Category Archives: Stem Cell Treatment

stem cell therapy treatment for dystonic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india – Video

stem cell therapy treatment for dystonic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india
improvement seen in just 3 months after stem cell therapy treatment for dystonic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india. Stem Cell Therapy done date...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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stem cell therapy treatment for dystonic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india - Video

Stem Cell Treatment – Stem Cell Therapy – Stem Cell Research

New Stem Cell Disease Modelling Technique Revealed

StemCells Inc. Approved for US Clinical Trial for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment

Stem Cell Patent Approved for Cellular Dynamics

Canada Opens First National Public Cord Blood Bank

Stem cell treatment and stem cell therapy may be considered controversial and are, perhaps, viewed as akin to science fiction by some people. However, stem cell treatments have been used regularly in veterinary practice since 2003 for the repair of bone and tissue damage, and have a wealth of research highlighting their efficacy in both humans and other animals. Stem cells are found in plentiful supply in embryonic tissue, but are also found in adult tissues. These cells have the ability to self-renew, giving rise to countless generations of new cells with varying abilities to differentiate into specific cell types. By introducing stem cells into an area of damage or pathology, the body can be encouraged to repair and renew regardless of how old the trauma is. Stem cells also show application for inhibiting the death of cells (apoptosis) through disease, making them candidates for use in treating degenerative illnesses such as Lou Gehrigs disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers.

Stem cells from embryos are considered more flexible in terms of their ability to become either new liver cells, new neurons, new skin cells, and so on, whereas adult stem cells tend to be more restricted to the tissue type from which they were taken. New research is showing that this might not necessarily have to remain the case however, with the plasticity of adult stem cells now under investigation. Stem cell use carries little risk of the resulting tissues being rejected, it appears safe, efficient, and almost endless in its possibilities for application.

Potential Stem Cell Treatments

Conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, and cancer, among others, are considered possible candidates for stem cell treatment. Cures for some of these diseases could be closer than previously thought with clinical trials already showing impressive results where stem cells have been used in cases thought intractable. The rapid rate of progression in research and clinical use means that some of the controversial issues, such as the use of embryos as a source of stem cells, have been overcome, with governments around the globe subtly altering their legal policies in order to accommodate new scientific advances. In the US, Bill Clinton was the first president to have to consider the legal issues surrounding stem cells, and subsequent presidents have been forced to readdress the issues time and again in line with medical discoveries. Worldwide, governments have remained generally cautious over the use of this technology but are gradually improving funding access, whilst keeping an eye on the ethics of stem cell treatment, in order to explore the tremendous benefits that appear possible. The credibility of research remains a concern, with some stem cell studies discredited by ethics committees after initial general acceptance of their veracity.

Stem cells may be garnered from living adult donors and, indeed, already are in the case of bone marrow transplants. More usually they are taken from discarded embryos leftover after IVF treatment, or from the placenta after birth. Previously the removal of stem cells resulted in the destruction of these embryos, but now it is possible for scientists to remove the stem cells without this occurring. This development negates some of the criticism faced by the technology from religious groups and ethical bodies over the sanctity of life and the attribution of sentience and autonomy to embryos, gametes, and the foetus. Clearly, some debate remains about these issues in relation to stem cell research, but recent improvements in methodology may remove the need for these considerations completely. Clinicians have demonstrated the possibility of taking adult stem cells and seemingly teaching them to become cells of a different type to their site of removal, effectively returning them to a similar state to that of the embryonic stem cell. Whilst stem cells from embryos remain more reliable and more economical to work with, the use of adult tissue-derived stem cells could revolutionize the research in this field.

As well as stem cell use in pathology and disease, there are also applications in personal aesthetics such as the regeneration of hair follicles and an end to baldness through stem cell treatment. Stem cells are also considered useful in regenerating the skin after injury, without the scarring usually associated with repair. There are reports of paralyzed patients becoming mobile after years in a wheelchair through the use of stem cells injected into the spinal cord, and the rapid disappearance of tumors in brain tissue after stem cells were injected.

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Stem Cell Treatment – Stem Cell Therapy – Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Treatments | Sydney | Macquarie Stem Cells – Macquarie …

Stem cells have opened the door for an abundance of scientific research and medical applications to help patients suffering severe and chronic conditions gain a new lease on life. It has created a variety of treatments for many patients suffering painful disorders and degenerative conditions. By providing patients with treatments that utilise the patients own cells it increases the likelihood of biocompatibility and the success of the treatment.Once you have found out about the stem cell therapy procedure it will be time to find out if we can treat or alleviate your particular condition.

Each condition is unique and will take to the stem cells differently. Some of the conditions thatwe have achieved some great results with the application of our Stem Cell Therapy Technique include:

As with any new or modern techniques many approach Stem Cell Therapy with preconceived ideas about what stem cells are, how the treatment works and what are the implications of having such a modern technique. At Macquarie Stem Cells we understand that you have many questions and concerns in relation to this form of treatment and we want to make as much information and research available to you so when you decide to undergo treatment you are 100% confident. Here are some pages of commonly asked topics from our previous patients that will get you started on utilising the Macquarie Stem Cells website to find all the information and research relevant to our Stem Cell Therapy Techniques as you need:

At Macquarie Stem Cells our highly experienced team can walk you through the treatment process and recovery plan to help you discover whether Stem Cell Therapy is appropriate for you and your unique needs.We are dedicated to helping you become as informed as possible about Stem Cell Therapy so you can make the right choice for you and your best interests. If you have any questions that cannot be answered via our website please dont hesitate to give us a call so that we may answer your question about our Stem Cell Therapy techniques to the best of our ability.

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Stem Cell Treatments | Sydney | Macquarie Stem Cells - Macquarie ...

Stem Cell Treatment – Analytical Stem Cell

The Truth About Adult Stem Cell Treatment

Ask about opportunities to participate in clinical trials at US centers in Florida, Colorado, Indiana, Nebraska and Atlanta. We are currently recruiting patients with diabetes, COPD, osteoarthritis, critical limb ischemia, and erectile dysfunction protocols using adipose derived stem cells. Contact 1-480-243-8859 or email to learn more about inclusion and exclusion criteria in these studies.

Update: Analytical Stem Cellis now offering culture expansion and cryo-storage of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose (fat) tissue. Your fat tissue can be sent to Bioheart Labs in Florida for expansion. Millions of cells can be grown and then frozen at extremely cold temperatures in liquid nitrogen. A lifetime supply of cells are available for future use as you need them.

The discovery of adult stem cell therapy has been a medical breakthrough because society has discovered how effective this method is in assisting a number of diseases. Adult stem cells are derived from a number of biological sources such as: blood, umbilical cords, bone marrow, muscle, placenta, fat, breast milk, dental pulp, and other sources. It has been found that these adult stem cells act as the bodys natural healing cells which are why they are used to heal a number of diseases that modern medicine is unable to remedy.

The best part about using adult stem cells is that there are virtually zero side effects. It has been used for over 40 years in the treatment of cancer, and research has shown that it has also been effective in the treatment of over 130 other diseases such as multiple sclerosis, autism, diabetes, and many other diseases and ailments.

Stem cells are a type of cell that can potentially develop into a variety of cell types within the body, depending if they fall into the category of either pluripotent or multipotent stem cells. There is a significant difference in these types of cells: the first one can grow into almost any other kind of cell within the body except the type of cell which is needed to support a fetus.

They can also develop into multipotent cells which serve as a type of repair system because as long as the host is alive, these types of stem cells can divide infinitely as long as required to repair and replenish other cells. Once a stem cell has divided, it may either remain as is but it also has the ability to become another type of cell.

Stem cells are effective in treating disease because of their unique ability in developing support to other cells in the body. They also work in our bodys tissues to repair any cells that need it. Apart from just curing disease, stem cell treatments have been effective in pain management as well as prevention. This makes stem cell treatment the most ideal and safe medical treatment which everyone should consider using.

The stem cell treatments doctors provide, allow your stem cells to aid in the regeneration of cells as well as specific organs which may be affected by degeneration, disease, or disorder. The stem cells also have the powerful ability of detecting damaged tissues, and targeting those tissues directly to help them repair, which can provide considerable improvement and benefit to a persons medical condition where other types of therapies fail to work.

Should You Consider Treatment With Stem Cells?

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Stem Cell Treatment – Analytical Stem Cell

China Stem Cells

News Update Wednesday, 30 January 2013 15:32

"Now I can touch my mouth. Now I can put my finger in my ear. Now I can open my hands, I can lift them up. I can work on my computer. I can type. I can do many things with my hands."

Gabi Iordache, SCI Stem Cell Patient

What sort of gains can be had by Spinal Cord Injury patients receiving adult stem cell therapies? Let the patients tell you themselves. This month we're releasing a video containing eight StemCellsChina interviewees discussing the improvements they saw in their conditions following adult stem cell transplants.

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Patients here have all had between one and six cycles of treatment. They all had incomplete injuries. While not every patient sees the full spectrum of improvements discussed here, this video is intended to give an idea of what real patients have found through today's process.

We'd like to thank all the patients for their courage in sharing their stories with us. Most of the patients featured in this video have patient experience interviews here at StemCellsChina. If you're interested in their stories, check out our StemCellsChina SCI Channel at Vimeo.

If you'd like to learn more about options available today, send us an inquiry!

The rest is here:
China Stem Cells

Stem Cell Quotes from Patients and Researchers

News Update Wednesday, 30 January 2013 15:32

"Now I can touch my mouth. Now I can put my finger in my ear. Now I can open my hands, I can lift them up. I can work on my computer. I can type. I can do many things with my hands."

Gabi Iordache, SCI Stem Cell Patient

What sort of gains can be had by Spinal Cord Injury patients receiving adult stem cell therapies? Let the patients tell you themselves. This month we're releasing a video containing eight StemCellsChina interviewees discussing the improvements they saw in their conditions following adult stem cell transplants.

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Patients here have all had between one and six cycles of treatment. They all had incomplete injuries. While not every patient sees the full spectrum of improvements discussed here, this video is intended to give an idea of what real patients have found through today's process.

We'd like to thank all the patients for their courage in sharing their stories with us. Most of the patients featured in this video have patient experience interviews here at StemCellsChina. If you're interested in their stories, check out our StemCellsChina SCI Channel at Vimeo.

If you'd like to learn more about options available today, send us an inquiry!

Originally posted here:
Stem Cell Quotes from Patients and Researchers

Stem Cell Therapies – Healing and Stem Cell Therapy Research for …

Health is life, and life is the promise of hopehope for today, hope for tomorrow, and hope for a better future. When illness strikes doubt is cast across that life. You can think of nothing else. You wonder, Why me? Why now? What can I do? Where can I turn for help? You ask questions to which there seem to be no answer. What you want more than anything is to have your health backto have your life back. How can you have life if you have a degenerative illness?

Exciting innovations in medical science can answer that question today in a way that weve never been able to answer it before: stem cell therapies.

Health deteriorates over time resulting in illness. Degenerative illnesses require regenerative cures. In stem cell therapies we find the regenerative treatments were looking for, opening new doors to health and happiness once thought closed due to a serious illness. Most of us have no idea that these stem cell therapies have been performed every day in foreign countries for years. They are not some far-off and distant dream; theyre happening now.

If you are experiencing the effects of living with a serious illness, I want you to know that you are not alone. I hope to be the helping hand youre looking for. I have seen people regain the lives they lost to a degenerative illness when they found a cure, and if youre suffering with serious illness, I can bring you the therapies that will achieve the same results for you: a new life. J. Cohan & Associates works with hospitals and doctors that perform stem cell therapies for your specific condition. All of the facilities are modern, state-of-the-art clinics and hospitals staffed by highly trained doctors who are experienced in the field of stem cell therapy. Again, these therapies are not simply theoretical cures for an imaginary future; they have been proven and used successfully for years.

For anyone who has spent years of their life or the majority of their savings on treatments while seeing few, if any, results, or those who are watching their friends and loved ones die because all of the known treatment options have been exhausted, know that there is hope. Anyone who is still willing to explore these amazing treatments can find the promise of a better tomorrow. Life is hope, but, for there to be life, there must be health, and creating the healthiest life possible for you or someone you love requires that you keep moving forward as long as there is still breath to draw from. Stem cell therapies have brought healing where all hope of healing had been lost. Let us begin today to build a better future, together.

For more information on how stem cell therapies can help you in recovering from a serious degenerative condition, please contact Jim Cohan & Associates at 818-504-2318.

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Stem Cell Therapies - Healing and Stem Cell Therapy Research for ...

Nicollet County K9 unit gets unique treatment

ST. PETER Utilizing an innovative new medical procedure, the Nicollet County Sheriff's Office hopes to get a loyal officer back on his feet: Draeco, the 9-year-old German Shepard who serves in the K-9 unit.

The Andover Animal Hospital selected five animals this month, including Draeco, to participate in the clinic's first implementation of a new stem cell treatment.

Because stem cells treatments are much more effective in animals than humans, the use of stem cells has gained the attention of veterinarians in recent years. The procedure is intended as a safe one-time treatment, though it can repeated if necessary for an animal. It is takes roughly six weeks for the treatment to restore an animal's abilities.

Nicollet County Deputy Paul Biederman, the human partner in the K-9 unit, said Draeco has suffered from decreased mobility and endurance in recent years. A K-9 unit typically only serves until the dog is 8 to 10 years old.

He said he is hopeful the procedure will improve Draeco's quality of life and extend how long the dog can serve in the department.

Few Minnesota veterinary clinics offer the procedure. Unlike the controversial embryonic stem cells, the operation extracts stem cells from the animal's own fat. The procedure involves sending the fat cell samples to a specialized clinic in California, which extracts the stem cells and sends back a sterilized batch. Finally, the animal is sedated and the stem cells are injected directly into the affected joints.

Dr. Joanne Kamper, a veterinarian with the clinic, said the stem cells work by replacing the damaged tissue in the joints. She said they also release chemicals that reduce inflammation and recruit other nearby stem cells to assist in the process.

Draeco completed his operation Oct. 16. Biederman said it will still take several weeks for Draeco's treatment to take full effect, but he said he has already seen some small improvements in the dog's abilities.

The procedure usually costs $2,500 to $2,800. But, Draego's operation was funded through donations from the clinic and private donors.

"We're hopeful this will give him a new chance and really help him out," Biederman said.

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Nicollet County K9 unit gets unique treatment