Fertile offspring produced from sterile mice using iPS cells – Kyodo News Plus

Researchers at Kyoto University have succeeded in producing fertile offspring from sterile mice with chromosome abnormality by using iPS cells, the university said Friday.

The research outcome by the international team was published online by the U.S. magazine Science with the headline "Fertile offspring from sterile sex chromosome trisomic mice."

The team intentionally produced sterile trisomic mice and showed that fibroblasts from the abnormal mice lose the extra sex chromosome during reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells.

The team termed the phenomenon trisomy-biased chromosome loss.

It is vital to have the correct number of chromosomes for normal development and health.

The researchers have successfully produced fertile offspring with a usual pair of sex chromosome by injecting functional sperm originated from the euploid iPS cells into eggs.

"(The finding) could lead to the development of treatment for infertility caused by chromosome or other genetic abnormalities," said Michinori Saito, a professor of the Graduate School of Medicine at Kyoto University and a research team member.

The team also involves James Turner of the Francis Crick Institute in Britain.

Sex chromosome trisomy, associated with infertility, affects 0.1 percent of the human population, according to the research team.

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Fertile offspring produced from sterile mice using iPS cells - Kyodo News Plus

Brain Spheroids Hatch Mature Astrocytes | ALZFORUM – Alzforum

18 Aug 2017

Astrocytes are more than bystanders in neurotransmissionthey take an active role in synaptic activity. However, their functions are hard to study because the cells are difficult to grow in vitro and its hard to coax them to mature from progenitors. Now, researchers from the labs of Sergiu Paca and Ben Barres, both at Stanford University School of Medicine, California, report that astrocytes come of age in spherical balls of human brain cells cultured in a dish for almost two years. As reported in the August 16 Neuron, these astrocytes develop much like those from real brains, undergoing similar transcriptomic, morphologic, and functional changes. Studying the processes involved in this astrocyte maturation will help researchers understand neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia, researchers say, and might even shed light on problems in adultbrains.

That these 3D cultures can be maintained for such a long time allows us to capture an interesting transition in astrocytes, said Paca. We are starting to appreciate aspects of human brain development to which we would not otherwise haveaccess.

The breakthrough is that they can develop human astrocytes very close to maturity in their 3D culture models, said Doo Yeon Kim, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, who uses 3D culture models to study pathological process that occur in Alzheimers disease. Some researchers are using 3D cultures to model other neurodegenerative disorders, such as ALS, and still others are planning to use cultured astrocytes for cell therapy. If astrocytes are not mature enough in culture, patterns [we see] may not be the same as in the diseased brain, saidKim.

This developing human astrocyte (red), which comes from a 350-day-old cortical spheroid, is taking shape as a mature cell. [Image courtesy of Sloan et al.Neuron]

A few years back, Pacas group developed a method for differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) into a 3D culture of brain cells. They used special dishes that the cells could not easily attach to, coaxing them to stick to each other instead. Under these conditions the iPSCs balled up into neural spheroids that grew to about 4 mm in diameter. A cocktail of growth factors early on encouraged them to form excitatory pyramidal cells like those in the cortex, and the cells spontaneously organized into layers. These cortical spheroids survived a year or more and spontaneously grew astrocytes in addition to neurons (Paca et al., 2015). Not long after, the Barres lab reported that astrocytes in the adult human brain look different from those isolated from fetuses. They called the latter astrocyte progenitor cells (APCs). Each had their own transcriptional patterns and functions (Jan 2016 news). Together, Barres and Paca wondered if it was possible to see the APCs morph into mature astrocytes in these long-lived corticalspheroids.

To find out, first author Steven Sloan and colleagues examined spheroids generated from iPSCs derived from healthy human fibroblasts. Sloan grew the spheroids for about 20 months. Along the way, he took samples, isolated the astrocytes, and compared them to those isolated from fetal and postnatal humanbrain.

At about 100 days in culture, astrocytes began to sprout spontaneously from within the mostly neuronal milieu of the cortical spheroids. At first, these cells were simple, adorned by few branches and expressing genes akin to those active in APCs. But as the spheroids reached about 250 days, the astrocytes therein looked more mature, having numerous processes. After this point, APC gene expression tapered off and the astrocytes started producing proteins typical of matureastrocytes.

Astrocytes also underwent functional changes as they matured. Early versions divided in fast and furious fashion, much like their counterparts from the fetal tissue. That division slowed as the spheroids aged. Dividing APCs dropped from 35 percent of all astrocytes at day 167 to 3 percent at day 590. Taken from the spheroids at day 150 and cultured in a 2D layer, immature astrocytes also harbored a voracious appetite for added synaptosomes, much like immature astrocytes recently characterized in mice (see image below; Dec 2013 conference news on Chung et al., 2013). However, that hunger waned as astrocytes approached the 590-daymark.

At the older end of the spectrum, mature astrocytes seemed to take on a supportive role, strengthening calcium signaling in nearbyneurons.

Studying the neurons and astrocytes in these cortical spheroids could be useful for addressing certain unanswered questions about human biology, said other researchers. This could be a very strong opportunity to understand what goes wrong in human genetic disorders that affect astrocyte function, said M. Kerry OBanion, University of Rochester Medical Center, New York. Its also possible that such cultures could reveal as yet unknown facets of familial mutations that cause Alzheimers disease, he suggested. However, given that these cultures take a long time to grow and develop, they are unlikely to completely supplant other types of cultures or faster-maturing animal models, hesaid.

Kim agreed, saying, The results are very exciting, but not practical yet for disease modeling." However, Kim hopes that researchers will make progress on accelerating the maturationprocess.

The Barres and Paca labs are trying just that with the spheroid. They will also analyze what they secrete to support neuronal signaling. In addition, they are exploring how to make the astrocytes reactive, as they often are in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers. Doing so might reveal how such astrocytes interact withneurons.

An immature astrocyte taken from a 150-day-old spheroid gobbles up added synaptosomes (red). [Neuron, Sloan et al.2017]

To Pacas knowledge, these cortical spheroids are some of the longest human cell cultures ever reported. His group has continued to cultivate these clumps, with the oldest still going strong at day 850. Granted, these systems are missing many cell types: endothelial cells, oligodendrocytes, and microglia to name a few, he said. However, his lab has introduced new ways to add in other cells. Earlier this year, he reported 3D cultures of cortical glutamatergic neurons and GABAergic interneurons that fused together when they were placed side-by-side (Birey et al., 2017).

Clive Svendsen, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, saw clinical implications for this paper. It shows iPSC derived astrocytes can mature to an adult phenotype, he said. This further supports their use in clinical transplantation, as we are planning to do. His group has begun a Phase 1 clinical trial that implants human fetal astrocytes into the spinal cords of ALS patients.Gwyneth DickeyZakaib

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Brain Spheroids Hatch Mature Astrocytes | ALZFORUM - Alzforum

Fraud Alert! Unproven Stem Cell Use Prompts International Call to Action – American Council on Science and Health

An international team of medical experts recently published a global call to action in Science Translational Medicine in an effort to curb the unethical, unsubstantiated use of stem-cell based therapies driving medical tourism. Such ill-advised stem cell treatments have led to pediatric deaths in Germany, blindness in the United States, the closure of Italys Stamina Foundation to name a few as well as a variety of untoward effects given their lack of rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.

With high price tags, so-called stem-cell clinics are designing therapies without evidence that serve to do harm, be ineffective, prey on the most vulnerablepotentially curtailing their ultimate treatment choices, and threaten the legitimate work being done that holds great promise for devastating disease.

When greed trumps science, we all lose.

In The Worst 'Healthcare': 'Stem Cell' Clinics Wrought With Red Flags, Insincerity And Blindness, I detail the distressing accounts of three patients who endured irreparable damage to their vision after seeking treatment at the same unnamed stem cell clinic in Broward, Florida. Reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the harrowing experiences of the women aged 72-88 years old resulted in blindness to near blindness from untested stem cell therapies being injected into their eyes while being fleeced $5000 for the procedures. Promised revolutionary therapy, they were left with catastrophic reminders of the unfortunate and unnecessary ordeal.

Theirs is a cautionary taleof the hazards of poor and irresponsible practice at a private stem cell clinic, unfixable medical interventions with no scientific evidence to back claims, sales over substance, marketing hype lacking in meaning and actions taken by seemingly complicit personnel who may have misrepresented their credentials that took advantage of those most in need. See here for a more detailed road map of how to read between the lines of such marketing hype and to understand the timeline of this particular bad outcome.

Heres the deal with stem cells

Stem cells are currently in use for a rather limited scope of disorders. Ones where the data is well-established and been subject to proper design, rigorous testing and clinical trials. They are also being actively studied, in general. The notion that they can cure every type of medical condition is not one based in our present reality or the near term future. The media tends to overstate where we are in stem cell-based therapeutics.

The safety and efficacy of stem cell use when derived from bone marrow or your peripheral blood is well-established, but stem cells are now being increasingly derived from alternate sources like adipose (aka fatty) tissue and put in use for orthopedic to neurological disorders.

Many in the medical community are enthused about their promise and rightfully so as some advancements are already underway. In my recent article Did Gene Therapy Cure Sickle Cell Disease?, I discuss the hopeful work in autologous stem cell transplantation obtained from bone marrow for this and other hemoglobinopathies. This is further explored in this television appearance:Dr. Jamie Wells On Al Jazeera TV Discussing Sickle Cell Anemia.

Facilities offering false hope often based on the most minimal of clinical evidence are popping up all over the country and world without well-controlled clinical trials or having met any regulatory standards. In the cases of autologous use especiallysince they are your own cells, advocates affirm they are safe. These private stem cell clinics are typically patient-funded at nonacademic centers, are not based on preclinical research or sound design and lack investigational new drug application with the FDAbecause, again, they are your own cells despite the fact what the facility mixes them with are unknown agents that have not been tested to confirm safety.(1)

In a perspective written by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the NEJM, the FDA maintains: Outside the setting of hematopoietic reconstitution and a few other well-established indications, the assertion that stem cells are intrinsically able to sense the environment into which they are introduced and addresswhatever functions require replacement or repairwhether injured knee cartilage or a neurologic deficitis not based on scientific evidence. The piece goes on to inform about misadventures of their use and the worrisome lack of evidence in particular in circumstances where therapies proved harmful or ineffective when properly studied.

Hence, why this recent global call to action by worldwide leaders in the field

Buoyed by efforts of the scientific community to impact changes in stem cell facilities in Germany and Italy among others, an international consortium of medical experts outline in their latest publication local to transnational considerations that could limit unchecked marketing claims and unfounded science. Appreciating the current climate of expediting lengthy approval processes, the politics of right to try legislation and direct-to-consumer advertising, the authors contend with respect to sham stem cell therapies under-regulation has led to substantial, reverberating harm.

Due to general regulatory resistance, the panel of fifteen urges a more coordinated approach nationally and internationallythat emphasizes engagement, harmonization and enforcement. Highlighting prior success, the group encourages mobilization of international scientific organizations to create global standards and the utilization of traditional and social media type engagement to expand reach to the public as well as positively influence national policies.

With the main goals of eliminating harmful therapies and preserving a patients ability to seek effective treatment, they identify further the risk of not doing anything will worsen the big problems of destabilizing health markets and delegitimizing biomedical efforts that could genuinely benefit society.

Among their requests for proactive efforts is for groups with broad constituencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) to dispense guidelines in conjunction with national authorities for the responsible use of human cells and tissues which they maintain they already dofor medical devices and medicines. They call for cross-border partnerships for compliance.

Of particular note, the article includes a wonderful chart clarifying where inroads can be made locally, regionally and internationally to prevent the all too frequent co-opting of scientific legitimacy. It can be very difficult for patients to suss out what is fact from fiction when powerful advertising runs amok. Words like revolutionary and clinical trials and expert are consistently thrown around to confuse and can be a challenge for many to unpack accurately.

The authors provide in this graphic tangible ways to cut through the nonsense. By outing deceptive tactics used throughout the commercialization of these products and spreading these protective messages, patients can become empowered and the culture of fleecing might shift. Here, they point out a number of ways scientific integrity gets diminished:the use of renting space in academic facilities as a way to appear legitimate by association, suggestby having a patent application this means the product is proven or tested as opposed to just a sign of an initiation of applying, citing preclinical and other findings to rationalize clinical use without efficacy testing etc. (3) I would argue this list is an excellent tool that could be applied well beyond the stem cell industry. Interventions starting withthis listcould certainly support more honesty.

In conclusion

Though rarely a lover of regulation, in general, given the likelihood of overdoing it, creating more problemsand the tendency for many policies to be one-size-fits-all and misguided, in this realm the price people are paying as well as society could be too great to allow the wild west ways of the stem cell industry to continue as is. The authors in this work provide some meaningful measures to compel a more honest arena.


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Fraud Alert! Unproven Stem Cell Use Prompts International Call to Action - American Council on Science and Health

Mayo, U develop ‘robocop’ stem cells to fight cancer – StarTribune.com – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Glen Stubbe - Star Tribune The Mayo Clinic expects a surge of hundreds of cancer patients per year if CAR T is approved, because it will initially be provided by large medical centers that have experience with the therapy and its side effects.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota say theyre on the brink of a new era in cancer care one in which doctors extract a patients white blood cells, have them genetically engineered in a lab, and put them back to become personalized cancer-fighting machines.

The so-called CAR T cellular therapies are expected to receive federal approval this fall for certain rare blood cancers B-cell forms of lymphoma and leukemia. But scientists at the Minnesota institutions hope thats just the first step that will lead to better treatment of solid tumor cancers as well.

This is really the first approval of a genetically modified product for cancer therapy, said Dr. Jeffrey Miller, deputy director of the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota. If the proof of concept works, he said, we might be on the right track to get away from all of that toxic chemotherapy that people hate.

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Mayo, U develop 'robocop' stem cells to fight cancer - StarTribune.com - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Scientists Discover New Hair Growth Technique Using Stem Cells – TrendinTech

Those suffering from hair loss problems could soon be worry free thanks to a bunch of researchers at UCLA. The team found that by activating the stem cells in the hair follicles they could make it grow. This type of research couldnt come soon enough for some. We may have finally found a cure for patients suffering from alopecia or baldness.

Hair loss is often caused by the hair follicle stem cells inability to activate and induce a new hair growth cycle. In doing the study, researchers Heather Christofk and William Lowry, of Eli Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA discovered that the metabolism of hair follicle stem cells is far different to any other cell found within the skin. They found that as hair follicle stem cells absorb the glucose from the bloodstream they use it to produce a metabolite called pyruvate. The pyruvate is then either sent to the cells mitochondria to be converted back into energy or is converted into another metabolite called lactate.

Christofk is an associate professor of biological chemistry and molecular and medical pharmacology and he says, Our observations about hair follicle stem cell metabolism prompted us to examine whether genetically diminishing the entry of pyruvate into the mitochondria would force hair follicle stem cells to make more lactate and if that would activate the cells and grow hair more quickly. First, the team demonstrated how blocking the lactate production in mice prevented the hair follicle stem cells from activating. Then, with the help of colleagues at the Rutter lab at the University of Utah, they increased the lactate production in the mice and as a result saw an accelerated hair follicle stem cell activation and therefore an increase in the hair cycle.

Once we saw how altering lactate production in the mice influenced hair growth, it led us to look for potential drugs that could be applied to the skin and have the same effect, confirms Lowry, a professor of molecular, cell and developmental biology. During the study, the team found two drugs in particular that influenced hair follicle stem cells to promote lactate production when applied to the skin of mice. The first is called RCGD423. This drug is responsible for allowing the transmission of information from outside the cell right to the heart of it in the nucleus by activating the cellular signaling pathway called JAK-Stat. The results from the study did, in fact, prove that JAK-Stat activation will lead to an increased production of lactate which will enhance hair growth. UK5099 was the second drug in question, and its role was to block the pyruvate from entering the mitochondria, forcing the production of lactate and accelerating hair growth as a result.

The study brings with it some very promising results. To be able to solve a problem that affects millions of people worldwide by using drugs to stimulate hair growth is brilliant. At the moment there is a provisional patent application thats been filed in respect of using RCGD423 in the promotion of hair growth and a separate provisional patent in place for the use of UK5099 for the same purpose. The drugs have not yet been tested in humans or approved by the Food and Drug Administration as fit for human consumption.

More News to Read


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Scientists Discover New Hair Growth Technique Using Stem Cells - TrendinTech

Could Newborn Heart Stem Cells Jump-Start Old Hearts? – Sioux City Journal

TUESDAY, Aug. 15, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Stem cells from young hearts might breathe new life into aging ones, research in rats suggests.

In the study, a special type of stem cells was taken from the hearts of newborn rats and injected into the hearts of old rats, average age 22 months. Other rats from the same age group were given saline shots instead.

Baseline heart function was measured in all the rats, using echocardiograms, treadmill stress tests and blood analysis. The group of older rats underwent an additional round of testing one month after receiving the stem cells from the hearts of the young rats.

The old rats who were given stem cells showed better heart function, a 20 percent increase in exercise capacity and, oddly enough, an improved ability to regrow hair.

"Our previous lab studies and human clinical trials have shown promise in treating heart failure using cardiac [heart] stem cell infusions," said co-primary investigator Dr. Eduardo Marban, director of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Heart Institute in Los Angeles.

"Now we find that these specialized stem cells could turn out to reverse problems associated with aging of the heart," he said in an institute news release.

"The way the cells work to reverse aging is fascinating," Marban added. "They secrete tiny vesicles that are chock-full of signaling molecules such as RNA and proteins. The vesicles from young cells appear to contain all the needed instructions to turn back the clock."

But more research is needed, the investigators said.

"This study didn't measure whether receiving the [specialized] cells extended life spans, so we have a lot more work to do," added co-primary investigator Dr. Lilian Grigorian-Shamagian. She is a postdoctoral researcher at Cedars-Sinai.

"We have much to study, including whether [heart stem cells] need to come from a young donor to have the same rejuvenating effects," Grigorian-Shamagian explained.

The findings were published Aug. 14 in the European Heart Journal.

The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute offers a guide to a healthy heart.

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Could Newborn Heart Stem Cells Jump-Start Old Hearts? - Sioux City Journal

Former Hollywood Stuntman Raising $10,000 For His Stem Cell … – DNAinfo

Len Richard (left) and actor Terrance Howard on the set of "Empire" in 2015. View Full Caption

Provided by Len Richard

CHICAGO Len Richard used to fight in movie scenes as a stuntman, but now hes fighting for his life.

Diagnosed with liver disease in 2009, hes been placed on the liver and kidney transplant list to replace his rapidly failing organs. Hes opted to have stem cell replacement therapy in place of the transplant, but his insurance wont cover it, so hes raising $10,000 through YouCaring.

The 44-year-old Englewood native said hes desperate to live a healthy life and doesnt want to risk trying the transplant. Theres the fear that the new organs wont work for long and hell constantly get sick from the anti-rejection medications hell have to take, he said.

Once I understood how stem cell works and how it cures people, it was a no-brainer, Richard said. I rather do that than have someone's organs.

More than 5,000 liver transplants in the United States take place each year, according to the "Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Diseases," a review article published in the Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy. About 20,000 people are waiting for a transplant, but only 7,000 procedures are performed each year, and up to 1,500 patients die each year waiting.

Use of stem cells to cure liver diseases has been proved beneficial in most of the conditions, according to the article. Scientific literature reveals the role of stem cells in treatment and cure of various diseases like liver cirrhosis, end stage liver failure, genetic liver disease and also the liver cancer. The stem cells possess the ability to renew and multiply by them or stem cells possess special characteristics of regenerating themselves.

Besides being hospitalized twice in eighth grade for a high fever and an enlarged liver and spleen, Richard has lived a fairly healthy life, he said. He had no major health problems in high school or college.

As an adult, he worked behind the scenes in the control room at Channel 50, before moving to Los Angeles in 1998 for a similar television job. Thats when his life changed.

He was at a gym working out and got invited to train with a group who worked as stuntmen, he said.

A stunt coordinator saw me and said that I looked like Omar and Cuba Gooding, Richard said. He hired me for 'Baby Boy.' Thats how I got into doing stunts.

That job led to other jobs in major films, including "Barbershop" and "Transformers."

Everything was going well for Richard, he said, until 2008 when he tore his rotator cuff during filming for the movie "First Sunday," starring Ice Cube and Katt Williams.

I had surgery, and the person I was seeing at the time noticed that I started losing weight and was going to the bathroom a lot, Richard said.

When he went to the doctor for a routine checkup, he learned that he was diabetic. The doctor reviewed his medical history and asked if he has ever been evaluated for a liver transplant.

In 1987, when he was 13, he mysteriously became ill, he said. He was in the hospital for a high fever and the doctors noticed that his liver and spleen were enlarged, but didnt know why. He was sent home only to return a few days later.

I spent the whole summer in the hospital, Richard said. They did exploratory abdominal surgery and took a sample of all of my organs. They sent it to the CDC and other labs and came back with nothing.

Now that hes on the transplant list, Richard is hoping that hes able to raise enough money to travel to see a doctor in Mexico who was recommended by another patient and have the alternative procedure instead.

I want to avoid the transplant and keep my organs, Richard said.

He said he misses his old life, although he did more recently work on the show "Empire." Hes on disability now, but wants to return to work and the gym.

I was always in the gym, used to go hiking a lot, but now I work out when I feel like it, he said. I have low energy, and its kind of hard right now. I'll ride a bike and try to do air squats, but I was doing crossfit before it became too much for me.

Nobody wants to be sick. Id like to be back in California, moving around. I just get tired of going to doctor, getting poked and having having them tell me I need a transplant. Its mentally draining, and it's scary.

Former Hollywood Stuntman Raising $10,000 For His Stem Cell ... - DNAinfo

Bone Marrow Transplant gives local cancer patient more time with his family – KTBS

ARZ050-051-059>061-070>073-LAZ001>006-010>014-017>022-TXZ097-151>153-165>167-192100-/O.NEW.KSHV.HT.Y.0009.170819T1500Z-170820T0000Z/Sevier-Howard-Little River-Hempstead-Nevada-Miller-Lafayette-Columbia-Union-Caddo-Bossier-Webster-Claiborne-Lincoln-De Soto-Red River-Bienville-Jackson-Ouachita-Sabine-Natchitoches-Winn-Grant-Caldwell-La Salle-Bowie-Panola-Nacogdoches-Shelby-Angelina-San Augustine-Including the cities of De Queen, Nashville, Mineral Springs, Dierks, Ashdown, Hope, Prescott, Texarkana, Stamps, Lewisville, Bradley, Magnolia, El Dorado, Shreveport, Bossier City, Minden, Springhill, Homer, Haynesville, Ruston, Farmerville, Bernice, Mansfield, Stonewall, Logansport, Coushatta, Martin, Arcadia, Ringgold, Gibsland, Jonesboro, Monroe, Many, Zwolle, Pleasant Hill, Natchitoches, Winnfield, Colfax, Montgomery, Dry Prong, Clarks, Grayson, Columbia, Jena, Midway, Olla, Carthage, Nacogdoches, Center, Lufkin, San Augustine, Hemphill, and Pineland242 AM CDT Sat Aug 19 2017...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM CDTTHIS EVENING...The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a HeatAdvisory, which is in effect from 10 AM this morning to 7 PM CDTthis evening. * EVENT...High pressure across the area will allow for temperatures to climb into the mid 90s this afternoon. Hot temperatures combined with sufficient low-level moisture will allow for heat index values to climb to around 105 to 108 degrees across the advisory area.* TIMING...Heat index values will approach 105 degrees by late morning and persist through the afternoon into the early evening hours.* IMPACT...Precautions should be taken to prevent heat related illnesses, including limiting outdoor work activities to the late morning and early evening hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. Whenpossible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning orevening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing whenpossible and drink plenty of water. to reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safetyand health administration recommends scheduling frequent restbreaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcomeby heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heatstroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. a heat advisory means that a period of hot temperatures isexpected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humiditywill combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses arepossible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditionedroom, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives andneighbors.&&$$

The rest is here:
Bone Marrow Transplant gives local cancer patient more time with his family - KTBS

Fair rallies around Ratzloff after cancer diagnosis – Southernminn.com

OWATONNA Its the first time in six years that Matt Ratzloff hasnt been working as part of the Steele County Free Fair grounds crew, but hes not far from their thoughts or their hats.

Ratzloff, the grandson of longtime Fair Board member Gene Fisher, first joined the grounds crew at age 16 and returned every year since. Hes taking a break this year, though, for a very good reason: he was diagnosed in January with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and spent the first half of the year undergoing chemo, transplants and innumerable doctor visits and hospital stays, as well as being one of the featured cancer patients in this springs From The Heart Run/Walk in Owatonna.

He says its a little weird this year not being out on the fairgrounds with his former coworkers.

I was on the grounds crew for about five years, and grew really close with a lot of these guys, and through grounds crew, got really close with the fair board as well, Ratzloff said. Grounds crew was kind of my summer job when I was in college.

Instead, Ratzloff is only recently returned home from Rochester, where he received a stem cell transplant in June. Normally, he says, doctors want patients to stay close at hand in case of complications for 100 days after such a procedure. In his case, he was able to return home on day 45.

Since then, its just been keeping a close watch on my body, going in for weekly checkups and just trying to recuperate from everything thats happened, he said.

His friends at the fair havent forgotten him. Each year, the grounds crew receives a t-shirt for that years fair, and this years shirt includes a cancer ribbon as the I in the word FIGHT as well as Ratzloffs initials. And his grandfather, Fisher, and fellow fair board member Scott Kozelka went even further, supplying the crew with hats embroidered with Ratzloffs nickname, Ratz.

Throughout all this, the fair has been very supportive of my journey as well, Ratzloff said. Im very fortunate to have these guys.

Fisher said the entire fair community, even extending into the vendors and carnival workers, have rallied around his grandson.

You cant ask for more out of a community than how they treated us, he said, noting hed received several donations just Friday morning from vendors to support Ratzloffs family. Its great to have that kind of community.

And even when the fair packs up on Sunday, the community will continue. Theres a benefit for Ratzloff and his family, to offset some of the considerable costs of his treatment and the months spent in Rochester, planned for next Saturday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Owatonna VFW banquet hall. Fisher said there will be live and silent auctions, food from Godfathers Pizza, and other activities, with tickets available at the door or in advance.

Ratzloff, who finished his bachelors degree in criminal justice in December and plans to re-enroll in police academy in Rochester this fall, said hes very thankful the fair has his back.

Its a little different [seeing his friends wear his name on hats], but Im very supported in what the fair has done for me, he said. I wish one day Ill be able to repay all of these people, but its tough to.

William Morris is a reporter for the Owatonna Peoples Press. He can be reached at 444-2372; follow him on Twitter @OPPWilliam

Read the original post:
Fair rallies around Ratzloff after cancer diagnosis - Southernminn.com