Lichen Sclerosus (LS) Patients Find Immediate Relief with Dr. Nathan Newman’s Stem Cell Lift®
Nathan Newman, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist, Cosmetic Surgeon and innovator of the Stem Cell Lift, is on the cutting-edge of the revolutionary advancements in stem cell therapy. He is providing an array of new, safe and effective treatment options for many conditions, such as Lichen Sclerosus et atrophicus (LS). LS is an auto immune skin disease that attacks male and female genital area, and usually causes severe pain, burning and itching to the vagina and male genitals. Until the application of the Stem Cell Lift, there has been no known effective treatment, which would provide any long term relief to the debilitating symptoms of LS.
The Stem Cell Lift is showing promising results in often providing immediate relief to patients suffering from LS. Dr. Newmans proprietary Stem Cell Lift delivers an enhanced amount of stem cells found in the patients own fat to the affected areas. The stem cells have the ability to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and repair damaged cells and tissue, thereby providing almost immediate relief to this devastating condition.
Many women who have LS cant, or are afraid to have intercourse, as it is often too painful. Paula, a 34-year old female LS patient, endured 7 years of unending suffering and countless visits to numerous specialists. They merely prescribed her topical treatments that only gave her temporary relief from her devastating symptoms. Then she met Dr. Newman and had the Stem Cell Lift. Thrilled with the immediate, positive results, Paula remarks, The constant, intense, sensitive burning that I had had every single day for a year or more, was gone the very next morning. It was gone and its never come back.
While prevalent in women of all ages, LS appears more prominently in post-menopausal women (1 in 30), as well as men and some children. The disease is often misdiagnosed, enabling the symptoms to progress and worsen, often for many years. Even with a correct diagnosis, to date medical treatments for LS have been limited to strong corticosticosteroid ointments, which merely provide temporary relief of the itching and discomfort similar to a chronic yeast infection.
The Stem Cell Lift offers new hope for relief, often immediate, from the painful symptoms of this condition. LS patients from around the world are seeking out Dr. Newman and his Stem Cell Lift procedure because, after years of suffering, they are feeling free of the pain and discomfort of LS by using their own bodies' stem cells. The stem cells may also help stop the progression of the disease through their ability to inhibit the bodys immune system from attacking itself.
Patients treated with the Stem Cell Lift confirm that they experience fewer flare ups, which are shorter in duration. Post-Stem Cell Lift, most patients are able to discontinue the use of topical steroids and hormones and may be able to resume intimacy.
States Dr. Newman, "I hope to raise public awareness of this debilitating disease and inform patients that with the advent of the Stem Cell Lift, new treatment options are now available to LS patients."
For more information regarding Dr. Nathan Newman, The Stem Cell Lift and treatment for LS, please visit and his blog at or call 310-273-3344.
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Lichen Sclerosus (LS) Patients Find Immediate Relief with Dr. Nathan Newman’s Stem Cell Lift®