Inequality in COVID-19 Has Other Dangerous Consequences – Fox and Hounds Daily

Tanya Klowden is a physicist with a background in design and history whose work is focused on identifying the works and telling the stories of unrecognized and underappreciated artists and voices in history.

Over the past several weeks, the outcries over the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, combined with recent killings of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky have grown to a dull roar, finally focusing our nation on the tremendous risk of violence and death borne on a daily basis by people of color within this country. As our broader population has begun to address the widespread and persistent violence that has plagued minority communities for generations, medical researchers in the past few weeks have expressed significant concern over another urgent threat, finding a much higher death rate from COVID-19 within our African-American communities here in California and in the country as a whole.

We have observed over the past several weeks what we already knew, or at least should have known, that disease falls hardest on the most underprivileged and that minorities in particular, independent of their economic status, are at a higher risk of death. The non-partisan APM research lab released figures showing that African-Americans have died from COVID-19 alone at a rate of 50.3 per 100,000 people- well over twice the rates for whites (20.7), Latinos (22.9) and Asian Americans (22.7). There are several reasons for this, none of which is biological susceptibility. Most of the difficulties are direct impacts of systematic racism, so it is important we look at some of these issues to better understand why they are amplifying, rather than suppressing, the impact of disease.

In fact, per capita public health spending (and public education spending) is measurably lower in most regions in this country with a significantly higher African-American population. While lower public health spending in your region will result in poorer outcomes all by itself, medical professionals find that they are also struggling with high levels of distrust from minorities, particularly from those in the older generations. The more privileged you are, the less likely you are to have ever been treated by, and simultaneously not trusted, your doctor. As a privileged person, you probably learned about the Hippocratic oath at a young age and always accepted that your doctor made a promise to help, not harm, in all circumstances.

To help place you in the mindset of someone who has been given no reason to trust doctors and every reason to fear them, I have for you the story of Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta Lacks was an African-American woman born in 1920. She worked as a tobacco farmer and was a mother from an early age. When she was thirty, after giving birth and hemorrhaging severely after, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She was given routine (at the time) treatment for her cancer and instructed to follow up with the hospital. During followup treatment she was admitted to the hospital at her request due to severe abdominal pain and remained hospitalized until her death two months later, in 1951.

For a very long time, that seemed to be the end of Henrietta Lacks story. What is both remarkable and deeply problematic is that her contributions to society did not end at her death. Henrietta Lacks has saved your life and my life and she is absolutely on the front-line fighting against Covid-19 right now.

During her treatments, healthy and cancerous tissue was sampled from her body without her knowledge or consent. Those cells were cultured and displayed the unique ability to reproduce endlessly and remain alive within a culture for far longer than any previous cell lines medicine had studied. Anonymized simply as the HeLa cell line, they became the standard for human medical research; Henriettas bodyweight in cell mass being grown millions of times over (over 50 million metric tons as of 2011) to meet the insatiable needs of modern medicine. Without Henrietta Lacks, there would have been no California Stem Cell Initiative and no California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, among numerous efforts that have enabled the rise of biotechnology and life science research in the state.

Not only was Henrietta herself never able to give consent to this or any use, her family did not even know of the existence and tremendous spread of her genetic material until early in the 21st century, by which time HeLa usage was so widespread there was no ability to grant or withdraw consent. As of 2013, the only gain her family has secured from her legacy is a promise from the NIH of acknowledgement in subsequent scientific papers and two seats on a panel regulating access to her DNA sequence going forward. While Henrietta Lacks story is extraordinary, her treatment by the medical community is in many ways typical of the healthcare African Americans have experienced over the last 70 years, with African-American healthcare prior to that being literally the stuff of nightmares. Within the past century, there are plentiful accounts of forced sterilizations, of being placed in trials without their knowledge or consent, of being accused of lying when recounting their history or symptoms, of being lied to, and even of being straight-up experimented on as an expendable population. In light of this history, it becomes much clearer why many minority groups would push back when told to sacrifice their jobs to keep others healthy, to stay home when the grocery store shelves are emptying, to leave the hospital when a relative is struggling for breath with no way of knowing what will happen to their loved one inside the hospital doors once they are not there to watch over them.

When this is compounded by widespread suspicion of any African-American individual wearing a mask who walks their dog or goes to a market to shop, the significant risk of grave harm is only compounded further. While the loudest voices against masks have been those of angry white people upset at the disruption of their privilege, minorities are very aware that at the intersection of masks, profiling, and persons of color the health risks of mask wearing are very real. In recent weeks, we have already seen violence inflicted on African-Americans for looking suspicious by being in public while following CDC guidelines. In April, a succinct tweet circulated stating it bluntly. I dont want to die and on the other hand, I dont want to die. Jokes from the privileged about committing crimes, being nefarious, or shady need to stop. None of that does what is urgently needed, which is to normalize mask usage among all groups so that it can help slow the spread of disease. We can instead treat people of color within our communities with respect, and listen to their perspectives in navigating through this global health crisis.

The pain and death we are inflicting on the African-American community may be far more apparent now, but we need to recognize and address the fundamental wrongs that extend far beyond policing, and even healthcare. We are not going to fix this environment overnight, but we definitely do not need to make it worse. Right now our minority communities urgently need funding. Public health funding is absolutely critical but these communities also need funding to provide masks and other desperately needed protective equipment to every individual who must spend long hours working in public spaces, funding to keep people securely housed, with ample access to healthy food, funding for widespread, low-cost (or free) internet connectivity so that the poorest children within our society can continue to be educated through distance-learning alongside their more privileged peers. Looking further ahead, we desperately need to nurture a new generation of African-American scientists and doctors by reaching out to students early, while they are still in primary school, and we need to rebuild bridges to the community with better, more accessible and trusted healthcare. Weve already collectively inflicted plenty of harm, we can at least start to make steps towards making their situation better.






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Inequality in COVID-19 Has Other Dangerous Consequences - Fox and Hounds Daily

Anniversary in the year of the coronavirus: 100 years of health protection at Audi – Automotive World

Good health is in higher demand than ever: Audi Health Protection is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020. Thanks to the coronavirus, there will be no big celebration. The coronavirus pandemic has once again demonstrated the central importance of our health, both in society and at companies. At Audi, the health of our employees is at the forefront of everything we do, says Chief HR Officer Sabine Maaen.

The first full-time paramedic started working at NSU, a predecessor of the four rings, in Neckarsulm in 1920, marking the birth of professional health protection at Audi. In the beginning, the focus was on caring for employees in the event of injuries or acute emergency situations. This aspect is still an essential element today. If something happens at the plant, for example if somebody has a heart attack, we usually arrive at the scene within three minutes. This proximity and speed of action helps to save lives, says Andreas Haller, Head of Audi Occupational Health. Health protection at the four rings now has many facets, ranging from acute and emergency medical attendance, preventative occupational health care, individual prevention, and the inclusion of employees who receive consultation on their job due to health-related limitations, and all the way to workplace design itself, which should be ergonomic, safe, and maintain the employees health. Most recently, we made the workstations at Audi coronavirus-ready, for example. We work very closely and very successfully with many partners in the company in this area, says Haller.

The Works Council is an important partner in this cooperation. Peter Mosch, Chairman of the General Works Council of AUDI AG: To us as the employee representation, accident prevention in the company and our colleagues health are very important. If you look back at the beginnings of industrial work including in the automotive industry and compare that with todays occupational safety standards, it is clear that things have come along way at both the company and political levels over the past 100 years. I am very grateful to all the members of the in-house occupational health protection committees on-site company doctors, managers, and members of the Works Council who are working together with great commitment to set a high standard for health protection at Audi.

What started out small in 1920 has evolved tremendously over the space of a century. Today, there are three Occupational Health Centers at the two Audi sites in Germany: one in Neckarsulm and two in Ingolstadt. More than 100 employees see to the wellbeing of their colleagues at Audi in Germany, but also at the international locations of the four rings, together with their medical colleagues on-site. In Belgium, Mexico, and Hungary, for example, there are separate branches for employee health protection. The range of services of Audi Occupational Health has also increased considerably in the course of the decades: Today, health protection comprises not only occupational health care and the prevention of work-related illnesses and occupational illnesses, company health and integration management, acute and emergency medical care but also individual preventive health. For example, the Audi Checkup was established in 2006:

The aim is to identify health risks early on, prevent chronic illnesses, and convey knowledge on health-conscious behavior. Roughly 90 percent of employees take advantage of this voluntary examination and preventive program regularly. Since the program started in 2006, more than 100,000 employees have take part, and more than 10,000 Audi employees went for a checkup in 2019 alone. The Audi Checkup is part of the works agreement on health, on the basis of which the company and Works Council have committed to maintaining, promoting, and restoring the physical and mental health of the employees.

Audi Health Protection doesnt just do what is expected but also goes the extra mile: for example with the current campaign Jeder hat Psyche. Why not talk about it?. This campaign has been in existence since last years World Mental Health Day (October 10). The project aims to promote a more natural approach to the topic of mental health and thereby contribute to destigmatizing mental illness. The employees involved in the project provide information at company events, hold their own information events, distribute flyers and other information material, and raise awareness about points of contact for Occupational Health, such as the established consultation hour on mental health or the consultation hour on addiction. The four rings have had offers relating to mental health for a long time, but it was the current campaign that provided many employees with an incentive to open up and talk more openly about their own issues or offer their help to affected colleagues.

Occupational Health also takes social responsibility, for example with its offering for employees to register with the worldwide database for the battle against leukemia during their working hours. Audi has been working with the relevant institutions in this field for many years and pays the laboratory costs for typing. As a result, there are numerous stem cell donors and thus lifesavers among the Audi employees.

Speaking of lifesavers: The Audi emergency paramedics are not there just for the Audi employees but also for the people who live at the locations. On the basis of corresponding agreements, they can also respond to emergencies outside of the plant gates. This is the case, for example, if the local rescue control center determines that the Audi emergency medical service is closer and can therefore get to the site of the accident more quickly than another emergency medical service. In 2019 alone, the Audi paramedics were called to more than 1,300 external emergencies to cover peak demand. Audi chief physician Haller says: We are happy to do our bit for our home regions here. At the same time, we benefit from these emergency responses as well: Our paramedics are always very well trained. As regards the Audi workforce, occupational physician Haller has one big goal: We want our employees to be fit and healthy when they start their well-deserved retirement after reaching retirement age.


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Anniversary in the year of the coronavirus: 100 years of health protection at Audi - Automotive World

Five Year-old Boy with Covid-19 Saves Sisters Life in Thailand – Chiang Rai Times

Even though he had Covid-19, Sila Jio Boonklomjit, a five-year-old boy in Thailand, with covid-19 managed to save his sisters life. With the stem cells he donated for her bone marrow transplant.

Doctors only discovered Jio contracted the coronavirus the day before Jintanakan Jean Boonklomjit, his sisters urgent transplant.

Despite the challenges, which included quarantine restrictions placed on Jio on the eve of the transplant procedure. However the treatment was carried out successfully.

And it was done so without Jio passing the coronavirus to Jean.

While the experimental procedure first began in April, the bone marrow was only successfully transplanted on June23 at Ramathibodi Hospital.

Jeans case was believed to be the first successful stem cell transplant from a donor with active Covid-19, according to reports.

She was reported to be in a severe condition as she wasborn with thalassemia a genetic blood disorder that limits the bloods ability to carry oxygen.

There were also difficulties finding a suitable donor for Jean, which left Jio as their best hope, said Suradej Hongeng of the hospitals pediatrics department.

It was a long and uncertain road to this happy outcome, according to the doctor.

Jio and Jean were confirmed to be a genetic match in 2018. The hospital prepared for the transplantation procedure thereafter.

But with any medical procedures, there were certain complications and hurdles involved.

According to Suradej, the siblings young age were part of the difficulties faced during the procedure. Jeans chemotherapy procedure also caused her immune system to be compromised. That delayed the bone marrow transplant until this year.

Still, things turned out well in the end, and the five-year-old boy was applauded for saving his big sisters life.

Its as if my daughter is reborn and gets a new life, said the childrens father, Suchai Boonklomjit.

Jio has since recovered from Covid-19, which was believed to be transmitted from his mother, according to doctors in Thailand.

Thailands health department has reported on Monday that the Kingdom has gone 35 consecutive days without a local Covid-19 Coronavirus case. However health officials have confirmed 7 imported cases with Thai returnees.

The 7 imported covid-19 coronavirus cases brings the total number of infections in Thailand to 3,169 with 58 deaths since January. All the new cases were Thai nationals in quarantine. They recently returning from India and the US to Thailand.

There have been no local transmissions for 35 days Thailands health department said Monday.

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Five Year-old Boy with Covid-19 Saves Sisters Life in Thailand - Chiang Rai Times

What causes joint pain and how to slow down their defeat. Responsible orthopedic trauma – The Saxon


The trouble is, when people due to joint pain can not climb on a moving bus. Or when it is difficult to get out of bed to walk around the room, pour a Cup of tea, cut a slice of bread. The doctor who came in a direct line of FACTS orthopedist-traumatologist, head of the scientific Department of reparative and reconstructive orthopedics and rehabilitation center of innovative medical technologies of NAS of Ukraine, candidate of medical Sciences Eugene Skobenko, emphasizes: one should Never ignore the pain, thinking that it will go away. If the time to diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the affected joints can be braked. How to confirm the diagnosis of osteoarthritis and to treat this disease? Is it possible to move the surgery to replace the joint? What to do when you break the cords? To these and other questions from our readers answers in a straight line FACTS.

See also: How to get rid of knee pain: the advice of a doctor

* Hello, Evgeny! Are you worried about Irina from Kiev, 46. I was diagnosed with primary osteoarthritis of the knee. Why so early? Moms knees began to ache after 60 years.

Have osteoarthritis several reasons. In addition to hereditary predisposition, are important features of the anatomy. The knee joint wears more on the side which is stronger, as it happens, for example, when you have flat feet. Due to the deformity and malposition of the ankle joint and knee suffering. Osteoarthritis often occurs as a result of injury, for example, damage to the meniscus. Especially if it is incorrectly treated or removed.

* Is Oksana from the city of Kagarlyk of Kiev region. My husband (hes 51) long-standing gout. And now add another osteoarthritis. There are days when she can hardly walk even around the yard. These two diseases are somehow connected?

Yes, gout is like rheumatoid arthritis, causes the development of osteoarthritis. The people are of the opinion that the gout is an inflammation of the joint of the big toe. Actually gouty arthritis affects all the joints.

The basis of gout a metabolic disorders. Treatment involved rheumatology. In the patient accumulates a large amount of uric acid which is deposited crystals inside the joint.

* Calling Galina from Transcarpathia. Started to hurt my knees, and the doctor suspected osteoarthritis, sent for an MRI. They found fibrosis, synovitis. What to do?

In-depth examined. The fibrous tissue is formed in the area of overload of the joint, and may be due to the fact that in osteoarthritis the cartilage has become thin and lost its damping properties. Sometimes arthritis accompanies chronic inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, chondroplasia).

It is important to find the cause of the inflammation of the synovial fluid. Normal her in the joint for about two to four milliliters, but because of the inflammatory process, the quantity increases. Excess fluid can be removed. However, if you do not establish a cause of synovitis (rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory connective tissue diseases, Lyme disease), the fluid will appear again.

* Are you concerned about Valentina from Kiev, 80 years. I am absolutely healthy person, while lying on a hard orthopaedic mattress. As soon as I get up, immediately there is a sharp pain in the lower back radiating to the legs. When I disagree, pain is reduced. What to do?

The cause of the pain may be due to the instability of the spine in the lumbosacral region. It is necessary to be surveyed: to make MRT a lumbar Department of a backbone, and a functional x-ray sample.

While I take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Is this correct?

Yes, but be careful. All painkillers nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase the secretion of gastric juice. They need to drink after a meal or under the guise of drugs that slow the production of gastric juices and reduces the aggressive environment in the stomach. But uncontrolled nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause gastritis, stomach ulcers and even bleeding.

See also: the Joint can hurt and destroy because of the old injury, which people have forgotten, the doctor

* My name is Neal, Im calling from Kiev. Question for my sister, who is 72 years old. She had two strokes and surgery to replace the hip joint (a hip fracture). Now the sisters have a really sore foot and has difficulty walking, knee not bend, turned foot, heel touching the ground. How to help her?

I think the knee bend is not due to a lack of rehabilitation after strokes. Apparently, in the developed joint contractures limiting mobility. And what are the pain, you need to understand. They can be caused as defeats of the joints and spasticity involuntary muscle contractions resulting from disorders of cerebral circulation. Your sister needs help experts good rehabilitation center.

If one leg is shorter, it is desirable to select orthopedic shoes. To also fix the orthosis knee joint.

Causes of osteoarthritis

* Is a straight line? Calling Olga from the city of Irpin, Kyiv region, 51. Start whining to the knee, and examination revealed osteoarthritis of 2-3 degrees. How to treat this disease?

Tell, how we act. First, we examine the patient to get a correct history. Pain can be in the region of the knee joint, and in fact the affected hip. So often we take x-rays of the pelvis. Also check the lower back, where it can be a source of pain that radiates to the joint, for example, a small hernia in the lumbar. It compresses the nerve root, causing pain.

In addition to x-rays, sometimes MRI is assigned. It happens that the person suffers from severe pain, and x-ray changes are not showing. With the help of magnetic resonance imaging possible in the early stages to see circulatory disorders in the bone (called avascular necrosis).

In order to properly prescribe treatment, it is important to determine the degree of osteoarthritis. Increasingly widely used cell therapy, using plasma and stem cells. In the first case, taking blood from a vein and in a special vial to be processed using a centrifuge, separating the upper layer of plasma containing cells and growth factors. Cells work as building material, and growth factors triggers the repair their own tissues.

Even more effective in the early stages of the disease, injection of stem cells into the joint. Through punctures recruited from the abdomen or thighs of the patient fat, as do plastic surgeons for liposuction, processed and secreted from stem cells. 30 milliliters of fat we get about four ounces of finished cellular substance.

See also: the Knee I had cured, using a cocktail of my own stem cells and blood plasma

* It refers you to Tamara from Kiev, age 79. By arthritis very sore big toe. Will the injections of hyaluronic acid? Previously, I did them in the knee, and the pain was gone.

Alas, for the small joints of the foot, this treatment can be ineffective. It is often used for joints carrying axial load: knee, hip, ankle. But if they change the deep, the hyaluronic acid is also ineffective.

How then to ease the pain?

With the help of physiotherapy, orthotics or surgery. The insole can be purchased in orthopedic stores or available individually. And to make other appointments, you need to see your x-rays. Can contact our Center for innovative medical technologies (Kyiv, descent Voznesensky, 22). Pre-call by phones: (044) 272-22-05 or (044) 272-34-03.

* Could I speak to the doctor? Taras from Lviv, 54. Due to old injuries I have pronounced osteoarthritis of the knee. Bad leg flexion and extension: contracture of more than 40 years. I read that sometimes replacing the joint completely, and only his head set so-called cap prosthesis. Is this possible?

Only if you allow the bone quality and the degree of osteoarthritis. You have a contracture, which will complicate the work of the surgeon, impede the development of the feet. A complete total prosthesis, which was adopted worldwide, will provide an opportunity after recovery to move normally.

Im afraid that changes the length of the legs of my friend.

Sometimes leg really extended or shortened, as we will warn patients. So there are no surprises, for surgery you need to prepare carefully, not only the doctor but the patient. You can not go to intervene, not cure, for example, rotten tooth. Any infection can harm implants, because it is, in fact, the weak link in the body.

What studies clarify the diagnosis

* The FACTS? Worried about Alexander from Odessa, 50 years. I have a few years ago, discovered the trichinosis parasitic infection. After the treatment complications at the joints of the legs: they occasionally get sick, especially in the morning. How to avoid further deterioration?

To answer your question, you need to clearly understand what kind of complication you have experienced after the treatment. You should monitor the condition of the joints using x-rays, MRI. To support the hyaluronic acid preparations, which are prescribed by a doctor. It creates in the joint of the gel layer that reduces the blurring of the cartilage and improves glide in the joint.

But General recommendations are reduced to a few simple rules. It is impossible to gain weight, overloading the joints. To maintain the condition of the cartilage of funds to help with substances, life-prolonging cartilage, warning her wear chondroitin, glucosamine and collagen.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids, because cartilage consists mostly of water. It is also advisable to avoid heavy physical exertion, trauma. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Any systemic diseases, such as diabetes, can lead to deterioration of health.

* Is a straight line? Calling Maria from the city of Ternopil. Son played football and has damaged the anterior cruciate ligament. Inflammation doctors removed, but insist on surgery. Is it necessary?

Yes. Plastic anterior cruciate ligament the most common operation that I have to do on the knee joint. Without it, an unstable joint is not resistant to excessive load. People will not be able to run, squat, even to play beach volleyball. And most importantly later he faces early osteoarthritis.

See also: how to avoid flat feet, the child need to not go barefoot, doctor

How to perform such operations?

With the help of the arthroscope through a small puncture go into the joint, evaluated the damage. If the ligament is completely torn, most often carried out plastic model with tendons taken from the adductor muscles of the thigh.

* Inna from the city of Khmelnitsky. After surgery for cruciate ligament rupture husband of six months wore a brace. How to recover?

A rehabilitation plan is specialist. It depends a lot on equipment operation and related damage in the joint. I often, for example, recommend a week on crutches, another doctor may prescribe them for up to two weeks, or will think that you can do without them. It all depends on the damage in the joint. If, for example, a torn meniscus, it is necessary to save, because it takes some of the load, acts as a shock absorber and stabilizer. Removing it we increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis. It is important to know that not all gaps can be made.

The knee of the patient record for three weeks in a special brace. In a week you need to begin to develop the joint to bend and straighten the knee, and after a month and a half to do spinning and swimming. After three months, you can train the muscles in the gym, because the quadriceps thigh muscle atrophies greatly. When the six months are allowed to play sports.

How to help my joints

Previously, the orthopedic trauma Yuri Poroshenko told, what mistakes in the treatment of trauma interfere with recovery


What causes joint pain and how to slow down their defeat. Responsible orthopedic trauma - The Saxon

Tom Still: Will Tommy boost UW research? – La Crosse Tribune

He backed the multimillion-dollar BioStar initiative that led to the construction of key research and instructional buildings on the UW-Madison campus.

He supported faculty hiring initiatives that attracted professors who brought in many times their salary weight in research contracts.

While not a scientist, he understood the importance of biotechnology to modern medicine and the rise of genetic research during the race to map the human genome.

Perhaps most controversial at the time, Thompson supported human embryonic stem cell research in its earliest days on the UW-Madison campus.

He carried that support into the Bush administration and helped shape federal rules that remain largely in place today, even if the science itself has evolved to include mostly reverse engineered stem cells versus embryonic.

He steps into the interim presidents job with a changed R&D landscape from when he last dealt with the UW System as governor.

The UW-Madison remains one of the nations leading research institutions, with nearly $1.21 billion in annual expenditures for research across all fields, about half of which come from federal awards.

According to National Science Foundation figures released in late 2019, UW-Madisons federal research spending grew by 1.3 percent compared to the previous fiscal year.

Original post:
Tom Still: Will Tommy boost UW research? - La Crosse Tribune

The Trouble With Stem Cell Therapy – Consumer Reports

Theres no shortage of opportunity for consumers like John Rodolf to encounter the promise and peril of experimental stem cell treatments. They are being studied by blue-chip medical centers like the Mayo Clinic, offered in the exam rooms of dermatologists and orthopedists, and advertised in newspapers and online by more than 500 stem cell specialty clinics.

The level of scientific vetting these treatments have been subjected to runs the gamut. Some have been carefully developed and sanctioned by the FDA; others havent been formally studied but have some evidence to support their use. Others still are untested and dangerously unscientific.

It can be difficult to tell which of those categories any given stem cell therapy falls into, in part because websites and advertisements that promote bogus treatments can look just as professional and trustworthy as the ones that discuss legitimate clinical trials. I found out about the Lung Institute in a magazine advertisement in my doctors office, says Maureen Rosen, a 75-year-old resident of Ocala, Fla., who, like John Rodolf, paid the Lung Institute thousands of dollars for COPD treatments she says didnt work at all. And it looked impressive to me. And when I went online, the website looked like any other website that youd see for a hospital.

Another problem is that questionable treatments are sometimes advertised alongside promising ones. For example, according to court documents and a case study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, three women suffered serious vision impairment (one went completely blind) after participating in a study they found listed at, a website maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The site lists more than 1,000 stem cell-related clinical trials. Some of them have secured investigative new drug (IND) approval from the FDA, a process that can take years of research and involves careful vetting of protocols for safety and close monitoring of patients, as a rule. But other trials listed on the site havent completed those steps, and theres no easy way to tell the two groups apart.

The clinical trial that allegedly cost the three women their vision was administered at U.S. Stem Cell Clinic (USSCC) in Sunrise, Fla. It involved extracting stem cells from the womens belly fat and injecting them into their eyes to treat their macular degeneration. Researchers say the protocol violated basic safety principlessuch as treating only one eye so that the other would be spared in the event of complicationsand that it used a type of stem cell that hasnt demonstrated any potential for treating macular degeneration. Fat stem cells can only turn into fat, says Temple of the Neural Stem Cell Institute. Theres no reason to think they would do anything for diseases of the eye. U.S. Stem Cell Clinic declined to be interviewed for this article.

The NIH recently added a disclaimer to its clinical trials home page, warning that not all of the listed studies have been vetted by a federal agency. But critics say that notice isnt enough to protect consumers, many of whom are desperate for miracle cures. Some clinics effectively use this site as a marketing tool, says Leigh Turner, Ph.D., a bioethicist at the University of Minnesota who has studied the stem cell industry. They post studies there because it gives them an air of legitimacy, which in turn helps them attract patients.

An NIH spokeswoman told Consumer Reports that the government agency is considering additional measures to help consumers navigate the site better, but she didnt mention specifics.

Excerpt from:
The Trouble With Stem Cell Therapy - Consumer Reports

Global NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Top Key Players, Regions, Type and Application Outlook Upto 2020 to 2025 – 3rd Watch News

Global NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020-2025 Research Report is spread throughout 100+ pages and offers exclusive important statistics, informative data, key traits and competitive landscape details on this area of interest sector.

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Download FREE Sample PDF (including full TOC, Tables and Figures) of NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market @

Top Manufacturers Listed in the NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Report are: Chipscreen Biosciences, Innate Pharma SA, Osiris Therapeutics, Chiesi Pharmaceuticals, Molmed, JCR Pharmaceutical, Altor BioScience Corporation, Affimed NV, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Pharmicell, Medi-post, NuVasive, Anterogen.

The report highlights the major area of NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market:

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By Types:

NK Cell Therapy Stem Cell Therapy

By Applications:

Hospital and clinics Regenerative medicine centers Diagnostic centers Research institutes Others

Covering Region:

1. South America NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Covers Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina. 2. North America NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Covers Canada, United States, and Mexico. 3. Europe NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Covers UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Russia. 4. The Middle East and Africa NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Covers UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa. 5. Asia Pacific NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Covers Korea, Japan, China, Southeast Asia, and India.

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Global NK Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy Market Top Key Players, Regions, Type and Application Outlook Upto 2020 to 2025 - 3rd Watch News

PRP for Hair Loss: Efficacy, Safety, and Cost

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a persons blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.

Some in the medical community think that PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications.

There hasnt been enough research to prove if PRP is an effective hair loss treatment. However, PRP therapy has been in use since the 1980s. Its been used for problems such as healing injured tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

PRP therapy is a three-step process. Most PRP therapy requires three treatments 46 weeks apart.

Maintenance treatments are required every 46 months.

Your blood is drawn typically from your arm and put into a centrifuge (a machine that spins rapidly to separate fluids of different densities).

After about 10 minutes in the centrifuge, your blood will have separated into in three layers:

The platelet-rich plasma is drawn up into a syringe and then injected into areas of the scalp that need increased hair growth.

There hasnt been enough research to prove whether PRP is effective. Its also unclear for whom and under what circumstances its most effective.

According to a recent study, Although PRP has sufficient theoretical scientific basis to support its use in hair restoration, hair restoration using PRP is still at its infancy. Clinical evidence is still weak.

Because PRP therapy involves injecting your own blood into your scalp, you arent at risk for getting a communicable disease.

Still, any therapy that involves injections always carries a risk of side effects such as:

Theres also the chance that you could have a negative reaction to the anesthetic used in the therapy. If you decide to pursue PRP therapy for hair loss, let your doctor know in advance about your tolerance to anesthetics.

Be sure to report all medications youre on before the procedure including supplements and herbs.

When you go for your initial consultation, many providers will recommend against PRP for hair loss if you:

You might also be rejected for treatment if youve been diagnosed with:

PRP therapy typically consists of three treatments in a 46 week period, with maintenance treatments every 46 months.

The price typically ranges from $1,500$3,500 for the initial three treatments, with one injection at $400 or more. Pricing depends on a number of factors including:

Many insurance plans consider PRP for hair loss treatment to be cosmetic and dont cover any of the costs of the treatment. Check with your insurance provider to see if PRP therapy is covered for you.

If youre concerned about hair loss, you have a number of options including medication like Rogaine and Propecia, along with hair transplant surgery. Another consideration is PRP therapy.

Although theres limited clinical proof that PRP for hair loss works, there are many who believe that PRP is a safe and effective way of reversing hair loss and stimulating new hair growth.

Talk to your doctor to see which treatment or combination of treatments is the best choice for you.

PRP for Hair Loss: Efficacy, Safety, and Cost

Lab-grown mini-organs reveal the damage inflicted by Covid-19 – Health24

Organoids are paving the way to understanding the effects of Covid-19 on the human body

These are lab-grown mini-organs like kidneys, lungs, livers and brains

This method is considered more ethical than testing on animals, but has its limitations

And no, this isnt like the human cloning you see in movies like The Island.

They are grown from human embryonic stem cells, programmed to organise themselves into whichever organ the scientist needs to experiment with.

They resemble tiny grey blobs, but are an important tool in replicating the pathology of viruses like Covid-19 in order to understand and discover treatments to help fight them.

Three methods of investigation

Various coronavirus studies have been done on lung, kidney, liver and cardiovascular system organoids.

According to a review published in Cell Press, the use of organoids is one of three methods of investigating the effects of a disease on the human body in a lab. The others are using human airway epithelial cells and animal testing.

See how they grow brain organoids below:

Some of the research so far has found invaluable data on Covid-19. Research published in Science on small intestinal organoids found that not only was it a target for the virus, it also was a hot spot for its replication.

Another study from China published in bioRxiv also analysed how receptive lung organoids are to the virus, and tested drugs like imatinib and mycophenolic acid to see if it inhibited the viruss effects. They concluded that organoids would be a powerful tool in faster screening of more treatments not yet ready for human trials.

While organoids better represent human cells, animal testing is sometimes considered more effective as it shows the effect of a virus and treatment across the whole biological system.

Organoids only show how a single organ is affected, and the human body is a system with many parts interacting with each other and not in isolation.

Animals used in Covid-19 studies include transgenic mice, Syrian hamsters, cats, ferrets and macaques. The virus, however, does not seem to replicate itself in ducks, pigs and chickens.

By-product of immune response

Experts, however, told Nature that organoids are much cheaper, produce faster results, and have far fewer ethical complications than testing on animals.

But they also note that its too early to tell if the findings from organoid studies are yet relevant enough, as theres a need for more complex organoids for better results.

It would also be difficult to ascertain whether Covid-19 is causing the damage in these organs, or if the damage is a byproduct of the bodys immune response, like the deadly cytokine storm.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Lab-grown mini-organs reveal the damage inflicted by Covid-19 - Health24

Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026) – Morning Tick

Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market was valued US$ XX Bn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ 17.92 Bn by 2026, at a CAGR of around XX % during a forecast period.

The report covers all the trends and technologies playing a major role in the growth of the Cell Isolation/Cell Separation market during the forecast period. It highlights the drivers, restraints, and opportunities expected to influence the market growth during 2019-2026.


Some of the market drivers for the cell isolation/cell separation market are increasing incidences & prevalence of chronic diseases with the aging population, technological advancement in cell isolation, growing demand for bio-pharmaceuticals, personalized medicine, and increasing stem cell research. Cell isolation or separation is a tool used to sort cells into a specific population from a heterogeneous group of cells without contamination. The use of cell isolation techniques helps to open the door of cell-based therapies and thereby improve the quality of treatment and clinical outcome.

However, the ethical issues regarding the isolation of embryonic stem cells and the high cost of cell separation instruments are expected to restrict the growth of this market during the forecast period.

Based on cell type, the human cell segment is expected to register a major revenue share in the cell isolation/cell separation market globally. Owing to increasing investments by public and private organizations for research on human cells, growing application areas of human stem cells, and the high frequency and growing incidence of diseases such as cancer.

Based on the product, the consumables segment is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. Because of the increasing investments by companies to develop advanced products and the rising government initiatives for improving cell-based research are driving the growth of this segment.

North America region is expected to grow at a XX % rate of CAGR during the forecast period owing to increasing government support for cancer and stem cell research, the expanding biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries and the increasing prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases in which cell isolation is required for diagnosis and treatment. Which results in, increase in demand for cell isolation products.

The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, industry-validated market data and projections with a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. The report also helps in understanding Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market dynamics, structure by identifying and analyzing the market segments and project the global market size. Further, the report also focuses on the competitive analysis of key players by product, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence. The report also provides PEST analysis, PORTERs analysis, and SWOT analysis to address the question of shareholders to prioritizing the efforts and investment in the near future to the emerging segment in Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market.


Scope of the Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market

Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By Product

Consumables o Reagents, Kits, Media, and Sera o Beads o Disposables Instruments o Centrifuges o Flow Cytometers o Magnetic-activated Cell Separator Systems o Filtration Systems Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By Cell Type

Human Cells o Differentiated Cells o Stem Cells Animal Cells Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By Cell Source

Adipose Tissue Bone Marrow Cord Blood/Embryonic Stem Cells Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By Technique

Centrifugation-based Cell Isolation Surface Marker-based Cell Isolation Filtration-based Cell Isolation Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By Application

Biomolecule Isolation Cancer Research Stem Cell Research Tissue Regeneration & Regenerative Medicine In Vitro Diagnostics Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By End user

Research Laboratories and Institutes Hospitals and Diagnostic Laboratories Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical Companies Other End Users Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market, By Region

North America Europe Asia Pacific Middle East & Africa South America Key players operating in the Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market

Thermo Fisher Scientific Beckman Coulter Becton, Dickinson and Company GE Healthcare Merck KgaA Miltenyi Biotech pluriSelect STEMCELL Technologies Inc. Terumo BCT Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.


Chapter One: Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Cell Isolation/Cell Separation by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Report at:

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See original here:
Global Cell Isolation/Cell Separation Market Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026) - Morning Tick