Alzheimer’s Disease: Spotlight on Stem Cell Research – Rod Shankle

(Part 3 of 4) Rodman Shankle, MD spoke at the "Spotlight on Alzheimer's disease", an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on December 10, 2008. Shankle reviewed clinical data, which indicates that stem cells from the fat pad of the intestines have the capacity to repair damaged brain tissue found in Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders.

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Alzheimer's Disease: Spotlight on Stem Cell Research - Rod Shankle

Professor waarschuwt tegen commerciële stamcelklinieken

NETHERLANDS -- A quick scan of the internet using the search term "stem cell therapy" immediately delivers 17 million "hits". Stem cells have become a " hot" topic but how can patients and their families know whether stem cells can be used to treat their particular disease, now or in the future? What are the facts and what is (science) fiction

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Professor waarschuwt tegen commerciële stamcelklinieken

Arthritis: Spotlight on Stem Cell Research – Mark Genovese

(Part 2 of 5) Mark Genovese, MD, spoke at the "Spotlight on Arthritis," an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on January 30, 2009. Genovese defined the different types of arthritis and described current arthritis therapies as well as promising stem cell based therapeutic strategies.

Read the original here:
Arthritis: Spotlight on Stem Cell Research - Mark Genovese

Stem Cell Health Alliance – Breakthrough to Independence

The Stem Cell Health Alliance - Breakthrough to Independence program is a clinical study that has been designed to advance the breakthroughs experienced in combining adult stem cell treatment with a comprehensive rehabilitation therapy protocol targeted at medical conditions related to spinal cord injury. The study is an eighteen month initiative in which two quadriplegic young adult participants -- Garrett Tanner and Terrence Cooper and two paraplegic young adults - Ashley Sisti and Jhoonar Barrera -- receive adult stem cell treatments along with comprehensive physical therapy designed to support them in gaining enough strength and mobility to establish greater independence and a significant increase in their quality of life.

See the original post here:
Stem Cell Health Alliance - Breakthrough to Independence