Indian doctors fix Yemeni man’s face in rare reconstructive surgery – The New Indian Express

By Express News Service

NEW DELHI: A 26-year-old man from Yemen received a fresh lease of life through a rare reconstructive surgery, performed by a team of Indian doctors. A few months back, the patients face and mouth was left completely disfigured after a mobile phone exploded while he held it between his teeth. Apart from severe disfigurment, the accident rendered him incapable to eat and speak properly.

The patient was admitted at KAS Medical Centre in the national capital where a team of facial reconstruction surgeons headed by Dr. Ajaya Kashyap performed a rare surgical procedure to give him his normal facial features back. As per the doctors, the blast was so strong that it burnt the inside of his mouth, tore up the muscles and the tongue leaving all the soft tissues damaged.

As the blast happened inside the mouth, the injury was rather unusual. After much assessment, the team decided to use flaps of tissue from inside the mouth as well as fat tissues from his body and use it as a flap. Ensuring facial sensations was another challenge. We are happy that the procedure went well and the patient regained his normal features, said Kashyap, Medical Director, KAS Medical Centre.

The muscles of the lips which had been split apart were repaired and flaps were used to close it. Autologous fat with stem cells and PRP were injected to restore volume and improve scarring.

The surgery was done a week back and now he is ready to fly back to his own country, added Kashyap.

Mobile phone blasts have lead to serious injuries in India. The most common reasons for a cell phone to explode are using it while the phone is being charged. Charging puts pressure on the device, using it during charging increases this pressure manifold. This causes cheap electronic components in some mobiles to explode.

Indian doctors fix Yemeni man's face in rare reconstructive surgery - The New Indian Express

Recent AI Developments Offer a Glimpse of the Future of Drug Discovery – Tech Times

The science and practice of medicine has been around for much of recorded human history. Even today, doctors still swear an oath that dates back to ancient Greece, containing many of the ethical obligations we still expect our physicians to adhere to. It is one of the most necessary and universal fields of human study.

Despite the importance of medicine, though, true breakthroughs don't come easily. In fact, most medical professionals will only see a few within their lifetime. Developments such as the first medical x-ray, penicillin, stem cell therapy - true game changers that advance the cause of medical care don't happen often.

That's especially true when it comes to the development of medications. It takes a great deal of research and testing to find compounds that have medicinal benefits. Armies of scientists armed with microplate readers to measure absorbance, centrifuges for sample separation, and hematology analyzers to test compound efficacy make up just the beginnings of the long and labor-intensive process. It's why regulators tend to approve around 22 new drugs per year for public use, leaving many afflicted patients waiting for cures that may come too late.

Now, however, some recent advances in AI technology are promising to speed that process up. It could be the beginnings of a new medical technology breakthrough on the same order of magnitude as the ones mentioned earlier. Here's what's going on.

One of the reasons that it takes so long to develop new drug therapies, even for diseases that have been around for decades, is that much of the process relies on humans screening different molecule types to find ones likely to have an effect on the disease in question. Much of that work calls for lengthy chemical property analysis, followed by structured experimentation. On average, all of that work takes between three and six years to complete.

Recently, researchers have begun to adapt next-generation AI implementations for molecule screening that could cut that time down significantly. In one test, a startup called Insilico Medicine matched its' AI platform up against the already-completed work of human researchers seeking treatment options for fibrosis. It had taken them 8 years to come up with viable candidate molecules. It took the AI just 21 days. Although further refinements are required to put the AI on par with the human researchers in terms of result quality (the AI candidates performed a bit worse in treating fibrosis), the results were overwhelmingly positive.

Another major time-consuming hurdle that drug developers face is in trying to detect adverse side effects or toxicity in their new compounds. It's difficult because such effects don't always surface in clinical trials. Some take years to show up, long after scores of patients have already suffered from them. To avoid those outcomes, pharmaceutical firms take lots of time to study similar compounds that have already have reams of human interaction data, looking for patterns that could indicate a problem.

It's yet another part of the process that AI is proving adept at. AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data about known compounds to generate predictions about how a new molecule may behave. They can also model interactions between a new compound and different physical and chemical environments. That can provide clues to how a new drug might affect different parts of a human body. Best of all, AI can accomplish those tasks with more accuracy and in a fraction of the time it would take a human research team.

Even at this early stage of the development of drug discovery AI systems, there's every reason to believe that AI-developed drugs will be on the market in the very near future. In fact, there's already an AI-designed drug intended to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) entering human trials in Japan. If successful, it will then proceed to worldwide testing and eventual regulatory approval processes in multiple countries.

It's worth noting that the drug in question took a mere 12 months for the AI to create, which would represent a revolution in the way we develop new disease treatments. With that as a baseline, it's easy to foresee drug development and testing cycles in the future reduced to weeks, not years. It's also easy to predict the advent of personalized drug development, with AI selecting and creating individualized treatments using patient physiological and genetic data. Such outcomes would render the medical field unrecognizable compared to today - and could create a disease-free future and a new human renaissance like nothing that's come before it.

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Recent AI Developments Offer a Glimpse of the Future of Drug Discovery - Tech Times

Niagara walkers support ‘Rainbow in the storm of cancer’ –

Its heartwarming, she said. They give so much to the community. I wouldnt have been able to do this without Wellspring.

Walk participants braved a howling wind chill to trek three kilometres, carrying Wellspring signs.

Ann Mantini-Celima, executive director of Wellspring, told the walkers theyre acting as ambassadors for the agency, which has seen the number of people turning to its supports and services double since the new centre was opened adjacent to Highway 20. There are still misconceptions out there about what Wellspring is about, she said.

Its because of you that people are hearing about Wellspring, Mantini-Celima said.

The new centre opened last fall after a successful $5-million capital campaign. This is truly the house, the home, that Niagara built, and we are continuing to build hope for people who are impacted by cancer, she said.

That includes Lisa Bouchard of Welland, taking part in the walk to give back to the agency that helped her so much after her breast cancer diagnosis five years ago. Bouchard said she took part in numerous Wellspring programs, from art therapy and yoga to pottery, sailing, cancer rehab and the Healing Journey program.

To sit in a room full of people who get it, it makes a huge difference, she said. Its a safe environment. Wellspring is the rainbow of the storm of cancer.

Bouchard said its crucial that the programs are all free, because people impacted by cancer can quickly find themselves in a deep financial bind because of lost wages and big costs, such as travel, medication and parking at hospitals. One blood-thinner drug alone she was on cost $1,000 a month.

Campbell, who also took part in programs and classes such as art therapy, meditation and yoga to cope with stress and anxiety, said doctors told her she could probably buy herself five years of remission with the treatments before shed need another stem cell transplant or other treatments.

Its almost six years, and Im still living my life every day, she said. Im still kicking ass.

Im so happy to be able to give back to Wellspring.

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Niagara walkers support 'Rainbow in the storm of cancer' -

Readers and Writers: A nonfiction sampler on the mind/body/spirit continuum – St. Paul Pioneer Press

Long distance running. A stem cell transplant. Christianity and the Galapagos Islands. Todays nonfiction books are different, but all three are on the mind/body/spirit continuum.

On the cover of this slim paperback, Minnesotan Siddons describes himself as Runner-Writer-Poet, all identities that are woven into this book that explains some of the nitty-gritty of long-distance running and what it means to him.

Running has, for over 40 years, been an outlet for me to vent frustrations and flush out some demons, he writes. It has also allowed me to meditate while being physically active and work through life issues.

Siddons admits his running life has been a roller coaster ride on the Potential Train. He was a high school runner but his seasons were marred with running injuries, and it wasnt until his early 20s that he found his way back while working in an athletic footwear store. It was decades before he would commit myself to go to war in the battle of Potential versus Performance. (Potential is the raw number that charts say a runner is good for, according to other times at shorter distances. )

After several attempts, Siddons qualified for the Boston Marathon, the Holy Grail of races, and in 2018 he and his wife participated. He writes that the four parts of any distance race, especially a marathon, are Patience (dont run like the wind from the second you pass over the start line); Trust, in your training and stick to your plan; Fortitude, that has to be mustered to maintain pace for the toughest part of the race; and Courage to succeed.

Marathon runners will relate to this book, including the technical stuff about goal pacing, how your body behaves during a race, and the physical joy of running. Readers who have never put on a running shoe will enjoy the authors enthusiasm, explanations of how hard he trains, and the love he feels for his running partners, his supportive friends and family.

Interspersed with the text are a few of Siddons poems in which he captures the emotions of running, including a long one, Unrequited, that encompasses his thoughts as he runs the Boston Marathon:

Under the blue one-mile overpass,Boston Strong in bold gold.I am so close, I am soaking up thelast miles as if I may never be back.I turn to the crowdas I come up from the last underpass, andshow my B.A.A. 5k shirt, its logo universally known.They cheer for me and I am lifted again,I am going to do this!

(For information go to

Buechler, who lives in Eden Prairie, became Ralph after he had a stem cell transplant from an umbilical cord blood donor: Since I named my baby cord blood donor Ralph, and I acquired his DNA with my transplant, I went with How Steve became Ralph, he writes, explaining his books title.

Buechlers memoir, subtitled A Cancer/Stem Cell Odyssey (with Jokes) is made up of email reports he composed during his treatments in 2016. Although these messages went to a large circle of friends, he admits writing them also became therapy-for-me by bringing narrative coherence to chaotic experiences.

The author was ending his 32-year career teaching sociology at Minnesota State University, Mankato, when he was diagnosed with life-threatening acute myeloid leukemia, and began chemotherapy. By mid-August his doctors recommended a stem cell transplant and the University of Minnesota Medical Center Blood and Marrow transplant unit began searching national blood banks for umbilical cord blood that might provide a match and lower the chance of rejection. By October he was ready for the transplant, taking with him my tool kit of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and various forms of exercise as well as the support, prayers, healing energy and good wishes

He certainly took his physical exercise seriously, including figuring out a way to do yoga while attached to a pole from which an IV bag hung.

My so-called transplant is really just another transfusion, he writes, explaining that the procedure does not involve surgery. After installing a Hickman central line in his chest, the umbilical cord blood was sent into his bloodstream. Afterward there was an infusion of drugs to ward off infection and other issues.

The whole process is intellectually intriguing; it requires a blend of science, art and craft from a team of oncologists, nurses, infectious disease doctors and other specialists as needed, writes Buechler, ever the sociologist. Id prefer to learn about it without my own skin in the game, but thats how it goes.

Buechler admits he had much going for him as a patient a big group of helpers during the times he was home, physical ability to keep up his yoga practice, and few financial worries. Not that his year of cancer was free of problems. His wife, Susan Scott, was in the hospital for leg problems during part of his own hospitalization, and they didnt see one another for weeks. A storm damaged their house and surrounding trees, and the author spent lots of time in his hospital bed trying to straighten out that insurance mess while waiting for what sounds like endless medical procedures.

His story ends happily. Six months out from his transplant Buechler was able to accept that he had weathered my treatments and I was actually better.

Written in the easy style of emails, How Steve Became Ralph is an interesting odyssey through a life-saving medical procedure. He prefers the word odyssey because he never liked the cliche about cancer being a journey.

Perhaps the most over-used metaphor about cancer sees it as a war in which the heroic patient valiantly battles an evil foe, he writes. This also did not ring true for me. For starters, we have enough militarized aspects of life without extending the imagery to illness. This metaphor also concedes too much to cancer. It is not a conscious, willful antagonist. Cancer is just a biological process originating from within the body. And although I felt like many things throughout my treatment, heroic warrior or combat victim were not amongst them.

About those jokes: They are funny because they are really silly, which was probably the point. But Buechlers correspondents loved them, so he kept them coming.

(For more information go to

McLaren, a Florida-based author of a dozen books including A New Kind of Christian, gives readers a travel story and a meditation on science and faith in this paperback from a Minneapolis Christian publisher.

This former pastor sets the tone of his book in the early pages when he muses about indoor theology, created and promoted almost exclusively by privileged male human beings of European descent as opposed to a theology that arises in conversation with the wild world that flourishes beyond our walls and outside our windows and cities.

The first half of the book is about McLarens week on the islands that make up Galapagos National Park, where he scuba dived among gloriously colored fish, took nature walks, and was awed by the protected wildlife, including land iguanas and the giant Galapagos tortoises.

The books second half is weightier, as McLaren focuses on the legacy of Charles Darwin and how Darwins teachings have so often been misinterpreted.

To the conservative Christians among whom McLaren was raised, Darwin was considered an arrogant, faithless, Bible-denying, God-hating, religion-murdering monster. But when the author researched Darwins path to writing On the Origin of Species, he found that Darwin was influenced as a young man by a clergyman and he thought a lot about religion. McLaren writes that Darwin was a dutiful man who felt the duty of loyalty to his family, his nation, his culture, his tradition and to the actual observable data presented to him by the world itself, including his memorable trip to the Galapagos Islands.

During McLarens time on Galapagos, he was hoping to see a guinea-fowl puffer fish and he caught a glimpse of one during his final dive. That fish, who darted in an out of an underwater cave, becomes an imaginary conversationalist as McClaren thinks his way through how a religious man can tolerate spoiling of the earth: Why are you so disillusioned, the fish asks. What were you expecting? Might the problem be less about the realities of religion that are causing you such disillusionment, and more about your expectations of religion that are so unrealistic?

This is a physically attractive book that includes pictures. Its too bad McLaren gets the title of Darwins book wrong, calling it On the Origin of the Species instead of On the Origin of Species.)

From saints to the Christian Bible, seal pups to Darwin, tortoises to steel head trout, this journey taken by a man who has always loved the outdoors might provide for some readers theological answers about how to respond in this time of the earths destruction.

(Fortress Press books are available at bookstores)

Readers and Writers: A nonfiction sampler on the mind/body/spirit continuum - St. Paul Pioneer Press

Parkinsons Disease Treatment Market 2019- Global Industry Analysis, by Key Players, Segmentation, Application, Demand and Forecast by 2025 – Instant…

Global Parkinsons Disease Treatment Market 2019-2025 Overview

The Parkinsons disease treatment market growth was driven because of increase in the geriatric population and the rise in the occurrence of the Parkinsons disease and the funding for research.

Global Parkinsons disease treatment market is anticipated to experience the substantial growth during the forecast period. Growth in the occurrence of the Parkinsons diseases is projected to supplement the growth of global Parkinsons disease treatment market in the coming future. In addition, the combined treatments supporting in the long action of constant dopaminergic stimulation medicines, neural transplantation and gene therapy is expected to fuel the Parkinsons disease treatment market growth.

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Parkinsons disorder is a neurological disorder affecting the movements of body. There are five stages of this disease and can hamper the individuals leg & hand movements, facial expressions getting worse with the growing age. Increase in the elderly population related to the rise in the investments in the activities of research & development, growth in the awareness for healthcare and the neurological disorders are the factors driving the global Parkinsons disease treatment market growth over the forecast period. On the other hand, due to the presence of the other treatments is hampering the Parkinsons disease treatment market growth.

Current developments in the Parkinsons disease treatment, for example, combined treatment to continue the effect of constant dopaminergic stimulation medicines, gene therapy, neural transplantation, neuroprotective treatment to reduce the disease prediction and support for the neurostimulation tools are estimated to provide large development in the global Parkinsons disease treatment market growth during the forecast period. Moreover, major characteristics that are fueling the requirement and demand for the global parkinsons disease treatment market are prevalence of parkinsons disease and growth in the geriatric population. Two important characteristics that are responsible to boost the Parkinsons disease treatment market development are prevalence of the neurodegenerative syndrome and rise in the elderly population. Although, increase in the medicines in the pipeline and growth in the R&D activities are anticipated to surge the Parkinsons disease treatment market size. In addition, lack of skills for the early diagnosis and large spending on treatment is projected to bolster the development of global Parkinsons disease treatment market.

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Key factor driving the growth of Parkinsons disease treatment market is the growth in the acceptance of the treatment for Parkinson disease in healthcare sector. For treating and detecting the dysfunctioning of the human beings central nervous system and the neurological damage because of lack of cells and nerves are the main function of Parkinsons disease treatment market.

Global Parkinsons disease treatment market is segmented into end-use, distribution channel, drug class and region. Based on end-use, market is divided into clinics and hospitals. On the basis of distribution channel, market is divided into retail pharmacies, online pharmacies and hospital. On considering the drug class, market is divided into MAO inhibitors, Levopoda/ Carbidopa and Dopamine Receptor Agonists.

Geographically, regions involved in the development of Parkinsons disease treatment market growth are Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific is anticipated to show the rapid growth because of the increase in the trend of medical tourism and medical infrastructure. North America holds the largest

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Parkinsons disease treatment market share. Europe is dominating the Parkinsons disease treatment market because of the maximum market revenue in the coming years.

Key players involved in the Parkinsons disease treatment market analysis are Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Novartis AG, Impax Laboratories and GlaxoSmithKline.

Key Segments in the Global Parkinsons Disease Treatment Market are-

By End-Use, market is segmented into:

By Distribution Channel, market is segmented into:

By Drug Class, market is segmented into:

By Regions market is segmented into:

What to expect from the Global Parkinsons Disease Treatment Market report?

Predictions of future made for this market during the forecast period.

Information on the current technologies, trends, devices, procedures, and products in the industry.

Detailed analysis of the market segmentation, depending on the types, devices, and products.

Government regulations and economic factors affecting the growth of the market.

An insight into the leading manufacturers.

Regional demographics of the market.

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Venture capitalists, Investors, financial institutions, Analysts, Government organizations, regulatory authorities, policymakers ,researchers, strategy managers, and academic institutions looking for insights into the market to determine future strategies

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Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company incorporated in 2018. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a markets size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.

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Parkinsons Disease Treatment Market 2019- Global Industry Analysis, by Key Players, Segmentation, Application, Demand and Forecast by 2025 - Instant...

Cancer Biological Therapy Market Top Key Players, Size, Global Share, Trend, Segmentation, Demand, Opportunities And Forecasts To 2025 – Chronicle 99

The Report titled: Global Cancer Biological Therapy Market Analysis: Production, Capacity, Sales, Revenue, Trends, Revenue Share, and Forecast till 2025

The authors of the Cancer Biological Therapy Market Report have done extensive study of the global Cancer Biological Therapy market keeping in mind the key aspects such as growth determinants, opportunities, challenges, restraints, and market developments. This analysis will enrich the ability of the companies involved in the global Cancer Biological Therapy market to make precise decisions. The report also emphasizes on the current and future trends in the global Cancer Biological Therapy market, which may bode well for the global Cancer Biological Therapy market in the coming years.

Introduction:, Cancer is the leading and second largest cause of death across the globe. The disease is characterized by disordered and deregulated cellular and stromal explosion along with reduced cell death and growth factor deprivation, and such other factors. There are many biological therapies that have been approved and being used by various cancer specialists across the globe. While there are many other therapies also which are under the research and development phase and are yet to be available for commercial use., , , Biological therapy treatment is treatment process which is performed with the help of living organisms, parts of living organisms or laboratory manufactured version of such content. Most of the biological therapies uses bacteria or vaccines to mimic the bodys immune system to act against cancer developing cells. These various types of biological therapies, which are most of the times stated to biological response modifier therapy or immunotherapy, but these types of therapies do not always target cancer cells directly. Further there are other biological therapies like sections of genetic material or antibodies which are commonly known as DNA or RNA, do aim at targeting cancer cells directly. There are some other types of biological therapies that inhibit specific molecules involved in development and growth of cancer tumor. Such therapies known as cancer targeted therapies. , The Europe, Middle East and Africa Cancer Biological Therapy market is expected to reach US$ 29,776.3 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period., , , EMEA Cancer Biological Therapy Market is further segmented into type of therapy which include Monoclonal Antibodies, Conjugated Monoclonal Antibodies, Cancer Growth Blockers, Interferons, Interleukins, Gene Therapy, Targeted Drug Delivery, Colony Stimulating Factor, Cancer Vaccines and other therapies. The Monoclonal Antibodies segment includes sub segment namely Naked Monoclonal Antibodies. Interferon segment is further sub segmented into Alpha Interferon, Beta Interferon and Gamma Interferon., , , On the basis on end users cancer biological therapy market is segmented into Hospitals & Clinics, Laboratories, Cancer Research Centers and other end users. Hospitals & Clinics accounted for the largest market share of EMEA cancer biological therapy market. Hospitals & Clinics commands maximum share of EMEA cancer biological therapy market in 2015. , On the basis of region, Europe accounted for the largest market share in biological therapy market. While Middle East and Africa region is expected to grow with a steady pace during forecast period.

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Table of Contents:1. Research Methodology 2. Executive Summary 3. Market Overview 3.1. Definition 3.2. Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3. Porters 5 Forces 3.4. Regulations 4. Market Dynamics 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Drivers 4.3. Constraints 4.4. Trends 5. Global Cancer Biological Therapy Market Segmentation, Forecasts and Trends by Application 6. Global Cancer Biological Therapy Market Segmentation, Forecasts and Trends by Technology 7. Global Cancer Biological Therapy Market Segmentation, Forecasts and Trends by Region 8. Competitive Intelligence 8.1. Company Market Share Analysis 9. Company Profiles 10. Investment Opportunities

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Cancer Biological Therapy Market Top Key Players, Size, Global Share, Trend, Segmentation, Demand, Opportunities And Forecasts To 2025 - Chronicle 99

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Predicted to Witness Surge in the Near Future2018 2028 –

TMRR, in its recent market report, suggests that the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market report is set to exceed US$ xx Mn/Bn by 2029. The report finds that the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market registered ~US$ xx Mn/Bn in 2018 and is spectated to grow at a healthy CAGR over the foreseeable period. This Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market study considers 2018 as the base year, 2019 as the estimated year, and 2019 2029 as the forecast timeframe.

The Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market research focuses on the market structure and various factors (positive and negative) affecting the growth of the market. The study encloses a precise evaluation of the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market, including growth rate, current scenario, and volume inflation prospects, on the basis of DROT and Porters Five Forces analyses. In addition, the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market study provides reliable and authentic projections regarding the technical jargon.

Important regions covered in the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market research include Region 1 (Country 1, country 2), Region 2 (Country 1, country 2), Region 3 (Country 1, country 2) and Region 4 (Country 1, country 2).

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The Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market study answers critical questions including:

The content of the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market report includes the following insights:

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On the basis of component, the global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market report covers the following segments:

Notable Development

Over the past few years, fast emerging markets in the global induced pluripotent stem cells are seeing the advent of patents that unveil new techniques for reprogramming of adult cells to reach embryonic stage. Particularly, the idea that these pluripotent stem cells can be made to form any cells in the body has galvanized companies to test their potential in human cell lines. Also, a few biotech companies have intensified their research efforts to improve the safety of and reduce the risk of genetic aberrations in their approved human cell lines. Recently, this has seen the form of collaborative efforts among them.

Lineage Cell Therapeutics and AgeX Therapeutics have in December 2019 announced that they have applied for a patent for a new method for generating iPSCs. These are based on NIH-approved human cell lines, and have been undergoing clinical-stage programs in the treatment of dry macular degeneration and spinal cord injuries. The companies claim to include multiple techniques for reprogramming of animal somatic cells.

Such initiatives by biotech companies are expected to impart a solid push to the evolution of the induced pluripotent stem cells.

North America is one of the regions attracting colossal research funding and industry investments in induced pluripotent stem cells technologies. Continuous efforts of players to generate immune-matched supply of pluripotent cells to be used in disease modelling has been a key accelerator for growth. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific has also been showing a promising potential in the expansion of the prospects of the market. The rising number of programs for expanding stem cell-based therapy is opening new avenues in the market.

All the players running in the global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market are elaborated thoroughly in the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market report on the basis of R&D developments, distribution channels, industrial penetration, manufacturing processes, and revenue. In addition, the report examines, legal policies, and comparative analysis between the leading and emerging Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market players.

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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Predicted to Witness Surge in the Near Future2018 2028 -

Infiniti’s Market Monitoring Solution Helped a Cell Therapy Market Client Transform Next-Gen Therapy Supply Chains Into Patient Connected Value Chains…

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Infiniti Research, a leading market intelligence solutions provider, has recently announced the completion of its latest success story on market monitoring solution. This success story highlights how the experts at Infiniti Research helped a cell therapy market client secure patient access for cell and gene therapies, transform next-gen therapy supply chains into patient connected value chains, and maintain an efficient treatment network.

Over the past few years, the cell therapy market has gained immense popularity globally owing to the advent of techniques like stem cell therapy, CAR-T cell therapy, and cord blood cell therapy. In addition, the cell therapy market is likely to benefit from the introduction of new cell types, offering companies huge business opportunities to reinforce their position in the global market. However, increasing enforcement of regulations and disruptive technologies are increasing challenges for companies operating in the cell therapy market. In order to address these pressing concerns, companies in the cell therapy market are need to take strategic approaches and tackle challenges coming their way.

We combine our deep industry knowledge and specialized solutions to deliver actionable insights that can lead to greater patient engagement and higher-quality care. Request a free proposal.

The Business Challenge:

A cell therapy market client, based out of Sweden, faced challenges in securing patient access and establishing appropriate reimbursement mechanisms. Also, the client focused on traditional supply chain management techniques. However, traditional supply chain management techniques did not help them create patient value in emerging therapy value chains. In addition, preparing sites to initiate therapy and managing site training and ongoing certification were challenging for the client. The client, therefore, wanted to take initiatives to address these rising challenges. They approached the experts at Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in offering market monitoring solution.

We have executed around 30+ cell therapy projects by leveraging our end-to-end capabilities and global footprint across the value chain. Contact us today.

The Solution Offered:

To help the client tackle the above-mentioned challenges, the experts at Infiniti Research used a combination of technology assessment, market potential, marketing strategy, and market forecast study. The engagement also involved conducting secondary research of the cell therapy market and validating gathered data.

Infinitis market monitoring solution helped the client to:

Want to gather detailed insights into this engagement? Request more info and our experts will get in touch with you with relevant insights.

About Infiniti Research

Established in 2003, Infiniti Research, is a leading market intelligence company providing smart solutions to address your business challenges. Infiniti Research studies markets in more than 100 countries to help analyze competitive activity, see beyond market disruptions, and develop intelligent business strategies. To know more, visit:

Infiniti's Market Monitoring Solution Helped a Cell Therapy Market Client Transform Next-Gen Therapy Supply Chains Into Patient Connected Value Chains...

My Third Stem Cell Treatment for MS – Everyday Health

Since 2014, I have had three stem cell treatments, each time hoping it would help fight off the progression of my multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. Because the procedures Ive undergone do not have a very long history of use or many studies to support them, Ive basically made myself a guinea pig by trying them.

So far, Ive experienced failure and success, but overall, the positives have been life-changing for me. I am continuing down this path of healing because there is currently no cure for MS, and now that Im 61, time is not on my side for a cure to be discovered!

In 2014, I had a procedure in which adult stem cells were isolated from my fat tissue, grown in a lab, and reinfused into my body. Initially I had great results, but they were short-lived, and within three months, all my MS symptoms had returned.

In 2018, I had a different type of procedure, in which 300 million stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue were infused into my arm. I wrote about my experience in a blog just two months after that infusion. At the time, I was having a positive response, but I was also skeptical, since I had seen similar early improvements in 2014.

Two weeks after my 2018 treatment, my left-side drop foot was gone, I could jump off the floor, and I had regained some feeling in my left arm. But I needed to give this new stem cell treatment some more time before I could positively state that this one had worked. So I waited and kept working out in the gym as I have always done, pushing myself harder as time went by.

I found my body getting stronger and stronger as the months passed, and I even filmed myself squatting 500 pounds and posted it in our MS Fitness Challenge GYM Facebook group to show the community that I was not just imagining the results.

Months after the treatment, my left leg was almost as good as my right one, which has never been affected by MS, and my overall strength was increasing.

By the eighth month or so, I was running on the treadmill, and at approximately nine months post-infusion, I was jumping rope. I had not run or jumped rope in almost 14 years.

I was and am extremely happy with what my legs are now capable of, but I only got partial feeling back in my left arm and hand, and I want that back the same way I have my left leg back.

With that goal in mind, I reached out to the doctor who had performed my stem cell procedures and asked if I was eligible for more cells. I also asked if he thought more cells would bring back the feeling in my left arm and hand.

His response was that no one had predicted what results I would get from the 2018 treatment, and here I was running, jumping rope, and squatting like a champion. So we had nothing to lose by transfusing another 300 million cells into my body. We both thought that since my leg no longer needed the stem cells, maybe they would find their way to my arm!

Theoretically, stem cells go where theyre needed to repair the damage.It seemed worth a shot, so I booked my flight to the Cayman Islands for a January 2020 infusion. And now I am home.

Its only been a few weeks, but I can already feel hot and cold in my left hand, which I have not been able to do since 2006, when I was diagnosed.

Again, I am cautiously optimistic that I will get similar results in the areas I need them now. But only time will tell. All I can say is that this therapy has changed my life, and I am hopeful that an ongoing clinical trial of the stem cell treatment I received will provide evidence that it will also be helpful to others with MS.

Read the original:
My Third Stem Cell Treatment for MS - Everyday Health

JDRF Reaches New Milestones in Work to Drive Cures for Type 1 Diabetes and Improve Lives – Yahoo Finance

Annual Report showcases year of advances, driven by $121.5 million in direct support and nearly $300 million in additional funding for T1D research

NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- JDRF, the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research, funded $121.5 million directly and helped generate more than $400 million in total T1D research funds from nonprofits, government, and industry to propel a year of remarkable breakthroughs in 2019, JDRF announced today. JDRF research funding increased by 10 percent over the previous year.

"I am more excited about our progress than ever before, given the tremendous breakthroughs made in 2019," said Aaron J. Kowalski, Ph.D., president and CEO of JDRF. "We could not be driving this work forward without the support of so many dedicated individuals, partners and organizations all helping us deliver on our mission to cure T1D and improve lives."

JDRF funding supported more than 180 active T1D research grants and is funding about 70 clinical trials for drugs, biologic and devices to prevent or cure T1D. The organization also supported new investment through the JDRF T1D Fund in 15 T1D companies, including 11 focused on cures.

"We are focused on beta cell therapies and immune therapies to deliver cures for T1D," Kowalski said. "At the same time, we continue accelerating work in glucose control and complication therapies to improve the lives of those living with type 1 diabetes today."

Highlights of breakthroughs outlined in the 2019 Annual Report are:

Progress Toward Cures:

Improving Lives:

Reducing Complications:

JDRF's Annual Report also cites progress in advocacy and community engagement, two areas aimed at both supporting research and the T1D community. "The combined strengths of research, advocacy and community engagement are helping us support more members of the T1D community and enabling more people to support our mission," Dr. Kowalski said. "JDRF works to build partnerships that advance research and build and sustain critical support for type 1 diabetes (T1D) research funded by the Federal Government."

Expanding Access to Coverage:

Learn more about JDRF's research and advocacy priorities at and read the health insurance guide JDRF has complied to help the T1D community navigate their healthcare and health insurance here.

About JDRF

JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our mission is to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications. To accomplish this, JDRF has invested more than $2.2 billion in research funding since our inception. We are an organization built on a grassroots model of people connecting in their local communities, collaborating regionally for efficiency and broader fundraising impact and uniting on a national stage to pool resources, passion and energy. We collaborate with academic institutions, policymakers and corporate and industry partners to develop and deliver a pipeline of innovative therapies to people living with T1D. Our staff and volunteers throughout the United States and our five international affiliates are dedicated to advocacy, community engagement and our vision of a world without T1D. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter: @JDRF.

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JDRF Reaches New Milestones in Work to Drive Cures for Type 1 Diabetes and Improve Lives - Yahoo Finance