Neural Stem Cells Reverse Alzheimer’s-Like Symptoms – Video

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have reversed Alzheimers-like symptoms in mouse models of the disease with injections of neural stem cells. The first author, Mathew Blurton-Jones, has a Training grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. The lead author, Frank LaFerla, has a SEED grant and an Early Translational grant from CIRM.

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Neural Stem Cells Reverse Alzheimer's-Like Symptoms - Video

Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Cured by Stem Cell Treatments – Video

Learn more at ? There is hope for those who suffer from complications of diabetes mellitus. Joann was legally blind, her vision was 20/60, and she suffered from diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Her vision was restored and A1C level went from 9 to 6 after her type 2 diabetes complications were reversed from stem cell treatments.

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Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Cured by Stem Cell Treatments - Video

Ellis Martin Report with International Stem Cell Corp – YouTube2.flv – Video

The Ellis Martin Report: Interview with International Stem Cell Corporation's Founder and Co-Chairman Kenneth Aldrich Lifeline Skin Care -- LLSC Remodeled marketing and structure of subsidiary to reach broader base of users and use multiple distribution channels including International distribution network, spas and resorts plus increased product supply.

Ellis Martin Report with International Stem Cell Corp - YouTube2.flv - Video

Stem Cells Regenerate New Finger! – Video

Soldiers wounded in action are getting benefits from Stem Cell Research where regeneration of both skin and fingers hopefully will lead to whole limbs and organs being replaced! The matrix powder in this case fooled the DNA into 'replication' rather than 'repair', but we still need to have lots of stem cell activity too- check out products like Colostem and Cellworx or even Alpha Lipid Lifeline or Colostrum only capsules. Colostrum products have had over 5000 scientific studies documented. Colostrum has also been shown to help your own stem cell population re-activate, and it's a TOTALLY natural product, provided by Mother Nature.

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Stem Cells Regenerate New Finger! - Video