Post Stem Cell Therapy Testimony of Cerebral Palsy
Stem cell therapy done at neurogen brain and spine institute pvt ltd. Tell: +91 9920 200 400 , 022 25281610 , 022 25283706
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Post Stem Cell Therapy Testimony of Cerebral Palsy
Stem cell therapy done at neurogen brain and spine institute pvt ltd. Tell: +91 9920 200 400 , 022 25281610 , 022 25283706
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Post Stem Cell Therapy Testimony of Cerebral Palsy
Medical breakthrough shows the promise of stem cell medicine.
Third video after stem cell treatment in Beijing at Wu stem cell medical center
Continued here:
Cerebral palsy patient Bianca after stem cell treatment 3.wmv
Spinal cord injury patient during stem cell treatment at Wu stem cell medical center in Beijing.
Here is the original post:
Juliana discussed the improvements her daughter has made over the past year and a half after undergoing 2 stem cell treatments at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama.
More here:
Stem Cell Treatments for Autism: Community Outreach Miami, Florida - Juliana Ubinas
This is a testimonial of a diabetes condition patient: George. He talks about the clinic and how his condition improve after the Stem Cell Treatment
Excerpt from:
Diabetes - Stem Cell Treatment
Amniotic Fluid Based Stem Cell Injections are being offered at Preferred Pain Center in Arizona. The injections offer an opportunity to harness the body's regenerative potential and exponentially increase it: 1) Anti-inflammation 2) Hyaluronic Acid 3) Stem Cells 4) Non-steroidal, non-embryonic treatment Pain relief plus potential regeneration of cartilage and soft tissues such as rotator cuff and ligaments. Now at Preferred Pain Center
See the article here:
Regenerative Medicine With Stem Cell Therapy Injections at an Arizona pain clinic (602) 507-6550
Parkinson's disease patient before stem cell treatment at Wu stem cell medical center in Beijing.
See the original post:
UCLA Life Sciences Public Lecture: "Bone Marrow Stem Cells: Developing New Therapies in the Fight Against Disease"- Donald Kohn, January 18, 2011 Dr. Donald Kohn, UCLA professor of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics, his research group at the Kohn Lab focus on developing new therapies for genetic diseases of the blood cells using gene therapy methods to correct hematopoietic stem cells. His laboratory performs studies on gene transfer, expression and immune response and then translates the findings into clinical trials.
Excerpt from:
Bone Marrow Stem Cells/Gene Therapy
Dr. Ulrich Friedrichson has PhD in Genetics and double MD. He and his partners pioneered Cell Therapy technology in the 70s in Europe and now have a top of the line treatment facility in Southern Germany that successfully performing Cell Therapy on thousands of patients since 1982 with not 1 single adverse reaction
Originally posted here:
Dr. Ulrich Friedrichson, Geneticist, and Stem Cell Therapy pioneer