Development and Characterization of 3D Hybrid Spheroids | OTT – Dove Medical Press

1Institute of General and Experimental Pathology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, Wrocław Medical University, Wrocław, Poland; 2Flow Cytometry Laboratory, Department of Cancer Pathomorphology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland

Correspondence: Kamila Duś-Szachniewicz, Department of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, Institute of General and Experimental Pathology, Wrocław Medical University, Marcinkowskiego 1, Wrocław, 50-368, Poland, Tel +48 71 7871212, Email [emailprotected]

Purpose: B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (B-NHLs) are the most common lymphoproliferative malignancy. Despite targeted therapies, the bone marrow involvement remains a challenge in treating aggressive B-NHLs, partly due to the protective interactions of lymphoma cells with mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). However, data elucidating the relationship between MSCs and B-NHLs are limited and inconclusive due to the lack of reproducible in vitro three-dimensional (3D) models. Here, we developed and described a size-controlled and stable 3D hybrid spheroids of Ri-1 (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, DLBCL) and RAJI (Burkitt lymphoma, BL) cells with HS-5 fibroblasts to facilitate research on the crosstalk between B-NHL cells and MSCs. Materials and Methods: We applied the commercially available agarose hydrogel microwells for a fast, low-cost, and reproducible hybrid lymphoma/stromal spheroids formation. Standard histological automated procedures were used for formalin fixation and paraffin embedding (FFPE) of 3D models to produce good quality slides for histopathology and immunohistochemical staining. Next, we tested the effect of the anti-cancer drugs: doxorubicin (DOX) and ibrutinib (IBR) on mono-cultured and co-cultured B-NHLs with the use of alamarBlue and live/dead cell fluorescence based assays to confirm their relevancy for drug testing studies. Results: We optimized the conditions for B-NHLs spheroid formation in both: a cell line-specific and application-specific manner. Lymphoma cells aggregate into stable spheroids when co-cultured with stromal cells, of which internal architecture was driven by self-organization. Furthermore, we revealed that co-culturing of lymphoma cells with stromal cells significantly reduced IBR-induced apoptosis compared to the 3D mono-culture. Conclusion: This article provides details for generating 3D B-NHL spheroids for the studies on the lymphoma- stromal cells. This approach makes it suitable to assess in a relevant in vitro model the activity of new therapeutic agents in B-NHLs. Graphical Abstract:

Keywords: 3D lymphoma model, hybrid cell spheroids, lymphoma-stromal cell crosstalk, doxorubicin, ibrutinib, agarose hydrogel microwells

Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) represent heterogeneous and aggressive mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (B-NHLs).1,2 Approximately 20% and from 11 to 34% of patients with BL, and DLBCLs, respectively, have bone marrow (BM) involvement.3,4 Importantly, BM involvement by DLBCLs and BL is clinically recognized as a high-risk advanced disease.5

Key components of the BM niche are non-hematopoietic multipotent cells, known as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). They support and regulate hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell homeostasis,6 however, not by direct contact or secretion of soluble factors.7 Ongoing research demonstrates that MSCs impact tumor growth and progression. Interestingly, some studies show conflicting results indicating both: antitumorigenic,812 and protumorigenic1318 properties of MSCs, still their net effect appears to be predominantly protumorigenic. Several groups reported BM stromal cells providing chemoprotection to hematopoietic tumor cells via secreted inflammatory and chemotactic cytokines, such as CXCR12, IL-6, and IL-8, from the inhibitory effect of a treatment.1921 However, direct cellcell interactions are the ones that are essential for the chemoprotection of lymphoma cells by the bone marrow niche. Over a decade ago, Lwin et al established that BM stromal cells-derived BAFF (B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family) protects B-NHL cells from spontaneous apoptosis and is involved in cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance.22 In turn, Mraz and co-authors established that co-cultures of rituximab-responsive B-NHL cells with HS-5 stromal cells significantly reduced rituximab-induced apoptosis compared to cells cultured on a plastic surface.20 Interestingly, this experiment demonstrated that the protective effect of stromal cells on rituximab cytotoxicity was very similar in magnitude to the cell adhesion-mediated resistance to doxorubicin (DOX). The importance of cellcell interaction in lymphoma protection against anti-cancer drugs is still unknown. It is also inconclusive whether an interaction with MSCs could lead to the emergence of chemoresistant cells at a physiologically relevant drug dose. This is partially due to the lack of reproducible models for direct studies of lymphoma-stromal cells interactions.

The development of preclinical models with more relevant translational predictivity for the response of human cancers to drug candidates garnered much attention in recent years. The traditional model for in vitro study and drug screening is the two-dimensional (2D) culture, which reflects neither the three-dimensional (3D) architecture nor the complex cellcell and cellmicroenvironmental interactions.2325 For those reasons, the drug testing studies with 2D models mostly fail to predict in vivo responses to anti-cancer treatment.2628 Concurrently, in vitro drug testing studies performed with 3D tumor spheroids predict the in vivo sensitivity of tumor cells more accurately.2931

Spheroids aggregates can be established from a single cell type or mixtures of multiple cell types, including tumor, stromal, and immune cells. Given that tumors are composed of multiple cell types, 3D co-culturing increases the complexity of tumor models.3234 Unfortunately, there is a lack of well-characterized 3D hybrid models for studying DLBCL lymphoma- microenvironment crosstalk. Regarding DLBCL lymphomas, in 2017 a three-dimensional lymphoma-on-chip model, recapitulating the interactions between immune cells, cancer cells, and endothelial cells in the tumor microenvironment of DLBCL, was successfully developed.35 Recently, Foxall et al described a collagen scaffolds-based spheroid co-culture system comprising DLBCL cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF), and tumor-associated macrophages (TAM).36 Notably, both studies demonstrated that DLBCL cells interact with their constituent components, resulting in their improved viability compared to 2D mono-cultures. Finally, An et al successfully developed a canine 3D hybrid model by co-culturing the lymphoma cells, and lymph node-derived primary stromal cells.37 Importantly, they observed that lymphoma co-culture with stromal cells influenced apoptosis and the cell cycle of tumor cells, as well as upregulated multidrug resistance genes, such as P-qp, MRP1, and BCRP, compared with 3D mono-cultures. The above study revealed that understanding the interaction between the tumor microenvironment and lymphoma cells is essential in designing experimental approaches to personalized medicine and predicting the effects of drugs.

Unlike solid tumors, lymphoma cells grow in suspension in vitro. When cultured under standard 3D methods (eg, hanging drop, ultra-low attachment plates, rotary cell cultures),38 lymphoma cells form relatively flat aggregates. The above methods have other limitations, such as a lack of reproducibility and variability of spheroid sizes.39,40 Recently, hydrogels (water-swollen networks of polymers) have been widely used for spheroid preparation due to their biocompatibility and biodegradable properties. Moreover, hydrogel microwells provide a facile method to produce uniform-sized spheroids in a fast and low-cost manner.41,42 Notably, it was observed that they mimic salient elements of native extracellular matrices, and their mechanical properties are similar to those of many soft tissues, thus they can support cell adhesion.43,44

The objective of this study was to develop and characterize over days the hybrid B-cell lymphoma/stromal cells models with the use of low-cost, fast, and commercially available hydrogel microwells. We successfully generated two co-culture systems that recapitulate the interaction of lymphoma cells with MSCs. Our 3D hybrid spheroids were prepared using two B-NHL cell lines: Ri-1 and Raji representing DLBCL and BL, respectively. First, the growth and proliferation characteristics of 3D cultures were characterized over days using an image analysis demonstrating the differences between mono-cultures and hybrid spheroids. Next, we have confirmed the suitability of the generated models for applications, such as drug screening, allowing comparison of cell growth, survival, and invasiveness between treatment conditions. Taken together, we conclude the B-NHL hybrid spheroids are a promising preclinical model for studying the mechanism of lymphoma-MSCs interactions and for screening anti-cancer drugs.

The human bone marrow cells HS-5 were obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, MD, USA). The DLBCL cell line Ri-1 and BL cell line Raji were received from German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ, Germany). The cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 (Gibco, UK) with 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco, UK) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Gibco, UK). The cells were grown at 37 C in a humid atmosphere saturated with 5% CO2, and readjusted every week to a concentration of at least 1106 cells/mL by dilution in fresh complete medium or into new flasks.

Spheroids were generated using a non-adhesive agarose microwell system (mold 12256, 3D PetriDish, Microtissues Inc., RI, USA) according to the manufacturers instructions. In brief, molds with 15 mm wide and 3 mm high, containing 256 micropores of 400 m diameter each, were used to create gel microwells. A 2% agarose solution (w/v in H2O, UltraPure Agarose, Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK) was molten by microwaving, cooled to about 60 C, and 500 L of agarose was pipetted on top of the mold. Once the agarose gelled at room temperature, the microwell was gently separated from the mold, UV irradiated for at least 30 min and stored in PBS up to 7 days in 4 C.

Prior to the preparation of spheroids, the agarose microwell was placed in a glass-bottom dish with a diameter of 35 mm, and was incubated for 15 minutes with the warm culture medium to equilibrate the gel. Next, the culture medium from the outside of the gel and from the cell seeding chamber was carefully removed. Cells were counted with an automated cell counter (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany) and appropriate cell dilutions have been prepared. Spheroids were obtained by seeding 3.2104 cells per mold (seeding densities of 125 cells/well). Mixed spheroids were prepared from 3.2104 cells in four ratios of lymphomas to stromal cells, including 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:10. 190 L of cell suspension was carefully dropped into the cell seeding chamber. The cells fell to the bottom of the micropores in the gel in approximately 10 minutes, and up to 4 mL of the additional culture medium was added to the outside of the microwells gel. The medium was exchanged after 24 h and then every other 2 days. The spheroids were grown at 37 C in a humid atmosphere saturated with 5% CO2 for a maximum of 14 days. The morphology and size of spheroids were monitored every 24 h until day 14 by bright field microscopy using an inverted Olympus IX73 microscope (Olympus, Germany) with the Olympus Cell^A software.

At each time point, spheroids were assessed by automated counting for overall viability using the trypan blue dye exclusion method. First, the spheroids were taken up in 1 mL TrypLE Express Enzyme (Gibco, UK) and incubated in a water bath at 37 C for 15 min for dissociation. The suspension was then homogenized by gently pipetting up and down 510 times with a wide borehole pipette tip, and the reaction was quenched by adding 5 mL of the culture medium. Next, a 1:1 (vol/vol) mixture of dissociated cells and 0.4% trypan blue (Merck, Germany) was incubated for 2 min at room temperature. Viability was evaluated in an automated cell counter and by the provided software (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany), adjusting the cell size gate between 6 and 20 m.

Entire hydrogels with multiple spheroids were fixed for 30 minutes with a 10% formalin neutral buffer solution. According to the manufacturers instructions, the top of the hydrogel was covered by Cytoblock Replacement Reagents (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany) to prevent displacement of spheroids during histological processing. Entire agarose blocks underwent automated tissue processing (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany) and were embedded in paraffin as a final step. Five-micrometer-thick paraffin sections were prepared. Spheroids were deparaffinized, rehydrated, and stained with hematoxylin. The immunostaining was performed using a monoclonal mouse anti-human antibody against CD20 (clone L26, cat No. IS604, Dako, Denmark) on an autostainer (Autostainer Plus; Dako, Inc., Denmark) according to the manufacturers manual.

Cell viability was monitored by live/dead cell viability/cytotoxicity assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany) after 7 and 14 days of cell seeding. Briefly, the culture medium was removed, and spheroids in each hydrogel sample were washed three times in PBS for 5 minutes. Next, spheroids were incubated with a 200 L of PBS solution containing 1 M Calcein AM targeting living cells and 4 M Ethidium homodimer-1 labeling dead cells at 37 C for 30 minutes, protected from the light, as instructed by the manual. Green and red fluorescence was detected at excitation/emission wavelengths of 485/530 and 550/590 nm, respectively, and imaged under a fluorescence microscope Olympus BX43 with the Olympus cellSens software. The green and red fluorescence intensity was separately analyzed by ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, MD, USA), and the percentage of living and dead cells in spheroids was calculated by the corrected total cell fluorescence (CTCF) intensity.45

Doxorubicin (DOX) and ibrutinib (IBR) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim am Albuch, Germany), Stock concentrations for DOX (1mM) were made in nuclease-free water and stored at 20 C, while IBR (10 mM) was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma Aldrich) and stored at 4 C. Working stocks were made in the culture media.

The alamarBlue assay was performed to determine the drug IC50 values in B-NHL cell lines, as previously described.46 Three-day co-cultures of Ri-1 and HS-5 stromal cells (1:1 ratio), as well as mono-cultured Ri-1 spheroids, were treated with DOX and IBR in triplicate at 6 concentrations between 0.001 and 100 M. Gels with spheroids were reincubated for 48 hours after the addition of drugs. Next, the medium with drugs was gently aspirated, the spheroids were collected from the gel microwells and transferred into 96-well plates. A fresh cell culture medium with alamarBlue (Invitrogen, Germany) in an amount equal to 10% of the total volume was added and the plates were placed in an incubator for 24 h at 37 C, protected from the light. The absorbance was then read at 570 nm and 630 nm using a spectrophotometer (BioTek Instruments, VT, USA). Cell proliferation was determined by calculating the percentage reduction of alamarBlue with the use of the alamarBlue Colorimetric Calculator provided by Bio-rad.46 IC50 values were derived by a sigmoidal dose-response (variable slope) curve using GraphPad Prism 9 software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).

Three-day co-cultures of Ri-1 and HS-5 stromal cells (1:1 ratio), as well as mono-cultured Ri-1 spheroids, were exposed to up to 0.05 and 0.5 g/mL of DOX (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA) and 0.4 mol/L of IBR (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA) for 48 h at 37 C. Spheroids of the positive control for cytotoxicity were treated with 0.1% Triton-x-100 (TX) containing medium for 48 h. Untreated control spheroids were cultured in parallel. The proliferation/viability was assessed with an alamarBlue assay, as previously described.47

All data are represented as the meanstandard deviation (SD). Statistical comparisons were performed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Students t-test using Microsoft Excel 2018 (Microsoft Corp., CA, USA). P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.

We developed hybrid models by co-culturing the representative B-NHL cell lines: Raji (BL) and Ri-1 (DLBCL) with MSCs in agarose hydrogels. Cells were plated at a density of 125 cells/well (in total 3.2104 cells per hydrogel), incubated for up to 14 days, followed by a visual assessment, image acquisition, and an analysis. Parallelly, we researched the formation of sell-assembled lymphoma aggregates followed by measurements of their overall morphology and size. Schematic illustrations of the 3D hybrid culture are presented in Figure 1A. In our model, stromal cells self-aggregate in the center of the spheroid and are evenly surrounded by layered lymphoma cells.

Figure 1 Culture and staining of B-NHL spheroids. (A) Schematic illustration of the assembly of a 3D hybrid spheroid. Stromal cells (HS-5) aggregate densely, while lymphoma cells evenly surround the stromal cell core. (B) Lymphoma/MSCs hybrid spheroids (ratio 1:1) formed within agarose gel within 24 h. (C) Co-culture of HS-5 and Ri-1 cells in a hanging drop after 72 h of incubation. MSCs form multiple spheroids variable in size, while lymphoma cells are assembled into a flat, irregular aggregate. (D) Hematoxylin staining of FFPE spheroids (ratio 1:2 of Ri-1:HS-5) in agarose gel. (E) Immunohistochemical staining shows CD20 positive lymphoma cells surrounding the CD20 negative stromal cells, which self-aggregate in the center of the spheroid.

Abbreviations: B-NHL, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas; 3D, three-dimensional; MSCs, mesenchymal stromal cells; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded.

Different tumor and stromal cell ratios were prepared, including 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:10. Notably, in the case of ratios 1:4 and 1:10, we frequently observed the formation of multiple stromal spheroids within the individual wells. At the same time, we observed that co-culturing of lymphoma cells and MSCs in the ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 results in the best spheroid formation (Figure 1B); thus, further analyses were performed with a concentration ratio of 1:1. Next, we tried unsuccessfully to obtain the above model with the hanging drop method and the use of ultra-low attachment plates. As presented in Figure 1C, stromal cells aggregate in multiple, variable in size spheroids. In turn, lymphoma cells formed a flat, loose-structured, and irregularly shaped cell suspension. Notably, hydrogels allow forming a truly cohesive spheroid, not only a confined aggregated cell. Besides, this observation was further confirmed upon hematoxylin and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining (Figure 1D and E). B-NHL cells stained with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody are generally considered confirmatory of lymphoma cell infiltration into the BM, which is CD20 negative.

The dynamics of spheroids formation differed between the two B-NHL cell lines, as shown in Figure 2A. Raji cells, representing BL, developed a more compact and homogeneous in shape spheroids when compared to Ri-1 cells (DLBCL), which formed spheroids of apparently looser structure. Raji and Ri-1 cells aggregated in 24 h after seeding onto hydrogel microwells when co-cultured with MSCs and reported here timeline is comparable with the spheroid formation of other solid tumors. In turn, mono-cultured cells required three days to generate spheroids, which showed irregular shapes with a rough surface. Importantly, we observed that lymphoma cell aggregation into a 3D structure was significantly stimulated when co-cultured with MSCs for both cell lines. Mono-culturing of both lymphoma cell lines resulted in more loosely aggregated spheroids in comparison to co-culturing with MSCs. We observed that hybrid spheroids survived gentle handling without significant damage, unlike lymphoma mono-spheroids, which were easily dissociated by handling, suggesting low cellcell adhesion.

Figure 2 The growth and morphology of Ri-1 (DLBCL) and RAJI (BL) spheroids over time. (A) Typical images of mono- and co-cultured spheroids. For both cell lines, co-cultured spheroids were formed within 24 h after seeding, while mono-cultured cells required 72 h to form the spheroids of an apparently looser structure. (B and C) Growth curves for Ri-1 and RAJI spheroids up to 7 days after seeding. The growth rates of mono- and co-cultured Raji spheroids were significantly faster than those of Ri-1 spheroids. The calculation of the diameter of spheroids was performed using bright field images and the Image J program. The measurements are presented as the mean SD of 15 spheroids formed in three independent experiments. *P<0.5, ***P<0.001.

Abbreviations: DLBCL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; BL, Burkitt Lymphoma; SD, standard deviation.

Next, we revealed that the growth rates of mono- and co-cultured Raji spheroids were significantly faster than Ri-1 spheroids (Figure 2B and C). The highest proliferation of Raji spheroids was observed between days 3 and 5, while the most prominent increase of Ri-1 spheroids growth was noted between days 57 after seeding. After seven days of incubation, the average diameter of monocultured and co-cultured RAJI spheroids was 369 69 m and 321 73 m, respectively. In turn, mono- and co-cultured Ri-1 cells formed significantly smaller spheroids with a diameter of 244 53 m, and 199 38 m, respectively. The above data suggest that the growth of lymphoma spheroids was not stimulated when co-cultured with stromal cells; furthermore, a significantly lower diameter of the co-cultured spheroids was observed in comparison to mono-cultured spheroids.

Raji cells were mono-cultured or co-cultured with stromal cells followed by live/dead fluorescent staining and imaging of spheroids after 7 and 14 days. At the same time, the percentage of cell viability in Raji and Ri-1 spheroids was measured by the trypan blue dye exclusion method. Spheroids were resuspended in TrypLE Express before cell counting.

The live/dead cell assay results revealed that the viability of both: mono- and co-cultured cells during spheroid formation was preserved at seven days of incubation (Figure 3A). Calcein AM-stained green fluorescing viable cells made up the bulk of the spheroid, while the dead cells labeled with ethidium homodimer made up a small percentage of the spheroids. In turn, at the 14th day of incubation, a larger proportion of red fluorescent signal was observed, indicating significantly decreased viability of cells in the spheroids compared to the seventh day of co-culturing. Dead cells were evenly distributed throughout the mono- and co-cultured spheroid, and no region with prominent dead cell accumulation was detected. Moreover, the live/dead fluorescent staining revealed that mono-culturing of Ri-1 cells results in more loosely aggregated spheroids in comparison to co-culture with stromal cells. Importantly, cell survival was apparently higher in hybrid spheroids compared to mono-cultured spheroids (62.5 versus 47.8%), which may be due to the protective role of stromal cells (Figure 3B).

Figure 3 B-NHL spheroids viability after a different period of culture. (A) Live/dead assay for the viability of the hybrid lymphoma/MSCs spheroids. Live/dead staining was performed on the 7th and 14th days of incubation. Green fluorescence indicates calcein AP stain in the live cells, and red fluorescence indicates the ethidium homodimer stain in the dead cells. (B) Quantification from the live/dead assay using ImageJ software. An index of live cells (% of cell viability) was constructed from the ratio of live to total cell numbers. (C) Percentage cell viability (viable cell count/total cell count) measured at days 7 and 14 using the trypan blue dye exclusion technique. Data from five independent experiments were analyzed and presented as the mean SD. *P<0.05, ***P<0.001, compared to mono-cultured cells.

Abbreviations: B-NHL, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas; MSCs, mesenchymal stromal cells.

In line with the fluorescent staining results, after seven days of culturing, cell viability was 93% or greater for all lymphoma spheroids as confirmed by the results of the trypan blue exclusion assay (Figure 3C). In turn, cell viability assays on day 14 indicated a significant decrease in cells viability for all spheroids. Importantly, significant differences between the viability of mono- and co-cultured spheroids were revealed for both cell lines. This was particularly evident in Raji spheroids, where mono-cultured cells were significantly less viable than co-cultured cells (54 versus 72%, respectively) while the viability of mono-cultured and co-cultured Ri-1 cells was 59% and 67%, respectively.

The IC50 values, defined as the half-inhibitory concentration were obtained for mono- and co-cultured Ri-1 spheroids by alamarBlue assay. There were no significant differences in the activity of doxorubicin between mono- and co-cultured spheroids (IC50 values of 0.833 and 0.72, respectively), Figure 4A, while ibrutinib was active at much lower doses on mono-cultured spheroids (IC50=0.514) than co-cultured spheroids (IC50=0.909), Figure 4B. For anti-cancer treatment, the DOX doses were chosen such that they covered IC50 values. IBR dose was chosen within a maximum range equivalent to clinical concentration.

Figure 4 Anti-cancer drug treatment of B-NHL hybrid spheroids. Growth inhibition and corresponding IC50 values of DOX (A) and IBR (B) in mono-cultured and co-cultured Ri-1 spheroids as determinated by alamarBlue assay. Mono-cultured and co-cultured spheroids were treated with the range of drug concentrations. Data points represent average of n=3 experiments with eight technical replicates per DOX and IBR concentrations. (C) Light microscope images of Ri-1 cell line untreated and treated with DOX and IBR at day 3 after treatment. (D) Cell viability of mono-cultured and co-cultured Ri-1 spheroids under the anti-cancer treatment assessed by the use of the alamarBlue assay. Data were reported as the percentage of cell viability normalized to untreated control spheroids. Spheroids of the positive control for cytotoxicity were treated with 0.1% Triton-x-100 (TX). ***P<0.001; compared to control. ***P<0.001 underline; mono-culture versus co-culture.

Abbreviations: B-NHL, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas; DOX, doxorubicin; IBR, ibrutinib, TX, Triton-X100.

We assessed the cell viability of the mono-cultured and co-cultured Ri-1 lymphoma spheroids under anti-cancer conditions: DOX (0.05 and 0.5 g/mL) and IBR (0.4 mol/L). Spheroids morphology presented in Figure 4C reflect the effect of drug treatment. No cytotoxic effects were observed when spheroids were treated with 0.05 g/mL of DOX for 72 h. Conversely, treatment with 0.5 g/mL of DOX for 72 h resulted in spheroid shrinkage and detachment of dead cells from the outer layers. No differences were observed between mono-cultured and co-cultured spheroids. In turn, a large decrease in the spheroid diameter was observed after the IBR treatment, particularly in mono-culturing cells. This is in line with experimental results determined by the alamarBlue assay (Figure 4D) revealing that cell viability was unaffected by 0.05 g/mL of DOX, while that 0.5 g/mL of DOX was significantly cytotoxic for mono- and co-cultured spheroids. No differences were observed between mono- and co-cultured cells (decrease in cell viability below 45% and 48%, respectively). In turn, our data revealed that mono-cultured cells were significantly more sensitive to IBR than co-cultures (P<0.001).

In this work, we developed a 3D model for studying the crosstalk between B-NHL cells and BM stromal cells. Stromal cells are an essential component of the BM microenvironment that impacts tumor development and survival. Numerous works have described the stroma of the bone marrow as a sanctuary site for lymphoma cells during traditional immunochemotherapy, which significantly contributes to drug resistance and leads in consequences to therapy failure.48 However, the reported antitumor effects are still controversial.49 Current data suggest that MSCs may both promote and constrain tumor growth, although their net effect appears to be predominantly protumorigenic.50 There is mounting evidence that MSCs restrict tumor growth by suppressing angiogenesis, inhibiting proliferation-related signaling pathways like PI3K, Wnt, and AKT, and inhibiting cell cycle progression.51 It was also suggested that MSCs appear to influence pathways that can suppress both proliferation and apoptosis.42,52,53 Interestingly, both inhibitory and proliferative effects of MSCs have been reported in the same studies.54,55 Discrepancies in the available data show that the biological role of BM stromal cells in cancer pathogenesis is not fully characterized. Meanwhile, it is believed that a better understanding of MSCs-tumor cells crosstalk will contribute to developing new treatment strategies in the future.56 Several reports showed that stromal cells chemoprotect tumor cells through direct cellcell contact; thus, there is an urgent need to develop models which allow studying such direct interactions.19 Importantly, our group previously investigated the direct interactions between B-cell lymphoma and stromal cells in optical tweezers using a 2D culture,57,58 whereas the 3D organization and cellular microenvironment emerged as critical determinants of lymphoma pathogenesis and drug resistance.

While 3D models of solid tumors are widely developed, the hemato-oncological malignancies remain omitted. Lymphocytes are generally mobile. B-lymphocytes within the lymph nodes remain in contact; however, they do not form solid cell structures. Similar to leukemias and myelomas, B-NHLs grow in a suspension when cultured in vitro, which results in difficulties in obtaining cohesive spheroids. The choice of a 3D culturing method is not without significance in the case of hemato-oncological malignancies such as B-NHLs. In the current study, we observed that B-NHL cells are grown within an ultra-low attachment plate or a hanging drop method aggregating into loose clumps of cells instead of 3D structures, which was previously described.59 Such methods may be helpful in drug studies; however, they do not support cellcell and microenvironment interactions. Here, we observed that the lymphoma cells form tight spheroids with agarose gel; however, the cells disintegrate when transferred with a pipette for further examination. Interestingly, when co-cultured with MSCs, B-NHL cells form compact and truly cohesive spheroids, which was previously described by Barbaglio et al on the chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) model.60

The HS-5 cell line used in this study was intentionally selected as HS-5 is a well-characterized model for the haemato-lymphopoietic microenvironment.20 A genome-wide analysis has revealed a similarity in the transcriptional profile of human primary MSCs and HS-5 cell lines, indicating their relevance to MSCs-lymphoma interactions studies.61 A co-culture method with HS-5 stromal cells has been used successfully in previous reports to generate CLL60 and multiple myeloma (MM) spheroids.62 Co-culturing of stromal cells and MM cells led to the promotion of pro-survival signaling and cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance.62 On the other hand, higher cellcell interactions and better cell retention and homing inside the 3D leukemia model were observed when CLL cells were co-cultured with stromal cells.60

The size of spheroids is a critical factor that affects the transport of therapeutics through the tumor model; thus, it should ideally be controlled for application in drug evaluation studies. The spheroid size of 200500 m is recommended for flexibility and ease of handling for most applications.63 The rationale is that smaller spheroids may not reproduce in vivo cellcell and cellmicroenvironment interactions. On the other hand, larger models may contain a hypoxic core that can affect cell behavior and alter interpretations of growth or survival assays. Notably, the size of our spheroids is compatible with a variety of adherent tumor and normal cell lines.63 Additionally, we showed that when cultured to specific time points, the established hydrogel mono- and co-cultures effectively produce uniform in size lymphoma spheroids for subsequent studies.

In this work, lymphoma spheroids were successfully formalin-fixed and processed directly in the agarose hydrogel via automated tissue processing and paraffin embedding. Thus, we confirmed that using hydrogel microwells allows applying the standard procedure for histological tissue processing, including paraffin embedding and cutting without removing spheroids from hydrogels. This is especially challenging in the key hemato-oncological models and it often destroys the weak connections between cells. Surprisingly, when we further stained hybrid spheroids with hematoxylin, we observed the clearly layered structure, where stromal cells aggregate in the center of the spheroid and are evenly surrounded by lymphoma cells. The observed self-organization process might recapitulate the in vivo DLBCL-BM interactions.

Tumor-stromal interactions affect B-NHL cells behavior, including survival and drug resistance. 3D cultures that recapitulate lymphoma-BM interactions are needed to thoroughly investigate disease progression and response to drugs, they are, however, unavailable. To evaluate the impact of BM stromal cells on doxorubicin (DOX) and ibrutinib (IBR) sensitivity, we performed parallel experiments in 3D mono-cultures versus 3D co-cultures using HS-5 stromal cells. The DOX64,65 and IBR66,67 concentrations were chosen within a range equivalent to clinical concentrations.

DOX is a chemotherapy medication used to treat cancer, including breast carcinoma, bladder carcinoma, Kaposis sarcoma, lymphoma including B-NHLs, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. DOX is the main cytotoxic component of the R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone) treatment regimen. DLBCLs include two major molecular subtypes; the germinal center B-cell-like (GCB) and the activated B-cell-like (ABC). DLBCL, represented in the Ri-1 cell line in this study, comes from ABC-DLBCL. It is well documented that ABC-DLBCL patients have poorer survival than GCB-DLBCLs under R-CHOP immunotherapy.68

In this work, we observed the high efficacy of DOX 0.5 g/mL on mesenchymal stromal cells, both: when treated with a single drug or together with lymphoma cells. Interestingly, identical doses of DOX (0.05 and 0.5 g/mL) were used in the canine 3D hybrid model of DLBCL by An et al, showing high efficacy at both tested doses.38 Notably, in our study, no protective effect of MSCs in 3D DLBCL culture was observed, which is in line with the recent report of Lamaison et al performed on DLBCL and follicular lymphoma (FL) spheroids.69 Importantly, hybrid models described here share other characteristics with DLBCL spheroids developed by Lamaison and co-authors. First, we observed a similar survival decrease during the second week of culture; however, the rate of cell death of our model was significantly lower. Next, Lamaison et al established that the survival decrease observed during the second week of culture is not associated with the formation of a hypoxic core, which is typically observed in 3D models of solid tumors. Accordingly, we did not detect any regionalization of dead cells deposition within the spheroid. Finally, the authors confirmed a supportive role of stromal cells (lymphoid stromal cells isolated from tonsils) in B-NHL spheroid formation.

Another important drug for the clinical treatment of DLBCL is ibrutinib. IBR is an oral irreversible inhibitor of Brutons tyrosine kinase (BTK), which performs a critical role in the oncogenic signal transduction pathway downstream of the B-cell antigen receptor in various B-NHLs, including CLL, mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), and Waldenstrms macroglobulinemia.70 Currently, IBR is thought to be a promising target drug of DLBCL, especially several clinical trials showed the potential to improve tumor response of patients with ABC-DLBCL. In this study, we evidenced that IBR more significantly affects ABC-DLBCL spheroids in the absence of BM-derived stromal cells, indicating a protective role exerted by the microenvironment, possibly through a direct contact with BM-derived stromal cells. This is further supported by the significantly greater drug resistance observed in 3D hybrid models compared to what was previously observed in spheroid mono-cultures.68,71 This creates the possibility that a similar environment may exist in the DLBCL environment in vivo. The above results indicate that tumor microenvironment (TME), tissue tension and adhesion are essential factors affecting lymphoma cell susceptibility to treatment.72,73 Moreover, these results suggest that our 3D hybrid model recapitulates the variability of drug response among B-NHLs.

The 3D co-culture, where lymphoma cells interact with stromal components, is particularly important in developing a more clinically relevant model. Such a model should be monitored through time and applied in studying the lymphoma response to various therapies. Here, we established and described cheap and fast hydrogel-based 3D co-cultures that can be used in a wide range of applications, including cell signaling or candidate drug screening. We believe that the above model may be necessary to develop a personalized therapy for patients with recurrent or refractory lymphoma with BM involvement.

ABC, activated B-cell-like; BAFF, B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family; B-NHLs, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas; BM, bone marrow; BTK, Brutons tyrosine kinase; BL, Burkitt lymphoma; CAF, cancer-associated fibroblasts; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CTCF, corrected total cell fluorescence; DLBCL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; DOX, doxorubicin; FL, follicular lymphoma; FFPE, formalin fixation and paraffin embedding; GCB, germinal center B-cell-like; IBR, ibrutinib; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma; MSCs, mesenchymal stromal cells; MM, multiple myeloma; THRLBCL, T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma, TAM, tumor-associated macrophages; TX, Triton-X100; 2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional.

The authors of this study would like to thank Piotr Zikowski from the Department of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, Wrocaw Medical University for the mentoring support. K.D-S is grateful to Stanisawa Nowak for continuous support and inspiration.

This research was funded by The National Science Centre Poland (NCN, Poland); OPUS. UMO-2017/27/B/ST7/01255.

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.

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Excerpt from:
Development and Characterization of 3D Hybrid Spheroids | OTT - Dove Medical Press

What Is the Appropriate Price for Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for …

Purpose: To identify the price of treatment at which platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is cost-effective relative to hyaluronic acid (HA) and saline solution intra-articular injections.

Methods: A systemized review process of the PubMed, Embase, and MEDLINE databases was undertaken to identify randomized controlled trials comparing PRP with HA and saline solution with up to 1 year of follow-up. Level I trials that reported Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index Likert scores were included. These scores were converted into utility scores. Cost data were obtained from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services fee schedules. Total costs included the costs of the injectable, clinic appointments, and procedures. The change in utility scores from baseline to 6 months and 1 year for the PRP, HA, and saline solution groups was divided by total cost to determine utility gained per dollar and to identify the price needed for PRP to be cost-effective relative to these other injection options.

Results: Nine randomized controlled trials met the inclusion criteria. A total of 882 patients were included: 483 in the PRP group, 338 in the HA group, and 61 in the saline solution group. Baseline mean utility scores ranged from 0.55 to 0.57 for the PRP, HA, and saline solution groups. The 6-month gains in utility were 0.12, 0.02, and -0.06, respectively. The 12-month gains in utility from before injection were 0.14, 0.03, and 0.06, respectively. The lowest total costs for HA and saline solution were $681.93 and $516.29, respectively. For PRP to be cost-effective, the total treatment cost would have to be less than $3,703.03 and $1,192.08 for 6- and 12-month outcomes, respectively.

Conclusions: For patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, PRP is cost-effective, from the payer perspective, at a total price (inclusive of clinic visits, the procedure, and the injectable) of less than $1,192.08 over a 12-month period, relative to HA and saline solution.

Level of evidence: Level I, systematic review.

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What Is the Appropriate Price for Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for ...

Platelet Rich Plasma and Its Use in Hair Regrowth: A Review


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) was described as a small volume of plasma containing higher concentrations of platelets than those found in peripheral blood and initially used as a transfusion product for treatment of thrombocytopenia. To date, it was discovered that there are several growth factors and cytokines that can accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration, leading to a wider range of applications in the medical field, such as in sport medicine, regenerative medicine, and aesthetic medicine. Several studies have shown that PRP can be used effectively for treatment of hair loss. Although it has been widely used, the exact mechanism of action of PRP is still not fully elucidated. In this article, we aim to review and update current information on the definition, classification, mechanism of action, clinical efficacy in hair regrowth, and adverse events of PRP.

Keywords: platelet rich plasma, androgenetic alopecia, female pattern hair loss, alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecia, hair transplantation

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) was first described in Hematology as a small volume of plasma containing higher concentrations of platelets than those found in peripheral blood and initially used as a transfusion product for treatment of thrombocytopenia since 1970.1 Nowadays, PRP has become a popular treatment for many conditions in sport medicine,2 regenerative medicine,2,3 aesthetic medicine4 and hair loss treatment5,6 as it contains a variety number of growth factors and cytokines that can accelerate wound healing and tissue restoration. Both the device used to separate platelets and the subsequent use of the PRP product fall under the regulation of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).7 Any use of PRP other than blood transfusion is an off label use which is not prohibited by the FDA regulation if performed by a physician with the intent to practice medicine. Despite its widely application, the mechanism underlying the hair regrowth effects of PRP remains to be fully explored. We aim to review the effectiveness of PRP as a treatment for hair loss including definition, classification, mechanism of action, clinical efficacy in hair regrowth, and adverse effects.

Platelet-rich plasma, also known as platelet-rich growth factors or platelet concentrate, is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells. In addition to the main component that contains high concentrations of platelets, there are also other components, such as, the presence or absence of leucocytes and platelet-activating agents, which used to define different types of PRP. The effectiveness of stimulating tissue regeneration depends on the concentration of platelets present in the plasma, several studies have shown that concentrations two to six times higher than normal platelet count is required for optimal outcomes.8

Due to the lack of a standardized method of preparation and application of PRP, there is a wide variety method of preparation. However, the main principle is to prepare concentrated platelets from the patients own blood. All PRP preparation protocols follow a generic method, started with collecting venous blood approximately 10 to 60 mL from the patient and placing it into tubes containing an Anticoagulant, either acid citrate dextrose or sodium citrate solution to prevent coagulation and premature secretion of the alpha granules. Subsequently, whole blood is centrifuged and divided into 3 layers based on specific gravity, the bottom layer contains red blood cells (RBCs) with leukocytes the middle layer is the PRP, and the top layer is platelet-poor plasma (PPP).9 There are several types of commercial PRP kits that simplify the PRP preparation. These kits differed in platelet concentrations, the presence of leukocytes and platelet activator leading to the diversity of growth factors concentration. All of these explain the variability in the clinical benefits of PRP reported in the literature. Some studies induced growth factor secretion and degradation of alpha granules by adding calcium gluconate, calcium chloride, or thrombin before administration (activated PRP). There is no consensus as to whether platelets must be activated exogenously or use host thrombin as endogenous activator in order to maximize the therapeutic effect.1012 The platelet alpha granules secrete growth factors within 10 minutes after clotting or activation, so PRP should be used within 10 minutes of activation for maximum benefits.13

There are many variations in PRP preparations, from the type of collection tubes, power used, the number of cycles and the duration of centrifugation, components of PRP and an activation method was applied. A standardized classification of PRP called DEPA was proposed by Magalon et al, based on four components: dose of injected platelets (baseline concentration of platelets at 200109/L), efficiency of the process (platelet recovery rate %), purity of PRP (relative composition in platelets %) and activation process,14 as shown in . From this classification, an AAA DEPA score is referred to a high-concentration platelet injection (>5 billion) with minimal red blood cell contamination and well prepared with a proper method resulting in minor loss of platelets from whole blood. The last category in the DEPA classification is reporting the presence or absence of any exogenous activator, such as thrombin or calcium chloride.

DEPA Score is Categorized in Order from A to D

Currently, many studies have demonstrated that platelets not only affect hemostatic system, but also affect inflammatory system, angiogenesis, stem cell induction, and cell proliferation through the release of many different growth factors and cytokines.1517 Activated platelets in PRP release numerous growth factors and cytokines from their alpha granules, including platelet-derived endothelial growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF-), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), glial cell linederived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), which play a major role in stimulating hair growth through cell proliferation, differentiation and angiogenesis.1822 GDNF can stimulate cell proliferation and protect hair follicle from premature catagen transition.23,24 VEGF play a major role as a potent hair growth stimulator via an angiogenesis induction.25,26 While IGF-1 stimulates proliferation of cycling Ki67+ basal keratinocytes, induce and prolong the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle.2729 In addition, PRP can induce the proliferation of dermal papilla (DP) cells by activating extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK), fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF-7), beta-catenin, and Akt signaling (an anti-apoptotic signaling molecule). There is also an increase in expression of Bcl-2 protein (an anti-apoptotic protein) in vitro human dermal papilla cells cultured with PRP. Thus, it was clearly illustrated that PRP can increase the survival of hair follicle cells through anti-apoptotic effects and stimulate hair growth by extending the anagen phase of the hair cycle.30 This theory was further supported by the results of microscopic examination which demonstrated an increase in number of follicular bulge cells, hair follicles, epidermal thickening, vascularization, and a higher number of Ki67+ basal keratinocytes in PRP-treated scalp tissue compared with placebo.31

Although PRP is a safe treatment with minimal side effects, there are some contraindications that need to be considered. Absolute contraindication for PRP include critical thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, hemodynamic instability, sepsis, local infection (site PRP) and patient with unwilling to accept risk. Relative contraindications include NSAIDs use in 48 hours, glucocorticoid injection at treatment site within one-month, systemic glucocorticoid within 2 weeks, recent illness or fever, cancer especially bone or hematolymphoid, anemia (hemoglobin less than 10 grams per deciliter), thrombocytopenia (platelets less than 150,000 per microliter) and tobacco use.32

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a non-scarring alopecia characterized by a shortened anagen phase and progressive miniaturization of terminal hairs into vellus hairs.33 This condition is found in approximately 50% of Caucasian men by the age of 50 years, and in women, it can be as much as 50% over the course of their lifetime.34 In men, baldness started with frontal recession and thinning of hair on vertex area (MPHL), while in women, hair loss is characterized by less hair density and smaller hair shaft diameter over the crown without frontal hairline recessions (FPHL). FDA has approved oral finasteride (for men only) and topical minoxidil for the treatment of AGA.35

A meta-analysis from six studies (four studies were randomized controlled trials, while the other two were retrospective studies) involving 177 patients, showed a significant increase in number of hairs per cm2 after PRP injections compared to control (mean difference (MD) 17.90, 95% CI 5.8429.95, P=0.004) and the tendency to increase in number of hairs and the percentage of hair thickness.36 Similar result was confirmed by another two meta-analysis studies which showed a significantly increased hair numbers per cm2 after PRP injections in the treatment group versus the control group with MD 38.75, 95% CI 22.2255.28, P <0.00001 and MD 30.35, 95% CI 1.7758.93, P <0.00001, respectively.37,38 Compared to minoxidil, finasteride, and adult stem cell-based therapy, 84% of all studies reported a positive effect of PRP, 50% demonstrated a statistically significant improvement while 34% showed hair density and hair thickness improvement, although no P values or statistical analysis was described.39

Despite several clinical trials showed the success of PRP therapy in AGA, there is no standard practice for PRP preparation and administration as well as a method to evaluate results. Attempts have been made to standardize PRP treatment for AGA patients. A standard PRP procedure was proposed by Stevens et al, employing a single spin centrifugation method to produce pure PRP with a platelet enrichment of 3 to 6 times the mean concentration of whole blood and adding a platelet activator such as calcium chloride or calcium gluconate before administration of PRP as subdermal injections. Treatment intervals should include monthly sessions for the first 3 months, then every 3 months for the first year.27

However, there is still debate in the literature about the standardization of PRP preparation. A split scalp prospective comparative clinical study included 15 females with AGA was performed by intradermal injection of double-spin prepared PRP into the right half of the scalp and single-spin prepared PRP into the left half of the scalp of each patient for three treatment sessions, 3 weeks apart. Results showed clinical improvement in both sides of scalp while hair density measured by trichoscan revealed that the right half of the scalp was significantly higher in median terminal hair density than the left half (P=0.031), which illustrated that double-spin method could yield better results than single-spin method.40 In addition, there was a comparative study demonstrated that patients treated with non-activated PRP were found to have greater increase in hair count and total hair density (31% 2% versus 19% 3%, P= 0.0029) than patients treated with activated-PRP, leading to the conclusion that PRP does not require activation before injection.31

The important factors that affect the effectiveness of PRP is the number of platelets. Higher numbers of platelets have a greater effect than lower numbers of platelets in terms of hair density, follicle diameter, and terminal hair density.41 In AGA, action of dihydrotestosterone on dermal papilla cells suppressed canonical WNT signaling, resulting in defective hair growth and retarding hair cycling. PRP promoting hair growth by activating WNT/-Catenin signaling lead to proliferation and differentiation of hair follicle cells and triggering new hair cycle.42

Some studies have reported ineffectiveness of PRP in AGA treatment, which may be caused by low platelet concentration, low volume of PRP injected, and inadequate frequency of treatment.9 The treatment response to PRP in AGA patients can be predicted by measuring pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 polymorphism from peripheral blood. A study has reported significantly higher frequency of C/C genotype of IL-1 in responder (66%) than in non-responder patients (22%) with odds ratio (OR) 6.68, 95% CI 0.9972.95 (p<0.05).43

Evidence from randomized controlled trials of PRP in AGA is summarized in .

Randomized Controlled Trials of PRP in Male Androgenic Alopecia

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is the most common cause of hair loss in middle-aged women, characterized by progressive follicular miniaturization and conversion of terminal follicles into vellus-like follicles, leading to a decrease in hair density, thinning of hair and diffuse non scarring alopecia especially in the central, frontal and parietal regions of the scalp. The cause of this problem is unknown, but it is related to genetics, hormones, and environmental conditions.49

A systemic review study evaluating the efficacy of PRP in the treatment of FPHL comprising 92 patients from 6 randomized controlled clinical trials showed that PRP has a positive effect on FPHL treatment by increasing hair thickness and hair density.50 Recently, two meta-analysis studies have confirmed the efficacy of FPHL treatment with PRP. The first study consisted of 776 female participants covering 16 randomized controlled trials and 26 observational trials, demonstrated that PRP has a good therapeutic effect on FPHL in hair density compared to the control groups with OR 1.61, 95% CI 0.522.70, and compared to baseline with OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.861.37.51 The second study from 8 clinical studies and a total of 197 subjects showed a significant increase in hair count and hair diameter in 4 studies after PRP treatment. Moreover, PRP has been shown to produce high levels of satisfaction and improvement in the quality of life in patients affected by FPHL.52

Differences in the treatment efficacy for AGA with PRP between men and women was discovered by a meta-analysis study, which revealed that PRP significantly increased both hair density (N = 250, MD = 25.83, 95% CI: 15.4836.17, P < 0.00001) and hair diameter (N = 123, MD = 6.66, 95% CI: 2.3710.95, P = 0.002) in men while significantly increased hair diameter (N = 95, MD = 31.22, 95% CI: 7.5254.91, P = 0.01), but did not increase hair density (N = 92, MD = 43.54, 95% CI: 1.3588.43, P = 0.06) in women.53 However, PRP effectiveness in the treatment of AGA is influenced by gender is still controversial because of the differences in several reports listed, many of the analyzed studies were non-randomized, uncontrolled, and had small sample size.

Evidence from randomized controlled trials of PRP in FPHL is summarized in .

Randomized Controlled Trials of PRP in Female Pattern Hair Loss

Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disorder that causes nonscarring alopecia in males and females at any age. The estimated lifetime risk of AA is around 2% of population, with no difference in incidence between genders. Most patients have only one lesion of alopecia and spontaneous hair regrowth can occur within months to years. However, there are many patients who may develop multiple lesions and turn into chronic hair loss.58

PRP was discovered to have a potent anti-inflammatory effect. It suppresses cytokine release and decreases local tissue inflammation, which makes PRP potentially beneficial in treating inflammatory hair loss such as AA.59,60 PRP was initially tested in patients with AA by a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, half-head study. Forty-five patients with AA were randomized to receive intralesional injections of PRP or triamcinolone acetonide or placebo on one half of their scalp, while the other half was untreated. The results showed that PRP significantly increased hair regrowth and Ki-67 level (marker for cell proliferation) compared with triamcinolone acetonide or placebo injection.61 Collectively, many randomized controlled trials demonstrated that treatment with PRP can stimulate hair regrowth to the same extent as intralesional injection of triamcinolone acetonide in the treatment of AA.6265 Two recent studies compared the therapeutic effect of intralesional injections of PRP with triamcinolone acetonide in AA. One study found that final severity of alopecia tool (SALT) score showed significant lower levels in both groups compared to baseline levels (P = 0.025 and P = 0.008) with no significant difference between both treatment modalities in term of clinical improvement, while final alopecia areata symptom impact scale (AASIS) showed significant decrease in PRP group (P = 0.006) but not in triamcinolone group (P = 0.062).62 Similar results were found in the other study by showing that there was no statistically significant difference in SALT score reduction and hair regrowth scale between these two groups.63

On the contrary, different results were found in three randomized controlled clinical trials which demonstrated that PRP was significantly less effective than intralesional steroid injection based on Mac Donald Hull and Norris grading system, percentage of hair regrowth and reduction in SALT score from baseline, respectively.6668 All these results could explain that steroid is more potent than PRP in terms of having immunosuppressive and strong inhibitory effect on T lymphocyte activation.

A beneficial effect of combination therapy with PRP was reported in a patient with long standing AA treated with a combination of intralesional injection of triamcinolone acetonide and PRP in one half of the scalp while the other half of the scalp was treated with intralesional triamcinolone acetonide only. The half head treated with the combined therapy showed greater hair regrowth and larger hair fiber diameter.69 Furthermore, there was a prospective study on the efficacy of PRP treatment in 20 cases of chronic AA who had not responded to conventional therapy for 2 years, demonstrated that all patients with chronic AA were successfully treated with PRP, only one patient had a relapse after one year of follow-up.70 The successful treatment with PRP was also reported in a patient with corticosteroid-resistant ophiasis AA who experienced hair regrowth after PRP injections71 and a patient who suffering from alopecia areata barbae.72 Hence, PRP can be used as an alternative therapy in patients unresponsive to conventional therapy or patients who do not want to be treated with steroids and can also be used as an adjuvant therapy for alopecia areata.

Evidence from randomized controlled trials of PRP in AA is summarized in .

Randomized Controlled Trials of PRP in Alopecia Areata

Cicatricial alopecia is a type of scarring alopecia, caused by different inflammatory conditions, physical trauma, burn, or severe infections that lead to the destruction of the hair follicles and subsequent scarring. The goal of treatment is to stop the disease progression, prevent further hair loss and scarring by using different anti-inflammatory drugs, such as topical steroid, intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injection and immunomodulating agents. However, there is no effective treatment to stimulate hair regrowth in fibrotic area.73

Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA), a variant of lichen planopilaris, is currently the most common type of cicatricial alopecia characterized by progressive recession of the frontal and temporoparietal hairline along with perifollicular erythema and papules leading to band-shaped scarring alopecia in the frontotemporal area.74 The satisfactory treatment outcome with five consecutive PRP injections was reported in a 44-year-old female with FFA, who had a history of unresponsive to conventional intralesional steroid therapy. Only one month after treatment, perifollicular erythema, scaling, and lichenoid papules on the frontotemporal hairline were improved, and no further hair loss was seen after 5 months.75

Lichen planopilaris (LPP) is a chronic inflammatory scarring alopecia characterized by follicular hyperkeratosis, perifollicular erythema, and loss of follicular orifices on vertex and parietal area of the scalp. Bolana et al have reported for the first time the efficacy of PRP therapy in a case of LPP diagnosed by histopathology and unresponsive to any previous treatments. After 3 consecutive treatments of PRP and followed up for 6 months, patients experienced complete regression of scalp itching and hair shedding, confirmed by undetectable perifollicular erythema and scaling on trichoscopic examination.76 Subsequently, two patients with central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) and one patient with LPP were reported on the success of PRP treatment, resulting in a significant increase in hair density despite a history of unresponsiveness to conventional therapy before.77,78

Effective treatment of cicatricial alopecia with PRP is possible due to various cytokines and growth factors such as TGF, TGF1 in platelet granules, which have anti-inflammatory and proangiogenic effects.79 Although there is evidence that PRP can be used as an effective treatment for some types of cicatricial alopecia, more clinical trials are needed to produce further evidence.

Several studies have shown a beneficial effect of using PRP in combination with hair transplantation. The first report was an experimental study in a group of 20 patients with male pattern baldness demonstrated a 15% greater hair yield in follicular unit density in areas pretreated the harvested donor with platelet plasma growth factors obtained from the patients autologous plasma as compared with normal saline (18.7 follicular units per cm2 vs 16.4 follicular units per cm2).22 Similar results were found in another two studies, the first was a comparative study showed that transplanted follicular unit grafts in conjunction with platelet lysate (PL) or activated PRP (AAPRP) resume growth faster than normal saline at 4 months after operation, 99%, 75%, and 71% of follicle regeneration had occurred in the PL, AAPRP, and saline treatment areas, respectively.80 The second was a randomized controlled study demonstrated that preserving hair grafts in PRP before implantation enhances the hair density, the graft uptake, and the hair thickness compared with preserving in normal saline.81

Furthermore, PRP can also be used as a combination treatment with the follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplantation as shown in a single-blind, prospective randomized study in 40 FUE hair transplant patients. The patients were divided into two groups, PRP was injected intra-operatively immediately after creating slits over the recipient area in PRP group while normal saline was injected in non-PRP group. It was clearly seen that intra-operative PRP therapy is profitable in giving significantly improved density and quality of hair growth, reducing the catagen loss of transplanted hair, early recovery of the skin and faster appearance of new anagen hair in FUE transplant patients.82 Thus, PRP is not only an effective hair loss treatment, but it can also be used as an adjunct to hair transplantation.

Platelet Rich Plasma and Its Use in Hair Regrowth: A Review

How to Stop and Regrow a Receding Hairline – Shine My Crown

Hair loss and thinning typically come with age, but dealing with it can be beyond frustrating, especially when it shows up in areas that are difficult to hide.

While its true that hair loss impacts men more than it does women, over 50% of us gals suffer from it. So, if you think you have a thinning hairline, you are far from alone.

Nevertheless, if youre reading this, chances are you are not in search of some song and dance on self-acceptance at the momentyou want solutions.

Well, friends, youve come to the right place; from quick fixes to long-term help, you have options.

First Things First

Before you develop a regimen to address a thinning hairline, its best to seek the assistance of a board-certified dermatologist, to identify the source of why youre losing your hair. Potential underlying causes vary and will often dictate future courses of action.

The Quick Fixes

1. Camoflage it.

In many cases, the fastest way to treat a thinning hairline is to create the illusion of a fuller one. Sprays, powders and hair fibers are great to use in a pinch and those on todays market are easy to use and offer a natural finish. Theyre also great for covering up grays. Our faves:

2. Tweak your partings.

Small changes like playing with your part (opt for blurred zig-zag partings over clean straight ones) or directing hair to one side to create added weight work wonders for creating lift and fullness at the roots.

3. Ease up on the styling.

Prolonged pulling, tight styling and chemical abuse can cause traction alopecia, one of the main causes of a receding hairline.

Long-Term Options

1. Medication

Cost: prices vary, based on medical plans

If your diagnosis is androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) topical treatments such as minoxidil (Rogaine) or spironolactone (offsets the effects of testosterone) can help to encourage hair growth.

In addition, oral contraceptives like Yaz and Yasmine or oral finasteride (Propecia) are recommended by doctors, but they can help you to decide which is right for you.

2. Scalp Botox

Cost: $1000

If you suffer from genetic alopecia, Botox might work for you. Doctors prescribe it to treat receding hairlines and other forms of hair loss for its muscle-relaxing qualities. The injections relax the muscles in the scalp which allows more blood flow and hair growth.

3. Hair Transplantation

Cost: $4,000 to $15,000

A more permanent option, doctors harvest hair from donor areas and move it to a receding scalp. You need not worry about that dreaded plug appearance of years past; todays results are natural-looking.

4. Hairstim

$60.00 per month

When you arent seeing any results with topical hair loss treatments, but do not want to take oral medications, Hairstim is a viable option. Doctors create personalized prescription hair medications, by using ingredients that arent readily available. It is definitely worth exploring with your dermatologist.

5. Platelet-rich Plasma

$500 to $1,200 per treatment

PRP is a hair loss treatment that stimulates hair growth through the use of the patients own blood plasma. The plasma contains white blood cells and platelets, which are rich in what are known as growth factors.

PRP requires regular, ongoing treatments (about every four to six months), so it is a major commitment of time and money, but definitely worth exploring with your doctor if youve got the cash.

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions to treating a receding hairline, so if you notice a change, always check with your board-certified doctor before tackling the issue on your own. If you need a doctor, start here.

Good luck!

How to Stop and Regrow a Receding Hairline - Shine My Crown

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Problems and Advantages when Applying …

Acta Naturae. 2010 Jul; 2(2): 1828.

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Research Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Research Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are a new type of pluripotent cells that can be obtained by reprogramming animal and human differentiated cells. In this review, issues related to the nature of iPSCs are discussed and different methods of iPSC production are described. We particularly focused on methods of iPSC production without the genetic modification of the cell genome and with means for increasing the iPSC production efficiency. The possibility and issues related to the safety of iPSC use in cell replacement therapy of human diseases and a study of new medicines are considered.

Keywords: induced pluripotent stem cells, directed stem cell differentiation, cell replacement therapy

Pluripotent stem cells are a unique model for studying a variety of processes that occur in the early development of mammals and a promising tool in cell therapy of human diseases. The unique nature of these cells lies in their capability, when cultured, for unlimited selfrenewal and reproduction of all adult cell types in the course of their differentiation [1]. Pluripotency is supported by a complex system of signaling molecules and gene network that is specific for pluripotent cells. The pivotal position in the hierarchy of genes implicated in the maintenance of pluripotency is occupied by Oct4, Sox2 , and Nanog genes encoding transcription factors [2, 3]. The mutual effect of outer signaling molecules and inner factors leads to the formation of a specific expression pattern, as well as to the epigenome state characteristic of stem cells. Both spontaneous and directed differentiations are associated with changes in the expression pattern and massive epigenetic transformations, leading to transcriptome and epigenome adjustment to a distinct cell type.

Until recently, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) were the only wellstudied source of pluripotent stem cells. ESCs are obtained from either the inner cell mass or epiblast of blastocysts [46]. A series of protocols has been developed for the preparation of various cell derivatives from human ESCs. However, there are constraints for ESC use in cell replacement therapy. The first constraint is the immune incompatibility between the donor cells and the recipient, which can result in the rejection of transplanted cells. The second constraint is ethical, because the embryo dies during the isolation of ESCs. The first problem can be solved by the somatic cell nuclear transfer into the egg cell and then obtaining the embryo and ESCs. The nuclear transfer leads to genome reprogramming, in which ovarian cytoplasmic factors are implicated. This way of preparing pluripotent cells from certain individuals was called therapeutic cloning. However, this method is technologyintensive, and the reprogramming yield is very low. Moreover, this approach encounters the abovementioned ethic problem that, in this case, is associated with the generation of many human ovarian cells [7].

In 2006, the preparation of pluripotent cells by the ectopic expression of four genes Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc in both embryonic and adult murine fibroblasts was first reported [8]. The pluripotent cells derived from somatic ones were called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Using this set of factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc), iPSCs were prepared later from various differentiated mouse [914] and human [1517] cell types. Human iPSCs were obtained with a somewhat altered gene set: Oct4 , Sox2 , Nanog , and Lin28 [18]. Induced PSCs closely resemble ESCs in a broad spectrum of features. They possess similar morphologies and growth manners and are equally sensitive to growth factors and signaling molecules. Like ESCs, iPSCs can differentiate in vitro into derivatives of all three primary germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and form teratomas following their subcutaneous injection into immunodeficient mice. Murine iPSCs injected into blastocysts are normally included in the development to yield animals with a high degree of chimerism. Moreover, murine iPSCs, when injected into tetraploid blastocycts, can develop into a whole organism [19, 20]. Thus, an excellent method that allows the preparation of pluripotent stem cells from various somatic cell types while bypassing ethical problems has been uncovered by researchers.

In the first works on murine and human iPSC production, either retro or lentiviral vectors were used for the delivery of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc genes into somatic cells. The efficiency of transduction with retroviruses is high enough, although it is not the same for different cell types. Retroviral integration into the host genome requires a comparatively high division rate, which is characteristic of the relatively narrow spectrum of cultured cells. Moreover, the transcription of retroviral construct under the control of a promoter localized in 5LTR (long terminal repeat) is terminated when the somatic cell transform switches to the pluripotent state [21]. This feature makes retroviruses attractive in iPSC production. Nevertheless, retroviruses possess some properties that make iPSCs that are produced using them improper for cell therapy of human diseases. First, retroviral DNA is integrated into the host cell genome. The integration occurs randomly; i.e., there are no specific sequences or apparent logic for retroviral integration. The copy number of the exogenous retroviral DNA that is integrated into a genome may vary to a great extent [15]. Retroviruses being integrated into the cell genome can introduce promoter elements and polyadenylation signals; they can also interpose coding sequences, thus affecting transcription. Second, since the transcription level of exogenous Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc in the retroviral construct decreases with cell transition into the pluripotent state, this can result in a decrease in the efficiency of the stable iPSC line production, because the switch from the exogenous expression of pluripotency genes to their endogenous expression may not occur. Third, some studies show that the transcription of transgenes can resume in the cells derived from iPSCs [22]. The high probability that the ectopic Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc gene expression will resume makes it impossible to apply iPSCs produced with the use of retroviruses in clinical trials; moreover, these iPSCs are hardly applicable even for fundamental studies on reprogramming and pluripotency principles. Lentiviruses used for iPSC production can also be integrated into the genome and maintain their transcriptional activity in pluripotent cells. One way to avoid this situation is to use promoters controlled by exogenous substances added to the culture medium, such as tetracycline and doxycycline, which allows the transgene transcription to be regulated. iPSCs are already being produced using such systems [23].

Another serious problem is the gene set itself that is used for the induction of pluripotency [22]. The ectopic transcription of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc can lead to neoplastic development from cells derived from iPSCs, because the expression of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4, and cMyc genes is associated with the development of multiple tumors known in oncogenetics [22, 24]. In particular, the overexpression of Oct4 causes murine epithelial cell dysplasia [25], the aberrant expression of Sox2 causes the development of serrated polyps and mucinous colon carcinomas [26], breast tumors are characterized by elevated expression of Klf4 [27] , and the improper expression of cMyc is observed in 70% of human cancers [28]. Tumor development is oberved in ~50% of murine chimeras obtained through the injection of retroviral iPSCs into blastocysts, which is very likely associated with the reactivation of exogenous cMyc [29, 30].

Several possible strategies exist for resolving the above-mentioned problems:

The search for a less carcinogenic gene set that is necessary and sufficient for reprogramming;

The minimization of the number of genes required for reprogramming and searching for the nongenetic factors facilitating it;

The search for systems allowing the elimination of the exogenous DNA from the host cell genome after the reprogramming;

The development of delivery protocols for nonintegrated genetic constructs;

The search for ways to reprogram somatic cells using recombinant proteins.

The ectopic expression of cMyc and Klf4 genes is the most dangerous because of the high probability that malignant tumors will develop [22]. Hence the necessity to find other genes that could substitute cMyc and Klf4 in iPSC production. It has been reported that these genes can be successfully substituted by Nanog and Lin28 for reprogramming human somatic cells [18;] . iPSCs were prepared from murine embryonic fibroblasts by the overexpression of Oct4 and Sox2 , as well as the Esrrb gene encoding the murine orphan nuclear receptor beta. It has already been shown that Esrrb , which acts as a transcription activator of Oct4 , Sox2 , and Nanog , is necessary for the selfrenewal and maintenance of the pluripotency of murine ESCs. Moreover, Esrrb can exert a positive control over Klf4 . Thus, the genes causing elevated carcinogenicity of both iPSCs and their derivatives can be successfully replaced with less dangerous ones [31].

The Most Effectively Reprogrammed Cell Lines . Murine and human iPSCs can be obtained from fibroblasts using the factors Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4, but without cMyc . However, in this case, reprogramming decelerates and an essential shortcoming of stable iPSC clones is observed [32, 33]. The reduction of a number of necessary factors without any decrease in efficiency is possible when iPSCs are produced from murine and human neural stem cells (NSCs) [12, 34, 35]. For instance, iPSCs were produced from NSCs isolated from adult murine brain using two factors, Oct4 and Klf4, as well as even Oct4 by itself [12, 34]. Later, human iPSCs were produced by the reprogramming of fetal NSCs transduced with a retroviral vector only carrying Oct4 [35] . It is most likely that the irrelevance of Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc is due to the high endogenous expression level of these genes in NSCs.

Successful reprogramming was also achieved in experiments with other cell lines, in particular, melanocytes of neuroectodermal genesis [36]. Both murine and human melanocytes are characterized by a considerable expression level of the Sox2 gene, especially at early passages. iPSCs from murine and human melanocytes were produced without the use of Sox2 or cMyc. However, the yield of iPSC clones produced from murine melanocytes was lower (0.03% without Sox2 and 0.02% without cMyc) in comparison with that achieved when all four factors were applied to melanocytes (0.19%) and fibroblasts (0.056%). A decreased efficiency without Sox2 or cMyc was observed in human melanocyte reprogramming (0.05% with all four factors and 0.01% without either Sox2 or cMyc ). All attempts to obtain stable iPSC clones in the absence of both Sox2 and cMyc were unsuccessful [36]. Thus, the minimization of the number of factors required for iPSC preparation can be achieved by choosing the proper somatic cell type that most effectively undergoes reprogramming under the action of fewer factors, for example, due to the endogenous expression of pluripotency genes. However, if human iPSCs are necessary, these somatic cells should be easily accessible and wellcultured and their method of isolation should be as noninvasive as possible.

One of these cell types can be adipose stem cells (ASCs). This is a heterogeneous group of multipotent cells which can be relatively easily isolated in large amounts from adipose tissue following liposuction. Human iPSCs were successfully produced from ASCs with a twofold reprogramming rate and 20fold efficiency (0.2%), exceeding those of fibroblasts [37].

However, more accessible resources for the effective production of human iPSCs are keratinocytes. When compared with fibroblasts, human iPSC production from keratinocytes demonstrated a 100fold greater efficiency and a twofold higher reprogramming rate [38].

It has recently been found that the reprogramming of murine papillary dermal fibroblasts (PDFs) into iPSCs can be highly effective with the overexpression of only two genes, Oct4 and Klf4 , inserted into retroviral vectors [39;]. PDFs are specialized cells of mesodermal genesis surrounding the stem cells of hair follicles . One characteristic feature of these cells is the endogenous expression of Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc genes, as well as the geneencoding alkaline phosphatase, one of the murine and human ESC markers. PDFs can be easily separated from other cell types by FACS (fluorescenceactivated cell sorting) using life staining with antibodies against the surface antigens characteristic of one or another cell type. The PDF reprogramming efficiency with the use of four factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc) retroviral vectors is 1.38%, which is 1,000fold higher than the skin fibroblast reprogramming efficiency in the same system. Reprogramming PDFs with two factors, Oct4 and Klf4 , yields 0.024%, which is comparable to the efficiency of skin fibroblast reprogramming using all four factors. The efficiency of PDF reprogramming is comparable with that of NSCs, but PDF isolation is steady and far less invasive [39]. It seems likely that human PDF lines are also usable, and this cell type may appear to be one of the most promising for human iPSC production in terms of pharmacological studies and cell replacement therapy. The use of such cell types undergoing more effective reprogramming, together with methods providing the delivery of pluripotency genes without the integration of foreign DNA into the host genome and chemical compounds increasing the reprogramming efficiency and substituting some factors required for reprogramming, is particularly relevant.

Chemical Compounds Increasing Cell Reprogramming Efficiency. As was noted above, the minimization of the factors used for reprogramming decreases the efficiency of iPSC production. Nonetheless, several recent studies have shown that the use of genetic mechanisms, namely, the initiation of ectopic gene expression, can be substituted by chemical compounds, most of them operating at the epigenetic level. For instance, BIX01294 inhibiting histone methyltransferase G9a allows murine fibroblast reprogramming using only two factors, Oct4 and Klf4, with a fivefold increased yield of iPSC clones in comparison with the control experiment without BIX01294 [40]. BIX01294 taken in combination with another compound can increase the reprogramming efficiency even more. In particular, BIX01294 plus BayK8644 elevated the yield of iPCSs 15 times, and BIX01294 plus RG108 elevated it 30 times when only two reprogramming factors, Oct4 and Klf4, were used. RG108 is an inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases, and its role in reprogramming is apparently in initiating the more rapid and effective demethylation of promoters of pluripotent cellspecific genes, whereas BayK8644 is an antagonist of Ltype calcium channels, and its role in reprogramming is not understood very well [40]. However, more considerable results were obtained in reprogramming murine NSCs. The use of BIX01294 allowed a 1.5fold increase in iPSC production efficiency with two factors, Oct4 and Klf4, in comparison with reprogramming with all four factors. Moreover, BIX01294 can even substitute Oct4 in the reprogramming of NSCs, although the yield is very low [41]. Valproic (2propylvaleric) acid inhibiting histone deacetylases can also substitute cMyc in reprogramming murine and human fibroblasts. Valproic acid (VPA) increases the reprogramming efficiency of murine fibroblasts 50 times, and human fibroblasts increases it 1020 times when three factors are used [42, 43]. Other deacetylase inhibitors, such as TSA (trichostatin A) and SAHA (suberoylanilide hyroxamic acid), also increase the reprogramming efficiency. TSA increases the murine fibroblast reprogramming efficiency 15 times, and SAHA doubles it when all four factors are used [42]. Besides epigenetic regulators, the substances inhibiting the protein components of signaling pathways implicated in the differentiation of pluripotent cells are also applicable in the substitution of reprogramming factors. In particular, inhibitors of MEK and GSK3 kinases (PD0325901 and CHIR99021, respectively) benefit the establishment of the complete and stable pluripotency of iPSCs produced from murine NSCs using two factors, Oct4 and Klf4 [41, 44].

It has recently been shown that antioxidants can considerably increase the efficiency of somatic cell reprogramming. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can essentially influence the efficiency of iPSC production from various murine and human somatic cell types [45]. The transduction of murine embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) with retroviruses carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , and Klf4 genes results in a significant increase in the production level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared with that of both control and Efs tranduced with Oct4 , Sox2 , cMyc , and Klf4 . In turn, the increase in the ROS level causes accelerated aging and apoptosis of the cell, which should influence the efficiency of cell reprogramming. By testing several substances possessing antioxidant activity such as vitamin B1, sodium selenite, reduced glutathione, and ascorbic acid, the authors have found that combining these substances increases the yield of GFPpositive cells in EF reprogramming (the Gfp gene was under the control of the Oct4 gene promoter). The use of individual substances has shown that only ascorbate possesses a pronounced capability to increase the level of GFPpositive cells, although other substances keep their ROSdecreasing ability. In all likelihood, this feature of ascorbates is not directly associated with its antioxidant activity [45]. The score of GFPpositive iPSC colonies expressing an alkaline phosphatase has shown that the efficiency of iPSC production from mEFs with three factors (Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4) can reach 3.8% in the presence of ascorbate. When all four factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc) are used together with ascorbate, the efficiency of iPSC production may reach 8.75%. A similar increase in the iPSC yield was also observed in the reprogramming of murine breast fibroblasts; i.e., the effect of vitamin C is not limited by one cell type. Moreover, the effect of vitamin C on the reprogramming efficiency is more profound than that of the deacetylase inhibitor valproic (2propylvaleric) acid. The mutual effect of ascorbate and valproate is additive; i.e., these substances have different action mechanisms. Moreover, vitamin C facilitates the transition from preiPSCs to stable pluripotent cells. This feature is akin to the effects of PD0325901 and CHIR99021, which are inhibitors of MEK and GSK3 kinases, respectively. This effect of vitamin C expands to human cells as well [45]. Following the transduction of human fibroblasts with retroviruses carrying Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc and treatment with ascorbate, the authors prepared iPSCs with efficiencies reaching 6.2%. The reprogramming efficiency of ASCs under the same conditions reached 7.06%. The mechanism of the effect that vitamin C has on the reprogramming efficiency is not known in detail. Nevertheless, the acceleration of cell proliferation was observed at the transitional stage of reprogramming. The levels of the p53 and p21 proteins decreased in cells treated with ascorbate, whereas the DNA repair machinery worked properly [45]. It is interesting that an essential decrease in the efficiency of iPSC production has been shown under the action of processes initiated by p53 and p21 [4650].

As was mentioned above, for murine and human iPSC production, both retro and lentiviruses were initially used as delivery vectors for the genes required for cell reprogramming. The main drawback of this method is the uncontrolled integration of viral DNA into the host cells genome. Several research groups have introduced methods for delivering pluripotency genes into the recipient cell which either do not integrate allogenic DNA into the host genome or eliminate exogenous genetic constructs from the genome.

CreloxP Mediated Recombination. To prepare iPSCs from patients with Parkinsons disease, lentiviruses were used, the proviruses of which can be removed from the genome by Cre recombinase. To do this, the loxP site was introduced into the lentiviral 3LTRregions containing separate reprogramming genes under the control of the doxycyclineinducible promoter. During viral replication, loxP was duplicated in the 5LTR of the vector. As a result, the provirus integrated into the genome was flanked with two loxP sites. The inserts were eliminated using the temporary transfection of iPSCs with a vector expressing Cre recombinase [51].

In another study, murine iPSCs were produced using a plasmid carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4I, and cMyc genes in the same reading frame in which individual cDNAs were separated by sequences encoding 2 peptides, and practically the whole construct was flanked with loxP sites [52]. The use of this vector allowed a notable decrease in the number of exogenous DNA inserts in the host cells genome and, hence, the simplification of their following excision [52]. It has been shown using lentiviruses carrying similar polycistronic constructs that one copy of transgene providing a high expression level of the exogenous factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc is sufficient for the reprogramming of differentiated cells into the pluripotent state [53, 54].

The drawback of the CreloxP system is the incomplete excision of integrated sequences; at least the loxP site remains in the genome, so the risk of insertion mutations remains.

Plasmid Vectors . The application of lentiviruses and plasmids carrying the loxP sites required for the elimination of transgene constructs modifies, although insignificantly, the host cells genome. One way to avoid this is to use vector systems that generally do not provide for the integration of the whole vector or parts of it into the cells genome. One such system providing a temporary transfection with polycistronic plasmid vectors was used for iPSC production from mEFs [29]. A polycistronic plasmid carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , and Klf4 gene cDNAs, as well as a plasmid expressing cMyc , was transfected into mEFs one, three, five, and seven days after their primary seeding. Fibroblasts were passaged on the ninth day, and the iPSC colonies were selected on the 25th day. Seven out of ten experiments succeeded in producing GFPpositive colonies (the Gfp gene was under the control of the Nanog gene promoter). The iPSCs that were obtained were similar in their features to murine ESCs and did not contain inserts of the used DNA constructs in their genomes. Therefore, it was shown that wholesome murine iPSCs that do not carry transgenes can be reproducibly produced, and that the temporary overexpression of Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc is sufficient for reprogramming. The main drawback of this method is its low yield. In ten experiments the yield varied from 1 to 29 iPSC colonies per ten million fibroblasts, whereas up to 1,000 colonies per ten millions were obtained in the same study using retroviral constructs [29].

Episomal Vectors . Human iPSCs were successfully produced from skin fibroblasts using single transfection with polycistronic episomal constructs carrying various combinations of Oct4 , Sox2 , Nanog , Klf4 , cMyc , Lin28 , and SV40LT genes. These constructs were designed on the basis of the oriP/EBNA1 (EpsteinBarr nuclear antigen1) vector [55]. The oriP/EBNA1 vector contains the IRES2 linker sequence allowing the expression of several individual cDNAs (encoding the genes required for successful reprogramming in this case) into one polycistronic mRNA from which several proteins are translated. The oriP/EBNA1 vector is also characterized by lowcopy representation in the cells of primates and can be replicated once per cell cycle (hence, it is not rapidly eliminated, the way common plasmids are). Under nonselective conditions, the plasmid is eliminated at a rate of about 5% per cell cycle [56]. In this work, the broad spectrum of the reprogramming factor combinations was tested, resulting in the best reprogramming efficiency with cotransfection with three episomes containing the following gene sets: Oct4 + Sox2 + Nanog + Klf4 , Oct4 + Sox2 + SV40LT + Klf4 , and cMyc + Lin28 . SV40LT ( SV40 large T gene ) neutralizes the possible toxic effect of overexpression [57]. The authors have shown that wholesome iPSCs possessing all features of pluripotent cells can be produced following the temporary expression of a certain gene combination in human somatic cells without the integration of episomal DNA into the genome. However, as in the case when plasmid vectors are being used, this way of reprogramming is characterized by low efficiency. In separate experiments the authors obtained from 3 to 6 stable iPSC colonies per 106 transfected fibroblasts [55]. Despite the fact that skin fibroblasts are wellcultured and accessible, the search for other cell types which are relatively better cultured and more effectively subject themselves to reprogramming through this method is very likely required. Another drawback of the given system is that this type of episome is unequally maintained in different cell types.

PiggyBacTransposition . One promising system used for iPSC production without any modification of the host genome is based on DNA transposons. Socalled PiggyBac transposons containing 2linkered reprogramming genes localized between the 5 and 3terminal repeats were used for iPSC production from fibroblasts. The integration of the given constructs into the genome occurs due to mutual transfection with a plasmid encoding transposase. Following reprogramming due to the temporary expression of transposase, the elimination of inserts from the genome took place [58, 59]. One advantage of the PiggyBac system on CreloxP is that the exogenous DNA is completely removed [60].

However, despite the relatively high efficiency of exogenous DNA excision from the genome by PiggyBac transposition, the removal of a large number of transposon copies is hardly achievable.

Nonintegrating Viral Vectors . Murine iPSCs were successfully produced from hepatocytes and fibroblasts using four adenoviral vectors nonintegrating into the genome and carrying the Oct4 , Sox2 , Klf4 , and cMyc genes. An analysis of the obtained iPSCs has shown that they are similar to murine ESCs in their properties (teratoma formation, gene promoter DNA methylation, and the expression of pluripotent markers), but they do not carry insertions of viral DNA in their genomes [61]. Later, human fibroblastderived iPSCs were produced using this method [62].

The authors of this paper cited the postulate that the use of adenoviral vectors allows the production of iPSCs, which are suitable for use without the risk of viral or oncogenic activity. Its very low yield (0.00010.001%), the deceleration of reprogramming, and the probability of tetraploid cell formation are the drawbacks of the method. Not all cell types are equally sensitive to transduction with adenoviruses.

Another method of gene delivery based on viral vectors was recently employed for the production of human iPSCs. The sendaivirus (SeV)based vector was used in this case [63]. SeV is a singlestranded RNA virus which does not modify the genome of recipient cells; it seems to be a good vector for the expression of reprogramming factors. Vectors containing either all pluripotency factors or three of them (without ) were used for reprogramming the human fibroblast. The construct based on SeV is eliminated later in the course of cell proliferation. It is possible to remove cells with the integrated provirus via negative selection against the surface HN antigen exposed on the infected cells. The authors postulate that reprogramming technology based on SeV will enable the production of clinically applicable human iPSCs [63].

Cell Transduction with Recombinant Proteins . Although the methods for iPSC production without gene modification of the cells genome (adenoviral vectors, plasmid gene transfer, etc.) are elaborated, the theoretical possibility for exogenous DNA integration into the host cells genome still exists. The mutagenic potential of the substances used presently for enhancing iPSC production efficiency has not been studied in detail. Fully checking iPSC genomes for exogenous DNA inserts and other mutations is a difficult task, which becomes impossible to solve in bulk culturing of multiple lines. The use of protein factors delivered into a differentiated cell instead of exogenous DNA may solve this problem. Two reports have been published to date in which murine and human iPSCs were produced using the recombinant Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc proteins [64, 65] . T he method used to deliver the protein into the cell is based on the ability of peptides enriched with basic residues (such as arginine and lysine) to penetrate the cells membrane. Murine iPSCs were produced using the recombinant Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc proteins containing eleven Cterminal arginine residues and expressed in E. coli . The authors succeeded in producing murine iPSCs during four rounds of protein transduction into embryonic fibroblasts [65]. However, iPSCs were only produced when the cells were additionally treated with 2propylvalerate (the deacetylase inhibitor). The same principle was used for the production of human iPSCs, but protein expression was carried out in human HEK293 cells, and the proteins were expressed with a fragment of nine arginins at the protein Cend. Researchers have succeeded in producing human iPSCs after six transduction rounds without any additional treatment [64]. The efficiency of producing human iPSC in this way was 0.001%, which is one order lower than the reprogramming efficiency with retroviruses. Despite some drawbacks, this method is very promising for the production of patientspecific iPSCs.

The first lines of human pluripotent ESCs were produced in 1998 [6]. In line with the obvious fundamental importance of embryonic stem cell studies with regard to the multiple processes taking place in early embryogenesis, much of the interest of investigators is associated with the possibility of using ESCs and their derivatives as models for the pathogenesis of human diseases, new drugs testing, and cell replacement therapy. Substantial progress is being achieved in studies on directed human ESC differentiation and the possibility of using them to correct degenerative disorders. Functional cell types, such as motor dopaminergic neurons, cardiomyocytes, and hematopoietic cell progenitors, can be produced as a result of ESC differentiation. These cell derivatives, judging from their biochemical and physiological properties, are potentially applicable for the therapy of cardiovascular disorders, nervous system diseases, and human hematological disorders [66]. Moreover, derivatives produced from ESCs have been successfully used for treating diseases modeled on animals. Therefore, bloodcell progenitors produced from ESCs were successfully used for correcting immune deficiency in mice. Visual functions were restored in blind mice using photoreceptors produced from human ESCs, and the normal functioning of the nervous system was restored in rats modeling Parkinsons disease using the dopaminergic neurons produced from human ESCs [6770]. Despite obvious success, the fullscale application of ESCs in therapy and the modeling of disorders still carry difficulties, because of the necessity to create ESC banks corresponding to all HLAhaplotypes, which is practically unrealistic and hindered by technical and ethical problems.

Induced pluripotent stem cells can become an alternative for ESCs in the area of clinical application of cell replacement therapy and screening for new pharmaceuticals. iPSCs closely resemble ESCs and, at the same time, can be produced in almost unlimited amounts from the differentiated cells of each patient. Despite the fact that the first iPSCs were produced relatively recently, work on directed iPSC differentiation and the production of patientspecific iPSCs is intensive, and progress in this field is obvious.

Dopamine and motor neurons were produced from human iPSCs by directed differentiation in vitro [71, 72]. These types of neurons are damaged in many inherited or acquired human diseases, such as spinal cord injury, Parkinsons disease, spinal muscular atrophy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Some investigators have succeeded in producing various retinal cells from murine and human iPSCs [7375]. Human iPSCs have been shown to be spontaneously differentiated in vitro into the cells of retinal pigment epithelium [76]. Another group of investigators has demonstrated that treating human and murine iPSCs with Wnt and Nodal antagonists in a suspended culture induces the appearance of markers of cell progenitors and pigment epithelium cells. Further treating the cells with retinoic acid and taurine activates the appearance of cells expressing photoreceptor markers [75].

Several research groups have produced functional cardiomyocytes (CMs) in vitro from murine and human iPSCs [7781]. Cardiomyocytes produced from iPSC are very similar in characteristics (morphology, marker expression, electrophysiological features, and sensitivity to chemicals) to the CMs of cardiac muscle and to CMs produced from differentiated ESCs. Moreover, murine iPSCs, when injected, can repair muscle and endothelial cardiac tissues damaged by cardiac infarction [77].

Hepatocytelike cell derivatives, dendritic cells, macrophages, insulinproducing cell clusters similar to the duodenal islets of Langerhans, and hematopoietic and endothelial cells are currently produced from murine and human iPSCs, in addition to the alreadylisted types of differentiated cells [8285].

In addition to directed differentiation in vitro , investigators apply much effort at producing patientspecific iPSCs. The availability of pluripotent cells from individual patients makes it possible to study pathogenesis and carry out experiments on the therapy of inherited diseases, the development of which is associated with distinct cell types that are hard to obtain by biopsy: so the use of iPSCs provides almost an unlimited resource for these investigations. Recently, the possibility of treating diseases using iPSCs was successfully demonstrated, and the design of the experiment is presented in the figure. A mutant allele was substituted with a normal allele via homologous recombination in murine fibroblasts representing a model of human sickle cell anemia. iPSCs were produced from repaired fibroblasts and then differentiated into hematopoietic cell precursors. The hematopoietic precursors were then injected into a mouse from which the skin fibroblasts were initially isolated (). As a result, the initial pathological phenotype was substantially corrected [86]. A similar approach was applied to the fibroblasts and keratinocytes of a patient with Fanconis anemia. The normal allele of the mutant gene producing anemia was introduced into a somatic cell genome using a lentivirus, and then iPSCs were obtained from these cells. iPSCs carrying the normal allele were differentiated into hematopoietic cells maintaining a normal phenotype [87]. The use of lentiviruses is unambiguously impossible when producing cells to be introduced into the human body due to their oncogenic potential. However, new relatively safe methods of genome manipulation are currently being developed; for instance, the use of synthetic nucleases containing zinc finger domains allowing the effective correction of genetic defects in vitro [88].

Design of an experiment on repairing the mutant phenotype in mice modeling sickle cell anemia development [2]. Fibroblasts isolated from the tail of a mouse (1) carrying a mutant allele of the gene encoding the human hemoglobin -chain (hs) were used for iPSC production (2). The mutation was then repaired in iPSCs by means of homological recombination (3) followed by cell differentiation via the embryoid body formation (4). The directed differentiation of the embryoid body cells led to hematopoietic precursor cells (5) that were subsequently introduced into a mouse exposed to ionizing radiation (6).

The induced pluripotent stem cells are an excellent model for pathogenetic studies at the cell level and testing compounds possessing a possible therapeutic effect.

The induced pluripotent stem cells were produced from the fibroblasts of a patient with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) (SMAiPSCs). SMA is an autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in the SMN1 ( survival motor neuron 1 ) gene, which is manifested as the selective nonviability of lower motor neurons. Patients with this disorder usually die at the age of about two years. Existing experimental models of this disorder based on the use of flatworms, drosophila, and mice are not satisfactory. The available fibroblast lines from patients with SMA cannot provide the necessary data on the pathogenesis of this disorder either. It was shown that motor neurons produced from SMAiPSCs can retain the features of SMA development, selective neuronal death, and the lack of SMN1 transcription. Moreover, the authors succeeded in elevating the SMN protein level and aggregation (encoded by the SMN2 gene, whose expression can compensate for the shortage in the SMN1 protein) in response to the treatment of motor neurons and astrocytes produced from SMAiPSCs with valproate and torbomycin [89;]. iPSCs and their derivatives can serve as objects for pharmacological studies, as has been demonstrated on iPSCs from patients with familial dysautonomia (FDA) [90]. FDA is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder manifested as the degeneration of sensor and autonomous neurons. This is due to a mutation causing the tissuespecific splicing of the IKBKAP gene, resulting in a decrease in the level of the fulllength IKAP protein. iPSCs were produced from fibroblasts of patients with FDA. They possessed all features of pluripotent cells. Neural derivatives produced from these cells had signs of FDA pathogenesis and low levels of the fulllength IKBKAP transcript. The authors studied the effect of three substances, kinetin, epigallocatechin gallate, and tocotrienol, on the parameters associated with FDA pathogenesis. Only kinetin has been shown to induce an increase in the level of fulllength IKBKAP transcript. Prolonged treatment with kinetin induces an increase in the level of neuronal differentiation and expression of peripheral neuronal markers.

Currently, a broad spectrum of iPSCs is produced from patients with various inherited pathologies and multifactorial disorders, such as Parkinsons disease, Down syndrome, type 1 diabetes, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, talassemia, etc., which are often lethal and can scarcely be treated with routine therapy [51, 87, 89, 9194]. The data on iPSCs produced by reprogramming somatic cells from patients with various pathologies are given in the .

Functional categories of M. tuberculosis genes with changed expression level during transition to the NC state

One can confidently state that both iPSCs themselves and their derivatives are potent instruments applicable in biomedicine, cell replacement therapy, pharmacology, and toxicology. However, the safe application of iPSCbased technologies requires the use of methods of iPSCs production and their directed differentiation which minimize both the possibility of mutations in cell genomes under in vitro culturing and the probability of malignant transformation of the injected cells. The development of methods for human iPSC culturing without the use of animal cells (for instance, the feeder layer of murine fibroblasts) is necessary; they make a viralorigin pathogen transfer from animals to humans impossible. There is a need for the maximum standardization of conditions for cell culturing and differentiation.

This study was supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium Program Molecular and Cell Biology.

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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Problems and Advantages when Applying ...

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)Derived Lymphocytes for Adoptive …

Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2019; 14(4): 261268.

Department of Hematology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Location VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Department of Hematology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Location VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Department of Hematology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Location VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands

In the rapidly developing field of adoptive cell immunotherapy, there is urgent need for discoveries that would improve outcomes, extend the applicability, and reduce the costs. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) can be a source of broadly applicable cellular immunotherapeutics, which have been manufactured, validated, and banked in advance, and can be applied across HLA barriers. Here, we discuss the recent advances and challenges in the generation of iPSC-derived cellular products for cancer therapy.

iPSCs can be differentiated to functional tumor-specific T and NK cells in vitro with demonstrable in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity. Genetic modifications employed at the iPSC level can deliver desirable immunotherapeutic attributes to the generated immune effectors. iPSC-NK cells are currently evaluated in a clinical setting and pre-clinical testing of iPSC-T cells shows promising results but their production seems more challenging.

The use of iPSCs for the generation of tumor-targeting T/NK cells constitutes a feasible strategy to overcome limitations in manufacturing, efficacy, and applicability of cellular therapeutics.

Keywords: Induced pluripotent stem cells, Adoptive cell immunotherapy, NK cells, T cells, Off-the-shelf

Adoptive cell immunotherapy for the treatment of hematological malignancies has greatly advanced in the last decades, leading to significant clinical outcomes. Both T cells and NK cells have been proven robust therapeutic agents and several approaches to obtain anti-tumor therapeutic lymphocytes have been proposed with variable clinical impact. These include the isolation and expansion of patient-derived tumor antigen-specific T cells (T cell clones, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes), innate T cells (NK-T or -T cells), or NK cells [1, 2]. The introduction of genetic engineering with T cell receptors (TCR) and most importantly chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) boosted the applicability and efficacy of adoptive cell immunotherapy [3]. CARs are artificial receptors that redirect antigen recognition from T cells and mediate T cell activation, through the fusion of an extracellular antigen-binding moiety, such as a single-chain-variable region (scFv), with an intracellular signaling domain [4]. CAR-modified T cells (CAR-T) targeting CD19 have induced impressive responses in chemotherapy-resistant B cell leukemias and lymphomas [5, 6], while B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)targeting CAR-T cells show promising clinical results against multiple myeloma [7]. These remarkable results led further to the development of CAR-engineered NK cells (CAR-NK), redirecting the intrinsic capacity of NK cells for tumor recognition and elimination and the initiation of CAR-NK clinical trials [8, 9].

Although successful, current approaches of adoptive cell therapy have significant limitations that impede their further progress and broader use. Immunotherapy using primary T cells is mainly performed in an autologous setting limiting a facile and general use. The production of genetically engineered therapeutic cells is a time-consuming process and the required processing time can be detrimental for the patients health. Also, in many cases, the autologous T cell isolation and expansion could be problematic and their functionality and quality doubtful (e.g., patients receiving highly immunosuppressive therapy). In addition, the existing ex vivo T cell expansion protocols push T cells to a terminal differentiated effector state, resulting in exhausted, less effective cellular products. The use of allogeneic cells from volunteer donors has the potential to broaden the applicability of the T cell products to HLA-matched recipients [10]. The advances of gene editing technology allow for further broadening of the applicability of CAR-T cell therapy by the use of allogeneic volunteer donor T cells that have been modified to lack TCR expression and thus, avoid graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) [10]. However, the final purity of the TCR-less CAR-T cell product is not always acceptable. Carriage of even <1% (<45104 cells/kg) of residual TCR-expressing T cells was still enough to initiate GvHD in the first clinical application of TCR-less CAR-T cells [10]. In addition, the potential off-target genetic alterations require further safety testing of every different batch produced that brings higher production costs. Extra gene editing to also eliminate HLA class I expression and reduce the risk of rejection could further reduce production efficiency (60% of double targeting efficiency) [10, 11] and require extra ex vivo expansion in order to reach the desirable yield of fully edited cells. However, it is known that longer ex vivo culture can be at the cost of having a more exhausted final product [12]. Notably, NK cells exert their function regardless of the recipients HLA haplotype and thus they can be isolated from an unrelated donor or cord blood. Clinical trials using adoptively transferred allogeneic NK cells showed limited toxic side effects such as GvHD [1317]. However, additionally to the above-mentioned limitations, their inadequate proliferative capacity impedes their in vivo persistence without cytokine support [18] and makes multiplex gene editing challenging. Immortalized NK cell lines, such as NK92, have been used as an alternative but they have to be irradiated before being infused to the patient [9, 19]. This limits their in vivo survival and thus, multiple doses of high numbers of NK92 cells are required [9]. Clinical application of irradiated NK92 cells transduced with a CD33-CAR was safe but without impressive anti-tumor results [9].

The development of broadly applicable cellular therapeutics, which have been manufactured, functionally validated and banked in advance, and can be applied across HLA barriers would improve the consistency and availability and reduce the cost of adoptive cell therapy. The generation of human lymphocytes from iPSCs has attracted lately the interest of the scientific community since it offers tantalizing prospects for cell-based therapies serving as an endless supply of custom-made, off-the-shelf therapeutic lymphocytes. Here, we review the latest advances in generating therapeutic anti-tumor T and NK lymphocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and future challenges towards the final development of universally applicable immunotherapeutic products.

The iPSC technology offers new perspectives for the production of immunotherapeutic cellular products due to two major characteristics. First, similar to embryonic stem cells, iPSCs can be cultured unlimitedly in vitro and be successfully differentiated towards the lymphoid lineage [20]. Having access to constant and continuous production of T and/or NK lymphocytes offers solution to cell number and doses limitations due to restricted availability or expansion of primary cells. Second, iPSCs can be easily amenable to genetic transformations in vitro and thus, can generate immune effectors, which may eventually be genetically modified to augment their applicability, potency, and persistence. While the potential for multiplex gene editing is limited in primary cells, iPSC can theoretically bear unlimited genetic changes. Finally, in contrast to primary cells [10], genetic engineering of iPSCs results in fully modified clonal lines, which could be extensively evaluated resulting in a stable and safe source. The generation of safe master iPSC lines, bearing genetic modifications that confer the desired characteristics to the final product, would facilitate the development of off-the-shelf cellular therapeutics for more patients and types of malignancy.

Up to date almost all somatic cell types have been successfully reprogrammed into iPSCs through introduction of defined transcription factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc or Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Lin28) [21, 22]. However, the selection of the initial iPSC source seems to be important when aiming in the efficient generation of therapeutically relevant T or NK lymphocytes (Fig.). Although, iPSC, from any somatic cell, can be successfully differentiated towards the lymphoid lineage, it has been shown that starting from blood cell-derived iPSCs, such as CD34+ cells from cord blood, monocytes or peripheral blood lymphocytes, results in a more efficient generation of CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) thymocytes in vitro [23] suggesting a level of epigenetic memory [24]. Moreover, iPSCs from peripheral blood T lymphocytes (T-iPSC) have the unique characteristic of bearing the rearranged TCR loci of the parental cells, which remain unchanged during in vitro differentiation [21, 23]. Therefore, T cells with defined TCR-specificity (e.g., T cell clones, invariant T cells, NK-T cells) can be selected for reprogramming to T-iPSC for therapeutic T cell production.

a Peripheral blood cells serve as a primary source to generate iPSC lines by non-integrating delivery of reprogramming transcription factors. b Generation of iPSC-derived off-the-shelf tumor-specific T cells. iPSCs are genetically modified to bear desirable immunotherapeutic properties. The expression of TCR and HLA is knocked out or silenced to prevent alloreactivity and graft rejection respectively. HLA-E/G molecules can be overexpressed to avoid NK cellmediated transplant rejection, whereas antigen-specific TCR/CARs can direct anti-tumor activity. Further, introduction of the expression of immune receptors, cytokines, chemokines, or other immune regulatory factors may enhance anti-tumor function. Genome-edited master iPSC lines are differentiated under GMP-grade conditions to fully functional histocompatible tumor-targeting T cells accessible to all patients regardless of their HLA haplotype

The hallmark of adoptive T cell immunotherapy is the use of the ability of T cells to specifically recognize tumor antigens. Naturally, this ability is endowed through the expression of specific TCRs encoded by the uniquely rearranged genomic loci of the TCR and chains. Generation of T cells from embryonic stem cells or iPSC, which bear non-rearranged germline TCR loci, results in random rearrangements during differentiation and a population of cells with various unknown specificities [25]. Nishimura et al. demonstrated that differentiation of T-iPSCderived from an antigen-specific T cell clone gives rise to T cells with the same TCR rearrangement and reactivity [21], thus making T-iPSC from tumor antigen-specific T cells a way to deliver defined specificity to iPSC-derived T cells. Until now, T cell clones specific for several tumor antigens, such as MART-1 (melanoma), LMP2 (EBV antigen), WT-1 (leukemia), and GPC3 (hepatocellular, ovarian, and lung carcinoma), have been reprogrammed to T-iPSC [23, 26, 27]. Importantly, tumor-specific T-iPSC could give rise to cytotoxic CD8 single-positive (SP) T cells, which could recognize the target antigen on cell lines and display specific cytotoxicity [23, 26, 27]. Although most of the generated cells bear the original tumor-specific TCR, it has been observed that TCR can be additionally rearranged, resulting in TCR destabilization and loss of the antigen specificity [26]. Inactivation of recombination activating gene 2 (RAG2) in the T-iPSC, a key protein complex in the rearrangement of TCR, can inhibit the process of further TCR rearrangement at the DP stage and result in preservation of antigen specificity in CD8 T cells [26].

Although taking advantage of a naturally occurring TCR in order to convey antigen specificity to iPSC-derived T cells, one can imagine that the flexibility of this method is limited, as the existence of pre-made, HLA-matched antigen-specific T cell clones is a requirement. The advances in engineering of immune cells open up new perspectives for the generation of custom-made synthetic T cells from iPSC. Antigen specificity can be assigned to iPSCs and their T cell derivatives by means of a transgenic TCR [26]. Themeli et al. demonstrated the feasibility of generating functional CAR-T cells by engineering T-iPSC with a CAR [28]. The use of CARs endows T-iPSCderived T cells with HLA-independent, customizable antigen recognition as scFv domains of different specificity can be used giving the potential for a wider applicability range. Importantly, second- and third-generation CARs provide additionally costimulatory signals and enhance T cell activation, expansion, and in vivo persistence [4]. In principal, similarly to conventional CAR-T cells, T-iPSC can be also further genetically armed with cytokines, receptors, and other regulatory molecules in order to provide their derivatives with optimal immunotherapeutic properties such as enhanced proliferation and reduced exhaustion [2932]. Especially the rise of gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas9 and TALEN technologies, offers new perspectives for the multiplex modification of T-iPSC.

The potential of iPSCs to become a valuable source of readily available anti-tumor T cells depends on the development of a defined and efficient production process that could yield the cell numbers required for clinical application. In 2009, Timmermans et al. first reported the derivation of mature CD3+TCR+ T cells from human embryonic stem cells [25]. Since then, several groups have demonstrated successful in vitro generation of T lymphocytes from iPSC, although using slightly different methods [21, 23, 28]. However, all described protocols follow the same differentiation path, recapitulating the process of human T cell development. First, iPSCs are induced to form mesoderm from which definitive hemogenic endothelium arises as a next step. Hemogenic endothelium is then transitioning to form a pool of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC), a subpopulation of which has the potential to commit to the T cell lineage. The final important steps involve the emergence of CD8+/CD4+ DP cells and eventually of mature CD8 or CD4 SP T lymphocytes. Since this is a multi-step differentiation process where every developmental transition happens with different efficiency, one could imagine that the production of mature SP T cells for clinical applications is a challenge. In recent studies, investigators were able to generate enough numbers of anti-tumor T cells in order to test their functionality in vivo in xenograft murine models [26, 27, 28]. However, the development of an efficient method for the production of clinically relevant cell numbers is still not reported.

Another major challenge is that, although successful in generating T cells from iPSC or T-iPSC, most of the reported differentiation methods include the presence of uncharacterized serum and feeder cells of murine origin, which are not compatible with clinical level production. Induction of the hematopoietic program has been achieved through co-culture with OP9, a murine bone marrow stromal cell line, or C3H10T1/2, a mouse embryonic fibroblast line [21, 23, 33]. Further T lymphoid commitment requires the use of the same cell lines of murine origin transduced to overexpress the Notch ligands DLL1 or DLL4 [20, 21, 23, 33]. One could replace the murine feeder cells with cells of human origin, but until now attempts to create human-origin feeder cells for T cell development had disappointing results, as human fibroblasts or keratinocytes have failed to efficiently support the differentiation of human CD34+ to pro T cells or SP mature cells [34, 35]. Therefore, the development of a feeder-free and serum-free method is required. Kennedy et al. managed to replace feeder use, for the differentiation of iPSC towards CD34+CD43 HSPC, with a serum-free and stroma cell-free protocol based on embryoid body formation and the use of rationally selected cytokine combinations in a stepwise manner [20]. Creating an in vitro thymic niche by using plate-bound recombinant molecules of DLL4/DLL1 and VCAM-1, fused to the Fc portion of human IgG, has been used to generate T cell lineage cells from or cord blood-derived CD34+ cells [36], but the successful feeder-free differentiation of iPSC-derived HSPC has not been described.

Beyond antigen specificity, the functional potential of T cells depends also on their developmental maturity and their lineage subtype (, , -, CD4 or CD8, Treg, etc). This underscores once more the importance of developing differentiation protocols, which are based on the knowledge of human T lymphoid development, for the generation of the T cell subtype with the desired functionality. The first studies generating cytotoxic T cells from T-iPSC revealed that their phenotype and functionality was not precisely similar to that of mature CD8 T cells. The T-iPSCderived rejuvenated T cells although they were CD3+TCR+ showed T cellspecific gene expression profile and elicited specific cytotoxic responses against cells expressing the target antigen; they lacked expression of important surface molecules (such as CD2, CD5, CD28) and expressed high levels of innate T cell-related markers (such as CD56) [21, 23]. Also, Themeli et al. further reported that CAR-modified T-iPSC differentiate into CD3+TCR+CD8+ CAR-T cells whose gene expression profile was similar to that of -T cells [28]. Importantly, their in vivo anti-tumor functionality was analogous to that of peripheral blood-derived -T cells from the same donor bearing the same CAR [28]. Therefore, although the generated T-iPSCderived T cells express the endogenous TCR, they have phenotypic and functional characteristics of an innate-like lymphocyte. Similar lineage skewing has been observed in transgenic TCR mice [3739] and in vitro differentiation of TCR-engineered human CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors [40], wherein the emerging TCR+ T cells displayed innate T cell features, such as expression of CD8 and low levels of CD5 [37]. CD8 is expressed as a CD8 heterodimer on mature cytotoxic T cells while CD8 homodimers are present only on innate lymphocyte subtypes such as NK cells, -T cells, NK-T cells, or intestinal epithelial lymphocytes (IEL) [41, 42]. Heterodimeric CD8 has been shown to be a better coreceptor for TCR/pMHC binding than homodimeric CD8 [43] and the presence of CD8 is indicative of maturity. Indeed, T-iPSCderived T cells expressing CD8 exhibited improved antigen-specific cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo compared with CD8 cells which show innate-like non-antigen-specific reactivity [27].

It has been suggested that premature expression of the transgenic TCR may prevent -selection of the cells, skew development towards the lineage, and result in the emergence of TCR-expressing T cells with properties [37, 38]. Interestingly, the pre-rearranged endogenous TCR of T-iPSC is already expressed on day 1520 of differentiation on OP9-DL1 [28], which is remarkably earlier than the appearance of TCR/ in differentiation of cord blood (CB)-CD34+ cells and some other reports on human ES/iPSC T cell differentiation [20, 25]. In addition, similarly to what is reported for the TCR transgenic mice, the generation of CD8-expressing DP cells from T-iPSC is very inefficient [21, 27, 33]. Interestingly, previous studies in transgenic murine models have demonstrated that lineage determination during T lymphoid differentiation is dependent on the synergy between TCR and Notch signaling and differences in Notch signal strength are also an important factor influencing versus development [44]. Murine T-iPSC differentiated in a 3D thymic culture generated antigen-specific anti-tumor T cells, which were phenotypically and functionally more similar to nave CD8 T cells in contrast to CD8 cells emerging from the OP9-DL1 co-culture [45]. Therefore, a thymic environment provides the correct combination of Notch and other signals that promote the maturation of thymocytes. Further research should focus on the development of in vitro differentiation systems that better mimic the interactions and the balanced TCR and Notch signaling that takes place within the thymus.

Phenotypic and functional evaluation of the T-iPSCderived CD8 T cells [27] or iPSC-derived CD8 T cells bearing a transgenic TCR [26] showed that they are similar to their peripheral blood counterparts. However, there are still gene expression discrepancies such as the lack of chemokine receptors (CCR7, CXCR3) and a weaker but still existing NK-like cytotoxicity [27]. In addition, it is still not clear whether their anti-tumor function is equivalent to that of conventional CD8 T cells. The in vivo anti-tumor functionality of regenerated CD8 T cells has been up to date tested in xenograft models where the tumor cells are inoculated intraperitoneally or subcutaneously and thus, not in a naturally occurring location limiting our insight on their migratory capacities [26, 27, 28, 33]. Finally, although treatment with iPSC-derived CD8 T cells significantly delayed tumor growth, it required multiple injections of high numbers of cells [26, 27, 33]. The use of xenograft models where tumor cells are inoculated at their natural sites and T cell-dose escalation could be more informative on the functionality of the iPSC-derived T cells.

NK cells constitute a robust part of the innate immune system implicated in recognition and lysis of malignant and virally infected cells. Their HLA-independent cytotoxic capacity makes them favorable candidates for off-the-shelf cellular therapeutic product compared with T cells. However, as already mentioned, their limited proliferative and genetic manipulation potential render their clinical application challenging. The perspective of manufacturing therapeutic NK cells from iPSC provides solutions to many of the bottlenecks of adoptive NK cell therapy.

Interestingly, the generation of NK cells from iPSC has proven easier and more straight-forward than the production of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells. Although the first steps of differentiation towards HSPCs are similar to that of T differentiation, the commitment to NK lymphoid lineage is less complicated and does not require the presence of Notch signaling. Several studies have demonstrated the robust production of homogeneous, mature NK cells from human iPSC, which express all significant NK-defining markers such as CD56, FcRIIIa receptor (CD16), CD94, killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs), natural cytotoxicity receptors (NKp30, NKp44, and NKp46), activating receptors (NKG2D and DNAM-1), and death-inducing ligands (FasL, TRAIL) [46, 47, 48]. Most importantly, Knorr et al. reported a clinical-grade, serum-free, and feeder-free differentiation protocol to obtain functional NK cells from iPSC, which involves embryoid body formation in defined conditions and the use of membrane-bound interleukin 21-expressing artificial antigen-presenting cells [49]. According to the authors of the study, enough cytotoxic NK cells to treat a single patient could be produced from fewer than 250,000 input hiPSCs, thus facilitating the potential for clinical application in cancer therapy.

Apart from a mature phenotype, iPSC-derived NK cells display efficient cytotoxic capacity through direct receptor-mediated lysis, cytokine and chemokine secretion, and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) [46, 47]. When evaluating the anti-tumor activity in an ovarian cancer xenograft model, intraperitoneally injected iPSC-derived NK cells showed similar delay of tumor progression and overall survival as peripheral blood NK cells expanded on artificial antigen-presenting cells (aAPC) [47]. However, although statistically significant, this anti-tumor effect was not impressive and required multiple doses of NK cells. Interestingly, engineering iPSCs with a CAR bearing NK-specific costimulatory domains derived from NKG2D and 2B4 proteins optimized the targeted anti-tumor activity of the generated CARiPSC-NK cells and improved their in vivo expansion and cytotoxic capacity [48]. Importantly, a single dose of CARiPSC-NK cells resulted in less toxicity but similar anti-tumor effect as third-generation CAR-T cells against ovarian cancer in vivo, although comparison of tumor burden was limited to 3weeks post infusion in this study [48]. Further genetic engineering has been proposed in order to improve the function and therapeutic potential of iPSC-NK cells. For example, the expression of a non-cleavable CD16 would enhance ADCC potential, the addition of an IL15R-IL-15 fusion can provide self-stimulation, and expression of CXCR3 can improve homing of iPSC-NK cells [50].

Although generation of T and NK cells from iPSC overcomes many of the limitations of current manufacturing practices, their use would only really facilitate the applicability of adoptive cell therapy if they are available as a true universally applicable off-the-shelf product, which could be infused to any patient.

The major barrier limiting the applicability of allogeneic iPSC-derived products is the HLA-disparity between the effector T cells and the host, which may lead to graft rejection or graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction. Using matched previously banked iPSCs from HLA-homozygous donors as a starting material has been previously proposed [51]. It has been calculated that an iPSC bank with 50 HLA-homozygous iPSC lines could cover approximately 73% of the Japanese population [51] while 93% of the UK population would find a match within 150 HLA-homozygous lines [52]. However, the establishment of universal iPSC lines is considered to provide a true solution as they would provide widely applicable cellular products without the need for HLA-matching. Hypoimmunogenic, histocompatible pluripotent stem cell lines can be generated by elimination of HLA class I and II expression by disruption of 2m and CIITA gene respectively [53, 54, 55]. Allogeneic cells, which lack self class I HLA molecules, can however be rejected by host NK cells. Introduction of HLA-E, HLA-G, or of patient-specific HLA-C has been shown to reduce NK-mediated rejection of iPSC-derived cells [53, 54, 55]. Introduction of additional immunomodulatory molecules such as PD-L1 and CD47 can further reduce the recipients immune responses [55].

When using allogeneic T cells, the possibility of graft-versus-host reactions is a major concern. In order to avoid alloreactivity of iPSC-derived T cells, T-iPSC bearing an endogenous TCR of known specificity (virus- or cancer-specific) could be used. Alternatively, the surface expression of the TCR could be disrupted by the means of genome editing as previously described for conventional CAR-T cells [10, 56].

Although, many of the above genetic modifications have been already reported and evaluated in the iPSC level, there is up to date no study showing the generation of functional and mature lymphocytes from universal iPSCs.

The advancement of adoptive cell immunotherapy and the impressive clinical outcomes obtained targeting hematologic malignancies with CAR-T cells dictate for further developments towards a broader use of cellular therapeutics for more patients and more types of malignancy. The advent of iPSC technology provides new perspectives for the manufacturing of customized, tumor-targeting T/NK cells, with improved immunotherapeutic properties and the potential of universal off-the-shelf use (Fig. ). Rapid progress in the field of lymphoid differentiation of iPSC has brought the clinical application of iPSC-derived adoptive immunotherapy from theory to reality. Indeed, the first clinical trial testing an off-the-shelf, iPSC-derived NK cell product against advanced solid tumors started recruiting in 2019 ( Identifier: {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT03841110","term_id":"NCT03841110"}}NCT03841110). In addition, the production of iPSC-derived T cells and TCR/CAR-engineered T cells is already in pre-clinical development. Fate Therapeutics is developing TCR-less T-iPSCderived CD19-CAR-T cells where the CD19CAR is expressed from the TCR chain constant region (TRAC) locus, while Adaptimmune aims to develop off-the-shelf anti-tumor T cells from TCR-engineered iPSC.

However, there are still several challenges to be pre-clinically addressed before the first clinical application of iPSC-derived T cells. As mentioned above, the phenotypic and functional maturity of the generated T cell effectors has to be ensured as well as an anti-tumor potential comparable with natural T cells. Further, manufacturing protocols should be established which would allow for the efficient, GMP-grade, and clinical scale production of iPSC-derived T cell products. Finally, as with all iPSC-derived cellular products, the potential risk of malignant transformation due to contamination with undifferentiated iPSC has to be minimized, for example with the use of suicide genes such as the iC9/CID system [33]. Further future advances in iPSC and genome editing technologies in combination with in-depth knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms of T/NK cell function and the regulation of lymphoid development will provide the tools for the generation of iPSC-derived T/NK cell products with improved therapeutic anti-tumor function, better homing, persistence, and applicable across histocompatibility barriers.

Alexandros Nianias declares that he has no conflict of interest.

Maria Themeli reports serving as consultant for Covagen AG. In addition, Dr. Themeli has a patent WO2014165707A2 with royalties paid to Fate Therapeutics.

This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the authors.

This article is part of the Topical Collection on CART and Immunotherapy

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Alexandros Nianias, Email: ln.cmumadretsma@sainain.a.

Maria Themeli, Phone: +31 (0) 204447413, Email: ln.cmumadretsma@ilemeht.m.

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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)Derived Lymphocytes for Adoptive ...

Umoja Biopharma Presents Data on its Engineered Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Platform at the 2022 International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual…

SEATTLE, June 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Umoja Biopharma, Inc., an immuno-oncology company pioneering off-the-shelf, integrated therapeutics that reprogram immune cells in vivo to treat patients with solid and hematologic malignancies, announced today that it will have a poster presentation at the 2022 International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, to be held June 15-18, 2022 in San Francisco, California.

On Wednesday, June 15th, Principal Scientist & iPSC Team Lead, Teisha Rowland, Ph.D., will give a poster presentation titled, A Synthetic Cytokine Receptor Platform for Producing Cytotoxic Innate Lymphocytes as Off-the-Shelf Cancer Therapeutics. The presentation will discuss Umojas engineered induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) platform, that incorporates the synthetic cytokine receptor system rapamycin-activated cytokine receptor (RACR) platform. Umojas engineered iPSCs that are modified to express RACR, called RACR-induced cytotoxic innate lymphoid (iCIL) cells, drive differentiation and expansion of the cells while eliminating the need for expensive cytokines and other raw materials. The RACR platform has the potential to enable cytokine-free manufacturing and engraftment of the engineered cells in the patient without the need for toxic lymphodepletion.

Despite the advances chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapies have provided to the oncology space, we continue to battle significant challenges that these therapies cannot address, like limited expansion capacity and scalability, manufacturing complexity, variability among patients, and the need for toxic chemotherapy administration to combat patients anti-allograft response, said Andy Scharenberg, M.D., co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Umoja. We are developing an engineered iPSC platform, including the RACR platform, to address these challenges by enabling a scalable, virtually unlimited, and simplified manufacturing of engineered, cancer-fighting cytotoxic innate lymphocytes.

About Umoja Biopharma

Umoja Biopharma, Inc. is an early clinical-stage company advancing an entirely new approach to immunotherapy. Umoja Biopharma, Inc. is a transformative multi-platform immuno-oncology company founded with the goal of creating curative treatments for solid and hematological malignancies by reprogramming immune cells in vivo to target and fight cancer. Founded based on pioneering work performed at Seattle Childrens Research Institute and Purdue University, Umojas novel approach is powered by integrated cellular immunotherapy technologies including the VivoVec in vivo delivery platform, the RACR/CAR in vivo cell expansion/control platform, and the TumorTag targeting platform. Designed from the ground up to work together, these platforms are being developed to create and harness a powerful immune response in the body to directly, safely, and controllably attack cancer. Umoja believes that its approach can provide broader access to the most advanced immunotherapies and enable more patients to live better, fuller lives. To learn more, visit

About RACR

CAR T cells generated by the body with VivoVec can be expanded and sustained with the rapamycin activated cytokine receptor (RACR) system, an engineered signaling system designed to improve chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell persistence and produce durable anti-tumor responses. The RACR/CAR payload is integrated into the genomic DNA of a patients T cells. Rapamycin activates the RACR system resulting in preferential expansion and survival of cancer-fighting T cells. The RACR technology enables a patients cells to expand in a manner that resembles a natural immune response that does not require lymphodepletion, promoting durable T cell engraftment. RACR/CAR technology can also be used to enhanceex vivomanufacturing in support of more traditional autologous or allogeneic cell therapy manufacturing processes. To learn more about Umojas RACR platform please visit

Media Contact: Darren Opland, Ph.D. LifeSci Communications

Umoja Biopharma Presents Data on its Engineered Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Platform at the 2022 International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual...

UB-led study presents critical step forward in understanding Parkinson’s disease and how to treat it – UBNow: News and views for UB faculty and staff…

A new study led by a researcher in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB has important implications for developing future treatments for Parkinsons disease (PD), a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement and often includes tremors.

In this study, we find a method to differentiate human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to A9 dopamine neurons (A9 DA), which are lost in Parkinsons disease, says Jian Feng, professor of physiology and biophysics in the Jacobs School and senior author on the paper published May 24 in Molecular Psychiatry.

These neurons are pacemakers that continuously fire action potentials regardless of excitatory inputs from other neurons, he adds. Their pace-making property is very important to their function and underlies their vulnerability in Parkinsons disease.

This exciting breakthrough is a critical step forward in efforts to better understand Parkinsons disease and how to treat it, says Allison Brashear, vice president for health sciences and dean of the Jacobs School. Jian Feng and his team are to be commended for their innovation and resolve.

Feng explains there are many different types of dopamine neurons in the human brain, and each type is responsible for different brain functions.

Nigral dopamine neurons, also known as the A9 DA neurons, are responsible for controlling voluntary movements. The loss of these neurons causes the movement symptoms of Parkinsons disease, he says.

Scientists have been trying hard to generate these neurons from human pluripotent stem cells to study Parkinsons disease and develop better therapies, Feng says. We have succeeded in making A9 dopamine neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells. It means that we can now generate these neurons from any PD patients to study their disease.

Feng notes that A9 DA neurons are probably the largest cells in the human body. Their volume is about four times the volume of a mature human egg.

Over 99% of the volume is contributed by their extremely extensive axon branches. The total length of axon branches of a single A9 DA neuron is about 4.5 meters, he says. The cell is like the water supply system in a city, with a relatively small plant and hundreds of miles of water pipes going to each building.

In addition to their unique morphology, the A9 DA neurons are pacemakers they fire action potentials continuously, regardless of synaptic input.

They depend on Ca2+ channels to maintain the pace-making activities. Thus, the cells need to deal with a lot of stress from handling Ca2+ and dopamine, Feng says. These unique features of A9 DA neurons make them vulnerable. Lots of efforts are being directed at understanding these vulnerabilities, with the hope of finding a way to arrest or prevent their loss in Parkinsons disease.

Pace-making is an important feature and vulnerability of A9 DA neurons. Now that we can generate A9 DA pacemakers from any patient, it is possible to use these neurons to screen for compounds that may protect their loss in PD, he notes. It is also possible to test whether these cells are a better candidate for transplantation therapy of PD.

To differentiate human iPSCs to A9 DA neurons, the researchers tried to mimic what happens in embryonic development, in which the cells secrete proteins called morphogens to signal to each other their correct position and destiny in the embryo.

Feng notes the A9 DA neurons are in the ventral part of the midbrain in development.

Thus, we differentiate the human iPSCs in three stages, each with different chemicals to mimic the developmental process, he says. The challenge is to identify the correct concentration, duration and treatment window of each chemical.

The combination of this painstaking work, which is based on previous work by many others in the field, makes it possible for us to generate A9 DA neurons, he adds.

Feng points out there are a number of roadblocks to studying Parkinsons disease, but that significant progress is being made.

There is no objective diagnostic test of Parkinsons disease, and when PD is diagnosed by clinical symptoms, it is already too late. The loss of nigral DA neurons has already been going on for at least a decade, he says.

There was previously no way to make human dopamine neurons from a PD patient so we could study these neurons to find out what goes wrong.

Scientists have been using animal models and human cell lines to study Parkinsons disease, but these systems are inadequate in their ability to reflect the situation in human nigral DA neurons, Feng says.

Just within the past 15 years, PD research has been transformed by the ability to make patient-specific dopamine neurons that are increasingly similar to their counterparts in the brain of a PD patient.

Houbo Jiang, research scientist in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, and Hong Li, a former postdoctoral associate in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, are co first-authors on the paper.

Other co-authors are Hanqin Li, a graduate of the doctoral program in neuroscience and currently a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Berkeley; Li Li, a trainee in UBs doctoral program in neuroscience; and Zhen Yan, SUNY Distinguished Professor of Physiology and Biophysics.

The study was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, National Institutes of Health and by New York State Stem Cell Science (NYSTEM).

See the article here:
UB-led study presents critical step forward in understanding Parkinson's disease and how to treat it - UBNow: News and views for UB faculty and staff...

Fujifilm Life Sciences Showcases its Comprehensive Solutions to Support Advanced Therapies at BIO2022 – B – Benzinga

Cambridge, Mass., June 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fujifilm Life Sciences, a portfolio of companies with comprehensive solutions ranging from Bio CDMO services to drug development support, and including induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), cell culture media, and reagents, today announced that it will have a unified presence at BIO2022 (June 13-16) at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.

Fujifilm Life Sciences will showcase each company's individual unique solutions, explore new business partnerships, and sponsor an interactive panel educational session on microbiome therapy development.

"The many and diverse offerings of Fujifilm Life Sciences support and accelerate the discovery, development, manufacturing and commercialization of new therapies," said Yutaka Yamaguchi, general manager, Life Sciences Business Division, FUJIFILM Corporation; chairman and chief executive officer, FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, Inc. "As one Fujifilm, BIO2022 gives prospective partners a sense of the synergies and depth of experience Fujifilm can provide during the various stages of bringing new treatments to market."

Sponsored Educational Session

With numerous mid-to-late-stage trials targeting the microbiome well underway, a host of 2022 readouts, and the first-ever microbiome therapy approval on the horizon, there is growing interest in the field. Sign up for this panel of industry experts as they share recent gains in harnessing the power of the microbiome and what key stakeholders should be watching for the rest of 2022.

Gut Check: Current Trends in Microbiome Therapeutics Development

(Wednesday, June 15, 12:15pm - 1:30pm, Room 6B, San Diego Convention Center)



To register please click here:

"As a leader in the life sciences industry, Fujifilm Life Sciences is committed to advancing the field through ongoing research and education at BIO2022," added Yamaguchi.

The following Fujifilm Life Science companies look forward to welcoming attendees and forging new partnerships at BIO2022:

Exhibition and meetings based at Booth #1137

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific Inc. a world leader in the development and manufacture of serum-free and chemically defined cell culture media and solutions for bioproduction and cell therapy manufacturing.

FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation is a leading manufacturer and supplier of laboratory chemicals, specialty chemicals and diagnostic reagents.

FUJIFILM Wako Chemicals, U.S.A. Corporation, LAL Division is a provider of the PYROSTAR ES-F line for the detection of bacterial endotoxin.

Exhibition and meetings based at Booth #1427

FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies is an industry-leading cGMP Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) supporting the biopharmaceutical industry in the development and production of biologics, vaccines and advanced therapies.

Meetings based in the BIO Business Forum

FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc. is a leading developer and manufacturer of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) utilized in drug discovery and cell therapies.

Learn more about Fujifilm Life Sciences:

About Fujifilm

FUJIFILM Holdings America Corporation is the regional headquarters for the Americas. It is comprised of more than 20 affiliate companies across North and Latin America that are engaged in the research, development, manufacture, sale and service of Fujifilm products and services. The company's portfolio represents a broad spectrum of industries including medical and life sciences, electronic, chemical, graphic arts, information systems, industrial products, broadcast, recording media, and photography. For more information, please visit:

FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, Tokyo, leverages its depth of knowledge and proprietary core technologies to deliver Value from Innovation in our products and services in the business segments of healthcare, materials, business innovation, and imaging. Our relentless pursuit of innovation is focused on providing social value and enhancing the lives of people worldwide. Fujifilm is committed to responsible environmental stewardship and good corporate citizenship. For more information about Fujifilm's Sustainable Value Plan 2030, click here. For the year ended March 31, 2022, the company had global revenues of approximately 2.5 trillion yen (21 billion $USD at an exchange rate of 122 yen/dollar). For more information, please visit:


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Fujifilm Life Sciences Showcases its Comprehensive Solutions to Support Advanced Therapies at BIO2022 - B - Benzinga

Century Therapeutics (IPSC) vs. Its Competitors Head-To-Head Analysis – Defense World

Century Therapeutics (NASDAQ:IPSC Get Rating) is one of 262 publicly-traded companies in the Biological products, except diagnostic industry, but how does it compare to its rivals? We will compare Century Therapeutics to similar companies based on the strength of its dividends, profitability, earnings, valuation, analyst recommendations, risk and institutional ownership.

Valuation & Earnings

This table compares Century Therapeutics and its rivals top-line revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.

Analyst Recommendations

This is a summary of current ratings and price targets for Century Therapeutics and its rivals, as reported by MarketBeat.

Century Therapeutics presently has a consensus target price of $31.00, indicating a potential upside of 260.05%. As a group, Biological products, except diagnostic companies have a potential upside of 122.93%. Given Century Therapeutics stronger consensus rating and higher probable upside, equities analysts clearly believe Century Therapeutics is more favorable than its rivals.


This table compares Century Therapeutics and its rivals net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

Insider and Institutional Ownership

57.5% of Century Therapeutics shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 53.1% of shares of all Biological products, except diagnostic companies are held by institutional investors. 16.1% of shares of all Biological products, except diagnostic companies are held by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that hedge funds, large money managers and endowments believe a company will outperform the market over the long term.


Century Therapeutics beats its rivals on 7 of the 12 factors compared.

Century Therapeutics Company Profile (Get Rating)

Century Therapeutics, Inc., a biotechnology company, develops transformative allogeneic cell therapies for the treatment of solid tumor and hematological malignancies. The company's lead product candidate is CNTY-101, an allogeneic, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)-derived chimeric antigen receptors (CAR)-iNK cell therapy targeting CD19 for relapsed, refractory B-cell lymphoma. It is also developing CNTY-103, a CAR-iNK candidate targeting CD133 + EGFR for recurrent glioblastoma; CNTY-102, a CAR-iT targeting CD19 + CD79b for relapsed, refractory B-cell lymphoma and other B-cell malignancies; CNTY-104, a CAR-iT or CAR-iNK multi-specific candidate for acute myeloid leukemia; and CNTY-106, a CAR-iNK or CAR-iT multi-specific candidate for multiple myeloma. Century Therapeutics, Inc. was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Century Therapeutics (IPSC) vs. Its Competitors Head-To-Head Analysis - Defense World