MediVet America Victorious in Vet-Stem Litigation
Nicholasville, KY (PRWEB) July 07, 2014
MediVet America Victorious in Vet-Stem Litigation
MediVet America, LLC is pleased to announce to its current and future customers a recent settlement with Vet-Stem, Inc. This decision, resulting from a lawsuit (MediVet America vs. Vet-Stem, Inc. Case # 13CV0498-WVG, United States District Court, So. District of California) was brought against Veterinary regenerative market competitor Vet-Stem (Poway, CA) and as of close of business July 1st 2014, brings an end to the dissemination of alleged misleading information by Vet-Stem.
The decision extends vindication to MediVet America as it relates to damaging and unsubstantiated claims against its patented regenerative medicine therapies for the large and small animal market. To date, over 10,000 animals have been treated with MediVets flagship product offering, adipose derived stem cell therapy. Through recent scientific efforts and support from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine as well as Nexellcom Biosciences (Lawrence, MA), MediVets system and protocols were independently validated. These studies can be found on the companys website as well as in the prestigious peer reviewed Journal of Fluorescence, Automated Enumeration and Viability Measurement of Canine Stromal Vascular Fraction Cells Using Fluorescence-Based Image Cytometry Method. J.Fluoresc. 2014, Apr 17. Chan LL, Cohen DA, Kuksin D, Paradis BD, Qiu J.
Today, MediVet is pleased to announce a favorable out of court settlement in the case the company brought against Vet-Stem. This legal actionable measure to protect the MediVet brand was taken in response to false claims allegedly made in a 2013 research project from INCELL corporation. The research project, funded by Vet-Stem, was aimed at discrediting the MediVet technology and to disrupt MediVets growing market share in the Veterinary regenerative medicine space.
MediVet CEO, Jeremy Delk was pleased to put the matter to rest. This is a true victory, and extends credence once again to our message, that our mission is to continue to offer innovative solutions based in science to the Veterinary market. While the terms of the settlement are confidential, we can say that we are pleased, and this substantial six figure settlement reiterates we will not allow our loyal customers and future customers to be misled for commercially driven purposes. Furthermore, as leaders in this market it is our duty to continue to offer innovation and bring answers to an ever evolving technology. We will continue to innovate, and protect the right to do so in order to bring the gold standard in Regenerative Medicine to the progressive customers we serve today, tomorrow and in the future irrespective of the legal costs to do so.
MediVet America:
Based right outside of Lexington, KY, MediVet is the global leader in Veterinary regenerative medicine. As of Jan 1, 2014 MediVet is a part of Medical Australia, a strategic move to secure resources for future research and development projects. Since 2009 MediVet has offered a wide variety of autologous healing modalities for the equine and small animal market. To date over 1000 Veterinarians are certified to practice in-clinic adipose derived stem cell treatments.
For additional information, please email MediVet America at or feel free to call us at 859-885-7111.
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MediVet America Victorious in Vet-Stem Litigation