of scientific evidence.

Harrington said theres a sense of urgency because, at a time when regular cigarette smoking has reached an all-time low, young people are turning to e-cigarettes at epidemic proportions with nearly one in four high school students reportedly vaping. Thats why these research projects will be high-impact and fast tracked, only two years in length and funded at levels among the highest individual grants awarded in the associations history. The initiative is designed to produce turnkey programs to support youth as well as provide clear evidence to inform policy decisions.

The UofL research project is part of the Rapidly Advancing Discovery to Arrest the Outbreak of Youth Vaping Center (VAPERACE) at Boston University. Hart will spearhead community outreach activities and will work with other center investigators to understand the health impact of vaping on youth and to develop new approaches to vaping cessation. The research team includes Kandi Walker, Rachel Keith and Aruni Bhatnagar, director of the Envirome Institute.

Tobacco use causes health issues for many Kentuckians, and is particularly concerning in young people. We are pleased that researchers in the UofL Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute will contribute to this significant effort by the American Heart Association and hopefully reduce the negative health effects of tobacco use on the next generation, said Neeli Bendapudi, president of the University of Louisville.

Studying vaping among youth has always been important. It became even more important with widespread lung illness among young people, Bhatnagar said. Now, in context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that those who use nicotine may be at greater risk of serious COVID-19 illness.

In addition to UofL, VAPERACE at Boston University includes projects by Johns Hopkins University and Stanford University. The projects supported by the center include: basic research using human-induced pluripotent stem cell samples to test e-cigarette component toxicity, mobile health technology to measure the physiological cardiovascular impacts of e-cigarettes on youth in real-world settings and a virtual reality and text messaging-delivered e-cigarette cessation program for youth developed by combining social media methods with focus groups.

Two additional projects funded by the AHA as part of the network are based at Ohio State University and Yale University. Overall, network researchers will work to identify the biological impacts of vaping on multiple organ systems (heart, brain, lungs, vascular system, etc.), behavioral factors and specific social influencers of health to reverse these trends.

The rapid pace of e-cigarette products entering the market and targeting our youth requires an ambitious, aggressive approach beyond the incremental pace achieved through traditional research mechanisms. Policymakers, regulators, medical professionals and schools are looking to enact strategies, policies and solutions but theres inadequate evidence to inform these efforts, Harrington said. The American Heart Association is proud to be on the forefront of bringing together some of the best minds in their fields to conduct the research, development and testing to bring bold and innovative results to address the growing epidemic of youth vaping in our commitment of longer, healthier lives for all.

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UofL researchers to study health impacts of vaping, nicotine on youth - The Lane Report

Be The Match Appoints Amy Ronneberg as Chief Executive Officer –

MINNEAPOLIS, June 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Be The Matchtoday announced the appointment of Amy Ronneberg as chief executive officer (CEO)the first female CEO for the organization. Ronneberg joined Be The Match in 2013 as chief financial officer (CFO) and chief of staff, and has served as acting CEO since February.

Be The Match is a non-profit organization that delivers cures to patients in need of life-saving blood stem cell therapy. The organization operates the national Be The Match Registry,the world's largest and most diverse listing of potential stem cell donors. As trusted leaders in advancing stem cell therapy, Be The Match also provides ground-breaking research, innovative technologies, patient support, and education so even more lives can be saved.

Around the same time Ronneberg joined Be The Match as CFO, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now cancer-free, she brings unique passion and perspective to her work.

"As a cancer survivor, I have personally felt what many other cancer patients and their loved ones encounter every day. My experience, the patients we serve, and our outstanding, dedicated employees are my motivation," Ronneberg said. "I am deeply honored to be selected to lead this organization and look forward to further advancing our commitment to providing equal outcomes for all. The recent pandemic has put a spotlight on healthcare inequalities, and we are uniquely positioned to address one glaring disparity that is affecting ethnically diverse patientsthat is the ability to find a matching donor. I look forward to leading our team in diversifying the registry and delivering more life-saving treatments to patients of all backgrounds."

After the Affordable Care Act was implemented, Ronneberg led a Be The Match budget restructure that netted a sustainable $50 million cost reduction and made marrow transplants more affordable. Those efforts and more earned her one of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal's 2016 CFO of the Year awards. Ronneberg also played a pivotal role in establishing Be The Match's operations in Mexico.

This spring, the Be The Match Board of Directors worked with an outside firm to identify the qualities needed in its next CEO and unanimously agreed that Ronneberg possesses all of them.

"Amy has the perfect blend of business experience, passion and health care expertise to lead Be The Match," said Chair of the Board David L. Porter, M.D. "She likes to say, 'patients first, employees always.' I applaud her commitment to carrying out our mission and putting people first."

Ronneberg is also responsible for Be The Match BioTherapies, which partners with global cell and gene therapy industry leaders to deliver high-quality, consistent and compliant therapies to patients in need. Under her guidance, Be The Match BioTherapies has invested in several therapeutics companies and launched an integrated supply chain platform called MatchSource.

Prior to joining Be The Match, Ronneberg spent 12 years at Capella Education Company where she served as chief accounting officer, vice president of finance and led enterprise-wide operations and customer service. She also worked for Ernst & Young as an audit manager.

Ronneberg has served on several boards and is currently on the board of Magenta Therapeutics (MGTA) and the Finance Committee for Allina Healthcare and the World Marrow Donor Association.

Ronneberg earned a Master of Business Administration from Capella University, Minneapolis, Minn. and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

"Going through treatment with my husband and young children at my side made me a much stronger person, leader and decision maker," Ronneberg said. "Cancer is an unfortunate reality that millions of people have to face, but with support, hope and the right medical tools, it can be overcome."

About Be The MatchFor people with life-threatening blood cancerslike leukemia and lymphomaor other diseases, a cure exists. Be The Match connects patients with their donor match for a life-saving marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant. People can contribute to the cure as a member of the Be The Match Registry, financial contributor or volunteer. Be The Match provides patients and their families one-on-one support, education, and guidancebefore, during and after transplant.

Be The Match is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), a nonprofit organization that matches patients with donors, educates health care professionals and conducts research through its research program, CIBMTR (Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research), so more lives can be saved. To learn more about the cure, visit BeTheMatch.orgor call 1 (800) MARROW-2.

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Be The Match Appoints Amy Ronneberg as Chief Executive Officer -

A&B could become premier stem cell producer – Antigua …

ByRobert A. Emmanuel

Officials at the StemCell Medical Center believe that Antigua and Barbuda could become the leadingnation for stem cell export and research.

The centers Chairman,Dr. Bruce Murphy made the disclosure during a press conference on Tuesday.

There is certainlythe potential that, because of the sophisticated nature of the scientificprocesses that we are using, Antigua and Barbuda could be the source of stemcells for a lot of different countries.

Dr. Murphy noted that,for the time being, the facility will be importing stem cells from the UnitedStates.

These stem cells aregoing to be derived from fetal cord blood, which is the part of the umbilicalcord attached to the placenta that is thrown away; it is full of young,healthy stem cells.

It will be sourced inthe US; there are multiple companies right now that take a healthy [young]woman who is pregnant, test her to be sure that she is absolutely healthy and,at the time of an elective caesarean section,get the placenta and the cord blood.

He noted that theimported stem cells will be incubated and stored on island once the clean roomhas been completed in July.

The chairman furtherexplained that the facility will be working with pluripotent stem cells, whichcan develop into bone, cartilage, muscle, an organ tissueliver, kidneyandskin and nervous tissue.

He added that thepluripotent stem cells are looking for a signal from a place in the body thatis generally inflamed and sending out inflammatory signals for them to go toand repair or call in other cells to make new tissue.

He said that everyperson is made out of stem cells and you depend on stem cells every day, yourblood everyday has to depend on stem cells out of your bone marrow to make newred blood cells, new white blood cells, new platelets.

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A&B could become premier stem cell producer - Antigua ...

Nick Cordero Had a ‘Rocky Night’ After He ‘Spiked a Fever’ During His Hospitalization, Wife Says –

Blue Bloods actor Nick Cordero suffered a "little blip" amid his recovery from coronavirus complications after he recently "spiked a fever," his wife, Amanda Kloots, said in a health update. Taking to her Instagram Story on Tuesday, Kloots opened up about the "bit of a rocky night" her husband experienced as he remains hospitalized in the ICU at Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Addressing fans, who have continued to rally their support around Cordero, Kloots assured that "everything is back to normal today and that was just a little blip that can happen in ICU," PEOPLE reports. She added that her husband is "stable" and "things are going, I think, good." According to Kloots, Cordero had "spiked a fever" overnight, forcing doctors "to do a little bit of fixing of that and antibiotics." She said that they will likely be "looking at doing another, hopefully, CT scan of his lungs to see what kind of progress or if there's further damage in his lungs." Throughout his more than two-month hospitalization, Cordero has suffered a number of setbacks, including lung infections.

Kloots also revealed that doctors will "maybe do another round of stem cells" treatment to help repair and strengthen his lungs. Sharing "exciting news" over the weekend, Kloots had revealed on Sunday that her husband had started stem-cell treatment, expressing her hopes that it would "help repair, strengthen Nick's lungs and get him any better" and possibly bridge "us to the next level in healing for him."

In her Tuesday update, Kloots also opened up about the difficulty of her husband being unable to celebrate and be there as their son, Elvis, turned one. She said that "it breaks my heart" and she "literally can't even talk about it because it makes me so sad." Kloots said that while her husband may not be able to be there with them, she planned "on FaceTiming so he can see Elvis." She admitted that "it's going to be really hard."

Kloots also opened up about her sons birthday in an Instagram post, in which she shared a number of photos from shortly after Elvis was born. Following his birth, Kloots said, Elvis was immediately taken to the ICU "because there was fluid in his lungs." During his two-night stay there, she and her husband "visited him all day" and they "couldn't stop staring at him and eventually holding him." Kloots concluded the post by writing, "My two Cordero men: last June Elvis is in the NICU. This June Nick is in the ICU," adding, "these guys are really trying to take me down."

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Nick Cordero Had a 'Rocky Night' After He 'Spiked a Fever' During His Hospitalization, Wife Says -

R3 International Now Offering New Stem Cell Therapy Program for Lyme Disease in Mexico – Yahoo Finance

R3 Stem Cell International announced that it is now offering a new program with stem cell therapy for Lyme disease. R3 has been offering effective treatment at its international clinics for a while, but with the new program patients receive more cost effective options with 100 to 200 million stem cells involved.

SAN DIEGO, June 8, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- R3 Stem Cell International announced that it is now offering a new program with stem cell therapy for Lyme disease. R3 has been offering effective treatment at its international clinics for a while, but with the new program patients receive more cost effective options with 100 to 200 million stem cells involved.

Stem cell treatment for Lyme disease in Mexico has been very effective at helping patients achieve symptom relief and regain an improved quality of life. Depending on a patient's history, the R3 International licensed provider will decide whether to add additional exosomes along with stem cells to the regimen.

The new program for Lyme disease involves either 150 million stem cells or 200 million. While these cell counts are incredibly high, it needs to be noted that the biologics come from a Mexico lab that achieves quality standards that exceed those of the FDA in the US.

There are two options for the Stem Cell Lyme disease program. One is a 5 day stay where Lyme patients receive several treatments during that time. The second option is for a patient to return to the Center for four visits over a year. The decision of which program to participate in is up to the patient and his/her family.

R3 Stem Cell International in Tijuana Mexico is only 20 minutes from the San Diego International Airport. R3 provides concierge escorted transportation to and from the clinic from San Diego, with hundreds of patients over the past year receiving successful care at the modern center.

The stem cell and exosome biologics used for Lyme disease care come from a lab that has an incredible safety record, and each treatment's biologic comes with a full Certificate of Analysis. Because Mexico allows stem cell culturing, the cell counts are extremely high with a viability of over 90%. No preservative is even necessary.

According to R3 International CEO David Greene, MD, MBA, "Patients and their families dealing with Lyme disease deserve a safe, clinically effective and cost effective option. We put that together in Mexico, with all inclusive treatment starting at $8975 which includes hotel and ground transportation. Tough conditions like Lyme disease necessitate large cell counts for optimal outcome, and most international centers charge 3 to 5 times our fees. Not with us!"

Each patient undergoes a free phone consultation with R3 International's licensed, experienced stem cell doctor. Simply call (888) 988-0515 to set one up.

SOURCE R3 Stem Cell International

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R3 International Now Offering New Stem Cell Therapy Program for Lyme Disease in Mexico - Yahoo Finance

Memorial Sloan Kettering – Hackensack Meridian Health Partnership Announces Funding for Inaugural Immunology Research Collaboration Projects – The…

HACKENSACK, N.J. and NEW YORK, June 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Hackensack Meridian Health Partnership, the two organizations have formed an Immunology Research Collaboration. Through this joint initiative, researchers can apply for funding to support innovative investigations to explore the power of the immune system and ways it may be harnessed to fight cancer.

The three researchers with projects selected in 2020 for funding support over one to two years are:

"Immunotherapy has become an essential pillar of cancer treatment, but much remains to be discovered about the immune system and new ways to take advantage of its power to treat cancer effectively," said Paul Sabbatini, M.D., deputy physician-in-chief for clinical research at Memorial Sloan Kettering. "The Immunology Research Collaboration between Memorial Sloan Kettering and Hackensack Meridian Health gives researchers an opportunity to delve deeply into unexplored facets of the immune system, both in the lab and clinic, and speed discoveries that will ultimately contribute to reducing the burden of cancer on our patients, their families, and the world. We are enthusiastic about the potential of these three research projects and look forward to their results."

"While immunotherapy is revolutionizing cancer treatment, its benefits are not always sustainable over the long term," noted Andrew Goy, M.D., M.S., chairman and executive director of John Theurer Cancer Center and physician-in-chief of the Hackensack Meridian Health Oncology Care Transformation Service. "The work of these investigators will expand our knowledge of the immune system and glean new insights which may lead to novel immunotherapeutics that are more powerful and more durable than those we are using today. These projects capture the collaborative spirit of this initiative and could have a significant impact on patient outcomes."


Hackensack Meridian Health is a leading not-for-profit health care organization that is the largest, most comprehensive and truly integrated health care network in New Jersey, offering a complete range of medical services, innovative research and life-enhancing care.

Hackensack Meridian Health comprises 17 hospitals from Bergen to Ocean counties, which includes three academic medical centers Hackensack University Medical Center in Hackensack, Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, JFK Medical Center in Edison; two children's hospitals - Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital in Hackensack, K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital in Neptune; nine community hospitals Bayshore Medical Center in Holmdel, Mountainside Medical Center in Montclair, Ocean Medical Center in Brick, Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen, Pascack Valley Medical Center in Westwood, Raritan Bay Medical Center in Old Bridge, Raritan Bay Medical Center in Perth Amboy, Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, and Southern Ocean Medical Center in Manahawkin; a behavioral health hospital Carrier Clinic in Belle Mead; and two rehabilitation hospitals - JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison and Shore Rehabilitation Institute in Brick.

Additionally, the network has more than 500 patient care locations throughout the state which include ambulatory care centers, surgery centers, home health services, long-term care and assisted living communities, ambulance services, lifesaving air medical transportation, fitness and wellness centers, rehabilitation centers, urgent care centers and physician practice locations. Hackensack Meridian Health has more than 35,000 team members, and 7,000 physicians and is a distinguished leader in health care philanthropy, committed to the health and well-being of the communities it serves.

The network's notable distinctions include having four hospitals among the top in New Jersey by U.S. News and World Report. Other honors include consistently achieving Magnet recognition for nursing excellence from the American Nurses Credentialing Center and being named to Becker's Healthcare's "150 Top Places to Work in Healthcare/2019" list.

The Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University opened in 2018, the first private medical school in New Jersey in more than 50 years, welcomed its second class of 96 students in 2019 to its ON3 campus in Nutley and Clifton. Additionally, the network partnered with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center to find more cures for cancer faster while ensuring that patients have access to the highest quality, most individualized cancer care when and where they need it.

Hackensack Meridian Health is a member of AllSpire Health Partners, an interstate consortium of leading health systems, to focus on the sharing of best practices in clinical care and achieving efficiencies.

For additional information, please visit


As the world's oldest and largest private cancer center, Memorial Sloan Kettering has devoted more than 135 years to exceptional patient care, influential educational programs, and innovative research to discover more effective strategies to prevent, control and, ultimately, cure cancer. MSK is home to more than 20,000 physicians, scientists, nurses, and staff united by a relentless dedication to conquering cancer. Today, we are one of 51 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, with state-of-the-art science and technology supporting groundbreaking clinical studies, personalized treatment, and compassionate care for our patients. We also train the next generation of clinical and scientific leaders in oncology through our continually evolving educational programs, here and around the world. Year after year, we are ranked among the top two cancer hospitals in the country, consistently recognized for our expertise in adult and pediatric oncology specialties.

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Memorial Sloan Kettering - Hackensack Meridian Health Partnership Announces Funding for Inaugural Immunology Research Collaboration Projects - The...

Nick Cordero’s Wife Says His COVID-19 Recovery Is ‘Going in the Right Direction’ –

Nick Cordero's wife, Amanda Kloots, shared a hopeful update on her husband's condition as he continues to recover from his battle with COVID-19 and related complications.

In a series of videos posted to her Instagram stories on Sunday, Amanda said, "S0 I think this weekend was a good weekend, it was uneventful. Which, uneventful in the ICU is a good weekend. I think he had a weekend of rest, a weekend of growing, strength in his body and recovering a little bit."

"Not too many changes were made, which is also a good sign, but one really good sign is his white blood count number is way down," she continued. "So it has been as high as 65,000; we are now at 30,000. A frame of reference: a normal healthy person is around 15-20,000, even lower sometimes. So 30,000 is a great sign that things are moving in the right direction."

The Tony Award-nominated Broadway actor has been hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for more than two months after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

Amanda's optimistic update comes almost a month after her husband woke up from a medically-induced coma and almost two months after he had his right leg amputated due to blood-clotting complications from the virus.

Nick, who is also known for his recurring roles on Blue Bloods and Law & Order: SVU, has started stem cell treatment to help his recovery, Amanda shared in another recent Instagram story.

"This could be really great ... Even if it just bridges us to the next level in healing for him," she said on Friday.

Amanda ended her weekend Instagram stories on a positive note, saying, "I don't know why I just have a really good feeling about this week, so I'm just gonna keep praying for our miracles and keep praying for that healing and God is with us ... Love you!"

We are also praying for Nick's full recovery and wishing him and his family all the best during this difficult time.

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Nick Cordero's Wife Says His COVID-19 Recovery Is 'Going in the Right Direction' -

Longeveron Announces Japanese Approval of Clinical Trial for Treatment of Aging Frailty With Longeveron’s Stem Cells – Yahoo Finance

The Phase 2 study will assess the safety and efficacy of Longeveron's stem cell treatment under Japan's accelerated regulatory pathway for regenerative medicine.

MIAMI, June 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Longeveron LLC announced today that Japan's Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) (the Japanese agency akin to the United States' Food & Drug Administration) approved a Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) application (akin to an Investigational New Drug Application or "IND" in the US regulatory system), approving the initiation of a Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of Longeveron's Mesenchymal Stem Cells (LMSCs) for the treatment of Aging Frailty in Japanese patients. This is another key milestone for Longeveron's Aging Frailty program, which includes two ongoing Phase 2 clinical trials in the U.S.

"We are extremely pleased to achieve this significant milestone," said Geoff Green, President of Longeveron."This study is designed to determine whether the transplant of donor-derived mesenchymal stem cells can improve healthspan in mild to moderately frail patients, thereby improving functionality and potentially lowering their risk of disability, and dependence on others for care."

Aging Frailty is a common, but reversible, life-threatening geriatric condition affecting millions of Japanese over the age of 65.Frail individuals are vulnerable to adverse health outcomes compared to their age-matched peers despite sharing similar comorbidities and demographics.Clinically, frailty manifests as a combination of symptoms that may include loss of muscle and decreased strength, slowed walking (sarcopenia), lower activity and energy levels, poor endurance, nutritional deficiencies, weight loss and fatigue.Collectively, these lead to overall decline in functionality, and increased risk of disability, dependency, and death.

"The biology of frailty is complex, and includes diminished stem cell activity, reduced ability to repair and regenerate tissue, and immunosenescence (deterioration of the immune system) and chronic systemic inflammation," said Dr. Anthony Oliva, Senior Scientist at Longeveron. "LMSCs have multiple mechanisms of action that can potentially address all of these issues, and thus make them extremely attractive as a therapeutic candidate for the unmet medical need of Aging Frailty."

The planned study is an investigator-initiated, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design,and will be conducted at Juntendo University Hospital (Tokyo) and Japan's National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG) in Nagoya.The study's Principal Investigator, Dr. Hidenori Arai, President of the NCGG, commented that "Japan has one of the oldest and fastest aging societies in the world, with nearly 30% of Japan's citizens over the age of 65.Preventing and reversing functional decline associated with frailty is one of the nation's top priorities, and Longeveron's regenerative medicine approach is an exciting and innovative potential therapeutic option.With the disproportionate infection and mortality rate of older people with COVID-19 and Influenza infection, it is critically important to rapidly test treatments that may be effective."

In Japan, the "Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act" and the "Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine" came into effect in 2014. Under this system, a "Time-limited Conditional Approval" option exists, which allows a manufacturer to conditionally sell regenerative medicine products while proceeding with its Phase 3 clinical trial.

Longeveron's Aging Frailty Research Program

Longeveron sponsors the most extensive and advanced Aging Frailty clinical research program in the world, with more than 200 patients treated with LMSCs worldwide.In the U.S., two clinical trials are currently ongoing:

About LMSCs

Longeveron Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells (LMSCs) is a regenerative medicine product sourced from the bone marrow of young healthy adult donors.LMSCs are culture expanded under the FDA's current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) to high standards, and maintained as individual "off-the-shelf" doses.

About Longeveron LLC

Longeveron ( is a regenerative medicine therapy company founded in 2014. Longeveron's mission is to provide biological solutions for aging-related diseases and life-threatening conditions, and is dedicated to developing safe and effective cell-based therapeutics for unmet medical needs such as Aging Frailty, the Metabolic Syndrome, Alzheimer's Disease, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) from COVID-19 infection, and congenital heart defects in children (hypoplastic left heart syndrome).

For information please contact:

Paul Lehr, JDplehr@longeveron.com305-338-6257

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Longeveron Announces Japanese Approval of Clinical Trial for Treatment of Aging Frailty With Longeveron's Stem Cells - Yahoo Finance

Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market investigated in the latest research – WhaTech Technology and Markets News

Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market Sales 2020-2026

Worldwide Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market Report 2020-2026 is a systematic and insightful compilation of valuable evaluations of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market and relevant aspects. The report offers an in depth exploration of the market and its scope, trends, structure, production, profitability and maturity.

The precise evaluation of market size, share, revenue, sales volume, demand, and rate of growth involved within the report drive investors, industry experts, researchers, also as novice and well-established market players to grasp the general Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market structure.

Report: The Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market report also delivers an in-depth analysis of the emerging industry trends along side the restraints, key players, and opportunities within the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market to supply worthwhile insights also as a gift scenario for generating right decision.

Moreover, the new report on the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) industry covers the prominent vendors within the universal market alongside SWOT analysis, fiscal overview and major developments. The world Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market report is considered as a detailed investigation of the respective market that will provide key solutions for establishment of profit-driven business strategies.

It is helpful for offering details about futuristic Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) industry trends and in-depth assessment of the international industry. It permits you to determine remarkable challenges and risk factors alongside major opportunities available in the world Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market.

This report also exhibits the whole historical and current status of the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market worldly. Apart from this, the report on the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) industry also represents the graphical representation of the upcoming Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market infrastructure and the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in detail.


The report on the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market is an exclusive and deep study which delivers a comprehensive overview of the industry contains the recent trends and future proportions of the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market in terms of product and services. Meanwhile, this report offers a professional research study on the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market so as to guage the remarkable vendors by calibrating all the relevant products or services to know the positioning of the key players within the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market worldly.

Leading companies reviewed in the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) report are: PromoCell ThermoFisher KURABO Lifeline Cell Technology Merck The Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market report is segmented into following categories: The product segment of the report offers product market information such as demand, supply and market value of the product. The application of product in terms of USD value is represented in numerical and graphical format for all the major regional markets.

The Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market report is segmented into Type by following categories; Umbilical Cord Matrix hMSC Bone Marrow hMSC Adipose Tissue hMSC Other The Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market report is segmented into Application by following categories; Medical Application Research Other Applications


The world Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) marketing research report offers an in depth summary of the foremost desirable factors and informative details about the universal industry. Moreover, the study provides an in-depth summary and forecast of the worldwide Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market on the idea of several segments.

This report also delivers Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) market size and predicted estimations from the year 2020 to 2026 concerning various topological regions including Europe, North America, the center East and Africa, and South America. The research study on the Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market is a valuable source of guidance for world customers as it will rapidly fulfil their requirement and speed up their business growth.

It is an advantageous document for both existing industries manufactures including end-user industries, experts, managers, stakeholders and new entrants. We have designed this world Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market report in a deeply understandable format so that anyone can grasp each and every aspect related to the respective industry.

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Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Market investigated in the latest research - WhaTech Technology and Markets News

Longeveron Announces Japanese Approval of Clinical Trial for Treatment of Aging Frailty With Longeveron’s Stem Cells | DNA RNA and Cells | News…

DetailsCategory: DNA RNA and CellsPublished on Monday, 01 June 2020 18:32Hits: 643

The Phase 2 study will assess the safety and efficacy of Longeveron's stem cell treatment under Japan's accelerated regulatory pathway for regenerative medicine.

MIAMI, FL, USA I June 1, 2020 I Longeveron LLC announced today that Japan's Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) (the Japanese agency akin to the United States' Food & Drug Administration) approved a Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) application (akin to an Investigational New Drug Application or "IND" in the US regulatory system), approving the initiation of a Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of Longeveron's Mesenchymal Stem Cells (LMSCs) for the treatment of Aging Frailty in Japanese patients. This is another key milestone for Longeveron's Aging Frailty program, which includes two ongoing Phase 2 clinical trials in the U.S.

"We are extremely pleased to achieve this significant milestone," said Geoff Green, President of Longeveron."This study is designed to determine whether the transplant of donor-derived mesenchymal stem cells can improve healthspan in mild to moderately frail patients, thereby improving functionality and potentially lowering their risk of disability, and dependence on others for care."

Aging Frailty is a common, but reversible, life-threatening geriatric condition affecting millions of Japanese over the age of 65.Frail individuals are vulnerable to adverse health outcomes compared to their age-matched peers despite sharing similar comorbidities and demographics.Clinically, frailty manifests as a combination of symptoms that may include loss of muscle and decreased strength, slowed walking (sarcopenia), lower activity and energy levels, poor endurance, nutritional deficiencies, weight loss and fatigue.Collectively, these lead to overall decline in functionality, and increased risk of disability, dependency, and death.

"The biology of frailty is complex, and includes diminished stem cell activity, reduced ability to repair and regenerate tissue, and immunosenescence (deterioration of the immune system) and chronic systemic inflammation," said Dr. Anthony Oliva, Senior Scientist at Longeveron. "LMSCs have multiple mechanisms of action that can potentially address all of these issues, and thus make them extremely attractive as a therapeutic candidate for the unmet medical need of Aging Frailty."

The planned study is an investigator-initiated, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design,and will be conducted at Juntendo University Hospital (Tokyo) and Japan's National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG) in Nagoya.The study's Principal Investigator, Dr. Hidenori Arai, President of the NCGG, commented that "Japan has one of the oldest and fastest aging societies in the world, with nearly 30% of Japan's citizens over the age of 65.Preventing and reversing functional decline associated with frailty is one of the nation's top priorities, and Longeveron's regenerative medicine approach is an exciting and innovative potential therapeutic option.With the disproportionate infection and mortality rate of older people with COVID-19 and Influenza infection, it is critically important to rapidly test treatments that may be effective."

In Japan, the "Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act" and the "Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine" came into effect in 2014. Under this system, a "Time-limited Conditional Approval" option exists, which allows a manufacturer to conditionally sell regenerative medicine products while proceeding with its Phase 3 clinical trial.

Longeveron's Aging Frailty Research Program

Longeveron sponsors the most extensive and advanced Aging Frailty clinical research program in the world, with more than 200 patients treated with LMSCs worldwide.In the U.S., two clinical trials are currently ongoing:

About LMSCs

Longeveron Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells (LMSCs) is a regenerative medicine product sourced from the bone marrow of young healthy adult donors.LMSCs are culture expanded under the FDA's current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) to high standards, and maintained as individual "off-the-shelf" doses.

About Longeveron LLC

Longeveron ( is a regenerative medicine therapy company founded in 2014. Longeveron's mission is to provide biological solutions for aging-related diseases and life-threatening conditions, and is dedicated to developing safe and effective cell-based therapeutics for unmet medical needs such as Aging Frailty, the Metabolic Syndrome, Alzheimer's Disease, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) from COVID-19 infection, and congenital heart defects in children (hypoplastic left heart syndrome).

SOURCE: Longeveron

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Longeveron Announces Japanese Approval of Clinical Trial for Treatment of Aging Frailty With Longeveron's Stem Cells | DNA RNA and Cells | News...