The Amazing Power of Stem Cells – Miami’s Community Newspapers
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Two days ago, I read a letter from my colleagues at the American Association of Pain Management Physicians, which reported that as of July 2016 (in the state of Oregon), blockages to control pains were denied coverage by several insurance companies. Instead, the Oregon health authorities have recommended the use of therapeutic massages and acupuncture in lieu of blockages.
This decision is unfortunately no joke, but rather only one of many examples of an oblivious and retrograde type mentality, and basically serves to clearly demonstrate how our great country continues to lose ground every day in the healthcare arena. Regrettably, this antiquated mindset ultimately causes mediocrity to take over many of our medical institutions, under the indifference of many and under the complicity of others.
With all due respect to the ancient art of acupuncture and the technique of therapeutic massages, these treatments are only proven to represent a viable (temporary) alternative for moderate pain control, but never as a true solution to treat any type of chronic pain.
I have spent almost 15 years researching new alternatives for the treatment of chronic and perennial pain. I have explored many treatments from blockages, therapies, pills and injections, to what I now call: The Medical Revolution of the 21st Century: Stem Cells.
If someone would ask me: Why use stem cells? I would explain to them that it is a very effective way to control pain, and is a medical treatment alternative that is basically unparalleled nowadays. These incredibly powerful cells, of which our body is organically armed with from birth, have the important function of regenerating and repairing damaged tissue, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or even age.
For example, last week I met with Berthy, a 65-year-old woman treated with a successful marrow and fat stem cell transplant to treat her severe arthritis related knee pain we conducted about four months ago. During her visit, Berthy recounted that she had recently accompanied her husband to a renowned clinic in South Florida, where the issue of stem cell use had arisen, and the doctor at the medical institution had told her: they only work on patients up to 50 years old. She immediately showed him her knee and told him that at age 67, she was perfectly fine after her recent stem cell transplant. The doctor was astonished, and with a shrug he replied, they must know more and have more experience than we do in that area. Berthy is currently arranging a trip with her husband to travel to Asia and realize their dream of walking The Great Wall of China.
We as a society must begin to think big, and focus on the future and support the latest advances of modern medicine. Also, we as patients should demand the right to be offered the most advanced treatments and not simply resign ourselves to a health authority mandate or a medical professional that would impose an ineffective or mediocre type treatment.
We could speculate on the reasons behind the Oregon insurance situation, but the reality is that it is far better to look to the future and demand the option of extensive stem cell application, recognizing it as a feasible and true solution to treat arthritis of the joints and the spine. To that fight, which is really thinking big we must all unite!
So if you, a family member, or friend need to be evaluated to find out if Stem cell treatments are a viable option, please call us at 305-598-7777. Remember that by mentioning this article the first consultation is free. If you want to contact the doctor directly, please do so via email: or for more information visit our website: or follow us on our Facebook Page and Twitter @StemCellMia or you can also watch our amazing testimonial videos on our YouTube channel.
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The Amazing Power of Stem Cells - Miami's Community Newspapers