Stem cells treatment clinic

more than 60 diseases can be treated with stem cells Read More...

Patient from Portugal, Diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis, One month after treatment he could walk again Read More...

Swiss Medica participated in neuro rehabilitation conference march 2015

NEW modern technology - activating autologous stem cells and replacing damaged cells

Patient from Portugal, 44 years old. Diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis.

In December 2012 his condition exacerbated. He started using wheelchairs. His disease progressed. He was not able to walk. He was not able to see. Nine months of usual treatments for MS accompanied by chemotherapy did not help. Then he found Swiss Medica Stem Cell Clinic. Stem celltreatment started immediately. One month later he was able to walk again.


Holistic medicine considers a person to be a functional unit. The disease symptoms are signs of disruption in the system of the body. By activating the bodys ability of self-regulation we can eliminate this disruption. In Swiss Medica XXI Century S.A. we seek the cause of the disease, and provide a setting: to allow the body to use its own powers of self-healing to overcome the disease.

Our primary task is to make your own cells treat your own body. We use advanced technology to activate dormant cells (adipose mesenchymal stem cells) to differentiate into the cells we need, and then to replace the damaged cells. Symptoms become less prominent and disappear.

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Stem cells treatment clinic

Platelet Rich Plasma – Biocellular Renerative Medicine

OPTIMUM PLATELET CONCENTRATION LEVEL FOR PRP Outpatient PRP preparation systems exist with the ability to concentrate platelets from two to eight times. There is some controversy about what the optimum platelet concentration should be, but a level of at least 1 million platelets per L appears to be the magic number. Since the average patients platelet count is 200,000 +/- 75, a four to five times concentration appears to be the desired level. When levels are in the 5x range, the influx of adult stem cells has been noted to increase by over 200%. In 2008, Kajikawa et al concluded that PRP enhances the initial mobilization of circulation-derived cells in the early stage of tendon healing. Circulation-derived cells are defined as mesenchymal stem cells that have the potential to differentiate into reparative fibroblasts or tenocytes as well as macrophages. Under normal circumstances, circulation-derived cells last only a short time after tendon injury. The authors suggest this as one of the main reasons for the known low healing ability of injured tendons. If the circulation derived cells could be activated and their time-dependant decrease stalled with PRP, then the wounded tendon could more fully heal. One study found an increase in the circulation-derived cells with the PRP group, as well as increased production of types I and III collagen in the PRP group versus control. This finding of additional fibroblast proliferation and type I collagen production enhanced by increasing platelet concentrations concur with an earlier study by Lui et al. This provides evidence that PRP stimulates the chemotactic migration of human mesenchymal stem cells to the injury site in a dose-dependent manner - i.e., the more concentrated the platelets, the more stimulation.

PROLOTHERAPY VERSUS PRP The use of hyperosmolar dextrose (Prolotherapy) has been shown to increase platelet-derived growth factor expression and upregulate multiple mitogenic factors that may act as signaling mechanisms in tendon repair. Saline Prolotherapy can have a similar effect. An interesting study published in the January 2010 JAMA compared PRP versus saline injection (basically saline Prolotherapy) for chronic Achilles tendinopathy. Both groups improved significantly by Yellonel et al and the authors conclude there was no statistical difference between the improvement of both groups. Therefore, both PRP and Prolotherapy have been shown to stimulate natural healing and both can be effective and both should be considered in the treatment plan for connective tissue repair. However, PRP may be more appropriate in some cases. When PRP is used as a Prolotherapy formula for chronic or longstanding injuries, the PRP increases the initial healing factors and thereby the rate of healing. The Prolotherapy itself (irritation, needle microtrauma) is what is tricking the body into initiating repair at these long forgotten sites as well as the PRP, itself, which also acts as an irritating solution. This is especially important with chronic injuries, degeneration and severe tendonosis, where the body has stopped recognizing that area as something to repair. In these cases, PRP may be more appropriate, however this determination should be made by the physician on an individual basis. PRP can also be used preferentially over dextrose Prolotherapy in the case of a tendon sheath or muscle injury- areas occasionally but not typically treated with dextrose Prolotherapy where the focus is the fibroosseous junction (enthesis). It can also be used preferentially over dextrose Prolotherapy because of patient preference.

WHOLE BLOOD INJECTIONS VERSUS PRP Even before PRP, it was not unheard of to use whole blood as a Prolotherapy solution, especially where the patient was hypersensitive to other formulas. A 2006 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine studied the use of whole blood with needling(irritation such as with Prolotherapy) and concluded that the use of autologous blood injection, combined with dry needling, appears to be an effective treatment for medial epicondylitis. Another study in that same journal in 2009 compared injections using whole blood, dextrose Prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma and polidocanol (a sclerosing agent), and concluded that there is evidence to support the use of each of these agents in the treatment of connective tissue damage. However, there are only three known studies using whole blood, all of which were prospective case series without controls and small patient numbers. PRP studies, on the other hand, are growing not only in number, but also in quality. When examining the physiology of how activated platelets signal repair cells, it seems logical that using PRP (with higher levels of platelets per unit volume) would be more effective than autologous blood although no study has yet directly compared the two.

CORTISONE VERSUS PRP The use of cortisone in musculoskeletal injuries is controversial and the subject of various studies over the years. In February 2010, researchers in the Netherlands published the results of a well designed, two year randomized controlled blinded trial with a significant test group of 100 patients, comparing corticosteroid use to an injection of concentrated platelet rich plasma without ultrasound guidance. The PRP injection was given to the lateral epicondyle area of maximum tenderness, and a peppering technique was used in order to activate the thrombin release from the tendon- in this case endogenous thrombin is the activator for the injected platelet growth factors. The researchers indicate the importance of the inflammation phase the first two days post treatment) during which there is a migration of macrophages to the injured tissue site. Macrophages release additional growth factors, and there is increased collagen synthesis on days three to five. The conclusion of the Netherlands study was that PRP reduces pain and significantly increases function, exceeding the effect of the corticosteroid injection.

SAFETY ISSUES Like Prolotherapy, PRP therapy has low risk and few side effects. Concerns such as hyperplasia have been raised regarding the use of growth factors, however there have been no documented cases of carcinogenesis, hyperplasia, or tumor growth associated with the use of autologous PRP. PRP growth factors never enter the cell or its nucleus and act through the stimulation of external cell membrane receptors of adult mesenchymal stem cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, osteoblasts, and epidermal cells. This binding stimulates expression of a normal gene repair sequence, causing normal healing - only much faster. Therefore PRP has no ability to induce tumor formation. Also, because it is an autologous sample, the risk of allergy or infectious disease is considered negligible. Evidence also exists in studies that PRP may have an antibacterial effect.

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Platelet Rich Plasma - Biocellular Renerative Medicine

Are embryonic stem cells and artificial stem cells equivalent?

October 29, 2015 by Hannah L. Robbins HSCI researchers made artificial stem cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), from embryonic stem cells, then turned them into the neural cells pictured here. Credit: Jiho Choi

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School have found new evidence suggesting some human induced pluripotent stem cells are the 'functional equivalent' of human embryonic stem cells, a finding that may begin to settle a long running argument.

The findings were published this week in Nature Biotechnology.

From 1998 until 2007 embryonic stem cells (ES cells) were the only human cells known with the potential to become any other type of cell in the body. When Shinya Yamanaka discovered how to engineer adult somatic cells to a state where they, too, had this potentiala discovery for which he was awarded the Nobel Prizescientists could then reprogram nearly any type of adult cell, including the oft-used skin and blood cells, to make induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells.

The discovery, however, ignited a debate that is still ongoing over whether iPS cells are as good as ES cells. Hundreds of research experiments have been conducted, some suggesting the two types are functionally similar and can be used interchangeably and others suggesting they are fundamentally different.

Konrad Hochedlinger, PhD, HSCI Principal Faculty member, a senior author on the paper, and a leader in studying iPS cell reprogramming, said his lab has been working to "understand if these artificially generated stem cells, the induced pluripotent stem cells, are equivalent to embryonic stem cells."

Experiments designed to compare iPS cells to ES cells are difficult to carry out, said Hochedlinger. Researchers want to know if the reprogramming process that converts an adult cell into an iPS cell somehow changes the cell's ability to properly regulate its genesmaking the artificial stem cell behave differently, but it is difficult to tell by comparing these two cell types to eachother.

Because the cells come from two different sources, they are inherently genetically different. A side-by-side comparison would show variation, but it would remain unclear whether the variation was due to the difference between sex, race, and/or ancestry in the two cells, or from the reprogramming process.

In order to compare cell types, Hochedlinger and his colleagues needed to start with cells that were genetically identical. Then if they were to see variation, it would likely be from the reprogramming process and not the cells' genetic backgrounds.

Jiho Choi, a PhD student in the Hochedlinger lab and first author on the paper, "tricked" human ES cells into becoming human iPS cells by first coaxing two well-studied lines of ES cells to form skin cells. He then reprogrammed those skin cells into iPS cells before sequencing the gene products of the two cell types to see if they were identical.

After sequencing, the researchers teamed up with Soohyun Lee, a research fellow at HMS, and Peter Park, PhD, HSCI Affiliated Faculty member and co-senior author on the study. Park's group found only about 50 of the 200,000 genes that make up the human genome were expressed differently between the two cell types.

In fact, these differentially expressed genes were transcribed at such low levels, Park believes the difference may be 'transcriptional noise.' If you look at the whole landscape of the genome those genes may be a little bumps rather than large mountains, Hochedlinger explained. "They might be scored as different, but there may not be any biological repercussions. "

Additionally, when the researchers assessed the functional properties of their ES and iPS cell lines, they found that they had equal potentials to differentiate into neural cells and a variety of other specialized cell lineages.

"When using these cell lines and assays, and after considering a number of technical and biological variables, we find that ES cells and iPS cells are equivalent," said Hochedlinger, adding the caveat that not all practical applications can account for the variables, and that the science has not yet advanced to where iPS cells can replace embryonic stem cells in every situation.

"Embryonic stem cells are still an important reference point, against which other pluripotent cells are compared," said Hochedlinger. "Along those lines, this study increases the 'value' of iPS cells."

Explore further: What's good for the mouse is good for the monkey: Skin cells reprogrammed into stem cells

More information: Jiho Choi et al. A comparison of genetically matched cell lines reveals the equivalence of human iPSCs and ESCs, Nature Biotechnology (2015). DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3388

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Are embryonic stem cells and artificial stem cells equivalent?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections – Dr. Thomas F …

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PRP is a concentration of platelet cells from your blood with growth factors and stem cells. This helps the healing process of chronic problems or injuries. These bioactive proteins initiate connective tissue healing and promote development of new blood vessels.

By the use of the Harvest Tech System we obtain approximately 9cc's from the vein in the patient's arm. Using the special reagent tube and centrifuge the blood is spun to obtain the plasma platelets and stem cells.

First, the area to be injected is numbed so the injection doesn't hurt. Once the plasma platelets are obtained and injected into the chronic painful area this increases the platelets and growth factors 500%. It can be used for chronic foot pain such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis.

PRP injections are not covered by insurance. The charge is $675.00 per injection. It is expensive but it can avoid surgery that is both costly and disabling. You can use your health saving plan for this service.

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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections - Dr. Thomas F ...

Medical Group

China Southern Medical Group Incorporated 1996

headquarter located in Hong Kong. China Southern Medical Group has been twenty years in the medical industry. Until 2015, our Medical Group have set up one hospital in Shenzhen city, one hospital in Zhongshan city and one hospital in Zhuhai city. To achieve our group's mission, we will continue to develop medical services in coastal areas of Guangdong Province to cover different medical fields to making contributions to the health care industry of China and worldwide.

Our medical group has been making great efforts to develop advanced medical technology and Traditional Chinese Medicine at the time since established. In order to meet the demand of medical service, the establishment of two major divisions : Medical Biotechnology Division and Traditional Chinese Medicine Division with strong team of experts.

Cell-based therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine is respectively characteristic and both have their advantage. Biological technology combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine, they had different but complementary to enhance each other's respective strengths, the guarantee of obtaining optimal efficacy.

With our medical development philosophy, the biggest advantage in our medical group is that we have a strong medical team in both scientific research and medical specialists, we can maximization the medical powers from our group's affiliated hospitals to provide the best combination of treatment for the patient rather than single treatment.

The 1st hospital was founded in 1996, is a set of medical, health, research, prevention and rehabilitation in a modern general hospital located in Shenzhen city. Hospital with 17 clinical departments, it has a large number of sophisticated medical equipment which is commonly used in the world and has 1,500 inpatient beds. The most advanced medical equipment and the good quality of medical service wholeheartedly for the patients.

The 2nd hospital was founded in 2003, is a Ophthalmic Center located in Zhongshan city. Provides one-stop eye care services for patients, including basic and special examinations of eyes, specialist consultation, all kinds of eye surgeries, optician services of glasses and contact lenses.Hospitalalso equipped with operation department and inpatient department to meet different requirement of patients.With the concept of "International Standard, Excellent Service and Rational Charges" and combine with local sentiments, committed to providing the public with excellent one-stop ophthalmic services.

The 3rd hospital was established in 2008, mainly engaged in Stem Cell research and clinical application. Our hospital located in Zhuhai city, combined with scientific research and clinical application, can constantly improve and upgrade of stem cells curative effect. With our in-house Biological Laboratory, we can focuses on the symptoms of a disease and culture the most appropriate stem cells for the patients to achieve the best effect of medical treatment. Hospital consolidated the most advanced medical equipment and 100 private ward.

Our Medical Group is dedicated to biotechnology research includes gene engineering, cell engineering and enzyme engineering. Our stem cell therapy in the present can cure more than 120 diseases included organ diseases, neurological diseases, inherited diseases, degenerative diseases, genetic and congenital diseases.

Regenerative medicine will become the "next generation" of medical treatment. Stem cells treatment is a cells / gene replacement therapy, uses younger and health stem cells to replace the damaged, abnormal and aging cells to correct the mutation in gene and restore organ function.

Stem cells are one of the most fascinating areas of biology today.Rsearch on stem cells is advancing knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells.Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cells in the body like muscle cell, red blood cell or brain cell.

Stem cells can reverse these devastating impacts relying on the advanced degree of medical engineering and development of regenerative medicine. The development of regenerative medicine has provided a new method for curing some previously incurable diseases.

In theory, as long as there is enough stem cells to replace the dead, damaged, abnormal and aging cells, the patients can be restored to health.

Our biotechnology research also includes DC+CIK Cancer Killer Cells and ACTL Anti-Cancer Cellular Immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer, the advantage of cell-based cancer treatment is targeting therapy, the DC+CIK or ACTL cells only attacking tumor cells and not harm the normal cells. fight cancer without any side effects and drug reaction.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an alternative method of therapy that can be administered in oral, topical, or injectable forms.It emphasizes the importance of using many herbs that are combined in different formulations for each individual patient.

In addition to treating illness, TCM focuses on strengthening the body's defenses and enhancing its capacity for healing and to maintain health.

TCM can be particularly effective for complex diseases with multiple causes, including metabolic diseases, chronic and degenerative conditions (such as knee arthritis) and age-related diseases.

In cancer treatment, combining therapy with Chinese herbal medicine can uplift the general health condition that includes organ functioning, body resistance, immune functions, self-healing power and so on.

The term "herbal medicine" is misleading in so far as plant elements are by far the most commonly, but not solely used substances in TCM; animal, human, and mineral products are also utilized.Thus, the term "medicinal" (instead of herb) is usually preferred.

Acupuncture is a family of procedures involving the stimulation of specific points on the body using a variety of techniques.The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metal needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electricalstimulation.

Acupuncture is a safe and very effective natural, alternative therapy that is used to heal illnesses, prevent disease and improve well being.

Acupuncture is a method consists of inserting tiny, hair-thin needles into specific points in the body.The needles are then gently stimulated to trigger the bodys natural healing response.

Best known as a common method to relieve painful conditions such as neck pain, Low back pain, hip pain, migraines, TMJ pain and management of sports injuries.

Acupuncture can also be an effective alternative solution for conditions such as smoking addiction, over weight, anxiety, IBS, skin problems, pregnancy and gynecological issues, and infertility (read the infertility frequently asked questions and infertility research sections for more).

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Medical Group

Molecular & Cellular Medicine

Home Molecular & Cellular Medicine Menu

Research in the Molecular and Cellular Medicine department spans a wide range of biological processes, from structure and function of biomolecules to cell physiology. Emphasis is placed on understanding normal and abnormal biological function at the molecular and cellular levels. Using state-of-the-art biophysical technologies, research programs at the molecular level focus on understanding how proteins are synthesized, folded, assembled into functional macromolecules and trafficked throughout the cell. Reverse genetic approaches are used to elucidate the roles of newly discovered proteins and define functional protein domains. Research programs that bridge molecular and cellular levels focus on understanding mechanisms of basic cellular physiology (DNA replication, transcription, translation and protein sorting), molecules that control complex regulatory pathways (signal transduction, gene regulation, epigenetics, development and differentiation) and the molecular basis for cancer. Many faculty members have strong collaborative ties with Texas A&M University research groups in the Chemistry and Biochemistry/Biophysics departments or belong to multi-disciplinary research groups affiliated with Texas A&M University, including programs in Genetics, Neurosciences and Virology.

440 Reynolds Medical Building College Station, TX 77843-1114 Phone: (979) 436-0856 Fax: (979) 847-9481 Toll Free: (800) 298-2260 (U.S. only)

Last edited by: chauhan 09/22/2015

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Molecular & Cellular Medicine

How are stem cells used in medicine today? – HowStuffWorks

From the United States Senate to houses of worship, and even to the satirical television show "South Park," stem cells have been in the spotlight -- though not always in the kindest light. Since early research has focused on the use of embryonic stem cells (cells less than a week old), the very act of extracting these cells has raised a raft of ethical questions for researchers and the medical community at large, with federal funding often hanging in the balance.

However, the advances in stem cell research and the subsequent applications to modern medicine can't be ignored. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), stem cells are being considered for a wide variety of medical procedures, ranging from cancer treatment to heart disease and cell-based therapies for tissue replacement.

Why? To answer that question, you have to understand what stem cells are. Called "master" cells or "a sort of internal repair system," these remarkable-yet-unspecialized cells are able to divide, seemingly without limits, to help mend or replenish other living cells [sources: Mayo Clinic; NIH]. In short, these cells are the cellular foundation of the entire human body, or literally the body's building blocks.

By studying these cells and how they develop, researchers are closing in on a better understanding of how our bodies grow and mature, and how diseases and other abnormalities take root. The research work that began with mouse embryos in the early 1980s eventually helped scientists devise a way to isolate stem cells from human embryos by the late 1990s.

Embryonic, or pluripotent, stem cells are taken from human embryos that are less than a week old. These cells are wildly versatile, capable of dividing into more stem cells or becoming any type of cell in the human body (roughly 220 types, including muscle, nerve, blood, bone and skin). Researchers have also recently found stem cells in amniotic fluid taken from pregnant women during amniocentesis, a fairly routine procedure used to determine potential complications, such as Down syndrome.

However, recent research has indicated that adult stem cells, once thought to be more limited in their capabilities, are actually much more versatile than originally believed. Though not as "pure" as embryonic stem cells, due to environmental conditions that exist in the real world -- ranging from air pollution to food impurities -- adult stem cells are nonetheless garnering attention, if only because they don't incite the same ethical debate as embryonic stem cells.

So, what are the cutting-edge uses for stem cells?

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How are stem cells used in medicine today? - HowStuffWorks

Sickle cell anemia Treatments and drugs – Mayo Clinic

Bone marrow transplant offers the only potential cure for sickle cell anemia. But finding a donor is difficult and the procedure has serious risks associated with it, including death.

As a result, treatment for sickle cell anemia is usually aimed at avoiding crises, relieving symptoms and preventing complications. If you have sickle cell anemia, you'll need to make regular visits to your doctor to check your red blood cell count and monitor your health. Treatments may include medications to reduce pain and prevent complications, blood transfusions and supplemental oxygen, as well as a bone marrow transplant.

Medications used to treat sickle cell anemia include:

Hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea). When taken daily, hydroxyurea reduces the frequency of painful crises and may reduce the need for blood transfusions. Hydroxyurea seems to work by stimulating production of fetal hemoglobin a type of hemoglobin found in newborns that helps prevent the formation of sickle cells. Hydroxyurea increases your risk of infections, and there is some concern that long-term use of this drug may cause tumors or leukemia in certain people. However, this hasn't yet been seen in studies of the drug.

Hydroxyurea was initially used just for adults with severe sickle cell anemia. Studies on children have shown that the drug may prevent some of the serious complications associated with sickle cell anemia. But the long-term effects of the drug on children are still unknown. Your doctor can help you determine if this drug may be beneficial for you or your child.

Using a special ultrasound machine (transcranial), doctors can learn which children have a higher risk of stroke. This test can be used on children as young as 2 years, and those who are found to have a high risk of stroke are then treated with regular blood transfusions.

Childhood vaccinations are important for preventing disease in all children. But, these vaccinations are even more important for children with sickle cell anemia, because infections can be severe in children with sickle cell anemia. Your doctor will make sure your child receives all of the recommended childhood vaccinations. Vaccinations, such as the pneumococcal vaccine and the annual flu shot, are also important for adults with sickle cell anemia.

In a red blood cell transfusion, red blood cells are removed from a supply of donated blood. These donated cells are then given intravenously to a person with sickle cell anemia.

Blood transfusions increase the number of normal red blood cells in circulation, helping to relieve anemia. In children with sickle cell anemia at high risk of stroke, regular blood transfusions can decrease their risk of stroke.

Blood transfusions carry some risk. Blood contains iron. Regular blood transfusions cause an excess amount of iron to build up in your body. Because excess iron can damage your heart, liver and other organs, people who undergo regular transfusions may need treatment to reduce iron levels. Deferasirox (Exjade) is an oral medication that can reduce excess iron levels.

Breathing supplemental oxygen through a breathing mask adds oxygen to your blood and helps you breathe easier. It may be helpful if you have acute chest syndrome or a sickle cell crisis.

A stem cell transplant, also called a bone marrow transplant, involves replacing bone marrow affected by sickle cell anemia with healthy bone marrow from a donor. Because of the risks associated with a stem cell transplant, the procedure is recommended only for people who have significant symptoms and problems from sickle cell anemia.

If a donor is found, the diseased bone marrow in the person with sickle cell anemia is first depleted with radiation or chemotherapy. Healthy stem cells from the donor are filtered from the blood. The healthy stem cells are injected intravenously into the bloodstream of the person with sickle cell anemia, where they migrate to the bone marrow cavities and begin generating new blood cells. The procedure requires a lengthy hospital stay. After the transplant, you'll receive drugs to help prevent rejection of the donated stem cells.

A stem cell transplant carries risks. There's a chance that your body may reject the transplant, leading to life-threatening complications. In addition, not everyone is a candidate for transplantation or can find a suitable donor.

Doctors treat most complications of sickle cell anemia as they occur. Treatment may include antibiotics, vitamins, blood transfusions, pain-relieving medicines, other medications and possibly surgery, such as to correct vision problems or to remove a damaged spleen.

Scientists are studying new treatments for sickle cell anemia, including:


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Sickle cell anemia Treatments and drugs - Mayo Clinic

Sickle Cell Anemia: MedlinePlus – National Library of Medicine

Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which your body produces abnormally shaped red blood cells. The cells are shaped like a crescent or sickle. They don't last as long as normal, round red blood cells. This leads to anemia. The sickle cells also get stuck in blood vessels, blocking blood flow. This can cause pain and organ damage.

A genetic problem causes sickle cell anemia. People with the disease are born with two sickle cell genes, one from each parent. If you only have one sickle cell gene, it's called sickle cell trait. About 1 in 12 African Americans has sickle cell trait.

The most common symptoms are pain and problems from anemia. Anemia can make you feel tired or weak. In addition, you might have shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, or coldness in the hands and feet.

A blood test can show if you have the trait or anemia. Most states test newborn babies as part of their newborn screening programs.

Sickle cell anemia has no widely available cure. Treatments can help relieve symptoms and lessen complications. Researchers are investigating new treatments such as blood and marrow stem cell transplants, gene therapy, and new medicines.

NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

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Sickle Cell Anemia: MedlinePlus - National Library of Medicine

Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology

Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology. The goal of the department is to apply our knowledge of molecular and cellular biology to understand and reverse human disease. Regenerative medicine is an emerging field that aims to revolutionize the treatment of disease by providing cures rather than treating symptoms. It relies on multidisciplinary approaches that require expertise in diverse areas. Approaches include the use of stem cells to provide limitless supplies of cells for transplant therapy and disease modeling, bioengineering and tissue engineering to generate replacement tissues and organs, and the production of transgenic animals to study the fundamental molecular basis of organ formation and disease. The department has active research programs in tissue fabrication and bioengineering, developmental biology, cardiovascular and liver disease, cancer biology, cell signaling, and drug development. The Department is also heavily involved in biomedical education through the training of medical and graduate students. Regenerative medicine is at a particularly exciting stage, with investigators being poised to make discipline-changing advances of high impact. The field is on the cusp of revolutionizing biomedical science, and as regenerative medicine researchers we are limited only by our imaginations.

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Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology