Category Archives: Stem Cell Treatment

Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market with Future Prospects, Key Player SWOT Analysis and Forecast To 2024 – Tech Estate Today

Canine Stem Cell Therapy market report examines the short-and medium-term economic and profitability outlook for Canine Stem Cell Therapy industry..

The Global Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market is poised to grow strong during the forecast period 2017 to 2027. Canine Stem Cell Therapy market is the definitive study of the global Canine Stem Cell Therapy industry. The report content includes technology, industry drivers, geographic trends, market statistics, market forecasts, producers, and raw material/equipment suppliers.

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The Canine Stem Cell Therapy industry study concludes with a list of leading companies/suppliers operating in this industry at different stages of the value chain.

List of key players profiled in the report:

VETSTEM BIOPHARMA , Cell Therapy Sciences , Regeneus Ltd. , Aratana Therapeutics , Medivet Biologics LLC , Okyanos , Vetbiologics , VetMatrix , Magellan Stem Cells , ANIMAL CELL THERAPIES, INC , ,

By Product TypeAllogeneic Stem Cells, Autologous Stem cells ,

By ApplicationArthritis, Dysplasia, Tendonitis, Lameness, Others

By End UserVeterinary Hospitals, Veterinary Clinics, Veterinary Research Institutes




If you are planning to invest into new products or trying to understand this growing market, this report is your starting point.

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The Canine Stem Cell Therapy market research report provides a concise and clear overview of this complex and often dynamic industry. The report dives into the trends in the specialty Canine Stem Cell Therapy industry by looking at the market from a regional perspective, application perspective, and materials point of view. As a market with significant growth potential, we look not only at the market today, but also at how it will develop over the next three years and the trends and developments that will drive growth.

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Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market with Future Prospects, Key Player SWOT Analysis and Forecast To 2024 - Tech Estate Today

StemGenex – Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cell Treatments, Stem …

Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a degenerative disease involving the deterioration of nerve cells. MS attacks the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.

Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the patients immune system generates cellular and antibody responses to substances and tissues normally present in the body.

In each condition there is chronic obstruction of the flow of air through the airways and out of the lungs, and the obstruction generally is permanent and may be progressive over time.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the bodys own tissues, specifically the synovium, a thin membrane lining the joints. As a result, joint fluid builds up, causing pain in the joints and inflammation thats systemic.

Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurological disease that affects nerve cells (neurons) in an area of the brain known as the substantia nigra.

Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It is caused by the degradation of a joints cartilage.

With the onset of Alzheimers disease, information transfer at the synapses (the connection between the nerve cells and extensions) starts to break down, and the number of synapses decreases significantly.

Diabetes is the condition in which the body does not properly process food for use as energy. When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should.

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StemGenex - Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cell Treatments, Stem ...

Cutting Edge Exosome Regenerative Therapy Comes to Yelm’s AM Medical – ThurstonTalk

When embryonic Stem Cell therapy was first discovered in 1998, it changed the face of medicine. The idea of being able to regenerate and replace damaged cells seemed futuristic at the time, yet today such treatments are commonplace. Now, science has taken another quantum leap this time into the nano-sized world of exosomes, tiny bubbles that grow out of cell walls and contain much of the information contained within the cell including Growth factors, microRNA and messenger RNA. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) exosome therapy is currently one of the hottest trends in regenerative medicine, one that patients at AM Medical in Yelm can now experience.

Everyone has heard of stem cell therapy, but it turns out that its not the stem cells that are doing the work, says Dr. Ana Mihalcea, President of AM Medical. Its the exosomes that carry the information of regeneration. Infused stem cells, attach to blood vessel walls, and then give off exosomes.

Exosomes have several key differences from stem cells; they do not get removed from the circulation like stem cells, which are in the body for less than 72 hours before they get destroyed by the immune system; they do not produce a rejection reaction because they are not a cell and contain no DNA, and they pass the blood brain barrier, Mihalcea notes. In a study on stroke scientists fluorescently tagged exosomes, and the infused exosomes went exactly to the region where the stroke had occurred, she adds. The same was not true of stem cells as they do not cross the blood brain barrier.

As a result of their powerful cargo, exosomes can be used to address a multitude of conditions, including arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular and neurogenerative diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers. Old cells can be reprogrammed by MSC exosomes as the target cells can transcribe the microRNA into functional proteins. Just like a virus, the exosome information of the young stem cells can infect the old cells with Youth, explains Mihalcea.

Spinal cord injuries are an area in which exosomes have produced dramatic results. Mihalcea cites the example of Dr. Douglas J. Spiels Interventional Pain Specialty Practice in NJ. Dr. Spiel has been able to rehabilitate spinal cord injuries with Exosome infusions into the spine and intravenously, she says. After several weeks, hes had patients regain muscle strength and sensation. These are prolonged, ongoing regenerative effects that continued to improve for months after the infusion.

When it comes to autoimmune diseases, inflammation plays a key role. Again, exosomes are able to reduce the problem by downregulating inflammation. TGF Beta 3 [Transforming growth factor beta-3] is the most important anti-inflammatory protein in the body and is abundant in MSC exosomes says Mihalcea. Many more Growth factors for blood vessel growth, neuronal and other tissue growth are present, allowing regenerative effects in all organ systems including skin wounds and burns.

The exosomes at AM Medical come from a laboratory in Florida that conducted pioneering research in the field. They come from perinatal mesenchymal stem cells and are scanned for any possible viruses to ensure their safety. Once harvested, the exosomes are concentrated so they can be infused in large doses.

For patients who qualify, the infusion process takes 10 to 15 minutes. Already, its been producing results for AM Medical patients. Weve had people with arthritis and chronic pain who had great responses, Mihalcea notes. There is an overall increase in wellbeing and sense of rejuvenation that is definitely noticeable.

Perhaps one of the largest sources of excitement over exosomes has to do with their anti-aging effects. Recently, ideas about the root causes of aging have been evolving, according to Mihalcea. Its been thought that aging occurs due to multiple different reasons like stem cell exhaustion, epigenetic changes, telomere shortening and others, she explains. It turns out that exosomes can modify almost all the hallmarks of aging. Theyre changing epigenetic expression to youthful function, and there are many potential applications. This is a new frontier in regenerative medicine that can help many people.

Learn more by watching Dr. Ana Mihalceas video on Exosomes The New Frontier Part 1: Longevity and Age reversal or reading further on the AM Medical website.


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Cutting Edge Exosome Regenerative Therapy Comes to Yelm's AM Medical - ThurstonTalk

Five recent drug target discoveries for pancreatic cancer – Drug Target Review

This article highlights some of the most recent drug target discoveries that could be used to develop and design a treatment for pancreatic cancer.

Scientists investigating pancreatic cancer have identified new targets which, with further research, could be the basis for developing future therapies. Listed below are five of the most recent target discoveries, in order of their journal publication dates, with the newest first.

Scientists at the Queen Mary University of London, UK and Zhengzhou University, China have developed a personalised vaccine system that may be able to delay the onset of pancreatic cancer.

Cells taken from mice, mutated chemically into pancreatic cancer cells and then infected with Adenovirus (AdV) as a prime or Vaccinia virus (VV) as a boost, create a vaccine product. The virus kills the cancerous cells in such a way that their antigens are released and are therefore able to prime the immune system to prevent pancreatic cancer returning.

Injection of the virus-infected cells into mice destined to develop pancreatic cancer doubled their survival rate, compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. The vaccine also delayed the onset of the condition in these mice.

Using cells from the recipient of the vaccine enables the immune system to respond to the exact antigens seen in tumour cells of the individual, resulting in a vaccine regime tailored to them.

Through this international collaboration, we have made progress towards the development of a prophylactic cancer vaccine against pancreatic cancer, said Professor Yaohe Wang, leader of the study, from Queen Mary University of London and the Sino-British Research Centre at Zhengzhou University in China.

Researchers at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in the US have identified that a combination of two anti-cancer compounds, already approved for use to treat other cancers, shrank pancreatic tumours in mice.

Our study identifies a potential treatment combination that can immediately be tested against these aggressive tumours. We are already meeting with oncologists at Oregon Health & Science University, US to discuss how to advance this discovery into clinical evaluation, explained Dr Zeev Ronai, a professor in Sanford Burnham Prebys Tumor Initiation and Maintenance Program, also senior author of the study.

Scientists used L-asparaginase to starve pancreatic tumours of asparagine, an amino acid required by cells for protein synthesis. However, the tumour cells did not die, instead switching on a stress response pathway whereby they could produce asparagine themselves. Scientists then used an MEK inhibitor to block the stress response pathway, causing the pancreatic tumour to shrink.

L-asparaginase is already US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved to treat leukaemias and similarly the MEK inhibitor is approved for the treatment of solid tumours, including melanoma skin cancer.

This research lays the basis for the inhibition of pancreatic tumour growth by a combined synergistic attack based on asparagine restriction and MAPK signalling inhibition, says Dr Eytan Ruppin, chief of the Cancer Data Science Library at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and co-author of the study.

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Germany have identified that YME1L, a protease in the membrane of mitochondria, is activated when a cell uses glycolysis to produce energy anaerobically.

scientists were able to reduce tumour growth by switching off the glycolysis signalling pathway in the mitochondria

Cells adapt to oxygen deficiency by switching their energy supply to glycolysis, which ferments sugar without oxygen. This switch is often necessary in old age, as the cells in the body become poorly supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

Cancer cells can also face this problem; prior to angiogenesis, tumours are poorly perfused and so the tissue is deprived of oxygen. Oxidative stress in tumours drives the switch-on of multiple pathways. This includes the glycolysis pathway that alters the behaviour of the mitochondria to provide tumour cells with energy despite being starved of oxygen.

Scientists found that the YME1L protease is activated during the conversion to glycolysis. YME1L appears altered and breaks down various proteins in the organelles, preventing the formation of new mitochondria and causing the remaining organelles to change their metabolism. This process eventually stops as YME1L begins to degrade itself at high activity.

Researchers examined cancer cells originating from patients with pancreatic tumours and were able to reduce tumour growth by switching off the glycolysis signalling pathway in the mitochondria, with reproducible results both in the petri dish and in pancreatic tumours in mice.

There is currently no treatment available for pancreatic cancer. I believe that this protease can be a very interesting therapeutic target because we have seen that the signalling pathway is also active in human patients with pancreatic cancer, explained Thomas Langer, the Max Planck Director, continuing: However, there are no known substances that have an effect on this protease.

Researchers at the Crick Institute have identified cancer stem cells as a driver of pancreatic cancer growth. These cells can metastasise and differentiate into different tumour types to continue the spread of cancer.

Cancer stem cells appear at all stages of cancer growth so being able to identify where they are present could be vital in both targeting cancer and developing new treatments, according to the researchers. Analysis of gene expression in the cancer stem cells identified a protein, CD9, is present on tumour surfaces during development and when it is more established. This protein could therefore be used as a marker to help locate these cells.

A further development of the study established that this protein is not just a marker of cancer stem cells, but also promotes their malignant behaviour. By altering the amount of CD9 in tumour cells in mice, researchers found that reduced levels of this protein caused smaller tumours to form and increasing levels of CD9 created more aggressive cells able to form large tumours quickly.

These cells are vital to pancreatic cancer and if even just a few of them survive chemotherapy, the cancer is able to bounce back. We need to find effective ways to remove these cells and so stop them from fuelling cancer growth. However, we need more experiments to validate the importance of CD9 in human pancreatic cancer, says Victoria Wang, lead author and member of the Adult Stem Cell Laboratory at the Crick Institute.

A look into cancer stem cell metabolism also revealed CD9 increases the rate tumour cells take up glutamine, an amino acid which helps provide energy for cancer growth.

Now we know this protein is both linked to cancer stem cells and helps cancer growth, this could guide the development of new treatments that are targeted at the protein and so cut off the supply of glutamine to cancer stem cells, effectively starving the cancer, says Axel Behrens, corresponding author and group leader in the Adult Stem Cell Laboratory at the Crick Institute.

Scientists at Tel Aviv University, Israel have found that PJ34, a small molecule, causes human pancreatic cancer cells to self-destruct. The researchers tested PJ34 on xenografts (transplants) of human pancreatic tumours in mice.

this mechanism also exists in other types of cancer and therefore the treatment could be valuable for use on those resistant to current therapies

The mice were treated with a molecule called PJ34, which is permeable in the cell membrane but affects human cancer cells exclusively. This molecule causes an anomaly during the duplication of human cancer cells, provoking their rapid cell death. Thus, cell multiplication itself resulted in cell death in the treated cancer cells, explains Professor Malca Cohen-Armon, project lead at Tel Aviv Universitys Sackler Faculty of Medicine.

The treatment consisted of daily PJ34 injections for 14 days and four weeks later there was a relative drop of 90 percent in the number of cancer cells within the tumours of the mice. Cohen-Armon also noted there were no adverse side-effects observed in the mice.

This mechanism similarly exists in other types of cancer and therefore the treatment could be valuable for use on those resistant to current therapies. The molecule PJ34 is being tested in pre-clinical trials according to FDA regulations before clinical trials begin.

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Five recent drug target discoveries for pancreatic cancer - Drug Target Review

Immunotherapy drug improves outcomes for some children with relapsed leukemia – National Institutes of Health

News Release

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New findings from a clinical trial show that treatment with the immunotherapy drug blinatumomab is superior to standard chemotherapy for children and young adults with high- or intermediate-risk B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) that has relapsed. Those treated with blinatumomab had longer survival, experienced fewer severe side effects, had a higher rate of undetectable residual disease, and were more likely to proceed to a stem cell transplant.

Our study demonstrates that immunotherapy with blinatumomab is more effective and less toxic than chemotherapy as a bridge to curative bone marrow transplant for children and young adults with very aggressive relapse of B-ALL, said Patrick Brown, M.D., who chaired the trial and is director of the Pediatric Leukemia Program at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Baltimore. We are thrilled that these patients, whose survival has not substantially improved for decades, now have a new and better standard of care.

The findings were presented as a late-breaking abstract at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting on Dec. 10, 2019. The trial was led by the Childrens Oncology Group (COG), part of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)sponsored National Clinical Trials Network. NCI is part of the National Institutes of Health. Amgen reviewed the trial protocol and amendments and provided the study drug under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with NCI.

These findings will likely have immediate impact on the treatment of this group of children and young adults with relapsed B-ALL, said Malcolm Smith, M.D., Ph.D., associate branch chief for pediatric oncology in NCIs Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, which sponsored the trial. These results also reinforce the important role that federally funded clinical trials play in developing more effective treatments for children with cancer.

When children have B-ALL that relapses after their initial treatment, they are typically given chemotherapy. The first four to six weeks of chemotherapy, the reinduction phase, is commonly followed by additional intensive chemotherapy, or consolidation treatment, to further reduce disease levels. Following this, hematopoietic stem cell transplant is considered the best treatment for approximately half of patients, based on factors such as whether relapse occurred during initial treatment or shortly after it was completed.

However, chemotherapy can produce severe side effects in some patients and is sometimes ineffective in reducing leukemia levels to the low levels needed prior to transplant. As a result, patients may not be able to proceed to transplant or transplant may be delayed, which increases the risk that the leukemia will return.

The COG study investigated blinatumomab as an alternative type of consolidation treatment to follow the reinduction phase. Blinatumomab is a type of immunotherapy that works by binding to two different molecules: CD19, a protein, or antigen, expressed on the surface of B-ALL cells, and CD3, an antigen expressed on T cells. By bringing T cells close to leukemia cells, the immunotherapy helps the T cells recognize and kill the cancer cells.

Blinatumomab has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for adults and children with B-ALL that has returned or has not responded to treatment. FDA has also granted accelerated approval to the drugmeaning confirmatory trials must show it has clinical benefitfor some adults and children undergoing treatment for B-ALL who achieve complete remission but still have small amounts of leukemia detectable using very sensitive methods.

Investigators in this study wanted to see if blinatumomab could increase rates of survival free from leukemia and be less toxic than intensive chemotherapy in children and young adults undergoing consolidation treatment.

The trial report was based on 208 children and young adults aged 130 with relapsed B-ALL who had received reinduction chemotherapy and were considered to have high- or intermediate-risk disease. They were randomly assigned to receive either two rounds of intensive chemotherapy or two 4-week rounds of treatment with blinatumomab before proceeding to a transplant. (A separate part of the study addressed children with low-risk disease.)

After a median follow-up time of 1.4 years, those in the blinatumomab group had higher rates of 2-year disease-free survival, the primary outcome of the study, than those who received intensive chemotherapy (59.3 5.4% vs. 41 6.2%). Those treated with blinatumomab also had higher rates of overall survival (79.4 4.5% vs. 59.2 6%), fewer severe side effects, a higher rate of undetectable residual disease (79% vs. 21%), and a higher rate of proceeding to stem cell transplant (73% vs. 45%).

At a planned interim analysis, an independent data safety monitoring committee concluded that the outcome for children treated with blinatumomab was superior to that of children treated with chemotherapy only and recommended that enrollment to the high- and intermediate-risk part of the trial be stopped.

Future clinical trials will study whether blinatumomabs effects in relapsed B-ALL can be enhanced by combining it with other immunotherapy and will test whether adding the drug to standard chemotherapy for children and young adults with newly diagnosed B-ALL is beneficial.

About the National Cancer Institute (NCI):NCIleads the National Cancer Program and NIHs efforts to dramatically reduce the prevalence of cancer and improve the lives of cancer patients and their families, through research into prevention and cancer biology, the development of new interventions, and the training and mentoring of new researchers. For more information about cancer, please visit the NCI website atcancer.govor call NCIs contact center, the Cancer Information Service, at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237).

About the National Institutes of Health (NIH):NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit

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Immunotherapy drug improves outcomes for some children with relapsed leukemia - National Institutes of Health

20(R)-Ginsenoside Rg3 Influences Cancer Stem Cell Properties and the E | OTT – Dove Medical Press

Lan Thi Hanh Phi,* Yoseph Toni Wijaya,* Ita Novita Sari, Kwang Seock Kim, Ying-Gui Yang, Min-Woo Lee, Hyog Young Kwon

Soonchunhyang Institute of Medi-Bio Science (SIMS), Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea

*These authors contributed equally to this work

Correspondence: Hyog Young Kwon; Min-Woo LeeSoonchunhyang Institute of Medi-Bio Science (SIMS), Soonchunhyang University, 25 Bongjeong-ro, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do 31151, Republic of KoreaTel +82-41-413-5021; +82-41-413-5029Email;

Background: Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been proposed as central drivers of cancer relapse in many cancers. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of 20(R)-Ginsenoside Rg3 (Rg3R), a major active component of ginseng saponin, on CSC-like cells and the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in colorectal cancer (CRC).Methods: The effects of ginsenoside Rg3R on the colony-forming, migration, invasion, and wound-healing abilities of CRC cells were determined in HT29 and SW620 cell lines in vitro. Further, ginsenoside Rg3R was given intraperitoneally at 5mg/kg of mouse body weight to check its effect on the metastasis of CRC cells in vivo.Results: Ginsenoside Rg3R significantly inhibited CSC properties, but did not affect cell proliferation. Moreover, ginsenoside Rg3R treatment significantly inhibited the motility of CRC cells based on migration, invasion, and wound-healing assays. The inhibitory effects of ginsenoside Rg3R on CRC are potentially mediated by significant down-regulation of the expression of stemness genes and EMT markers in CRC cells in a SNAIL-dependent manner. Furthermore, ginsenoside Rg3R treatment decreased both the number and size of tumor nodules in the liver, lung, and kidney tissues in a metastasis mouse model.Conclusion: These findings highlighted the potential use of ginsenoside Rg3R in clinical applications for colorectal cancer treatment.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, ginsenoside Rg3R, CSCs, EMT

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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20(R)-Ginsenoside Rg3 Influences Cancer Stem Cell Properties and the E | OTT - Dove Medical Press

Patients closer to receiving regenerated tissue, scientists say – The Irish News

Doctors are one step closer to using regenerated tissue to treat patients due to breakthroughs in stem cell research, according to a new study.

Scientists have developed a new gel from piglet intestinal tissue to grow tissue in the form of organoids so they can be used in human treatment.

Organoids are laboratory-grown structures of human stem cells that model the shape and function of tissue such as muscle.

While they hold potential for use in the replacement and repair of damaged or diseased tissue, the gels currently used to culture human organoids have been unsuitable for use in patients.

However, the researchers led by National Institute for Health Research Professor Paolo De Coppi and Professor Nicola Elvassore, at University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, have developed an extracellular-matrix (ECM) hydrogel.

The use of decellularised piglet intestinal tissue means organoids could be suitable for use in human treatment.

Published in Nature Communications, the study suggests the new hydrogel meets good practice standards so can be used in a clinical setting.

It provides the same level of support to stem cells in the organoid culture as synthetic gels, scientists say.

Gels used in the development of organoids play an important role in determining the final tissue that is grown.

Researchers found their new ECM hydrogel could be used to support cell growth not only in small intestine tissue, but also for liver, stomach and pancreatic tissue.

They say their findings mark a step towards clinicians being able to use laboratory-developed organoids in clinical settings.

Prof De Coppi said: There is a huge potential for organoids to open up regenerative medicine and advance how we treat complex conditions.

Our findings mark a major step towards seeing tissue grown from stem cells being used in clinical settings to treat patients.

This could open up the possibility of providing organoid transplants for patients affected by devastating diseases such as short bowel syndrome to improve intestinal function.

Research was conducted by a team from UCL GOS ICH, the Francis Crick Institute, ShanghaiTech University, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Princess Maxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology Netherlands and the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine in Italy.

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Patients closer to receiving regenerated tissue, scientists say - The Irish News

The Knesset dissolves and the public suffers – Ynetnews

After two dramatic rounds of elections, Israel is still without a functioning government, resulting in stagnation, red tape, unbearable bureaucracy, underpaid workers, and in some instances, threat to life.

Among the many hurdles, the people of Israel are left to face by themselves is the stagnation of the bureaucratic systems around the country. The health care committee, for example, has been left not knowing its budget for 2020.

Adam Elgressy

(Photo: Dan Gershoni)

That means that many patients don't know when or even if they will receive their required, often lifesaving treatments and medication.

One such patient is 41-year-old Adam Elgressy, who suffers from Crohn's disease and requires Stem Cell treatment. Even though he has already had no less than 21 operations, he still has one more to go, but he's still doesn't know when he may receive his last treatment.

"Patients like me have real chance to have full lives," says Elgressy. If there's no budget to treat us, we'll be condemned to another year of barely functioning."

Shulamit Schwartz, who suffers from an aggressive form of lung cancer called Small-Cell Carcinoma (SCLC), is hoping that the medication needed to treat her disease will make it onto the list of state-subsidized medications.

Shulamit Schwartz

(Photo: Courtesy)

"The clock for lung cancer patients is ticking," says Schwartz. When you receive the news that you have one of the most aggressive types of cancer, you hear a clock ticking in your ear constantly. We pay the country to take care of us in our adult life, and now is the time for the country to take care of us."

The hospitals are also suffering from the political turmoil, with patients being treated in the hallways, and the staff themselves overworked from extreme shortage in manpower, and even though a Health Ministry committee deliberated on how to improve the situation in hospitals, the political stagnation means that there is no budget to implement any of its findings.

Heavy loads in hospitals

(Photo: Israel Society of Internal Medicine)

"The hospitals have many departments that are at over capacity all year long," says Prof. Avishay Elis, head of the Israel Society of Internal Medicine, who was also part of the committee. "In the report we submitted there are solutions that could be applied immediately, but there's no one left to start applying them."

Israel's education system is another casualty, and although the Education Ministry had plans that were already budgeted at approximately NIS 6 billion, the political state of flux means that these plans are on indefinite hold.

The immediate financial cost will be felt mostly by parents who will now be paying for their children's previously state-funded enrichment programs during the school holidays.

A program for special education students was meant to facilitate the inclusion of children with special needs in regular classrooms was supposed to start in the coming school year, but now that plan has been put on hold as well.

Teachers are, of course, also hurt by the political situation. There is no government to negotiate terms of employment with. We have already said everything there is to say about teachers' employment conditions in Israel," says teacher Rachel Kenan.

Were dealing with low pay, embarrassing pensions, unpaid overtime, and the fact that student teachers need to pay out of their own pocket in order to train as educators."

Rachel Kenan

(Photo: Courtesy)

Those dependent on the embarrassingly low disability stipend protested last February in order to have the sum increased. After widespread protests, the Knesset approved a gradual increase in the money they receive each month.

The law stated that after the initial increase, both the finance and welfare ministers will discuss whether further increase in the disability stipend was needed."

Now those dependent on the increased income are left with no money and no answers.

Razit Ben-Broch is a 41-year old single mother, who is 100% disabled according to Israel's National Insurance Institute.

"I am suffering from Post-Traumic Stress Disorder, and I'm a single mother, every shekel is critical for me, she says. The stipend I'm forced to live on is not nearly enough for me and my daughter, for now, it seems unlikely we'll receive any increase."

Disabeled Israelis protesting in Tel Aviv

(Photo: Yair Sagi)

Ben-Broch added: "I can't give my daughter the life she deserves, it's very sad that this is the life those who suffer from disability are forced to live in Israel."

Young children in need are also left to suffer, with approximately 200 teenagers out in the streets, waiting sometimes more than nine months for a place to open up in one of the few state-funded youth shelters.

In the meantime, these teenagers are left to roam the streets, commit crimes, abuse heavy drugs, and engage in sex work themselves in order to survive, simply because there's no approved budget in order to build additional shelters.

Miriam Peretz was one such girl. She was only 17 when she died of an overdose after waiting for more than nine months for a place to open up in one of the packed youth shelters near Jerusalem.

While she waited, Miriam's situation deteriorated, and she started using heavy drugs more and more frequently. Her life tragically ended after she overdosed in the house of an acquaintance in Jerusalem.

Ironically, those that aren't expected to be affected by the turmoil that has somehow worsened all of our everyday lives are the members of Knesset, who have awarded themselves a 3.5% raise in order to mark the new year.

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The Knesset dissolves and the public suffers - Ynetnews

Global T-Cell Therapy Market: Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts (2019-2026) – Therapy for Solid Tumors Expected to Emerge as a Lucrative Source of…

DUBLIN, Dec. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The "T-Cell Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Modality, By Therapy (CAR T-Cell, Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes), By Indication (Hematologic Malignancies, Solid Tumors), And Segment Forecasts, 2019 - 2026" report has been added to's offering.

The global T-cell therapy market size is expected to reach USD 7.51 billion, expanding at a CAGR of 15.4% by 2026.

The landmark approvals of Yescarta and Kymriah have spurred unprecedented advancements in the market. The launch of these breakthrough therapies has bolstered cash inflow for innovation, thereby driving the growth.

Expansion of the market for T-cell therapy significantly relies on shifting preference from first-line stem cell transplants and chemotherapy to third-line CAR T-cell therapy. Moreover, the ever-expanding plethora of medical conditions for which the T cell therapies is projected to bode well for the market growth. Rise in oncological disorders is projected to drive interest as well as investments in the T-cell therapy market in near future.

In contrast with the small-molecule landscape, engineered T cells market landscape is distinguished by an extensive network that encompasses several entities marked by connections academically, financially, and via technology licensing. Research bodies, and manufacturers, and regulators engage in assessing the long-term efficacy and safety of therapies to ensure safe access to patients.

By far, the antigen challenge and linked toxicity concerns have impeded the development of CAR T therapies in non-hematological malignancies. Market players are applying a data-driven approach of exploring this space to mitigate the challenge and expand the usage of T-cell therapy in indication type such as brain cancer and melanoma.

Further key findings from the report suggest:

Key Topics Covered

Chapter 1 Research Methodology

Chapter 2 Executive Summary2.1 Competition Milieu2.2 Market Snapshot2.3 Segment Outlook

Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, & Scope3.1 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping for Therapy Type, 20183.2 T-Cell Therapy-Market Dynamics3.2.1 Market driver analysis3.2.1.1 Rising investment in adoptive T cell transfer approaches of disease treatment3.2.1.2 Growing competition among market players3.2.1.3 Approval of Kymriah and Yescarta across various countries3.2.1.4 Developments in CAR T-cell therapy for solid tumors3.2.1.5 Technological advancements in manufacturing process3.2.2 Market restraint analysis3.2.2.1 Regulatory, scientific, and ethical challenges associated with gene therapy3.2.2.2 High prices of therapies3.2.2.3 CAR T limitations3.2.3 Opportunity analysis3.2.3.1 Facility expansion for cell and gene therapies3.2.3.2 Rising global financings in gene and cell therapy arena3.2.3.3 Ongoing developments in viral & non-viral vector manufacturing arena3.3 Regulatory Landscape3.3.1 Current and potential future approvals3.3.2 Frameworks for risk mitigation and safety monitoring3.3.3 Regulatory framework, by geography3.3.3.1 U.S. Europe3.3.3.3 China3.3.3.4 Japan3.4 Pricing and Payment Models for Adoptive Cellular Therapies (ACT)3.4.1 Insurance coverage3.4.2 Value-based price benchmarks3.4.3 Alternate payment strategies3.5 Patent Landscape3.6 Deals, Funding's, Partnerships and Collaborations3.6.1 Licensing deals3.6.2 Merger & acquisition deals3.6.3 Collaboration & partnerships3.7 Pipeline Analysis3.7.1 Clinical trial landscape3.8 Geographic Mapping of Companies3.9 Competitive Landscape for CD19directed CART Therapies and Other T-cell therapies3.10 T-cell Therapy Market-SWOT Analysis, by Factor (Political & Legal, Economic, and Technological)3.10.1 Political landscape3.10.2 Economic landscape3.10.3 Social landscape3.10.4 Technology landscape3.11 Industry Analysis-Porter's3.11.1 Supplier bargaining power3.11.2 Buyer bargaining power3.11.3 Substitution threat3.11.4 Threat from new entrant3.11.5 Competitive rivalry

Chapter 4 T-cell Therapy Market: Modality Estimates & Trend Analysis4.1 T-cell Therapy Market: Modality Movement Analysis4.2 Research4.3 Commercialized

Chapter 5 T-cell Therapy Market Categorization: Therapy Type Estimates & Trend Analysis5.1 T-cell Therapy Market: Therapy Type Movement Analysis5.2 CAR T-cell Therapy5.3 T Cell Receptor (TCR)-based5.4 Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL)-based

Chapter 6 T-cell Therapy Market Categorization: Indication Estimates & Trend Analysis6.1 T-cell Therapy Market: Indication Movement Analysis6.2 Hematologic Malignancies6.3 Solid Tumors

Chapter 7 T-cell Therapy Market Categorization: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis, by Use-type & Therapy Type7.1 T-cell Therapy Market Share by Regional, 2018 & 20267.2 North America7.3 Europe7.4 Asia Pacific7.5 Latin America7.6 MEA

Chapter 8 Competitive Landscape8.1 Strategy Framework8.2 Company Profiles8.2.1 Novartis AG8.2.2 Gilead Sciences8.2.3 bluebird bio, Inc.8.2.4 TCR2 Therapeutics Inc.8.2.5 Sorrento Therapeutics8.2.6 Fate Therapeutics8.2.7 Merck KGaA8.2.8 Pfizer Inc.8.2.9 Amgen8.2.10 Celgene Corporation

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Global T-Cell Therapy Market: Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts (2019-2026) - Therapy for Solid Tumors Expected to Emerge as a Lucrative Source of...

Layoffs at Fla.-based stem cell clinic accused of aggressively marketing patients – ABC Action News

Tampa, Fla. A Tampa-based regenerative clinic accused of using aggressive and unfair marketing tactics to lure the diseased and desperate into spending thousands of dollars on unproven stem cell therapies laid off a small number of non-medical employees earlier this week, a company spokesperson confirmed.

While its unknown exactly how many employees the Lung Health Institute let go of earlier this week, a spokesperson on Wednesday denied the layoffs were the result of a pending lawsuit facing the company and recent media scrutiny questioning its practices. Instead, the spokesperson wrote in a statement the layoffs were the result of a planned transition that aligns with our strategy of moving away from a direct-to-consumer business model and focusing on our goal of ultimately creating industry-leading therapies that are FDA-approved for the treatment of chronic lung disease.

The Lung Health Institute, which is headquartered in Tampa but has locations in four other states, has been criticized by former clients for aggressively pitching stem cell therapies for incurable lung diseases that are not FDA approved or proven to work. In 2018, we spoke with former clients and widows of clients who described how they were pitched therapies for incurable lung diseases.

Hell definitely get some kind of improvement, thats what they told me, said Olga Cassady whose husband died of lung disease about 6 months after, she says, they spent $11,000 for treatment at the institutes Tampa headquarters, formerly known as the Lung Institute.

In 2018, Maureen Rosen of Ocala, also told us how she also bought into the Institutes pitch that its treatment would help slow down her progression with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). At the time, Rosen was on an oxygen tank 24/7. But shortly after her treatment at the Lung Institute, Rosen told us, it seems like from the day I had it, I started to get worse, she said last year.

Rosen and Cassady are not the only ones complaining about the treatments offered by the company.

Tampa Attorney Ben Vinson filed the lawsuit on behalf of two former patients and said he has more than 30 others including Rosen and Cassady, who are hoping for a class action lawsuit against the clinic.

In Vinsons original complaint filed in 2017, he accused the Lung Institute of using aggressive and deceptive marketing tactics for sham treatments based on sham science and deception, according to the complaint.

They were desperate when they came to this company. They were all dying slowly, suffocating from various lung illnesses, Vinson said. They were desperate financially, in most cases, to afford the procedure so a lot of them gave up their last dime in order to do so, he said.

Earlier in the day, its spokesperson sent us copies of six testimonials from former patients who said they felt positive results after undergoing treatments at the institute. Several indicated they sought booster treatments after benefits from their original treatments wore off.

According to court filings, before any treatments are done at the institute, patients must sign a patient consent form which warns them that the treatment may not have any impact on their conditions.

A company spokesperson said the company is currently in discussions with the FDA to start clinical trials with investigative new drugs (IND) to help treat patients with lung diseases.

As for this weeks layoffs and its impact on patient treatments at the Institutes facilities, a company spokesperson said, the changes will have no impact on the quality medical care we provide our patients.

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Layoffs at Fla.-based stem cell clinic accused of aggressively marketing patients - ABC Action News