Category Archives: Stem Cell Medicine

Scientists Image Heart RNA Structure for the First Time – Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology

January 20, 2020 Scientists at Los Alamos and international partners have created the first 3-D images of a special type of RNA molecule that is critical for stem cell programming and known as the dark matter of the genome.

As far as we know, said corresponding author Karissa Sanbonmatsu, Ph.D.,this is the first full 3-D structural study of any long, non-coding RNA (lncRNA) other than a partial structure. Sanbonmatsu is a structural biologist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. A better understanding of these RNAs could lead to new strategies in regenerative medicine for people with heart conditions due to cardiovascular disease or aging.

The team used a technique called small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) that reveals the 3-D envelope of the RNA molecule, according to Trushar Patel, a Canadian professor on the team. Next, with the help of machine learning and high-performance computing, they made atomistic models to fit inside the envelopes this included the creation of an atomistic model that is also the longest of an isolated RNA (636 nucleotides) to date, said Doo Nam Kim, lead author on the Nature Communications paper.[1]

Our work represents the first step in showing that these difficult-to-image RNAs do possess 3-D structures, and that these molecular structures may very well determine how they operate, said Sanbonmatsu. The RNA studied is called Braveheart it triggers the transformation of stem cells into heart cells, she said.

Before the human genome was sequenced in 2000, it was thought that it mostly contained instructions for proteins, the workhorse molecules of human cells. Scientists were shocked to discover that less than 10 percent of the genome encoded proteins. Ever since, the other 90 percent was deemed to be junk DNA or dark matter. Enter RNA, the molecular cousin of DNA. Scientists originally assumed the main purpose of RNA was simply to coordinate as a messenger for DNA in the synthesis of proteins. However, it has recently been shown that more than 90 percent of the genome encodes a new and mysterous class of RNAs, called long non-coding RNA molecules (lncRNA).

These RNA molecules help to control the turning on and off of genes; their malfunction causes birth defects, autism and even cancer in some cases. They are also key to reprogramming adult stem cells. Even though the molecules make up 90 percent of the genome, scientists have almost no idea how they work, or even what they look like. In this study, one of the largest RNA-only 3-D studies, the new 3-D images sets the stage for future studies that will shed more light on how they control genes.

Funding for this project was provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Los Alamos Institutional Computing and Los Alamos Laboratory Directed R&Dand Diamond Light Source (U.K.).

Learn more about theSanbonmatsu Team at Los Alamos.


1.Karissa Y. Sanbonmatsu, Doo Nam Kim and Scott P. Hennelly of Los Alamos National Laboratory and New Mexico Consortium; Bernhard C. Thiel and Ivo L. Hofacker of University of Vienna, Austria; Tyler Mrozowich and Trushar R. Patel of University of Lethbridge, Canada. Zinc-finger protein CNBP alters the 3-D structure of lncRNA Braveheart in solution Authors: Nature Communications, DOI 10.1038/s41467-019-13942-4.

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Scientists Image Heart RNA Structure for the First Time - Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology

CAR T-Cell Therapy and Beyond: Off-the-Shelf Therapies Among Innovations at ASH 2019 – Managed Markets Network

When it comes tochimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-celltherapy, the waiting may hardest part for revolutionary, lifesaving treatment for certain leukemias and lymphomas. Manufacturing personalized treatments from apatients own cells can take up to 3 weeks, and payer approval canadd more time. The process itself is complicated and costlyatleast $373,000 before administration costsand reimbursementhas sometimes been slow.1

Thats why results highlighted December 7, 2019, at the 61stAmerican Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting &Exposition in Orlando, Florida, focused on the next wave of innovation,which features allogeneic, or off-the-shelf, treatmentsthat could offer greater convenience and lower costsand maketreatment available to more patients.

Gary Schiller, MD, of University of California, Los Angeles,Health, who moderated a press briefing on several abstractspresented at the meeting, said that advances in CAR T-cell therapyare overcoming multiple barriers:

Although first-generation therapies primarily target theprotein CD19, the next wave of treatment will attackmultiple targets. Therapies in the pipeline will treat more blood cancers,including multiple myeloma. A uniform product will replace the complex manufacturingprocess.

When we approach unmet needs in medicine, we solveone and we create another, saidStephen J. Schuster, MD, ofPenn Medicines Abramson Cancer Center in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, who presented results on a novel therapy,mosunetuzumab. CAR T-cell therapy, Schuster said, has beena major advancehe led the JULIET trial in refractory B-celllymphomas that resulted in approval of the first therapy, Novartistisagenlecleucel (Kymriah).2 However, the two-thirds of patients that dont respond to CAR T-cell therapy are now our new unmetneed, he said.

Because patients eligible for CAR T are already quite ill, abouta third of those enrolled in clinical trials never make it to thepoint of getting therapy, ASH Secretary Robert A. Brodsky, MD,director of the Division of Hematology at Johns Hopkins School ofMedicine, said during a preview of the meeting.

Cost also poses a significant barrier to treatment.1,3 Academicmedical centers and Medicare have been locked in a struggleover how to pay for CAR T-cell therapy, because traditionalreimbursement designs were not created with this expensive,1-time treatment in mind.4 Although CMS announced in Augustthat 2020 would bring a modest increase in the new technologyadd-on payment, a November commentary in the Journal ofClinical Oncology pronounced that this quick fix does not go far enough.5 The authors estimated that hospitals lose $300,000 forevery patient treated with this technology.

Schuster presented results from a dosing study involvingmosunetuzumab, a bispecific antibody tested in 270 patientswith B-cell lymphomas that had returned or not responded toat least 3 therapies, including some patients who relapsed orfailed to respond to CAR T-cell therapy.6 The group included30 patients previously treated with CAR T-cell therapy. In a presspreview ahead of the 2019 meeting, ASH leaders speculated thatbispecific antibodies could supplant first-generation CAR T-cell treatments in some cancers if they can treat patients quicklyat a lower cost.

Unlike CAR T-cell therapy, mosunetuzumab does not requireindividualized genetic modification of a patients T cells. Instead,this therapy redirects T cells to engage and eliminate B cells,Schuster said. The new therapy produced durable responses in37% of the patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL), a group that would benefit most from not having towait for individualized manufactured cells. Higher exposure tomosunetuzumab brought better responses, and a higher-dose study is now enrolling patients, Schuster said.

Across the studies presented at the meeting, patients generallyexperienced lower grades of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) thanseen in the first generation of CAR T-cell therapy. Hospitalizationdue to CRS has been a significant contributor to cost in the firstgeneration of CAR T-cell therapy; estimates of managing severecases range from $56,000 to more than $200,000.7

However, Schiller said, ease of access will likely be the top sellingpoint of these new therapies in the coming years. An off-the-shelfproduct is attractive because of feasibility issues, Schiller said.For patients previously treated with CAR T-cell therapy, it appearsthis new wave of treatments may salvage responses after a relapse,he said: It all depends on durability.

[For a] simple clinicianwho needs to take care of patientswith desperate diseases, tolerability is secondary to access andfeasibility, Schiller continued. So whatever productbe itcellular or bifunctionalthat we have access to tomorrow will bebetter and easier for us to use.

Abstracts presented at the briefing highlighted whatsin the pipeline:

MOSUNETUZUMAB. Schuster reported on complete remission (CR)in patients with relapsed/refractory NHL who were treated withthe study drug. In this phase 1/1b open-label study, accordingto the abstract, mosunetuzumab is given with step-up dosing ondays 1, 8, and 15 of cycle 1, then as a fixed-dose on day 1 of each subsequent 21-day cycle, for a maximum of 17 cycles. Outcomesare best objective response rate (ORR), maximum tolerated dose(MTD), and tolerability.6

Results were the following:

The treatment produced promising responses in patientswith aggressive NHL. Among 124 patients (diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma), ORR was 37.1%(46 patients) and CR was 19.4% (24 patients) (FIGURE). As expected, responses were better for patients withindolent NHL. Among the 67 patients, ORR was 62.7%(42 patients), and 29 (43.3%) had a CR. Among the first 18 patients with prior CAR T-celltherapy, ORR was 38.9% (7 patients), and 4 patients(22.2%) had a CR. Four patients were able to be retreated with mosunetuzumab;among these, 3 (75%) had an ORR, and 1 had a CR.

I have stopped therapy in some patients after 6 months, andthey have remained in remission, Schuster said. Some patientshave remained in remission without additional therapy formore than a year.

CAR NK PROOF-OF-CONCEPT. Bob Valamehr, PhD,of Fate Therapeutics, presented proof-of-conceptdata on an off-the-shelf cellular immunotherapythat targets 2 proteins on the surface of lymphomacells.8 The treatment, a targeted CAR natural killer(NK) cell, would be enhanced with features totake advantage of the properties of NK cellstheirability to attack and kill many types of cellswhileextending the cells durability. NK cells are multifacetedand can be viewed as a jack-of-all-trades whenit comes to protecting the host, whereas T cells canact in only 1 way, Valamehr said.

Fate Therapeutics developed a master line of NKcells induced from specialized stem cells (iNK cells),known as FT596, which overcomes a challenge of CAR T therapy: lack of uniformity that can occurwith individualized products. When you [manufacture]the product, not every cell is engineered, andnot every engineered cell is pristine, Valamehr said.

According to the abstract,8 FT596 cells aredesigned to carry 3 genes at once:

An NK cell-calibrated CAR that targets CD19 Noncleavable CD16, which enhancesbinding activity A recombinant fusion of interleukin (IL) 15and IL-15 receptor- (IL-R) that extendspersistence of the cells

Investigators did experiments in both in vitroand in mouse models and found that iNK cellsengineered with both CD19-CAR and IL-R werecurative against B-cell lymphoma comparedwith iNK cells either alone or modified only withCD19-CAR. The investigators next performed testsusing various combinations with rituximab andreported that only FT596 was able to effectivelyeliminate the CD19 antigen escaped target cell.7

According to the abstract, experiments usingthe allogeneic therapy on a mouse model showedthat FT596 demonstrated improved survivaland safety over primary CAR19 T cells, whetherused as alone or in combination with rituximab.Experiments with rituximab showed great potentialfor that combination.

If successful, this approach could be administeredmuch like traditional therapies, according toValamehr. The process creates a homogeneous,high-quality product thats low cost, he said.Each dose is $2500. Its directly infused; there is noprocessing needed, so it becomes a true, administeredoff-the-shelf product in an outpatient setting.

MULTIPLE MYELOMA. The session also covered apair of CAR T-cell therapies for multiple myeloma,taking advantage of the dual target approach.Results from CARTITUDE-1,9 funded by Janssen,confirm results from the LEGEND-2 study10 for atherapy containing 2 proteins designed to targetthe B-cell maturation antigen. Deepu Madduri,MD, of Mount Sinai in New York, New York, sharedthe news that the FDA granted JNJ-4528 breakthroughtherapy designation on the eve of the ASH meetingDecember 6, 2019.11

We know that there have been a lot of advancesover the last few years [in] multiple myeloma,Madduri said, and so people are living longer.However, for patients who have failed all availabletherapies, median overall survival is less than12 months, he said.

This study involved 29 patients, 25 of whom had atleast 3 prior therapies, including autologous transplantation.The investigators said the results showthat JNJ-4528 at a dose of 0.75 x 106 CAR-positivecells/kg brings an early and deep response, featuringminimal residual disease negativity in all evaluablepatients tested.9

Of note: Not only were CRS events of lower gradethan in first-generation CAR T therapies, butthe median time of onset was 7 days, >90%between 5 and 9 days, later than in the past. Neurotoxicity was infrequently observed andgenerally low grade. Early and deep responses were seen: 100%ORR, with CR 69% at 6 months. The median time to first response was 1month, as was the median time to CR; 27 of 29patients were progression free at 6 months.

1. Andrews M. Staggering price slow insurers coverage of CAR-T cancertherapy. Kaiser Health News. Published July 17, 2018.Accessed December 10, 2019.

2. Schuster SJ, Bishop MR, Tam CS, et al; JULIET investigators. Tisagenlecleucelin adult relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.N Engl J Med. 2019;380(1):45-56. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1804980.

3. Worcester S. Barriers to CAR T use in the spotlight at first Europeanmeeting. MDedge website. February 28, 2019. Accessed December 10, 2019.

4. Caffrey M. NCCN panel digs into reality of CAR T-cell reimbursement.The American Journal of Managed Care website. March 21, 2019. Accessed December 10, 2019.

5. Manz CR, Porter DL, Bekelman JE, et al. Innovation and access atthe mercy of payment policy: the future of chimeric antigen receptortherapies [published online November 1, 2019]. J Clin Oncol.doi: 10.1200/JCO.19.01691.

6. Schuster SJ, Bartlett NL, Assouline S, et al. Mosunetuzumab inducescomplete remissions in poor prognosis non-Hodgkin lymphomapatients, including those who are resistant to or relapsing after chimericantigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapies, and is active in treatmentthrough multiple lines. Presented at: 61st American Society of HematologyMeeting & Exposition; December 7-10, 2019; Orlando, FL. Abstract

7. Mulcahy N. Whats the total cost of one CAR T-cell treatment? Medscapewebsite. Published April 26, 2018.Accessed December 7, 2019.

8. Goodridge JP, Mahnood S, Zhu H, et al. Translation of first-of-kindmulti-antigen targeted off-the-shelf CAR-NK cell with engineeredpersistence for the treatment of B-cell malignancies. Presented at:61st American Society of Hematology Meeting & Exposition; December7-10, 2019; Orland, FL. Abstract 301.

9. Madduri D, Usmani SZ, Janannath S. Results from CARTITUDE-1: aphase 1b/2 study of JNJ-4528, a CAR-T cell therapy directed againstB-cell maturation antigen (BCMA), in patients with relapsed and/orrefractory multiple myeloma (R/R MM). Poster and abstract presentedat: 61st American Society of Hematology Meeting & Exposition; December7-10, 2019; Orlando, FL. Abstract 577.

10. Xu J, Chen LJ, Yang SS, et al. Exploratory trial of a biepitopic CART-targeting B cell maturation antigen in relapsed/refractory multiplemyeloma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019;116(19):9543-9551. doi:10.1073/pnas.1819745116.

11. House D. J&J CAR T nabs accelerated review status in US for multiplemyeloma. Seeking Alpha website. and accessed December 6, 2019.

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CAR T-Cell Therapy and Beyond: Off-the-Shelf Therapies Among Innovations at ASH 2019 - Managed Markets Network

Stem Cell Assay Market to Expand at a Healthy CAGR of XX% Between and 2017 2025 Dagoretti News – Dagoretti News

In 2019, the market size of Stem Cell Assay Market is million US$ and it will reach million US$ in 2025, growing at a CAGR of from 2019; while in China, the market size is valued at xx million US$ and will increase to xx million US$ in 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during forecast period.

In this report, 2019 has been considered as the base year and 2019 to 2025 as the forecast period to estimate the market size for Stem Cell Assay .

This report studies the global market size of Stem Cell Assay , especially focuses on the key regions like United States, European Union, China, and other regions (Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia).

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This study presents the Stem Cell Assay Market production, revenue, market share and growth rate for each key company, and also covers the breakdown data (production, consumption, revenue and market share) by regions, type and applications. Stem Cell Assay history breakdown data from 2014 to 2019, and forecast to 2025.

For top companies in United States, European Union and China, this report investigates and analyzes the production, value, price, market share and growth rate for the top manufacturers, key data from 2014 to 2019.

In global Stem Cell Assay market, the following companies are covered:

growth drivers and lists down the major restraints. Additionally, the report gauges the effect of Porters five forces on the overall stem cell assay market.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Key Market Segments

For the purpose of the study, the report segments the global stem cell assay market based on various parameters. For instance, in terms of assay type, the market can be segmented into isolation and purification, viability, cell identification, differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and function. By kit, the market can be bifurcated into human embryonic stem cell kits and adult stem cell kits. Based on instruments, flow cytometer, cell imaging systems, automated cell counter, and micro electrode arrays could be the key market segments.

In terms of application, the market can be segmented into drug discovery and development, clinical research, and regenerative medicine and therapy. The growth witnessed across the aforementioned application segments will be influenced by the increasing incidence of chronic ailments which will translate into the rising demand for regenerative medicines. Finally, based on end users, research institutes and industry research constitute the key market segments.

The report includes a detailed assessment of the various factors influencing the markets expansion across its key segments. The ones holding the most lucrative prospects are analyzed, and the factors restraining its trajectory across key segments are also discussed at length.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Regional Analysis

Regionally, the market is expected to witness heightened demand in the developed countries across Europe and North America. The increasing incidence of chronic ailments and the subsequently expanding patient population are the chief drivers of the stem cell assay market in North America. Besides this, the market is also expected to witness lucrative opportunities in Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Vendor Landscape

A major inclusion in the report is the detailed assessment of the markets vendor landscape. For the purpose of the study the report therefore profiles some of the leading players having influence on the overall market dynamics. It also conducts SWOT analysis to study the strengths and weaknesses of the companies profiled and identify threats and opportunities that these enterprises are forecast to witness over the course of the reports forecast period.

Some of the most prominent enterprises operating in the global stem cell assay market are Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), GE Healthcare (U.K.), Hemogenix Inc. (U.S.), Promega Corporation (U.S.), Bio-Techne Corporation (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), STEMCELL Technologies Inc. (CA), Cell Biolabs, Inc. (U.S.), and Cellular Dynamics International, Inc. (U.S.).

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The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:

Chapter 1, to describe Stem Cell Assay product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.

Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Stem Cell Assay , with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Stem Cell Assay in 2017 and 2019.

Chapter 3, the Stem Cell Assay competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.

Chapter 4, the Stem Cell Assay breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019.

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019.

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Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019.

Chapter 12, Stem Cell Assay market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024.

Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Stem Cell Assay sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.

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Stem Cell Assay Market to Expand at a Healthy CAGR of XX% Between and 2017 2025 Dagoretti News - Dagoretti News

Introducing Generate Life Sciences – A First-Of-Its-Kind Company Focused On Helping Grow And Protect Healthy Families – Yahoo Finance

With over 40+ years of leadership and expertise in reproductive, newborn stem cell, and genetic services, Generate has already helped grow and protect nearly 1 million families around the world

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --California Cryobank Life Sciences today announced the launch of its new company brand - Generate Life Sciences (Generate). The rebranding follows the joining of California Cryobank and CBR (Cord Blood Registry) in August 2018 and represents the company's mission to become a life sciences platform that helps grow and protect healthy families through reproductive, newborn stem cell, genetic testing, medical device and healthcare technology services.

Generate serves families from preconception to post-birth throughout the significant and highly personalized journey of building a family and protecting their children's health. Built upon the pillars of innovation, access, and connection, Generate has already helped grow and protect nearly 1 million families around the world.

Our legacy brands CBR, California Cryobank, and Donor Egg Bank USA are pioneering leaders in their respective fields and continue to set industry standards for innovation, scientific excellence, and customer focus. Generate is furthering the impact of this life sciences platform with the addition of advanced pediatric genetic testing, US distribution of reproductive medical devices and proprietary healthcare technology through the respective brands ReadyGen (pediatric genetic screening powered by Sema4), Kitazato USA (medical device distribution), and Donor Application (proprietary software for reproductive clinics).

"Our brands are leaders in each of their categories; as a life sciences platform, we are uniquely positioned to give clients access to the full range of expertise and services needed to create and support healthy families," said Richard Jennings, Chief Executive Officer. "Generate helps its clients realize their dreams of having a baby and provides access to scientific innovations in stem cells and genetic services that improve the lives of families around the world."

With the substantial growth in single parenting by choice and LGBTQ+ family building, as well as a trend towards having children later in life, Generate's reproductive health services have never been in higher demand. Similarly, advances in stem cell therapies and research into regenerative medicine have emphasized the importance and increased the awareness and interest in storing newborn stem cells with CBR.

"Generate Life Sciences is positioned to play an increasingly important role in protecting families as regenerative medicine and new genetic testing platforms open the door to the future of personalized medical treatments," said Jaime Shamonki, MD, Chief Medical Officer. "Uniting key elements of the family-building experience under Generate will give our clients peace of mind, convenient access, and exceptional support throughout this significant time in their lives. This organization has collectively helped create nearly 100,000 families and provides access to invaluable long-term health benefits to almost a million more. For us, Generate represents more than just good business; it is advancing scientific innovations that help the future of humanity."

"The journey to parenthood has evolved over the years, but the end goal is the same people want to have children and they want to keep them safe and healthy. In the modern age, we have advanced the science and technology available to help individuals grow their families and be more proactive in planning for their future health," said Michael J. Levy, MD, IVF Director and Co-Founder, Shady Grove Fertility. "That is where Generate Life Sciences becomes a trusted partner for clients from pre-conception through post-birth. From donor egg and donor sperm to newborn stem cell services and genetic testing, Generate is there every step of the way. And the possibilities are endless."

"Generate Life Sciences made our dream of becoming parents a reality. From helping us choose our amazing California Cryobank sperm donor for our twin girls, to rushing a CBR cord blood collection kit for our son when my wife went into early labor, they have always gone above and beyond to help. We look to Generate as a trustworthy partner we can rely on for these very personal and private moments in our lives," said Sharon Kochlany & Vanessa Colimorio, customers of Generate.

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Generate Life Sciences BrandsGenerate Life Sciences is a company of established, trustworthy brands founded and grown over 40 years by experts in reproductive medicine, newborn stem cell services, and genetics. Those brands include:

Newborn Stem Cell Services CBR (Cord Blood Registry): CBR has stored newborn stem cells (stem cells collected from cord blood and cord tissue) for almost 30 years.

Reproductive ServicesCalifornia Cryobank Donor Sperm Bank:California Cryobank is a pioneer and industry leader in donor sperm banking, offering the most rigorously screened donors, largest selection, and scientific expertise for more than 40 years.

Donor Egg Bank USA:Donor Egg Bank is a true leader in its category, maintaining the highest clinical pregnancy rate in the industry, while growing the largest frozen donor egg program in the United States.

NW Cryobank:For over 30 years, NW Cryobank has been helping couples, single women, and the LGBTQ+ community create happy, healthy families.

Genetic Services ReadyGen:Powered by Sema4, ReadyGen is an innovative and advanced pediatric screening test that empowers parents to further protect their children by delivering clinically actionable and personalized health insights.

Medical Devices and Healthcare TechnologyKitazato USA:Kitazato USA by California Cryobank is the exclusive distributor of Kitazato products in the US, offering devices for human assisted reproductive medicine from the innovator of the Cryotop Method vitrification technique.

Donor Application: Proprietary software providingdonor screening and recipient matching services on a HIPAA compliant platform.

About Generate Life SciencesGenerate Life Sciences (Generate)is a life sciences company helping to grow and protect families through reproductive, newborn stem cell, genetic screening, medical device, and healthcare technology services. We serve families from preconception to post-birth. Our brands - CBR (Cord Blood Registry), California Cryobank Donor Sperm Bank, Donor Egg Bank USA, NW Cryobank, ReadyGen, Kitazato USA, and Donor Application are pioneering leaders, helping to grow and protect nearly 1 million families. Headquartered in Los Angeles, Generate operates facilities in Tucson, New York, Boston, Palo Alto, and Rockville, MD. Generate is a portfolio company of GI Partners, a private investment firm based in San Francisco.

Media ContactsMonica Rohledermedia@generatelifesciences.com847-606-1973

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Introducing Generate Life Sciences - A First-Of-Its-Kind Company Focused On Helping Grow And Protect Healthy Families - Yahoo Finance

Editas Medicine and Sandhill Therapeutics, Inc. Announce Collaboration to Develop Engineered Cell Medicines to Treat Cancer – Yahoo Finance

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and DALLAS, Jan. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Editas Medicine, Inc. (EDIT), a leading genome editing company, and Sandhill Therapeutics, Inc., a cellular immuno-oncology company, announced a strategic research collaboration, license, and option agreement to combine their respective genome editing and cell therapy technologies to discover, develop, and manufacture allogeneic engineered natural killer (NK) cells and non-alpha beta T cell medicines for the treatment of cancer.

This collaboration brings together Editas Medicines leading genome editing technology and Sandhills BINATE product process, a novel universal donor technology to extract, isolate, and expand NK cells and non-alpha beta T cells, to develop novel medicines for the treatment of solid tumor cancers.

We are excited to work with Sandhill, combining CRISPR-based genome editing with BINATE cells to accelerate the development of numerous, transformative medicines for people with cancer and improve patient outcomes, said Charles Albright, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Editas Medicine. We continue to increase our commitment to oncology, and we believe our portfolio of multiple immune system cell types, including T cells, NK cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), will be effective in making the next generation of allogeneic medicines to fight many common cancers.

The team at Editas Medicine has one of the most innovative technology platforms, and we look forward to combining our technologies to create new medicines for the treatment of cancer. Together, we are dedicated to transforming cellular immuno-oncology and developing new therapies, said Annemarie Moseley, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Sandhill Therapeutics, Inc.

Under the terms of the agreement, Editas Medicine obtains an exclusive license to Sandhills technology to research, develop and commercialize immuno-oncology engineered cell medicines for solid tumors originating within a given area of the body and an option to expand such license to two additional areas. In return, Sandhill will receive an upfront payment, development and sales-based milestone payments, and royalties on sales of resulting Editas products.

RBC Capital Markets acted as exclusive financial advisor to Sandhill for the transaction.

About Editas MedicineAs a leading genome editing company, Editas Medicine is focused on translating the power and potential of the CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR/Cpf1 (also known as Cas12a) genome editing systems into a robust pipeline of treatments for people living with serious diseases around the world. Editas Medicine aims to discover, develop, manufacture, and commercialize transformative, durable, precision genomic medicines for a broad class of diseases. For the latest information and scientific presentations, please visit

About Sandhill Therapeutics, Inc.Sandhill Therapeutics is a privately held, development stage cellular immunotherapy company dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with cancer. Sandhills BINATE leverages dual innate cell synergy, resulting in a highly activated, readily available, universal off-the-shelf treatment for both solid tumors and blood cancers. Sandhills activated innate cell immunotherapy is generated by a cost-effective, feeder-free campaign manufacturing process. For more information,

Editas Medicine Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements and information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words anticipate, believe, continue, could, estimate, expect, intend, may, plan, potential, predict, project, target, should, would, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Editas Medicine may not actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in these forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Actual results or events could differ materially from the plans, intentions and expectations disclosed in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including: uncertainties inherent in the initiation and completion of preclinical studies and clinical trials and clinical development of Editas Medicines product candidates; availability and timing of results from preclinical studies and clinical trials; whether interim results from a clinical trial will be predictive of the final results of the trial or the results of future trials; expectations for regulatory approvals to conduct trials or to market products and availability of funding sufficient for Editas Medicines foreseeable and unforeseeable operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements. These and other risks are described in greater detail under the caption Risk Factors included in Editas Medicines most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other filings that Editas Medicine may make with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the future. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release representEditas Medicinesviews only as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Except as required by law,Editas Medicineexplicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

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Editas Medicine and Sandhill Therapeutics, Inc. Announce Collaboration to Develop Engineered Cell Medicines to Treat Cancer - Yahoo Finance

Mutations in donors’ stem cells may cause problems for cancer patients – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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Heart problems, graft-versus-host disease are concerns

A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that bone marrow or blood stem cells from healthy donors can harbor extremely rare mutations that can cause health problems for the cancer patients who receive them. Such stem cell transplants are important for treating blood cancers, including acute myeloid leukemia. In the healthy bone marrow pictured, mature red blood cells are shown as small brownish-pink discs; red blood cells that are still developing are in deep blue; and developing white blood cells are in lighter blue.

A stem cell transplant also called a bone marrow transplant is a common treatment for blood cancers, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Such treatment can cure blood cancers but also can lead to life-threatening complications, including heart problems and graft-versus-host disease, in which new immune cells from the donor attack a patients healthy tissues.

A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that extremely rare, harmful genetic mutations present in healthy donors stem cells though not causing health problems in the donors may be passed on to cancer patients receiving stem cell transplants. The intense chemo- and radiation therapy prior to transplant and the immunosuppression given after allow cells with these rare mutations the opportunity to quickly replicate, potentially creating health problems for the patients who receive them, suggests the research, published Jan. 15 in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Among the concerns are heart damage, graft-versus-host disease and possible new leukemias.

The study, involving samples from patients with AML and their stem cell donors, suggests such rare, harmful mutations are present in surprisingly young donors and can cause problems for recipients even if the mutations are so rare as to be undetectable in the donor by typical genome sequencing techniques. The research opens the door to a larger study that will investigate these rare mutations in many more healthy donors, potentially leading to ways to prevent or mitigate the health effects of such genetic errors in patients receiving stem cell transplants.

There have been suspicions that genetic errors in donor stem cells may be causing problems in cancer patients, but until now we didnt have a way to identify them because they are so rare, said senior author Todd E. Druley, MD, PhD, an associate professor of pediatrics. This study raises concerns that even young, healthy donors blood stem cells may have harmful mutations and provides strong evidence that we need to explore the potential effects of these mutations further.

Added co-author Sima T. Bhatt, MD, an assistant professor of pediatrics who treats pediatric patients with blood cancers at Siteman Kids at St. Louis Childrens Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine: Transplant physicians tend to seek younger donors because we assume this will lead to fewer complications. But we now see evidence that even young and healthy donors can have mutations that will have consequences for our patients. We need to understand what those consequences are if we are to find ways to modify them.

The study analyzed bone marrow from 25 adult patients with AML whose samples had been stored in a repository at Washington University. Samples from their healthy matched donors, who were unrelated to the patients, also were sequenced. The donors samples were provided by the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research in Milwaukee.

The 25 AML patients were chosen because they each had had samples banked at four separate times: before the transplant, at 30 days post-transplant, at 100 days post-transplant, and one year post-transplant.

Druley co-invented a technique called error-corrected sequencing, to identify extremely rare DNA mutations that would be missed by conventional genome sequencing. Typical next-generation sequencing techniques can correctly identify a mutation that is present in one in 100 cells. The new method, which can distinguish between true mutations and mistakes introduced by the sequencing machine, allows the researchers to find true mutations that are extremely rare those present in as few as one in 10,000 cells.

The healthy donors ranged in age from 20 to 58, with an average age of 26. The researchers sequenced 80 genes known to be associated with AML, and they identified at least one harmful genetic mutation in 11 of the 25 donors, or 44%. They further showed that 84% of all the various mutations identified in the donors samples were potentially harmful, and that 100% of the harmful mutations present in the donors later were found in the recipients. These harmful mutations also persisted over time, and many increased in frequency. Such data suggest the harmful mutations from the donor confer a survival advantage to the cells that harbor them.

We didnt expect this many young, healthy donors to have these types of mutations, Druley said. We also didnt expect 100% of the harmful mutations to be engrafted into the recipients. That was striking.

According to the researchers, the study raises questions about the origins of some of the well-known side effects of stem cell transplantation.

We see a trend between mutations from the donor that persist over time and the development of chronic graft-versus-host disease, said first author Wing Hing Wong, a doctoral student in Druleys lab. We plan to examine this more closely in a larger study.

Though the study was not large enough to establish a causal link, the researchers found that 75% of the patients who received at least one harmful mutation in the 80 genes that persisted over time developed chronic graft-versus-host disease. Among patients who did not receive mutations in the 80 genes, about 50% developed the condition. Because the study was small, this difference was not statistically significant, but it is evidence that the association should be studied more closely. In general, about half of all patients who receive a stem cell transplant go on to develop some form of graft-versus-host disease.

The most common mutation seen in the donors and the cancer patients studied is in a gene associated with heart disease. Healthy people with mutations in this gene are at higher risk of heart attack due to plaque buildup in the arteries.

We know that cardiac dysfunction is a major complication after a bone marrow transplant, but its always been attributed to toxicity from radiation or chemotherapy, Druley said. Its never been linked to mutations in the blood-forming cells. We cant make this claim definitively, but we have data to suggest we should study that in much more detail.

Added Bhatt: Now that weve also linked these mutations to graft-versus-host disease and cardiovascular problems, we have a larger study planned that we hope will answer some of the questions posed by this one.

This work was supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant number R01CA211711; the Hyundai Quantum Award; the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar Award; the Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation; and the Kellsies Hope Foundation. The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research is supported by a Public Health Service Grant/Cooperative Agreement from the NCI, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), grant number 5U24CA076518; a Grant/Cooperative Agreement from NHLBI and NCI, grant number 1U24HL138660; a contract with Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA/DHHS), number HHSH250201700006C; and the Office of Naval Research, grant numbers N00014-17-1-2388, N00014-17-1-2850 and N00014-18-1-2045. Support also was provided by a UKRI future leaders fellowship and by a CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme group leader grant.

The Washington University Office of Technology Management has filed a patent application for Ultra-rare Variant Detection from Next-generation Sequencing, which has been licensed by Canopy Biosciences as RareSeq. Druley is a coinventor on this patent. Canopy Biosciences was not involved in the generation of the data presented.

Wong WH, Bhatt S, Trinkaus K, Pusic I, Elliott K, Mahajan N, Wan F, Switzer GE, Confer DL, DiPersio J, Pulsipher MA, Shah NN, Sees J, Bystry A, Blundell JR, Shaw BE, Druley TE. Engraftment of rare, pathogenic donor hematopoietic mutations in unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Science Translational Medicine. Jan. 15, 2020.

Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

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Mutations in donors' stem cells may cause problems for cancer patients - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Regenerative Medicine Market 2026: Product Approvals and Growing Pipeline of Regenerative Medicine P –

Future Trends, Drivers & Opportunity: Rising Demand for Organ Transplantation, Implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act, Rising Government Investments in Regenerative Medicine Research, Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Genetic Disorders

Regenerative Medicine Market Analysis:

Global Regenerative Medicine Market was valued at USD 19.10 Billion in 2018 and is expected to witness a growth of 22.72% from 2019-2026 and reach USD 98.10 Billion by 2026.

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What is Regenerative Medicine Market?

The field of regenerative medicine comprises of abundant strategies, which mainly includes use of materials and de novo generated cells, as well as various amalgamations thereof, to substitute the lost tissue, efficiently replacing it both anatomically and functionally, or to contribute to tissue restoration. The main objective of regenerative medicine is to propagate replacement tissue or organs for patients who have sustained an injury or have had a disease that permanently damaged their tissue. National Institutes of Health defines regenerative medicine as a process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function lost due to age, disease, damage, or congenital defects.

Regenerative Medicine can be perceived as an interdisciplinary field of research and clinical applications which mainly focuses on the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells, tissues or organs. Regenerative Medicine mainly restores impaired function resulting from any cause. Regenerative medicine has the ability to rectify or substitute tissues and organs impaired by age, disease, or trauma, as well as to normalize congenital defects.

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Regenerative Medicine Market Outlook

Over the last decade, stem cell biology has experienced a breakthrough in scientific and technological developments that will together have foremost and continuing influence on regenerative medicine. These entails capability to produce pluripotent stem cells from adult body cells and to cultivate mini-organs from these or from adult stem cells in well-defined culture conditions. Both methodologies offer ways to develop functional cells of human tissue that could be used for transplantation and tissue repair.

Government policies favoring regenerative medicine is one of the major reasons which has been driving the market growth. The European Union (EU) and Dutch government have prioritized regenerative medicine as an area of key strategic relevance. Apart from this, rapid increase in aged population has also boomed the market in North American region. The North Carolina Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society is an organization in the U.S. working to improve and advance basic research, commercial development and education in the field of regenerative medicine. In the U.S., two major government agencies NIH and CIRM gather funds for academic translational stem cell research and regenerative medicine development. Increasing global healthcare expenditure is also expected to fuel the market.

Lack of awareness and ethical issues regarding the use of Embryonic Stem Cell for R&D is expected to hinder the market for regenerative medicine. The market growth rate is highly influenced by the adoption rate of cell therapy in the market, as it is an integral part of regenerative medicine. After conducting a survey, following statistics were fetched in terms of major hindrances in stem cell research.

A survey was conducted and the respondents had above rating on a scale of 1-5, where 1 stands for not limiting and 5 stands for major limitation. Respondents rated Expense as the most limiting hindrance in stem cell research. Thus, high cost of investment could be one of the major restraints of the market followed by issues of assay sensitivity, robustness and reproducibility; difficulty of culture/propagation; and then difficulty of handling.

Global Regenerative Medicine Market Segmentation

The Global Regenerative Medicine Market is classified on the basis of Therapy, Product, Application and Region. The gist of breaking down the market into various segments is to gather the information about various aspects of the market. On the basis of Therapy, the market is bifurcated on the basis of Cell Therapy, Immunotherapy, Tissue Engineering, and Gene Therapy. The Cell Therapy is expected to be dominating in the market. The reason for this could be growing stem cell research and development.

In terms of Product, the market study encompasses various aspects such cell-based products and acellular products. Growing funding for new stem cell lines is boosting the growth of cell-based products in the global market. With growing R&D work occurring in Asian countries, the Asia Pacific region will grow at the fastest pace. Another reason for the growth rate could be rising awareness and establishments of bio-banks/stem cell banks.

Regenerative Medicine Market Competitive Landscape

The Regenerative Medicine Market study report offers a valuable insight with an emphasis on global market including some of the major players such as Organogenesis Inc., Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., Vericel Corporation, Stryker Corporation and NuVasive, Inc. Our market analysis also entails a section solely dedicated for such major players wherein our analysts provide an insight to the financial statements of all the major players, along with its product benchmarking and SWOT analysis. The competitive landscape section also includes key development strategies, market share and market ranking analysis of the above mentioned players globally.

Analyst View:

Since tissue engineering and regenerative medicine arose as an industry about two decades ago, a wide range of therapies have received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization of commercial availability. Advent of stem cells have boomed the market for regenerative medicine. Geopolitical policies have increased the scope for regenerative medicine.

The case of Japan justifies the attention it has been getting lately. The Japans initiative that included the reform of law based on regenerative medicine is attracting business toward the country. The creation of the Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine (FIRM) in 2014, comprising 185 firms as of January 2016, and the participation of an increasing number of organizations from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Australia, represented a significant breakthrough.

The field of regenerative medicine is expected to provide new opportunities bring numerous opportunities across. Various key industry players have come ahead to invest in regenerative medicine. The concept of regenerative medicine is actively being implemented in across various applications such as Oncology, Cardiology, Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal Disorders, etc.

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Decision Market Reports is a one-stop solution, covers market research studies of all the industries, companies and regions. DMR aims at providing quality research, and insights about every market to helps our clients in taking right decisions. Our repository consists of most trending industry reports, niche areas, and leading company profiles. A comprehensive collection of reports is updated daily to offer hassle-free access to our latest updated report databases.

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Regenerative Medicine Market 2026: Product Approvals and Growing Pipeline of Regenerative Medicine P -

Global Cell Expansion Market by Type, Share Analysis, Top Players Eyeing to Penetrate Into Emerging Nations with Untapped Opportunities 2024 …

Executive Summary

A comprehensive research report created through extensive primary research (inputs from industry experts, companies, stakeholders) and secondary research, the report aims to present the analysis of cell expansion market. The report analyses the Global Cell Expansion Market: Analysis By Product Type (Instruments, Consumables, Disposables), By Cell Type (Human Cell and Animal Cell), By Application (Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Cancer and Cell Based Research), By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa), (U.S, Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Japan, China, India): Opportunities and Forecast (2019 Edition): Forecast to 2024, for the historical period of 2018-2019 and the forecast period of 2019-2024.

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According to research report Global Cell Expansion Market: Analysis By Product Type (Instruments, Consumables, Disposables), By Cell Type (Human Cell and Animal Cell), By Application (Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Cancer and Cell Based Research), By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa), (U.S, Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Japan, China, India): Opportunities and Forecast (2019 Edition): Forecast to 2024-, the cell expansion market is projected to display a robust growth represented by a CAGR of 17.33% during 2019 2024.

Over the recent years, cell expansion market has been witnessing considerable growth directly on the back of increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, etc. Moreover, factors such as increasing investment in healthcare research, growing government initiatives, increasing adoption rate of new and technically instruments, rapidly evolving applicable segment market has been providing momentum to the overall market growth of cell expansion.

In addition, increasing demand for technically advanced products such as automated cell expansion systems and increasing number of cell GMP-certified cell expansion facilities are anticipated to fuel the market growth in forecasted period. However, recalls due to product failures have been hindering the market growth.

The report titled Global Cell Expansion Market: Analysis By Product Type (Instruments, Consumables, Disposables), By Cell Type (Human Cell and Animal Cell), By Application (Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Cancer and Cell Based Research), By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa), (U.S, Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Japan, China, India): Opportunities and Forecast (2019 Edition): Forecast to 2024:-has covered and analysed the potential of cell expansion market and provides statistics and information on market size, shares and growth factors. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment evaluation. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses the emerging trends along with major drivers, challenges and opportunities. Additionally, the report also highlights market entry strategies for various companies.

More about Report:

Scope of the ReportGlobal Cell Expansion Market (actual period:2014-2018)(forecast period:2019-2024)Cell Expansion Market Size, Growth, Forecast Analysis By Product Type: Instruments, Consumables, Disposables. Analysis By Cell Type: Human Cells and Animal Cells. Analysis By Application Type: Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Cancer and Cell Based Research.

Regional Cell Expansion Market North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa (actual period:2014-2018)(forecast period:2019-2024)Cell Expansion Market Size, Growth, Forecast Analysis By Product Type: Instruments, Consumables, Disposables. Analysis By Cell Type: Human Cells and Animal Cells. Analysis By Application Type: Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Cancer and Cell Based Research.

Country Cell Expansion Market U.S., Canada, Germany, U.K, France, China, Japan, India (actual period:2014-2018)(forecast period:2019-2024)Cell Expansion Market Size, Growth, Forecast Analysis By Product Type: Instruments, Consumables, Disposables. Analysis By Cell Type: Human Cells and Animal Cells. Analysis By Application Type: Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and Cancer and Cell Based Research.

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Other Report HighlightsMarket Dynamics Drivers and Restraints.Market Trends.Porter Five Forces Analysis.SWOT Analysis.Company Analysis Merck Millipore, Eppendorf, ThermoFisher Scientific, Becton Dickinson, Danaher Corporation, Corning Inc., Terumo Medical Corporation, CellGenix Technologie Transfer GmbH, Synthecon Inc., Stem Cell Technologies Inc.

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The report could be customized according to the clients specific research requirements. No additional cost will be required to pay for limited additional research.

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Global Cell Expansion Market by Type, Share Analysis, Top Players Eyeing to Penetrate Into Emerging Nations with Untapped Opportunities 2024 ...

Introducing Generate Life Sciences – A First-Of-Its-Kind Company Focused On Helping Grow And Protect Healthy Families – PRNewswire

Generate serves families from preconception to post-birth throughout the significant and highly personalized journey of building a family and protecting their children's health. Built upon the pillars of innovation, access, and connection, Generate has already helped grow and protect nearly 1 million families around the world.

Our legacy brands CBR, California Cryobank, and Donor Egg Bank USA are pioneering leaders in their respective fields and continue to set industry standards for innovation, scientific excellence, and customer focus. Generate is furthering the impact of this life sciences platform with the addition of advanced pediatric genetic testing, US distribution of reproductive medical devices and proprietary healthcare technology through the respective brands ReadyGen (pediatric genetic screening powered by Sema4), Kitazato USA (medical device distribution), and Donor Application (proprietary software for reproductive clinics).

"Our brands are leaders in each of their categories; as a life sciences platform, we are uniquely positioned to give clients access to the full range of expertise and services needed to create and support healthy families," said Richard Jennings, Chief Executive Officer. "Generate helps its clients realize their dreams of having a baby and provides access to scientific innovations in stem cells and genetic services that improve the lives of families around the world."

With the substantial growth in single parenting by choice and LGBTQ+ family building, as well as a trend towards having children later in life, Generate's reproductive health services have never been in higher demand. Similarly, advances in stem cell therapies and research into regenerative medicine have emphasized the importance and increased the awareness and interest in storing newborn stem cells with CBR.

"Generate Life Sciences is positioned to play an increasingly important role in protecting families as regenerative medicine and new genetic testing platforms open the door to the future of personalized medical treatments," said Jaime Shamonki, MD, Chief Medical Officer. "Uniting key elements of the family-building experience under Generate will give our clients peace of mind, convenient access, and exceptional support throughout this significant time in their lives. This organization has collectively helped create nearly 100,000 families and provides access to invaluable long-term health benefits to almost a million more. For us, Generate represents more than just good business; it is advancing scientific innovations that help the future of humanity."

"The journey to parenthood has evolved over the years, but the end goal is the same people want to have children and they want to keep them safe and healthy. In the modern age, we have advanced the science and technology available to help individuals grow their families and be more proactive in planning for their future health," said Michael J. Levy, MD, IVF Director and Co-Founder, Shady Grove Fertility. "That is where Generate Life Sciences becomes a trusted partner for clients from pre-conception through post-birth. From donor egg and donor sperm to newborn stem cell services and genetic testing, Generate is there every step of the way. And the possibilities are endless."

"Generate Life Sciences made our dream of becoming parents a reality. From helping us choose our amazing California Cryobank sperm donor for our twin girls, to rushing a CBR cord blood collection kit for our son when my wife went into early labor, they have always gone above and beyond to help. We look to Generate as a trustworthy partner we can rely on for these very personal and private moments in our lives," said Sharon Kochlany & Vanessa Colimorio, customers of Generate.

Generate Life Sciences BrandsGenerate Life Sciences is a company of established, trustworthy brands founded and grown over 40 years by experts in reproductive medicine, newborn stem cell services, and genetics. Those brands include:

Newborn Stem Cell Services CBR (Cord Blood Registry): CBR has stored newborn stem cells (stem cells collected from cord blood and cord tissue) for almost 30 years.

Reproductive ServicesCalifornia Cryobank Donor Sperm Bank:California Cryobank is a pioneer and industry leader in donor sperm banking, offering the most rigorously screened donors, largest selection, and scientific expertise for more than 40 years.

Donor Egg Bank USA:Donor Egg Bank is a true leader in its category, maintaining the highest clinical pregnancy rate in the industry, while growing the largest frozen donor egg program in the United States.

NW Cryobank:For over 30 years, NW Cryobank has been helping couples, single women, and the LGBTQ+ community create happy, healthy families.

Genetic Services ReadyGen:Powered by Sema4, ReadyGen is an innovative and advanced pediatric screening test that empowers parents to further protect their children by delivering clinically actionable and personalized health insights.

Medical Devices and Healthcare TechnologyKitazato USA:Kitazato USA by California Cryobank is the exclusive distributor of Kitazato products in the US, offering devices for human assisted reproductive medicine from the innovator of the Cryotop Method vitrification technique.

Donor Application: Proprietary software providingdonor screening and recipient matching services on a HIPAA compliant platform.

About Generate Life SciencesGenerate Life Sciences (Generate)is a life sciences company helping to grow and protect families through reproductive, newborn stem cell, genetic screening, medical device, and healthcare technology services. We serve families from preconception to post-birth. Our brands - CBR (Cord Blood Registry), California Cryobank Donor Sperm Bank, Donor Egg Bank USA, NW Cryobank, ReadyGen, Kitazato USA, and Donor Application are pioneering leaders, helping to grow and protect nearly 1 million families. Headquartered in Los Angeles, Generate operates facilities in Tucson, New York, Boston, Palo Alto, and Rockville, MD. Generate is a portfolio company of GI Partners, a private investment firm based in San Francisco.

Media ContactsMonica Rohledermedia@generatelifesciences.com847-606-1973

SOURCE Generate Life Sciences


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Introducing Generate Life Sciences - A First-Of-Its-Kind Company Focused On Helping Grow And Protect Healthy Families - PRNewswire

Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Action Awards to be Presented at World Stem Cell Summit on January 23 at the Hyatt Regency Miami – GlobeNewswire

Miami, FL, Jan. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The formal ceremony of the 2020 Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Action Awards will take place at a gala reception and dinner on January 23, during the 15th annual World Stem Cell Summit (WSCS) at the Hyatt Regency in Miami. Since 2005, the nonprofit Regenerative Medicine Foundation (RMF) (formerly Genetics Policy Institute) has recognized the stem cell and regenerative medicine community's leading innovators, leaders, and champions through its annual awards reception.

Bernard Siegel, Executive Director of Regenerative Medicine Foundation and founder of the World Stem Cell Summit, said, The 2020 Action Awards will recognize three important organizations that are positively impacting the emerging field of regenerative medicine. We will also honor a retired Major General, who has capped off his military and diplomatic career by promoting the cause of world peace through medicine. All of these distinguished honorees will be recognized for their devotion to improving health and developing cures through advocacy, innovation, leadership and inspiration. In addition, the wounded warrior veterans community of South Florida will also receive special recognition at the event.

Meet the 2020 Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Action Award Honorees:

Innovation Award: With the motto, We will not rest until we find a cure, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is geared towards the successful development and delivery of treatments, therapies and a cure for every person with cystic fibrosis. CF Foundation has added decades to the lives of people with the disease as a direct result of advances in treatment and care made possible through its innovative business model- venture philanthropy. The Foundation recently unveiled its Path to a Cure research agenda aimed at addressing the root genetic cause of the disease and is currently funding industry programs aimed at gene delivery with the goal of progressing into clinical studies in 2021.

Inspiration Award: Emily Whitehead Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to raising funds to invest in the most promising pediatric cancer research. Tom and Kari Whitehead founded EWF in honor of their daughter Emily, the first child in the world to receive CAR T-cell therapy, training her own cells to fight cancer. Her inspiring story focused public attention on thepotential for cancer immunotherapy to transform cancer treatment,as well as the need to support lifesaving cancer immunotherapy research. The foundation provides support to pediatric cancer patients and promotes awareness of the disease through education and sharing other inspiring stories.

Advocacy Award: Gift of Life Marrow Registry was established in 1991 by Jay Feinberg and his family after Jay received a life-saving bone marrow transplant. Gift of Life is dedicated to saving lives and facilitating bone marrow and blood stem cell transplants for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell and other diseases. In 2019, Gift of Life opened the worlds first apheresis center fully integrated within a registry, the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Gift of Life-Be The Match Stem Cell Collection Center. With the collection center and rapidly expanding donor database, Gift of Life will launch a biobank to advance cellular therapies using allogeneically sourced cells in 2020.

Leadership Award: Ret. Major General Bernard Burn Loeffke, PhD (US Military) is a highly decorated Special Forces officer, diplomat and medical officer.He survived two helicopter crashes and was wounded in combat. After the Vietnam War, he served as the Army Attach at theU.S. Embassy in Moscow, first Defense Attach at the U.S Embassy in Beijing, a staff officer in theWhite House, and Director of the Commission onWhite House Fellows. His last command was Commanding General of Army South. After 35 years in the military, he became a medical officer traveling the world on relief missions to third and fourth world countries. Presently, at age 85, he champions the hydrocephalus and wounded warrior communities. He continues to serve as an inspiration and supporter of building peaceful international relations through medical partnerships and played a pivotal role as a keynote speaker at the inaugural 2019 World Stem Cell Summit CHINA.He is called the Peace General in Latin America. In China, he is simply known as The General, our Friend.

To learn more about past honorees and details for sponsoring or attending the upcoming 2020 Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Action Awards dinner, please visit,

About the World Stem Cell Summit (WSCS)

Produced by the non-profit Regenerative Medicine Foundation (RMF), and in its 15th year, the World Stem Cell Summit will take place January 21-24, 2020, in Miami, Florida in partnership with Phacilitate Leaders World, as part of Advanced Therapies Week. The Summit is the most inclusive and expansive interdisciplinary, networking, and partnering meeting in the stem cell science and regenerative medicine field. With the overarching purpose of fostering translation of biomedical research, funding, and investments targeting cures, the Summit and co-located conferences serve a diverse ecosystem of stakeholders. For more information about the upcoming World Stem Cell Summit in Miami, please visit:

About the Regenerative Medicine Foundation (RMF)

The nonprofit Regenerative Medicine Foundation fosters strategic collaborations to accelerate the development of regenerative medicine to improve health and deliver cures. RMF unites the worlds leading researchers, medical centers, universities, labs, businesses, funders, policymakers, experts in law, regulation and ethics, medical philanthropies, and patient organizations. We maintain a trusted network of leaders and pursue our mission by producing our flagship World Stem Cell Summit series of conferences and public days, honoring leaders through the Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Action Awards, supporting our official journal partner STEM CELLS Translational Medicine (SCTM), promoting solution-focused policy initiatives both nationally and internationally and creating STEM/STEAM educational projects. For more information about RMF, please visit:

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Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Action Awards to be Presented at World Stem Cell Summit on January 23 at the Hyatt Regency Miami - GlobeNewswire