Category Archives: Stem Cell Medicine

Vitro Biopharma Retains Leading Health Care Executive as Acting Director of Regulatory Affairs & Director – Benzinga

GOLDEN, CO / ACCESSWIRE / April 3, 2021 / Vitro Biopharma, Inc. (formerly Vitro Diagnostics, Inc.) announced the appointment of Dr. Caroline Mosessian, PhD, DRSc, FACMPE, ACHE as its acting Director of Regulatory Affairs. Dr. Mosessian has an extensive background in regulatory science including a PhD, MS and Masters in Healthcare Administration degrees from USC in LA. In 2016 she was honored with the prestigious Top Ranked US Executive Award awarded to the top 1% of the millions of active executives in the United States. She is a trusted advisor for strategic development and operations to a variety of technology firms promoting innovation excellence to enhance quality of life for patients, caregivers and providers while optimizing outcomes and overall corporate success. In addition to regulatory expertise, she has extensive experience in the development, management and licensing of intellectual property, government and private fund raising, strategic planning and clinical research operations. She is fluent in several languages that support her international business development skills. She is also actively involved in local, national and international charitable organizations that emphasize humanitarian aid.

She has led numerous clinical studies of medical devices and pharmaceuticals through regulatory agency approval including the FDA and EMA leading to successful development of multi-million dollar clinical programs. She presently assists Vitro Biopharma in the guidance, drafting and submission of its pending IND phase I application to the FDA (Randomized, Double-blinded, placebo-controlled study of the safety and efficacy of therapeutic treatment with AlloRx Stem Cells in adults with COVID-19). As a result, the FDA has authorized several expanded access/compassionate use INDs that employ IV infusion of AlloRx Stem Cells in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

These results together with several additional clinical studies using MSCs are now providing substantial clinical evidence of safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy for COVID-19. Furthermore, since MSC therapy is independent of the genome of the virus, this MSC therapy is likely to be effective in treatment of COVID-19 patients infected with new variants resulting from viral mutation.

Dr. Jack Zamora, MD and CEO said, "We are elated to add Dr Mosessian to our regulatory team targeting FDA approval of AlloRx Stem Cells. She has been instrumental in establishing a strong working relationship between Vitro Biopharma and the FDA. She will also be a key driver of the execution of our pending Phase I trial and future INDs targeting additional indications of AlloRx Stem Cells."

Dr. Mosessian said, "I am inspired by Vitro Biopharma's mission to deliver innovative solutions and access to regenerative therapies to deliver unmet needs of the vulnerable patients. I feel fortunate to become part of the team thriving to achieve such an ambitious goal."

John Evans C.F.O. and Chairman of the Board said "We are pleased to have Caroline join the Board of Directors of the company, she adds such a wide breadth of experience in the regulatory, clinical and legal areas of board governance.


Out of years of research, we developed our patent-pending and proprietary line of umbilical cord derived stem cells AlloRx Stem Cells now being used in offshore regenerative medicine clinical trials. Our stem cells are used in regenerative medicine clinical trials with our partner in the Cayman Islands We have a recently approved clinical trial using our AlloRx Stem Cells to treat musculoskeletal conditions at The Medical Pavilion of the Bahamas in Nassau. Our nutraceutical stem cell activation product, STEMulize complements AlloRx Stem Cells as an adjuvant therapy to optimize therapeutic outcomes.

Vitro Biopharma has a proprietary and scalable manufacturing platform to provide stem cell therapies to critically ill Coronavirus patients and other conditions including multiple sclerosis, OA, Crohn's disease, and numerous medical conditions that are under-treated by the current standard of care. Our cGMP manufacturing is CLIA, ISO9001, ISO13485 certified and we are FDA registered. Our stem cells have been shown to be safe and effective in Phase I clinical trials.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements herein regarding financial performance have not yet been reported to the SEC nor reviewed by the Company's auditors. Certain statements contained herein and subsequent statements made by and on behalf of the Company, whether oral or written may contain "forward-looking statements". Such forward-looking statements are identified by words such as "intends," "anticipates," "believes," "expects" and "hopes" and include, without limitation, statements regarding the Company's plan of business operations, product research and development activities, potential contractual arrangements, receipt of working capital, anticipated revenues, and related expenditures. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, acceptability of the Company's products in the market place, general economic conditions, receipt of additional working capital, the overall state of the biotechnology industry and other factors set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulations, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

CONTACT: Dr. Jack Zamora, MD Chief Executive Officer Vitro Biopharma, Inc. (303) 999-2130 x 1

SOURCE: Vitro Diagnostics, Inc.

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Vitro Biopharma Retains Leading Health Care Executive as Acting Director of Regulatory Affairs & Director - Benzinga

Orca-T Offers an Alternative to HSCT With Improved Patient Experience – OncLive

Advances in the treatment of patients with leukemias and lymphomas have led to a significant improvement in survival, which has increased the need for bone marrow transplant as a later-line therapy, said Mehrdad Abedi, MD, who added that Orca-T, a high precision cell therapy, confers significant antitumor activity, minimizes the incidence of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD), and causes less adverse effects (AEs) compared with standard bone marrow transplant among these patients.

There is a lot of research [ongoing]; the holy grail of research is trying to figure out whether we can separate the graft-vs-leukemia or graft-vs-lymphoma effect from GVHD, said Abedi. [The Orca-T trial] is basically looking at the past 10 years of research in this area to try to identify the cells that are good from those that are bad.

During the 2021 Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (TCT) Meetings, findings from an analysis of 2 studies demonstrated a significant reduction in cases of GVHD, a higher GVHD relapse-free survival rate, and a lack of treatment-related mortalities with Orca-T when historically compared with hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).

Additionally, the median time to neutrophil engraftment, median time to platelet engraftment, and median time from day 0 to hospital discharge was shortened with Orca-T compared with HSCT.

In an interview with OncLive during the 2021 TCT Meetings, Abedi, a professor of cancer, hematology/oncology, and internal medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, discussed the challenges of standard transplant, how Orca-T could overcome some of those limitations, and the potential future of transplant in hematologic malignancies.

Abedi: HSCT has been around for more than 50 years in one form or another. It has been used mostly for patients with blood cancers, [such as] leukemia and lymphoma. Allogeneic bone marrow transplants, where we use cells from a donor, are very effective. [They are associated with] a very high response rate for patients who have no other options and whose disease is going to [recur] without transplant.

The problem [with allogeneic bone marrow transplant] is that it [is associated with] AEs. When we give donor cells to patients after high-dose chemotherapy, [which is given] so that the patients body doesnt reject [the cells], even though the cells are a match for the patient, they can still [develop] severe GVHD.

The acute form of GVHD can be life threatening, whereas the chronic form can become a nuisance for the rest of a patients life. A lot of patients suffer [from GVHD] to the point where they regret going through transplant. Fortunately, that is not everybody, but it is still a problem that needs to be solved and an unmet need for the field.

This research has been focused on [the question of]: Are there specific cells in the graft we give to the patients immune cells that can cause GVHD? Can we separate those cells from those that are responsible for causing graft-vs-leukemia effects?

Basically, Orca Bio approached UC Davis a few years ago to [start] collaborative research with our Good Manufacturing Practice [GMP] facility and to produce these products.

Each graft of [the Orca-T] product has stem cells and immune cells in it. The stem cells are what we need to maintain the graft and [allow the product to] stay in the patient for a long time. The immune cells are the ones that can cause graft-vs-leukemia [effects], which is what we want.

From the work that Robert Negrin, [MD] at Stanford University and many other investigators [did], it is very clear that there is a population of T cells called T-regulatory cells that can prevent GVHD. There are other populations, such as the nave T cells or conventional T cells that can cause GVHD. It looks like a smaller number of [those cells] may actually be helpful; they can cause graft-vs-leukemia, but not GVHD.

The graft is basically designed so that we can give stem cells, but they get rid of a lot of conventional T cells that can cause rapid GVHD. [The graft provides] a small amount of conventional T cells that can cause graft-vs-leukemia effects, as well as the regulatory T cells that can prevent GVHD. UC Davis got involved [with this work] because we have a very robust GMP facility. We helped Orca Bio design these protocols and manufacture the cells. Now, [Orca Bio] has moved on to their own facility. I have been involved [with this research] for the past few years.

[We] havent looked at the QOL data, but there have been several short-term and long-term benefits so far that we have seen.

We give high-dose chemotherapy that can get rid of all [the patients] stem cells and leukemia or lymphoma cells. Then, we give the graft; however, after the graft is given, it takes a couple of weeks usually to engraft [before] new cells [develop]. In between, the patients are sick because of the effects of the chemotherapy; patients also have low blood counts.

[With Orca-T] we have seen that the engrafting [occurs] a little bit earlier. For everyday [sooner] the engraftment [occurs], there is less risk of complication and suffering for the patient. That has been a major difference [with Orca-T].

Also, we have noticed that patients in general are doing better [with Orca-T compared with traditional transplant]. When we give high-dose chemotherapy, it is the same whether the patient is on a clinical trial or not. They may still get sick [with Orca-T] because of the effects of chemotherapy.

However, there is also inflammation [that can occur] as the donor cells are trying to establish themselves in the body because some of them attack the body. That inflammation also adds to the problems with chemotherapy. We havent seen that inflammation [with Orca-T]. We have seen some effects from the chemotherapy, but because we dont have the inflammation, other AEs that we see with the standard of care arent seen with Orca-T.

In general, patients do better [with Orca-T vs standard of care], and that has been a universal experience with all of our patients who have gone through the trial so far.

[Patients] just look and feel better. When they are discharged, they are not as sick compared with patients [receiving] the standard of care.

With the standard of care, after we give the graft, we have to give patients a new medication to prevent GVHD because it is such a lethal problem. If we dont put patients on immunosuppressive medications to prevent GVHD, there is a very high chance that they get and die from GVHD. Those immunosuppressive medications are critical.

The way the Orca-T graft is designed is that we dont need as many of those [immunosuppressive] medications. For example, there is a medication called methotrexate that we give on days 1, 3, 6, and 11 after [standard] transplant. That medication can cause a lot of other AEs, such as mouth sores, delayed engraftment, and kidney [problems], that can make the patient miserable. With Orca-T, we dont have to [give methotrexate], which by itself is a huge improvement.

We do give immunosuppressive medications, such as tacrolimus [Envarsus XR] or sirolimus [Rapamune] to these patients, but we dont give 2 or 3 medications as we usually do with the standard of care. Less immunosuppressive medications mean probably less infection, but more importantly, less AEs. Thats [a factor that has made] a big difference in patient experience.

That is a very loaded question. There are a lot of new drugs coming, some of which are very targeted to treat leukemia or lymphoma. Thus far, we havent seen any curative [benefit] with those drugs, so in most situations, we will still need an allogeneic stem cell transplant for patients.

The exceptions [to that] were rare diseases, such as chronic myeloid leukemia [CML], where [an oral medication was approved] and we dont need to transplant patients. That is an example of a targeted treatment that may exclude [the need to] transplant patients. That would be great because transplant is not a trivial procedure and it has a lot of AEs.

However, [CML] is a very specific disease with 1 gene that causes the disease. In most leukemias and lymphomas, multiple genes are involved, so we dont think single-target treatments will get rid of the disease. We still think that allogeneic transplant will be around for a long time.

In fact, if you look at any center in the country, the volume of transplant has substantially increased over time because patients are living longer. Patients end up being able to go to a transplant vs before when many were dying in the middle of their treatment and not getting to transplant.

That being said, there are 2 directions [we can go in]. One is to try to decrease the AEs associated with transplant. This [Orca-T cell therapy] is very effective [in doing this] by targeting the graft-vs-leukemia effect and preventing GVHD. The second direction is to use these allogeneic cells to specifically target the tumor cells. That is why gene modifications, CAR T-cell therapies, and other approaches are coming. They still use allogeneic cells from a donor, but now they are directing them to specifically go after tumor cells.

Continued here:
Orca-T Offers an Alternative to HSCT With Improved Patient Experience - OncLive

Gracell Biotechnologies Announces Enrollment of First Patient in Registrational Phase 1/2 Clinical Study for GC007g, an Allogeneic CAR-T Cell Therapy…

SUZHOU and SHANGHAI, China, March 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. (NASDAQ: GRCL) ("Gracell"), a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing highly efficacious and affordable cell therapies for the treatment of cancer, announced that they have enrolled the first patient in their pivotal Phase 1/2 clinical study of GC007g, an allogeneic donor-derived anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy for the treatment of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL).

GC007g is an allogeneic HLA (human leukocyte antigen)-matched donor-derived CAR-T therapy. Gracell obtained IND approval for GC007g for the treatment of B-ALL from China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and the approval for the pivotal Phase 1/2 clinical study in December 2020. The open-label, single-arm Phase 1/2 study is evaluating the safety and efficacy of GC007g in r/r B-ALL patients.

"We are thrilled to announce the enrollment of the first patient into our registrational Phase 1/2 trial for the allogeneic donor-derived CD19-targeted CAR-T therapy, GC007g, for the treatment of patients with B-ALL," said Dr. Martina Sersch, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Gracell. "GC007g is a unique treatment approach for B-ALL patients who relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation and are not eligible for standard-of-care. With Gracell's innovative portfolio, we are excited to bring novel CAR-T therapies to more patients with high unmet medical need."

About GC007g

GC007g is a donor-derived CD19-directed allogeneic CAR-T cell therapy that has been studied for the treatment of r/r B-ALL in a completed investigator-initiated Phase 1 trial in China, where CAR-T cells were manufactured using T cells from an HLA-matched healthy donor.

About B-ALL

B-ALL, a major form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), is one of the most common forms of cancer in children between the ages of two and five and adults over the age of 50.[1]In 2015, ALL affected around 837,000 people globally and resulted in 110,000 deaths worldwide.[2]It is also the most common cause of cancer and death from cancer among children.

About Gracell

Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. ("Gracell") is a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering and developing breakthrough cell therapies. Leveraging its pioneering FasTCAR and TruUCAR technology platforms, Gracell is developing a rich clinical-stage pipeline of multiple autologous and allogeneic product candidates with the potential to overcome major industry challenges that persist with conventional CAR-T therapies, including lengthy manufacturing time, suboptimal production quality, high therapy cost and lack of effective CAR-T therapies for solid tumors.

Cautionary Noted Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the expected trading commencement and closing date of the offering. The words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including: the uncertainties related to market conditions and the completion of the public offering on the anticipated terms or at all, and other factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the final prospectus filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Gracell specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Readers should not rely upon the information on this page as current or accurate after its publication date.

Media contact Marvin Tang +86 21 64031522

Investor contact Gracie Tong

[1] [2]

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SOURCE Gracell Biotechnologies Inc.

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Gracell Biotechnologies Announces Enrollment of First Patient in Registrational Phase 1/2 Clinical Study for GC007g, an Allogeneic CAR-T Cell Therapy...

Russell Health Highlighted in the Silicon Review’s ’50 Leading Companies of the Year 2021′ – PRNewswire

WILLOWBROOK, Ill., March 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Based in Willowbrook, Illinois, Russell Health, a national marketer and distributor of specialty medical products and services,was recently announced as one of The Silicon Review's "50 Leading Companies of the Year 2021."The feature strategically places the Russell Health brand alongside other tech innovators in industries including marketing, finance, software, sustainability, leadership and health. Russell Health's Profile features a Q&A with the leading tech publication covering the history of the Russell Health brand, services offered, anticipated trends in Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy, continued product category research, and more. Read the full feature here.

About Russell Health: Russell Health and its partners have distributed regenerative therapy products nationwide and achieved profound clinical outcomes in multiple therapeutic areas including cosmetics, wound care, pain management, podiatry, orthopedic, optometry and gynecology.

With their partners and suppliers, they work to provide innovative life-changing and sustaining products and therapies to patients and healthcare providers around the world.

Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy products take advantage of the body's ability to repair itself. Responsibly sourced acellular tissue allografts are helping people of all ages to recover from injuries and get their life back.

Quote about the current landscape and anticipated trends in Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy:

"We do not distribute 'Stem Cells' or 'Stem Cell Procedures'. All our products are acellular and do not contain live stem cells. By using a combination of growth factors and other endogenously synthesized molecules, Stem Cell Recruitment Therapyproducts help to assist the body with repair, reconstruction and supplementation of the recipient's tissue, as mentioned above. During the pandemic, we have seen a lot of patients and physicians searching for alternative treatments like ours that are safe and effective without posing any additional risks of infection while providing the clinic."(Ryan Salvino, CEO of Russell Health)

Quote about Russell Health's involvement in Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy research:

"We are currently working with some of the top leaders in the regenerative medicine field to continue to grow and provide new innovative products to our customers and their patients. We are always looking for new breakthrough products in the market to stay abreast on the new technologies and innovations in the field. We are consistently documenting patient results to provide clinicians with testimonialson how effective the Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy products are and how they are positively affecting patients' lives." (Jonathan Benstent, Vice President of Russell Health)

Visit Russell Health online to learn more about Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy. For media inquiries or to contact the Russell Health team directly, please visit http://www.russellhealth.comor email [emailprotected].

Contact: Veronica Bennett Phone: 844-249-6200 Email: [emailprotected] Mailing Address: 621 Plainfield Rd., Willowbrook, IL 60527 Online: Social Media:

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Russell Health Highlighted in the Silicon Review's '50 Leading Companies of the Year 2021' - PRNewswire

LGL Leukemia: Overview, Symptoms, and Treatment – Healthline

Large granular lymphocytic (LGL) leukemia is a kind of cancer that affects blood cells. The disease is rare: Only about 1,000 people per year are diagnosed with it. It affects men and women in roughly equal numbers, and most of those diagnosed are over 60 years old.

Heres what we know about this form of leukemia.

Your blood is made up of four different parts:

Some of your white blood cells are larger than the rest. These cells contain tiny granules that can be seen under a microscope.

In people with LGL leukemia, these large, granular white blood cells copy themselves until there are too many. The fact that the white blood cells (also called lymphocytes) replicate themselves is what makes this disorder a type of cancer.

Your blood contains two different types of lymphocytes: T-cells (T-LGL) and B-cells, which are also known as natural killer cells (NK-LGL). B-cells fight off invading bacteria and viruses. T-cells attack other cells in your body that have become harmful, like cancer cells.

When your T-cells are copying themselves too much, you have T-LGL leukemia. If your natural killer cells are replicating too much, you have NK-LGL leukemia.

Most cases of LGL leukemia are chronic and slow-growing, whether theyre NK-LGL or T-LGL. Only around 10 percent of all LGL cases are aggressive, fast-growing cells.

Researchers dont yet know what causes LGL leukemia. The disorder is associated with a genetic change or mutation, usually to the STAT3 and STAT5b genes.

Between 10 and 40 percent of people with LGL leukemia also have a history of autoimmune disorders. The immune disorder most often associated with LGL leukemia is rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

About 20 percent of those with LGL leukemia also have RA. So far, researchers have been unable to determine which disorder began first.

Most people who are diagnosed with LGL leukemia will experience some of these symptoms:

A healthcare professional may look for other symptoms, too, including:

You should contact your doctor and seek treatment if youre having recurring infections, especially if you have a fever that doesnt go away or you have other infection symptoms, such as swelling or sores, that arent getting better.

To find out if you have LGL leukemia, a healthcare professional will analyze a sample of your blood. Your doctor may also take a sample of your bone marrow, often from your hip area, to look for abnormal cells.

To determine which type of LGL leukemia you have, your doctor could use a laser technology called flow cytometry to identify whether T-cells or NK-cells are replicating too much.

Most cases of LGL leukemia are slow growing. Doctors sometimes take a wait-and-watch approach to treatment.

You may not start treatment until tests or symptoms show that the condition has reached a certain level.

If tests show that your neutrophil levels have dropped too much, your doctor may start treatment at that time. Around 45 percent of people with this condition needed immediate treatment.

When treatment for LGL leukemia begins, it may or may not follow the same intensive course as other cancer treatments.

Most people will eventually need some combination of chemotherapy and immune-suppressing drug therapy. Your medications could include:

In some cases, treatment for LGL leukemia involves a bone marrow or stem cell transplant. Its also possible that your treatment could include removing your spleen, an organ in your abdomen that filters your blood and helps maintain your immune system.

Two to three times a year, you may need to visit a healthcare professional to have bloodwork done to monitor your health and the activity of your white blood cells.

While theres no cure for LGL leukemia, most cases progress very slowly, unlike other forms of leukemia. One study that followed 1,150 people with the disease found that they lived an average of 9 years after their diagnosis.

The more aggressive form of LGL leukemia doesnt respond well to treatment. Life expectancy is likely much shorter for those with this very rare subtype of LGL leukemia.

LGL leukemia is a rare type of cancer where large white blood cells copy themselves too much, making your body prone to frequent infections.

Most cases of LGL leukemia are slow-growing, so treatment might not be necessary at first.

Eventually, people with this condition might need a combination of chemotherapy and immunosuppressing medications to slow the growth of cancer cells. Theres no cure yet for LGL leukemia.

A small percentage of cases are a faster-growing type of leukemia that doesnt respond well to treatments. Life expectancy for this subtype is shorter than the slow-growing type.

Read this article:
LGL Leukemia: Overview, Symptoms, and Treatment - Healthline

Funding the Next Generation of Cancer Therapies – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Recent collaborations and financing deals involving small research companies and big pharmaceutical firms are focused on next-generation cancer therapies. This activity is exemplified by widespread efforts within the industry to develop antibody and T cellbased therapies in the fight to control and perhaps defeat cancer.

Large pharmaceutical companies such as Eli Lilly and Company, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), and Takeda Pharmaceutical formed collaborations with smaller research teams during the first months of 2021. These collaborations portend significant advances in therapeutics that can deliver durable and long-term patient responses, as well as in therapeutics that can take on more complex cancers such as lung cancer and other solid malignancies.

Likewise, private investment firms have invested aggressively in biotech cancer companies. This article looks at the promise these investors see in next-generation oncology therapeutics and the types of therapies we might see as we approach 2030.

One of the big winners in the oncology space is Scorpion Therapeutics, a precision oncology company. Claiming to have developed capabilities across multiple fields of translational medicine, chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, and data science, Scorpion has attracted considerable investor interest. Last January, the company indicated that it had closed an oversubscribed round of Series B financing that raised $162 million. Scorpion has raised a total of $270 million since its founding in the first quarter of 2020.

We have assembled a series of capabilities that allow us to prosecute whatever target we wish to work on, says Gary D. Glick, PhD, Scorpions president and CEO. The financing will be used to support Scorpions drug hunting engine, which the company describes as encompassing target discovery, next-generation chemistry, and precision medicine technologies. The financing will also help the company develop a pipeline that addresses high-value oncogenes, undruggable cancer targets, and novel targets. Finally, the financing will enable Scorpion to move from temporary spaces in Boston to a more permanent location later in 2021.

Glick, who recalls that biotech funding was relatively meager just 10 years ago, is a little surprised at the financing Scorpion has secured. But he also believes that the financing reflects where the company has moved in terms of its internal pipeline and portfolio. According to Glick, Scorpion is focusing on using small molecules in programs for high-value targets where there are no known solutions, as well as on discovering and drugging targets thataccording to Scorpions own data mining exerciseshave the potential to expand precision oncology into very large patient populations where good solutions have yet to be found.

Glick sees significant opportunities in oncogenic drivers that have yet to be fully validated. For example, he maintains that the ability to identify novel targets, particularly high-profile intracellular targets, and to drug those with small molecules, holds tremendous potential.

Large companies often partner with small companies to keep pace with fast-paced technological developments. Such is the case with immuno-oncology. In January, BMS and ArsenalBio announced that they had formed a multiprogram discovery collaboration to advance next-generation T-cell therapies for the treatment of solid tumors.

This collaboration was just the latest of BMSs moves in immuno-oncology. Earlier, the company had acquired Celgene, the parent company of Juno Therapeutics, to bolster its capabilities in cell therapy. BMS had also formed a collaboration with Bluebird Bio to produce a biologic for treatment of multiple myeloma.

BMSs interest in ArsenalBio is centered around the smaller companys development of a toolbox for modifying and manipulating cells with CRISPR and other gene editing technologies. The companies indicated that AresenalBio is expected to deploy a full stack of synthetic biology compositions to build programmable cell therapy product candidates, composed of its PrimeR logic gates, CARchitecture derived gene expression controls, and CellFoundry mediated nonviral manufacturing. The plan is to achieve controlled modification of the T-cell genome.

The collaboration with BMS is only one of many collaborations envisioned by ArsenalBios CEO Ken Drazan, PhD. He expects ArsenalBio will have many opportunities to leverage its arsenal of manufactured biological codes.

Solid tumors are hostile to the invasion of T cells, Drazan points out. We might need to weaponize T-cell medicines in more advanced ways than just [providing] a targeting system.

First-generation immuno-oncology approaches focused on making a single modification or a limited number of modifications to the genome of the T cell using viral vectors to deliver nucleic acids. However, viral vectors have limited payload capacity. And so, says Drazan, drug developers are limited [with respect] to the number of instructions one can write.

ArsenalBios core expertise is to use CRISPR technology to open up the entire genome of the T cell and allow for strategic placement of gene edits. The focus is on edits that create more offense, more defense, and more deliverables at the site of the tumor.

We have a mission to develop medicines for patients, Drazan declares. What we are trying to create at ArsenalBio is something that is very iterativea learning model that comes from the kinds of data that we and others generate.

For now, ArsenalBio is focused on producing autologous T-cell therapies that are effective against traditionally therapy-resistant solid tumors, and that are safe, efficacious, and durable. In the future, ArsenalBio could work with a larger universe of partners to create generalized solutions for specific tumor indications through control of the T-cell genome.

In another growth move, Takeda has expanded into solid tumors with a concerted effort over the past four and a half years, under the leadership of drug hunter Loc Vincent, PhD, head of the companys oncology drug discovery and immunology units, to shift its cancer therapy work toward transformative immuno-oncology approaches. Takedas previous investments in cancer therapy included the 2008 acquisition of Millennium Pharmaceuticals (and its multiple myeloma drug Velcade) and the 2017 acquisition of Ariad Pharmaceuticals (and its lung cancer therapies).

Takedas immuno-oncology R&D is focused on two pillars: a cold to hot pillar, which supports the goal of turning a non-immunogenic tumor microenvironment into an immunogenic state, and a redirected immunity pillar, which supports the direct killing of tumors by immune cells.

We cannot beat cancer alone, says Vincent, echoing a Takeda internal mission statement focused on developing strong industry partnerships to explore underexplored biological models and technologies. Takeda has developed 20-plus oncology partnerships in the past five years, including major collaborations with MD Anderson Cancer Center (to develop therapies incorporating chimeric antigen receptorequipped natural killer cells) and a collaboration with Gamma Delta Therapeutics (to develop therapies incorporating T cells). All of the collaborations seek to harness innate immunity with curative intent via breakthrough technologies.

Source: Takeda

Other strong pipeline products include TAK-981, a first-in-class SUMOylation inhibitor for use against hematological and solid tumor cancers (now in Phase I); TAK-676, a STING agonist for use against solid tumor cancers (now in Phase I); and TAK-500, a next-generation antibody-STING drug conjugate for use against solid tumor cancers (now in Phase I). In Takedas current pipeline of Phase I and preclinical assets, 70% of the candidates are being developed in partnerships with biotech firms or academic institutions.

Vincent suggests that this dramatic shift in corporate financial and research investment has resulted from the need to overcome the limitations of current immunotherapies, such as those targeting PD-1, CD-19, and other surface proteins. Targeted therapies of this kind may be defeated relatively easily by mechanisms of resistance, he suggests. In contrast, enhancing both innate and adaptive antitumoral immunity can enable a broader response, one that Vincent says can bring together different cell types that will attack tumors in an orchestrated fashion.

A recent collaboration with KSQ Therapeutics, for instance, is meant to extend Takedas search for new targets in immuno-oncology. The collaborators hope to leverage KSQs proprietary CRISPRomics discovery platform to systematically screen the whole genome to identify optimal novel targets.

They looked at all types of targets and selected targets that have undergone extensive validation, Vincent states. Although the drug candidates that are being explored by Takeda and KSQ are still in the preclinical phase, Vincent maintains that the companies are advancing drug discovery approaches to those targets that outperformed PD-1 blockade and that can also be positioned in PD-1-resistant patients.

The collaboration with KSQ also encompasses studies in which the CRISPRomics platform is used to identify novel targets in cells of the innate immune system, in particular natural killer cells. These studies complement Takedas other efforts to develop innate cell and off-the-shelf cell therapies.

Vincent sees cell therapy leveraging new engineering tools and moving from an ex vivo approach to an in situ approach in the next 5 to 10 years. He also sees more extensive use of induced pluripotent stem cells with custom modifications. Each patient is different, and each tumor is different, he says. The beauty of what we and others are doing is liberating the immune system to kill the tumor.

Another promising next-generation approach is the use of bispecific and multispecific antibodies to engage immune system elements, predominantly the T cell, at the site of cancer. To help realize this approach, Eli Lilly and Company recently agreed to pay up to $1.6 billion to Merus, a small biotech firm, to develop up to three CD3-engaging T-cell-redirecting bispecific antibody therapies. Under the terms of the agreement, Merus will lead discovery and early-stage research activities while Eli Lillys Loxo Oncology unit will be responsible for additional research, development, and commercialization activities.

The CEO of Merus, Bill Lundberg, MD, predicts that novel science, novel biology, and novel ways of targeting cancer will continue to see investment, particularly where medicines have been shown to be effective against cancer. Although T-cell engagers are complicated, there is an approved T-cell engager, he says. (This drug, Amgens Blincyto, targets both CD19 and CD3.) [It shows] us that we can effectively treat cancers with T-cell-engaging antibodies.

Merus develops Multiclonics, full-length human bispecific and multispecific antibodies, which are called Biclonics and Triclonics, respectively. Biclonics, represented by the structure shown here, do not require linkers or modifications to force correct pairing of heavy and light chains, nor do they require fusion proteins to add functionality.

Merus develops bispecific and multispecific antibodies based on the common light chain format. Specifically, the company exploits this format in its proprietary Biclonics and Triclonics platforms to achieve true high-throughput screening of T-cell engagers called Multiclonic therapeutics.

It is clear that bispecifics can bring the T cell to the cancer and kill [cancer cells] very effectively, Lundberg asserts. The question is now how to optimize the efficacy while ensuring safety.

Merus has developed a robust panel of more than 175 unique and novel antibodies that bind to T cells via the CD3 antigen. When you have such a large panel of T-cell-engager-type molecules, Lundberg points out, you can start to separate out which ones bind on the CD3 molecule and lead to T-cell activation and cancer cell killing, and also potentially improve safety with lower cytokine release.

One of Merus lead clinical candidates, Zenocutuzumab (or Zeno), has been developed for patients with genetically defined cancers that have an NRG1 fusion. Zeno acts by potently blocking the binding of the protein expressed by the NRG1 fusion to the HER3 receptor, Lundberg reports, preventing formation of the HER2/HER3 complex that this signaling pathway goes through and preventing cancer growth.

Other areas where bispecific antibodies may have significant impact include lung cancer. We are developing a medicine called MCLA-129 that simultaneously targets both the c-MET and EGFR proteins on the surface of cancer cells, says Lundberg, maximizing the killing of cancer cells that express both proteins while minimizing any unintended off-target effects on normal cells that typically express only one or the other protein.

Our common light chain technology platform solves a fundamental problem in the field of bispecific and multispecific antibodies, Lundberg remarks. Bispecific antibodies, in the natural, human antibody format, comprise two different heavy chains and two different light chains. These components, when expressed together in a cell, can form antibodies nine different ways.

Lundberg asks, How do you ensure that the cell produces the specific one of these nine forms of antibodies that you are interested in? Then he proposes an answer, indicating that the Merus Biclonics approach is to reduce the complexity by using the same common light chain in every antibody, so the only difference between antibodies is the heavy chain.

We ensure the preferred use of heavy chains with a proprietary charge-pairing approach, he explains. We believe that our key advances in bispecific antibody engineeringwhich enable true high-throughput screeningtogether with our large, novel, and diverse panel of CD3-T-cell-engaging antibodies, are what positioned us as the partner of choice for Loxo Oncology at Lilly.

Originally posted here:
Funding the Next Generation of Cancer Therapies - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

RenovaCare Announces Organizational Changes and Appointment of New Officers – GlobeNewswire

ROSELAND, N.J., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RenovaCare, Inc. (Symbol: RCAR;, developer of patented technologies for spraying self-donated stem cells for the regeneration of organs and tissues, announced today that its Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President, Mr. Alan Rubino, has decided to retire. I am proud of all that has been accomplished at RenovaCare with our management team during my leadership tenure, stated Mr. Rubino. I wish the Company and its shareholders continued success as it prepares to commence its initial clinical studies.

Mr. Rubino formally resigned as the Companys Chairman, CEO, and President and from its Board of Directors on and effective as of March 25, 2021. To ensure an orderly management transition, Mr. Rubino will continue to provide consulting services to the Company, its senior management staff and the team of contract bioengineers, MD-PhDs, cell biologists, and support staff at Renovacares R&D Innovation Center in Berlin, Germany.

On March 26, 2021, the Companys Board of Directors appointed Dr. Kaiyo Nedd to serve as the Companys Interim President and Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Harmel S. Rayat, to serve as the Companys Chairman, effective March 26, 2021. Both Dr. Nedd and Mr. Rayat will serve as members of the Companys Board of Directors.

Dr. Nedd has been a practicing medical doctor for over 20 years in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was educated at the University of British Columbia and MD. Howard University and the College of Medicine Washington D.C. before undertaking emergency medicine rotation training at Harvard University Brigham and Womens Hospital and family practice residency training at St. Pauls Hospital in Vancouver, completing the same in 2002.

Since 2002, Dr. Nedd has acted as medical director of West End Medical Centre in Vancouver, which has provided Dr. Nedd broad patient exposure, involvement in several clinical trials and regular participation on pharmaceutical company advisory boards. In recent years, Dr. Nedds focus has been on chronic pain and mental health and has had deep clinical experience with the use of Cannabinoids and in the management of these conditions and continues to keep abreast of ongoing clinical research, as well as digital health care solutions and telemedicine.

Dr. Nedd has served on the board of Doctors of BC, which founded in 1900 and is an association of 14,000 physicians and medical students. During his tenure between 2013 and 2017, he created and oversaw the development of new health delivery systems and negotiated with government and private agencies for the financing of new initiatives.

Mr. Rayat, newly appointed as Chairman and member of the Board of Directors, has been a long-time majority stockholder and financial supporter of RenovaCare. Through his family office, Kalen Capital Corporation, he has invested over $20 million since 2013.

Mr. Rayats support has been key to advancing the SkinGun spray device and CellMist System from an unpatented technology to a technology platform with eight patent families, numerous peer reviewed articles and conditional FDA approval of its Investigational Device Exemption application to conduct a clinical trial to evaluate safety and feasibility. Mr. Rayat previously served the Company in a variety of capacities, including, at various times, as its President and Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and as a member of the Companys Board of Directors.

Beginning his career in the financial industry as a messenger and mail-room clerk in a stock brokerage firm in 1981, Mr. Rayat has since invested in a wide range of businesses and sectors, ranging from auto wreckers and alternative energy to raw land and artificial livers.

In recent years, and in addition to commercial real estate in Canada and the United States, Mr. Rayat has narrowed his focus to impact investing. His stated goal is to help inventors, entrepreneurs, and scientists to create and commercialize products and technologies that will have a beneficial impact on society at large.

About RenovaCare

RenovaCare, Inc. is developing new generation autologous stem cell therapies for the regeneration of human organs and tissues. The Companys initial product under development targets the bodys largest organ, the skin. The Companys flagship technology, the CellMist System, renders single-cell suspensions of tissue-specific pluripotent cells from donor tissues through sequential protease digestions. The RenovaCare CellMist System facilitates rapid healing of wounds or other afflicted tissues when applied topically as a gentle cell mist using the patented RenovaCare SkinGun. The Companys SkinGun is used to spray a liquid suspension of a patients stem cells the CellMist Solution on to wounds.

Development for next-generation biomedical technologies and devices for addressing unmet medical needs and commercialization is taking place at the RenovaCare R&D Innovation Center, located at StemCell Systems in Berlin, Germany. The Innovation Center houses dedicated RenovaCare cell biology laboratories; additional engineering, fabrication, prototyping and performance testing facilities; and product design studios for medical devices and biomedical products. Experienced contract bioengineers, cell biologists, and support staff work under the direction of a team of MD-PhDs who are experts in regenerative medicine, new product development, and clinical translation.

RenovaCare products are currently in development. They are not available for sale in the United States. There is no assurance that the Companys planned or filed submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will be accepted or cleared by the FDA.

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Investors and others should note that we announce material financial information to our investors using SEC filings and press releases. We use our website and social media to communicate with our subscribers, shareholders and the public about the company, RenovaCare, Inc. development, and other corporate matters that are in the public domain. At this time, the company will not post information on social media that could be deemed to be material information unless that information was distributed to public distribution channels first. We encourage investors, the media, and others interested in the company to review the information we post on the companys website and the social media channels listed below:

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No statement herein should be considered an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities. This release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events. Although RenovaCare, Inc. (the Company) believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements and the assumptions upon which they are based are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations and assumptions will prove to have been correct. Forward-looking statements, which involve assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies, and expectations, are generally identifiable by use of the words may, will, should, could, expect, anticipate, estimate, believe, intend, or project or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, as these statements are subject to numerous factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to: the timing and success of clinical and preclinical studies of product candidates, the potential timing and success of the Companys product programs through their individual product development and regulatory approval processes, adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, entry of new competitors and products, inadequate capital, unexpected costs and operating deficits, increases in general and administrative costs, termination of contracts or agreements, obsolescence of the Companys technologies, technical problems with the Companys research, price increases for supplies and components, litigation and administrative proceedings involving the Company, the possible acquisition of new businesses or technologies that result in operating losses or that do not perform as anticipated, unanticipated losses, the possible fluctuation and volatility of the Companys operating results, financial condition and stock price, losses incurred in litigating and settling cases, dilution in the Companys ownership of its business, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, and other risks. There can be no assurance that further research and development will validate and support the results of our preliminary research and studies. Further, there can be no assurance that the necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that the Company will be able to develop commercially viable products on the basis of its technologies. In addition, other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are discussed in the Companys most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports and filings may be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can obtain information about operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission also maintains an Internet site that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect the events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

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RenovaCare Announces Organizational Changes and Appointment of New Officers - GlobeNewswire

Creative Medical Technology Holdings Publishes Efficacy in Pain Reduction and Mobility in Patients with Disc Degenerative Disc Using StemSpine…

PHOENIX, March 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --(OTC - CELZ)Creative Medical Technology Holdings announced today a publication in the pre-print server SSRN describing data from its first 15 patients treated in a clinical trial evaluation perispinal injection of bone marrow cells in patients with disc degenerative disease. Evaluation of patients at 30,60 90, 180, and 360 days revealed significant improvement in mobility and reduction in pain score . The mean pain changed from 8.9 at baseline to 4.3 at 30 days and sustained to 1.8 at 6 months and 1.3 at 12 months with a gradual reduction in overall pain medication utilization guided by their healthcare team. No serious adverse effects were noted with some short-term bruising in two patients at the harvest site and no long term adverse events where reported related to the procedure.

"This publication, which is "pre-peer review" describes what to our knowledge is the first demonstration of a signal of clinical efficacy by injecting stem cells in areas surrounding the disc." Said Dr Amit Patel, Board Member and Co-Founder of the Company. "While others have intra-disc injection may help disc pain, the current work regenerates the blood supple to the disc, allowing the disc to heal itself."

The autologous utilization of bone marrow falls under the "minimal manipulation exception" and can be commercialized rapidly, in the same manner that the Company commercialized Caverstem for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Granted United States Patent #9,598,673 which is owned by the Company covers the use of any mesenchymal stem cells, both from the patient or from donors, for reduction of lower back pain when injected into the major muscles of the lower back.

"Disc degenerative disease represents a multi-billion dollar market for which current medical solutions do not address the underlying cause, while surgery is expensive and not applicable for a significant number of patients." Said Timothy Warbington, President and CEO of the Company. "We are excited to follow the path we did with CaverStem and initiate commercialization of this technology for American patients."

To view our Publication:

About Creative Medical Technology HoldingsCreative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. is a commercial stage biotechnology company specializing in regenerative medicine/stem cell technology in the fields of immunotherapy, urology, neurology and orthopedics and is listed on the OTC under the ticker symbol CELZ. For further information about the company, please

Forward Looking StatementsOTC Markets has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming clinical trials and laboratory results, marketing efforts, funding, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and, therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. See the periodic and other reports filed by Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on the Commission's website

SOURCE Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc.


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Creative Medical Technology Holdings Publishes Efficacy in Pain Reduction and Mobility in Patients with Disc Degenerative Disc Using StemSpine...

Stem Cell Therapy Market expected to reach USD 16.51 Billion by 2025 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper – KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper

Stem Cell Therapy Market is valued at USD 9.32 Billion in 2018 and expected to reach USD 16.51 Billion by 2025 with the CAGR of 8.5% over the forecast period.

In its latest report on Stem Cell Therapy Market provides a concise analysis of the recent market trends. The report further includes statistics, market forecasts and revenue estimations, which in addition highlights its status in the competitive domain as well as expansion trends adopted by major industry players.

Rising prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing spend on research & development and increasing collaboration between industry and academia driving the growth of stem cell therapy market.

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*The sample pages of this report is immediately accessible on-demand.**

Scope of Stem Cell TherapyMarket-

Stem cells therapy also known as regenerative medicine therapy, stem-cell therapy is the use of stem cells to prevent or treat the condition or disease. Stem cell are the special type of cells those differentiated from other type of cell into two defining characteristics including the ability to differentiate into a specialized adult cell type and perpetual self-renewal. Under the appropriate conditions in the body or a laboratory stem cells are capable to build every tissue called daughter cells in the human body; hence these cells have great potential for future therapeutic uses in tissue regeneration and repair. Among stem cell pluripotent are the type of cell that can become any cell in the adult body, and multipotent type of cell are restricted to becoming a more limited population of cells.

The stem cell therapy has been used to treat people with conditions including leukemia and lymphoma, however this is the only form of stem-cell therapy which is widely practiced. Prochymal are another stem-cell therapy was conditionally approved in Canada in 2012 for the treatment of acute graft-vs-host disease in children those are not responding to steroids. Nevertheless, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only established therapy using stem cells. This therapy involves the bone marrow transplantation.

Stem cell therapy market report is segmented based on type, therapeutic application, cell source and by regional & country level. Based upon type, stem cell therapy market is classified into allogeneic stem cell therapy market and autologous market.

Based upon therapeutic application, stem cell therapy market is classified into musculoskeletal disorders, wounds and injuries, cardiovascular diseases, surgeries, gastrointestinal diseases and other applications. Based upon cell source, stem cell therapy market is classified into adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, cord blood/embryonic stem cells and other cell sources

The regions covered in this stem cell therapy market report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. On the basis of country level, market of stem cell therapy is sub divided into U.S., Mexico, Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, India, South East Asia, GCC, Africa, etc.

Stem Cell TherapyCompanies:

Stem cell therapy market report covers prominent players like,

Osiris Therapeutics, Inc


Anterogen, Ltd.



Cytori Therapeutics

Holostem Terapie Avanzate S.r.l.

JCR Pharmaceuticals


RTI Surgical

STEMCELL Technologies


Osiris Therapeutics

Human Longevity

Advanced Cell Technology

Promethera Biosciences

Mesoblast and AlloSource


Stem Cell TherapyMarket Dynamics

Rising spend on research and development activities in the research institutes and biotech industries driving the growth of the stem cell therapy market during the forecast period. For instance, in January 2010, U. S. based Augusta University initiated Phase I clinical trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a single, autologous cord blood stem infusion for treatment of cerebral palsyin children. The study is estimated to complete in July 2020. Additionally, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases creating the demand of stem cell therapy. For instance, as per the international diabetes federation, in2019, around 463 million population across the world were living withdiabetes; by 2045 it is expected to rise around 700 million. Among all 79% of population withdiabeteswere living in low- and middle-income countries. These all factors are fuelling the growth of market over the forecast period. On the other flip, probabilities of getting success is less in the therapeutics by stem cell may restrain the growth of market. Nevertheless, Advancement of technologies and government initiative to encourage research in stem cell therapy expected to create lucrative opportunity in stem cell therapy market over the forecast period.

Stem Cell TherapyMarketRegional Analysis

North America is dominating the stem cell therapy market due increasing adoption rate of novel stem cell therapies fueling the growth of market in the region. Additionally, favorable government initiatives have encouraging the regional market growth. For instance, government of Canada has initiated Strategic Innovation Fund Program, in which gov will invests in research activities carried out for stem cell therapies. In addition, good reimbursing scheme in the region helping patient to spend more on health. Above mentioned factors are expected to drive the North America over the forecast period.

Asia Pacific is anticipated to grow at a highest CAGR over forecast period due to rising awareness of benefits of stem cell therapies among the population. In addition, increasing collaboration between industry-academia to initiate research and development in the stem cell therapy expected to create the huge growth over the forecast period. For instance, as per the report of Pharma Focus Asia, members of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation collaborated with Life Sciences Innovation Forum to involve professionals having expertise in stem cell therapies from academia and research centers to promote developments in stem cell research which will foster regional market growth.

Key Benefits for Stem Cell TherapyMarketReports

Global Market report covers in depth historical and forecast analysis.

Global Market research report provides detail information about Market Introduction, Market Summary, Global market Revenue (Revenue USD), Market Drivers, Market Restraints, Market opportunities, Competitive Analysis, Regional and Country Level.

Global Market report helps to identify opportunities in market place.

Global Market report covers extensive analysis of emerging trends and competitive landscape.

Stem Cell TherapyMarketSegmentation

By Type

By Therapeutic Application

By Cell Source

Regional & Country Analysis North America, U.S., Mexico, Canada , Europe, UK, France, Germany, Italy , Asia Pacific, China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, South America, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, The Middle East and Africa, GCC, Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa

Table of Content

1.1. Research Process

1.2. Primary Research

1.3. Secondary Research

1.4. Market Size Estimates

1.5. Data Triangulation

1.6. Forecast Model

1.7. USPs of Report

1.8. Report Description

2.1. Market Introduction

2.2. Executive Summary

2.3. Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Classification

2.4. Market Drivers

2.5. Market Restraints

2.6. Market Opportunity

2.7. Stem Cell Therapy Market: Trends

2.8. Porters Five Forces Analysis

2.9. Market Attractiveness Analysis


Full Research Report @

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Stem Cell Therapy Market expected to reach USD 16.51 Billion by 2025 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper - KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper

New Controversy for Stem Cell Therapy That Repairs Spinal Cords – The Great Courses Daily News

By Jonny Lupsha, Current Events Writer An alternative to using human embryonic stem cells is to use pluripotent stem cells, which refers to the ability of a stem cell, such as skin cells from an adult, to give rise to other differentiated cell types. Photo By Yurchanka Siarhei / Shutterstock

Patients who have received treatment from their own stem cells to repair their spinal cords are at the center of controversy after the stem cell therapy was fast-tracked in Japan in 2018. Despite 13 patients showing considerable recovery in response to the treatment, the means to this end have suggested improper shortcuts taken in the last several years.

It isnt the first time that stem cell research has been in the spotlight for ethical reasons. One controversial method of obtaining stem cells is to take them from human embryos, which has been argued about for decades. However, alternatives to embryo use are coming to pass.

In his video series Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: How Life Works, Dr. Kevin Ahern, Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University, said much about stem cells and the science that surrounds them.

There are two things that are special about stem cells, Dr. Ahern said. One is that they are capable of dividing indefinitelythat is, as long as the organism is alive. The other is that they are undifferentiatedtheyre like a child who hasnt yet chosen whether to be an astronaut, ballerina, surgeon, or an artist.

Dr. Ahern said that when stem cells divide, they can either differentiate and become a specialized cell or they can go back into the stock of stem cells. In an embryo, at the earliest stages of development, the fertilized egg divides to produce a certain number of unspecialized cells called embryonic stem cells. They become specialized by receiving certain signals, so scientists can learn what these signals are and send them to unspecialized cells to make them develop as they wish. This could mean making them become cells to repair nerve damage, heart muscles, and more.

However, some see this as tampering with nature and/or stealing cells from the embryo. Regardless of our opinions one way or the other, these ethical concerns have been raised, prompting scientists to find alternatives.

How else can stem cells be obtained, if not from embryos?

One solution is the production of what are called induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, Dr. Ahern said. Pluripotent refers to the ability of a stem cell to give rise to other differentiated cell types. To do this and yet avoid working with cells from a human embryo, scientists begin with differentiated somatic cells [like] cells from the skin of an adult, for example.

Once theyve isolated the differentiated somatic cells, scientists reverse engineer them into a state in which they can become any number of differentiated cells or tissues. Dr. Ahern said that iPS cells have been used to create beating heart cells, motor neurons, light-sensing photoreceptor cells, insulin-producing pancreatic cells, and more.

In 2017, Japanese researchers reported that monkeys with Parkinsons showed great improvement after treatment with dopamine-producing neurons derived from iPS cells, Dr. Ahern said. In 2018, clinical trials with humans were begun using iPS cells to treat Parkinsons, heart disease, and macular degeneration.

For now, stem cell therapy remains no stranger to controversyor results. The debate raging around them will likely continue in one way or another for some time.

Edited by Angela Shoemaker, The Great Courses Daily

The rest is here:
New Controversy for Stem Cell Therapy That Repairs Spinal Cords - The Great Courses Daily News