Category Archives: Stem Cell Treatment

GARM Now Offering Elite Athletes Stem Cell Treatment with US Olympic Orthopedic Surgeon – Benzinga

Global Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, known as GARM, is now offering stem cell therapy for elite athletes with a US Olympic orthopedic surgeon Glenn Terry MD. The treatments are being offered in the Caribbean with extremely high cell counts for the highest effectiveness.

Roatan, Honduras (PRWEB) May 04, 2017

Global Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, known as GARM, is now offering stem cell therapy for elite athletes with US Olympics doctor Glenn Terry MD. The treatments are being offered in the Caribbean with extremely high cell counts for the highest effectiveness. Call (877) 737-0441 for more information and scheduling.

Regenerative medicine treatment at GARM is performed with one's own adipose tissue. The tissue is rich with stem cells, and with processing amounts to well over 500 million stem cells per treatment. Board Certified expert Dr. Glenn Terry provides the treatments along with Dr. James Andrews.

Dr. Terry and Dr. Andrews are virtually household names in the US, having provided treatments for innumerable athletes in the NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, PGA, NCAA and many Olympic athletes. Dr. Andrews has been featured in USA Today, HBO, ESPN, all the national networks and has trained hundreds of expert orthopedic surgeons. Dr. Terry was the Head US Olympic Physician for several games, and co-founded the venerable Hughston Sports Medicine Clinic in Georgia.

The adipose SVF stem cell treatments are performed in one setting. Over 500 million stem cell counts are achieved with the treatments, and culturing is not necessary. The therapy works exceptionally well for joint arthritis, knee meniscal tears, degenerative disc disease, ligament sprains, rotator cuff injuries and other sports injuries. Even sports specific injuries like turf toe and throwing overuse injuries respond amazingly well.

GARM is currently offering a complimentary phone consultation and MRI review. Direct flights are available to Roatan from several US cities including Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, NYC, Toronto and Montreal. Call (877) 737-0441 for more information and scheduling.

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GARM Now Offering Elite Athletes Stem Cell Treatment with US Olympic Orthopedic Surgeon - Benzinga

Stem Cells 101, the Value Proposition – Live Trading News

Stem Cells 101, the Value Proposition

The Key purpose of stem cells is to maintain, heal and regenerate tissues wherever they reside in our body. This is a continuous process that occurs inside the human body throughout its life.

If we did not have stem cells, our lifespan would be about 1 hour, because there would be nothing to replace exhausted cells or damaged tissue. In addition, any time the body is exposed to any sort of toxin, the inflammatory process causes stem cells to swarm the area to repair the damage.

As an example: Say you went to the gym in the morning and did some squats. As a result of that, you would get tiny tears inside the muscle. The stem cells that reside beneath the muscle would come out and repair those little tears.

The reason that, if you continuously go to the gym, you would start to build new muscle, is because those stem cells, hard at work underneath your muscle, are helping to repair and build that new muscle. This would apply to all of the tissues inside your body.

Sure, it is easy to think of stem cell therapy as a magic bullet,but is wise to implement strategies that nourish and thereby help optimize the stem cells we already have in our body.

As noted by Kristin Comella, named # 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 stem cell innovators, has been a stem cell researcher for nearly 20 years: You have to create an appropriate environment for these cells to function in. If you are putting garbage into your body and you are constantly burdening your body with toxins, your stem cells are getting too distracted trying to fight off those toxins.

By creating an appropriate environment, optimizing your diet and reducing exposure to toxins, that will allow the stem cells that were putting in to really home in and focus on the true issue that were trying to treat.

The other thing weve discovered over the years is that [stem cell therapy] is not the type of thing where you take one dose and youre cured forever. Our tissues are constantly getting damaged Youre going to have to repeat-dose and use those stem cells to your advantage.

When you think about a lizard that loses its tail, it takes two years to grow back the tail. Why would we put unrealistic expectations on the stem cells that were trying to apply to repair or replace damaged tissue? This is a very slow process. This is something that will occur over months and may require repeat dosing.

In the past, stem cells were isolated from bone marrow, and were used for bone marrow transplants for cancer patients since the 1930s. But, stem cells come from just about any tissue in the human body, as every tissue contains stem cells.

Human bone marrow has very low amounts of mesenchymal stem cells now believed to be the most important, from a therapeutic perspective.

Mesenchymal stem cells help trigger an immunomodulatory response or a paracrine effect, which means they send signals out to the rest of your body, calling cells to the area to help promote healing.

What researchers have discovered recently is that a more plentiful source of stem cells is actually your fat tissue. Body fat can contain up to 500X more cells than bone marrow, as far as these mesenchymal type stem cells go.

One thing that is also critically important when youre talking about isolating the cells is the number of other cells that are going to be part of that population.

When youre isolating a bone marrow sample, this actually is very high in white blood cells, which are pro-inflammatory.

White blood cells are part of your immune response. When an injury occurs, or a foreign body enters your system, white blood cells will attack. Unfortunately, white blood cells do not discriminate, and can create quite a bit of damage as they clean the area out, Ms. Comella says.

Stem cells, in particular the mesenchymal cells, quiet down the white blood cells and then start the regeneration phase, which leads to new tissue.

Bone marrow tends to be very high in white blood cells and low in the mesenchymal cells. Isolating stem cells from fat tissue is preferred not only because its easier on the patient, but fat also contains a higher population of mesenchymal cells and fewer white blood cells.

The benefit also of isolating [stem cells from] fat is that its a relatively simple procedure. Theres typically no shortage of fat tissue, especially in Americans.

Also, as you age, your bone marrow declines with regards to the number of cells in it, whereas the fat tissue maintains a pretty high number of stem cells, even in older individuals.

We can successfully harvest fat off of just about anyone, regardless of their age or how thin they are. The procedure is done under local [anesthesia], meaning that the patient stays awake. They dont have to go under general anesthesia. We can harvest as few as 15 cubic centimeters of fat, which is a very small amount of fat, and still get a very high number of stem cells, Ms. Comella says.

A stem cell procedure can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on what is being done, and rarely if ever will insurance cover it.

Still, when compared it to the cost of long-term medications or the out-of-pocket cost of getting a knee replacement, stem cell therapy may still be a less expensive alternative.

Also, a single extraction will typically yield enough stem cells for 20 to 25 future treatments, should one decide to store stem cells for future needs.

I think it is accessible for patients, Ms. Comella says. Its an out-patient procedure. One should plan to be in clinic for about 2 hours; no real limitations afterwards, just no submerging in water, no alcohol, no smoking for a week. But other than that, patients can resume their normal activities and go about their regular daily lives.

Interestingly, Ms. Comella notes that patients who eat a very healthy diet, focusing on Organic and grass fed meat, have body fat that is very hearty and almost sticky, yielding high amounts of very healthy stem cells.

We can grow much better and faster stem cells from that fat than [the fat from] somebody who eats a grain-based diet or is exposed to a lot of toxins in their diet, she says. Their fat tends to be very fluffy, buttery yellow. The cells that come out of that are not necessarily as good a quality. Its just been very interesting. And of note, patients that are cigarette smokers, their fat is actually gray-tinged in color. The stem cells do not grow well at all.

The beauty of stem cell therapy is that it mimics a process that is ongoing in the human body all the time. Our stem cells are continuously promoting healing, and they do not have to be manipulated in any way. The stem cells naturally know how to hone in on areas of inflammation and how to repair damaged tissue.

All we are doing is harnessing the cells from one location where theyre sitting dormant and relocating them to exactly where we want them and we need them to work, Ms.Comella says. Basically, anything inside your body that is inflamed, that is damaged in some way, that is lacking blood supply, the [stem] cells can successfully treat.

That means orthopedics, knee injections, shoulder injections, osteoarthritis, acute injuries, anterior cruciate ligament tears in your back back pain associated with degenerative disc disease or damaged tendons or ligaments, herniated and bulging discs. You can also use it in systemic issues, everything from diabetes, to cardiac, to lungs any tissue organ inside your body thats been damaged.

Autoimmune diseases [can also be treated]. The stem cells are naturally immunosuppressant, meaning they can help quiet down an over reactive immune system and help the immune system function in a more normal way. Neurological diseases, traumatic brain injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinsons. All of these have to do with tissue thats not functioning properly. The cells can be used to address that.

The list of different diseases that could benefit from this intervention is very impressive.

And one can dramatically improve the benefits of stem cell intervention by combining it with other healthy lifestyle factors that optimize mitochondrial function, such as eating a healthy Real Food diet, exercising, sleeping well, avoiding toxins and detoxifying from toxic influences.

Stem cells can be used as part of an anti-aging program. Ms. Comella has used stem cells on herself for several years, and report feeling better now than she did a decade ago.

The ability to reduce inflammation inside your body is basically making yourself live longer. Inflammation is what kills us all. Its what makes our telomeres shrink. Its what causes us pain and discomfort. Its what makes the tissues start to die. The ability to dose yourself with stem cells and bring down your inflammation, which is most likely caused by any sort of toxin that youve been exposed to breathing air is exposure to toxins this is going to lengthen your lifespan.

I typically will do a dose every 6 to 12 months, regardless of whats going on. If I have anything thats bothering me, if I tweak my knee at the gym, then I absolutely will come in and do an injection in my knee. I want to keep my tissue healthy for as long as possible.

I want to stay strong. I dont want to wait until something is wrong with me. I think that this is the future of medicine. This is what were going to start to see. People will begin to get their regular doses of [their own] stem cells and itll just be common practice.

Keep in mind there is a gradual and progressive decline in the quality and the number of stem cells as we age, so when considering this approach, it would be prudent and advantageous to extract and bank stem cells as early on as possible. There are stem cell banking services available.

Your stem cells are never as young as they are right now. Every minute that you live, your telomeres are shrinking. The ability to lock in the youth of your cells today can be very beneficial for you going forward, and for your health going forward. God forbid something happens. What if you have a heart attack? Youre not going to get clearance to get a mini-lipo aspirate procedure.

If you have your cells waiting in the bank, ready for you, it becomes very easy to pull a dose and do an IV delivery of cells. Its almost criminal that were not doing this for every single one of our cardiac patients. This should be standard practice. We should be having every single patient bank their stem cells at a young age and have them waiting, ready and available. The technology is there. We have it. Im not sure why this technology is not being made available to everyone,says.

I think stem cell therapy is very different than traditional medicine. Stem cell therapy may actually make it so that you dont have to be dependent on pharmaceutical medications. You can actually repair the tissue and thats it. This is a very different way of viewing medicine,Ms. Comella says.

The amniotic products available in the US are not so much stem cell products as they are growth factor products.

According to Ms. Comella, they can be useful in creating an immunomodulatory response, which can help to promote healing, but that differs from the living stem cell procedures that can be done by either isolating cells from body fat or bone marrow. As a general rule, clinical benefits are not achieved when using an amniotic product, primarily because they do not contain living stem cells.

I want to contrast that to what are called embryonic stem cells, Ms.Comella adds. The products obtained from cord blood, from women who are having babies, are not embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are when you are first bringing the egg and sperm together. Three days after that, you can isolate what is called an inner cell mass. This inner cell mass can be used to then grow cells in culture, or that inner cell mass could eventually lead to the formation of a baby.

Those are embryonic stem cells, and those are pluripotential, meaning that they have the ability to form an entire being, versus adult stem cells or stem cells that are present in amniotic tissue, [which] are multipotential, which only have the ability to form subsets of tissue.

When dealing with different diseases or damaged tissue or inflammation, mostly you want to repair tissue. If somebody has damage in their knee, they do nnot necessarily need embryonic cells because they do not need a baby in their knee. They need new cartilage in their knee.

Stem cell therapy is very different than traditional medicine. Stem cell therapy may actually make it so that we do have to depend on pharmaceutical medications. And we can actually repair the tissue and be done with it. This is a very different way of viewing medicine.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively

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Paul A. Ebeling, polymath, excels in diverse fields of knowledge. Pattern Recognition Analyst in Equities, Commodities and Foreign Exchange and author of The Red Roadmasters Technical Report on the US Major Market Indices, a highly regarded, weekly financial market letter, he is also a philosopher, issuing insights on a wide range of subjects to a following of over 250,000 cohorts. An international audience of opinion makers, business leaders, and global organizations recognizes Ebeling as an expert.

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Stem Cells 101, the Value Proposition - Live Trading News

Combination therapy could provide new treatment option for ovarian cancer – Medical Xpress

May 1, 2017 Ovarian cancer tumors with higher percentages of cIAP-expressing cells, shown in red at left, were more sensitive to a potential combination therapy than tumor cells without cIAP-expressing cells. Credit: UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center

Researchers have been trying to understand why up to 85 percent of women experience recurrence of high-grade serous ovarian cancerthe most common subtype of ovarian cancerafter standard treatment with the chemotherapy drug carboplatin.

Preclinical research from Dr. Sanaz Memarzadeh, who is a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA, has potentially solved this mystery and pinpointed a combination therapy that may be effective for up to 50 percent of women with ovarian cancer.

Memarzadeh's research, published in the journal Precision Oncology, shows a new combination therapy of carboplatin and an experimental drug called birinapant can improve survival in mice with ovarian cancer tumors. Additional findings reveal that testing for a specific protein could identify ovarian tumors for which the treatment could be effective. Importantly, the treatment could also target cancers that affect other parts of the body, including the bladder, cervix, colon and lung cancer.

In 2015, Memarzadeh and her team uncovered and isolated carboplatin-resistant ovarian cancer stem cells. These cells have high levels of proteins called cIAPs, which prevent cell death after chemotherapy. Since the cancer stem cells survive carboplatin treatment, they regenerate the tumor; with each recurrence of ovarian cancer, treatment options become more limited. Memarzadeh showed that birinapant, which degrades cIAPs, can make carboplatin more effective against some ovarian cancer tumors.

"I've been treating women with ovarian cancer for about two decades and have seen firsthand that ovarian cancer treatment options are not always as effective as they should be," said Memarzadeh, director of the G.O. Discovery Lab and member of the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. "Our previous research was promising, but we still had questions about what percentage of tumors could be targeted with the birinapant and carboplatin combination therapy, and whether this combination could improve overall survival by eradicating chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer tumors."

In this new study, the research team first tested whether the combination therapy could improve survival in mice. Half of the mice tested had carboplatin-resistant human ovarian cancer tumors and the other half had carboplatin-sensitive tumors. The team administered birinapant or carboplatin as well as the two drugs combined and then monitored the mice over time. While birinapant or carboplatin alone had minimal effect, the combination therapy doubled overall survival in half of the mice regardless of whether they had carboplatin-resistant or carboplatin-sensitive tumors.

"Our results suggest that the treatment is applicable in some, but not all, tumors," said Rachel Fujikawa, a fourth year undergraduate student in Memarzadeh's lab and co-first author of the study.

To assess the combination therapy's rate of effectiveness in tumors, the team went on to test 23 high-grade serous ovarian cancer tumors from independent patients. Some were from patients who had never been treated with carboplatin and some were from patients who had carboplatin-resistant cancer.

With these samples, the researchers generated ovarian cancer tumors utilizing a method called disease-in-a-dish modeling and tested the same treatments previously tested in mice. Once again, carboplatin or birinapant alone had some effect, while the combination of birinapant and carboplatin successfully eliminated the ovarian cancer tumors in approximately 50 percent of samples. Importantly, the combination therapy worked for both carboplatin-resistant and carboplatin-sensitive tumors.

The researchers also measured cIAPs (the target for the drug birinapant) in the tumors. They found a strong correlation between cancer stem cells with high levels of cIAP and a positive response to the combination therapy. Since elevated levels of cIAPs have been linked to chemotherapy resistance in other cancers, the researchers wondered if the combination therapy could effectively target those cancers as well.

The team created disease-in-a-dish models using human bladder, cervix, colon and lung cancer cells and tested the combination therapy. Similar to the ovarian cancer findings, 50 percent of the tumors were effectively targeted and high cIAP levels correlated with a positive response to the combination therapy.

"I believe that our research potentially points to a new treatment option. In the near future, I hope to initiate a phase 1/2 clinical trial for women with ovarian cancer tumors predicted to benefit from this combination therapy," said Memarzadeh, gynecologic oncology surgeon and professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Explore further: Combination therapy may be more effective against the most common ovarian cancer

More information: V. La et al, Birinapant sensitizes platinum-resistant carcinomas with high levels of cIAP to carboplatin therapy, npj Precision Oncology (2017). DOI: 10.1038/s41698-017-0008-z

High-grade serous ovarian cancer often responds well to the chemotherapy drug carboplatin, but why it so frequently comes back after treatment has been a medical mystery.

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Researchers have been trying to understand why up to 85 percent of women experience recurrence of high-grade serous ovarian cancerthe most common subtype of ovarian cancerafter standard treatment with the chemotherapy ...

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Combination therapy could provide new treatment option for ovarian cancer - Medical Xpress

Are baby, wisdom teeth the next wave in stem cell treatment? –
Are baby, wisdom teeth the next wave in stem cell treatment?
Research is still mostly in the experimental (preclinical) phase, said Ben Scheven, senior lecturer in oral cell biology in the school of dentistry at the University of Birmingham. Still, he said, dental stem cells may provide an advantageous cell ...

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Are baby, wisdom teeth the next wave in stem cell treatment? -

Stem cell therapy ‘magic’ for stroke, eye ailments – Vanguard

By David Ikudayisi

In recently published papers in the New England Journal of Medicine about the use of Stem Cell Therapy for Macular Degeneration, one report showed that 3 partially blind women became blind after the treatment with stem cells and the other report showed that an inevitable loss of vision was halted by use of stem cells in another patient. The stem cells used in these two reports were from two different sources fat and skin cells.

First of all, we need to remember or understand that Macular Degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, known as the macula, and it is responsible for focusing central vision in the eye, and it controls our ability to read, drive a car, recognize faces or colors, and see objects in fine detail. In America, it affects more than 10 million people more than cataracts and glaucoma combined.

Caucasians are more likely to develop the disease than African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos or Africans. At present, Macular Degeneration is considered an incurable eye disease, and the closest hope for cure seems to be via Stem Cell Therapy. As shown in the reports, there is still a lot to be understood about stem cells in terms of dosing, frequency, source to be used for different disorders, etc; especially when talking about very sensitive organs of the body like the eyes.

The Florida Company that treated the three patients that went from partial blindness to total blindness have treated over 7,000 patients and have had very few adverse events reported. The scientific director of the company believes the safety track record is very strong and feels very confident about the procedures that they do as it has shown great success in many different health problems.

However, the rarity of the procedure causing harm draws me to see the many benefits and potential Adult Stem Cell Therapy could have on people. Examples of its effectiveness has been seen in so many patients in different studies and even in my own practice in the United States of America. There are already beneficiaries of Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Nigeria. I can say that my experience using stem cells have been great.

In fact, of all the patients that I have treated, only one did not respond positively after just 1 treatment. This was not even done with Adult Stem Cell Therapy but Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy using the patients own blood. Nevertheless, there was no adverse event. The patient is recommended to do Adult Stem Cell Therapy which will increase his chance of success. Many of the other patients showed improvements after the first treatment, and the few that needed second treatment went on to see amazing results after more treatment was done; needless to say that they were elated with the results.

Generally, Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy are safe as shown by many published research reports and clinical trials done already. However, this does not guarantee that adverse effects cant occur as seen in the case of the 3 women who had accelerated blindness 2 years ago (as with any other treatments in the scope of medicine).

Another recent report in March 2017 from Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University in USA highlighted one of the benefits of Adult Stem Cell Therapy in stroke patients. The multicenter trial shows that not only was it safe, but if Adult Stem Cell Therapy is given within two days of an ischemic stroke, it could reduce the death of cells around the strokes core that were also injured. The Nigerian government should get involved more and invest more in Regenerative Medicine as it will help improve the health status of the nation.

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Stem cell therapy 'magic' for stroke, eye ailments - Vanguard

Stem cell therapy treats man with muscle degeneration | Zee News – Zee News

New Delhi: A 20-year-old man named Aditya Bhatia was suffering from Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) -- a condition which slowly weakens and degenerates all the muscles of the body leading to disability was treated using stem cell therapy.

Aditya was diagnosed with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) in 2012. It started after he found it difficult to lift his arms over the head -- one of the main and strongest symptoms. Consultations with several doctors did not find Bhatia any solution, and his condition grew severe and started affecting other parts of the body such as face.

FSHD usually begins before age 20, with weakness and atrophy of the muscles around the eyes and mouth, shoulders, upper arms and lower legs. Later, weakness can spread to abdominal muscles and sometimes hip muscles.

Experts says that FSHD can be divided into adult-onset and infantile-onset forms.

Bhatia's parents had heard about the stem cell treatment which had proved effective in many diseases such as spinal diseases.

Accordingly, they consulted doctors on stem cell therapy and decided to give it a try.

All the procedures were followed and he was tested for hyper sensitivity reactions with stem cells, also known as Human Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy.

Doctors said that during the treatment procedure, Bhatia was injected with 0.05 ml stem cells.

(With IANS inputs)

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Stem cell therapy treats man with muscle degeneration | Zee News - Zee News

Stem cell treatment makes progress – AOP

A new therapy for retinitis pigmentosa will be tested on 70 patients as part of a single-masked study

28 Apr 2017 by Selina Powell

The safety and effectiveness of a stem cell treatment for retinitis pigmentosa will be tested through a phase IIB clinical trial.

Regenerative medicine company jCyte is beginning to recruit 70 patients for the single-masked study after positive results from a preliminary clinical trial.

The trial will assess changes in visual function among participants following treatment with the stem cell therapy, jCell. Aspects of visual function that will be assessed include visual acuity, visual fields, contrast sensitivity and the ability to navigate a mobility course.

jCell uses retinal progenitor cells (RPC) to rescue diseased retinal cells through a intravitreal injection that can be performed under topical anaesthesia.

jCyte chief executive officer, Paul Bresge, told OT that one of the strengths of the treatment was its simplicity.

Because no surgery is required the therapy can be easily administered. The entire procedure takes minutes, he explained.

Trial participants will receive a single RPC or control injection in their worst-sighted eye and be monitored over a period of 12-months.

Mr Bresge highlighted that retinitis pigmentosa was the leading cause of inherited blindness.

The proposed treatment approach holds the potential to address a clear and urgent unmet medical need, he emphasised.

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Stem cell treatment makes progress - AOP

Benefit to defray cost of stem cell treatment set for May 7 –

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CARTHAGE To help defray the costs of a Carthage natives stroke treatment, friends and family will host a benefit from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 7, at the Bassett-Baxter American Legion Post 789, 415 West St.

A stroke left Cynthia Wright completely paralyzed, unable to speak and to swallow on Thanksgiving Day 2015. After treatment, she regained her speech and some movement but was still weak on her left side. After a year, she recovered somewhat being able to walk and talk but her left arm and hand were still not functioning.

Ms. Wright, who now lives in Redwood, said she walks daily to regain her strength and coordination. She has been able to return to work, overseeing operations at five locations in the state Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Department.

I did the best I could with what I have Im not one to sit around and mope, she said.

To Ms. Wright, a member of St. James Family Choir, the loss of her singing voice was as tragic as losing the use of her arm.

I cant put into words how bad I felt losing my singing voice that was the worst part for me, she said.

Ms. Wright also had sung for private events and had been active in the Carthage Little Theater, including playing the lead in Funny Girl in the 1990s.

After seeing a television news report about the use of stem cell treatments to reverse the effects of strokes, Ms. Wright had hopes for a more complete recovery. She was approved for treatment at StemGenex Medical Group in California.

The treatment involved harvesting her own stem cells and injecting the treated cells into her arm, leg and through her nostrils.

She said the treatment was not bad at all and only took a couple of hours to complete after the harvesting on the first day.

Some results have been noticed more arm movement and better speech but she said it could take three to six months to see real results, which would come a little at a time.

Since the treatment is not FDA approved, Ms. Wright had to come up with the $16,000 needed for the treatment plus travel expenses.

Entertainment at the benefit will be provided by the Amarillo Band, a country/rock band from Watertown, who will host a band jam also featuring Dirty Sally, the Britton Brothers and Southbound. Food.

There will also be 50/50 raffles, a wine pull and a Chinese auction.

We wanted to do this for Cindy to show our love and support, said Tamara Charette, Ms. Wrights sister and the events organizer.

She said they are still seeking donations of auction items; donors can call 315-493-1794 to make arrangements.

The benefit committee is also selling raffle tickets for a half of a cow from Noltzs of Lowville. The winning ticket will be drawn at the benefit.

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Benefit to defray cost of stem cell treatment set for May 7 -

The irrefutable success of stem cell treatments Miami’s Community … – Miami’s Community Newspapers

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In my opinion, one of the hardest things to accept is a new type of medical treatment, particularly when it changes the philosophy, parameters and overall results that we are expecting and basically used to receiving. Stem cells are undoubtedly no exception to this rule.

About six weeks ago, Eduardo K (a Cuban doctor with a Masters Degree from the University of Pittsburg in internal medicine and nephrology), brought his wife Maria to our institute, in order to assess the possibility of using stem cells to cure the severe chronic pain in her ankle; a pain so severe that it was basically hindering her ability to walk. Dr. K also expressed his extreme hesitation and concerns about having his wife involved in an invasive ankle surgery at this stage of her adult life.

However, while conducting our usual examining process, reviewing her medical records and MRIs and thoroughly discussing my overall recommendations about a potential stem cell transplant, I quickly realized that Dr. K was not a true believer in Stem Cell therapies, since he thought that there was not much medical evidence of their actual effectiveness and he ultimately also confessed that his wife had basically dragged him to accompany her to this particular appointment.

As always, I respectfully explained the reality that stem cells actually repair the damaged cartilage in a microscopic type fashion and thus, while this repair process would not be clearly reflected immediately on future X-rays, I assured them that the pain she was suffering from will soon subside and possibly even completely disappear. In addition, I expressed that I was extremely confident that she would also regain her mobility skills after the procedure, even if this improvement could not be easily detected via a radiological image.

Since Marias options were somewhat limited, added to the fact that months of traditional physical therapy, injections, medications and previous surgeries had completely failed her, Dr. K finally agreed to grant his wifes wishes to have her stem cell transplant (from her own bone marrow and fat) performed, although he was still very skeptical about the process and was showing little enthusiasm.

This morning, both of them attended our follow up appointment (six weeks after the procedure) and surprisingly, Maria and Dr. K happily confirmed that she felt at least 60 percent better, something that no previous traditional medical treatments had been able to accomplish. It was then that I explained to them that her stem cells had acted much faster than expected (something that possibly taught Dr. K an interesting lesson).

As we began to say our goodbyes, the doctor told me (first in English, then in Spanish) that: in spite of my skepticism about stem cell therapies, I can personally attest that the successful results seen on my wife have been irrefutable, and with a smile on both of their faces, they gratefully thanked my staff and I for this amazing improvement.

As I continued to replay the words expressed by this doctor over and over in my mind, I quickly realized how truly incredulous human beings tend to be, with most of us often needing to fail several times at accomplishing something before being able to realize and accept that we were truly mistaken in the first place!

So if you, a friend or relative would like to receive Stem Cell or PRP treatments, please call us at 305-598-7777. For information visit: (available in both English and Spanish), or watch our amazing video-testimonies on our YouTube Chanel and also please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you would like to ask a question directly to Dr. Castellanos, please do so via his direct email:

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The irrefutable success of stem cell treatments Miami's Community ... - Miami's Community Newspapers