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Guest View: No to embryonic stem cells – htrnews.com

Pat Langlois 5:33 p.m. CDT November 4, 2016

Culturing cells in small petri dishes(Photo: Hakat, Getty Images/iStockphoto)

In the Herald Times Reporter on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016, you published a commentary titled Wisconsin a hotbed of stem cell issues by Howard Brown in which he promotes the use of embryonic stem cells. He indicates these cells are isolated five to 10 days after conception. They are not yet a baby, he states.

Conception in Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary is The union of the male sperm and the ovum of the female; fertilization. The union signifies that the life of a new human being has begun. This union will continue its process of development and move through the various stages of development including embryo, fetus, newborn, toddler, school age, teenager, adult and old age. Never in that process is this human being anything but human.

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Human embryologist C. Ward Kischer, an associate professor emeritus at the University of Arizona, stated: Every human embryologist in the world knows that the life of the new individual human being begins at fertilization. It is not a belief. It is a scientific fact.

Therefore, because it is a new human, it deserves our respect and protection.

To say, as he did it is not yet a baby is wrong language semantics in an effort to camouflage the truth. It is a baby in its earliest stage of development.

Brown indicates it is OK to use embryos (his word) from in vitro fertilization donated by parents for research when the parents decided not to use them to produce a baby. Those embryos are the baby. How can we sooth our consciences by using word gymnastics to justify experimentation on a defenseless human being? These embryos are our next generation. They are of great value.

The author indicates embryonic stem cells show promise in beating diseases. But there is the complication of uncontrolled tumor formation and rejection.

Adult stem cells have been used for years to treat more than 100 conditions, including leukemia, cancerand immune system disorders.

Adult stem cells can come from the patients own tissues including bone marrow, blood, muscleand nasal mucosa. These cells are not genetically unstable, so the risk of tumors is eliminated and the problem of rejection does not exist. More than 1,500 clinical studies have been conducted testing adult stem cells for treating diabetes, heart disease, MS, arthritis, etc.

His final statement asks, where does the reader stand on the use of embryonic stem cells no longer wanted for in vitro fertilization? The fact remains that these embryos are human beings. They are not a resource that can be used for experimentation. They are fellow human beings deserving of our protection until natural death, just like you and I.

The emphases of our research should be centered around adult stem cell treatments and cures. It is ethical and has shown great promise.

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Guest View: No to embryonic stem cells - htrnews.com

Embryonic Stem Cell Research – rtl.org

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Right to Life of Michigan is opposed to research which destroys a developing human being. When stem cells are removed from human embryos, a unique individual dies. It has been proven scientifically that human life begins at conception. This fact sheet on stem cell research contains information about stem cells and their potential. It also describes the current legal situation regarding human embryonic stem cell research and federal funding, as well as information about ethical alternatives such as research on adult stem cells and blood from the umbilical cord which have provided actual treatments to patients.

What are stem cells and what is their potential?

Stem cells are the cells from which all other cells originate. In a human embryo, a large portion of the embryos cells are stem cells. As the young child grows in her mothers womb, most of these cells begin to differentiate and become the heart, liver, kidneys and all of the 210 kinds of tissue found in a human body.(1) Even though most of these cells become differentiated, all humans retain some stem cells. Stem cells are incredibly versatile cells that can be replicated indefinitely. These cells, given the correct cues, can develop into specialized cells which the body might need. Most of the potential good such research may produce has revolved around the use of stem cells from human embryos, but there is also research being done on adult stem cells, stem cells from umbilical cord blood, and induced pluripotent stem cells.

Since stem cells are so versatile and there are many diseases that result from the lack of or dysfunction of a single type of cell, there is hope within the medical community that someday cells can be reprogrammed to cure various diseases. Some of these diseases include Parkinsons, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and heart disease.

There are many sources for stem cells. In adults, stem cells can be found in numerous kinds of tissues and organs including bone marrow, blood, fat, skin, the liver, and even baby teeth.(2) Another ethical source of stem cells is the blood found in umbilical cords and placentas after birth. Stem cells removed from these sources dont harm the patient.

Despite these multiple sources of stem cells, most of the medias attention is focused on embryonic stem cells.(3) These are cells that would eventually become a childs organs and tissues but are removed from a human embryo in the first week of life. When these cells are removed, a human embryo dies.

Advocates for human embryonic stem cell research want to use embryos that have been frozen at fertility clinics as the main source of embryonic stem cells. These leftover embryos were conceived to bring about an in vitro fertilization pregnancy, but they were never implanted into their mothers womb. When a woman gets pregnant with in vitro fertilization and not all of the embryos are implanted, fertility clinics allow couples to destroy them, donate them to another couple, or freeze them in case they want to give birth to another child at a later time. Most couples freeze their embryonic children to save them for later birth attempts.(4)

Some scientists have gone a step further by creating embryos whose sole purpose is to be used for research while others have used cloning to create human embryos that can be killed for their stem cells.

Federal funding of human embryonic stem cells research

In August 2000, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) determined that federal funds could be legally used to support research on human embryonic stem cells, despite a federal law forbidding federal funding of research that destroys human embryos. Passed in 1996, the Dickey-Wicker Amendment states that federal funds cant be used for research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death.

The NIH avoided this law by using the DHHSs rationale that stem cells arent embryos, so research using stem cells is separated from the act of obtaining those stem cells by destroying an embryo. The NIH stated that federal funds would not be used for the actual removal of the stem cells from the embryo (which kills the embryo). However, once stem cells are removed from the embryo, the NIH would provide federal funds.

The problem with the NIH Guidelines is that in order to do research on embryonic stem cells, embryos have to be destroyed. There is no way of separating the two. By providing federal funds for research on embryonic stem cells, the NIH is promoting the destruction of innocent lives.

The language of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment is obviously intended to cover more than just research whose only purpose is the destruction of embryos. The language of the law implies that research where an embryo will be destroyed, including cases where this destruction will occur in order for the research to take place, should not receive federal funds.

Before any federal funding began, President George W. Bush sought a compromise soon after his election. On August 9, 2001, he announced that he would allow federal funds for the first time to be used for human embryonic stem cell research, but only on cell lines created before August 9, 2001. These stem cell lines were created from embryos that were destroyed before the presidents decision. On the positive side, President Bush also announced that he would allocate $250 million to research involving stem cells from non-controversial sources and took a strong stand against all forms of human cloning.

Shortly after taking office, President Barack Obama issued an executive order on March 9, 2009, to remove President Bushs funding restrictions and allow the federal government to fund research on human embryonic stem cells as long as the cell lines were taken from human embryos created by in vitro fertilization for reproductive purposes and were donated by their parents. The Dickey-Wicker Amendment is still on the books, but its original intent continues to be violated.

Alternatives to human embryo research

The search for treatments and cures need not include the destruction of innocent, vulnerable human embryos. Stem cell research can move forward, alternatives to human embryonic stem cells exist.

The most promising of these alternative methods is the use of adult stem cells. Initially, adult stem cell research was not extensive because adult stem cells were thought to be less available and versatile, however, recent reports continue to show the usefulness of adult stem cells. Adult stem cells have been shown to form different tissues, including muscle, fat, cartilage and bone.(5) American and Brazilian researchers were able to use bone marrow stem cells to help 20 of 23 type-1 diabetic patients become insulin-free for a period of time.(6) Adult stem cells have already been used clinically while embryonic stem cells have yet to cure a single patient. It is also important to point out that adult stem cells taken from a persons own body dont face the risk of being rejected by the patients immune system, unlike embryonic stem cells.(7)

Proponents of embryonic stem cell research have tried to get around this problem by advocating therapeutic cloning where the patient is cloned and then stem cells from the cloned embryo are removed and transplanted.(8)

Another promising alternative to embryonic stem cell research that doesnt have ethical implications is research on stem cells found in the blood of umbilical cords. The small amount of blood found in umbilical cords after birth is rich in stem cells. Private companies and some states have cord blood banks where the stem cells can be saved for future use. Michigan Blood operates a public cord blood bank where anyone can easily donate cord blood as a part of the birthing process.

Despite ethical alternatives, many researchers still insist that embryonic stem cells are superior because they can turn into any cell in the human body. Another alternative allows all of the supposed benefits of embryonic stem cells without destroying human life. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) are ordinary human skin cells that have been reverted back to an embryonic-like state by genetic reprogramming. Creating iPS cells does not harm the patient and requires no destruction of human life.(9)

These cells are pluripotent, like those taken from destroyed human embryos, which means they have the potential to change into any type of tissue in the body. The original process for making iPS cells was discovered in November of 2007 and experiments are ongoing.

Like embryonic stem cells, iPS cells might share their risk of becoming cancer cells if they dont differentiate and grow properly. Another avenue of research being worked on is direct cell reprogamming, where scientists change a cell type without having to go through a stem cell stage, for example turning skin cells directly into blood cells.(10)

How stem cells from ethical sources have helped

While some scientists talk about the potential of embryonic stem cells, stem cells from umbilical cords and adults are already helping people. Many stories about ethical stem cell treatments arent widely discussed or make the national evening news but they are important breakthroughs for life-affirming research. Following is a list of just recent breakthroughs in research involving types of stem cells that dont require innocent human life to be sacrificed:

On May 21, 2015, FOX News reported that 29 stroke patients who recieved their own bone marrow stem cells were noted to recover motor skills and speech. The study showed that it is safe to inject the bone marrow stem cells directly by catheter through the carotid artery. On June 2, 2014, the Providence Journal in Rhode Island reported the stories of several people whose lives were saved by bone marrow stem cell treatments for their leukemia from marrow donors. The stories included a retired police office who recieved his transplant in 2011, and another man who received his transplant in 1998 after chemotherapy and a relapse. On May 5, 2014, Forbes reported on a review by the Cochrane Collaboration of 23 studies that looked at bone marrow stem cell treatments for heart disease. They found that overall, the treatments reduced the risk of death and improved heart function. Of the six studies that reported on long-term results more than a year after treatments, 3.3 percent of patients died following the adult stem cell treatments, compared to 18.5 percent who did not. On October 28, 2013, FOX 45 in Baltimore reported on the story of a Maryland man who was able to walk again following treatment using adult stem cells from bone marrow. He was paralzyed from the chest down from transverse myelitis caused by lupus.

On April 30, 2013, USA Today reported that a two-year-old girl in South Korea received an artificial windpipe made from plastic and adult stem cells taken from her own bone marrow. The experimental procedure appears to be successful so far. The girl has been unable to eat or breathe since birth. On January 28, 2013, The Daily Mail reported on a small British study that found that treating cartilage damage with umbilical cord blood stem cells led to a 67 percent improvement in tissue regeneration in patients. Other clinical trials using the procedure are ongoing.

Killing embryos for research legal in Michigan

In 2008, Michigan voters passed Proposal 2 by a margin of 53% to 47%. Proposal 2 was a ballot initiative which amended the Michigan Constitution to allow the killing of and research on human embryos who were created for fertility treatments. The language in Proposal 2 also deters legislation which would prevent, restrict, obstruct, or discourage or create disincentives for individuals who want to perform research on human embryos. Proposal 2 was supported by embryonic stem cell researchers in Michigan because, prior to Proposal 2, a 1978 law outlawed research on human embryos if that research wasnt designed to benefit the subject of the research (the embryo).

The option of embryo adoption

One of the main arguments behind embryonic stem cell research is that all of the embryos will be destroyed anyway. Why not use them to help cure diseases? Fortunately, these unique individuals dont need to die. Nightlight Christian Adoptions, a California-based adoption agency has a program called Snowflakes Embryo Adoption that allows couples to adopt leftover embryos. Parents of children who were adopted as embryos held a press conference in Washington, D.C., on March 9, 2009, to show President Obama and members of Congress that leftover embryos can grow if given the chance.

As of June 2015, there were 418 born children who were adopted via the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption program. Snowflakes is one of several adoption programs which facilitates embryo adoption. Some believe that stem cells from embryos are human enough for research, but not human enough to join the human family. This logic defies the reality that life begins at conception, a truth some researchers and politicians would like to ignore.

The ethics of embryonic stem cell research

One of the most important issues in the debate over stem cell research is the ethics involved. Taking the life of a human being at any stage in development for research is ethically wrong. The embryos that are being destroyed are more than just tissue. These unborn children already are alive and have the genetic blueprint that they will have for the rest of their lives. The stem cells that are taken from them would have eventually developed into, among other things, their hearts, brains, livers, and kidneys.

It is never ethically correct to sacrifice the life of one human to save another without their consent. This kind of utilitarian thinking was the same kind of rationale used by Nazi scientists or during syphilis experiments on African-Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama. Medical advancement should continue, but not through the taking of human life. No human being should be forced to be made the subject of research without their permission, especially if that research leads directly to their destruction. Even death row inmates cannot be experimented on or have their organs removed, without their consent.

Proponents of embryonic stem cell research often cite all of the potentials of the research but usually fail to mention that a human life is destroyed when stem cells are removed from an embryo. The goals of this research are noble, but that doesnt mean that we should abandon our respect for human life to attain these goals. Embryonic stem cell research is a case where the ends dont justify the means. The possibilities for stem cell research are enormous; however, we should focus on the options that protect and acknowledge all human life, not just some of it.

References: 1 - David Prentice, No Fountain of Youth, Regeneration Quarterly 6, no. 4 (2000): 14-16. 2 - Laura Wright, Potent Stem Cells Found in Baby Teeth, Scientific American, 23 April 2003. 3 - Wesley J. Smith, All the News Thats Fit to Forget, The Weekly Standard 17, no. 11 (2011). 4 - D.I. Hoffman et al., Cryopreserved Embryos in the United States and Their Availability for Research, Fertility and Sterility 79, no. 5 (2003): 1063-1069. 5 - Hysterectomies a stem cell source, BBC News, 17 June 2009. 6 - Stem cells can treat diabetes, BBC News, 15 April 2009. 7 - Immune Response May Hinder Stem Cell Treatments, HealthDay News, 18 August 2008. 8 - David Brown, Oregon scientists get stem cells from cloned human embryos, The Washington Post, 15 May 2013. 9 - Rob Stein, Researchers Create Cells That They Say May Be Equivalent to Embryonic Stem Cells, The Washington Post, 24 July 2009. 10 - Ewen Callaway, Cellular alchemy transforms skin into blood, Nature, 7 November 2010.


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Embryonic Stem Cell Research - rtl.org

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Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with …

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) share many characteristics with embryonic stem cells, but lack ethical controversy. They provide vast opportunities for disease modeling, pathogenesis understanding, therapeutic drug development, toxicology, organ synthesis, and treatment of degenerative disease. However, this procedure also has many potential challenges, including a slow generation time, low efficiency, partially reprogrammed colonies, as well as somatic coding mutations in the genome. Pioneered by Shinya Yamanaka's team in 2006, iPSCs were first generated by introducing four transcription factors: Oct 4, Sox 2, Klf 4, and c-Myc (OSKM). Of those factors, Klf 4 and c-Myc are oncogenes, which are potentially a tumor risk. Therefore, to avoid problems such as tumorigenesis and low throughput, one of the key strategies has been to use other methods, including members of the same subgroup of transcription factors, activators or inhibitors of signaling pathways, microRNAs, epigenetic modifiers, or even differentiation-associated factors, to functionally replace the reprogramming transcription factors. In this study, we will mainly focus on the advances in the generation of iPSCs with substitutes for OSKM. The identification and combination of novel proteins or chemicals, particularly small molecules, to induce pluripotency will provide useful tools to discover the molecular mechanisms governing reprogramming and ultimately lead to the development of new iPSC-based therapeutics for future clinical applications.

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Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with ...

Somatic cell – Wikipedia

A somatic (Greek: /soma = body) or vegetal cell is any biological cell forming the body of an organism; that is, in a multicellular organism, any cell other than a gamete, germ cell, gametocyte or undifferentiated stem cell.[1]

In contrast, gametes are cells that fuse during sexual reproduction, germ cells are cells that give rise to gametes, and stem cells are cells that can divide through mitosis and differentiate into diverse specialized cell types. For example, in mammals, somatic cells make up all the internal organs, skin, bones, blood and connective tissue, while mammalian germ cells give rise to spermatozoa and ova which fuse during fertilization to produce a cell called a zygote, which divides and differentiates into the cells of an embryo. There are approximately 220 types of somatic cells in the human body.[1]

Theoretically, these cells are not germ cells (the source of gametes), they never transmit to their descendants the mutations they have undergone. However, in sponges, non-differentiated somatic cells form the germ line and, in Cnidaria, differentiated somatic cells are the source of the germline.

The word "somatic" is derived from the Greek word sma, meaning "body".

As multicellularity evolved many times, sterile somatic cells did too. The evolution of an immortal germline producing specialized somatic cells involved the emergence of mortality, and can be viewed in its simplest version in volvocine algae.[2] Those species with a separation between sterile somatic cells and a germ line are called Weismannists. However, Weismannist development is relatively rare (e.g., vertebrates, arthropods, Volvox), as great part of species have the capacity for somatic embryogenesis (e.g., land plants, most algae, many invertebrates).[3][4]

Like all cells, somatic cells contain DNA arranged in chromosomes. If a somatic cell contains chromosomes arranged in pairs, it is called diploid and the organism is called a diploid organism. (The gametes of diploid organisms contain only single unpaired chromosomes and are called haploid.) Each pair of chromosomes comprises one chromosome inherited from the father and one inherited from the mother. For example, in humans, somatic cells contain 46 chromosomes organized into 23 pairs. By contrast, gametes of diploid organisms contain only half as many chromosomes. In humans, this is 23 unpaired chromosomes. When two gametes (i.e. a spermatozoon and an ovum) meet during conception, they fuse together, creating a zygote. Due to the fusion of the two gametes, a human zygote contains 46 chromosomes (i.e. 23 pairs).

However, a large number of species have the chromosomes in their somatic cells arranged in fours ("tetraploid") or even sixes ("hexaploid"). Thus, they can have diploid or even triploid germline cells. An example of this is the modern cultivated species of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., a hexaploid species whose somatic cells contain six copies of every chromatid.

In recent years, the technique of cloning whole organisms has been developed in mammals, allowing almost identical genetic clones of an animal to be produced. One method of doing this is called "somatic cell nuclear transfer" and involves removing the nucleus from a somatic cell, usually a skin cell. This nucleus contains all of the genetic information needed to produce the organism it was removed from. This nucleus is then injected into an ovum of the same species which has had its own genetic material removed. The ovum now no longer needs to be fertilized, because it contains the correct amount of genetic material (a diploid number of chromosomes). In theory, the ovum can be implanted into the uterus of a same-species animal and allowed to develop. The resulting animal will be a nearly genetically identical clone to the animal from which the nucleus was taken. The only difference is caused by any mitochondrial DNA that is retained in the ovum, which is different from the cell that donated the nucleus. In practice, this technique has so far been problematic, although there have been a few high-profile successes, such as Dolly the Sheep and, more recently, Snuppy, the first cloned dog. Somatic cells have also been collected in the practice of cryoconservation of animal genetic resources as a means of conserving animal genetic material, including to clone livestock.

Development of biotechnology has allowed for the genetic manipulation of somatic cells. This biotechnology deals with some ethical controversy in human genetic engineering.

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Somatic cell - Wikipedia

Embryonic and Somatic Stem Cells, Whats the Difference?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in body having capability to develop into different types of cells in the body. Whenever there is a cell division of stem cells, each stem cell has the ability to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell having more specialized functions. In body, stem cells can differentiate into other kind of body cells by having the following capabilities;

1) Proliferation; The stem cells are capable to renew even after long periods of inactivity and capable of self-renewal during cell division. 2) Unspecialized; They are unspecialized which later give arise to specialized cells. 3) Differentiation; They are able to differentiate them under special conditions and functions.

There are two kinds of stem cell:

1) Embryonic stem cells. Those stem cells are derived from developing embryo. These cells are mostly use for in-vitro fertilization. 2) Somatic stem cells. Commonly known as adult stem cell. They are defined according to their location within the body.

Embryonic stem cells Somatic Pluripotent. Non pluripotent. Can easily grow in culture Not that easy. A large number of cells are required for stem cell replacement therapies.

The somatic stem cells can be further classified into mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. The somatic stem cells are found in specific region of organ known as stem cell niche. The organs from where stem cell niche are found are in brain, skeletal muscle, gut, liver, pancreas, bone marrow, ovarian epithelium teeth, and testis.

The Somatic stem cells have been demonstrated as; Hematopoietic stem cells; Give rise to all kinds of blood cells. Mesenchymal stem cells; Give rise to all kinds of bone cells. Neural stem cells; Give rise to all kinds of neuronal and non neuronal cells in brain. Epithelial stem cells; Give rise to different kinds of cells of digestive tract. Skin stem cells; give rise to all the epidermis and ketatinocytes of skin.

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Embryonic and Somatic Stem Cells, Whats the Difference?

Stem cell controversy – Wikipedia

The stem cell controversy is the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, use, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using, or destroying human embryos, thus are minimally, if at all, controversial. Many less controversial sources of acquiring stem cells include using cells from the umbilical cord, breast milk, and bone marrow, which are not pluripotent.

For many decades, stem cells have played an important role in medical research, beginning in 1868 when Ernst Haeckel first used the phrase to describe the fertilized egg which eventually gestates into an organism. The term was later used in 1886 by William Sedgwick to describe the parts of a plant that grow and regenerate. Further work by Alexander Maximow and Leroy Stevens introduced the concept that stem cells are pluripotent, i.e. able to become many types of different cell. This significant discovery led to the first human bone marrow transplant by E. Donnal Thomas in 1968, which although successful in saving lives, has generated much controversy since. This has included the many complications inherent in stem cell transplantation (almost 200 allogeneic marrow transplants were performed in humans, with no long-term successes before the first successful treatment was made), through to more modern problems, such as how many cells are sufficient for engraftment of various types of hematopoietic stem cell transplants, whether older patients should undergo transplant therapy, and the role of irradiation-based therapies in preparation for transplantation.

The discovery of adult stem cells led scientists to develop an interest in the role of embroynic stem cells, and in separate studies in 1981 Gail Martin and Martin Evans derived pluripotent stem cells from the embryos of mice for the first time. This paved the way for Mario Capecchi, Martin Evans, and Oliver Smithies to create the first knockout mouse, ushering in a whole new era of research on human disease.

In 1998, James Thomson and Jeffrey Jones derived the first human embryonic stem cells, with even greater potential for drug discovery and therapeutic transplantation. However, the use of the technique on human embryos led to more widespread controversy as criticism of the technique now began from the wider non-scientific public who debated the moral ethics of questions concerning research involving human embryonic cells.

Since pluripotent stem cells have the ability to differentiate into any type of cell, they are used in the development of medical treatments for a wide range of conditions. Treatments that have been proposed include treatment for physical trauma, degenerative conditions, and genetic diseases (in combination with gene therapy). Yet further treatments using stem cells could potentially be developed due to their ability to repair extensive tissue damage.[1]

Great levels of success and potential have been realized from research using adult stem cells. In early 2009, the FDA approved the first human clinical trials using embryonic stem cells. These can become any cell type of the body, excluding placental cells. This ability is called pluripotency. Only cells from an embryo at the morula stage or earlier are truly totipotent, meaning that they are able to form all cell types including placental cells. Adult stem cells are generally limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. However, some evidence suggests that adult stem cell plasticity may exist, increasing the number of cell types a given adult stem cell can become.

Many of the debates surrounding human embryonic stem cells concern issues such as what restrictions should be made on studies using these types of cells. At what point does one consider life to begin? Is it just to destroy an embryo cell if it has the potential to cure countless numbers of patients? Political leaders are debating how to regulate and fund research studies that involve the techniques used to remove the embryo cells. No clear consensus has emerged. Other recent discoveries may extinguish the need for embryonic stem cells.[2]

Much of the criticism has been a result of religious beliefs, and in the most high-profile case, Christian US President George W Bush signed an executive order banning the use of federal funding for any cell lines other than those already in existence, stating at the time, "My position on these issues is shaped by deeply held beliefs," and "I also believe human life is a sacred gift from our creator."[3] This ban was in part revoked by his successor Barack Obama, who stated "As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering. I believe we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly." [4]

Some stem cell researchers are working to develop techniques of isolating stem cells that are as potent as embryonic stem cells, but do not require a human embryo.

Foremost among these was the discovery in August 2006 that adult cells can be reprogrammed into a pluripotent state by the introduction of four specific transcription factors, resulting in induced pluripotent stem cells.[5] This major breakthrough won a Nobel Prize for the discoverers, Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon.[6]

In an alternative technique, researchers at Harvard University, led by Kevin Eggan and Savitri Marajh, have transferred the nucleus of a somatic cell into an existing embryonic stem cell, thus creating a new stem cell line.[7]

Researchers at Advanced Cell Technology, led by Robert Lanza and Travis Wahl, reported the successful derivation of a stem cell line using a process similar to preimplantation genetic diagnosis, in which a single blastomere is extracted from a blastocyst.[8] At the 2007 meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR),[9] Lanza announced that his team had succeeded in producing three new stem cell lines without destroying the parent embryos. "These are the first human embryonic cell lines in existence that didn't result from the destruction of an embryo." Lanza is currently in discussions with the National Institutes of Health to determine whether the new technique sidesteps U.S. restrictions on federal funding for ES cell research.[10]

Anthony Atala of Wake Forest University says that the fluid surrounding the fetus has been found to contain stem cells that, when used correctly, "can be differentiated towards cell types such as fat, bone, muscle, blood vessel, nerve and liver cells". The extraction of this fluid is not thought to harm the fetus in any way. He hopes "that these cells will provide a valuable resource for tissue repair and for engineered organs, as well".[11]

The status of the human embryo and human embryonic stem cell research is a controversial issue, as with the present state of technology, the creation of a human embryonic stem cell line requires the destruction of a human embryo. Most of these embryos are discarded. Stem cell debates have motivated and reinvigorated the pro-life movement, whose members are concerned with the rights and status of the embryo as an early-aged human life. They believe that embryonic stem cell research instrumentalizes and violates the sanctity of life and is tantamount to murder.[12] The fundamental assertion of those who oppose embryonic stem cell research is the belief that human life is inviolable, combined with the belief that human life begins when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to form a single cell. The view of those in favor is that these embryos would otherwise be discarded, and if used as stem cells, they can survive as a part of a living human being.

A portion of stem cell researchers use embryos that were created but not used in in vitro fertility treatments to derive new stem cell lines. Most of these embryos are to be destroyed, or stored for long periods of time, long past their viable storage life. In the United States alone, an estimated at least 400,000 such embryos exist.[13] This has led some opponents of abortion, such as Senator Orrin Hatch, to support human embryonic stem cell research.[14] See also embryo donation.

Medical researchers widely report that stem cell research has the potential to dramatically alter approaches to understanding and treating diseases, and to alleviate suffering. In the future, most medical researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived from stem cell research to treat a variety of diseases and impairments. Spinal cord injuries and Parkinson's disease are two examples that have been championed by high-profile media personalities (for instance, Christopher Reeve and Michael J. Fox, who have lived with these conditions, respectively). The anticipated medical benefits of stem cell research add urgency to the debates, which has been appealed to by proponents of embryonic stem cell research.

In August 2000, The U.S. National Institutes of Health's Guidelines stated:

...research involving human pluripotent stem cells...promises new treatments and possible cures for many debilitating diseases and injuries, including Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, burns and spinal cord injuries. The NIH believes the potential medical benefits of human pluripotent stem cell technology are compelling and worthy of pursuit in accordance with appropriate ethical standards.[15]

In 2006, researchers at Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, Massachusetts, succeeded in obtaining stem cells from mouse embryos without destroying the embryos.[16] If this technique and its reliability are improved, it would alleviate some of the ethical concerns related to embryonic stem cell research.

Another technique announced in 2007 may also defuse the longstanding debate and controversy. Research teams in the United States and Japan have developed a simple and cost-effective method of reprogramming human skin cells to function much like embryonic stem cells by introducing artificial viruses. While extracting and cloning stem cells is complex and extremely expensive, the newly discovered method of reprogramming cells is much cheaper. However, the technique may disrupt the DNA in the new stem cells, resulting in damaged and cancerous tissue. More research will be required before noncancerous stem cells can be created.[17][18][19][20]

Update article to include 2009/2010 current stem cell usages in clinical trials.[21][22] The planned treatment trials will focus on the effects of oral lithium on neurological function in people with chronic spinal cord injury and those who have received umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplants to the spinal cord. The interest in these two treatments derives from recent reports indicating that umbilical cord blood stem cells may be beneficial for spinal cord injury and that lithium may promote regeneration and recovery of function after spinal cord injury. Both lithium and umbilical cord blood are widely available therapies that have long been used to treat diseases in humans.

This argument often goes hand-in-hand with the utilitarian argument, and can be presented in several forms:

This is usually presented as a counter-argument to using adult stem cells as an alternative that does not involve embryonic destruction.

This argument is used by opponents of embryonic destruction, as well as researchers specializing in adult stem cell research.

Pro-life supporters often claim that the use of adult stem cells from sources such as umbilical cord blood has consistently produced more promising results than the use of embryonic stem cells.[30] Furthermore, adult stem cell research may be able to make greater advances if less money and resources were channeled into embryonic stem cell research.[31]

In the past, it has been a necessity to research embryonic stem cells and in doing so destroy them for research to progress.[32] As a result of the research done with both embryonic and adult stem cells, new techniques may make the necessity for embryonic cell research obsolete. Because many of the restrictions placed on stem cell research have been based on moral dilemmas surrounding the use of embryonic cells, there will likely be rapid advancement in the field as the techniques that created those issues are becoming less of a necessity.[33] Many funding and research restrictions on embryonic cell research will not impact research on IPSCs (induced pluripotent stem cells) allowing for a promising portion of the field of research to continue relatively unhindered by the ethical issues of embryonic research.[34]

Adult stem cells have provided many different therapies for illnesses such as Parkinson's disease, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, sickle-cell anemia, and heart damage[35] (to date, embryonic stem cells have also been used in treatment),[36] Moreover, there have been many advances in adult stem cell research, including a recent study where pluripotent adult stem cells were manufactured from differentiated fibroblast by the addition of specific transcription factors.[37] Newly created stem cells were developed into an embryo and were integrated into newborn mouse tissues, analogous to the properties of embryonic stem cells.

Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, and Ireland do not allow the production of embryonic stem cell lines,[38] but the creation of embryonic stem cell lines is permitted in Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.[38]

In 1973, Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States. Five years later, the first successful human in vitro fertilization resulted in the birth of Louise Brown in England. These developments prompted the federal government to create regulations barring the use of federal funds for research that experimented on human embryos. In 1995, the NIH Human Embryo Research Panel advised the administration of President Bill Clinton to permit federal funding for research on embryos left over from in vitro fertility treatments and also recommended federal funding of research on embryos specifically created for experimentation. In response to the panel's recommendations, the Clinton administration, citing moral and ethical concerns, declined to fund research on embryos created solely for research purposes,[39] but did agree to fund research on leftover embryos created by in vitro fertility treatments. At this point, the Congress intervened and passed the Dickey Amendment in 1995 (the final bill, which included the Dickey Amendment, was signed into law by Bill Clinton) which prohibited any federal funding for the Department of Health and Human Services be used for research that resulted in the destruction of an embryo regardless of the source of that embryo.

In 1998, privately funded research led to the breakthrough discovery of human embryonic stem cells (hESC). This prompted the Clinton administration to re-examine guidelines for federal funding of embryonic research. In 1999, the president's National Bioethics Advisory Commission recommended that hESC harvested from embryos discarded after in vitro fertility treatments, but not from embryos created expressly for experimentation, be eligible for federal funding. Though embryo destruction had been inevitable in the process of harvesting hESC in the past (this is no longer the case[40][41][42][43]), the Clinton administration had decided that it would be permissible under the Dickey Amendment to fund hESC research as long as such research did not itself directly cause the destruction of an embryo. Therefore, HHS issued its proposed regulation concerning hESC funding in 2001. Enactment of the new guidelines was delayed by the incoming George W. Bush administration which decided to reconsider the issue.

President Bush announced, on August 9, 2001, that federal funds, for the first time, would be made available for hESC research on currently existing embryonic stem cell lines. President Bush authorized research on existing human embryonic stem cell lines, not on human embryos under a specific, unrealistic timeline in which the stem cell lines must have been developed. However, the Bush Administration chose not to permit taxpayer funding for research on hESC cell lines not currently in existence, thus limiting federal funding to research in which "the life-and-death decision has already been made".[44] The Bush Administration's guidelines differ from the Clinton Administration guidelines which did not distinguish between currently existing and not-yet-existing hESC. Both the Bush and Clinton guidelines agree that the federal government should not fund hESC research that directly destroys embryos.

Neither Congress nor any administration has ever prohibited private funding of embryonic research. Public and private funding of research on adult and cord blood stem cells is unrestricted.

In April 2004, 206 members of Congress signed a letter urging President Bush to expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research beyond what Bush had already supported.

In May 2005, the House of Representatives voted 238194 to loosen the limitations on federally funded embryonic stem-cell researchby allowing government-funded research on surplus frozen embryos from in vitro fertilization clinics to be used for stem cell research with the permission of donorsdespite Bush's promise to veto the bill if passed.[45] On July 29, 2005, Senate Majority Leader William H. Frist (R-TN), announced that he too favored loosening restrictions on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.[46] On July 18, 2006, the Senate passed three different bills concerning stem cell research. The Senate passed the first bill (the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act) 6337, which would have made it legal for the federal government to spend federal money on embryonic stem cell research that uses embryos left over from in vitro fertilization procedures.[47] On July 19, 2006 President Bush vetoed this bill. The second bill makes it illegal to create, grow, and abort fetuses for research purposes. The third bill would encourage research that would isolate pluripotent, i.e., embryonic-like, stem cells without the destruction of human embryos.

In 2005 and 2007, Congressman Ron Paul introduced the Cures Can Be Found Act,[48] with 10 cosponsors. With an income tax credit, the bill favors research upon nonembryonic stem cells obtained from placentas, umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, humans after birth, or unborn human offspring who died of natural causes; the bill was referred to committee. Paul argued that hESC research is outside of federal jurisdiction either to ban or to subsidize.[49]

Bush vetoed another bill, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007,[50] which would have amended the Public Health Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research. The bill passed the Senate on April 11 by a vote of 63-34, then passed the House on June 7 by a vote of 247176. President Bush vetoed the bill on July 19, 2007.[51]

On March 9, 2009, President Obama removed the restriction on federal funding for newer stem cell lines. [52] Two days after Obama removed the restriction, the president then signed the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, which still contained the long-standing Dickey-Wicker provision which bans federal funding of "research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death;"[53] the Congressional provision effectively prevents federal funding being used to create new stem cell lines by many of the known methods. So, while scientists might not be free to create new lines with federal funding, President Obama's policy allows the potential of applying for such funding into research involving the hundreds of existing stem cell lines as well as any further lines created using private funds or state-level funding. The ability to apply for federal funding for stem cell lines created in the private sector is a significant expansion of options over the limits imposed by President Bush, who restricted funding to the 21 viable stem cell lines that were created before he announced his decision in 2001.[54] The ethical concerns raised during Clinton's time in office continue to restrict hESC research and dozens of stem cell lines have been excluded from funding, now by judgment of an administrative office rather than presidential or legislative discretion.[55]

In 2005, the NIH funded $607 million worth of stem cell research, of which $39 million was specifically used for hESC.[56]Sigrid Fry-Revere has argued that private organizations, not the federal government, should provide funding for stem-cell research, so that shifts in public opinion and government policy would not bring valuable scientific research to a grinding halt.[57]

In 2005, the State of California took out $3 billion in bond loans to fund embryonic stem cell research in that state.[58]

China has one of the most permissive human embryonic stem cell policies in the world. In the absence of a public controversy, human embryo stem cell research is supported by policies that allow the use of human embryos and therapeutic cloning.[59]

According to Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Halperin of the Institute for Science and Jewish Law in Jerusalem, embryonic stem cell research is permitted so long as it has not been implanted in the womb. Not only is it permitted, but research is encouraged, rather than wasting it.

However in order to remove all doubt [as to the permissibility of destroying it], it is preferable not to destroy the pre-embryo unless it will otherwise not be implanted in the woman who gave the eggs (either because there are many fertilized eggs, or because one of the parties refuses to go on with the procedurethe husband or wifeor for any other reason). Certainly it should not be implanted into another woman.... The best and worthiest solution is to use it for life-saving purposes, such as for the treatment of people that suffered trauma to their nervous system, etc.

Similarly, the sole Jewish majority state, Israel, permits research on embryonic stem cells.

The Catholic Church opposes human embryonic stem cell research calling it "an absolutely unacceptable act." The Church supports research that involves stem cells from adult tissues and the umbilical cord, as it "involves no harm to human beings at any state of development."[60]

The Southern Baptist Convention opposes human embryonic stem cell research on the grounds that "Bible teaches that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:27; 9:6) and protectable human life begins at fertilization."[61] However, it supports adult stem cell research as it does "not require the destruction of embryos."[61]

The United Methodist Church opposes human embryonic stem cell research, saying, "a human embryo, even at its earliest stages, commands our reverence."[62] However, it supports adult stem cell research, stating that there are "few moral questions" raised by this issue.[62]

The Assemblies of God opposes human embryonic stem cell research, saying, it "perpetuates the evil of abortion and should be prohibited."[63]

The religion of Islam favors the stance that scientific research and development in terms of stem cell research is allowed as long as it benefits society while using the least amount of harm to the subjects. "Stem cell research is one of the most controversial topics of our time period and has raised many religious and ethical questions regarding the research being done. With there being no true guidelines set forth in the Qur'an against the study of biomedical testing, Muslims have adopted any new studies as long as the studies do not contradict another teaching in the Qur'an. One of the teachings of the Qur'an states that Whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be if he saves the life of humankind (5:32), it is this teaching that makes stem cell research acceptable in the Muslim faith because of its promise of potential medical breakthrough."[64]

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "has not taken a position regarding the use of embryonic stem cells for research purposes. The absence of a position should not be interpreted as support for or opposition to any other statement made by Church members, whether they are for or against embryonic stem cell research.[65]

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Platelet-rich plasma – Wikipedia

Platelet-rich plasma (abbreviation: PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. As a concentrated source of autologous platelets, PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that can stimulate healing of soft tissue. Platelet-rich plasma therapy is an old therapy and used extensively in specialities of dermatology, orthopedics and dentistry. Platelet rich plasma therapy utilizes growth factors present in alpha granules of platelets in an autologous manner. Main indications in dermatology for PRP are androgenetic alopecia, wound healing, face rejuvenation etc. For preparation of PRP, various protocols are used and no standard protocol exists but main principles essentially involve concentrating platlets in a concentration of 35 times the physiological value and then injecting this concentrated plasma in the tissue where healing or effect is desired.[1] As of 2016, no large-scale randomized controlled trials have confirmed the efficacy of PRP as a treatment for musculoskeletal or nerve injuries, the accelerated healing of bone grafts, or the reduction of androgenic hair loss.

PRP was first developed in the 1970s and first used in Italy in 1987 in an open heart surgery procedure.[citation needed] PRP therapy began gaining popularity[where?] in the mid 1990s.[citation needed] It has since been applied to many different medical fields such as cosmetic surgery, dentistry, sports medicine and pain management.[citation needed]

The number of peer reviewed publications studying the PRP's efficacy has increased dramatically since 2007.[2]

The efficacy of certain growth factors in healing various injuries and the concentrations of these growth factors found within PRP are the theoretical basis for the use of PRP in tissue repair.[3] The platelets collected in PRP are activated by the addition of thrombin and calcium chloride, which induces the release of the mentioned factors from alpha granules. The growth factors and other cytokines present in PRP include:[3][4]

As of 2009[update] there have been two PRP preparation methods approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.[5] Both processes involve the collection of the patient's whole blood (that is anticoagulated with citrate dextrose) before undergoing two stages of centrifugation (TruPRP) (Harvest) (Pure PRP) designed to separate the PRP aliquot from platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells.[5] In humans, the typical baseline blood platelet count is approximately 200,000 per L; therapeutic PRP concentrates the platelets by roughly five-fold.[6] There is broad variability in the production of PRP by various concentrating equipment and techniques.[7][8][9]

In humans, PRP has been investigated and used as a clinical tool for several types of medical treatments, including nerve injury,[4] chronic tendinitis,[10][11][12]plantar fasciitis,[13]osteoarthritis,[14]cardiac muscle injury,[15] and androgenic alopecia,[16][17] for bone repair and regeneration,[18] in plastic surgery,[19]colorectal surgery[20] and oral surgery[21]

PRP has received attention in the popular media as a result of its use in treating sports injuries in professional athletes.[22][23][24][25]

The cost of a PRP treatment in the U.S. has been quoted as $1000 out-of-pocket expenses, as it is usually not covered by health insurance.[25]

PRP has been used experimentally in the treatment of empty nose syndrome[26]

As of 2016[update] results of basic science and preclinical trials have not yet been confirmed in large-scale randomized controlled trials. A 2009 systematic review of the scientific literature found there were few randomized controlled trials that adequately evaluated the safety and efficacy of PRP treatments and concluded that PRP was "a promising, but not proven, treatment option for joint, tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries".[27]

A 2010 Cochrane analysis on PRP use in sinus lifts during dental implant placement found no evidence that PRP offered any benefit.[21]

As of 2011, PRP use for nerve injury and sports medicine has produced "promising" but "inconsistent" results in early trials.[4]

A 2013 review stated more evidence was needed to determine PRP's effectiveness for hair regrowth.[28]

A 2014 Cochrane analysis for PRT use to treat musculoskeletal injuries found very weak (very low quality) evidence for a decrease in pain in the short term, up to three months and no difference in function in the short, medium or long term. There was weak evidence that suggested that harm occurred at comparable, low rates in treated and untreated people.[29]

A 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials for PRP use to augment bone graft found only one study reporting a significant difference in bone augmentation, while four studies found no significant difference.[30]

Since 2004, proponents of PRP therapy have argued that negative clinical results are associated with poor-quality PRP produced by inadequate single spin devices. The fact that most gathering devices capture a percentage of a given thrombocyte count could bias results, because of inter-individual variability in the platelet concentration of human plasma and more would not necessarily be better.[6] The variability in platelet concentrating techniques may alter platelet degranulation characteristics that could affect clinical outcomes.[4]

Platelet-rich plasma is used in horses for treatment of equine lameness due to tendon and ligament injury, wounds, fractures, bone cysts, and osteoarthritis.[citation needed]

Some concern exists as to whether PRP treatments violate anti-doping rules.[3] As of 2010 it was not clear if local injections of PRP could have a systemic impact on circulating cytokine levels, affecting doping tests and whether PRP treatments have systemic anabolic effects or affect performance.[3] In January 2011, the World Anti-Doping Agency removed intramuscular injections of PRP from its prohibitions after determining that there is a "lack of any current evidence concerning the use of these methods for purposes of performance enhancement".[31]

According to the Baltimore Sun, Zach Britton had PRP injections in his left shoulder in March 2012, Orioles first baseman Chris Davis underwent two PRP injections to speed the healing and recovery of an oblique injury in April 2014, and Dylan Bundy had the procedure in April before undergoing Tommy John surgery in June 2014.[32]

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Platelet-rich plasma - Wikipedia