Embryonic stem cell – Wikipedia

Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are pluripotent stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage preimplantation embryo.[1][2] Human embryos reach the blastocyst stage 45 days post fertilization, at which time they consist of 50150 cells. Isolating the embryoblast or inner cell mass (ICM) results in destruction of the blastocyst, which raises ethical issues, including whether or not embryos at the pre-implantation stage should be considered to have the same moral or legal status as more developed human beings.[3][4]

Human ES cells measure approximately 14 m while mouse ES cells are closer to 8 m.[5]

Embryonic stem cells, derived from the blastocyst stage early mammalian embryos, are distinguished by their ability to differentiate into any cell type and by their ability to propagate. Embryonic stem cell's properties include having a normal karyotype, maintaining high telomerase activity, and exhibiting remarkable long-term proliferative potential.[6]

Embryonic stem cells of the inner cell mass are pluripotent, that is, they are able to differentiate to generate primitive ectoderm, which ultimately differentiates during gastrulation into all derivatives of the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These include each of the more than 220 cell types in the adult body. Pluripotency distinguishes embryonic stem cells from adult stem cells found in adults; while embryonic stem cells can generate all cell types in the body, adult stem cells are multipotent and can produce only a limited number of cell types. If the pluripotent differentiation potential of embryonic stem cells could be harnessed in vitro, it might be a means of deriving cell or tissue types virtually to order. This would provide a radical new treatment approach to a wide variety of conditions where age, disease, or trauma has led to tissue damage or dysfunction.

Additionally, under defined conditions, embryonic stem cells are capable of propagating themselves indefinitely in an undifferentiated state and have the capacity when provided with the appropriate signals to differentiate, presumably via the formation of precursor cells, to almost all mature cell phenotypes.[7] This allows embryonic stem cells to be employed as useful tools for both research and regenerative medicine, because they can produce limitless numbers of themselves for continued research or clinical use.

Because of their plasticity and potentially unlimited capacity for self-renewal, embryonic stem cell therapies have been proposed for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease. Diseases that could potentially be treated by pluripotent stem cells include a number of blood and immune-system related genetic diseases, cancers, and disorders; juvenile diabetes; Parkinson's disease; blindness and spinal cord injuries. Besides the ethical concerns of stem cell therapy (see stem cell controversy), there is a technical problem of graft-versus-host disease associated with allogeneic stem cell transplantation. However, these problems associated with histocompatibility may be solved using autologous donor adult stem cells, therapeutic cloning. Stem cell banks or more recently by reprogramming of somatic cells with defined factors (e.g. induced pluripotent stem cells). Embryonic stem cells provide hope that it will be possible to overcome the problems of donor tissue shortage and also, by making the cells immunocompatible with the recipient. Other potential uses of embryonic stem cells include investigation of early human development, study of genetic disease and as in vitro systems for toxicology testing.[6]

According to a 2002 article in PNAS, "Human embryonic stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, and, thus, may be useful as a source of cells for transplantation or tissue engineering."[8]

Current research focuses on differentiating ES into a variety of cell types for eventual use as cell replacement therapies (CRTs). Some of the cell types that have or are currently being developed include cardiomyocytes (CM), neurons, hepatocytes, bone marrow cells, islet cells and endothelial cells.[9] However, the derivation of such cell types from ESs is not without obstacles and hence current research is focused on overcoming these barriers. For example, studies are underway to differentiate ES in to tissue specific CMs and to eradicate their immature properties that distinguish them from adult CMs.[10]

Besides in the future becoming an important alternative to organ transplants, ES are also being used in field of toxicology and as cellular screens to uncover new chemical entities (NCEs) that can be developed as small molecule drugs. Studies have shown that cardiomyocytes derived from ES are validated in vitro models to test drug responses and predict toxicity profiles.[9] ES derived cardiomyocytes have been shown to respond to pharmacological stimuli and hence can be used to assess cardiotoxicity like Torsades de Pointes.[11]

ES-derived hepatocytes are also useful models that could be used in the preclinical stages of drug discovery. However, the development of hepatocytes from ES has proven to be challenging and this hinders the ability to test drug metabolism. Therefore, current research is focusing on establishing fully functional ES-derived hepatocytes with stable phase I and II enzyme activity.[12]

Researchers have also differentiated ES into dopamine-producing cells with the hope that these neurons could be used in the treatment of Parkinsons disease.[13][14] Recently, the development of ESC after Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) of Olfactory ensheathing cells (OEC's) to a healthy Oocyte has been recommended for Neuro-degenerative diseases.[15] ESs have also been differentiated to natural killer (NK) cells and bone tissue.[16] Studies involving ES are also underway to provide an alternative treatment for diabetes. For example, DAmour et al. were able to differentiate ES into insulin producing cells[17] and researchers at Harvard University were able to produce large quantities of pancreatic beta cells from ES.[18]

Several new studies have started to address this issue. This has been done either by genetically manipulating the cells, or more recently by deriving diseased cell lines identified by prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD). This approach may very well prove invaluable at studying disorders such as Fragile-X syndrome, Cystic fibrosis, and other genetic maladies that have no reliable model system.

Yury Verlinsky, a Russian-American medical researcher who specialized in embryo and cellular genetics (genetic cytology), developed prenatal diagnosis testing methods to determine genetic and chromosomal disorders a month and a half earlier than standard amniocentesis. The techniques are now used by many pregnant women and prospective parents, especially those couples with a history of genetic abnormalities or where the woman is over the age of 35, when the risk of genetically related disorders is higher. In addition, by allowing parents to select an embryo without genetic disorders, they have the potential of saving the lives of siblings that already had similar disorders and diseases using cells from the disease free offspring.[19]

Scientists have discovered a new technique for deriving human embryonic stem cell (ESC). Normal ESC lines from different sources of embryonic material including morula and whole blastocysts have been established. These findings allows researchers to construct ESC lines from embryos that acquire different genetic abnormalities; therefore, allowing for recognition of mechanisms in the molecular level that are possibly blocked that could impede the disease progression. The ESC lines originating from embryos with genetic and chromosomal abnormalities provide the data necessary to understand the pathways of genetic defects.[20]

A donor patient acquires one defective gene copy and one normal, and only one of these two copies is used for reproduction. By selecting egg cell derived from embryonic stem cells that have two normal copies, researchers can find variety of treatments for various diseases. To test this theory Dr. McLaughlin and several of his colleagues looked at whether parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells can be used in a mouse model that has thalassemia intermedia. This disease is described as an inherited blood disorder in which there is a lack of hemoglobin leading to anemia. The mouse model used, had one defective gene copy. Embryonic stem cells from an unfertilized egg of the diseased mice were gathered and those stem cells that contained only healthy hemoglobin genes were identified. The healthy embryonic stem cell lines were then converted into cells transplanted into the carrier mice. After five weeks, the test results from the transplant illustrated that these carrier mice now had a normal blood cell count and hemoglobin levels.[21]

Differentiated somatic cells and ES cells use different strategies for dealing with DNA damage. For instance, human foreskin fibroblasts, one type of somatic cell, use non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), an error prone DNA repair process, as the primary pathway for repairing double-strand breaks (DSBs) during all cell cycle stages.[22] Because of its error-prone nature, NHEJ tends to produce mutations in a cells clonal descendants.

ES cells use a different strategy to deal with DSBs.[23] Because ES cells give rise to all of the cell types of an organism including the cells of the germ line, mutations arising in ES cells due to faulty DNA repair are a more serious problem than in differentiated somatic cells. Consequently, robust mechanisms are needed in ES cells to repair DNA damages accurately, and if repair fails, to remove those cells with un-repaired DNA damages. Thus, mouse ES cells predominantly use high fidelity homologous recombinational repair (HRR) to repair DSBs.[23] This type of repair depends on the interaction of the two sister chromosomes formed during S phase and present together during the G2 phase of the cell cycle. HRR can accurately repair DSBs in one sister chromosome by using intact information from the other sister chromosome. Cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle (i.e. after metaphase/cell division but prior the next round of replication) have only one copy of each chromosome (i.e. sister chromosomes arent present). Mouse ES cells lack a G1 checkpoint and do not undergo cell cycle arrest upon acquiring DNA damage.[24] Rather they undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) in response to DNA damage.[25] Apoptosis can be used as a fail-safe strategy to remove cells with un-repaired DNA damages in order to avoid mutation and progression to cancer.[26] Consistent with this strategy, mouse ES stem cells have a mutation frequency about 100-fold lower than that of isogenic mouse somatic cells.[27]

The major concern with the possible transplantation of ESC into patients as therapies is their ability to form tumors including teratoma.[28] Safety issues prompted the FDA to place a hold on the first ESC clinical trial (see below), however no tumors were observed.

The main strategy to enhance the safety of ESC for potential clinical use is to differentiate the ESC into specific cell types (e.g. neurons, muscle, liver cells) that have reduced or eliminated ability to cause tumors. Following differentiation, the cells are subjected to sorting by flow cytometry for further purification. ESC are predicted to be inherently safer than IPS cells because they are not genetically modified with genes such as c-Myc that are linked to cancer. Nonetheless, ESC express very high levels of the iPS inducing genes and these genes including Myc are essential for ESC self-renewal and pluripotency,[29] and potential strategies to improve safety by eliminating Myc expression are unlikely to preserve the cells' "stemness".

In 1964, Lewis Kleinsmith and G. Barry Pierce Jr. isolated a single type of cell from a teratocarcinoma, a tumor now known to be derived from a germ cell.[30] These cells isolated from the teratocarcinoma replicated and grew in cell culture as a stem cell and are now known as embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells.[31] Although similarities in morphology and differentiating potential (pluripotency) led to the use of EC cells as the in vitro model for early mouse development,[32] EC cells harbor genetic mutations and often abnormal karyotypes that accumulated during the development of the teratocarcinoma. These genetic aberrations further emphasized the need to be able to culture pluripotent cells directly from the inner cell mass.

In 1981, embryonic stem cells (ES cells) were independently first derived from mouse embryos by two groups. Martin Evans and Matthew Kaufman from the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge published first in July, revealing a new technique for culturing the mouse embryos in the uterus to allow for an increase in cell number, allowing for the derivation of ES cells from these embryos.[33]Gail R. Martin, from the Department of Anatomy, University of California, San Francisco, published her paper in December and coined the term Embryonic Stem Cell.[34] She showed that embryos could be cultured in vitro and that ES cells could be derived from these embryos. In 1998, a breakthrough occurred when researchers, led by James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, first developed a technique to isolate and grow human embryonic stem cells in cell culture.[35]

On January 23, 2009, Phase I clinical trials for transplantation of oligodendrocytes (a cell type of the brain and spinal cord) derived from human ES cells into spinal cord-injured individuals received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), marking it the world's first human ES cell human trial.[36] The study leading to this scientific advancement was conducted by Hans Keirstead and colleagues at the University of California, Irvine and supported by Geron Corporation of Menlo Park, CA, founded by Michael D. West, PhD. A previous experiment had shown an improvement in locomotor recovery in spinal cord-injured rats after a 7-day delayed transplantation of human ES cells that had been pushed into an oligodendrocytic lineage.[37] The phase I clinical study was designed to enroll about eight to ten paraplegics who have had their injuries no longer than two weeks before the trial begins, since the cells must be injected before scar tissue is able to form. The researchers emphasized that the injections were not expected to fully cure the patients and restore all mobility. Based on the results of the rodent trials, researchers speculated that restoration of myelin sheathes and an increase in mobility might occur. This first trial was primarily designed to test the safety of these procedures and if everything went well, it was hoped that it would lead to future studies that involve people with more severe disabilities.[38] The trial was put on hold in August 2009 due to FDA concerns regarding a small number of microscopic cysts found in several treated rat models but the hold was lifted on July 30, 2010.[39]

In October 2010 researchers enrolled and administered ESTs to the first patient at Shepherd Center in Atlanta.[40] The makers of the stem cell therapy, Geron Corporation, estimated that it would take several months for the stem cells to replicate and for the GRNOPC1 therapy to be evaluated for success or failure.

In November 2011 Geron announced it was halting the trial and dropping out of stem cell research for financial reasons, but would continue to monitor existing patients, and was attempting to find a partner that could continue their research.[41] In 2013 BioTime (NYSEMKT:BTX), led by CEO Dr. Michael D. West, acquired all of Geron's stem cell assets, with the stated intention of restarting Geron's embryonic stem cell-based clinical trial for spinal cord injury research.[42]

In vitro fertilization generates multiple embryos. The surplus of embryos is not clinically used or is unsuitable for implantation into the patient, and therefore may be donated by the donor with consent. Human embryonic stem cells can be derived from these donated embryos or additionally they can also be extracted from cloned embryos using a cell from a patient and a donated egg.[43] The inner cell mass (cells of interest), from the blastocyst stage of the embryo, is separated from the trophectoderm, the cells that would differentiate into extra-embryonic tissue. Immunosurgery, the process in which antibodies are bound to the trophectoderm and removed by another solution, and mechanical dissection are performed to achieve separation. The resulting inner cell mass cells are plated onto cells that will supply support. The inner cell mass cells attach and expand further to form a human embryonic cell line, which are undifferentiated. These cells are fed daily and are enzymatically or mechanically separated every four to seven days. For differentiation to occur, the human embryonic stem cell line is removed from the supporting cells to form embryoid bodies, is co-cultured with a serum containing necessary signals, or is grafted in a three-dimensional scaffold to result.[44]

Embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the early embryo, which are harvested from the donor mother animal. Martin Evans and Matthew Kaufman reported a technique that delays embryo implantation, allowing the inner cell mass to increase. This process includes removing the donor mother's ovaries and dosing her with progesterone, changing the hormone environment, which causes the embryos to remain free in the uterus. After 46 days of this intrauterine culture, the embryos are harvested and grown in in vitro culture until the inner cell mass forms egg cylinder-like structures, which are dissociated into single cells, and plated on fibroblasts treated with mitomycin-c (to prevent fibroblast mitosis). Clonal cell lines are created by growing up a single cell. Evans and Kaufman showed that the cells grown out from these cultures could form teratomas and embryoid bodies, and differentiate in vitro, all of which indicating that the cells are pluripotent.[33]

Gail Martin derived and cultured her ES cells differently. She removed the embryos from the donor mother at approximately 76 hours after copulation and cultured them overnight in a medium containing serum. The following day, she removed the inner cell mass from the late blastocyst using microsurgery. The extracted inner cell mass was cultured on fibroblasts treated with mitomycin-c in a medium containing serum and conditioned by ES cells. After approximately one week, colonies of cells grew out. These cells grew in culture and demonstrated pluripotent characteristics, as demonstrated by the ability to form teratomas, differentiate in vitro, and form embryoid bodies. Martin referred to these cells as ES cells.[34]

It is now known that the feeder cells provide leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and serum provides bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) that are necessary to prevent ES cells from differentiating.[45][46] These factors are extremely important for the efficiency of deriving ES cells. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that different mouse strains have different efficiencies for isolating ES cells.[47] Current uses for mouse ES cells include the generation of transgenic mice, including knockout mice. For human treatment, there is a need for patient specific pluripotent cells. Generation of human ES cells is more difficult and faces ethical issues. So, in addition to human ES cell research, many groups are focused on the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells).[48]

On August 23, 2006, the online edition of Nature scientific journal published a letter by Dr. Robert Lanza (medical director of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, MA) stating that his team had found a way to extract embryonic stem cells without destroying the actual embryo.[49] This technical achievement would potentially enable scientists to work with new lines of embryonic stem cells derived using public funding in the USA, where federal funding was at the time limited to research using embryonic stem cell lines derived prior to August 2001. In March, 2009, the limitation was lifted.[50]

In 2007 it was shown that pluripotent stem cells highly similar to embryonic stem cells can be generated by the delivery of three genes (Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4) to differentiated cells.[51] The delivery of these genes "reprograms" differentiated cells into pluripotent stem cells, allowing for the generation of pluripotent stem cells without the embryo. Because ethical concerns regarding embryonic stem cells typically are about their derivation from terminated embryos, it is believed that reprogramming to these "induced pluripotent stem cells" (iPS cells) may be less controversial. Both human and mouse cells can be reprogrammed by this methodology, generating both human pluripotent stem cells and mouse pluripotent stem cells without an embryo.[52]

This may enable the generation of patient specific ES cell lines that could potentially be used for cell replacement therapies. In addition, this will allow the generation of ES cell lines from patients with a variety of genetic diseases and will provide invaluable models to study those diseases.

However, as a first indication that the induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) cell technology can in rapid succession lead to new cures, it was used by a research team headed by Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to cure mice of sickle cell anemia, as reported by Science journal's online edition on December 6, 2007.[53][54]

On January 16, 2008, a California-based company, Stemagen, announced that they had created the first mature cloned human embryos from single skin cells taken from adults. These embryos can be harvested for patient matching embryonic stem cells.[55]

The online edition of Nature Medicine published a study on January 24, 2005, which stated that the human embryonic stem cells available for federally funded research are contaminated with non-human molecules from the culture medium used to grow the cells.[56] It is a common technique to use mouse cells and other animal cells to maintain the pluripotency of actively dividing stem cells. The problem was discovered when non-human sialic acid in the growth medium was found to compromise the potential uses of the embryonic stem cells in humans, according to scientists at the University of California, San Diego.[57]

However, a study published in the online edition of Lancet Medical Journal on March 8, 2005 detailed information about a new stem cell line that was derived from human embryos under completely cell- and serum-free conditions. After more than 6 months of undifferentiated proliferation, these cells demonstrated the potential to form derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers both in vitro and in teratomas. These properties were also successfully maintained (for more than 30 passages) with the established stem cell lines.[58]

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The Arabidopsis CERK1associated kinase PBL27 connects chitin perception to MAPK activation

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These authors contributed equally to this work as third authors

Chitin receptor CERK1 transmits immune signals to the intracellular MAPK cascade in plants. This occurs via phosphorylation of MAPKKK5 by the CERK1associated kinase PBL27, providing a missing link between pathogen perception and signaling output.

Chitin receptor CERK1 transmits immune signals to the intracellular MAPK cascade in plants. This occurs via phosphorylation of MAPKKK5 by the CERK1associated kinase PBL27, providing a missing link between pathogen perception and signaling output.

CERK1associated kinase PBL27 interacts with MAPKKK5 at the plasma membrane.

Chitin perception induces disassociation of PBL27 and MAPKKK5.

PBL27 functions as a MAPKKK kinase.

Phosphorylation of MAPKKK5 by PBL27 is enhanced upon phosphorylation of PBL27 by CERK1.

Phosphorylation of MAPKKK5 by PBL27 is required for chitininduced MAPK activation in planta.

Kenta Yamada, Koji Yamaguchi, Tomomi Shirakawa, Hirofumi Nakagami, Akira Mine, Kazuya Ishikawa, Masayuki Fujiwara, Mari Narusaka, Yoshihiro Narusaka, Kazuya Ichimura, Yuka Kobayashi, Hidenori Matsui, Yuko Nomura, Mika Nomoto, Yasuomi Tada, Yoichiro Fukao, Tamo Fukamizo, Kenichi Tsuda, Ken Shirasu, Naoto Shibuya, Tsutomu Kawasaki

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The membrane scaffold SLP2 anchors a proteolytic hub in mitochondria containing PARL and the iAAA protease YME1L

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The membrane scaffold SLP2 anchors a large protease complex containing the rhomboid protease PARL and the iAAA protease YME1L in the inner membrane of mitochondria, termed the SPY complex. Assembly into the SPY complex modulates PARL activity toward its substrate proteins PINK1 and PGAM5.

The membrane scaffold SLP2 anchors a large protease complex containing the rhomboid protease PARL and the iAAA protease YME1L in the inner membrane of mitochondria, termed the SPY complex. Assembly into the SPY complex modulates PARL activity toward its substrate proteins PINK1 and PGAM5.

SLP2 assembles with PARL and YME1L into the SPY complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane.

Assembly into SPY complexes modulates PARLmediated processing of PINK1 and PGAM5.

SLP2 restricts OMA1mediated processing of the OPA1.

Timothy Wai, Shotaro Saita, Hendrik Nolte, Sebastian Mller, Tim Knig, Ricarda RichterDennerlein, HansGeorg Sprenger, Joaquin Madrenas, Mareike Mhlmeister, Ulrich Brandt, Marcus Krger, Thomas Langer

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This activity (World Immunology Summit 2016) has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of PeerPoint Medical Education Institute and Conference Series, LLC. PeerPoint Medical Education Institute is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

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PeerPoint Medical Education Institute designates the live format for this educational activity for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Conference series invites participants from all over the world to attend "6th International Conference and Exhibition on Immunology" October 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Presenters can availupto 20 CME credits..

The annual International Conference on Immunology offer a unique platform for academia, Societies and Industries interested in immunology and Biomedical sciences to share the latest trends and important issues in the field. Immunology Summit-2016 brings together the Global leaders in Immunology and relevant fields to present their research at this exclusive scientific program. The Immunology Conference hosting presentations from editors of prominent refereed journals, renowned and active investigators and decision makers in the field of Immunology. Immunology Summit 2016 Organizing Committee also intended to encourage Young investigators at every career stage to submit abstracts reporting their latest scientific findings in oral and poster sessions.

Track 1:ClinicalImmunology: Current & Future Research

Immunology is the study of the immune system. The immune system is how all animals, including humans, protect themselves against diseases. The study of diseases caused by disorders of the immune system is clinical immunology. The disorders of the immune system fall into two broad categories:

Immunodeficiency, in this immune system fails to provide an adequate response.

Autoimmunity, in this immune system attacks its own host's body.

Related:Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

2nd International Conference on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;5th European Immunology Conferences, July 21-23, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th International Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany; International Conference on Autoimmunity, October 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UK; Immunology 2016, American Association of Immunologists, Annual MeetingMay 13-17, Los Angeles, USA;USA Immunology Conferences;InternationalConference onMucosalImmunology, July 28-29, 2016, Australia;International Congress of Immunology

Track 2:Cancer and Tumor Immunobiology

The immune system is the bodys first line of defence against most diseases and unnatural invaders.Cancer Immunobiologyis a branch ofimmunologyand it studies interactions between theimmune systemandcancer cells. These cancer cells, through subtle alterations, become immortal malignant cells but are often not changed enough to elicit an immune reaction.Understanding how the immune system worksor does not workagainst cancer is a primary focus of Cancer Immunology investigators. Certain cells of the immune system, including natural killer cells, dendritic cells (DCs) and effector T cells, are capable of driving potent anti-tumour responses.

Tumor Immunobiology

The immune system can promote the elimination of tumours, but often immune responses are modulated or suppressed by the tumour microenvironment. The Tumour microenvironment is an important aspect of cancer biology that contributes to tumour initiation, tumour progression and responses to therapy. Cells and molecules of the immune system are a fundamental component of the tumour microenvironment. Importantly, therapeutic strategies can harness the immune system to specifically target tumour cells and this is particularly appealing owing to the possibility of inducing tumour-specific immunological memory, which might cause long-lasting regression and prevent relapse in cancer patients. The composition and characteristics of the tumour micro environment vary widely and are important in determining the anti-tumour immune response. Tumour cells often induce an immunosuppressive microenvironment, which favours the development of immuno suppressive populations of immune cells, such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells and regulatory T cells.

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2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; International Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia, 2nd international congress on Neuroimmunology & therapeutics, Dec 01-03, 2016, USA; 2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany;Immunology events;9th EuropeanMucosal ImmunologyMeetings, October 9 - 12 October, Scotland; international congress on immunology, august 21-26, 2016, Australia; 4th European Immunology events September 6-9, 2015, Austria

Track 3:Inflammation and Therapies

Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens - and begin the healing process. In Inflammation the body's whiteblood cellsand substances they produce protect us from infection with foreign organisms, such as bacteria and viruses. However, in some diseases, likearthritis, the body's defense system, the immune system triggers an inflammatory response when there are no foreign invaders to fight off. In these diseases, called autoimmune diseases, the body's normally protective immune system causes damage to its own tissues. The body responds as if normal tissues are infected or somehow abnormal. Inflammation involves immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators. The purpose of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out necrotic cells and tissues damaged from the original insult and the inflammatory process, and to initiate tissue repair. signs of acute inflammation are pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function


Inflammation Therapy is a treatment for chronic disease involving a combination of lifestyle factors and medications designed to enable the immune system to fight the disease. Techniques used include heat therapy, cold therapy, electrical stimulation, traction, massage, and acupuncture. Heat increases blood flow and makes connective tissue more flexible. It temporarily decreases joint stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms. Heat also helps reduce inflammation and the buildup of fluid in tissues (edema). Heat therapy is used to treat inflammation (including various forms of arthritis), muscle spasm, and injuries such as sprains and strains. Cold therapy Applying cold may help numb tissues and relieve muscle spasms, pain due to injuries, and low back pain or inflammation that has recently developed. Cold may be applied using an ice bag, a cold pack, or fluids (such as ethyl chloride) that cool by evaporation. The therapist limits the time and amount of cold exposure to avoid damaging tissues and reducing body temperature (causing hypothermia). Cold is not applied to tissues with a reduced blood supply (for example, when the arteries are narrowed by peripheral arterial disease).

Related: Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

7th International Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands ; 5th European Immunology Conferences, July 21-23, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 2nd International Conference on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; International Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; InternationalcongressonImmunology, August 21-26, 2016, Australia; 18th International Conference on Inflammation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 12 - 13, 2016; 14th Cytokines & Inflammation Conference 2526 January 2016 San Diego, United States;

Track 4:Molecular and Structural Immunology

Molecular Immunology

Molecular immunology deals with immune responses at cellular and molecular level. Molecular immunology has been evolved for better understanding of the sub-cellular immune responses for prevention and treatment of immune related disorders and immune deficient diseases. Journal of molecular immunology focuses on the invitro and invivo immunological responses of the host. Molecular Immunology focuses on the areas such as immunological disorders, invitro and invivo immunological host responses, humoral responses, immunotherapies for treatment of cancer, treatment of autoimmune diseases such as Hashimotos disease, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Treatment of Immune deficiencies such as hypersensitivities, chronic granulomatous disease, diagnostic immunology research aspects, allografts, etc..

Structural Immunology

Host immune system is an important and sophisticated system, maintaining the balance of host response to "foreign" antigens and ignorance to the normal-self. To fulfill this achievement the system manipulates a cell-cell interaction through appropriate interactions between cell-surface receptors and cell-surface ligands, or cell-secreted soluble effector molecules to their ligands/receptors/counter-receptors on the cell surface, triggering further downstream signaling for response effects. T cells and NK cells are important components of the immune system for defending the infections and malignancies and maintaining the proper response against over-reaction to the host. Receptors on the surface of T cells and NK cells include a number of important protein molecules, for example, T cell receptor (TCR), co-receptor CD8 or CD4, co-stimulator CD28, CTLA4, KIR, CD94/NKG2, LILR (ILT/LIR/CD85), Ly49, and so forth.

Related: Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 7th International Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany; International Conference on Autoimmunity, October 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UK; Immunology 2016, American Association of Immunologists, Annual MeetingMay 13-17, Los Angeles, USA;9th EuropeanMucosal ImmunologyMeetings, October 9 - 12 October, Scotland;Immunology events;International Congress of Immunology

Track 5:Transplantation Immunology

Transplantation is an act of transferring cells, tissues, or organ from one site to other. Graft is implanted cell, tissue or organ. Development of the field of organ and tissue transplantation has accelerated remarkably since the human major histocompatibility complex (mhc) was discovered in 1967. Matching of donor and recipient for mhc antigens has been shown to have a significant positive effect on graft acceptance. The roles of the different components of the immune system involved in the tolerance or rejection of grafts and in graft-versus-host disease have been clarified. These components include: antibodies, antigen presenting cells, helper and cytotoxic t cell subsets, immune cell surface molecules, signaling mechanisms and cytokines that they release. The development of pharmacologic and biological agents that interfere with the alloimmune response and graft rejection has had a crucial role in the success of organ transplantation. Combinations of these agents work synergistically, leading to lower doses of immunosuppressive drugs and reduced toxicity. Significant numbers of successful solid organ transplants include those of the kidneys, liver, heart and lung.

Related: Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

2ndInternationalCongress onNeuroimmunology&Therapeutics, Dec 01-03, 2016, USA; 7th International Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands ; 2nd International Conference on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;USA Immunology Conferences;International Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; British society for Immunology Annual Immunology Congress, 6-9 Dec, 2016, Liverpool, UK; InternationalConference onMucosalImmunology, July 28-29, 2016, Australia; Immunology events

Track 6:Infectious Diseases, Emerging and Reemerging diseases: Confronting Future Outbreaks

Infectious diseasesare disorders caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses,fungior parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful, but under certain conditions, some organisms may causedisease.Someinfectious diseasescan be passed from person to person. Many infectious diseases, such asmeaslesand chickenpox, can be prevented by vaccines. Frequent and thorough hand-washing also helps protect you from infectious diseases.

There are four main kinds of germs:

Bacteria - one-celled germs that multiply quickly and may release chemicals which can make you sick

Viruses- capsules that contain genetic material, and use your own cells to multiply

Fungi - primitive plants, like mushrooms or mildew

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InternationalConference on Pediatric Care and Pediatric Infectious Disease, August 24-25, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 4th InternationalCongress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, Texas, USA; 2ndWorld Congress on Infectious DiseasesAugust 24 - 26, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; WorldCongress on Infection Prevention and Control, November 28-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain; Internationalconference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Aug 24-26, Atlanta, Georgia;Immunology 2016, The 25th Annual CanadianConference on HIV/AIDSResearch Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada , May 12, 2016 - May 15, 2016;Infectious DiseasesScandinavia-Russia Cruise 1626 June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark; Immunology 2016, American Association of Immunologists, Annual Meeting May 13-17, Los Angeles, USA, 7th InternationalConference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Track 7:Autoimmune Diseases

An autoimmune disease develops when your immune system, which defends your body against disease, decides your healthy cells are foreign. As a result, your immune system attacks healthy cells. An autoimmune disorder may result in the destruction of body tissue, abnormal growth of an organ, Changes in organ function. Depending on the type, an autoimmune disease can affect one or many different types of body tissue. Areas often affected by autoimmune disorders include Blood vessels, Connective tissues, Endocrineglands such as the thyroid or pancreas, Joints Muscles, Red blood cells, Skin It can also cause abnormal organ growth and changes in organ function. There are as many as 80 types of autoimmune diseases. Many of them have similar symptoms, which makes them very difficult to diagnose. Its also possible to have more than one at the same time. Common autoimmune disorders include Addison's disease, Dermatomyositis, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia gravis, Pernicious anemia, Reactive arthritis. Autoimmune diseases usually fluctuate between periods of remission (little or no symptoms) and flare-ups (worsening symptoms). Currently, treatment for autoimmune diseases focuses on relieving symptoms because there is no curative therapy.

Related: Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

International Conference on Autoimmunity, October 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UK; 2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany; 2nd International Conference andExhibition on Antibodiesand Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;Immunology events; 5th European Immunology Conferences, July 21-23, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th International Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2nd Conference on Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases, June 1 to 3, 2016 Nanjing, China; 18th International Autoimmune Diseases Meetings, Paris, France, September 26 - 27, 2016; British society for Immunology Annual Immunology Congress, 6-9 Dec, 2016, Liverpool, UK;International Congress of Immunology

Track 8:Viral Immunology: Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases

Immunology is the study of all aspects of the immune system in all organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and disease; malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Viruses are strongly immunogenic and induces 2 types of immune responses; humoral and cellular. The repertoire of specificities of T and B cells are formed by rearrangements and somatic mutations. T and B cells do not generally recognize the same epitopes present on the same virus. B cells see the free unaltered proteins in their native 3-D conformation whereas T cells usually see the Ag in a denatured form in conjunction with MHC molecules. The characteristics of the immune reaction to the same virus may differ in different individuals depending on their genetic constitutions.

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6thInternational Conference andExhibition onImmunology,Oct 24-26, 2016, USA;InternationalConference onAutoimmunity, Oct 24-26, 2016, UK;5thEuropeanImmunologyConference, July 21-23, 2016, Germany; InternationalConference onCancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016, Australia;International Conference onMucosal Immunology, July 28-29, 2016, Australia; 2nd InternationalConference on Antibodiesand Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; InternationalConference on Tumor Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; InternationalConference on Cancer Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia

Track 9:Pediatric Immunology

A child suffering from allergies or other problems with his immune system is referred as pediatric immunology. Childs immune system fights against infections. If the child has allergies, their immune system wrongly reacts to things that are usually harmless. Pet dander, pollen, dust, mold spores, insect stings, food, and medications are examples of such things. This reaction may cause their body to respond with health problems such as asthma, hay fever, hives, eczema (a rash), or a very severe and unusual reaction calledanaphylaxis. Sometimes, if your childs immune system is not working right, he may suffer from frequent, severe, and/or uncommon infections. Examples of such infections are sinusitis (inflammation of one or more of the sinuses), pneumonia (infection of the lung), thrush (a fungus infection in the mouth), and abscesses (collections of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue) that keep coming back.

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International Conference on Pediatric Care and Pediatric Infectious Disease, August 24-25, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 7th International Conference on Pediatric Nursing and Healthcare, July 11-12, 2016 Cologne, Germany; International Congress on Pediatrics, 02-05 Jun 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark; 7th InternationalConference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14;-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany; World Summit on Pediatric , 23 - 26 Jun 2016, Porto, Portugal; International Conference on Pediatric Nursing and Healthcare, Jul 11 - 13 2016, Cologne, Germany; Immunology 2016, American Association of Immunologists, Annual Meeting May 13-17, Los Angeles, USA; Immunology events;USA Immunology Conferences

Track 10:Immunotherapy & Cancer Immunotherapy: From Basic Biology to Translational Research

Immunotherapy is treatment that uses certain parts of a persons immune system to fight diseases such as cancer. This can be done in a couple of ways:

Stimulating your own immune system to work harder or smarter to attack cancer cells Giving you immune system components, such as man-made immune system proteins

Some types of immunotherapy are also sometimes called biologic therapy or biotherapy. In the last few decades immunotherapy has become an important part of treating some types of cancer. Newer types of immune treatments are now being studied, and theyll impact how we treat cancer in the future. Immunotherapy includes treatments that work in different ways. Some boost the bodys immune system in a very general way. Others help train the immune system to attack cancer cells specifically.

Cancer immunotherapy is the use of the immune system to treat cancer. The main types of immunotherapy now being used to treat cancer include:

Monoclonal antibodies: these are man-made versions of immune system proteins. Antibodies can be very useful in treating cancer because they can be designed to attack a very specific part of a cancer cell.

Immune checkpoint inhibitors: these drugs basically take the brakes off the immune system, which helps it recognize and attack cancer cells.

Cancer vaccines: vaccines are substances put into the body to start an immune response against certain diseases. We usually think of them as being given to healthy people to help prevent infections. But some vaccines can help prevent or treat cancer.

Other, non-specific immunotherapies: these treatments boost the immune system in a general way, but this can still help the immune system attack cancer cells.

Immunotherapy drugs are now used to treat many different types of cancer. For more information about immunotherapy as a treatment for a specific cancer, please see our information on that type of cancer.

Related: Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; InternationalConference on Tumor Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; InternationalConference on Cancer Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia, 2nd internationalCongress on Neuroimmunology& therapeutics, Dec 01-03, 2016, USA;International Congress of Immunology;2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany;5th European Immunology Conferences, July 21-23, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 9th European Mucosal Immunology meetings, October 9 - 12 October, Scotland; international congress on immunology, august 21-26, 2016, Australia; 4th European Immunology events September 6-9, 2015, Austria

Track 11:Immunology and Diabetes

Immunologyis the study of the immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body from foreign cells such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. Immune system cells called T and B lymphocytes identify and destroy these invaders. Thelymphocytesusually recognize and ignore the bodys own tissue (a condition called immunological self-tolerance), but certain autoimmune disorders trigger a malfunction in the immune response causing an attack on the bodys own cells due to a loss ofimmune tolerance.

Type 1 diabetes is anautoimmune diseasethat occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas. This attack begins years before type 1 diabetes becomes evident, so by the time someone is diagnosed, extensive damage has already been done and the ability to produceinsulinis lost.

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InternationalConference onMucosalImmunology, July 28-29, 2016, Australia; International Conference onAllergy, March 29-30, 2016, Spain; 2ndInternationalCongress onNeuroimmunology&Therapeutics, Dec 01-03, 2016, USA;7th InternationalConference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; Asthma EventsSeptember 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;2nd InternationalConference on Antibodiesand Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; InternationalConference on Tumor Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; InternationalConference on Cancer Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; Immunology events InternationalcongressonImmunology, August 21-26, 2016, Australia; British society for Immunology Annual Immunology Congress, 6-9 Dec, 2016, Liverpool, UK

Track 12:Immune Tolerance

Immunological toleranceis the failure to mount animmuneresponse to an antigen. It can be: Natural or "self"tolerance. This is the failure (a good thing) to attack the body's own proteins and other antigens. If the immunesystem should respond to "self",an autoimmune diseasemay result. Natural or "self" tolerance: Induced tolerance: This is tolerance to externalantigens that has been created by deliberately manipulating theimmune system.

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InternationalConference onMucosalImmunology, July 28-29, 2016, Australia; International Conference onAllergy, March 29-30, 2016, Spain; 2ndInternationalCongress onNeuroimmunology&Therapeutics, Dec 01-03, 2016, USA;7th InternationalConference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; Asthma EventsSeptember 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;2nd InternationalExhibition on Antibodiesand Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; InternationalConference on Tumor Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; InternationalConference on Cancer Immunologyand Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; Immunology events InternationalcongressonImmunology, August 21-26, 2016, Australia; British society for Immunology Annual Immunology Congress, 6-9 Dec, 2016, Liverpool, UK

Track 13:Vaccines and Immunotherapy

Vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to particular disease. It contains certain agent that not only resembles a disease causing microorganism but it also stimulates bodys immune system to recognise the foreign agents. Vaccines are dead or inactivated organisms or purified products derived from them. whole organism vaccines purified macromolecules as vaccines,recombinant vaccines, DNA vaccines. The immune system recognizes vaccine agents as foreign, destroys them, and "remembers" them. The administration of vaccines is called vaccination. In order to provide best protection, children are recommended to receive vaccinations as soon as their immune systems are sufficiently developed to respond to particular vaccines with additional "booster" shots often required to achieve "full immunity".

Immunotherapy is treatment that uses certain parts of a persons immune system to fight diseases such as cancer. This can be done in a couple of ways:

Stimulating your own immune system to work harder or smarter to attack cancer cells

Giving you immune system components, such as man-made immune system proteins

Some types of immunotherapy are also sometimes called biologic therapy or biotherapy. In the last few decades immunotherapy has become an important part of treating some types of cancer. Newer types of immune treatments are now being studied, and theyll impact how we treat cancer in the future. Immunotherapy includes treatments that work in different ways. Some boost the bodys immune system in a very general way. Others help train the immune system to attack cancer cells specifically. Immunotherapy works better for some types of cancer than for others. Its used by itself for some of these cancers, but for others it seems to work better when used with other types of treatment.

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10th Euro Global Summit andExpo on Vaccines & VaccinationJune 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy; 11th Global Summit andExpo on Vaccines, Vaccination and TherapeuticsSeptember 12-14, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona, USA; 12th Asia Pacific Global Summit andExpo on Vaccines & VaccinationNovember 24-26, 2016 Melbourne, Australia;International Congress of Immunology;7th InternationalConference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; International Conference on Autoimmunity, October 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UK;World Vaccine CongressApril 10-12, 2017 Washington; 10thVaccine Congress4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam British society for Immunology Annual Immunology Congress, 6-9 Dec, 2016, Liverpool, UK; 5th European Immunology Conferences, July 21-23, 2016 Berlin, Germany;USA Immunology Conferences

Track 14:Immunologic Techniques, Microbial Control and Therapeutics

Immunological techniques include both experimental methods to study the immune system and methods to generate or use immunological reagents as experimental tools. The most common immunological methods relate to the production and use of antibodies to detect specific proteins in biological samples. Various laboratory techniques exist that rely on the use of antibodies to visualize components of microorganisms or other cell types and to distinguish one cell or organism type from another. Immunologic techniques are used for: Quantitating and detectingantibodiesand/orantigens, Purifying immunoglobulins, lymphokines and other molecules of the immune system, Isolating antigens and other substances important in immunological processes, Labelling antigens and antibodies, Localizing antigens and/or antibodies in tissues and cells, Detecting, and fractionatingimmunocompetent cells, Assaying forcellular immunity, Documenting cell-cell interactions, Initiating immunity and unresponsiveness, Transplantingtissues, Studying items closely related to immunity such as complement,reticuloendothelial systemand others, Molecular techniques for studying immune cells and theirreceptors, Imaging of the immune system, Methods for production or their fragments ineukaryoticandprokaryotic cells.

Microbial control:

Control of microbial growth, as used here, means to inhibit or prevent growth of microorganisms. This control is achieved in two basic ways: (1) by killing microorganisms or (2) by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Control of growth usually involves the use of physical or chemical agents which either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms. Agents which kill cells are called cidal agents; agents which inhibit the growth of cells (without killing them) are referred to as static agents. Thus, the term bactericidal refers to killing bacteria, and bacteriostatic refers to inhibiting the growth of bacterial cells. A bactericide kills bacteria, a fungicide kills fungi, and so on. In microbiology, sterilization refers to the complete destruction or elimination of all viable organisms in or on a substance being sterilized. There are no degrees of sterilization: an object or substance is either sterile or not. Sterilization procedures involve the use of heat, radiation or chemicals, or physical removal of cells.

Related: Immunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC

2nd international conference on innate immunity, July 21-22, 2016, Germany; 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies and Therapeutics, July 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;7th InternationalConference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;International Conference on Autoimmunity, October 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UK; Immunology 2016, American Association of Immunologists, Annual MeetingMay 13-17, Los Angeles, USA;9th EuropeanMucosal Immunology meetings, October 9 - 12 October, Scotland;

Track 15:Immunodeficiency

Immunodeficiency is a state in which theimmune system's ability to fightinfectious diseaseis compromised or entirely absent. Immunodeficiency disorders prevent your body from adequately fighting infections and diseases. An immunodeficiency disorder also makes it easier for you to catch viruses and bacterial infections in the first place. Immunodeficiency disorders are often categorized as either congenital or acquired. A congenital, or primary, disorder is one you were born with. Acquired, or secondary, disorders are disorders you get later in life. Acquired disorders are more common thancongenital disorders. Immune system includes the following organs: spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, lymph nodes. These organs make and release lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are white blood cells classified as B cells and T cells. B and T cells fight invaders called antigens. B cells release antibodies specific to the disease your body detects. T cells kill off cells that are under attack by disease. An immunodeficiency disorder disrupts your bodys ability to defend itself against these antigens. Types of immunodeficiency disorder are Primary immunodeficiency disorders & Secondary immunodeficiency disorders.

Primary immunodeficiency disorders are immune disorders you are born with. Primary disorders include:

X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA)

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)

Severe combined immunodeficiency(SCID)

Secondary disorders happen when an outside source, such as a toxic chemical or infection, attacks your body. Severe burns and radiation also can cause secondary disorders.

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Stem Cell Basics VI. | stemcells.nih.gov

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem celllike state by being forced to express genes and factors important for maintaining the defining properties of embryonic stem cells. Although these cells meet the defining criteria for pluripotent stem cells, it is not known if iPSCs and embryonic stem cells differ in clinically significant ways. Mouse iPSCs were first reported in 2006, and human iPSCs were first reported in late 2007. Mouse iPSCs demonstrate important characteristics of pluripotent stem cells, including expressing stem cell markers, forming tumors containing cells from all three germ layers, and being able to contribute to many different tissues when injected into mouse embryos at a very early stage in development. Human iPSCs also express stem cell markers and are capable of generating cells characteristic of all three germ layers.

Although additional research is needed, iPSCs are already useful tools for drug development and modeling of diseases, and scientists hope to use them in transplantation medicine. Viruses are currently used to introduce the reprogramming factors into adult cells, and this process must be carefully controlled and tested before the technique can lead to useful treatment for humans. In animal studies, the virus used to introduce the stem cell factors sometimes causes cancers. Researchers are currently investigating non-viral delivery strategies. In any case, this breakthrough discovery has created a powerful new way to "de-differentiate" cells whose developmental fates had been previously assumed to be determined. In addition, tissues derived from iPSCs will be a nearly identical match to the cell donor and thus probably avoid rejection by the immune system. The iPSC strategy creates pluripotent stem cells that, together with studies of other types of pluripotent stem cells, will help researchers learn how to reprogram cells to repair damaged tissues in the human body.

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Stem Cell Basics VI. | stemcells.nih.gov

Embryonic Stem Cells | stemcells.nih.gov

by Junying Yu* and James A. Thomson**

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells capture the imagination because they are immortal and have an almost unlimited developmental potential (Fig. 1.1: How hESCs are derived). After many months of growth in culture dishes, these remarkable cells maintain the ability to form cells ranging from muscle to nerve to bloodpotentially any cell type that makes up the body. The proliferative and developmental potential of human ES cells promises an essentially unlimited supply of specific cell types for basic research and for transplantation therapies for diseases ranging from heart disease to Parkinson's disease to leukemia. Here we discuss the origin and properties of human ES cells, their implications for basic research and human medicine, and recent research progress since August 2001, when President George W. Bush allowed federal funding of this research for the first time. A previous report discussed progress prior to June 17, 2001 (/info/scireport/.)

Figure 1.1. How Human Embryonic Stem Cells are Derived.

( 2006 Terese Winslow)

Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos at a developmental stage before the time that implantation would normally occur in the uterus. Fertilization normally occurs in the oviduct, and during the next few days, a series of cleavage divisions occur as the embryo travels down the oviduct and into the uterus. Each of the cells (blastomeres) of these cleavage-stage embryos are undifferentiated, i.e. they do not look or act like the specialized cells of the adult, and the blastomeres are not yet committed to becoming any particular type of differentiated cell. Indeed, each of these blastomeres has the potential to give rise to any cell of the body. The first differentiation event in humans occurs at approximately five days of development, when an outer layer of cells committed to becoming part of the placenta (the trophectoderm) separates from the inner cell mass (ICM). The ICM cells have the potential to generate any cell type of the body, but after implantation, they are quickly depleted as they differentiate to other cell types with more limited developmental potential. However, if the ICM is removed from its normal embryonic environment and cultured under appropriate conditions, the ICM-derived cells can continue to proliferate and replicate themselves indefinitely and still maintain the developmental potential to form any cell type of the body (quot;pluripotencyquot;; see Fig. 1.2: Characteristics of ESCs). These pluripotent, ICM-derived cells are ES cells.

Figure 1.2.Characteristics of Embryonic Stem Cells.

( 2006 Terese Winslow)

The derivation of mouse ES cells was first reported in 1981,1,2 but it was not until 1998 that derivation of human ES cell lines was first reported.3 Why did it take such a long time to extend the mouse results to humans? Human ES cell lines are derived from embryos produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF), a process in which oocytes and sperm are placed together to allow fertilization to take place in a culture dish. Clinics use this method to treat certain types of infertility, and sometimes, during the course of these treatments, IVF embryos are produced that are no longer needed by the couples for producing children. Currently, there are nearly 400,000 IVF-produced embryos in frozen storage in the United States alone,4 most of which will be used to treat infertility, but some of which (~2.8%) are destined to be discarded. IVF-produced embryos that would otherwise have been discarded were the sources of the human ES cell lines derived prior to President Bush's policy decision of August 2001. These human ES cell lines are now currently eligible for federal funding. Although attempts to derive human ES cells were made as early as the 1980s, culture media for human embryos produced by IVF were suboptimal. Thus, it was difficult to culture single-cell fertilized embryos long enough to obtain healthy blastocysts for the derivation of ES cell lines. Also, species-specific differences between mice and humans meant that experience with mouse ES cells was not completely applicable to the derivation of human ES cells. In the 1990s, ES cell lines from two non-human primates, the rhesus monkey5 and the common marmoset,6 were derived, and these offered closer models for the derivation of human ES cells. Experience with non-human primate ES cell lines and improvements in culture medium for human IVF-produced embryos led rapidly to the derivation of human ES cell lines in 1998.3

Because ES cells can proliferate without limit and can contribute to any cell type, human ES cells offer an unprecedented access to tissues from the human body. They will support basic research on the differentiation and function of human tissues and provide material for testing that may improve the safety and efficacy of human drugs (Figure 1.3: Promise of SC Research).7,8 For example, new drugs are not generally tested on human heart cells because no human heart cell lines exist. Instead, researchers rely on animal models. Because of important species-specific differences between animal and human hearts, however, drugs that are toxic to the human heart have occasionally entered clinical trials, sometimes resulting in death. Human ES cell-derived heart cells may be extremely valuable in identifying such drugs before they are used in clinical trials, thereby accelerating the drug discovery process and leading to safer and more effective treatments.911 Such testing will not be limited to heart cells, but to any type of human cell that is difficult to obtain by other sources.

Figure 1.3: The Promise of Stem Cell Research.

( 2006 Terese Winslow)

Human ES cells also have the potential to provide an unlimited amount of tissue for transplantation therapies to treat a wide range of degenerative diseases. Some important human diseases are caused by the death or dysfunction of one or a few cell types, e.g., insulin-producing cells in diabetes or dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease. The replacement of these cells could offer a lifelong treatment for these disorders. However, there are a number of challenges to develop human ES cell-based transplantation therapies, and many years of basic research will be required before such therapies can be used to treat patients. Indeed, basic research enabled by human ES cells is likely to impact human health in ways unrelated to transplantation medicine. This impact is likely to begin well before the widespread use of ES cells in transplantation and ultimately could have a more profound long-term effect on human medicine. Since August 2001, improvements in culture of human ES cells, coupled with recent insights into the nature of pluripotency, genetic manipulation of human ES cells, and differentiation, have expanded the possibilities for these unique cells.

Mouse ES cells and human ES cells were both originally derived and grown on a layer of mouse fibroblasts (called quot;feeder cellsquot;) in the presence of bovine serum. However, the factors that sustain the growth of these two cell types appear to be distinct. The addition of the cytokine, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), to serum-containing medium allows mouse ES cells to proliferate in the absence of feeder cells. LIF modulates mouse ES cells through the activation of STAT3 (signal transducers and activators of transcription) protein. In serum-free culture, however, LIF alone is insufficient to prevent mouse ES cells from differentiating into neural cells. Recently, Ying et al. reported that the combination of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and LIF is sufficient to support the self-renewal of mouse ES cells.12 The effects of BMPs on mouse ES cells involve induction of inhibitor of differentiation (Id) proteins, and inhibition of extracellular receptor kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK).12,13 However, LIF in the presence of serum is not sufficient to promote the self-renewal of human ES cells,3 and the LIF/STAT3 pathway appears to be inactive in undifferentiated human ES cells.14,15 Also, the addition of BMPs to human ES cells in conditions that would otherwise support ES cells leads to the rapid differentiation of human ES cells.16,17

Several groups have attempted to define growth factors that sustain human ES cells and have attempted to identify culture conditions that reduce the exposure of human ES cells to non human animal products. One important growth factor, bFGF, allows the use of a serum replacement to sustain human ES cells in the presence of fibroblasts, and this medium allowed the clonal growth of human ES cells.18 A quot;feeder-freequot; human ES cell culture system has been developed, in which human ES cells are grown on a protein matrix (mouse Matrigel or Laminin) in a bFGF-containing medium that is previously quot;conditionedquot; by co-culture with fibroblasts.19 Although this culture system eliminates direct contact of human ES cells with the fibroblasts, it does not remove the potential for mouse pathogens being introduced into the culture via the fibroblasts. Several different sources of human feeder cells have been found to support the culture of human ES cells, thus removing the possibility of pathogen transfer from mice to humans.2023 However, the possibility of pathogen transfer from human to human in these culture systems still remains. More work is still needed to develop a culture system that eliminates the use of fibroblasts entirely, which would also decrease much of the variability associated with the current culture of human ES cells. Sato et al. reported that activation of the Wnt pathway by 6-bromoindirubin3'-oxime (BIO) promotes the self-renewal of ES cells in the presence of bFGF, Matrigel, and a proprietary serum replacement product.24 Amit et al. reported that bFGF, TGF, and LIF could support some human ES cell lines in the absence of feeders.25 Although there are some questions about how well these new culture conditions will work for different human ES cell lines, there is now reason to believe that defined culture conditions for human ES cells, which reduce the potential for contamination by pathogens, will soon be achieved*.

Once a set of defined culture conditions is established for the derivation and culture of human ES cells, challenges to improve the medium will still remain. For example, the cloning efficiency of human ES cellsthe ability of a single human ES cell to proliferate and become a colonyis very low (typically less than 1%) compared to that of mouse ES cells. Another difficulty is the potential for accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes over prolonged periods of culture. For example, karyotypic changes have been observed in several human ES cell lines after prolonged culture, and the rate at which these changes dominate a culture may depend on the culture method.26,27 The status of imprinted (epigenetically modified) genes and the stability of imprinting in various culture conditions remain completely unstudied in human ES cells**. The status of imprinted genes can clearly change with culture conditions in other cell types.28,29 These changes present potential problems if human ES cells are to be used in cell replacement therapy, and optimizing medium to reduce the rate at which genetic and epigenetic changes accumulate in culture represents a long-term endeavor. The ideal human ES cell medium, then, (a) would be cost-effective and easy to use so that many more investigators can use human ES cells as a research tool; (b) would be composed entirely of defined components not of animal origin; (c) would allow cell growth at clonal densities; and (d) would minimize the rate at which genetic and epigenetic changes accumulate in culture. Such a medium will be a challenge to develop and will most likely be achieved through a series of incremental improvements over a period of years.

Among all the newly derived human ES cell lines, twelve lines have gained the most attention. In March 2004, a South Korean group reported the first derivation of a human ES cell line (SCNT-hES-1) using the technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Human somatic nuclei were transferred into human oocytes (nuclear transfer), which previously had been stripped of their own genetic material, and the resultant nuclear transfer products were cultured in vitro to the blastocyst stage for ES cell derivation.30*** Because the ES cells derived through nuclear transfer contain the same genetic material as that of the nuclear donor, the intent of the procedure is that the differentiated derivatives would not be rejected by the donor's immune system if used in transplantation therapy. More recently, the same group reported the derivation of eleven more human SCNT-ES cell lines*** with markedly improved efficiency (16.8 oocytes/line vs. 242 oocytes/line in their previous report).31*** However, given the abnormalities frequently observed in cloned animals, and the costs involved, it is not clear how useful this procedure will be in clinical applications. Also, for some autoimmune diseases, such as type I diabetes, merely providing genetically-matched tissue will be insufficient to prevent immune rejection.

Additionally, new human ES cell lines were established from embryos with genetic disorders, which were detected during the practice of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). These new cell lines may provide an excellent in vitro model for studies on the effects that the genetic mutations have on cell proliferation and differentiation.32

* Editor's note: Papers published since this writing report defined culture conditions for human embryonic stem cells. See Ludwig et al., Nat. Biotech 24: 185187, 2006; and Lu et al., PNAS 103:56885693, 2006.08.14.

** Editor's note: Papers published since the time this chapter was written address this: see Maitra et al., Nature Genetics 37, 10991103, 2005; and Rugg-Gunn et al., Nature Genetics 37:585587, 2005.

*** Editor's note: Both papers referenced in 30 and 31 were later retracted: see Science 20 Jan 2006; Vol. 311. No. 5759, p. 335.

To date, more than 120 human ES cell lines have been established worldwide,33* 67 of which are included in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Registry. As of this writing, 21 cell lines are currently available for distribution, all of which have been exposed to animal products during their derivation. Although it has been eight years since the initial derivation of human ES cells, it is an open question as to the extent that independent human ES cell lines differ from one another. At the very least, the limited number of cell lines cannot represent a reasonable sampling of the genetic diversity of different ethnic groups in the United States, and this has consequences for drug testing, as adverse reactions to drugs often reflect a complex genetic component. Once defined culture conditions are well established for human ES cells, there will be an even more compelling need to derive additional cell lines.

* Editor's note: One recent report now estimates 414 hESC lines, see Guhr et al., http://www.StemCells.com early online version for June 15, 2006: quot;Current State of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Overview of Cell Lines and their Usage in Experimental Work.quot;

The ability of ES cells to develop into all cell types of the body has fascinated scientists for years, yet remarkably little is known about factors that make one cell pluripotent and another more restricted in its developmental potential. The transcription factor Oct4 has been used as a key marker for ES cells and for the pluripotent cells of the intact embryo, and its expression must be maintained at a critical level for ES cells to remain undifferentiated.34 The Oct4 protein itself, however, is insufficient to maintain ES cells in the undifferentiated state. Recently, two groups identified another transcription factor, Nanog, that is essential for the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of mouse ES cells.35,36 The expression of Nanog decreased rapidly as mouse ES cells differentiated, and when its expression level was maintained by a constitutive promoter, mouse ES cells could remain undifferentiated and proliferate in the absence of either LIF or BMP in serum-free medium.12 Nanog is also expressed in human ES cells, though at a much lower level compared to that of Oct4, and its function in human ES cells has yet to be examined.

By comparing gene expression patterns between different ES cell lines and between ES cells and other cell types such as adult stem cells and differentiated cells, genes that are enriched in the ES cells have been identified. Using this approach, Esg-1, an uncharacterized ES cell-specific gene, was found to be exclusively associated with pluripotency in the mouse.37 Sperger et al. identified 895 genes that are expressed at significantly higher levels in human ES cells and embryonic carcinoma cell lines, the malignant counterparts to ES cells.38 Sato et al. identified a set of 918 genes enriched in undifferentiated human ES cells compared with their differentiated counterparts; many of these genes were shared by mouse ES cells.39 Another group, however, found 92 genes, including Oct4 and Nanog, enriched in six different human ES cell lines, which showed limited overlap with those in mouse ES cell lines.40 Care must be taken to interpret these data, and the considerable differences in the results may arise from the cell lines used in the experiments, methods to prepare and maintain the cells, and the specific methods used to profile gene expression.

Since establishing human ES cells in 1998, scientists have developed genetic manipulation techniques to determine the function of particular genes, to direct the differentiation of human ES cells towards specific cell types, or to tag an ES cell derivative with a certain marker gene. Several approaches have been developed to introduce genetic elements randomly into the human ES cell genome, including electroporation, transfection by lipid-based reagents, and lentiviral vectors.4144 However, homologous recombination, a method in which a specific gene inside the ES cells is modified with an artificially introduced DNA molecule, is an even more precise method of genetic engineering that can modify a gene in a defined way at a specific locus. While this technology is routinely used in mouse ES cells, it has recently been successfully developed in human ES cells (See chapter 4: Genetically Modified Stem Cells), thus opening new doors for using ES cells as vehicles for gene therapy and for creating in vitro models of human genetic disorders such as Lesch-Nyhan disease.45,46 Another method to test the function of a gene is to use RNA interference (RNAi) to decrease the expression of a gene of interest (see Figure 1.4: RNA interference). In RNAi, small pieces of double-stranded RNA (siRNA; small interfering RNA) are either chemically synthesized and introduced directly into cells, or expressed from DNA vectors. Once inside the cells, the siRNA can lead to the degradation of the messenger RNA (mRNA), which contains the exact sequence as that of the siRNA. mRNA is the product of DNA transcription and normally can be translated into proteins. RNAi can work efficiently in somatic cells, and there has been some progress in applying this technology to human ES cells.4749

Figure 1.4. How RNAi Can Be Used To Modify Stem Cells.

( 2006 Terese Winslow)

The pluripotency of ES cells suggests possible widespread uses for these cells and their derivatives. The ES cell-derived cells can potentially be used to replace or restore tissues that have been damaged by disease or injury, such as diabetes, heart attacks, Parkinson's disease or spinal cord injury. The recent developments in these particular areas are discussed in detail in other chapters, and Table 1 summarizes recent publications in the differentiation of specific cell lineages.

The differentiation of ES cells also provides model systems to study early events in human development. Because of possible harm to the resulting child, it is not ethically acceptable to experimentally manipulate the postimplantation human embryo. Therefore, most of what is known about the mechanisms of early human embryology and human development, especially in the early postimplantation period, is based on histological sections of a limited number of human embryos and on analogy to the experimental embryology of the mouse. However, human and mouse embryos differ significantly, particularly in the formation, structure, and function of the fetal membranes and placenta, and the formation of an embryonic disc instead of an egg cylinder.5052 For example, the mouse yolk sac is a well-vascularized, robust, extraembryonic organ throughout gestation that provides important nutrient exchange functions. In humans, the yolk sac also serves important early functions, including the initiation of hematopoiesis, but it becomes essentially a vestigial structure at later times or stages in gestation. Similarly, there are dramatic differences between mouse and human placentas, both in structure and function. Thus, mice can serve in a limited capacity as a model system for understanding the developmental events that support the initiation and maintenance of human pregnancy. Human ES cell lines thus provide an important new in vitro model that will improve our understanding of the differentiation of human tissues, and thus provide important insights into processes such as infertility, pregnancy loss, and birth defects.

Human ES cells are already contributing to the study of development. For example, it is now possible to direct human ES cells to differentiate efficiently to trophoblast, the outer layer of the placenta that mediates implantation and connects the conceptus to the uterus.17,53 Another use of human ES cells is for the study of germ cell development. Cells resembling both oocytes and sperm have been successfully derived from mouse ES cells in vitro.5456 Recently, human ES cells have also been observed to differentiate into cells expressing genes characteristic of germ cells.57 Thus it may also be possible to derive oocytes and sperm from human ES cells, allowing the detailed study of human gametogenesis for the first time. Moreover, human ES cell studies are not limited to early differentiation, but are increasingly being used to understand the differentiation and functions of many human tissues, including neural, cardiac, vascular, pancreatic, hepatic, and bone (see Table 1). Moreover, transplantation of ES-derived cells has offered promising results in animal models.5867

Although scientists have gained more insights into the biology of human ES cells since 2001, many key questions remain to be addressed before the full potential of these unique cells can be realized. It is surprising, for example, that mouse and human ES cells appear to be so different with respect to the molecules that mediate their self-renewal, and perhaps even in their developmental potentials. BMPs, for example, in combination with LIF, promote the self-renewal of mouse ES cells. But in conditions that would otherwise support undifferentiated proliferation, BMPs cause rapid differentiation of human ES cells. Also, human ES cells differentiate quite readily to trophoblast, whereas mouse ES cells do so poorly, if at all. One would expect that at some level, the basic molecular mechanisms that control pluripotency would be conserved, and indeed, human and mouse ES cells share the expression of many key genes. Yet we remain remarkably ignorant about the molecular mechanisms that control pluripotency, and the nature of this remarkable cellular state has become one of the central questions of developmental biology. Of course, the other great challenge will be to continue to unravel the factors that control the differentiation of human ES cells to specific lineages, so that ES cells can fulfill their tremendous promise in basic human biology, drug screening, and transplantation medicine.

We thank Lynn Schmidt, Barbara Lewis, Sangyoon Han and Deborah J. Faupel for proofreading this report.


* Genetics and Biotechnology Building, Madison, WI 53706, Email: jyu@primate.wisc.edu.

** John D. MacArthur Professor, Department of Anatomy, University of WisconsinMadison Medical School, The Genome Center of Wisconsin, and The Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, Madison, WI 53715, Email: thomson@primate.wisc.edu.

Introduction|Table of Contents|Chapter 2

Originally posted here:
Embryonic Stem Cells | stemcells.nih.gov

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiative | California’s …

The Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Initiative is a major effort from CIRM to create a collection of stem cells developed from thousands of individuals.

CIRM is creating the iPSC bank so that scientists can use the cells, either in a petri dish or transplanted into animals, to study how disease develops and progresses and develop and test new drugs or other therapies. The iPSC bank is now open and cell lines are available at catalog.coriell.org/CIRM.

The large size of the collection will provide researchers with a powerful tool for studying genetic variation between individuals, helping scientists understand how disease and treatment may vary in a diverse population like Californias.

Outside Stem Cell Lines

The CIRM iPSC Repository is now accepting up to 300 human pluripotent stem cell lines (including human Embryonic Stem Cells or human induced Pluripotent Stem Cells) from outside laboratories. Submitted lines can be expanded, at no cost to the investigator, for storage and distribution in the Repository.

The deadline for cell line submission is October 12, 2016. For more information about this opportunity and for submission criteria, see attached document below:

What is the iPSC Initative? How does it work? Why iPS cells? Who is generating the cells? Which diseases will be represented? How many samples are being collected for each condition?

What is the iPSC Initiative? The Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (hiPSC) Initiative is one of the California stem cell agencys major efforts to provide valuable resources to the research community. The goal is to create a bank of high quality stem cell lines developed from thousands of individuals for use in research.

How does it work? Blood or skin samples collected from approximately 3,000 individuals will be turned into stem cell lines. These lines will be made available to researchers throughout California and around the world.

Why iPS cells? iPS cells are generated from cells easily obtained from living humans, i.e. blood or a small piece of skin; they have unlimited expansion potential in the petri dish, so huge numbers of cells can be generated for research studies or drug development; and they can be coaxed into the types of cells affected in various diseases, such as heart or brain disorders. This provides an unprecedented opportunity to study the cell types from patients that are affected in disease but cannot otherwise be easily obtained in large quantities from them.

Who is generating the cells? Seven clinician scientists from four California institutions recruit tissue donors who suffer from one of the included diseases or are healthy controls. Some blood or a small piece of skin is collected from those donors, and these samples are shipped to the company Cellular Dynamics International (CDI). CDI generates iPS cells from the samples, and then transfers the iPS cells to the Coriell Institute for Biomedical Research. Coriell operates a cell bank that will distribute the iPS cells to interested researchers at academic and other non-profit institutions, and also to pharmaceutical companies that may want to use them to find new drugs for the diseases that are included in this bank. While CDI and Coriell are located outside California, they have set up facilities at the Buck Institute in Novato, CA, where they generate and bank the iPS cells for this Initiative.

Which diseases will be represented? The stem cell lines created will represent a variety of diseases or conditions that affect brain, heart, lung, liver or eyes. Grantees come from a variety of California-based institutions:

How many samples are being collected? Below is a table that outlines CIRM's collection goalsfor each condition, along with control samples.

* these control donors will be specifically tested for the absence of lung disease

CIRM's New Stem Cell Bank Up, Running (California Healthline)

iPSC Initiative Brochure [PDF] Stem Cell FAQ How do scientists model disease with iPSC's

See original here:
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiative | California's ...

Somatic stem cells in the human endometrium.

The existence of human endometrial somatic stem cells was proposed in the mid-20th century for the first time. This hypothesis became stronger and was revised by two authors between 1978 and 1989. Nevertheless, it was not until 2004 that scientific evidence was first published. As we describe here, the great regenerative capability of the human endometrium has been finally questioned in the last 8 years, and this period can be considered the most productive in endometrial stem cell biology given the new scientific information recapitulated to date. We provide a detailed summary based on the actual scientific knowledge obtained about (1) the existence of somatic stem cells in murine (detected with label-retaining cell methods) and human (cells isolated by different methods) endometria, (2) the involvement of bone marrow as a putative extrauterine source of endometrial somatic stem cells, (3) the implication and biological pathways of these cells in several pathologies like endometriosis and endometrial cancer, and (4) the future of endometrial somatic stem cells in regenerative medicine to provide new strategies in autologous transplant and bioengineering.

Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Read more here:
Somatic stem cells in the human endometrium.

Miller School of Medicine | University of Miami

Researchers Innovative Study Links Sustained Poverty to Worse Cognitive Function in Midlife

From left, Adina Zeki Al Hazzouri, Ph.D., with Tali Elfassy, M.S.P.H.

Sustained exposure to economic hardship over two decades was strongly associated with worse cognitive function in relatively young individuals, according to a recent study led by Adina Zeki Al Hazzouri, Ph.D., assistant professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

Zeki Al Hazzouri, Ph.D., was lead author of the article, Sustained Economic Hardship and Cognitive Function: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study, published recently in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Her Miller School co-author was Tali Elfassy, M.S.P.H., a Ph.D. candidate in Epidemiology. The studys co-authors are Stephen Sidney, M.D., M.P.H., of Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, Calif.; David Jacobs, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis; Eliseo J. Perez Stable, M.D., of the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities in Bethesda, and Kristine Yaffe, M.D., from the University of California San Francisco.

Read more about the research findings

Christopher B. OBrien, M.D., professor of clinical medicine and medical director of liver, intestinal and multivisceral transplant at the Miami Transplant Institute a unique affiliation between UHealth - the University of Miami Health System and Jackson Health System was the honoree at the second annual Flavors of Miami event in early September.

More here:
Miller School of Medicine | University of Miami