Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Outlook, Recent Trends and Growth Forecast 2020- – News by aeresearch

New 2019 Report onCancer Stem Cell Therapy Market size | Industry Segment by Applications (Hospital, Clinic, Medical Research Institution and Other), by Type (Autologous Stem Cell Transplants, Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplants, Syngeneic Stem Cell Transplants and Other), Regional Outlook, Market Demand, Latest Trends, Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Industry Share & Revenue by Manufacturers, Company Profiles, Growth Forecasts 2025.Analyzes current market size and upcoming 5 years growth of this industry.

The report on Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market strive to provide business professionals with an updated information on Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market, high growth markets, emerging business environments and latest business-centric applications. The Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market Analysis report provides a detailed analysis of sales channel and regional analysis of the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market.

Likewise, Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market report also assesses the key opportunities in the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market share in current industry. The Cancer Stem Cell Therapy report is analyzed and forecasted for the previous and next five years of industry.

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The key Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market players are weighed on a variety of factors such as company overview, product portfolios and recent development of the global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market.

Top key playersof industry are covered in Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report:

Split by product type,with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into:

Split by application,this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market in each application and can be divided into:

The predictions highlighted in the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market share report have been derived using verified research procedures and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every component of the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market. Across the past few years, the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy have seen the rise of influential market leaders in the space. The competition in the global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market is dominated by the big players: AVIVA BioSciences, AdnaGen, Advanced Cell Diagnostics and Silicon Biosystems

The Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market has shown growing trends over the years and anticipations are made that the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market size would grow at a speedy pace in the upcoming years. Growth in the Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market would be primarily driven by application areas such as Hospital, Clinic, Medical Research Institution and Other and product types segment like Autologous Stem Cell Transplants, Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplants, Syngeneic Stem Cell Transplants and Other.

Outline of Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market report covers:

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Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Outlook, Recent Trends and Growth Forecast 2020- - News by aeresearch

Mixed ethnic backgrounds make it that much harder to find a bone marrow transplant –

ANN ARBOR, MI They searched the world for a match.

Bennett Sevack needed a bone marrow transplant. He was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome after treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. But there was no match for the Ann Arbor resident in the international registry.

So, his family started making calls.

Doctors first tried his siblings and cousins. When that didnt work, his sisters, friends and family spent six weeks calling and sharing flyers with synagogues around the world to encourage people to join the bone marrow registry, hoping someone with Sevacks Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish background would be willing to donate.

By fall, a partial match was found in an Italian obstetrics hospital in an umbilical cord blood sample. Soon after, another cord blood match was found in the U.S. It was enough to perform a transplant.

Sevack has gained an intense appreciation for donors.

You can save somebodys life..." he said. Its a blessing to do.

Finding an acceptable bone marrow donor is a challenge in general, but its that much harder for people of color and patients of complex ethnic backgrounds like Sevack, according to health care providers and families whove embarked on far-reaching searches for a match.

A white person has a 77% shot at finding a matching donor, according to Be The Match, a widely used donor registry. A black persons chances are 23%. For people of mixed backgrounds, the search can become more complex.

Part of the issue is the relatively narrow population of donors in the registry. Another part is the science: Certain HLA types, the protein that needs to match in bone marrow transplants, are more unique to specific backgrounds.

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Sevacks transplant was completed in October 2019 more than three years after his initial diagnosis, and four months after getting news that he would definitely need a transplant.

He spent eight weeks healing from his transplant and two weeks healing from a bout of graft-versus-host disease in the hematology oncology clinic on the seventh floor of Ann Arbors C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital.

On the same floor, a 9-year-old Ann Arbor-area patient undergoing chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia is in the same predicament that Sevack once faced. She may need a bone marrow transplant as well, but a donor match her ethnic background is Cantonese, Hispanic and Caucasian has yet to be found in the registry.

The search

Genetics play a major role in finding a good match, said Mark Vander Lugt, a pediatric bone marrow transplant specialist at C.S. Mott working with the 9-year-old. People get four HLA types from each parent, meaning donors need to match in at least six spots, though sometimes a stronger match is required.

You get combinations that are hard to find in the registry because of that, Vander Lugt said.

Not everyone needs a transplant once theyre diagnosed. Doctors often treat blood cancers and related illnesses with chemotherapy first killing off the bad cells and waiting to see if healthy cells regenerate. If they dont, a transplant replaces the bone marrow, where blood stem cells are made.

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The registry is so low on certain populations that some began taking matters into their own hands. Athena Asklipiadis founded Mixed Marrow, a nonprofit that conducts outreach to encourage multi-ethnic bone marrow and blood cell donations. She said the misconceptions of donation is one of the largest challenges in getting people registered. She started by reaching out to Facebook groups and college clubs on the West Coast, where she is based. Eventually, families began reaching out to her to help in the donor search.

People use this phrase, When theres a cure for cancer or If theres a cure for cancer, Asklipiadis said. But these are actual blood diseases and cancers that are curable. Theyre curable by the selflessness of a donor and thats the beautiful thing about it.

Sevacks sister Laurel Bernstein was part of the group of relatives and supporters who called synagogues in search of donors. She estimated they called hundreds of people and added more than 1,000 to the donor registry while searching for Sevacks match.

The nine of us all felt so energized by what happened, Bernstein said. "We had not finished calling the list, even though we got the match. We went through to the end of the list to help pay it forward, to help other people, to get that much more DNA into the database.

The transplant

For Sevack, it was umbilical cord blood that saved his life. DNA from the two samples created enough HLA type matches to begin the transplant.

Vander Lugt said the preferred transplant method is still donor transplants, because cord blood units are smaller and in more limited supply than donor cells.

Misconceptions of transplants are another roadblock. A bone marrow harvest in which a donor undergoes surgery to collect marrow from the hip is widely believed to be painful. But experts describe the process as a mild discomfort with a two-to-three day recovery time, instead.

And direct harvest is no longer the only method. Many hospitals also practice apheresis, which collects the peripheral blood that can generate new bone marrow through a process that looks like dialysis. Theres no surgery involved.

Choosing between the two collection processes is based on multiple factors, including the health of the patient undergoing general anesthesia and doctor and donor preference, Vander Lugt said.

The value

Fear of the unknown is what affected Sevack the most going into treatment. He said he had an anxiety breakdown the morning of his transplant, when he realized what was about to happen.

My heart was to the moon, Sevack said. I was fully dressed and every part of me was drenched. In about eight minutes I had gone through this journey of fear because the reality of what was going to come was upon me. (My wife) calmed me down, I changed my clothes and this journey began. Theres been plenty of times when Ive been scared to death.

Finding a transplant match taught his wife Phyllis Sevack the importance of facing each day separately. Fighting cancer was about healing every day making big battles smaller.

The reality of it hits all at once, Phyllis Sevack said. "I wouldnt want anybody to be afraid to go through it because it is every day take it day by day. And as soon as Bennett got over that hes not doing everything on one day, (he got better mentally).

Now at home, Bennett Sevack may take a year to fully heal. He looks forward to small improvements in his quality of life, like an expanded diet and doing his own grocery shopping at Meijer, he said.

Even the routine blood and platelet donations he received in treatment were invaluable to him. They saved his life.

Where to donate blood in Washtenaw County during shortage

Every day, theyd give me sacks of stuff that made me sick to think about it, Sevack said. It was someones donation that was given, that was literally giving me life. People who donate would do an amazing service to someone. You may not know who that is but its somebody.

Potential donors can begin the registration process by filling out a questionnaire about their medical history at A cheek swab will confirm whether you meet the medical guidelines for donation. You may remain on the registry for years before a match is found. More information is available here.

Wolverines for Life and the Michigan Medicine Bone Marrow Transplant department are hosting a registration drive from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 at the Pierpoint Commons lobby, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd., Ann Arbor.

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Mixed ethnic backgrounds make it that much harder to find a bone marrow transplant -

48% of Couples Are Making This Financial Mistake – Nasdaq

"Now it's true I married my wife for her looks ... but not the ones she's been giving me lately."

-- Comedian Jeff Foxworthy

If you've been sharing raised eyebrows and evil stares with your spouse lately, a financial disagreement is a likely cause. Money is routinely cited as a common source of friction between spouses, but there are steps you can take to change that.

A 2019 survey by Northwestern Mutual and wedding planning website The Knot questioned married folks on their views about money and budgeting. Some 40% of those respondents cited financial stability as their greatest long-term worry, making it a more prominent concern than raising children and maintaining intimacy in their relationship. But surprisingly, 48% of respondents said they weren't reviewing finances weekly with their spouse. And 22% admitted to having budgeting disagreements with their partner each month.

Image source: Getty Images.

An open line of communication between spouses about money can head off arguments by ensuring both partners are on the same page about their money and financial goals. Here are five essential strategies to kick off money-planning sessions with your spouse.

Start your money talks by sharing and prioritizing long-term financial goals. An obvious starting point is retirement. Discuss how each of you envisions life after work. Then address other common goals, such as funding college for the kids or buying a new home. Keep the conversation going to talk through "wish list" goals, too. Is there the chance one of you might start a business in the future? Does your spouse secretly want to buy a boat someday? Nothing is off the table.

Write down these goals and, together, rank them in priority. Next, you'll build a budget to start moving toward those goals.

Budgeting begins with knowing what your lifestyle costs you today. Write down all of your shared and required expenses. These include rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, food, car payments, gas, and insurance.

Ideally, these should total about 50% of your combined take-home pay. If the percentage is higher than that, explore ways to reduce your costs. Often, food is the easiest place to trim spending: You could start cutting coupons or only buy items that are on sale, for example. If you need to make larger cuts, brainstorm what's possible. Could you move to a cheaper neighborhood, downsize your cars, or bundle your insurance plans to save?

Discretionary spending can be a point of contention for couples. Maybe your spouse spends $200 monthly on streaming services plus cable, while you'd be happy with a $10 monthly subscription to Kindle Unlimited. There is no universal solution to solve these differences, but you can and should define a system that works for the two of you.

If you have your required expenses down to 50% of your combined take-home pay, you can afford to spend another 30% on nonessentials. Split that 30% up in whatever way makes sense for your situation. Most of the time, it's logical to allocate 10% to each of you and 5% to shared discretionary expenses. In this framework, you each can make nonessential buying decisions as long as you stay within your 10%.

For this system to work, you'll have to talk through which expenses belong to you and which belong to your partner. If you both go to the gym, for example, that's a shared expense. But other items, like cable, may not be clear-cut. Perhaps your spouse feels strongly about having access to HGTV and you are indifferent to cable. If your spouse takes responsibility for that bill, it doesn't mean you must look away whenever House Hunters is on.

The goal isn't to be territorial. It's to provide a framework that gives each of you some financial decision-making rights within the relationship. If you play within the rules, you can each spend on things that are important to you.

At this point, you've allocated 50% of your take-home pay to required expenses and 30% to the nonessentials. That leaves 20% available for debt payments and long-term financial goals. Experts recommend you save 15% to your retirement accounts. Of course, if you have high debt levels or other financial goals to fulfill before retirement, that 15% may not be possible. Save at least enough to your 401(k) to maximize your company-match contributions and decide together how to allocate the rest.

Now comes the hard part. Set a recurring day and time for the two of you to review your spending. The first few sessions will probably reveal some holes in your budget and some misunderstandings about what's a shared expense and what's not. That's part of the process. Make adjustments to the budget and your spending rules until you land on a system that's sustainable. Remember that the two of you are on the same team, working toward the same list of prioritized goals.

There's one final rule about these money-planning sessions: Leave the cold stares at the door. You'll both make spending mistakes and together you'll face unexpected expenses. Don't let these derail you from your shared plan. Just rework the budget and keep pressing on toward those long-term goals.

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The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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48% of Couples Are Making This Financial Mistake - Nasdaq

Surge in the Adoption of Stem Cell-Derived Cells to Fuel the Growth of the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market Through the Assessment Period 2019 2029 -…

The comprehensive report published by Persistence Market Research offers an in-depth intelligence related to the various factors that are likely to impact the demand, revenue generation, and sales of the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market. In addition, the report singles out the different parameters that are expected to influence the overall dynamics of the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market during the forecast period 2019 2029.

As per the findings of the presented study, the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market is poised to surpass the value of ~US$ XX by the end of 2029 growing at a CAGR of ~XX% over the assessment period. The report includes a thorough analysis of the upstream raw materials, supply-demand ratio of the Stem Cell-Derived Cells in different regions, import-export trends and more to provide readers a fair understanding of the global market scenario.

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The report segregates the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market into different segments to provide a detailed understanding of the various aspects of the market. The competitive analysis of the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market includes valuable insights based on which, market players can formulate impactful growth strategies to enhance their presence in the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market.

Key findings of the report:

The report aims to eliminate the following doubts related to the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market:

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key players in stem cell-derived cells market are focused on generating high-end quality cardiomyocytes as well as hepatocytes that enables end use facilities to easily obtain ready-made iPSC-derived cells. As the stem cell-derived cells market registers a robust growth due to rapid adoption in stem cellderived cells therapy products, there is a relative need for regulatory guidelines that need to be maintained to assist designing of scientifically comprehensive preclinical studies. The stem cell-derived cells obtained from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) are initially dissociated into a single-cell suspension and later frozen in vials. The commercially available stem cell-derived cell kits contain a vial of stem cell-derived cells, a bottle of thawing base and culture base.

The increasing approval for new stem cell-derived cells by the FDA across the globe is projected to propel stem cell-derived cells market revenue growth over the forecast years. With low entry barriers, a rise in number of companies has been registered that specializes in offering high end quality human tissue for research purpose to obtain human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) derived cells. The increase in product commercialization activities for stem cell-derived cells by leading manufacturers such as Takara Bio Inc. With the increasing rise in development of stem cell based therapies, the number of stem cell-derived cells under development or due for FDA approval is anticipated to increase, thereby estimating to be the most prominent factor driving the growth of stem cell-derived cells market. However, high costs associated with the development of stem cell-derived cells using complete culture systems is restraining the revenue growth in stem cell-derived cells market.

The global Stem cell-derived cells market is segmented on basis of product type, material type, application type, end user and geographic region:

Segmentation by Product Type

Segmentation by End User

The stem cell-derived cells market is categorized based on product type and end user. Based on product type, the stem cell-derived cells are classified into two major types stem cell-derived cell kits and accessories. Among these stem cell-derived cell kits, stem cell-derived hepatocytes kits are the most preferred stem cell-derived cells product type. On the basis of product type, stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes kits segment is projected to expand its growth at a significant CAGR over the forecast years on the account of more demand from the end use segments. However, the stem cell-derived definitive endoderm cell kits segment is projected to remain the second most lucrative revenue share segment in stem cell-derived cells market. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies followed by research and academic institutions is expected to register substantial revenue growth rate during the forecast period.

North America and Europe cumulatively are projected to remain most lucrative regions and register significant market revenue share in global stem cell-derived cells market due to the increased patient pool in the regions with increasing adoption for stem cell based therapies. The launch of new stem cell-derived cells kits and accessories on FDA approval for the U.S. market allows North America to capture significant revenue share in stem cell-derived cells market. Asian countries due to strong funding in research and development are entirely focused on production of stem cell-derived cells thereby aiding South Asian and East Asian countries to grow at a robust CAGR over the forecast period.

Some of the major key manufacturers involved in global stem cell-derived cells market are Takara Bio Inc., Viacyte, Inc. and others.

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Surge in the Adoption of Stem Cell-Derived Cells to Fuel the Growth of the Stem Cell-Derived Cells Market Through the Assessment Period 2019 2029 -...

The 411 on Stem Cells: What They Are and Why It’s Important to Be Educated – Legal Examiner

Medical treatment involving stem cells is an ever-growing, billion-dollar industry, so chances are you have heard about it in the news. Here in the U.S. and around the world, stem cells are being used in various therapies to treat a wide variety of health problems and diseases, including dementia, autism, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, osteoarthritis, cancer, heart disease, Parkinsons disease, and spinal cord injury. Treatments for such health issues may sound promising, but the risk is many of those being sold and advertised arent yet proven to be safe and effective. This is why its so important to educate yourself before jumping into any kind of stem cell treatment.

What are stem cells?

To gain a better understanding of this new age of medical research, one must first understand what stem cells are and how they work. Stem cells are special human cells that can develop into many different types of cells. They can divide and produce more of the same type of stem cells, or they can turn into different functioning cells. There are no other types of cells in the body that have this natural ability to generate new cell types.

Where do stem cells come from?

So where do stem cells that are used for research and medical treatments come from? The three main types of stem cells are embryonic (or pluripotent) stem cells, adult stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells.

Embryonic stem cells come from unused, in vitro fertilized embryos that are three to five days old. The embryos are only donated for research purposes with the informed consent of the donors. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, which means they can turn into any cell type in the body.

Adult stem cells are found in small numbers in developed tissues in different parts of the body, such as bone marrow, skin, and the brain. They are specific to a certain kind of tissue in the body and are limited to maintaining and repairing the tissue in which they are found. For example, liver stem cells can only make new liver tissue; they arent able to make new muscle tissue.

Induced pluripotent stem cells are another form of adult stem cells. These are stem cells that have been manipulated in a laboratory and reprogrammed to work like embryotic (or pluripotent) stem cells. While these altered adult stem cells dont appear to be clinically different from embryonic stem cells, research is still being conducted to determine if the effects they have on humans differ from actual embryonic stem cells.

Stem cells can also be found in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood. These stem cells have the ability to change into specialized cells like embryonic stem cells. While more research is being conducted to determine the potential of these types of stem cells, researchers already actively use these through amniocentesis procedures. In this procedure, the stem cells drawn from amniotic fluid samples of pregnant women can be screened for developmental abnormalities in a fetus.

How stem cells function

The main difference between embryonic and adult stem cells is how they function. Embryonic stem cells are more versatile. Since they can divide into more stem cells or become any type of cell in the body, they can be used to regenerate or repair a variety of diseased tissue and organs. Adult stem cells only generate the types of cells from where they are taken from in the body.

The future of stem cell research

The ability for stem cells to regenerate under the right conditions in the body or in a laboratory is why researchers and doctors have become so interested in studying them. Stem cell research is helping scientists and doctors to better understand how certain diseases occur, how to possibly generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells, and offer ways to test new drugs.

Clearly, stem cell research is showing great potential for understanding and treating a range of diseases and other health issues, but there is still a lot to learn. While there are some diseases that are showing success using stem cell treatments, many others are yet to be proven in clinical trials and should be considered highly experimental.

In our next article, various stem cell treatments, FDA regulations, and other stem cell hot topics will be explored. It will also focus on what to look for when considering stem cell therapies so people arent misled or misinformed about the benefits and risks.

For more information regarding the basics of stem cells visit these sites:

Read more:
The 411 on Stem Cells: What They Are and Why It's Important to Be Educated - Legal Examiner

Will Cultured Meat Soon Be A Common Sight In Supermarkets Across The Globe? – Forbes

A hamburger made out of cell-based meat by Mosa Meat, one of many companies throughout the world ... [+] creating beef and other animal products without the animal.

Up until now, plant-based food companies like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and Quorn have almost singlehandedly worked to lessen the impacts of industrial animal agriculture.

Supermarket shelves and fast food restaurants across the US are serving up vegan burgers and meatballs and plant-based chicken nuggets are showing consumers there is an alternative to relying on animal-based protein.

But a quiet revolution is also taking place in labs, where scientists are working to cultivate meat and seafood grown from cells, with the potential to reduce demand for industrial animal agriculture even further.

Heres how the process works: Stem cells are taken from the muscle of an animal, usually with a small biopsy under anesthesia, then theyre put with nutrients, salts, pH buffers, and growth factor and left to multiply. Finessing the technology and getting the cost to an affordable level is happening at a slower pace than the plant-based industry, but a number of start-ups are nevertheless aiming to get their products on the market soon.

Memphis Meats' pan-seared cell-based chicken with sugar snap peas.

Cell-based meat (also known as cultured, cultivated, slaughter-free, cell-cultured, and clean meat) will be a common sight in supermarkets across the west in the next three years, according to theInstitute of the Future in Palo Alto. California-based Memphis Meats made headlines for its world-first cell-based meatballs four years ago, and iscurrently building a pilot plantto produce its cultured beef, chicken, and duck on a bigger scale with plans to launch more plants around the world.

And it isnt the only cell-based meat start-up in the The Golden State. Theres the recently formed San Francisco-basedArtemys Foods, co-founded by biochemist Jess Krieger, who has spent the past six years working at Kent State University in Ohio growing cell-based meat in a lab, Berkeley-basedMission Barns, focusedon creating animal fat, which it has mixed with other ingredients to make duck sausages, and San Diego-based BlueNalu, a startup developing seafood from fish cells through a process called cellular aquaculture.

Close up of BlueNalu's whole-muscle, cell-based yellowtail, beer-battered and deep-fried for fish ... [+] tacos.

But innovation isnt limited to the US its happening across the world.The global cell-based meat market is predicted to be worth$15.5m by 2021 and $20m by 2027,according to analysis.One report estimates that35% of all meat will be cultured by 2040.

While estimates vary, one study found that cell-based beef is projected to use 95 per cent fewer global greenhouse gas emissions, 98 per cent less land use and up to half as much energy. It also significantly reduces the amount of antibiotics needed, which are widely used in agriculture and contribute hugely to worseningantibiotic resistance. And since the animal cells are extracted humanely and grown in a facility rather than within the animals themselves, cell-based meat has the potential to all but eliminate animal suffering.

The industry has made huge progress since the first cell-based hamburger was unveiled in 2013 in London byDutch stem cell researcher Mark Post, chief scientific officer atDutch companyMosa Meat.While this was a huge achievement, it also showed the world how far the industry had to go before commercially viable cell-based meat could be a reality. It cost $325,000 to make, and wasnt totally animal-free, as most of the burgers muscle strands were grown with fetal bovine serum, which comes from blood drawn from bovine fetuses.

In the intervening years, Mosa Meat has made several breakthroughs, and aims to bring the price down to a commercial price. It now doesnt require fetal bovine serum, and hasdeveloped a process thatallows industrial scale production.

Cell-based tartar (raw minced beef, commonly eaten in some of the Northern European countries), ... [+] created by Mosa Meat.

Also in the Netherlands, start-up Meatable has recently raised 9m to help reduce costs and scale-up production of its beef and pork. It aims to havean industry-scale plant by 2025,and will have a small-scale bioreactor the machine where cell-growth takes place - this year.Meatables cofounder Krijn de Nood hopes tounveil its first prototype this summer.

Elsewhere in Europe, the UKs Higher Steaks is growing stem cells for the production of mince for pork sausages. Instead of using fetal bovine serum,the company uses protocols exclusively licensed to itby its collaborators, the University of Minnesota, that allow it to reprogram stem cells into muscle and fat tissues.

Instead of adult stem cells, it uses induced pluripotent stem cells, which means they have an infinite supply as the cells proliferate infinitely. With adult stem cells, researchers have to go to the animal every time they need a new batch.

AndSpains Cubiq Foodsis producing cell-based fat, which is used to enhance the flavor of food and enrich it with essential fatty acids, such as omega-3.

But when it comes to cell-based meat, all eyes are on Israel, where a number of start-ups likeFuture Meat Technologies and SuperMeat are making huge progress. The countrys interest in cell-based meat has also been attributed to its thriving vegan culture.

Comparison of Future Meat Technologies' cell-based chicken (left) to of farm-raised chicken (right). ... [+]

Future Meat Technologies, founded in 2018, has shortened the manufacturing process to two weeks, with a patent-pending method they say allows for higher production yields of cell-based beef. The start-up's technologies enable producers, farmers and retailers to manufacture biomass and process it locally. The company hopes toget cost down to $10 per poundby 2022.

As for SuperMeat, it is developing cell-based meat from chicken cells (it claimed during its launch in 2016 that it wasthe first company to work on clean chicken productsfor mass production). One of Europe's largest poultry producers,PHW-Gruppe formed a partnershipwith SuperMeat in 2018. We believe 2020 will be the tipping point for the cultivated meat industry, once the proof of scale will be introduced to the world, says Shir Friedman, Co-Founder and Chief Communications Officer of the company. SuperMeat is excited to take a lead part in this historical event."

An illustration of SuperMeat's cell-based meat cultivators of the future.

Another Israeli start-up,Aleph Farms, created the worlds first cell-based steak at the end of 2018.It was co-founded only one year prior together with The Kitchen Hub from the Strauss Group, and with Professor Shulamit Levenberg of the Technion Institute of Technology. And in fall of 2019,Aleph Farmssuccessfully3D printedmeat on the International Space Station. Our experiment ofbioprintingmeat in space... consisted of printing a small-scale muscle tissue using 3D Bioprinting Solutions bioprinting technology, says Yoav Reisler, External Relations Manager for the company. The proof of concept sought to assess the potential of producing cultivated meat in a zero-gravity environment away from land and local water resources. Our approach for cultivating beef steaks is imperative to the experiment, as it relies on mirroring the natural process of tissue regeneration that happens in a cows body but under controlled and animal-free conditions. Our overarching goal is to produce meat products that have a significantly reduced ecological impact and this was a milestone in towards achieving that. Earlier this month, Aleph Farms announced plans to open an educational complex next to its production facility to provide the general public a more in-depth view of how cell-based meat is grown.

Thin-cut beef steaks cultivated by Aleph Farms.

Also in Israel,BioFood Systemsaims to produce beef products using bovine embryonic stem cells. It also hopes to scale up technology that it can license globally toenable meatmanufacturers to produce their own cell-based meat.

But other parts of the world arent far behind Israel, including Asia. Singaporean Shiok Meats is working on bringing cell-based based crustaceans (shrimp, crab and lobster) to market, and says its the first company of its kind in Singapore and South-East Asia. It hopes to have a commercially viable product in the next few years, and is currently researching and developing.

Shiok Meats cell-grown shrimp dumplings.

And in Japan, meat producer Toriyama and its export agent, Awano Food Group has partnered with JUST to grow, distribute and sell its cell-based wagyu beef worldwide.

JUST doesn't yet have images of its cell-based wagyu because its still in early stage R&D, but it ... [+] may one day look like this animal-based piece of Wagyu beef steak seen here.

In-between Asia and Europe, innovation is also happing in Turkey. Biftek is the first and still the only companydeveloping cultured meat in the country. It uses a plant-based formulation, made up of 44 proteins, in place of fetal bovine serum. Founder Can Akcali said in a recent interview that the media in Turkey is showing a growing interest in its work, and cell-based meat more widely.

Since the first cell-based unveiling of a cell-based burger in 2013, scientists have been flocking to labs in a race to iron out numerous teething problems and be the first to make a commercially viable cell-based meat product. Meanwhile, private investment into the industry has soared. Last year, twelve companiesraised $50 million in 14 deals double the amount of 2018. US-based Memphis Meats raised $22 million, Spain's Cubiq Foods raised $14 million and Mosa Meat drew in $9 million.

Memphis Meats now plans to build a pilot production facility,thanks to additional investments in January this yearfrom Cargill and Tyson Foods, as well as high-profile investors Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Kimbal Musk.

Ido Savir, SuperMeats chief executive, said Mosa Meat introduced the concept of cell-based meat to the world, and that the main challenge start-ups are still facing is proof of scaling up production to a commercially viable size that's cost-efficient. Once these hurdles are overcome, it will be a much smoother process to get cell-based meat on shelves. At the moment, cell-based products are being prototyped in labs - but once scientists have finessed the process and the cost, theyre produced at scale and can grow in facilities like any other food.

Many cell-based start-ups expect to get their products to market in the next few years. Whether or not they are actually able to meet that projection is an open question. I worry most startups in the cultured meat space are overestimating their short-term timeline to get to market and underestimating their potential long-term impact on completely redesigning our food system from the cell-level up, says Max Elder, Research Director in the Food Futures Lab at Institute for the Future. Regardless of the timeline, one thing is clear: we desperately need to undo the damage industrialized animal agriculture is wreaking on our communities, animal, and planet. While it may indeed be unwise to count our cultured chickens before they hatch, especially in light of the urgent challenges we are facing, we can no doubt expect more innovation in the coming years. Perhaps one day - even if not in the near future - all the meat on our plates will indeed be slaughter-free.

Read this article:
Will Cultured Meat Soon Be A Common Sight In Supermarkets Across The Globe? - Forbes

Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market to Achieve more Profitability Ratio between 2020-2025 – Chronicle 99

TheGlobal Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Research Report 2020is an expansive study containing the latest analysis of market productivity, scope, establishment, history, and growth potential. The report deeply emphasizes the analysis of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market size, share, production, demand, and sales revenue, which enables readers to understand the overall ongoing structure of the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market. It also penetrates the historic and present status of the market to derive authentic and reliable projections for the forecast period of 2020-2025.

Brief Overview of Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market:

According to the Market Research Explore report, the global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market is likely to register robust CAGR during the forecast period. Owing to high purchasing capabilities, rising disposable incomes, raw material affluence, and stable market structure, the market is estimated to witness thriving growth. It has been performing with steady sales revenues over the last decade, however, projected to influence its peers and parent markets alongside manufacturing and export industries worldwide.

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Study of Market Dynamics and Forces:

The report further evaluates the most influential factors in the market that pose enduring and considerable impacts on the market structure and profitability. Changing market dynamics, restraints, limitations, pricing structure, product values, market fluctuations, growth-driving forces, demand-supply ratios, and emerging trends have been studied as influential market facets. The report also highlights a Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells industry environment that comprises provincial trade regulations, frameworks, market entry barriers, international trade disputes, as well as social, political, and financial circumstances that are deemed to affect the market structure at a minute level.

Analysis of Market Competitive Intensity:

Several multinational Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells manufacturers/companies have been performing with a robust dominance across the global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market. All those leading participants are analyzed in the report considering their financial ratios, capital investments, cash flows, gross margin, sales volume, revenue, profitability, and growth rate. The report also examines strategic moves adopted by players, which typically include recent mergers, ventures, amalgamations, partnerships as well as product launches, promotional activities, and brand developments.

The report also explores the complete performance of all leading Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells companies in the market. It provides extensive elaboration on their production processes, plant locations, capacity utilization, production cost, and product specifications. Their value chain, industry supply chain, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells pricing structure, distribution channel, and global presence are also evaluated in the report.

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Segmentation Study of Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market:

Moreover, the report illuminates several divisions of the global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells market which includes types, regions, applications, end-users, and technologies. The market has also been segregated by regions including North America, Europe, the Middle East, South America, and the Asia Pacific. It offers prudent insights and reliable estimations based on each region contemplating all market segments.

You can contact us atsales@marketresearchexplore.comand get in touch with our industry experts to know more about this market study.

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Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market to Achieve more Profitability Ratio between 2020-2025 - Chronicle 99

8-year-old bone marrow recipient and donor celebrate in emotional reunion –

DALLAS It is more blessed to give than to receive. That's what a Bible verse says. And watching the smiles of a now healthy 8-year-old boy, that's what a recent bone marrow donor will gladly tell you too.

"I felt like the earth underneath my legs was pulled out and like I didn't know what to do," said Anitha Nagilla of Frisco of the 2017 chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosis for her then 6-year-old son Akshaj.

After chemotherapy and other treatments, he would need a bone marrow transplant to regenerate his immune system. But no one in his family, including his older sister, was a close enough match. Also, the likelihood of someone with Asian Indian heritage having a matched, available donor is only 41%.

The Nagilla family moved to north Texas from southern India 13 years ago.


Every three minutes, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer, like leukemia or lymphoma. For many patients, finding a bone marrow donor who is a match is their only chance for a cure. Finding a match can happen anywhere in the world at any time.

In nearby Colleyville, another immigrant, unknowingly, was about to help save the Akshaj's life.


"Typical immigration story. Parents moved for a better life for their children and for themselves," said Dr. Prasanthi Ganesa, an oncologist who works at the Center for Cancer and Blood disorders in Fort Worth.

Dr. Ganesa moved to the U.S. as a 10-year-old child, also from southern India. She now works with adult cancer patients.

But as a medical student at Texas A&M, she and a group of friends decided to join the nationalBone Marrow Registry. The donation of blood, stem cells, and bone marrow can help people recover from a variety of cancer-related illnesses.

"At that time it was pretty simple," Dr. Ganesa said of joining the registry approximately 17 years ago. "You fill out some paperwork. It's a (saliva) swab and they have my information. So I've been on it, really not thinking about it, until I got the call. It was a surprise. It was a delightful surprise."

The surprise was that she was a match for a young boy, the same age as her own youngest child. After an outpatient procedure where marrow was extracted from a location on each hip, she went home, then back to work, and waited to hear what happened to whoever it was that received her donation.

Dr. Prasanthi Ganesa

Friday morning at Children's Medical Center in Dallas, she met him face to face.

In a meeting room all decorated for Valentine's Day, they celebrated what is also known as "National Donor Day."

"Hi buddy, how are you?" Dr. Ganesa said as she reached out to hug 8-year-old Akshaj Nagilla. "Oh my goodness," she said as they embraced.

"Definitely is on the list of one of my happiest proudest moments in my life," Dr. Ganesa said. "And Akshaj I have you to thank for that. You know what this means right? We're gonna have to be friends forever," she said as the audience of doctors, nurses, and family and friends laughed and applauded.

Being on the marrow registry is easy. All it takes is a swab of saliva. And minority donors are needed the most. Dr. Ganesa was one of two marrow donors for Akshaj. She supplied the first donation.

Akshaj initially recovered but relapsed in the fall of 2018, when he received a second transplant from a different donor, also of Asian Indian heritage. But his family credits the first donation with starting his long road to recovery.

"She being close here in Dallas is undoubtedly remarkable, in that it happened to our family," Anitha Nagilla said.

"She saved my son's life directly. But she saved some other lives as well in the family," Nagilla said of the impact on her entire extended family. "She is a lifesaver for others as well."

Friday morning at their first meeting, the Nagilla family presented Dr. Ganesa with a gold bracelet and a card with a personal message from Akshaj inside. "I'm doing good and wish you well always", he wrote.

"How wonderful is this," Dr. Ganesa said as they embraced again.

The usually shy 8-year-old also mustered up the courage to climb up to a podium and address the entire crowd, but mostly his message was for Dr. Ganesa.

"I am very thankful because I am still alive," he said.

"I just encourage everybody of Indian origin, of southeast Asian origin, any minority group to get yourself on the registry because it could save a life," Dr. Ganesa said.

"It feels really good to be able to say I gave a part of myself and I saved this person's life. I think it's the ultimate meaning of being a human being. We are here to love all serve all. And what an opportunity that I have had. So I am so grateful that I've had that opportunity," Dr. Ganesa said.

She says she feels like she received more than she gave. As she, her own two sons and the Nagilla family gathered for a group hug, her own extended family maybe just got a lot bigger too.

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8-year-old bone marrow recipient and donor celebrate in emotional reunion -

Regenerative Medicine Market trends, leaders, segment analysis and forecast to 2030 described in a new market report – WhaTech Technology and Markets…

Technological innovations in the area of stem cell therapy and tissue engineering has led to rapid growth of the regenerative medicine market size.

Regenerative medicine is a comparatively new area of science that involves the restoration of damaged cells, tissues or organs by applying cell therapy, tissue engineering, immunotherapy or gene therapy techniques. On contrary to the present clinical therapeutics that act on slowing the disease progression or relieve symptoms, regenerative medication has a promising therapeutic approach of restoring the function and structure of damaged organs and tissues.

The global regenerative medicine market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period,due to the increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, orthopaedic injuries, genetic disorders, growing aging population, increasing government funding along with the private funding in the research & development of regenerative medicines with the advancement in nanotechnology based drug delivery system, and moderate healthcare reforms. Currently, major breakthrough in the area is the development of tissue engineered trachea, transplantation of retinal pigment differentiated by stem cell based therapy to treat age-related macular degeneration.

However, recently research labs have started to focus on regenerating solid organs such as heart, kidney, lungs and other organs to curb the problems associated with organ transplantation.

The rise in number of regulatory approvals of regenerative medications is expected to further drive the regenerative medicine market during the forecast period. Moreover, there has been strategic partnership between many companies that has encouraged increased involvement of these companies in the global market.

Improvised drug delivery systems for regenerative medicines is also expected to contribute to the growth of the global market.

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The key factors which drive the growth of the global market include increase in the demand of orthopaedic surgeries, government healthcare reforms in certain countries such as the U.S. and Canada, aging population, rise in chronic diseases, increasing prevalence of bone and joint diseases, and innovations in nanotechnology that aids in drug delivery mechanism.

Globally, North America is the largest market for regenerative medicine followed by Europe. The largest regenerative medicine market size of North America is attributed to the high rate of incidence of cardiac disorders, autoimmune diseases, and increasing prevalence of cancer patients among the American population.

Additionally, the involvement of government organization for funding in the area of R&D of regenerative medicines, technological advancement and other policies are driving the growth of the North American market.


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Boots’ advice to widows wary of marrying again –

Boots Anson-Roa Rodrigo

I immensely enjoyed the birthday bash of Tita Boots Anson-Roa Rodrigo. The fte was aptly dubbed Fully Alive at 75 Vibrant in Mind, Body and Spirit.

As celebs age, most of them resort to botox and stem cell treatment. But not Tita Boots. The beauty of her heart makes the show biz icon glow from within. If Jennifer Lopez has redefined what being 50 is in her Superbowl performance, Tita Boots defies time at 75. Not just with her looks, but also with her joie de vivre, which she spreads around so well. Boots-cha by golly wow!

Heres my chat with Tita Boots:

Whats your secret to growing old gracefully?

Being busy living for others; that deflects my woes, frustrations and pains. I always say God will take care of them.

Whats your advice to widows who are wary of getting married again?

My second marriage was brought to me via angels wings. The first setup of my siblings/cousins and Kings siblings and best friend in 2010 was a failure. We were not yet ready as widow and widower. But our matchmakers were relentless, and so was King as suitor later on.

Do not pursue the matter of a second marriage. Let it find you. Or, if you can find somebody like King Rodrigo, go for it.

Among all of Kings poems for you, which one is your fave?

Halik sa Kamay was written by King in 2013, after our engagement. Inspired by his pagmamano sa mga magulang, King shows his affection by kissing my hand. Excerpts: At kapag ang kamay ng ating kapuso/ Ang ating hinagkan, itoy patotoo/ Nang ating pagsinta ay lubus-lubusan/ At di maglalaho magpakailanpaman

Any update about Mowelfund?

It has been over the hump since the last five years, thanks to the Metro Manila Film Festivals subsidy and its increasing number of supporters. With its present management, we have continuously outsourced funds, cut costs and enhanced employees and beneficiaries benefits and have seemingly won the trust of benefactors.

Last month, comedian Jokoy, donated $30,000 and convinced his managers to pledge an additional $10,000.

For Welfare and Film Education program sustainability, Mowelfund has adopted a property development program and is soon transferring to a new building.

What do you miss about show biz back in the day?

I miss the cohesiveness in the film industry when producers and filmmakers were more dynamically involved in both their businesses and corporate social responsibility; when social media did not usurp the privacy of the stars; when stars, in turn, were not as beholden to social media as their stronghold to popularity and box-office appeal.

What makes you mad?

Liars, especially those who successfully pull the wool over peoples eyes. I sometimes wonder what their comeuppance will be. I dare not wish it.

What were your musings as you turned 75?

Simple wishes: To retire as president of Mowelfund soon, but continue to serve its board; finish my memoir; have more time to sleep, and interact with family members; see more movies; watch more TV; read more books; continue with my advocacies; learn how to plant; play the piano again, if my arthritic fingers will allow; go back to theater and do Bernarda Alba and La Voix Humaine; do antiheroine and character roles.

What are you most proud of?

That King and my children are proud of me. That I am 75 and dont look it; albeit untouched by science and technology.

If your life story would be made into a movie, what do you want the title to be?

She Lived with Her Boots On. Seriously, Serviam, meaning I Serve.

How would you want to be remembered?

Not as the perfect mother and wife I have been typecast as, but as the one who always tried.

Supporting ABS-CBN

I have fond memories of my stint in ABS-CBNs defunct shows, Magandang Umaga Bayan, Showbiz Lingo, The Buzz and in dzMMs Chismax. So my heart goes out to my colleagues in the beleaguered network.

As of press time, theres still no sign of Congress tackling the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN. Kapamilya celebrities and employees are in limbo. It will be hard for many Filipinos, as well, because the closure of the network means its public service work will also come to a halt.

That is why we were stunned when the Solicitor General filed a petition with the Supreme Court, which aims to put ABS-CBN out of business. Its unimaginable not to have a network that has mounted massive relief operations in various calamity-stricken areas. Aside from being an entertainment and news source, the Kapamilya network has always been a hope provider.

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Boots' advice to widows wary of marrying again -