100 greatest innovations of 2019: Best of What’s New – Popular Science

Within days of giving birth, a womans estrogen and progesterone levels quickly drop, leading to chemical changes in the brain that might give rise to shifts in mood. In fact, as many as three in four mothers experience symptoms of depression soon after childbirth. But for one in nine mothers, those symptoms result in a more serious, longer-lasting, and potentially life-threatening condition known as postpartum depression. The disorder, which manifests as a significant change in mood within hours to weeks of giving birth, is the most common complication of pregnancy. Currently, the depression drugs used to treat it take weeks to months to kick intime that new mothers (and their infants) cant afford. Zulresso is the first FDA-approved medication designed to tackle postpartum depression, and it does so at speed. The drug is a synthetic form of allopregnanolone, a hormone that dampens neural activity and eases depression symptoms when estrogen and progesterone levels dip. In double-blind control studies run by the creators at Sage Therapeutics, Zulresso worked within 60 hours. Right now, the drug is administered via a 60-hour intravenous infusion (common among new medicines), but alternative treatments, including a pill form, are currently in clinical trials.

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100 greatest innovations of 2019: Best of What's New - Popular Science

Alum’s New Book Recounts His Fight to Help First Responders Sickened after 9/11 – BU Today

The 9/11 al-Qaeda attacks stirred the United States and its allies to respond with a war on terror that continues to play out today. Al-Qaeda launched another lethal, but less visible, attack that dayon the emergency responders who worked at Ground Zero in New York City for the better part of a year after the September 2001 disaster. Rooting in toxic dust and debris at the graveyard of the World Trade Center, many developed cancers, respiratory diseases, trauma, and other ailments.

But medical studies couldnt definitively tie the physical illnesses to Ground Zero; some of the cancers, for example, were not known to arise so soon after toxic exposure. Rudolph Giuliani, then mayor of New York City, and Environmental Protection Agency head Christine Todd Whitman pronounced the area safe.

As far as the City of New York and many members of the medical and scientific community were concerned, there was no connection and no proof, writes William Groner (LAW80) in 9/12: The Epic Battle of the Ground Zero Responders (Potomac Books, 2019). The book, coauthored with journalist Tom Teicholz, recounts the nine-year legal and legislative battles culminating in 2011 in more than $800 million in compensation for the sickened responders.

Groner is the Groner in Worby Groner Edelman Napoli Bern (WGENB), a joint venture among several law firms representing more than 10,000 first responderspolice, firefighters, construction workers, EMTs and nurses, and others. Bostonia talked with Groner about his experience and his new book.

Q&Awith William Groner

Gary was head of AT&Ts Network Disaster Recovery Team. On 9/11, he and his team raced to Ground Zero, overcoming bridge and tunnel closings, to arrive at midnight to help restore phone service to Lower Manhattan. Their first priority was to restore police communications; then they worked at manning phone lines across from the pile. Gary had about a dozen members of his team going all night, and he personally worked on the cleanup through July 2002.

At first, Garys doctors thought he merely was suffering from World Trade Center cough, but he was sick for most of the next year. He complained about a pain in his side that he thought might be just another kidney stone. In 2005, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. By that time, it was advanced and had spread to his bones, requiring daily chemotherapy treatments. Following chemo, he needed to undergo a stem cell transplant, and it took its toll. The [compensation] settlement came too late. In 2012, Gary, age 59, passed away at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital with Alison, his wife of 39 years, at his side.

Valuing someones pain and suffering, and translating that into compensation, is wholly subjective. I didnt feel the settlement was even remotely enough. Mild asthma was awarded around $80,000. I would have loved to argue before a jury that such an injury was worth 5 to 10 times that. However, after almost a decade of litigation, with no real ability of the court system to handle 10,000 trials, and given the incredibly complicated burden of causation issues we faced with no certainty of success, it was unrealistic to seek maximum compensation. What we needed to do was to get the best settlement we could, and I think that that is what we achieved. My clients, even more critically, got closure.

I am not aware that they did, but I believe strongly that they, other municipalities, and governments, must learn deeply from this. We need a disaster preparedness team that is expert in dealing with environmental toxic disasters such as 9/11. Incredibly, Giuliani waved off the federal government from leading the effort, yet he was wholly unprepared for a disaster of 9/11s magnitude. I think because the federal government has the best resources, it is beyond discussion that they need to be the lead in any similar disasters in the future.

Secondly, the respiratory protection was wholly inadequate to handle the Ground Zero dust. This needs to be addressed. Thirdly, we should have a fund-type compensation system in the future, so that our heroes who sacrifice themselves dont have to become litigants to get the compensation they deserve.

As a taxpayer, I understand the city was concerned about settling the matter and being exposed to an untold number of future lawsuits that could have a detrimental impact on finances. But as someone representing the interests of 10,000 heroes who sacrificed themselves for city, state, and country, I was and still am absolutely outraged as to how they were treated by the city and its contractors and how intensely they fought to dismiss the cases. [They] spent over $200 million in legal fees to attempt to defeat our clients cases and have them thrown out of court.

This is a one-of-a-kind situation. But we could have another situation where there are scores of injuries suffered by individuals that would have to be handled better. There is a myriad of things that could be done, such as grouping similar cases together and trying them simultaneously, or adopting other creative mass resolution techniques. Or better, we should simply develop a fund to distribute, so our heroes dont have to become litigants to get what is owed to them.

I felt I had no choice but to remove myself from my usual life and dedicate myself 24/7 to the task. I stopped handling any other case, brought in my partner to take over my managing partner responsibilities, removed myself from various community positions, and even stopped commuting, which saved an hour a day of travel. For almost 10 years, I worked on the case, often from home, as my partners and I had staff, sometimes in excess of 100 people, who worked from multiple locations across the country.

This was a labor of love. While handling the case was pretty surreal, I felt honored to have this responsibility. To get justice for folks who were heroeswell, lawyers dream of being able to do that type of good.

Read the original here:
Alum's New Book Recounts His Fight to Help First Responders Sickened after 9/11 - BU Today

Susan J. Demas: Right-wing lies on abortion paved the way for Trump – Michigan Advance

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During no-filter November, Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey sent shockwaves across Michigans Capitol when he compared abortion to the scourge we endured when we still had slavery in this country.

This, of course, wasnt the first time the Clarklake Republican popped off; he also recently declared that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Democrats were on the batshit crazy spectrum.

But Shirkey was merely parroting a popular and completely offensive and ahistorical anti-abortion talking point, just like other GOP leaders, including U.S. Housing Secretary Ben Carson and former Arizona U.S. Rep. Trent Franks (who resigned after creepily offering an aide $5 million to be his surrogate).

Extremist and inaccurate language begets extremist and medically inaccurate and sometimes impossible policy, like in Ohio, where a new bill would require doctors to re-implant an ectopic pregnancy. Such a procedure doesnt exist. Ectopic pregnancies can kill women. Republican legislators apparently dont care.

I dont believe Im typing this again but, thats impossible. Well all be going to jail, Ohio ob-gyn David N. Hackney wrote on Twitter.

Shirkey offers no apology for comparing abortion to slavery in radio interview

And this isnt even the worst legislation to come from our neighbors to the southeast. Another bill creates two new felonies, abortion murder and aggravated abortion murder, which Rewire News says would make it possible in some cases for both abortion providers and pregnant people who obtain abortions to be put to death.

Nothing says pro-life like state-sanctioned murder over health care.

As deplorable as Shirkeys rhetoric was, its nothing compared to the president, whose impeachment for attempting to extort a foreign power to investigate his political enemies hurts [Shirkeys] heart.

The new popular Republican lie spread by President Trump in a rambling, gruesome fashion is that doctors are actually killing live babies after theyre born something that is absolutely not happening. And as millions of women, like myself, have given birth in hospitals, we are aware firsthand that this is not a standard medical practice.

Susan J. Demas: Trumps dehumanizing abortion lie is about bringing home the base for 2020

But its not just Trump being Trump, even though hes lied 13,435 times in his presidency through Oct. 19 alone. Hes just spreading the infanticide myth endorsed by more genteel Republicans like Meghan McCain and U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.).

And theres a crass political reason to amp up the anti-abortion fight for 2020. The Republican is getting impeached, his popularity remains dangerously low (despite the bizarrely stubborn Trump voters still love Trump genre) and people are sick of his tweets and constant drama. A thrice-married president who was caught paying off a porn star isnt the most inspiring figure for evangelicals, the GOPs most-reliable voting block.

So Trump has no choice but to pretend that hes the white knight of the pro-life movement and sell scared Republican voters on the idea that hes the only thing standing between them and godless liberals sacrificing babies in the delivery room. So far, they seem willing to swallow the big lie.

Its somewhat fitting for one of Trumps biggest lies to be about reproductive freedom, because the anti-abortion movement has trafficked in misinformation and falsehoods for years as scare tactics.

Susan J. Demas: Tyranny of the 3%: How abortion law gets made in Michigan

Theres the lie that abortion causes breast cancer (the American Cancer Society says no). Theres the lie that its a risky procedure so clinics must be overly regulated and shut down (something that fueled legislation in Michigan), even though abortion is an overwhelmingly safe procedure (and indeed, much safer than giving birth). And theres the lie that most women regret their abortions, even though an overwhelming majority do not.

But manufacturing misinformation is a cottage industry for the anti-abortion movement. And the media share a lot of blame in spreading it.

Theres an enormous amount of deference and leeway given to anti-abortion groups because of the premise that they have a moral, often religious objection to a basic part of womens health care. Reporters are trained to be cynical, but its considered rude and disrespectful to question if anti-abortion politics are really rooted in misogyny, even though many pro-life politicians dont support other aspects of womens equality. (Shirkeys advice was to ignore a Michigan equal pay directive this year).

Susan J. Demas: Time for male journalists to step up and call out sexism in politics

Another factor is that well-funded anti-choice groups complain very loudly about coverage they dont like. A decade ago, a newspaper stopped running my columns when I had the audacity to write that a law legalizing embryonic stem cell research probably could have helped my grandfather who just died of Alzheimers indeed, quite the radical argument.

But by printing the lies and mistruths of the anti-abortion movement for the sake of balance and to avoid angry calls and emails from their lobbyists we in the media do our readers a great disservice. We also violate our core mission of informing the public.

Can we really look ourselves in the eye as journalists if we dutifully include a Republican lawmakers babbling that he believes re-implanting ectopic pregnancies will work even though its a twisted fantasy out of Frankenstein with no roots in scientific reality?

Theres a real cost to both-sides journalism.

Anti-abortion group with troubled history earns Whitmer veto

For those shaking their heads and wondering how we ended up with someone who lies with such abandon in the White House, examining the medias longstanding tolerance for lies from some of Trumps biggest backers in the anti-abortion lobby might be a good place to start.

Didnt we send the message that as long as its about a controversial issue or said by a prominent person that well give mistruths oxygen in stories? Wasnt that opening seized upon by Trump, who got endless coverage in 2016 for outrageous lies like declaring Mexicans are rapists and has since continued unabated as president?

This isnt a comfortable place to be for many journalists, but its something we have to reckon with and before 2020.

Susan J. Demas is an 18-year journalism veteran and one of the states foremost experts on Michigan politics, appearing on MSNBC, CNN, NPR and WKAR-TVs Off the Record. In addition to serving as Editor-in-Chief, she is the Advances chief columnist, writing on women, LGBTQs, the state budget, the economy and more. Most recently, she served as Vice President of Farough & Associates, Michigans premier political communications firm. For almost five years, Susan was the Editor and Publisher of Inside Michigan Politics, the most-cited political newsletter in the state. Susans award-winning political analysis has run in more than 80 national, international and regional media outlets, including the Guardian U.K., NBC News, the New York Times, the Detroit News and MLive. She is the only Michigan journalist to be named to the Washington Posts list of Best Political Reporters, the Huffington Posts list of Best Political Tweeters and the Washington Posts list of Best Political Bloggers. Susan was the recipient of a prestigious Knight Foundation fellowship in nonprofits and politics. She served as Deputy Editor for MIRS News and helped launch the Michigan Truth Squad, the Center for Michigans fact-checking project. She started her journalism career reporting on the Iowa caucuses for The (Cedar Rapids) Gazette. Susan has hiked over 3,000 solo miles across four continents and climbed more than 60 mountains. She also enjoys dragging her husband and two teenagers along, even if no one else wants to sleep in a tent anymore.

See more here:
Susan J. Demas: Right-wing lies on abortion paved the way for Trump - Michigan Advance

The Hidden Cost of a Quick Injury Fix – Outside

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to meet the two dozen or so sports medicine doctors who take care of the Netherlands Olympic team. With Tokyo 2020 looming on the horizon, theyd gathered at National Sports Centre Papendal, a sprawling, forested athletic mega-campus on the outskirts of the city ofArnhem, for two days of meetings, discussions, and debates. One of the topics was how to weigh imperfect scientific evidence when youre dealing with elite athletes, for whom even a tiny edge might be the difference between glory and obliviona topic I wrestled with in a recent in-depth articleabout the performance-boosting effects of electric brain stimulation.

At dinner after the first days discussions, I happened to be seated across from an Amsterdam-based doctor named Guus Reurink. His doctoral thesis was on hamstring injuries, including a 2014 randomized trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine that found no benefit to platelet-rich plasma injections, better known as PRP. That got my attention, because about a decade ago PRP was the hottest thing in sports medicine, touted to speedthe healing of tendons, joints, muscles, and pretty much any other body part you can think of. But you dont hear as much about it these days. What, I asked Reurink, was its current status?

It turns out to be complicated. PRP, in a nutshell, involves withdrawing some blood, spinning it in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets that are thought to play a key role in instigating healing, then reinjecting the good stuff at an injury site. As Reurinks work showed, it doesnt seem to work for hamstring injuries. Neither does it seem to work for Achilles tendons, muscle injuries more generally, bone fractures, or ACL repairs, according to a reviewlast year. On the other hand, it seems to work for tennis elbow and knee osteoarthritis, and may work for patellar tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis.

In other words, its a mess. Given that it supposedly works for some tendons but not others, and some joints but others, its easy to see why, when an injured elite athlete comes in desperately looking to get healthy as quickly as possible, you might say, Well, lets give PRP a shot. It might help, and cant hurt. Its precisely the same logic that leads some athletes to wire themselves up for electric brain stimulation.

But Reurink was more hesitant about the therapythan I expected. Some of the best evidence for injury healing, he pointed out, backs the use of progressive exercise programs. Even in situations where PRP appears to work, like knee osteoarthritis, its benefits are fairly similar to what youd expect to see from a leg strengthening program. Patients, of course, prefer the quick fix. Its much more satisfying to walk out of the doctors office with an appointment for an injection than with instructions to spend several months at home doing seemingly pointless exercises. And its much easierand more lucrativefor doctors to promise an injection than to spend an hour explaining why an injection isnt needed.

It may be a bad trade-off, though. Reurink directed me to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicinein 2017 that compared PRP, exercise, and the combination of both for muscle injuries in rats. There are obvious downsides to rat studies, but the advantage is that you can induce pretty much identical injuries, and then you can directly analyze the muscle tissue to determine how well it healed and why. Also, rats dont slack off of their exercise program just because they got an injection.

The study, from researchers at Vall dHebron Institut de Recerca in Spain, assigned 40 rats to one of five different groups: a single PRP injection; daily exercise training for two weeks; both PRP and exercise; an injection of saline as a placebo; or no treatment at all. The good news: both PRP and exercise accelerated recovery and improved other markers of healing compared to doing nothing at all or getting a placebo. But the most interesting finding was what happened to the group that got both exercise and PRP.

Heres the muscle strength of the injured legscompared to thehealthy onesafter two weeks of recovery, asmeasured by electrically stimulating the muscles. A value of 100 percent would mean that the injured muscle had fully recovered and was just as strong as the uninjured muscle.

(Photo: American Journal of Sports Medicine)

Again, PRP is better than nothing, and also better than the placebo injection of saline. Exercise is even better than PRP. If you get both PRP and exercise? Its not as good as exercise alone. Somehow, getting the PRP injection interferes with the benefits of active recovery.

Other data suggests that this finding isnt just a fluke. In pretty much all the outcome measures, PRP is good, exercise is better, and doing both is somewhere in the middle.In the first graph below, for example, is the average cross-sectional area (in millimeters) of newly formed individual muscle fibers in the injured muscle. Bigger is better. In the second graph, you have a measure of the amount of scar tissue in the injured muscle, expressed as a percentage of the muscles total cross-sectional area. In this case, smaller is better.

(Photo: American Journal of Sports Medicine)

(Photo: American Journal of Sports Medicine)

These findings, the researchers suggest, may help explain why studies of PRP have produced such mixed results: it depends not only on what youre comparing PRP to, but also on what else the injured subjects are doing. If theyre doing nothing, PRP looks great. But if theyre also doing a fairly standard rehabilitation protocol that includes exercise, PRP may actually interfere with its benefits.

Of course, I should emphasize again that rats injuries and human injuries may differ in some unexpected way. Perhaps these results dont apply directly to humans. But I think they illustrate a more general point that applies not just to PRP, but also to other cutting-edge therapies and technologies, including brain stimulation: nothing takes place in a vacuum. Adding one element to your routine, be it ice bathsor ketonesor all-out sprints, will interact with other parts of your regimen, and not always for the better. And even if theres no direct interaction, the time, energy, and money you choose to spend in any one area comes with opportunity costs in other areas. That doesnt mean you should never try anything new. It just means you should understand that theres always a cost.

My new book, Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance, with a foreword by Malcolm Gladwell, is now available. For more, join me on Twitterand Facebook, and sign up for the Sweat Science email newsletter.

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The Hidden Cost of a Quick Injury Fix - Outside

10 ways of treating female hair loss – Medical News Today

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Female hair loss can happen for a variety of reasons, such as genetics, changing hormone levels, or as part of the natural aging process.

There are various treatment options for female hair loss, including topical medications, such as Rogaine. Other options include light therapy, hormone therapy, or in some cases, hair transplants.

Eating a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help keep hair healthy.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves Minoxidil to treat hair loss. Sold under the name Rogaine, as well as other generic brands, people can purchase topical Minoxidil over-the-counter (OTC). Minoxidil is safe for both males and females, and people report a high satisfaction rate after using it.

Minoxidil stimulates growth in the hairs and may increase their growth cycle. It can cause hairs to thicken and reduce the appearance of patchiness or a widening hair parting.

Minoxidil treatments are available in two concentrations: the 2% solution requires twice daily application for the best results, while the 5% solution or foam requires daily use.

While the instinct may be to choose the stronger solution, this is not necessary. Studies posted to the International Journal of Women's Dermatology and the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that 2% minoxidil was effective for females with androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness.

If a person finds success with minoxidil, they should continue using it indefinitely. When a person stops using minoxidil, the hairs that depended on the drug to grow will likely fall out within 6 months.

Side effects from minoxidil are uncommon and generally mild. Some females may experience irritation or an allergic reaction to ingredients in the product, such as alcohol or propylene glycol. Switching formulas or trying different brands may alleviate symptoms.

Some females may also experience increased hair loss at first when using minoxidil. This typically stops after the first few months of treatment as the hair gets stronger.

Additionally, misapplying minoxidil or applying it to the forehead or too much of the neck may cause hair growth in these areas. Only apply minoxidil to the scalp to avoid these side effects.

Minoxidil is available to purchase in stores and online.

Low-level light therapy may not be sufficient treatment for hair loss on its own, but it may act to amplify the effects of other hair loss treatments, such as minoxidil.

A trial posted to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology found that compared to control groups, adding low light therapy to regular 5% minoxidil treatment for androgenetic alopecia helped improve the recovery of the hairs and the participants' overall satisfaction with their treatment.

Researchers will need to carry out further research to help strengthen these results.

The drug ketoconazole may help treat hair loss in some cases, such as androgenetic alopecia, where inflammation of the hair follicles often contributes to hair loss.

One review posted to the International Journal of Women's Dermatology noted that topical ketoconazole might help reduce inflammation and improve the strength and look of the hair.

Ketoconazole is available as a shampoo. Nizoral is the best known brand and is available for purchase over the counter and online. Nizoral contains a low concentration of ketoconazole, but stronger concentrations will require a prescription from a doctor.

Some females may also respond to corticosteroid injections. Doctors use this treatment only when necessary, for conditions such as alopecia areata. Alopecia areata results in a person's hair falling out in random patches.

According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, injecting corticosteroids directly into the hairless patch may encourage new hair growth. However, this not may prevent other hair from falling out. Topical corticosteroids, which are available as creams, lotions, and other preparations, may also reduce hair loss.

Early evidence suggests that injections of platelet-rich plasma may also help reduce hair loss. A plasma-rich injection involves a doctor drawing the person's blood, separating the platelet-rich plasma from the blood, and injecting it back into the scalp at the affected areas. This helps speed up tissue repair.

A recent review posted to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery noted that most studies suggest that this therapy reduces hair loss, increases hair density, and increases the diameter of each hair.

However, because most studies up until now have been very small, the review calls for more research using platelet-rich plasma for androgenic alopecia.

If hormone imbalances due to menopause, for example, cause hair loss, doctors may recommend some form of hormone therapy to correct them.

Some possible treatments include birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy for either estrogen or progesterone.

Other possibilities include antiandrogen medications, such as spironolactone. Androgens are hormones that can speed up hair loss in some women, particularly those with polycystic ovary syndrome, who typically produce more androgens.

Antiandrogens can stop the production of androgens and prevent hair loss. These medications may cause side effects, so always talk to the doctor about what to expect and whether antiandrogens are suitable.

In some cases where the person does not respond well to treatments, doctors may recommend hair transplantation. This involves taking small pieces of the scalp and adding them to the areas of baldness to increase the hair in the area naturally. Hair transplant therapy can be more costly than other treatments and is not suitable for everybody.

Some minor hair loss may happen due to clogged pores on the scalp. Using medicated shampoos designed to clear the pores from dead skin cells may help promote healthy hair. This may help clear minor signs of hair loss.

Massaging the scalp may increase circulation in the area and help clean away dandruff. This helps keep the scalp and hair follicles healthy.

The most common cause of hair loss in females is androgenetic alopecia, which has strong links to genetics and can run in families.

According to the International Journal of Women's Dermatology, hair loss from androgenetic alopecia may start at a young age. Some females may begin losing their hair in their late teens or early twenties, though most females may not begin to lose their hair until their 40s or older.

Both males and females can develop androgenetic alopecia, but they experience it in different ways. Males tend to experience a receding hairline or bald spot on top of their head, while females tend to present different symptoms.

In females, the parting at the center of the hair often becomes more defined or wider. Females may also experience thinning hairs, and hair may appear more thin or patchy overall.

These symptoms are due to a thinning of each hair strand. The hairs also have a shorter life cycle, and hairs only stay on the head for a shorter period.

Female pattern hair loss is a progressive condition. Females may only notice a slightly wider parting in their hair at first, but as symptoms progress, this can become more noticeable.

Other forms of alopecia, such as alopecia areata, may cause one or more patches of complete baldness.

Other factors may play a role in hair loss, such as inflammatory conditions that affect the scalp and hormone imbalances. Doctors may want to investigate these possible causes if the person does not respond to typical treatments.

While losing hair at a young age may be concerning, hair loss is a reality for many people as they age. One study posted to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology noted that up to 75% of females would experience hair loss from androgenetic alopecia by the time they are 65 years old.

While many females look for ways to treat hair loss while they are young, at some point, most people accept hair loss as a natural part of the aging process.

Some people may choose to wear head garments or wigs as a workaround to hair loss. Others work with their aging hair by wearing a shorter haircut that may make thin hair less apparent.

Hair loss can affect both males and females. Hair loss in females may have a range of causes, though the most common is androgenetic alopecia.

There are a variety of treatments for hair loss for females, including OTC hair loss treatments, which are generally effective. Anyone experiencing hair loss should visit their doctor who can diagnose any underlying factors.

If a doctor suspects there is another underlying cause or the person does not respond well to OTC treatments, they will look into other treatment options.

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10 ways of treating female hair loss - Medical News Today

Global Joint Pain Injections Market Industry Analysis, Recent Trends, Size, Demand, Overview and Forecast 2019 to 2028 – Industry Planning

Global Joint Pain Injections Market 2019-2028 report is an in-depth study of Joint Pain Injections industry Size, Share, Trends and Analysis. It gets to the details of the competitive industry structure over the globe. The worldwide Joint Pain Injections market report study, composed of competent standardized instruments such as S.W.O.T Analysis, offers a comprehensive assessment of the worldwide Joint Pain Injections market. The study also covers the main players Allergan Plc., Pfizer Inc, Sanofi, Anika Therapeutics Inc, Ferring B.V., Bioventus LLC, Flexion Therapeutics Inc, Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc, Seikagaku Corporation, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd who leads the worldwide Joint Pain Injections market. [Sample PDF Download Link]

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The Joint Pain Injections Market report addresses various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa and Latin America. The production value, gross margin analysis, development trend, and Joint Pain Injections market status are explained. The industrial chain study details the potential purchasers, distributors, and traders. Development and market challenges are described. The study of market maturity, the scope of investment and gross margin are studied. Production process structure, market share, manufacturing cost and Joint Pain Injections saturation analysis are covered. This will help the interested people of the industry to analyze the feasibility of development and development plans.

Joint Pain Injections MarketAnalyzed by Segments:

Segmentation by Injection type:

Corticosteroid InjectionsHyaluronic Acid InjectionsOthers (include, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Placental tissue matrix (PTM), etc.)Segmentation by joint type:

Knee & AnkleHip JointShoulder & ElbowFacet Joints of the SpineOthers (include, Ball and socket, etc.)Segmentation by end-user:

Hospital PharmaciesRetail PharmaciesOnline Pharmacies

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Global Joint Pain Injections Market Industry Analysis, Recent Trends, Size, Demand, Overview and Forecast 2019 to 2028 - Industry Planning

Channel in Nerve Cell May be Key in Unlocking Parkinson Disease Therapy – Pharmacy Times

Researchers at the University of Cologne have identified Cav2.3 channels as a new mechanism for the development of Parkinson disease which may be the beginning of a new targeted therapy. The findings were published in Nature Communications.1

Parkinson disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in which a specific population of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the mid-brain die off selectively. The resulting lack of dopamine then leads to symptoms such as resting tremors, muscle stiffness, and problems executing voluntary movement. It affects more than 6 million people worldwide and is strongly age-dependent.2

It has previously been found that at the cellular level, disturbances in the calcium-dependent signaling pathways are integral to the development of Parkinson disease. Calcium plays a key role in many cellular signaling pathways, and its concentration is therefore regulated very precisely in the cell.2

Deregulation of the calcium balance causes disturbances of the intracellular signaling cascades, which can lead to cell death. Researchers have now shown that excessive calcium influx through specific ion channels, Cav2.3 channels of the so-called R-type, can contribute significantly to the development of Parkinson disease.1

Researchers were able to prevent the death of dopamine-producing nerve cells by genetically switching off the activity of the Cav2.3 channels. The ion channel Cav2.3 has so far not been associated with Parkinson disease. Further research on dopamine-producing neurons, which have developed from human so-called induced pluripotent stem cells, shows that signaling cascades similar to those that cause Parkinson sensitivity in the animal models are also active in human neurons.1

It had been previously hypothesized that another calcium channel, Cav1.3, plays a central role in the development of Parkinson disease. However, a recently completed clinical trial in which Cav1.3 channels were blocked did not show protection against Parkinson disease.2

This new study provides evidence as to why this clinical trial failed to show protective effects and suggests that selective Cav2.3 inhibitors should be tested as a drug to treat Parkinson disease, the authors concluded.2


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Channel in Nerve Cell May be Key in Unlocking Parkinson Disease Therapy - Pharmacy Times

First-in-kind Human 3-dimensional Models of Parkinson’s Disease and Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Launching to the International Space Station -…

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The National Stem Cell Foundation (NSCF) announced today that research teams from Aspen Neuroscience and the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute will send a first-in-kind study of neurodegenerative disease to the International Space Station (ISS) on the nineteenth SpaceX Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-19) mission, scheduled to launch December 4th from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. This is the second space flight for the research teams. A preliminary experiment was launched to the ISS in July 2019 onboard SpaceX CRS-18 to test custom flight hardware systems and refine post-flight analytical methods in preparation for the SpaceX CRS-19 launch.

The NSCF-funded collaboration between researchers at the NYSCF Research Institute and Aspen Neuroscience will perform the first study of long-term cell cultures of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) neural organoids with microglia on the ISS to study Parkinsons disease and primary progressive multiple sclerosis in microgravity. The ability to observe cell interaction, cell signaling, migration, changes in gene expression and the common pathways of neuroinflammation for both diseases in microgravity provides an opportunity to view the biological processes in a way that is not possible on Earth. This innovative approach to modelling disease has the potential to provide valuable new insight into the fundamental mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders that may accelerate biomarker discovery and potential new drug and cell therapy options for patients. These models also offer potential for better translational study and future personalized medicine applications.

The development of patient-specific, 3-dimensional human organoids that incorporate microglia (the inflammatory cells of the immune system implicated in the development of Parkinsons, MS and other neurodegenerative diseases) for observation and study in the unique research environment of microgravity has the potential to enable progress across the field for a wide variety of conditions that affect a significant portion of the global population. The engineering required to facilitate the transport of cells and culture on orbit is being led by space flight engineering partner Space Tango.

Dr. Paula Grisanti, CEO of NSCF said, Supporting this collaboration between world-class research teams during a time of explosive growth in our understanding of the research advances possible in space is a great privilege. We are delighted to be funding such innovative science at the frontier of new drug and cell therapy discovery.

We are thrilled to be working with such a comprehensive team of scientists and fantastic organizations and feel honored to use our technology to better understand neurodegenerative disorders affecting so many persons globally, said Dr. Andres Bratt-Leal, Vice President of Research and Development, Aspen Neuroscience.

We feel privileged to have the opportunity to help understand the behavior of neural cells in microgravity and to help model neurodegenerative disease in such a novel way. We are excited about this fantastic project and look forward to learning the results, said Dr. Jeanne Loring, Chief Scientific Officer, Aspen Neuroscience.

We are excited to collaborate on the first study of progressive multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons patient brain cells in space. This work will provide important insights into the mechanisms behind these diseases and advance targets for future treatments," noted Susan L. Solomon, NYSCF Chief Executive Officer.

There is significant potential to advance our understanding of MS and PD as we initiate these long-term studies of patient cells in microgravity now that we have completed our preliminary tests, said Dr. Valentina Fossati, NYSCF Senior Research Investigator. We look forward to leveraging the unique capabilities of spaceflight research to better understand the role of microglia in multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons disease, as well as how dysfunction in these cells can be targeted therapeutically.

It takes vision, passion, and courage to change the paradigms of current understanding, said Jana Stoudemire, Commercial Innovation Officer at Space Tango. We are honored to support the groundbreaking work of the National Stem Cell Foundation and these recognized leaders in stem cell biology. Their commitment and dedication to advancing the frontiers of science using new tools and new approaches has been inspiring to witness, and has the potential to provide an entirely new perspective on Parkinsons and progressive MS.

To learn more about this unique collaboration, visit https://www.stemcellsinspace.org/.

About The National Stem Cell Foundation (NSCF)

The National Stem Cell Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that funds adult stem cell and regenerative medicine research, connects children with limited resources to clinical trials for rare diseases and underwrites the National STEM Scholar Program for middle school science teachers inspiring the next generation of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) pioneers nationwide. For more information, visit https://nationalstemcellfoundation.org/.

About The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute

The New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute is an independent organization accelerating cures and better treatments for patients through stem cell research. The NYSCF global community includes over 180 researchers at leading institutions worldwide, including NYSCF Druckenmiller Fellows, NYSCF Robertson Investigators, NYSCF Robertson Stem Cell Prize Recipients, and NYSCF Research Institute scientists and engineers. The NYSCF Research Institute is an acknowledged world leader in stem cell research and in developing pioneering stem cell technologies, including the NYSCF Global Stem Cell Array and in enabling large-scale stem cell research for scientists around the globe. NYSCF focuses on translational research in a model designed to overcome the barriers that slow discovery and replace silos with collaboration. For more information, visit http://www.nyscf.org.

About Aspen Neuroscience, Inc.

Aspen Neuroscience is a development stage, private biotechnology company that uses innovative genomic approaches combined with stem cell biology to deliver patient-specific, restorative cell therapies that modify the course of Parkinsons disease. The pipeline technology of Aspen is based upon the scientific work of world-renowned stem cell scientist, Dr. Jeanne Loring, who has developed a novel method for autologous neuron replacement. For more information and important updates, please visit http://www.aspenneuroscience.com.

About Space Tango, Inc.

Space Tango provides improved access to microgravity through their Open Orbit platform for bioengineering and manufacturing applications that benefit life on Earth. With their first operational TangoLab facility installed on the International Space Station in 2016, and a second facility installed in 2017, Space Tango has designed and flown nearly 80 diverse payloads. As a recognized leader in the development of fully automated, remote-controlled systems for research and manufacturing in orbit, Space Tango continues to provide expertise in technology and scientific consulting for industry and academic partners. Leveraging this current work, Space Tango is developing new commercial market segments in space with the announcement of ST-42 a fully autonomous orbital platform designed specifically for scalable manufacturing in space. Space Tango envisions a future where the next important breakthroughs in both technology and healthcare will occur off the planet, creating a new global market 250 miles up in low Earth orbit. For more information, visit http://www.spacetango.com.

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First-in-kind Human 3-dimensional Models of Parkinson's Disease and Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Launching to the International Space Station -...

Examining the ethics of embryonic stem cell research …

Last year, President Bush cast the first veto of his presidency when Congress tried to ease the restriction on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

Following the recent passage by both houses of Congress of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, which would permit federal funding of research using donated surplus embryonic stem cells from fertility clinics, the president has once again threatened a veto.

Because neither the House nor the Senate had sufficient votes to override a presidential veto, it appears unlikely this new bill will be enacted into law, further stalling the pace of this research. This bill crosses a moral line that I and others find troubling, stated Bush, following the Senates vote.

SCL: What are the main arguments for and against embryonic stem cell research? MS: Proponents argue that embryonic stem cell research holds great promise for understanding and curing diabetes, Parkinsons disease, spinal cord injury, and other debilitating conditions. Opponents argue that the research is unethical, because deriving the stem cells destroys the blastocyst, an unimplanted human embryo at the sixth to eighth day of development. As Bush declared when he vetoed last years stem cell bill, the federal government should not support the taking of innocent human life.

It is surprising that, despite the extensive public debatein Congress, during the 2004 and 2006 election campaigns, and on the Sunday morning talk showsrelatively little attention has been paid to the moral issue at the heart of the controversy: Are the opponents of stem cell research correct in their claim that the unimplanted human embryo is already a human being, morally equivalent to a person?

SCL: Considering that the moral and political controversy over embryonic stem cell research centers on this very question, why do you think there is so little attention being paid to it? MS: Perhaps this claim has gone unaddressed because stem cell proponents and many in the media consider it obviously falsea faith-based belief that no rational argument could possibly dislodge. If so, they are making a mistake. The fact that a moral belief may be rooted in religious conviction neither exempts it from challenge nor puts it beyond the realm of public debate. Ignoring the claim that the blastocyst is a person fails to respect those who oppose embryonic stem cell research on principled moral grounds. It has also led the media to miss glaring contradictions in Bushs stem cell policy, which does not actually live up to the principle it invokesthat destroying an embryo is like killing a child.

It is important to be clear about the embryo from which stem cells are extracted. It is not implanted and growing in a womans uterus. It is not a fetus. It has no recognizable human features or form. It is, rather, a blastocyst, a cluster of 180 to 200 cells, growing in a petri dish, barely visible to the naked eye.

SCL: What are the contradictions in Bushs stance? MS: Before we address that, it is important to be clear about the embryo from which stem cells are extracted. It is not implanted and growing in a womans uterus. It is not a fetus. It has no recognizable human features or form.

It is, rather, a blastocyst, a cluster of 180 to 200 cells, growing in a petri dish, barely visible to the naked eye. Such blastocysts are either cloned in the lab or created in fertility clinics. The bill recently passed by Congress would fund stem cell research only on excess blastocysts left over from infertility treatments.

The blastocyst represents such an early stage of embryonic development that the cells it contains have not yet differentiated, or taken on the properties of particular organs or tissueskidneys, muscles, spinal cord, and so on. This is why the stem cells that are extracted from the blastocyst hold the promise of developing, with proper coaxing in the lab, into any kind of cell the researcher wants to study or repair.

The moral and political controversy arises from the fact that extracting the stem cells destroys the blastocyst. It is important to grasp the full force of the claim that the embryo is morally equivalent to a person, a fully developed human being.

For those who hold this view, extracting stem cells from a blastocyst is as morally abhorrent as harvesting organs from a baby to save other peoples lives. This is the position of Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, a leading advocate of the right-to-life position. In Brownbacks view, a human embryo . . . is a human being just like you and me; and it deserves the same respect that our laws give to us all.

If Brownback is right, then embryonic stem cell research is immoral because it amounts to killing a person to treat other peoples diseases.

SCL: What is the basis for the belief that personhood begins at conception? MS: Some base this belief on the religious conviction that the soul enters the body at the moment of conception. Others defend it without recourse to religion, by the following line of reasoning: Human beings are not things. Their lives must not be sacrificed against their will, even for the sake of good ends, like saving other peoples lives. The reason human beings must not be treated as things is that they are inviolable. At what point do humans acquire this inviolability? The answer cannot depend on the age or developmental stage of a particular human life. Infants are inviolable, and few people would countenance harvesting organs for transplantation even from a fetus.

Every human beingeach one of usbegan life as an embryo. Unless we can point to a definitive moment in the passage from conception to birth that marks the emergence of the human person, we must regard embryos as possessing the same inviolability as fully developed human beings.

SCL: By this line of reasoning, human embryos are inviolable and should not be used for research, even if that research might save many lives.MS: Yes, but this argument can be challenged on a number of grounds. First, it is undeniable that a human embryo is human life in the biological sense that it is living rather than dead, and human rather than, say, bovine.

But this biological fact does not establish that the blastocyst is a human being, or a person. Any living human cell (a skin cell, for example) is human life in the sense of being human rather than bovine and living rather than dead. But no one would consider a skin cell a person, or deem it inviolable. Showing that a blastocyst is a human being, or a person, requires further argument.

Some try to base such an argument on the fact that human beings develop from embryo to fetus to child. Every person was once an embryo, the argument goes, and there is no clear, non-arbitrary line between conception and adulthood that can tell us when personhood begins. Given the lack of such a line, we should regard the blastocyst as a person, as morally equivalent to a fully developed human being.

SCL: What is the flaw in this argument? MS: Consider an analogy: although every oak tree was once an acorn, it does not follow that acorns are oak trees, or that I should treat the loss of an acorn eaten by a squirrel in my front yard as the same kind of loss as the death of an oak tree felled by a storm. Despite their developmental continuity, acorns and oak trees differ. So do human embryos and human beings, and in the same way. Just as acorns are potential oaks, human embryos are potential human beings.

The distinction between a potential person and an actual one makes a moral difference. Sentient creatures make claims on us that nonsentient ones do not; beings capable of experience and consciousness make higher claims still. Human life develops by degrees.

SCL: Yet there are people who disagree that life develops by degrees, and believe that a blastocyst is a person and, therefore, morally equivalent to a fully developed human being. MS: Certainly some people hold this belief. But a reason to be skeptical of the notion that blastocysts are persons is to notice that many who invoke it do not embrace its full implications.

President Bush is a case in point. In 2001, he announced a policy that restricted federal funding to already existing stem cell lines, so that no taxpayer funds would encourage or support the destruction of embryos. And in 2006, he vetoed a bill that would have funded new embryonic stem cell research, saying that he did not want to support the taking of innocent human life.

The distinction between a potential person and an actual one makes a moral difference. Sentient creatures make claims on us that nonsentient ones do not; beings capable of experience and consciousness make higher claims still. Human life develops by degrees.

But it is a striking feature of the presidents position that, while restricting the funding of embryonic stem cell research, he has made no effort to ban it. To adapt a slogan from the Clinton administration, the Bush policy might be summarized as dont fund, dont ban. But this policy is at odds with the notion that embryos are human beings.

SCL: If Bushs policy were consistent with his stated beliefs, how, in your opinion, would it differ from his current dont fund, dont ban policy? MS: If harvesting stem cells from a blastocyst were truly on a par with harvesting organs from a baby, then the morally responsible policy would be to ban it, not merely deny it federal funding.

If some doctors made a practice of killing children to get organs for transplantation, no one would take the position that the infanticide should be ineligible for federal funding but allowed to continue in the private sector. In fact, if we were persuaded that embryonic stem cell research were tantamount to infanticide, we would not only ban it but treat it as a grisly form of murder and subject scientists who performed it to criminal punishment.

SCL: Couldnt it be argued, in defense of the presidents policy, that Congress would be unlikely to enact an outright ban on embryonic stem cell research? MS: Perhaps. But this does not explain why, if the president really considers embryos to be human beings, he has not at least called for such a ban, nor even called upon scientists to stop doing stem cell research that involves the destruction of embryos. In fact, Bush has cited the fact that there is no ban on embryonic stem cell research in touting the virtues of his balanced approach.

The moral oddness of the Bush dont fund, dont ban position confused even his spokesman, Tony Snow. Last year, Snow told the White House press corps that the president vetoed the stem cell bill because he considered embryonic stem cell research to be murder, something the federal government should not support. When the comment drew a flurry of critical press attention, the White House retreated. No, the president did not believe that destroying an embryo was murder. The press secretary retracted his statement, and apologized for having overstated the presidents position.

How exactly the spokesman had overstated the presidents position is unclear. If embryonic stem cell research does constitute the deliberate taking of innocent human life, it is hard to see how it differs from murder. The chastened press secretary made no attempt to parse the distinction. His errant statement that the president considered embryo destruction to be murder simply followed the moral logic of the notion that embryos are human beings. It was a gaffe only because the Bush policy does not follow that logic.

SCL: You have stated that the presidents refusal to ban privately funded embryonic stem cell research is not the only way in which his policies betray the principle that embryos are persons. How so? MS: In the course of treating infertility, American fertility clinics routinely discard thousands of human embryos. The bill that recently passed in the Senate would fund stem cell research only on these excess embryos, which are already bound for destruction. (This is also the position taken by former governor Mitt Romney, who supports stem cell research on embryos left over from fertility clinics.) Although Bush would ban the use of such embryos in federally funded research, he has not called for legislation to ban the creation and destruction of embryos by fertility clinics.

SCL: If embryos are morally equivalent to fully developed human beings, doesnt it then follow that allowing fertility clinics to discard thousands of embryos is condoning mass murder? MS: It does. If embryos are human beings, to allow fertility clinics to discard them is to countenance, in effect, the widespread creation and destruction of surplus children. Those who believe that a blastocyst is morally equivalent to a baby must believe that the 400,000 excess embryos languishing in freezers in U.S. fertility clinics are like newborns left to die by exposure on a mountainside. But those who view embryos in this way should not only be opposing embryonic stem cell research; they should also be leading a campaign to shut down what they must regard as rampant infanticide in fertility clinics.

Some principled right-to-life opponents of stem cell research meet this test of moral consistency. Bushs dont fund, dont ban policy does not. Those who fail to take seriously the belief that embryos are persons miss this point. Rather than simply complain that the presidents stem cell policy allows religion to trump science, critics should ask why the president does not pursue the full implications of the principle he invokes.

If he does not want to ban embryonic stem cell research, or prosecute stem cell scientists for murder, or ban fertility clinics from creating and discarding excess embryos, this must mean that he does not really consider human embryos as morally equivalent to fully developed human beings after all.

But if he doesnt believe that embryos are persons, then why ban federally funded embryonic stem cell research that holds promise for curing diseases and saving lives?

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Examining the ethics of embryonic stem cell research ...

Stem of the problem | Columns | Journal Gazette – Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

I have been reading a book, The Man Who Wouldn't Die, that satirizes Silicon Valley and the venture-capital start-up culture. It's reasonably funny. I was reminded, however, that sometimes culture is crazy.

At one point a character casually describes how stem-cell therapy is obviously going to make 50-year-olds feel like 20-year-olds. Grow a new liver and you're good to go, so to speak! The author clearly meant the idea as a joke. However, that idea is out there and taken seriously. Stem cells made national headlines in the late '90s and early 2000s because of some scientific breakthroughs and their promise for future medical treatments.

Just about all of our body is made up of specialized cells. These are cells that have grown to perform some specific function. Some examples are heart muscle cells, say, or red blood cells.

Stem cells are different; they have not yet specialized. That is, they have not developed many of the specific properties that are unique to the different parts of our bodies.

Given the right environment the right chemicals, for examplethey can grow into specialized cells.

There are, of course, all sorts of important details for how stem cells grow, when they specialize and how much flexibility they have in specializing. Somehow, however, there is now an industry that has skipped all that work and is marketing stem cells as a general cure. Alzheimer's disease and joint pain are frequently mentioned. If that makes you suspicious that these clinics are targeting the elderly, you would be right.

A typical treatment involves taking stem cells from a patient's bone marrow or fat and injecting it back into a sore knee or hip or whatever needs fixing. The idea, somewhat vaguely, is that the stem cells will grow to replace whatever is worn down by age.

As is true of all good scams, this one has a good story, one that can pass as proven medicine for many patients. The treatment also benefits by treating a problem with symptoms that can come and go irregularly, so a patient can honestly claim that they recovered in, say,six months.

The body is a complicated machine. It is hard to predict what will cure or not cure any specific problem. Just because a story involving stem cells sounds reasonable is not a sufficient reason to try something.

For a typical patient, we should have good, strong, positive evidence that a treatment will help. A good story is not strong, positive evidence. In the language of science, it is a hypothesis. Potentially true.

It is worth remembering that many, many things are potentially true. We don't try them all out on ourselves when we are sick.

Many of these ideas have in fact been tested in rigorous, peer-reviewed studies. So far, the evidence for positive effects is weak.

One reason these clinics have managed to skirt the rules is that extracting material from a patient then reinjecting requires less oversight for safety. Depending on the details, this treatment is considered, for Food and Drug Administration regulations, something like plasma donation (where blood is extracted, platelets removed, then reinjected into the body).

Just because a process may be safe does not make it good medicine. Medicine is not and should not be a free market. Patients will almost never have enough knowledge to reasonably choose between treatment options.

The FDA is the federal agency in charge of ensuring companies do not offer useless or harmful procedures. Unfortunately, in 2017 the FDA decided to allow stem cell clinics a three-year grace period to describe their procedures for the FDA's evaluation. As a result of that open window, hundreds of clinics have opened nationwide, offering services for which there is no strong evidence.

In the past year the FDA has realized where the industry has gone with this treatment and begun trying to crack down. Some clinics have unsafe procedures; others are misleading patients about treatments. Many clinics are still operating, unfortunately, and it can be difficult for typical patients to recognize the difference between these treatments and proven remedies. Furthermore, these bad actors could potentially make people skeptical of stem cell-based technology entirely.

That would be a shame because there is still great promise for stem cells. That may be cold comfort for those who want a treatment immediately, but that desire is the exact motivation that has led to terrible medicine for centuries.

Christer Watson, of Fort Wayne, is a professor of physics at Manchester University. Opinions expressed are his own. He wrote this column for The Journal Gazette, where his columns normally appear the first and third Tuesday of each month.

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Stem of the problem | Columns | Journal Gazette - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette