Types of Adult Stem Cells Stem Cell Institute StemCell …

Stem cells reside in adult bone marrow and fat, as well as other tissues and organs of the body including the umbilical cord. These cells have a natural ability to repair damaged tissue, however in people with degenerative diseases they are not released quickly enough to fully repair damaged tissue. In the case of fat stem cells they may not be released at all. The process of actively extracting, concentrating and administering these stem cells has been shown in clinical trials to have beneficial effects in degenerative conditions. Few patients have access to clinical trials. We offer patients and their doctors access to these therapies now. Stem cell treatments are not covered by insurance.

Adult stem cells can be extracted from most tissues in the body, including the bone marrow, fat, and peripheral blood. They can also be isolated from human umbilical cords and placental tissue. Once the cells have been harvested, they are sent to the lab where they are purified and assessed for quality before being reintroduced back in the patient. Common types of adult stem cells are mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells.

Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells reside in the *umbilical cords of newborn babies. HUCT-MSC stem cells, like all post-natal cells, are adult stem cells.

The Stem Cell Institute utilizes cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells that are separated from the umbilical cord tissue. For certain indications, these cells are expanded into greater numbers at Medistem laboratory in Panama under very strict, internationally recognized guidelines.

Among many other things, mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord tissue are known to help reduce inflammation, modulate the immune system and secrete factors that may help various tissues throughout the body to regenerate.

The bodys immune system is unable to recognize HUCT mesenchymal stem cells as foreign and therefore they are not rejected. Weve treated hundreds of patients with umbilical cord stem cells and there has never been a single instance rejection (graft vs. host disease). HUCT MSCs also proliferate/differentiate more efficiently than older cells, such as those found in the bone marrow and therefore, they are considered to be more potent.

Through retrospective analysis of our cases, weve identified proteins and genes that allow us to screen several hundred umbilical cord donations to find the ones that we know are most effective. We only use these cells and we call them golden cells.

We go through a very high throughput screening process to find cells that we know have the best anti-inflammatory activity, the best immune modulating capacity, and the best ability to stimulate regeneration.

Human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that were isolated and grown in our laboratory in Panama to create master cell banks are currently being used in the United States.

These cells serve as the starting material for cellular products used in MSC clinical trials for two Duchennes muscular dystrophy patients under US FDAs designation of Investigational New Drug (IND) for single patient compassionate use. (IND 16026 DMD Single Patient)

The bone marrow stem cell is the most studied of the stem cells, since it was first discovered to in the 1960s. Originally used in bone marrow transplant for leukemias and hematopoietic diseases, numerous studies have now expanded experimental use of these cells for conditions such as peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, heart failure, and other degenerative disorders.

At Stem Cell Institute, we use purified autologous (patients own) mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow in our spinal cord injury protocol along with umbilical cord tissue mesenchymal stem cells.

Fat stem cells are essentially sequestered and are not available to the rest of the body for repair or immune modulation. Fat derived stem cells have been used for successful treatment of companion animals and horses with bone and joint injuries for the last 10 years with positive results.

Experimental studies suggest fat derived stem cells not only can develop into new tissues but also suppress pathological immune responses as seen in autoimmune diseases. In addition to orthopedic conditions, Stem Cell Institute pioneered treating patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases using fat derived stem cells. However, we no longer use a patients own stem cells from fat because weve found that mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord tissue are superior.

Dr. Riordan published the first scientific article on treating humans (3 multiple sclerosis patients) with adipose-derived stem cells. We have treated many patients with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in Panama but we no longer do so because we have found that umbilical cord-derived MSCs modulate the immune system and control inflammation better. HUCT MSCs also proliferate much more efficiently.

Articles Authored by our Doctors and Scientists about Fat Derived Stem Cells:

*All donated cords are the by-products of normal, healthy births. Each cord is carefully screened for sterility and infectious diseases under International Blood Bank standards.

Visit link: Types of Adult Stem Cells Stem Cell Institute

This entry was posted on July 9, 2018 at 12:43 am and is filed under Fat Stem Cells. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. |

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Types of Adult Stem Cells Stem Cell Institute StemCell ...

Difference between Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells

Key Difference: The adult stem cells are derived from adult tissue, and have the ability to regenerate into all the cell types of the organ from which they originate. Embryonic Stem Cells, on the other hand, are stem cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. Blastocyst is an early-stage of the embryo that it reaches approximately 4-5 days after fertilization.

A stem cell is a reserve cell that each creature has in its body. The stem cell has the ability to grow into any cell that is required by the body and to multiply, so that it can replace any and all dead or damaged adult cells.

Many systems in our body have a supply of stem cells that helps it to heal and replace any dead or damage parts. Some of these parts include the skin system, liver system, etc., which is why it is easier for the body to heal these parts, as it can just replace the damaged parts. However, there are other systems in our body, such as the heart, spinal cord, brain and pancreas, which so not have a supply of stem cells. Researchers are currently working to develop stem cells that may help us to heal and/or replace these parts.

Stem Cells are greatly beneficial as they have the ability to divide or self-renew indefinitely. There are four main types of stem cells as categorized by the researchers working with them. These are adult stem cells, fetal stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and more recently, induced stem cells.

Adult Stem Cells are undifferentiated cells, which means that they have not become specialized stem cells with a particular function. These cells have the ability to divide or self-renew indefinitely. They also have to ability to generate all the cell types of the organ from which they originate.

The adult stem cells are derived from adult tissue, and depending on the tissues they are derived from, they have the ability to regenerate into all the cell types of the organ from which they originate.

Embryonic Stem Cells, on the other hand, are stem cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. Blastocyst is an early-stage of the embryo that it reaches approximately 4-5 days after fertilization. At this stage, the embryo has consist of 50150 cells. Here the embryos are generated by IVF (in vitro fertility) clinics, so that the researchers can study the stem cells and their implications.

The Embryonic Stem Cells are also known as pluripotent stem cells as they have the ability to differentiate into any cell type, which means that they have a possibility of infinite applications within the human body. Like the adult stem cells, they also have the ability to regenerate indefinitely, as practically, they entire human body grows from single embryo.

However, embryonic stem cell research has been subject to much controversy, due to the fact the stem cells are taken from an embryo. Many claim that this is inhumane, and that embryos are life and should have the same rights. Many people also look down upon and criticize the fact that these embryos are generated by IVF, which some consider to be against nature.

Comparison between Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells:

Adult Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem Cells


Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells, found throughout the body after development, that multiply by cell division to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues.

Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are stem cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage preimplantation embryo.

Also known as

Somatic stem cells, Multipotent stem cells

Pluripotent stem cells

Derived from

Adult Tissue

5 day old embryo



They have the potential to increase healing and for potentially regenerating an entire organ from a few cells.

Diseases that could potentially be treated by pluripotent stem cells include a number of blood and immune-system related genetic diseases, cancers, and disorders; juvenile diabetes; Parkinson's; blindness and spinal cord injuries.


The use of human adult stem cells in research and therapy is not considered to be controversial.

The use of human embryonic stem cells in research and therapy is controversial as they are derived from human 5 day old embryos generated by IVF (in vitro fertility) clinics designated for scientific research.

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Difference between Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells

Stem Cells, Characteristics, Properties, Different …

Classification of stem cells

The Stem Cells Transplant Institute uses adult autologous mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue.

Stem cells come from two main sources; embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Adult stem cells do not require the destruction of an embryo and their collection and use in research is not controversial. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated totipotent or multipotent cells, found throughout the body after embryonic development.

Stem cells are also classified based on where they are collected from;allogenicstem cells are collected from the same species,xenogeneicstem cells are collected from a different species, andautologousstem cells are collected from the intended recipient.

Stem cellscan be classified by the extent to which they can differentiate into differentcelltypes. These four mainclassificationsare totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, or unipotent. Mesenchymal stem cells, or MSCs, are multipotent stromal cellsthat can differentiate into a variety ofcelltypes, including: osteoblasts (bonecells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells), myocytes (musclecells) and adipocytes (fatcells).

The Stem Cells Transplant Institute uses adipose derived stem cells removed from either the patients abdomen or thigh and placed in a centrifuge machine that spins them very quickly, concentrating the stem cells and growth factors.

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Stem Cells, Characteristics, Properties, Different ...

Facts About Cellular Therapies

Cellular therapy (CT) is the transplantation of human cells to replace or repair damaged tissue and/or cells. With new technologies, innovative products, and limitless imagination, many different types of cells may be used as part of a therapy or treatment for a variety of diseases and conditions. Some of the cells that may be used include hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells (HSC), skeletal muscle stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and pancreatic islet cells.

While the research is evolving, various cell types will be developed into treatments as novel cell therapies and studied for potential applications. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (also called bone marrow transplant) is the most frequently used cell therapy and is used to treat a variety of blood cancers and hematologic conditions. Potential applications of cell therapies include treating cancers, autoimmune disease, urinary problems, and infectious disease, rebuilding damaged cartilage in joints, repairing spinal cord injuries, improving a weakened immune system, and helping patients with neurological disorders.

Regenerative Medicine

Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Donation

How are Stem Cells Regulated?

The Role of Standards and Accreditation

Considerations for Health Care Consumers

Continued here:
Facts About Cellular Therapies

Stem Cell Therapy – Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine

We are pleased to offer our newestnatural and minimally invasivetreatment alternative for joint and tendon pain.

In this procedure, bone marrow blood is removed from the pelvis, is minimally processed, and injected into the patients problem area(s) to improve joint or tendon pain.

The patients own (autologous) stem cells and platelet-rich plasma will work to stimulate the healing process of tissue that is already present.

Please note that Stem Cell Therapy is not FDA approved and is not covered by insurance.

Nebraska Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine has decades of experience providing the latest in orthopaedic procedures. We offer the entire range of treatments from conservative to surgical. The doctors at Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine can help you choose the best treatment for YOU. Many clinics offering stem cell treatments for orthopaedic conditions are NOT orthopaedic doctors. When considering a clinic for stem cell treatment, you need to consider a doctors training and experience. Nebraska Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine is the only orthopaedic clinic in the region offering this exciting procedure.

Patients between the ages of 18-64 who have seen a physician for their condition and have exhausted all non-surgical measures (physical therapy, NSAIDs, cortisone injections, bracing, etc.) are ideal for Stem Cell Therapy

The most common areas of treatment include the hip, knee and shoulder, but can be injected into any joint or tendon causing the patient pain. All of this is done within the clinic-setting for patient comfort and convenience.

Because this is a newer treatment, the long-term outcomes are not fully understood and no guarantees can be made regarding outcomes.

Patients can expect to feel results over 1-3 months, although in some circumstances, relief may take as long as 6-9 months.

Patients interested in Stem Cell Therapy should call (402) 488-3322 to request a consultation with Scott A. Swanson, M.D.

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Stem Cell Therapy - Nebraska Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine

Stem Cell Therapy – Revive Medical Center

Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA

Staying healthy has never been more difficult, and sometimes it seems like health challenges are coming from every direction. Whether it is eating a healthy diet and cooking great meals for the kids or dealing with the aftermath of a serious car accident, living a healthier lifestyle can be a real challenge.

That is why you need the right partner in your quest for good health, and Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA is here to help you get healthy and stay that way. Whether you want to shed a few pounds after the holidays, get a handle on your allergies, lessen the impact of migraine headaches or improve your overall appearance, Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA is always here to help.

At Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA, we offer a full range of services designed to improve your health and help you look and feel your best. When you look good, you feel good, so we offer joint injections for easier movement, vitamin infusions for better health, trigger point therapy and tissue regeneration therapy (TRT) and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, all designed to help you feel better right away. We even offer treatment for your hair loss, so you can regain your youthful appearance no matter what your age.

Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA also offers a full range of beauty treatments, including facials to improve your appearance and boost your self-esteem. We also offer a full range of allergy testing, including testing for both seasonal and food allergies. No matter what your concerns, Revive Medical Center is always here to help.

Chiropractic care is good for your body, mind and spirit, and Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA is your chiropractic specialist. We offer a full range of chiropractic care, including both physical therapy and decompression. Whether you need chiropractic treatment in conjunction with traditional medical care or on its own, you can find what you need at Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA.

We also offer recovery services for auto accident victims and workers comp cases, so you can get back to work quickly and regain your formerly good health. Whether you have been involved in a serious car crash, a workplace accident or something else, just give us a call and let us design a treatment program for you.

Revive Medical Center Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA is dedicated to your good health, from your physical well-being to your appearance. If you want to improve the way you look and the way you feel, just give us a call or check us out online. You will be glad you did.

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Stem Cell Therapy - Revive Medical Center

Stem Cell Treatments and Therapies from Beike Biotechnology

May 31, 2018

Anastasia was born with spina bifida. The condition is causing multiple symptoms for the 5-year-old little girl. The most pressing ones being a bladder dysfunction a lack of sensation and the lack of strength, which makes it impossible for her to crawl or walk without assistance. With the hope to ... more

April 10, 2018

Aleksey was diagnosed with Ataxia in 2012 and he has been undergoing physiotherapy regularly since then. Unsatisfied with the results, he searched for a better treatment alternative for his case and found Beike stem cell therapies in Thailand. Aleksey decided to receive the treatment and in this video, he is ... more

September 25, 2017

Laroussi started to develop the symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a year ago. His legs and arms were severely weakened, which prevented him from doing standard activities. In addition, his bowel movement was very impaired and was further more affecting his quality of life. During his treatment in Bangkok ... more

Stem Cell Treatments and Therapies from Beike Biotechnology

Stem Cell Medical Centers – Global Stemcell Therapy

Acute myocardial infarction


Age Management





Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)


Ankylosing Spondylitis

Anti Aging





Atrophy Lateral Sclerosis



Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune Disorders

Autologous Cells

Autologous Stem Cells

Avascular Necrosis

Back Arthritis

Back Pain

Batten Disease

Bio Insurance

Blood Laser

Blood Supply Disorder

Bone Fractures

Brain and Spine conditions

Broken Bones

Burn Wounds


Cancer after chemo and radio-therapy

Cancer Post-Chemotherapy

Cardiac Diseases

Cardiac Insufficiency

Cardic Disorder

Cardiological Diseases




Cardiovascular Diseases

Cartilage Loss

Cerebral Ataxia

Cerebral injury

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebrovascular accident

Cerebrovascular Ischemia

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic degenerative conditions

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Heart Failure

Chronic Kidney disease

Chronic pain

Chronic ulcerative colitis


Climacteric Complaints


Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy




Cosmetic Procedures

Critical Limb Ischemia

Crohns Disease

Degenerative Disease

Degenerative Diseases

Degenerative joint disease



Dental Diseases



Diabetes mellitus

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diseases of Nervous System

Disorders of the nervous system

Dry Eye


Elbow and Hand Problems

Eliminating Wrinkles


Endocrine Diseases


Erectile Dysfunction

Facial Rejuvenation




Foot and ankle injuries

Frown Lines Elimination

Gastrointestinal Diseases

General Medicine

General Revitalization

Genitourinary Diseases

Hair Related Issues

Hair restoration

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Stem Cell Medical Centers - Global Stemcell Therapy

Atlas Medical Center Provides Stem Cell Therapy for Knee …

Recently, stem cell therapies offer new, revolutionary treatment options for knee pain conditions. Atlas Medical Center provides these regenerative stem cell treatments to residents of the Dallas, Texas area.

Irving, United States July 23, 2018 /PressCable/

Stem cell therapy is a non-invasive, virtually painless procedure that repairs damaged joints naturally without surgery or medication using the bodys own inner healing mechanisms. Recently, stem cell therapies offer new, revolutionary treatment options for knee pain conditions. Atlas Medical Center provides these regenerative stem cell treatments to residents of the Dallas, Texas area.

Stem cell treatments repair damaged tissues, ligaments, and cells from within by increasing the regenerative cells and blood flow in the target area. Stem cell therapies treat the root of the problem and have a high clinical success rate even with serious joint conditions. Stem cell treatments have been successful in treating general knee pain and other knee conditions such as arthritis, meniscus tears, bone on bone conditions, ACL and PCL injuries, chondromalacia, and knee degeneration. Patients report feeling relief soon after treatment and the healing progress continues for months. Well-known professional athletes use stem cell therapies to treat knee and other joint problems, which is a testament to the effectiveness of the treatments.

Knee pain can limit ones ability to be active and perform daily tasks, such as work and exercise. It can slow you down and prevent you from living a full, healthy life. The knees are part of so many normal movements that feeling constant knee pain can be disabling. Knee degeneration may develop over a period of time and then suddenly worsen. Knee problems might include swelling, trouble stretching out or bending the leg, feeling pain when putting weight on the knee, difficulty running and jogging, and feeling pain with other normal movements.

Many people live with chronic knee pain for years. Knee pain treatments have traditionally included risky surgeries with lengthy recovery times, cortisone injections with only temporary results, and costly prescription pain medications that simply mask the pain and may have unwelcome side effects. These non-surgical, regenerative stem cell treatments offer new hope of effective relief to people suffering from chronic knee pain.

For residents of the Dallas, Texas area who are suffering from general knee pain and other knee conditions, Atlas Medical Center provides these revolutionary, regenerative stem cell therapies. Their board-certified, expert medical staff has years of experience treating knee pain conditions and helping patients get back on the path to wellness. Treatment is tailored to each individual patient depending on age and the condition being treated.

Contact Info: Name: Jason Kouri Organization: Atlas Medical Center Address: 301 W Airport Fwy #101, Irving, TX 75062, United States Phone: +1-214-596-1051

For more information, please visit http://atlasmedicalcenter.com/

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 381637

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Atlas Medical Center Provides Stem Cell Therapy for Knee ...

Adult Stem Cell Research Leaving Embryos Behind – CBS News

A few months ago, Dr. Thomas Einhorn was treating a patient with a broken ankle that wouldn't heal, even with multiple surgeries. So he sought help from the man's own body.

Einhorn drew bone marrow from the man's pelvic bone with a needle, condensed it to about four teaspoons of rich red liquid, and injected that into his ankle.

Four months later the ankle was healed. Einhorn, chairman of orthopedic surgery at Boston University Medical Center, credits "adult" stem cells in the marrow injection. He tried it because of published research from France.

Einhorn's experience isn't a rigorous study. But it's an example of many innovative therapies doctors are studying with adult stem cells. Those are stem cells typically taken from bone marrow and blood - not embryos.

For all the emotional debate that began about a decade ago on allowing the use of embryonic stem cells, it's adult stem cells that are in human testing today. An extensive review of stem cell projects and interviews with two dozen experts reveal a wide range of potential treatments.

Morley Safer reported for "60 Minutes" this summer on the rapidly increasing trend of "regenerative medicine," where cells in the human body are manipulated into regrowing damaged tissues.

Researchers have created beating hearts, ears and bladders using stem cells. Biotech companies and the Pentagon have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in research that could profoundly change millions of lives.

"60 Minutes": Growing Body Parts

Adult stem cells are being studied in people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, heart attacks and diabetes. Some early results suggest stem cells can help some patients avoid leg amputation. Recently, researchers reported that they restored vision to patients whose eyes were damaged by chemicals.

Apart from these efforts, transplants of adult stem cells have become a standard lifesaving therapy for perhaps hundreds of thousands of people with leukemia, lymphoma and other blood diseases.

"That's really one of the great success stories of stem cell biology that gives us all hope," says Dr. David Scadden of Harvard, who notes stem cells are also used to grow skin grafts.

"If we can recreate that success in other tissues, what can we possibly imagine for other people?"

That sort of promise has long been held out for embryonic stem cells, which were first isolated and grown in a lab dish in 1998. Controversy over their use surrounded the 2001 decision by former President George W. Bush to allow only restricted federal funding for studying them.

Proponents over the past decade have included former first lady Nancy Reagan and actors Michael J. Fox and the late Christopher Reeve. Opponents object that human embryos have to be destroyed to harvest the cells.

Embryonic cells may indeed be used someday to grow replacement tissue or therapeutic material for diseases like Parkinson's or diabetes. Just on Friday, a biotech company said it was going ahead with an initial safety study in spinal cord injury patients. Another is planning an initial study in eye disease patients later this year.

But in the near term, embryonic stem cells are more likely to pay off as lab tools, for learning about the roots of disease and screening potential drugs.

Observers say they're not surprised at the pace of progress.

As medical research goes, the roughly 10 years since the embryonic cells were discovered "is actually a very short amount of time," said Amy Rick, immediate past president of the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research. The group has pushed for embryonic stem cell research for about that long.

Hank Greely, a Stanford University law professor who works in bioethics and has followed stem cells since the 1990s, said: "Give it another five years and I'll be surprised if we don't have some substantial progress" beyond initial safety studies.

The Pro-Life Secretariat of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops continues to oppose embryonic work. Deirdre McQuade, an official there, said that compared to adult stem cell research, work on embryonic cells is proving "fruitless."

Adult cells have been transplanted routinely for decades, first in bone marrow transplants and then in procedures that transfer just the cells. Doctors recover the cells from the marrow or bloodstream of a patient or a donor, and infuse them as part of the treatment for leukemia, lymphoma and other blood diseases. Tens of thousands of people are saved each year by such procedures, experts say.

Advice on Finding Legitimate Stem Cell Clinics

But it is harnessing these cells for other diseases that has encouraged many scientists lately.

In June, for example, researchers reported they had restored vision to people whose eyes were damaged from caustic chemicals. Stem cells from each patient's healthy eye were grown and multiplied in the lab and transplanted into the damaged eye, where they grew into healthy corneal tissue.

A couple of months earlier, the Vatican announced it was funding adult stem cell research on the intestine at the University of Maryland. And on Friday, Italian doctors said they'd transplanted two windpipes injected with the recipients' own stem cells.

But these developments only hint at what's being explored in experiments across the United States.

Much of the work is early, and even as experts speak of its promise, they ask for patience and warn against clinics that aggressively market stem-cell cures without scientific backing.

Some of the new approaches, like the long-proven treatments, are based on the idea that stem cells can turn into other cells. Einhorn said the ankle-repair technique, for example, apparently works because of cells that turn into bone and blood vessels. But for other uses, scientists say they're harnessing the apparent abilities of adult stem cells to stimulate tissue repair, or to suppress the immune system.

"That gives adult stem cells really a very interesting and potent quality that embryonic stem cells don't have," says Rocky Tuan of the University of Pittsburgh.

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Adult Stem Cell Research Leaving Embryos Behind - CBS News