Category Archives: Stem Cell Treatment

5 potential benefits of exosome treatment – AZ Big Media

For the better part of the 2000s, stem cell therapy ruled the public health conversation in the United States. The only thing that came close to supplanting it as the most controversial science and health topic was cloning.

These days, its normalized enough that people line up for treatments involving stem cells without giving it a second thought. Exosome treatment is one of the more popular varieties, and theres no wonder why. It has a broad range of benefits, many of which youll learn about if you read on.

Before COVID-19, the opioid epidemic was the biggest public health issue in the United States. As important as solving that issue is, it cut the number of options available to chronic pain patients.

Without effective treatment and accommodation, chronic pain affects mobility, mood, and relationships. It makes daily life and employment difficult. Suffering from it and the ensuing struggles can even lead to suicide.

The good news is that exosome therapy and other stem cell treatments lend some hope.

Arthritis is a common immune condition that causes great pain for many. Immune system disorders often involve miscommunication between cells. Exosomes primary function is communication, solving that issue, and boosting the immune system.

Joint inflammation is a key symptom of arthritis but exists in other forms, as well. Inflamed joints after injuries can end athletes seasons without proper treatment. Exosome therapy treats joint inflammation and pain, whatever the cause.

Surgery solves an endless range of ailments and helps achieve appearance goals. In terms of risk, theres never been a better time to get surgery. Laparoscopy, lasers, and robots are a few of many tools that reduce tissue damage.

Todays post-surgery therapies have folks back to regular activity faster than we imagined possible even a decade ago. Exosome treatment and other stem cell therapies are one way to restore function sooner than later.

No matter how advanced surgery gets or how effective rehab becomes, there are always risks. Issues with anesthesia, infections, and even freak accidents like surgeons sewing their equipment into patients bodies are all too common. The only way to remove these concerns is by avoiding surgery.

Exosome therapy is a non-invasive substitute for some operations. It doesnt come with the same risks or recovery period. Its also a great option for elderly people who cant risk surgery and folks with conditions that make it impossible.

Exosomes can turn around someones quality of life by solving a painful condition or restoring mobility. Theyre also useful for less pressing matters, such as restoring youthful looks.

Treatments like Botox and collagen injections arent long-lasting and can lead to adverse reactions. Because exosome therapy stimulates cell production, the body fills in wrinkles and restores skin elasticity. It doesnt come with the infamous stiffness of Botox and wont droop as dermal fillers can.

Anti-aging therapies arent a must for everyone, but they are for some, making this extra important.

Whether you think its right or not, we have high expectations for entertainers and models. Showing your age in some professions can push you out of your field. Using exosomes to reverse the aging process has a less artificial look than some other procedures and lasts longer, extending careers.

Medication is the most popular treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED), to the point that solutions have nicknames like the little blue pill. Despite pills popularity, they have several downsides.

The most popular ED meds have no long-term benefits: You rely on them for each sexual encounter. They can interact with other drugs and arent recommended for patients with certain conditions, such as heart disease and both high and low blood pressure.

ED pills also come with ugly side effects, including headaches and gastrointestinal distress.

Exosomes, on the other hand, have long-lasting results and no major side effects. Rather than providing a temporary fix, they help heal damaged nerves and tissues. This can increase how long erections last. For some, the method also boosts penile length and girth.

The treatment also helps people with conditions such as Peyronies disease, also known as PD. The main symptom is built-up scar tissue that results in a curved penis. Some PD patients cant have sex due to erectile dysfunction and/or pain.

That all can change for PD patients who undergo exosome therapy. The healing process awakens dormant cells and improves blood flow. It makes enjoyable sex possible again.

Bald is beautiful, but its not everyones cup of tea. Those who have a lot of pride in their hair may see their self-confidence tank when they go bald. It affects some folks sex lives, whether thats because their significant others dislike it or because they dont feel attractive and struggle to get in the mood.

For all of these reasons, theres an infinite range of treatments and has been pretty much since the beginning of recorded history. The grand majority of them never amounted to much, and some were downright nasty!

If youve tried everything from hair plugs to superstitious treatments without success, dont despair.

Exosome treatment is a modern solution for hair restoration, and its effective. Its not like treatments that try to mask hair loss or graft hairs from one part of the head to another. Instead, exosomes restore follicles so hair can grow again.

Expect to hear more and more about exosome treatment in the coming years. Its one of the most modern medical treatments available and continues growing due to its wide range of benefits.

If you want to learn about more of the latest and greatest science to make your life better and info to propel you to success, youre on the right website. Our articles are sure to inform and entertain, so click on another one and pick up new knowledge today.

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5 potential benefits of exosome treatment - AZ Big Media

Orion and the Blood Service launch collaboration to develop new CAR T-cell cancer therapy – Yahoo Finance Australia


Orion and the Blood Service launch collaboration to develop new CAR T-cell cancer therapy

Orion Corporation and the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service have concluded an agreement on research collaboration with the aim of developing chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy.

Cancer immunotherapies, with CAR T-cell therapy as one form of therapy, have introduced entirely new possibilities for cancer treatment. In CAR T-cell therapy, the patient's own white blood cells are genetically modified to attack the cancer and kill it. CAR T-cells are currently used to treat certain haematological cancers.

The first T-cell therapies received marketing authorisation in the USA in 2017 and in Finland in 2019 for the treatment of recurrent acute lymphocytic leukaemia and B-cell lymphoma. Despite the good treatment results, development needs have been identified in CAR T-cell therapies, which is why research related to CAR-T cell therapy is being pursued.

The Blood Service has considerable experience in cell research, in the supply of cord blood and stem cell grafts classified as tissue products, and in the preparation of ATMP cell products classified as medicinal products. The Blood Service also has expertise and the necessary clean rooms for the research and high-quality production of therapeutic cells.

Orion has a solid research infrastructure and has introduced several proprietary drugs to the market in different therapy areas. Orion's oncology therapy area researches and develops novel proprietary drugs for the treatment of cancer. In recent years, Orion has expanded its research activities to include immuno-oncology therapies.

New possibilities for cancer treatment

The research collaboration is based on new innovations to improve the structure of the CAR T-cell product. Matti Korhonen, Senior Medical Officer, who leads the research at the Blood Service, believes that the collaboration offers a great opportunity to develop new cell therapy products for patient care. According to Oliver Cooper, Ph.D., director of Discovery Sciences at Orions R&D, Orions drug development expertise will provide the necessary momentum for this project.

Story continues

Targeted immunotherapy has opened up entirely new possibilities for the treatment of cancer, and it is important to advance this development in Finland, too. I also believe that as a result of the development work, more and more patients will be able to benefit from this effective treatment, says Matti Korhonen

Project managers Satu Juhila from Orion and Jan Koski from the Blood Service say that the collaboration has got off to a good start: Both parties are very enthusiastic regarding the opportunities of the collaboration and about advancing the development of cell therapy in Finland. We believe that the collaboration will provide plenty of new opportunities for the development of cell therapy products.

Finnish Red Cross Blood Service The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service is the nationwide blood service provider in Finland. Its services comprise recruiting blood donors, organising blood donation, collecting blood and testing the donated blood. It is also responsible for producing and storing blood products and delivering them to hospitals. The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service is also responsible for supplying stem cell transplants, the HLA typing of organ and stem cell transplants and various laboratory testing related to blood. The Blood Services Cell Production Centre develops and produces experimental cell therapy products for the treatment of patients. The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service conducts scientific research related to its field. More detailed information is available in the Blood Service annual report 2020.

Further information:

Orion Corporation: Outi Vaarala Senior Vice President, Research and Development, Orion Corporation Tel. +358 10 426 3472

Contact person for the media:

Terhi Ormio Vice President, Communications, Orion Corporation Tel. +358 50 966 4646

Finnish Red Cross, Blood Service: Matti Korhonen, Senior Medical Officer Finnish Red Cross, Blood Service Tel. +358 50 396 9450

Contact person for the media: Willy Toiviainen, Director of Communications and Human Resources Finnish Red Cross, Blood Service Tel. +358 40 523 7451

Publisher: Orion Corporation Communications Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland Homepage:

Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company a builder of well-being. Orion develops, manufactures and markets human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. The company is continuously developing new drugs and treatment methods. The core therapy areas of Orions pharmaceutical R&D are neurological disorders, oncology and respiratory diseases for which Orion develops inhaled pulmonary medication. Orions net sales in 2020 amounted to EUR 1,078 million, and the company had about 3,300 employees at the end of the year. Orions A and B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

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Orion and the Blood Service launch collaboration to develop new CAR T-cell cancer therapy - Yahoo Finance Australia

Improvements in the Treatment of Patients With MCL Over the Past Decade – Oncology Learning Network


Hi, I'm Peter Martin. I'm the Chief of the Lymphoma Program at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. My colleagues and I were interested in how our patients with mantle cell lymphoma (are) actually treated in the United States. We have seen over the past decade a lot of significant improvements in the outcomes of patients with mantle cell lymphoma in clinical trials.

The real question that comes up though is, How do the results of those clinical trials translate into practices that are using the therapies that are defined in clinical trials as they are defined. What are the outcomes that we're getting in those patients who are being treated outside of clinical trials, mostly in community practices in the United States?

We used the deidentified database derived from electronic medical records in the Flatiron database with a statistician, who did an excellent job. We came up with a series of questions.

One, what are the patterns of care that are being used in the United States in these practices? Two, what are the outcomes of patients being treated in these practices? Three, how is stem cell transplantation being used, and what are the outcomes of patients who receive stem cell transplantation compared to patients who do not receive stem cell transplantation?

Separately, Dr. Gilles A. Salles evaluated the role of rituximab maintenance using the same deidentified Flatiron electronic medical record database, and those data are being presented at EHA.

What we found was that, in general, there was less use of standard treatment regimens that you might think would be a case. This could be a variety of reasons. One is there may be insufficient communication regarding what standard treatments should be used. That's one possibility. Another possibility is that the treatment regimens that are being developed may not apply to the broad set of people who develop mantle cell lymphoma in the United States, either related to comorbidy conditions, age, geography, or other socioeconomic factors.

As a researcher who spends a lot of time thinking about how to treat people with mantle cell lymphoma better, one of the takehome messages that I've learned from this study is that it doesn't make sense to develop a regimen that can't be administered broadly in the United States. There are a lot of good regimens.

If they can only be administered in academic settings, then we're really ignoring the majority of people with mantle cell lymphoma. As researchers, we can do a better job developing regimens that are applicable more broadly to people with mantle cell lymphoma. Those regimens should focus on practicability in addition to efficacy and safety.

Whenever you look at deidentified health record data, there's always a chance that there are some biases. For example, we don't have response rates. A lot of these factors could impact the results in one way or another, overcome that to some degree by having a large number, in this case, over 4,000 patients to start with.

But really, the key when you're looking at data like this is to trying to focusing on certain key questions and then to validate those questions in other databases, ideally, separate databases for different countries or different types of medical records. That's what we're hoping to do in the next step.

One of the findings that is most relevant from my perspective was we are finding that amongst patients who we defined, in this case, a stem cell transplant eligible and there are debates about how that should be done. In those patients, we did not find a significant advantage through the use of stem cell transplantation.

Now, there are at least 2 ongoing large randomized clinical trials in the United States and in Europe that are evaluating stem cell transplant. Ultimately, if we are going to rule out stem cell transplantation in the world, we need to have the results of those clinical trials.

As we increasingly find large datasets like this one, Flatiron dataset, showing that there may not be an advantage to stem cell transplantation, I think as researchers, we need to start coming up with treatments that might be applicable to younger patients that don't use stem cell transplantation.

We need to be prepared to move forward with regimens that are reasonable, effective, and welltolerated that maybe don't use stem cell transplantation so that when those large clinical trials read out, we're ready to take those trials into the next phase of large randomized trials.

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Improvements in the Treatment of Patients With MCL Over the Past Decade - Oncology Learning Network

Novo Nordisk partners with Heartseed on heart failure cell therapy – PMLiVE

Danish pharma company Novo Nordisk has announced a new collaboration and licence agreement with Japans Heartseed to develop the companys investigational cell therapy HS-001 for heart failure.

HS-001, Heartseeds lead asset, is an investigational cell therapy using purified cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). The therapy is currently being developed as a treatment for heart failure.

Heartseed is already planning to launch a phase 1/2 study of HS-001 in Japan in the second half of 2021, which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the therapy for the treatment of heart failure caused by ischaemic heart disease.

Under the terms of their agreement, Novo Nordisk will gain exclusive rights to develop, manufacture and commercialise HS-001 globally, excluding Japan where Heartseed will retain the rights to solely develop the therapy.

However, Novo Nordisk has the rights to co-commercialise HS-001 with Heartseed in Japan, with equal profit and cost sharing.

In return, Heartseed is eligible to receive up to a total $598m, with $55m earmarked in upfront and near-term milestone payments.

The Japanese biotech company is also eligible to receive tiered high single-digit to low double-digit royalties of annual net sales on the product outside Japan.

"We are delighted to have a company with the expertise and resources of Novo Nordisk as our partner for development and commercialisation of HS-001, and are also honoured that Novo Nordisk has recognised the innovativeness and high potential of our technology," said Keiichi Fukuda, chief executive officer of Heartseed.

"We believe that the partnership with Novo Nordisk is very valuable as we seek to disseminate our Japan-origin innovation globally as early as possible, he added.

Through this important collaboration with Heartseed, we aim to pioneer novel treatment solutions for people with cardiovascular disease, said Marcus Schindler, chief scientific officer, EVP research and early development at Novo Nordisk.

We [will] gain access to an innovative clinical asset, underlying technology and deep expertise within the field of iPSC biology and cardiac cell transplantation, which can be combined with our knowledge and capabilities in stem cell biology and manufacturing, he added.

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Novo Nordisk partners with Heartseed on heart failure cell therapy - PMLiVE

Citius Pharmaceuticals to be Added to Russell 2000 Index – BioSpace

CRANFORD, N.J., June 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Citius" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: CTXR), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of first-in-class critical care products with a focus on anti-infective products in adjunct cancer care, unique prescription products and stem cell therapy, today announced that it is set to be added to the Russell 2000 Index at the conclusion of the Russell US Indexes annual reconstitution, effective at the opening of the U.S. equity markets on June 28, 2021.

"Our inclusion in the Russell index is an important milestone for Citius that reflects the continued progress we are making to develop and commercialize first-in-classtreatment options for patients around the world. We welcome the enhanced visibility of our diversified pipeline and long-term growth potential, and look forward to sharing our future milestones with a broader investment community," said Myron Holubiak, President and Chief Executive Officer of Citius.

FTSE Russell determines membership for its Russell indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings and style attributes. Membership in the small-cap Russell 2000 Index, which remains in place for one year, is based on membership in the broad-market Russell 3000Index. Citius stock will also be automatically added to the appropriate growth and value indexes.

Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies. Approximately $9 trillion in assets are benchmarked against Russell's US indexes. Russell indexes are part of FTSE Russell, a leading global index provider.

For more information on the Russell 2000 Index and the Russell indexes reconstitution, visit the FTSE Russell website.

About Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Citius is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of first-in-class critical care products, with a focus on anti-infectives in adjunct cancer care, unique prescription products, and stem cell therapy. The Company's lead product candidate, Mino-Lok, an antibiotic lock solution for the treatment of patients with catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs), is currently enrolling patients in a Phase 3 pivotal superiority trial. Mino-Lok was granted Fast Track designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Through its subsidiary, NoveCite, Inc., Citius is developing a novel proprietary mesenchymal stem cell treatment derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) for acute respiratory conditions, with a near-term focus on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) associated with COVID-19. For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor

This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements are made based on our expectations and beliefs concerning future events impacting Citius. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "will," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "plan," "should," and "may" and other words and terms of similar meaning or use of future dates. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could negatively affect our business, operating results, financial condition and stock price. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated are: risks relating to becoming included and remaining included in the Russell 2000 index; our ability to successfully undertake and complete clinical trials and the results from those trials for our product candidates; risks relating to the results of research and development activities; uncertainties relating to preclinical and clinical testing; the early stage of products under development; the estimated markets for our product candidates and the acceptance thereof by any market; the ability of our product candidates to impact the quality of life of our target patient populations; our need for substantial additional funds; market and other conditions; risks related to our growth strategy; patent and intellectual property matters; our ability to attract, integrate, and retain key personnel; our ability to obtain, perform under and maintain financing and strategic agreements and relationships; our ability to identify, acquire, close and integrate product candidates and companies successfully and on a timely basis; our dependence on third-party suppliers; our ability to procure cGMP commercial-scale supply; government regulation; competition; as well as other risks described in our SEC filings. These risks have been and may be further impacted by Covid-19. Accordingly, these forward-looking statements do not constitute guarantees of future performance, and you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Risks regarding our business are described in detail in our Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filings which are available on the SEC's website at, including in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2020, filed with the SEC on December 16, 2020 and updated by our subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.

Investor Relations for Citius Pharmaceuticals:

Andrew Scott Vice President, Special Projects T: 908-967-6677 x105 E:

Ilanit Allen Vice President, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations T: 908-967-6677 x113 E:

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SOURCE Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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Citius Pharmaceuticals to be Added to Russell 2000 Index - BioSpace

IN8bio Completes Treatment of First Cohort in Phase 1 Clinical Trial with Gamma Delta T-Cell Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma…

NEW YORK, June 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IN8bio, Inc. (IN8bio or the Company), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative gamma delta T-cell therapies utilizing its DeltEx platform, today announced an update from the ongoing Phase 1 clinical trial of INB-200, its DeltEx drug resistant immunotherapy (DRI), MGMT-gene modified gamma delta T-cells in patients with newly diagnosed GBM. INB-200 was co-administered to patients undergoing the standard-of-care therapy for GBM during the temozolomide (TMZ) maintenance treatment.

The Phase 1 clinical trial of INB-200 (NCT04165941) is the first-in-human trial of a genetically modified gamma delta T-cell therapy. The therapy was well-tolerated with no observed infusion reactions, cytokine release syndrome (CRS), neurotoxicity or dose limiting toxicities (DLTs). The clinical program also cleared a data safety monitoring board (DSMB) review earlier in 2021 and enrollment for cohort 2 has been initiated. The trial is being conducted by Dr. Burt Nabors at the ONeal Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). The clinical trial poster was presented at the 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting from June 4-8.

Our DeltEx DRI platform combines the advantages of gamma delta T-cells with proprietary genetic engineering and next-generation cell therapy manufacturing that addresses the challenges of treating solid tumor cancers, said William Ho, Chief Executive Officer, and co-founder. Given the potential safety concerns of cellular therapies for solid tumor cancers, we are encouraged by this clinical update from our INB-200 trial in GBM patients. We believe that our Phase 1 program provides early evidence that gamma delta T-cells modified to be chemotherapy resistant are well-tolerated, with indications of clinical activity. Based on the initial safety profile, IN8bio has initiated Cohort 2 of this study, in which patients will receive three repeat doses of our DeltEx DRI product, INB-200.

The study is an open-label Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating DeltEx DRI, gamma delta T-cells genetically modified to express proteins that confer resistance to alkylating chemotherapies, in newly diagnosed GBM patients. Gamma delta T-cells are collected from the patient, expanded, activated and genetically modified with a proprietary process developed at IN8bio. Following surgery to remove the tumor and treatment with TMZ and radiation, patients in cohort 1 received a single intracranial dose of INB-200, during their TMZ maintenance phase. The primary endpoints of this Phase I trial are based on safety and tolerability, with secondary endpoints based on biologic response, progression free and overall survival.

The results of the study to date suggest that our INB-200 treatment is well-tolerated in lymphodepleted patients. Immunologic monitoring data presented at ASCO demonstrates that peripheral circulating T, Natural Killer (NK), and gamma delta T-cells decline and are suppressed during radiation + TMZ and remain as such through maintenance TMZ therapy. An advantage of this clinical approach in newly diagnosed GBM is that TMZ, the standard-of-care therapy, serves as the lymphodepleting agent for the cellular therapy. To date, two of three patients remain alive at 10 and nine months respectively. One treated patient was infused with INB-200 in May 2020 and, despite multiple poor prognostic factors including male sex, older age, MGMT-unmethylated and IDH wild-type GBM survived for 15.6 months post-diagnosis with stable disease before expiring from causes not related to GBM progression or INB-200 infusion. Based on the results to date, the Phase 1 study has initiated enrollment of patients in the second cohort, in which each patient will receive 3 repeat doses of INB-200, a DeltEx DRI product.

About IN8bio IN8bio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of gamma-delta T-cell product candidates for solid and liquid tumors. Gamma-delta T-cells are a specialized population of T-cells that possess unique properties, including the ability to differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue. These cells embody properties of both the innate and adaptive immune systems and can intrinsically differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue. IN8bios DeltEx platform employs allogeneic, autologous and genetically modified approaches to develop cell therapies, designed to effectively identify and eradicate tumor cells. IN8bio is currently conducting two investigator-initiated Phase 1 clinical trials for its lead gamma-delta T-cell product candidates: INB-200 for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma and INB-100 for the treatment of patients with leukemia undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. IN8bio also has a broad portfolio of preclinical programs focused on addressing other solid tumor types. For more information about IN8bio and its programs, please visit

About the DeltEx platform The DeltEx platform is designed to overcome many of the challenges associated with the expansion, genetic engineering, and scalable manufacturing of gamma-delta T-cells. This approach enables the expansion of the cells, ex vivo, for administration of potentially therapeutic doses to patients, harnessing the unique properties of gamma-delta T-cells, including their ability to broadly recognize cellular stress signals on tumor cells. The DeltEx platform is the basis of a deep pipeline of innovative product candidates designed to effectively target and potentially eradicate disease and improve patient outcomes.

Forward Looking Statements Certain statements herein concerning the Companys future expectations, plans and prospects, including without limitation, the Companys current expectations regarding the advancement of its product candidates through preclinical studies and clinical trials and the prospects for such candidates and underlying technology, constitute forward-looking statements. The use of words such as may, might, will, should, expect, plan, anticipate, believe, estimate, project, intend, future, potential, or continue, the negative of these and other similar expressions are intended to identify such forward looking statements. Such statements, based as they are on the current expectations of management, inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, many of which are beyond the Companys control. Consequently, actual future results may differ materially from the anticipated results expressed in such statements. Specific risks which could cause actual results to differ materially from the Companys current expectations include: scientific, regulatory and technical developments; failure to demonstrate safety, tolerability and efficacy; final and quality controlled verification of data and the related analyses; expense and uncertainty of obtaining regulatory approval, including from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; and the Companys reliance on third parties, including licensors and clinical research organizations. Do not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements included herein, which speak only as of the date hereof and which the Company is under no obligation to update or revise as a result of any event, circumstances or otherwise, unless required by applicable law.

Company Contact: IN8bio, Inc. Kate Rochlin, Ph.D. +1 646.600.6GDT (6438)

Investors: Solebury Trout Julia Balanova + 1 646.378.2936

Media: Burns McClellan, Inc. Ryo Imai / Robert Flamm, Ph.D. +1 212.213.0006 - ext. 315 / 364 /

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IN8bio Completes Treatment of First Cohort in Phase 1 Clinical Trial with Gamma Delta T-Cell Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma...

Regenerative medicine: moving next-gen treatments from lab to clinic – Pharmaceutical Technology

The investment in bolstering defences in virtual space also remains a top priority, as the pharmaceutical industry is extremely susceptible to cyber-attacks due to the involvement of sensitive and valuable data.

Several pharmaceutical companies and research institutes including Hammersmith Medicines Research in the UK, the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and US-based clinical services company eResearch Technology (ERT) remained targets for cyberattacks due to their involvement in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.

GlobalData conducted to survey to assess to extent to which emerging technologies such as cybersecurity will help a company survive through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Analysis of the results found that 54% of the respondents opined that cybersecurity would play a significant role in helping companies to pull through the crisis created by the pandemic.

Cybersecuritys Role During COVID-19 Crisis

Another 33% of the surveyed companies expect cybersecurity to play a minor role during the COVID-19 crisis.

Further, 10% of the companies stated that cybersecurity will play no role during the pandemic, while 3% of the respondents were unaware of the impact of cybersecurity.

The analysis is based on responses received in GlobalData, Emerging Technologies Survey 2020 fielded between 29 May and 09 July 2020.

Customised Viral Vectors for Cell Modelling, Gene Therapy, and Vaccination Research and Development

28 Aug 2020

Pharmaceutical-Grade Water Purification Systems for the Pharmaceutical and Biopharma Markets

28 Aug 2020

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Regenerative medicine: moving next-gen treatments from lab to clinic - Pharmaceutical Technology

Global $30+ Billion Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market to 2028: Market Opportunities in Automated Procedures to Produce Cell Therapies – PRNewswire

DUBLIN, June 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Forecast to 2028 - COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis By Technology, Cell Type, End User, and Geography" report has been added to's offering.

The global cell therapy bioprocessing market is expected to reach US$ 30,052.61 million in 2028 from US$ 11,192.50 million in 2020. The market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 13.14% from 2020 to 2028.

Cell therapy bioprocessing is a subfield of bioprocess engineering that bridges cell therapy and bioprocessing (i.e., biopharmaceutical manufacturing). Cell therapy is one of the fastest-growing areas of the life sciences. It entails delivering entire living cells to a patient to treat chronic and rare diseases.

Cell and gene therapy is still in an early stage of development in the biotechnology sector. Despite of being niche domain of the biotechnology sector, cell and gene therapy have paved the investments by the contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMO)/contract manufacturing organizations (CMO).

Companies are investing to enhance their manufacturing capabilities and offer world-class therapies to treat chronic conditions. Companies are adopting inorganic and organic strategies such as acquisitions and expansion to broaden their cell and gene therapy segment.

Recently, there have been a few instances of companies investing a huge amount to enter in the cell and gene therapy segment. For instance, in February 2020, Catalent, Inc. and MaSTherCell Global, Inc. have signed an agreement, in which Catalent, Inc. has agreed to acquire MaSTherCell Global, Inc. for an amount of US$ 135 million. It is stated that Catalent, Inc. is in a good state to merge with MaSTherCell Global, Inc.'s capabilities and R&D resources to build its own development and commercial manufacturing facilities.

Similarly, in February 2021, Rentschler Biopharma, a German-based CDMO has expanded its manufacturing capabilities at Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Catapult in the UK. Rentschler Biopharma is looking forward to entering the regenerative medicine segment and initiate the production of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector for cell and gene therapies. Rentschler Biopharma is likely to invest an undisclosed amount over the five years and will share its expertise and capabilities with CGT Catapult.

Such instances of investments are expected to boost the sector and enhance the cell therapy bioprocessing in the coming future. Additionally, in the last few years, there has been significant investments done by the biopharmaceutical companies in the cell and gene therapy segment.

According to the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM), investments in the cell and gene therapy has doubled in 2020 compared to 2019 and considerably higher than 2018. Companies across the world have invested US$ 19.9 billion in 2020, whereas the investments were accounted for US$ 13.5 billion in 2018 and US$ 9.8 billion in 2019. Thus, owing to the heavy investments, the market is expected to be flourishing in the coming years.

Report Highlights

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market- Key Takeaways

3. Research Methodology

4. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market- Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Expert Opinion

5. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market - Key Market Dynamics 5.1 Market Drivers 5.1.1 Increasing Investments for Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing 5.1.2 Growing Approvals for Cell Therapies 5.2 Market Restraints 5.2.1 Challenges Associated with Cell Therapy Bioprocessing 5.3 Market Opportunities 5.3.1 Automated Procedures to Produce Cell Therapies 5.4 Future Trends 5.4.1 Digital Biomanufacturing 5.5 Impact Analysis

6. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market- Global Analysis 6.1 Global Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis 6.2 Global Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market, By Geography - Forecast and Analysis 6.3 Market Positioning of Key Players

7. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Analysis - By Technology 7.1 Overview 7.2 Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Revenue Share, by Technology (2020 and 2028) 7.3 Bioreactor 7.4 Lyophilization 7.5 Electrospinning 7.6 Controlflow Centrifugation 7.7 Ultrasonic Lysis 7.8 Genome Editing Technology 7.9 Cell Immortalization Technology 7.10 Viral Vector Technology

8. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Analysis - By Cell Type 8.1 Overview 8.2 Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Revenue Share, by Cell Type (2020 and 2028) 8.3 Stem Cell 8.4 Immune Cell 8.5 Human Embryonic Stem Cell 8.6 Pluripotent Stem Cell 8.7 Hematopoietic Stem Cell

9. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Analysis - By Indication 9.1 Overview 9.2 Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Revenue Share, by Indication (2020 and 2028) 9.3 Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) 9.4 Oncology 9.5 Wound Healing 9.6 Orthopedic

10. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market- By End User 10.1 Overview 10.2 Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market Revenue Share, by End User (2020 and 2028) 10.3 Hospitals and Clinics 10.4 Diagnostic Centres 10.5 Regenerative Medicine Centres 10.6 Academic and Research Institute

11. Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market - Geographical Analysis

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Global $30+ Billion Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market to 2028: Market Opportunities in Automated Procedures to Produce Cell Therapies - PRNewswire

Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market Report Forecast to 2027 3M Group Novartis AG Integra Gene Therapies The Manomet Current – The…

Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market Report, History and Forecast 2016-2027, Breakdown Data by Companies, Key Regions, Types and Application

The worldwide Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine market has the planned climate to do a development worth USD xx million with developing CAGR at a pace of xx% during the figure time frame, that is from 2021 to 2027.

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The Key players operating in the Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine market are @ 3M Group Novartis AG Integra Gene Therapies; Progenitor &Stem CellTherapies

The main goal for the dissemination of this information is to give a descriptive analysis of how the trends could potentially affect the upcoming future of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine market during the forecast period. This markets competitive manufactures and the upcoming manufactures are studied with their detailed research. Revenue, production, price, market share of these players is mentioned with precise information.

Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market: Regional Segment Analysis

This report provides pinpoint analysis for changing competitive dynamics. It offers a forward-looking perspective on different factors driving or limiting market growth. It provides a five-year forecast assessed on the basis of how they Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market is predicted to grow. It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future and helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments.

Key questions answered in the report include:

What will the market size and the growth rate be in 2026?

What are the key factors driving the Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market?

What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market?

What are the challenges to market growth?

Who are the key vendors in the Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market?

What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market?

Trending factors influencing the market shares of the Americas, APAC, Europe, and MEA.

The report includes six parts, dealing with:

1.) Basic information;

2.) The Asia Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market;

3.) The North American Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market;

4.) The European Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market;

5.) Market entry and investment feasibility;

6.) The report conclusion.

All the research report is made by using two techniques that are Primary and secondary research. There are various dynamic features of the business, like client need and feedback from the customers. Before (company name) curate any report, it has studied in-depth from all dynamic aspects such as industrial structure, application, classification, and definition.

The report focuses on some very essential points and gives a piece of full information about Revenue, production, price, and market share.

Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market report will enlist all sections and research for each and every point without showing any indeterminate of the company.

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It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth

It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow

It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future

It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors

It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments


1 Report Overview

2 Global Growth Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players

4 Breakdown Data by Type and Application

5 United States

6 Europe

7 China

8 Japan

9 Southeast Asia

10 India

11 Central & South America

12 International Players Profiles

13 Market Forecast 2019-2025

14 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions

15 Appendix

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Global Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Market Report Forecast to 2027 3M Group Novartis AG Integra Gene Therapies The Manomet Current - The...

BioRestorative Therapies to Present at the Emerging Growth Conference on June 9, 2021 –

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BioRestorative Therapies invites individual and institutional investors, as well as advisors and analysts, to attend its real-time, interactive presentation at the online Emerging Growth Conference.

MELVILLE, N.Y., June 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. (the Company or BioRestorative) (OTC: BRTX), a life sciences company focused on stem cell-based therapies, is pleased to announce that it is has been invited to present at the online Emerging Growth Conference on June 9, 2021.

The Emerging Growth Conference will be held on June 9, 2021. This live, interactive online event will give existing shareholders and the investment community the opportunity to interact with the Companys CEO, Lance Alstodt, and Vice President of Research and Development, Francisco Silva, in real time.

Mr. Alstodt will make a presentation and answer questions. Please ask your questions during the event and Mr. Alstodt will try to respond to as many as possible.

BioRestorative Therapies will be presenting at 10:45 AM Eastern time for 45 minutes.

Please register here to ensure you are able to attend the conference and receive any updates that are released:

If attendees are unable to join the event live on the day of the conference, an archived webcast will also be made available on, and the Company will also release a link to that site after the event.

About the Emerging Growth Conference

The Emerging Growth Conference is an effective way for public companies to present and communicate their new products, services and other major announcements to the investment community from the convenience of their office, in a time efficient manner.

The Conferences focus and coverage includes companies in a wide range of growth sectors, with strong management teams, innovative products and services, focused strategy, execution, and the overall potential for long term growth. Its audience includes potentially tens of thousands of individuals and institutional investors, as well as investment advisors and analysts.

All sessions will be conducted through video webcasts and will take place in the Eastern time zone.

About BioRestorative Therapies, Inc.

BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. ( develops therapeutic products using cell and tissue protocols, primarily involving adult stem cells. Our two core programs, as described below, relate to the treatment of disc/spine disease and metabolic disorders:

Disc/Spine Program (brtxDISC): Our lead cell therapy candidate, BRTX-100, is a product formulated from autologous (or a persons own) cultured mesenchymal stem cells collected from the patients bone marrow. We intend that the product will be used for the non-surgical treatment of painful lumbosacral disc disorders or as a complementary therapeutic to a surgical procedure. The BRTX-100 production process utilizes proprietary technology and involves collecting a patients bone marrow, isolating and culturing stem cells from the bone marrow and cryopreserving the cells. In an outpatient procedure, BRTX-100 is to be injected by a physician into the patients damaged disc. The treatment is intended for patients whose pain has not been alleviated by non-invasive procedures and who potentially face the prospect of surgery. We have received authorization from the Food and Drug Administration to commence a Phase 2 clinical trial using BRTX-100 to treat chronic lower back pain arising from degenerative disc disease.

Metabolic Program (ThermoStem): We are developing a cell-based therapy candidate to target obesity and metabolic disorders using brown adipose (fat) derived stem cells to generate brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT is intended to mimic naturally occurring brown adipose depots that regulate metabolic homeostasis in humans. Initial preclinical research indicates that increased amounts of brown fat in animals may be responsible for additional caloric burning as well as reduced glucose and lipid levels. Researchers have found that people with higher levels of brown fat may have a reduced risk for obesity and diabetes.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and other risks, including, without limitation, those set forth in the Company's latest Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. Any forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update such statements.


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BioRestorative Therapies to Present at the Emerging Growth Conference on June 9, 2021 -