Split Decision: Stem Cell Signal Linked with Cancer Growth

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Newswise Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a protein critical to hematopoietic stem cell function and blood formation. The finding has potential as a new target for treating leukemia because cancer stem cells rely upon the same protein to regulate and sustain their growth.

Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to all other blood cells. Writing in the February 2, 2014 advance online issue of Nature Genetics, principal investigator Tannishtha Reya, PhD, professor in the Department of Pharmacology, and colleagues found that a protein called Lis1 fundamentally regulates asymmetric division of hematopoietic stem cells, assuring that the stem cells correctly differentiate to provide an adequate, sustained supply of new blood cells.

Asymmetric division occurs when a stem cell divides into two daughter cells of unequal inheritance: One daughter differentiates into a permanently specialized cell type while the other remains undifferentiated and capable of further divisions.

This process is very important for the proper generation of all the cells needed for the development and function of many normal tissues, said Reya. When cells divide, Lis1 controls orientation of the mitotic spindle, an apparatus of subcellular fibers that segregates chromosomes during cell division.

During division, the spindle is attached to a particular point on the cell membrane, which also determines the axis along which the cell will divide, Reya said. Because proteins are not evenly distributed throughout the cell, the axis of division, in turn, determines the types and amounts of proteins that get distributed to each daughter cell. By analogy, imagine the difference between cutting the Earth along the equator versus halving it longitudinally. In each case, the countries that wind up in the two halves are different.

When researchers deleted Lis1 from mouse hematopoietic stem cells, differentiation was radically altered. Asymmetric division increased and accelerated differentiation, resulting in an oversupply of specialized cells and an ever-diminishing reserve of undifferentiated stem cells, which eventually resulted in a bloodless mouse.

What we found was that a large part of the defect in blood formation was due to a failure of stem cells to expand, said Reya. Instead of undergoing symmetric divisions to generate two stem cell daughters, they predominantly underwent asymmetric division to generate more specialized cells. As a result, the mice were unable to generate enough stem cells to sustain blood cell production.

The scientists next looked at how cancer stem cells in mice behaved when the Lis1 signaling pathway was blocked, discovering that they too lost the ability to renew and propagate. In this sense, the effect Lis1 has on leukemic self-renewal parallels its role in normal stem cell self-renewal, Reya said.

Go here to see the original:
Split Decision: Stem Cell Signal Linked with Cancer Growth

First Study Tracking Stem Cell Treatments For Children With Spinal Cord Injuries Shows Potential Benefit

Durham, NC (PRWEB) February 03, 2014

Previous studies have shown that multiple stem cell implantations might assist adults suffering from complete spinal cord injuries (SCI). Now a groundbreaking study released today in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine shows for the first time that children with SCI might benefit, too.

Marcin Majka, Ph.D., and Danuta Jarocha, Ph.D., led the study at Jagiellonian University College of Medicine in Krakow, Poland. "Although it was conducted on a small number of patients carrying a different injury level and type, preliminary results demonstrate the possibility of attaining neurological, motor and sensation and quality-of-life improvement in children with a chronic complete spinal cord injury through multiple bone marrow derived cell (BMNC) implantations. Intravenous implantations of these cells seem to prevent and/or help the healing of pressure ulcers," Dr. Majka said.

The study involved five children, ranging in age from 3 to 7, all of whom were patients at University Childrens Hospital in Krakow. Each had suffered a spinal cord injury at least six months prior to the start of the stem cell program and was showing no signs of improvement from standard treatments. The patients collectively underwent 19 implantation procedures with BM-derived cells, with every treatment cycle followed by an intensive four weeks of rehabilitation.

The children were evaluated over a one to six year period for sensation and motor improvement, muscle stiffness and bladder function. Any improvement in their quality of life was also noted, based on estimated functional recovery. Additionally, the development of neuropathic pain, secondary infections, urinary tract infections or pressure ulcers was tracked.

"Two of the five children receiving the highest number of transplantations demonstrated neurological and quality-of-life improvements," Dr. Jarocha said. "They included a girl who, before the stem cell implantations, had to be tube fed and needed a ventilator to breathe. She is now able to eat and breathe on her own."

The study also demonstrated no long-term side effects from the BMNCs, leading the researchers to conclude that single and multiple BMNCs implantations were safe for pediatric patients as well as adults.

Interestingly, when the scientists compared their study with those done on adults, the results did not suggest an advantage of the younger age. "This is somehow unexpected since the younger age should provide better ability to regenerate. Since the present study was done on a small number of patients, a larger study using the same methodology for pediatric and adult patients allowing a direct comparison should be performed to confirm or contradict the observation. Larger studies with patients segregated according to the type and level of the injury with the same infusion intervals should be performed to obtain more consistent data, too," Dr. Majka added.

"While this studys sample is small, it is the first to report the safety and feasibility of using bone marrow derived cells to treat pediatric patients with complete spinal cord injury," said Anthony Atala, M.D., editor of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine and director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. "The treatment resulted in a degree of neurological and quality-of-life improvement in the study participants."

The full article, "Preliminary study of autologous bone marrow nucleated cells transplantation in children with spinal cord injury," can be accessed at http://www.stemcellstm.com.

See the original post here:
First Study Tracking Stem Cell Treatments For Children With Spinal Cord Injuries Shows Potential Benefit

New stem cell production technique comes as a shock

An international research effort has found that mature animal cells can be shocked into an embryonic state simply by soaking them in acid or putting them under physical stress. The fortuitous breakthrough could prove to be massive for many fields of medical research if the method can be replicated using human cells, something researchers are confident will be possible.

The collaboration between Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Womens Hospital (BWH) and the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Japan found that by bathing mature cells harvested from mice in a weak acid, they reverted to a stem cell-like pluripotent state. Pluripotency, as the name suggests, is when a cell has the potential to become one of the many different cells found in an animal; "pluri" refers to many, as in plural, and "potent" the potential to become that many.

Pluripotent cells are an important resource for many forms of medical research. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are one type of pluripotent cell, yet the harvesting of ESCs has its opposition, as it involves the destruction of human embryos. Successful attempts at creating stem cells culminated in the 2012 Nobel Prize-winning research in which Shinya Yamanaka produced Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) from mature cells by introducing several pieces of DNA. The new technique being pioneered by researchers at Harvard and Riken is much simpler and would greatly reduce the expense of stem cell production.

It may not be necessary to create an embryo to acquire embryonic stem cells. Our research findings demonstrate that creation of an autologous pluripotent stem cell, a stem cell from an individual that has the potential to be used for a therapeutic purpose without an embryo, is possible, said senior author Dr. Charles Vacanti, chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and director of the Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine at BWH.

The origins of the research date back to 2001 and can be credited to Dr. Vacanti, a BWH anaesthesiologist best known for his work on the earmouse which gained notoriety in 1995. In 2001, Dr. Vacanti was working towards finding new cell types able to be used in his tissue engineering research. During this study he mistakenly reported a new type of stem cell he called spore-like cells," by passing neural stem cells and mature tissue cells through ever-smaller pipettes. He believed that these spore-like cells existed in all tissue, and that they remained dormant until needed to repair tissue damage. After heavy peer criticism, the research was shelved.

Six years on, enter Japanese graduate student Haruko Obokata. Armed with new insight, Dr. Vacanti and Obokata started investigating if the harsh process of extraction had produced the stem cells rather than his previous belief that they had been isolated from the tissue mixture. This new line of inquiry led the researchers to a remarkable finding, namely that any mature adult (somatic) cell has the potential to turn pluripotent if subjected to sub-lethal stress such as mild acidity, high or low temperature, or mechanical force. They named the process stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP). It can be seen taking place in the following video.

Mature blood cells taken from a live donor and engineered to glow were treated with a mild acid. These decreased in size and lost their functional characteristics during the process of conversion from mature somatic cell to STAP cell. The glowing STAP cells were then introduced to a (non-glowing) mouse blastocyst and were shown to contribute 100 percent to the somatic tissue in the embryo that formed. This was easily seen, as the embryo indeed glowed.

Its exciting to think about the new possibilities these findings open up, not only in areas like regenerative medicine, but perhaps in the study of cellular senescence and cancer as well. But the greatest challenge for me going forward will be to dig deeper into the underlying mechanisms, so that we can gain a deeper understanding of how differentiated cells can covert to such an extraordinarily pluripotent state, Obokata said.

The research was published in the journal Nature. The glowing mouse embryo can be seen in the video below.

Sources: Brigham and Womens Hospital (BWH), Riken Center for Developmental Biology

Original post:
New stem cell production technique comes as a shock

therapy treatment for spinal cord injury by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india – Video

therapy treatment for spinal cord injury by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india
improvement seen in just 5 days after stem cell therapy treatment for spinal cord injury by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india. Stem Cell Therapy done date 7 Jan ...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

See the original post:
therapy treatment for spinal cord injury by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india - Video

Chemical stem cell signature predicts treatment response for acute myeloid leukemia



Contact: Kim Newman sciencenews@einstein.yu.edu 718-430-3101 Albert Einstein College of Medicine

February 3, 2014 (Bronx, NY) Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center have found a chemical "signature" in blood-forming stem cells that predicts whether patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) will respond to chemotherapy.

The findings are based on data from nearly 700 AML patients. If validated in clinical trials, the signature would help physicians better identify which AML patients would benefit from chemotherapy and which patients have a prognosis so grave that they may be candidates for more aggressive treatments such as bone-marrow transplantation. The paper was published today in the online edition of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Sparing Patients from Debilitating Side Effects

According to the American Cancer Society, AML accounts for nearly one-third of all new leukemia cases each year. In 2013, more than 10,000 patients died of AML.

"AML is a disease in which fewer than 30 percent of patients are cured," said co-senior author Ulrich Steidl, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of cell biology and of medicine and the Diane and Arthur B. Belfer Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research at Einstein and associate chair for translational research in oncology at Montefiore. "Ideally, we would like to increase that cure rate. But in the meantime, it would help if we could identify who won't benefit from standard treatment, so we can spare them the debilitating effects of chemotherapy and get them into clinical trials for experimental therapies that might be more effective."

Analyzing Methylation Patterns

The Einstein study focused on so-called epigenetic "marks" chemical changes in DNA that turn genes on or off. The researchers focused on one common epigenetic process known as methylation, in which methyl (CH3) groups attach in various patterns to the genes of human cells. Researchers have known that aberrations in the methylation of hematopoietic, or blood-forming, stem cells (HSCs) can prevent them from differentiating into mature blood cells, leading to AML.

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Chemical stem cell signature predicts treatment response for acute myeloid leukemia

iPSC Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Market 2013 14 Complete Report at ReportsnReports.com

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) February 02, 2014

Stem cell research and experimentation has been in process for well over five decades, as stem cells have the unique ability to divide and replicate repeatedly. In addition, their unspecialized nature allows them to differentiate into a wide variety of specialized cell types. The possibilities arising from these characteristics have caused great commercial interest, with potential applications ranging from the use of stem cells in reversal or treatment of disease, to targeted cell therapy, tissue regeneration, pharmacological testing on cell-specific tissues, and more. Diseases such as Huntingtons Chorea, Parkinsons Disease, and spinal cord injuries are examples of clinical applications in which stem cells could offer benefits in halting or even reversing damage.

Traditionally, scientists have worked with both embryonic and adult stem cells as research tools. While the appeal of embryonic cells has been their ability to differentiate into any type of cell, there has been significant ethical, moral and spiritual controversy surrounding their use for research purposes. Although some adult stem cells do have differentiation capacity, it is often limited in nature, which creates narrow options for use. Thus, induced pluripotent stem cells sector (http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/206575-complete-2012-13-induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-industry-report.html) represent a promising combination of adult and embryonic stem cell characteristics.

Continued research and experimentation has resulted in numerous advances over the last few years. In one example, the University of Michigan announced in Circulation Research (2012) that they had developed innovative methods for use of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from skin biopsies to create cardiac muscle cells. This accomplishment quickly fueled other research into the use of iPSCs for the reversal and repair of diseased heart tissue.

Similar advances will continue to be perfected for use of reprogrammed adult cells in the treatment of other diseases and disorders. Original techniques for iPSC production, such as viral induced transcription processes, are being replaced with newer technologies as private industries join with the scientific community to develop safe and efficient methods of iPSC production. With sustained research and experimentation, established guidelines for effective production of iPSCs will be commonplace.

In summary, induced pluripotent stem cells represent a promising tool for use in the reversal and repair of many previously incurable diseases.

Market Metrics - iPSC Research Products: For this reason a large and thriving research products market has grown into existence for the cell type. The number of iPSC research products sold worldwide has been growing at an annual rate of 14.7% for the past five years. In addition, 22% of all stem cell researchers now self-report as having used induced pluripotent stem cells within a research project. It is clear that iPSCs are a vital research trend within the scientific community.

A distinctive feature of this report is an end-user survey of 274 researchers (131 U.S. / 143 International) that identify as having induced pluripotent stem cells as their core research focus. These survey findings reveal iPSC researcher needs, technical preferences, key factors influencing buying decisions, and more. They can be used to make effective product development decisions, create targeted marketing messages, and produce higher prospect-to-client conversion rates.

Remember, to benefit from this lucrative product market, you need to anticipate and serve the needs of your clients, or your competitors will.

Purchase Report @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/purchase.aspx?name=206575.

Originally posted here:
iPSC Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Market 2013 14 Complete Report at ReportsnReports.com

Parkinsons sufferer has vital treatment

Parkinson's Disease sufferer James DeLittle has vital treatment in Kiev

9:57am Monday 3rd February 2014 in News By Mike Laycock, Chief reporter

A PARKINSONS Disease sufferer has returned home to York after pioneering stem cell treatment in Kiev and he already appears to be feeling the benefits.

James DeLittle, 49, of Broadway West in Fulford, is enjoying improved balance, which reduces the risks of falling over, said his mother Rosemary.

But she said the clinic that provided the two-day treatment had said it could be up to five months before the full effects were known.

The Press reported earlier this month that James condition had worsened significantly in recent months, affecting his balance and causing him to fall several times, suffering injuries including a broken nose, ribs and thumb joint.

He decided to travel to a clinic in the Ukrainian capital Kiev for foetal stem cells to be injected into him in a bid to tackle the illness.

The clinic told him it had treated more than 100 patients with Parkinsons in recent years, with improvements reported in 75 per cent of cases, including reduction of tremor and rigidity, and cognitive and gait improvements.

The former St Peters School pupil said he believed he was the first person from the UK to go to the clinic, but it was costing 7,000 to pay for the treatment, travel and accommodation.

After the article appeared, his family received donations from well-wishers who wanted to help with the costs.

Read more here:
Parkinsons sufferer has vital treatment

Health Beat: Pros and cons of banking your baby's stem cells


Umbilical cord stem cell banking can be expensive and controversial, but Jamie and Ben Page decided to bank their daughter Harlow's stem cells, just in case. Then, "just in case" became a reality.

"We had heard about cord blood banking and talked about it a lot and thought let's just go for it and have it just as a backup," said Jamie Page.

It turns out, they did need it. Harlow had cancer in her uterus.

"On the ultrasound, they immediately saw that there was a mass in her abdomen about the size of a grapefruit," Page said.

After a year of chemotherapy, the tumor was gone. Doctors wanted to keep it that way.

"So, when the doctors found out we actually had her own stem cells, they were very excited," Page said.

"I think that her umbilical cord cells were used as a boost to her own cells when we harvested her to have adequate cells for reconstitution," said Dr. Elaine Morgan, oncologist, Lurie Children's Memorial Hospital.

Morgan does not advocate private cord stem cell banking at birth to be saved for a healthy baby's later use because it's not clinically useful and it's expensive.

The Pages paid almost $2,000 for the initial banking fee, plus an extra $125 per year.

See more here:
Health Beat: Pros and cons of banking your baby's stem cells

Stem cell researchers heralding major scientific discovery

January 29, 2014 - 17:55 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - Stem cell researchers are heralding a "major scientific discovery", with the potential to start a new age of personalized medicine, BBC News reports.

Scientists in Japan showed stem cells can now be made quickly just by dipping blood cells into acid.

Stem cells can transform into any tissue and are already being trialled for healing the eye, heart and brain.

The latest development, published in the journal Nature, could make the technology cheaper, faster and safer, according to the BBC.

The human body is built of cells with a specific role - nerve cells, liver cells, muscle cells - and that role is fixed. However, stem cells can become any other type of cell, and they have become a major field of research in medicine for their potential to regenerate the body.

Embryos are one, ethically charged, source of stem cells. Nobel prize winning research also showed that skin cells could be "genetically reprogrammed" to become stem cells (termed induced pluripotent stem cells).

Now a study shows that shocking blood cells with acid could also trigger the transformation into stem cells - this time termed STAP (stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency) cells.

Dr Haruko Obokata, from the Riken Centre for Developmental Biology in Japan, said she was "really surprised" that cells could respond to their environment in this way.

She added: "It's exciting to think about the new possibilities these findings offer us, not only in regenerative medicine, but cancer as well."

Go here to read the rest:
Stem cell researchers heralding major scientific discovery